Country Comfort (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Ow, Daddy.
It never hurt when Bailey did my hair.
Bailey doesn't work here anymore.
You remember why?
'Cause she was irreplaceable
and a bad juggler?
I said
"irresponsible and has bad judgment."
Now, no more talkin' about Bailey.
I look like hell.
Chloe, who taught you that word?
Not Bailey.
Hey, Cassidy! Let's go.
We're gonna be late for the wedding.
Yo, am I crazy, or do y'all smell Bailey?
Bro, are you wearing Bailey's perfume?
Just a squirt.
She left a bottle here, and I miss her!
Daddy, I don't understand
how you could fire my one and only client.
Enough! Okay, no more talkin' about her.
I don't even wanna hear the name
- Bailey!
- Bailey!
- [Tuck] We're so glad you're back.
- Hi! It's so nice to see you.
[Brody] What are you doing here?
Oh, hey, Beau.
I only came by to get the rest of my stuff
and I purposely came real early
so I wouldn't see anybody.
But what happened was,
when I was sittin' on the bed
packin' everything, I got kinda cold,
so I wrapped myself in a comforter
and I had the best nap.
How'd you get in the house?
With my key. Your key.
You realize when people get fired,
they don't return to the workplace?
And when ya fired her,
Daddy, she became a guest.
Where are your manners?
- Hungry?
- A little.
- So are we. Can ya make us something?
- There'll be plenty to eat at the wedding.
- Come on, let's hustle.
- Oh, whose wedding is it?
Summer's baby sister.
Well, I'll get outta your way.
Have a good time at the wedding,
and I miss y'all.
Wait! You're just gonna leave me here
lookin' like a Chewbacca?
If your daddy allows me,
I can fix your hair
and turn that dress around
so it's not inside out.
It's "clean" side out.
So, where's your sister, and maybe a hat?
Cassidy, what's takin' so long?
She hasn't been to church in two years.
She probably forgot how to put on a dress.
Why hasn't she been to church
in two years?
She's refused to step foot in church
ever since Mama's funeral.
That's why I'm so grateful for
this wedding. Cass can't resist a wedding.
Once she walks in that church
and she feels the love of her community,
she'll find her faith again.
- Cassidy
- I'm not goin' to the
[gasps] Bailey!
[Bailey] Hey!
Daddy, did you ask her to take care
of me 'cause I'm not going to the wedding?
- No.
- Could you?
[theme music playing]
Stop primping and get in the truck.
- But the mayor's daughter will be there.
- Yeah, Sarah Beth.
She's so pretty.
You better hope she likes boys
that smell like girls.
Get in the truck, okay?
Honey, I understand
why you don't wanna go to that church.
The last time you were there,
you said goodbye to your mama.
But today is a wedding.
It is a happy occasion.
A reminder that life goes on.
Trust me, baby,
your mama would want you to go.
Mama would want me to
go to your girlfriend's sister's wedding?
They're gonna have a chocolate fountain.
I told you, Daddy, until you can explain
to me why I should believe in someone
who took my mama away,
I'm never goin' back to church.
All right, fine.
I'll explain it to you. Just sit.
Are you Googling it?
Of course I am.
I'm a cowboy, I know cowboy things.
Beau? A word?
A word, Bailey?
I'll come back after intermission.
I believe I can get Cassidy
back to church.
- Oh, is that right?
- Yes. Beau, do you believe in signs?
- No.
- Well, I do.
Upstairs after I woke up
from the best nap ever,
I was puttin' my trinkets away,
and look what I found.
That's my grandma
in front of RCA Studio B,
where Elvis recorded "How Great Thou Art."
And guess who that girl is next to her.
- Bailey
- That's right, me.
- Which brings me to my point.
- Oh, hallelujah.
Me comin' back here today is a sign.
I was Cassidy's exact age in this picture,
and I didn't wanna go to church either,
but did my grandma force me to? Yes.
But through trickery and manipulation,
like all good Christians do.
Remember you said "a" word?
See, my grandma knew how much
I loved Elvis and that when I stepped foot
in the place where his heavenly voice
recorded "How Great Thou Art,"
I would feel the spirit
and run back to church.
And I ran, Beau.
You see what she did? She used The King
to get me to show up for The King.
Oh, so Elvis is gonna
get my daughter back to church.
- Now you're gettin' it.
- You done?
I never really know.
- Listen, I don't have time
- Beau, I know how badly I screwed up.
You trusted me and I let you down,
so please let me make it up to you
by gettin' Cassidy back to that church.
- I'm not gonna give you your job back.
- Is that what you think I'm doin'?
That hurts me, Beau. I care about Cassidy.
