Cracked s01e03 Episode Script

What We Can't See

- Previously on Cracked.
- Is he hurt? Tell me.
What the hell? You drew your weapon unprovoked on a man with a mental illness.
You chicken? Who better to catch criminals that are bananas than a cop up high in a banana tree? Symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
I work with the police.
- Aiden, stop! - Officer down.
Send an ambulance.
- You called me "officer".
- You're my partner.
Ian? You dropped this.
Hey, uh, Blessing, we're kinda short; we need someone on third.
Do you want to come? Come on, it'll be fun.
Come on, follow me.
- Hey, Blessing, come here.
- Oh, no, not her.
She's useless.
Come on, you can be up.
Blessing's gonna play with us, guys.
It'll be fine.
You ever play baseball before? This is pointless.
Game on.
You got it.
Stop! What's that writing on your head, freak? - Loooser! - Stop! - Come on.
- You bat like a wimp! What's the matter, Blessing? You don't want to play anymore? Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! So, I hear you're in a new unit.
Psych Crimes and Crisis.
How's that going? Psych Crimes is like an experiment.
It's cops partnered with touchy-feely people like you.
And we just go out and look for those places where curious behaviour meets crime.
I'm kind of out of my element.
Or maybe I'm in it.
I'm not sure anymore.
You have a new partner? Yeah.
And? What? A good partnership requires trust above all else.
Do you trust your partner? Well, she's not a cop, doesn't carry a gun, and she's probably not strong enough to drag me out of the line of fire if I was hurt.
But the word "trust" implies a lack of factual evidence to support itself no facts to back it up.
Do you trust your partner, Aiden? Do you trust her with your life? Hi.
Daniella Ridley, Psychiatrist.
- Detective Black.
- I'm McCarthy, Youth Bureau.
You got briefed? You've got a female youth, attacked her classmates with a baseball bat? Seventeen broken bones in five kids.
One boy has a concussion.
- What prompted the attack? - Well, see for yourselves.
Girl's in there.
She took one look at me and pissed herself.
OK, take off your vest.
I'll run 'em to the car.
Some kids are scared of cops.
So, she's sitting in there with wet pants? - Yeah.
- Could you, I don't know, run to the Lost and Found and grab some gym shorts or something that looks like her size? What are you smiling at? I mean, really, who wants to wear damp pants? Are you Blessing? Cops? I'm not a cop.
I'm Daniella, and this is Aidan.
Hey, Blessing.
I, uh, I see you've got some words written on you "Truth", "Choose me", "Come for me".
Did you write those by yourself? Can you tell us what that means? Hey, Blessing, it's ok.
We're not going to hurt you.
We just want to know what happened today and why things got so out of control playing baseball.
Blessing, those words on you, they sound like things that people talk about at church.
Do you go to church? Are those words meant for God? Can you tell us what the words mean? Ow! Oh! I have some dust or something in my eye.
- Ow! - Oh, here, let me get it.
Uh, I think I need to find a mirror.
Blessing, can you show me where the girls' washroom is? Ow! Ow, ow, ow.
See anything? - No.
- Now? Wait.
Actually I think it's gone.
Yay! These should be your size.
So, Blessing, what happened today on the baseball diamond? The kids at this school I just hate them.
What do they do that makes you hate them? They tease me, make me mad.
Today you decided to come to school with words on your skin.
Does that have anything to do with them teasing you? Blessing, tell me why you decided to write words on your skin.
I wish to refrain from speaking now, thank you.
Thank you very much, but no.
Byers, it wouldn't take much time at all to assess Blessing.
- It would just be a conversation.
- Thank you, and no.
For instance, Dr.
Ridley, she would just ask her what happened today at school, - why she wrote those words on her skin.
- What words? I don't know anything about those words.
Thank you.
Hey, little one.
What's your name? My name's Leo.
Here she comes.
How was your first ride in a cop car, Blessing? - Fast and loud.
- Is that your mom? Thank you very much.
We'll go home now.
We brought her here so that I could assess her.
I tried talking to her mom about it, but she would not have she just wouldn't consent.
Wait! We can give you a ride home.
- Thank you, we'll take the bus.
- We're going your way anyway.
You the motel manager? - Yeah.
- We're with the police.
The people in room five, what do you know about 'em? Woman and kids? Short term emergency housing thing.
How long's the emergency been going on? Five five months? Well, look, uh, if you see or hear anything weirder than usual, give me a call.
Hello, Eve.
Come for me.
Choose me.
Please come.
Please, please come now.
Mom, it was supposed to be me! Marci? We got a call from the motel manager.
