Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e03 Episode Script

Jessica Goes to the Creek

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
-Hurry up, hurry up!
-I'm coming!
Oh, my key.
Where is it?
You should have peed
at school.
I did! I just kept
the free juice.
I don't have it.
Mom said always put keys
in your front pocket
so you always know
where it is,
even when
you don't know anything.
Oh, no, I don't have it!
I don't know anything!
Didn't you have to pee?
Yeah. I took care of it.
Let's see here.
Oh, careful
where it's wet.
Yep. That's them, all right.
Foiled again.
What do we do now?
Mom and Dad
won't be back 'til later.
Bernard's in Latin club.
All my after-school activities,
my after-school snacks,
my TV shows.
It's over.
Well, I blew it.
I'll be at the Creek!
What? You can't go to the Creek
right now!
Why not?
I'm already doing it.
Super-secret back-up
Creek clothes!
But what about
the rules, Craig?
Mom said Craig has to stay
with me
from the bus stop
all the way 'til home.
Craig cannot leave!
Don't leave! I can't breathe!
I can't breathe out here!
All the air's
inside the house!
It's okay, Jessica.
Just breathe.
[ Both inhale, exhale ]
I'm not going to
leave you.
I'lltake you
to the Creek with me.
I'm not going
to the Creek.
Why not? You know, some kids
can't afford to go to the Creek.
And besides, I'm sure
you can do
all your after-school
activities there.
[ Sighing ] Fine.
[ Bellowing ]
[ Moans ]
I hardly felt it that time.
Let's try the fire test.
Hey, guys.
This is my sister Jessica.
I'm not supposed to
be here.
you're a time traveler
stuck in an alternate
Nah. We got locked out.
[ Whispering ]
And she's a real stickler
her after-school plans.
I am not a sticker.
Anyway, she's hanging
with us today.
Bye, time traveler!
[ Water gurgling ]
This rock hurts my butt.
Anyways, I've been
thinking a lot about
[ Gasps ]
Ha, enemies
Kelsey chuckled.
Kelsey had a fair share of
She certainly wasn't making
friends with this!
Well, I am scared.
Me, too.
I mean, think about it.
If we're ever attacked,
what are we going to do?
We're trapped
by the Creek.
Oh, no!
We're creeked in!
Well, don't worry,
'cause I have a plan.
I designed a full arsenal
of traps and defenses
to keep us safe.
Including an alarm system!
A surveillance system!
And a diversion!
So we can escape in our fully
working catapult system!
Ooh. I'm very into
And Mortimer
likes them, too.
I don't know, man.
Kinda looks complicated.
You're sure
it's not gonna turn out
like our tin-can
phone line?
[ Bird caws ]
Nah, the catapult's
going to work great
as long as we follow
my plan.
I mean, it's gotta.
Eh, I spent all of Math
drawing this.
This math is hard.
I'm good at math.
Alarm system!
I think it needs to be
a little lower.
It's a trip wire.
Who's going to trip over this?
A giant?
Like a real
high-waisted guy?
We got to be prepared for
smaller enemies, too.
Here. Do this.
And the bells should be like
this and this,
just like in my plans.
Now, even if the tiniest enemy
tries to sneak up on us,
we'll be --
[ Bells jingle ]
[ Gasping ]
Jessica! Oh, geez.
I thought you were
an enemy.
I have nowhere to hang
my coatand my backpack.
How about on Kelsey's
fighting dummy?
It's like a closet, but better
because it's at the Creek.
[ Horror music plays ]
[ Whimpers ]
[ Squeaks ]
Surveillance system!
Can you see me?!
[ Shouting ]
All I see is grass!
Are you wearing grass?!
[ Sighs ] No, I'm just
standing here!
I don't understand.
My plans were very precise.
I guess those sunglasses
are a little big.
How's it
at the lookout point?
Whoa! Whoo -- whoa!
Just like I drew it.