I care about this whole family.
But should someone call askin' for
a reference, if you could just not mention
me losing your late wife's guitar,
or taking your six-year-old to a bar,
or getting your son arrested,
it'd be very helpful.
- [car horn beeps]
- [Beau sighs]
I'm comin'!
As soon as I figure out what to do.
What am I gonna do?
I can't leave her here alone
or force her to go to church.
Maybe that's why God had me
break into your house today!
He put me in the very place where you need
help in a crisis. Know what that's called?
- Trespassing?
- No.
A sign.
[insistent beeping]
All right, fine.
Just get her there by the vows.
Lord help me.
Oh, he will!
Hurry up. Let's find seats
before Summer's mama finds me.
- She talks more than a preacher on Sunday.
- There you are! Oh, darlin'.
I declare, you look more handsome
every time I see you.
And look at these gorgeous children.
I guess horses aren't the only thing
you're good at breeding.
You know, I paid top dollar
to have Summer's eggs frozen.
You got robbed.
A chicken's only three bucks.
You must be Chloe.
You are so precious,
I could just eat you up!
Help me, Daddy.
So, Abigail,
these are my boys.
That's Dylan, Tuck, and Brody.
- [Tuck] Nice to meet you.
- [Dylan] Thank you for havin' us.
Oh my goodness,
it must be so hard managin' a horse farm
and all these children on your own.
- Maybe I should sign us in.
- Oh, I took care of that for ya.
Oh, thank you, Abigail. That was awfully
You signed it "Mr. and Mrs. Beau
and Summer Haywood and family."
Did I?
Sherbet punch?
How did you talk my daddy
into letting us have a girls' day
instead of going
to Summer's sister's wedding?
It's a gift.
Let's go for burgers, then bowling,
and then we'll hit the arcade.
Or we could go to RCA Studio B where
Elvis recorded some of his biggest hits.
Trust me, after that, you're gonna
wanna go straight to Church's Chicken.
Chicken was Elvis' favorite.
I'll go wherever you want, Bailey.
You're the first person in two years
who hasn't made me feel guilty
for not wantin' to go to church.
Oh, no.
That is your choice. It's very personal.
I would never push church on anybody.
[man on radio]
And Jesus said, "Come follow me
and I will make you fishers of men."
- What is this?
- What?
You think I did that on purpose?
How would I even know what station
would be playin' those glorious words?
Here, put on some music.
What is this?
I'm a hundred.
[woman on radio] Amazing grace ♪
Okay, that's it. Turn around.
I thought that was my Shania tape.
[sighs deeply]
I knew Daddy gave in
too easy this mornin'.
You two are in cahoots.
We weren't cahootsin', honey.
You know what this was?
A sign.
I don't believe in signs.
There you go. You don't believe in God,
you don't believe in signs.
What do you believe in?
Like Elvis,
I believe in a little less conversation.
Now, turn around.
I said turn around, not slow down.
- What are you doin'?
- There's a car on the side of the road.
Maybe someone needs help.
Stop tryin' to help people.
- Summer?
- Summer? What are you doin' out here?
What are you doin' with her?
I thought you got fired.
I did.
I'm just takin' her to Church's Chicken.
Aren't you supposed to be at her weddin'?
but my maid of honor took me bar hoppin'
to celebrate our last time goin' to
a singles' bar. Well, my last time.
And after chuggin'
three margarita pitchers,
she conveniently forgot
to fill the car with gas.
I did not conveniently forget, sweetie.
My friend Margarita did.
Okay. You know what?
Scooch over, darlin'.
We gotta get to the church.
I don't believe this.
You're all in cahoots with Daddy.
No. I swear to you, Cassidy,
there's only one person responsible
for what just happened.
Hold up there, sister.
- Hey!
- Today's my special day, remember?
I do. Which is why I'm graciously
letting you ride in the truck bed,
where there's more room for your dress
and that last-minute pawnshop gift
you got for your groom.
Get in that flatbed, Summer!
We seriously have to go to the church?
I don't believe you hate church.
Why you wearing that cross?
It was my mama's. I never take it off.
Well, you know what all this is?
- A nightmare.
- Or
a sign.
I'm worried about Summer. I'm gonna go see
if her mama's heard from her.
Pray for me.
There's the mayor's daughter.
She's even prettier in person.
Brody, there's more to
the mayor's daughter
than just her good looks.
This girl's getting me
out of my speeding ticket.
Pearl, may I have a moment?
I was thinkin', while we wait for
the bride to show, she will show.
Have faith, son.
But if anybody would like to come up
and sing a song or share their testimony?
Donate some blood?
- [chuckles] Reverend
- Thank you for that introduction, brother.