- What's going on? - Marci, what happened here? - Truth came.
- Blessing.
Blessing, who's Truth? Did someone come in here? Ok, uh, you got another kid, the five-year-old.
Where is she? Marci, the door's been kicked open, it's four in the morning, your little girl's not here.
Now you tell me where she is right now! Or tell me to start worrying! They received my message.
- Don't listen to her.
- Who received your message? They came from out there.
Out there? You don't mean the parking lot, do you? Did someone come in here and grab your sister? Blessing.
Truth came.
It chose Eve instead of me.
She was taken up to the sky tonight.
By the Greys.
The girls' father? - Passed.
- Husband? - Never wanted one.
- Ever have one? He walked out six years ago.
Any other kids? My oldest daughter, Shauna, was hit by a car when it was Halloween.
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
You must miss her.
Marci, uh, someone broke into your motel room and took your youngest daughter, and this doesn't appear to bother you.
Does it bother you? Were you even there? Yes.
And you didn't try to stop it.
I wish to refrain from speaking now, thank you.
When your sister was taken, when the Greys came, could you feel the bed underneath you? No.
I was sort of floating really slowly, like an astronaut.
Did they communicate? Did they make any sounds? Blessing, I'd like to know a little bit more about the Greys.
Do they look like us? The Greys have no hair, like, at all, on themselves.
And their skin is sort of a mix, whitish-grey.
Can you see them in your imagination? So, Marci and hubby divorced six years ago.
She works cash at Food Cadet, but then quits when Eve's born.
And then there's this gaping hole.
She sells the house, sells the car, they live in rentals, change schools, and for the last year and a half it's been motel to motel.
There's lots of family pictures, but no recent ones.
Something happened to this family about five years ago, changed their lives.
If that's Blessing when she was a kid and Eve as a baby, that the dead one? I see the Greys all the time.
Do you see them now? She's psychotic? How does that even happen to an 11-year-old? Could be the start to schizophrenia, seizures drugs impaired developmental process.
Yeah, I call developmental.
Who wouldn't wanna live in a fantasy land of little grey men if Marci was her mom? One dead.
One missing.
And now you're willing to lose Blessing too.
- Why would I lose Blessing? - She's sick.
She needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
She sees little creatures running around that aren't there.
It's imagination.
At age three it's imagination; at age 11, doctors got a name for it.
She's psychotic.
And you haven't noticed? You slacking off, Mom? She's not psy She sees things.
She took a baseball bat to five of her classmates, and you don't think she needs help?! I mean, tell me, Marci, why shouldn't we commit her to a psychiatric hospital right now? Because she's not sick.
She has she has faith.
And her faith has transcended unto Truth unknown.
The aliens she sees you don't see them, but that doesn't mean that they're not there.
The Greys are real.
They took Eve with them back to their home.
Blessing and me were wrapped in the light of the Greys, and when we could see again Eve was gone.
You see aliens too.
Parents are a kid's whole world, right? So if Mom starts seeing aliens Yeah, it's possible.
You know, there's a type of shared psychosis called folie en famille madness within the family.
Is that like if one person is experiencing delusions, the other people start experiencing delusions vicariously? And the Byers family, they live close quarters, move around a lot, so it makes sense that they would have very close relationships within the family and few or none outside.
It's possible Blessing could have absorbed her mother's psychosis.
And they both described the abduction in exactly the same way they were bathed in the light of the Greys.
And when they could see again, Eve was gone.
Same hallucination, same time, two different people's heads.
Something external must have triggered them.
Child Protection's on their way for Blessing.
Foster care.
Eve's kidnapping'll be hitting the media right about now, and Amber Alerts across the country.
- Thank you.
- Well, I don't think we're going to find her with flyers and milk cartons.
This is a different kind of family.
It's going to require a different investigative approach.
Poppy, you religious? Religious abstainer.
You? Church every Sunday from foetus to 17.
Then I moved out of the house.
Nursing school, Doctors Without Borders in the Philippines, street children, and cue my shaken faith.
This Bible isn't.
Let's just hope it's not country.
Who's credited? "Joy to the World Initiative.
A vision of a better place "in which the cherished are free to love and thrive, free from the binds of those who do not see.
" You cannot see Truth until you are broken.
Save us, Joy! Confess to Joy the dark and shapeless life you have led.
Joy will take you from the lies.
Joy will take you to see Truth! - Joy will save you! - Save us, Joy! The Byers family belongs to a cult.
Daniella, how's Aiden doing? Inspector Ok, you know, I'm not gonna do this anymore for you.
I'm not gonna keep tabs on Aiden's behaviour or report his every move for you, and I don't care why you're asking or that you're worried.
