Crash Course (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Covalent Bonding

Happy birthday, Papa.
Oh, you remember!
When I was a child,
Mom had thrashed me for it
I don't forget anyone's birthday
after that incident.
Your birthday gift is in
today's newspaper.
Oh, really?
What the hell!
This is "good news"?
Jindal is our rival, Papa.
Don't ever use that word again
in front of me.
Do you understand?!
Binny, I'll have to call you back.
thank you.
20 years ago, I started Kota's first
coaching class in my garage!
If I'd known then,
that this is what it would come to,
I wouldn't have
We teachers made this city
the country's education capital.
Now my sons have given it the name
of a suicide capital!
I'm so ashamed of you.
Tell me something I don't know, Papa.
What's wrong with what we have done, Papa?
Don't you think everyone in this city
should see Jindal's real face?
The problem is,
right now, there isn't much difference
between you two and Jindal.
This fire will not just burn Jindal,
it will consume us all.
I'm doing what needs to be done.
You've been working non-stop
for 40 years now.
Let your children take over
and run the institute now.
So, you can't even wait for me to die?
Good morning, ma'am.
Ratan Raj Jindal of R.J. Institute
Hadn't you fixed my meeting with him
for next week?
Forget meeting him,
give me one good reason
why I shouldn't shut his institution down?
Why are you quiet?
I'm listening
Stop mumbling.
Do something about this.
Sorry I'm sorry
"We apologize to our readers
for the report carried in
our newspaper on Tuesday.
-Apologies are usually on page three
-Front page!
The report is on the front page.
The apology should also be
on the front page, bloody fool!
Half-plate or full-plate?
Half-plate or full-plate?
It has healed.
Want a cup of tea?
May I have some milk?
Of course.
A dash of turmeric?
Why not?
Here you go.
Thank you.
Do you own this canteen?
I'd rented this place
a couple of years back,
I run it now, by myself.
All by yourself?
Want to be my partner?
How would I ever
be your partner?
By the way
why did you get into a fight
with the Panthers?
This is the second time
I'm hearing about "Panthers" today.
Who are these boys?
This gang has been around
for a while now.
People used to pick on the students
coming from that area.
This group was meant to protect them.
Initially, it was all good.
they started behaving like goons.
As it turns out, everybody else
needs to be protected from them!
Stay away from them.
Aren't you going to the institute today?
Wait a minute.
Show me your phone.
Sorry, just for memories
Stand closer.
You shouldn't take pictures of women
without their permission.
Get it?
-Take it.
Can we please meet again?
I like talking to you.
Don't you like talking to girls your age?
They are all so "girly".
And what?
And am I "manly"?
No, what I mean is, you're so mature.
Those girls, they just talk rubbish.
And what will we talk about?
I enjoyed our conversation today.
You can come here to meet me.
-Okay? Bye.
Students, you might remember,
during yesterday's lecture,
we had discussed catalysts and catalysis.
I had spoken about the types of catalysts.
We had discussed the two types.
One was homogeneous,
and the other was heterogeneous.
We will discuss homogeneous
catalysts in detail today.
Pay attention to this name.
Chlorotris (Triphenylphosphine)
rhodium (i).
Let us understand this in detail.
What is this?
So, here is the compound.
It is alkyne
and this is an unsaturated compound.
I'm sure you know this.
We're gonna use this to make alkane.
Alkane is a saturated compound.
Unsaturated student!
Where are you going?
in today's class,
he is the Chief Guest.
He knows everything
there is to know in Chemistry.
Physical, Inorganic, Organic
Ask him anything! He knows it all!
So, Mr. Anil
this is a compound
and the central metal
of this compound is rhodium.
Tell me the hybridization of rhodium.
Please tell us, Mr. Anil.
You don't know?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Wasting our time
and your father's dime!
Please open the door for him.
-Let His Majesty go out.
-Yes, sir.
-Sir! Sir!
-Let's go, sir!
Anil, why are you leaving the class?
This one suits you.
How is he so happy all the time?
Yeah, let me ask him.
-Who is Anil?
What is Anil?
I am just a lost soul
wandering the streets of Kota.
I keep slipping lower with
each Qualifier Exam.
I sit in a class of 300 students,
the board is just a dot in the distance.
My father's rebukes
and my mother's cries ring in my ears.
And Wilkinson's catalyst
haunts me in my dreams.
I'm having so much fun!
What's wrong? Are you alright?
Stop it, Vidhi.
The teacher was right,
I am wasting time and my father's dime.