Craig! It's time for my
afternoon shows, Craig.
Can you do something else
like jump off a log
or kick some rocks?
I don't want to kick rocks.
I don't want to jump
off logs.
I want to watch
my afternoon shows.
Fine. What's your
favorite show, again?
Hello. Welcome to the Charles
Abraham Discussion Hour.
Tonight, we have the economy.
I do not know what that is.
But I do have Mortimer!
[ Sings ]
-[ Laughs ]
He's cute.
Time to get serious.
[ Grunts ]
What? But I did it just
like I drew on my plans.
[ Groans ]
I need
my after-school snacks.
Look, Jessica. You're just going
to have to wait
until we get home.
I'm busy.
I'm pretty hungry, too.
Discussing economy is tiring.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
-Hey, Kit.
-Hey, Craig. What can I --
And who are you?
Is this a place
of business?
Yep. I call it
the Trading Tree.
I trade stuff for snacks.
What are your quarterly
I'm kind of in a rush.
Can I get three chocolate rolls?
What do you want?
What do you want?
Apple slices, please.
Sorry. I don't have
any apples today.
Of course you don't!
But I do have this --
apple juice in a special
glass bottle.
Thanks, Kit.
Come on, let's go.
Jason: Make way.
Official Scout business.
Junior Forest Scouts.
Give us some food.
And you're trading?
[ Grunts ]
You know
we don't take rocks?
Look. I need
three choco-rolls.
The safety of the Creek
depends on it.
Well, I guess we're
all going to die
'cause I just sold the last one
to that kid.
Stop right there, Craig.
[ Pants ]
By the authority
of the Junior Forest Scouts,
I order you to hand over
your choco-rolls.
What? Why?
[ Stutters ]
Tell him, Tony!
[ Clears throat ]
We're hungry.
Cram it, Tony!
Okay, we're hungry.
I don't have time
for this!
Why don't you guys just forage
for beetles or something?
[ Grumbles ]
Three, two, one.
What?! [ Groans ]
I don't get it!
It's just like I drew it!
What could have
gone wrong?
Oh, no! Now I have to grow
a whole new tree!
[ Growls ]
Craig, I need a tissue.
Jessica, can't you
see I'm busy?!
The last thing I need is
to take care of you,
especially when you're
such a stickler
about every little detail
of your
[ Whimpers ]
Jessica, listen, I --
I'm not a sticker!
I'm a good girl!
I came to the Creek.
I changed my day.
Learned something new.
[ Sniffs ] I think
you're a sticker.
You're a sticker,
Well, that was
really hard to watch.
[ Drinks loudly ]
Hey, mind if I join you?
So, you're right.
I am being a sticker,
although the correct
pronunciation is "stickler".
I'm sorry.
Look, you were
a good girl today.
You were willing
to change your plans,
and maybe I should be
more like you.
[ Laughs ] That's not what
sleeves are for.
[ Bells jingle ]
-You guys!
I'll check
the surveillance system.
It's the Scouts!
[ Grunts ] We know you're
out here, Craig.
We're here to take you in for
violating park safety codes.
Tell 'em, Tony!
Chapter 3 -- glassware
is strictly forbidden
on park grounds.
If broken or shattered,
it could pose --
Cram it, Tony!
Guys, I have a new plan,
but I need some time.
Diversions -- on it!
[ Grunts ]
Wherever they are,
we're going to find them
and soak them. [ Chuckles ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Shouts ]
Please don't dunk on me.
[ Moans ]
Get back here!
[ Pants ] Crush him.
-That should do it.
-We gotta go!
Come on!
[ Shouts ]
Come on! Come on!
You guys are coming with us.
Recycle this for me,
[ Yelling ]
-Bye, enemies!
[ Laughs ]
[ Gasps ]
Wait, where's --
Ah-ha, Jessica of the Creek!
That was awesome.
So, Jessica, you want to come to
the Creek tomorrow?
Absolutely not.
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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