Reverend, I've already given blood
this week, so if it's okay with you,
I'd like to give my heart
with a song to the mayor's daughter.
how can you keep ignoring these signs?
The radio preacher, the not-Shania song,
the church-bound hitchhikers.
Hitchhikin' on my wedding day
Tacky beyond words.
I shouldn't have picked
a maid of honor who's jealous
her younger sister's gettin' married
before her.
You know, I can hear back here.
Good! She just can't stand
that I'm marryin' the love of Mama's life.
"Ma Mama's life"?
No, I said my life.
No, ya didn't, and I'm not even listenin'.
I meant Mama loves him, Daddy loves him.
He's the mayor's son, everybody loves him.
Bailey, can you please slow down?
I don't have a seat belt.
Or a seat.
Hold on, Summer.
We're almost at the church.
Just so ya know, I'm not goin' in.
- You don't have to.
- Praise the Lord.
Praise the who?
I think we're gettin' to her.
[closing guitar chords]
[wild cheering]
Thank you, ladies
and the young gentleman in the Izod shirt.
- [girls] Again!
- The Lord does command us to be obedient.
This one's for you, Sarah Beth.
Are you gonna let him win without a fight?
you got two things Tuck doesn't have.
Anxiety and a gluten intolerance?
Your shake and your wiggle!
I can wiggle.
Ever since I met you, girl
You been on my brain ♪
I can't think of nothing else
But you all night and day ♪
It's like I got a first-class seat
Up on Ozzy's train ♪
It's driving me insane ♪
5-1-5-0, somebody call the po-po ♪
I'm goin' crazy
Thinking 'bout you, baby ♪
5-1-5-0, just this side of loco ♪
I'm goin' crazy
I think I love you, baby ♪
'Cause I ain't never felt like this ♪
No ♪
And I just need one kiss ♪
From you and I'll be good as new ♪
If I don't get some of your sweet loving
No telling what I might do ♪
5-1-5-0, somebody call the po-po ♪
I'm goin' crazy
Thinking 'bout you, baby ♪
5-1-5-0, just this side of loco ♪
I'm goin' crazy
I think I love you, baby ♪
5-1-5-0, somebody call the po-po ♪
I'm goin' crazy
Thinking 'bout you, baby ♪
5-1-5-0, just this side of loco ♪
My heart is about to leap out of my chest.
I have not heard from our girls
in over an hour,
and they have not called.
I'm sure everything's gonna be all
Nobody's talkin' to you, Albert!
[Albert chuckles]
She sure is somethin' else,
that wife of mine.
Run, son.
You okay, Jimmy?
I'm a wreck, Beau, thank you.
My ex is at this wedding,
which is why I wasn't gonna come.
But I work here, and they frown on that.
I'm so sorry. Listen, I don't mean to
be rude, I just I gotta send this text.
How you doin', brother?
I'm okay, Jimmy. Thanks.
- I take it you're not cryin' for me.
- I wish I was. That woulda been so sweet.
See, the woman I'm in love with loves me,
same as I love her.
Problem is, she never told
her family we were together.
'Cause they'd rather disown her
than let her marry somebody like me.
I can't blame 'em.
I mean, look at me. I'm a janitor.
I mean, sure, I was just named head
of all janitorial services, but still.
Look, Jimmy, when my wife
and I first fell in love,
her family threatened to disown her.
What? Why?
Unlike you, I didn't even have a job,
much less a direction.
So how did you end up with
that amazing woman?
Just couldn't give up.
I loved her so much.
Yeah, when I first laid eyes on that girl
at the Waffle House off exit 204,
I knew she was the one.
But the thing that really sealed the deal?
I punched in A4 on the jukebox
havin' no idea "Could I Have This Dance"
was her favorite song.
Okay, this is getting weird.
"Could I Have This Dance" was the song
that my wife was singin'
at the bar the night we met.
And she sang it to me every year
on our anniversary
until she passed.
Jimmy, true love is a rare thing.
And I'll always be grateful my wife
was wise enough to realize that.
Well, seems my gal's not as wise.
She sure is beautiful.
Wait, what? Your gal is April?
[Abigail] April? April?
Where in hell's bells have you been?
Do you have any idea
how humiliated you almost made me?
Summer, hey. Thank goodness you're okay.
I was so worried about you. Listen.
- I gotta talk to you about
- You were worried about me?
Hear that, Mama?
Beau was worried about me.
Isn't that sweet?
It's sweet as sugar.
Now, you just come with me, darlin'.
We do not want this
seared into his memory.
Cassidy! You're here.
Just peein' then fleein', Daddy.
Bailey, you did it.