He's my partner.
He just saved my life, and I'm not gonna live behind his back.
You're uncomfortable with that, and I get it.
No, no, you don't, because if you did, you wouldn't have asked me in the first place.
Please don't ask me again.
Ok, uh, let's see you killed two people in the line of duty last year.
And then you were transferred out of Tactical because you clucked like a chicken in public, in uniform, for five minutes? Ten.
And all of these psych assessments were a special request of your boss, Diane Caligra Inspector Caligra.
Why would she do that? Cause she's not gonna be content until some shrink gives her a name for whatever it is that makes me different from her.
Well they failed.
- They weren't able to name it, so - So you can give them a slip of paper that tells them that I'm fit for duty.
I know that you are still fit for duty, Aiden.
But the question you need to ask yourself is: Are you still doing your job well? The name of your church, does it have another name? The Four Suns Church.
Do you know where Joy lives? When we go there, they drive us in a van - and we wear blindfolds.
- Oh.
Why do you have to be blindfolded? I mean, why is Joy's place a secret? If something amazing is going to happen there, then And what if the other people see the spaceship? - How does it fly? - I don't ask questions they open the door to discontent.
We ask questions to understand things better.
If you want to know the truth, I would think questions would be cherished.
When I was your age, and I felt confused or like I didn't know what to believe or what to think, I would just go like this.
And it always made me feel like everything's going to be ok.
Joy to the World Initiative.
Found thousands of Joy to the World organizations, not one with a guy named Joy or with a guy with the initials J-O-Y.
What do you got? The Four Suns Church has flown totally under the radar.
Yeah, but you've profiled guys before.
What's your sense of this Joy guy? Well, imagine you're Marci.
Husband's left you with three kids.
You're feeling lonely and abandoned.
Along comes this Joy, and he's probably all charm and confidence, just the type of person she wants to be like or or be with.
Yeah, it's like a seduction.
The truth is, he's a narcissist and a manipulator.
Detective Black.
It's a 911 call; they're patching it through.
You have Eve Byers? Where are you? She's safe? Can I speak with her? Ok, yeah, we can do that.
But first, let me just ask you: What was the pattern on the t-shirt and shorts she was wearing when you took her? Ok, my partner and I will meet you there in an hour.
But she wasn't wearing t-shirts and shorts.
Yeah, and she knew that.
She was wearing pyjamas with little pink flowers.
She's late, 10 minutes already.
Well, if she has Eve and she has any connection to the cult, I can imagine why she would stand us up.
We're the enemy.
Taxi! Taxi! Yo! There.
I'm The girl from the picture, the one who called us? I'm Shauna Byers.
The dead sister.
Not so dead.
I was ex-communicated a year ago because I started to question the Truth.
They told everyone I was dead, and they told me that they would kill Blessing and Eve if I ever contacted them again.
- Where is Eve? - She's with my boyfriend, and she's going to stay with him until I'm sure - that she's safe.
- Shauna, we're the police.
Eve is safest with us.
Please tell us where she is.
You don't want kidnapping and forcible confinement charges against you.
Eve is fine, but a lot of people won't be if you don't listen to me now.
I saw on TV that Blessing hurt those kids, and Eve is so young.
My boyfriend and I had to get her away from the family.
But not Blessing? I think maybe Blessing is too far gone now.
With a good therapist and some time, she could come back to our reality.
If you wanted to save Eve, why didn't you just come - to the police? - Because involving the police would trigger the ascension.
My mom hates the police so much, I thought if I just took her she would have never called you, But now with this Amber Alert it's just made everything very public.
Ok, so this, uh, journey to the Four Suns, is it supposed to happen soon? Joy won't let the chosen be taken by the enemy; He'll take them himself.
Where? He'll take them to heaven.
So, Blessing left the foster home where she was staying.
A neighbourhood kid said she just got into a van.
I got the same from the shelter where Marci was staying - she got into a van too.
- Does Shauna remember where the compound was? She's been there a few times, but she was blindfolded.
Well, memory doesn't necessarily depend on sight.
Going somewhere kinda does.
I can try getting her to recall the details of the route going to the compound by using every one of her senses except for sight.
- You're a wizard, Leo? - I'm a hypnotist.
I'm awesome.
If it doesn't work, we're no worse off.
Look, we have to do something fast.
Ok, Poppy, we're ready at the Byers' old house.
She's just going under right now.
And when I snap, you're gonna fall asleep.
There's superglue trickling in between your fingers.
Your hands are covered in it.
It's drying fast, and you can't pull your hands apart, can you? And now the glue is washed away.