At times
I feel even I should go hang myself.
One minute.
If you're struggling with Chemistry,
I can teach you.
Sorry, sir.
Very sorry.
Sorry, sir.
Since we don't have much time,
I'll get straight to the point.
Why the animosity with
the city and the institutes?
How could you let this matter of suicides
get out of hand?
Chief Minister madam's orders are
either end these cases of suicide,
or it's the end of the road
for the institutes here.
Personally, I don't want this to happen.
Excuse me, Mr. Minister,
but in this case,
you should interrogate
only Mr. Jindal about this matter,
as it is his institute
that is mentioned in the newspaper report.
Fake news!
You can read the retraction yourself.
The letter might be fake,
doesn't change the fact that
most suicide cases are from RJ.
Have you heard about ratio and proportion?
50% of the students in Kota,
study at R.J. Institute.
Considering that,
the rate of suicide only appears higher
than it actually is.
And before you blame me
you should stop suicides
in your own institute!
At Batra Institute!
Another important point
who gave him permission
to attend this meeting?
This meeting is exclusively
for the owners of the institutes.
What did you say to me?
I said,
this meeting is for
the owners of institutes!
Who gave you permission to attend it?
Mr. Jindal
I'm not answerable to you.
I'm answerable to the Home Minister
who has called me here, alright?
Don't forget the decorum of this meeting.
-And sit down.
-I'm not breaking the decorum, sir.
-I'm just giving you an explanation.
-Just sit down.
You have no right to tell me
to be here or not to be here!
I have every
-I'm not answerable
-Alright, enough.
Sit down.
Please calm down, Mr. Jindal.
In five days,
I want all institutes to tell me
what preventive action you're planning.
Otherwise, I'll have to follow
the Chief Minister's orders.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
this is Ms. Vidya.
She runs an NGO. Bal Chunauti.
Both of us
will be overseeing the progress.
You all can leave for now.
Thank you.
Mr. Jindal
Please sit down.
Such anger
No, sir.
Your dream won't come true
if things remain as they are.
Mr. Meena,
I'm not the one pushing
children off the cliff,
nor am I putting the noose
around their necks.
It's all about the image.
Do you understand?
Have some.
Go on.
Only we know
what's in the cup.
But what would others think?
That I love drinking tea.
The apology published in the newspaper
It's useless.
You have to think of something different.
Sir, I will try my best.
I know.
you have to do it before others.
Yes, sir.
better than others too.
Yes, sir.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Are you
happy at R.J.?
Very happy.
What can I complain about?
I met
Mr. Jindal the other day.
Ah, and you hated him?
Just a little bit.
Well, with Mr. Jindal, you know
he is like an acquired taste.
-Hungry? You want to eat dinner?
-In a bit. Come.
Jindal was saying that
the suicide letter was fake.
But, D
it's not true.
I've met the child's parents.
Vidya, do you know
the relationship between function and
rate of change in a differential equation?
Didn't we decide that
we're not going to talk about our work?
It's not a joke, D.
I have been to that child's house.
It was a mess.
The mother has quit her job.
And the father
he was like a robot, working all the time.
It seemed like
not one person committed suicide,
but three people have committed suicide.
We are not here
just to teach them Math.
Our goal is bigger than that.
We're here to help them clear IIT.
Isn't that right?
Just excuse me for a second.
Sir, I need your help.
Obviously, you do.
What is it?
Sir, I didn't do well in Physics
in the Qualifier Test.
It's okay, you're good at my subjects.
Skip a couple of my classes and
-concentrate on Physics with Mr. Lalchand.
Sir, I went to attend
A. K. sir's open lecture.
Last week, sir.
That's great.
How can I help you?
Sir, he teaches really well.
If you give permission,
he's ready to teach me.
Are you out of your mind, Vidhi?
You know very well
that Mr. Jindal doesn't want
any of his students taking any help
in any form from any other institute.
-You know that, right?
-But what's wrong if I do, sir?
If my knowledge of Physics improves,
it will only help me.
It'll make my chance of
clearing the IIT exam stronger.
Please, sir.
If you speak directly to Mr. Jindal,
-he will agree
-No, no way!
No, Vidhi, no.
It's an absolute no, okay!
And please don't come with
these requests to me.
We'll leave by 4:00 p.m. I promise!
Last time.
You'd said this last week as well.
I'd got my periods!
Natural barrier.
A natural disaster!
Try and understand, please.
Please! Please!
Perv you're a pervert!
How many times will you have sex?