You got Cassidy to church. How?
It was a miracle.
We were on our way to Elvis,
which caused me to drive aimlessly
and ran into the Montgomery sisters,
who had run out of gas.
And when I say "happened,"
I think we both know why that happened.
I didn't follow any of that,
but thank you.
Listen, I just heard somethin' I wish
I could unhear, but now that I heard it,
I can't unhear it and I need somebody else
to hear it. Oh Lord, I'm turnin' into you!
So, what'd you hear?
April is in love with a man
who is not the man she's marrying.
I knew it.
I wasn't even listenin', but I knew it.
Let's go! You are so late.
We lose the preacher in ten minutes.
Fine, I'm ready. Cue the band.
Oh, honey,
we lost the band a half hour ago.
What? Mama, I can't walk down the aisle
without mine and Cody's song playin'.
The hell you can't!
Mama, "Stand By Your Man"
is the song Cody picked,
and if that song isn't sung as I walk down
the aisle, Cody will be so upset!
I can't do it, Mama!
April, I'm a singer. I can sing it for ya.
- What are you doin'?
- I don't know.
It's just my dang instinct to help others.
I'm such a good person.
Bailey can't sing
without a guitar.
Well, Cassidy's right.
I can't sing without a guitar.
Well, thanks to Summer
forcing me to buy Cody a last-minute gift
at the pawnshop
we got one!
That's Mama's guitar!
Can you believe it, Daddy?
Are you kiddin' me?
Okay, baby girl, grab your daddy,
and let's get this show on the road!
Make him cry, Bailey!
What do I do?
April, you can't marry someone
you don't love.
What are you talkin' about? I love Cody.
What about Jimmy?
- Who's Jimmy?
- Who's Jimmy?
Yeah, who's Jimmy?
Jimmy told me
how you met at the Waffle House.
How he picked A4 on the jukebox.
"Could I Have This Dance."
"Could I Have This Dance"?
That's yours and Mama's song.
And how by the end of that song,
just like me and your mama,
he knew you were the one.
None of that matters now.
I'm with Jimmy.
Daddy, let's do it.
April, listen. I wanna sing that song
for you. Believe me, I'll crush it.
But you cannot marry
a man you're not in love with.
- My mama did.
- Thank you.
April, without love, you got nothing.
I love you more than anything
in this world, and I am begging you,
do not do something
that you are gonna regret
for the rest of your life.
It is a hellish life.
Listen, y'all. I'm gettin' married.
Now, take your places.
Come on, baby. We'll go in together.
Daddy, would you mind if I wait out here?
I'm still not ready.
Then I'll wait here with ya.
Summer will understand.
[both] Goin' inside.
Sometimes it's hard to be a woman ♪
Giving all your love to just one man ♪
You'll have your bad times ♪
And he'll have good times ♪
Doing things that you don't understand ♪
Stand by your man ♪
And show the world you love him ♪
Keep giving all the love you can ♪
Stand by your man ♪
Well, what with you bein' detained,
and I do have a barbecue to get to,
best we cut to the chase.
April, do you take Cody
to be your lawfully wedded husband?
[Cassidy] I'll always remember ♪
The song they were playin' ♪
The first time we danced and I knew ♪
As we swayed to the music ♪
And held to each other ♪
I fell in love with you ♪
Could I have this dance
For the rest of my life? ♪
Would you be my partner every night? ♪
When we're together, it feels so right ♪
Could I have this dance ♪
For the rest of my life? ♪
In fairness,
"Stand By Your Man"
does not specify which man.
[Abigail sobs]
He's a janitor.
I gotta say, sugar, you were
pretty amazing with my sister yesterday.
Oh, I was? Darlin', all those
lovin' things you said to her?
I think your true beauty is on the inside.
You didn't think I looked pretty?
Wow, look at this place.
Did y'all know we had a counter?
And two sinks?
Summer, did you clean?
- Daddy, you didn't
- No.
But you'll be happy to know that
I hired a new, reliable nanny this time.
We don't want a reliable nanny.
We want Bailey.
Your wish is my command!
- Bailey!
- Bailey!
Thank you, Bailey.
Don't thank me.
Well, there was definitely somebody
up there watchin' over us, Cass.
She got Bailey rehired,
she got you to believe again,
and I got, like, eight phone numbers.
And I got
this cool new "I donated blood" sticker.
What's up with that, Mama?
Well, I got a surprise for y'all, too!
What? Well,
I couldn't very well take the bottom layer
without toppling the entire cake.
Oh no!
[clicks tongue] They broke apart.
Now, that's a sign.
Don't tell me you don't want cake.
I know you want cake.
[Chloe] I want cake!
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