Put your hands down.
Ok, guys, looks like she's ready for driving.
You're blindfolded.
You're in the van.
Where are you seated? In the back seat on the left.
Bucket seat.
Shauna, I want you to tell me every tiny detail of your experience everything you hear, smell, and feel.
Ok? Here we go.
Guys, - we're driving.
- So are we.
Which way are you turning out the driveway? Left.
Left out the driveway.
- Gotcha.
What's next? - And now? Slowing down at the corner.
I can hear the turn signal going "click click".
We're turning right.
We're making a right, Poppy, onto Billingston Road.
Brothers and sisters, welcome, welcome.
Please enjoy the food and the drink.
We have a long journey ahead of us.
I want us all to have our strength.
Blessing, Blessing, before you sit, come, come to me baby, come to me.
You brought the police down upon us.
- We don't do that, Blessing.
- Sorry.
Joy, just Joy, please don't don't leave me behind.
We do not show our tears.
You call them back.
That's good.
That's good.
You can go to your mother now.
Now, brothers and sisters, can we join our hands together, please, for a final blessing? Although many are not coming with us today, we are going to another plane, another place.
I hear trees, like wind in the trees.
Some birds.
You guys got trees on either side? Got 'em.
Got trees.
Ok, now what, Poppy? I don't know, she's just driving straight I think.
Blessing, come, come, come, come, come, come.
Blessing, I'm gonna ask you to take a very important part of the ceremony today.
Aren't you happy? Thank you.
Aren't you grateful for my forgiveness? Yes.
Thank you.
It's time.
- It's time, people.
- It's time! It's time! It is time for the cherished to fly! It's time! This meek, tremulous flame is power, is light, is heat.
What else is it? - It is Truth.
- It is Truth.
What's next, Poppy? Where do we turn? It's echoey in here, and I can hear water, like a stream.
It'll have to be mostly enclosed, like at the mouth of a canyon or something.
Under a bridge? Yeah, there it is.
Yep, little babbling brook in here.
What's happening, Shauna? We're stopping.
I can hear squeaking.
What kind of squeaking? A gate.
It's an iron gate and it's opening.
Do you guys see an iron gate? There.
Daniella, look.
A gate.
We got it! This is Papa Charlie One.
Use GPS to determine location.
Send every available paramedic and cop in the area here now.
Tell Leo, thanks, Poppy.
Take us, Joy.
Take us, Joy.
Take us, Joy.
You think you have seen the Truth with your eyes, you think you have seen Truth with your eyes and touched it with your hands, but we remain in ignorance until we have passed through this journey.
And we don't belong in this world of the enemy.
Brothers and sisters today we will fly together! Take us, Joy! We are ready to come into your embrace.
It's locked.
Here we go.
Stay here.
Take us, Joy.
Take us, Truth.
Oh light, oh Truth.
We offer ourselves to your embrace.
Save us.
- What is this? - The Greys move through me.
You do not have to question me.
Just obey.
I heard questions help us get to Truth.
No, questions open the door to discontent.
This world hurts, Blessing.
Come with us, away to Truth.
You deserve a better world.
It's a general anaesthetic vets use.
It induces a deep sleep.
So they don't panic when they realize they're not going to outer space.
That's good.
Where are they? Where are they? Silo.
Wait a minute.
Let's go.
I can't see anything.
Whatever your name really is, Joy, put your hands behind your back.
Truth, come for me now.
Come for me now, Truth, for me now.
Come for me, choose me now, come for me.
You're under arrest for the attempted murder - of 20 people.
- I'm ready now, Truth, I'm ready now.
I'm ready now, Truth, come for me now.
Come for me, Truth.
Just so you know, nobody's coming for you.
I've got a pulse.
If you knew the enemy was coming, why didn't you set them free? Because they wouldn't have survived without me.
They need me too much.
I cannot find Truth until I am broken.
I must confess the dark and shapeless life that I have led.
Joy, Joy, take me from my lies.
Blind faith in an idea or a person or a partner, it's foolish.
But it just shows how people have this deep, desperate need to connect, to belong, to be accepted into a community.
They'd rather believe in something untrue than not have answers.
So, no hard facts, no reason, no evidence they fall on trust.
Your partner.
What was the question? Your partner, does she trust you? I don't know.
I guess I I get the feeling from her that, yeah, I I think she does.
One more time, Aiden: Do you reciprocate that trust, even though you feel like you don't know her very well? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? Daniella, this is for his own good.
Come on, you get that.
Yeah, I do.
Ok, so you'll keep me in the loop about Aiden's behaviour.
Do you trust her?
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