You sex-starved woman,
keep your hormones under control
and stop with your emotional blackmail.
-Last and final time.
So Sathya's that good?
Okay, listen
This thing that's been
going on between us,
it's been a while now
You don't want to be my girlfriend, right?
Of course, yes.
Thank God.
Let's keep it casual only, boss.
I don't want to get into
a serious relationship.
You know,
I've spent all my life
as if I was caged.
I just wanna fly away, man.
I wanna fly
really far away.
did you bring the condom?
What're you doing?
Glow condom.
I'm gonna have a glow-stick inside me!
Two lattes.
Can you make hearts on my coffee, too?
Sure, sir.
It's bitter but it's nice.
What happened?
Should we start?
Here you go.
These are my Inorganic Chemistry notes.
This has Periodicity and some
miscellaneous questions.
Take a look at them.
So these are the precious notes
from Section A?
I'm so lucky! I feel blessed!
You done?
Done fooling around?
Can we study now?
You know that you need to score at least
60 in the next Qualifier Test, right?
Study this carefully.
Ask me if you don't understand something.
Got it!
Got it?
So tell me, are you in touch
with your friends from school?
So tell me,
has your cow laid eggs?
What do you mean by "what"?
We're here to study
and you're talking nonsense!
And you really "got it"?
Look at it carefully.
I can handle it.
You can?
What's the scientific name of H3PO3?
Phosphoric acid.
Tri-phosphorus acid
That's phosphoric acid.
And what is H3PO2?
-Hypo, idiot!
Tell me, what is the product reaction of
H2O2 with Cl2?
Er, H
There are two possibilities,
it will either be HOCl + H2O
or O2 + HCl.
That's because
there are two oxidizing agents.
-HOCl is a big
-Vidhi, dude
Nothing is making sense.
I need some more time.
Are you in touch
with your friends from Khurja?
-When did you get back, Aunty?
Aunty, I was waiting for Nikki
and fell asleep
Wonder where she is.
She said she'd be back soon.
You're here and she still isn't.
Where did that crazy girl go?
She called you over and disappeared.
There's a room here
that's been recently vacated.
The owner is looking for tenants.
Let me know if you're interested.
I don't think
I'll be able to study here, Aunty.
I'm fine in the hostel.
Aunty, I'll take your leave.
-I'll speak to Nikki
-Where are you going?
-I'm not your girlfriend, right? So
Shanaya. Shan
Good night, Aunty.
-Take the change later. Okay?
-Thank you.
Your speed has improved.
Three out of three!
You're doing so well
but you keep sulking.
Which chapter next?
Chemical Bonding?
Let's take a break.
A small break.
You've just solved three questions.
He's playing so well.
You play the guitar as well, right?
Yes, you do.
I remember, you'd won
the music award in school.
That was my younger brother Anirudh Baid.
Oh, yeah! Both of you would come
to school together, right?
School life was so good.
We had so much fun.
You were asking if I'm
in touch with my friends.
I'm in touch with a couple of them,
though not regularly.
The others must've forgotten that
Vidhi Gupta ever existed.
They're all jealous of you,
they know you'll top
the IIT entrance exam.
I don't think I'll be able to
top the exam.
Let's study.
Tell me, what's wrong?
I carry this with me all the time.
I want to study Physics from a teacher
who's not from R.J.
K. D. sir won't sign this for me.
He refused.
I'll try to get it done by tomorrow.
-Give it to me, I'll try.
-How will you get it done?
How are you so good at everything?
Write another permission letter.
What will you do with it?
Hello! I am Aviral Bharti!
And we're playing
Who wants to be an IITian?
The first question.
Number of molecules present
in 0.5 moles of CO2.
-Take the value of one mole,
multiply with 0.5 and that should be
3.011 x 10 raised to the power 23.
Check out the confidence level
of this dude!
From nil he has turned into Anil!
He answered before Sathya could!
Vidhi Gupta's training has made you
the King of Chemistry!
It's time you gave it to her
A gift!
If I ever do propose to Vidhi, you think
I'd allow you buggers to be around?
Loser, by the time you
get around to proposing,
I'm sure she'll be married
and expecting a kid of her own!
By the way, there's something
that I can gift Vidhi.
Can't do it
Are you a virgin?
Since childhood.
You better show your masterstroke
or we'll make sure you remain a virgin.
Same as original.
Take this money
and buy yourself some candy.
If you don't propose to her
even after this,
I'll come and shit on your head!
Dr. Shanaya Kazi,
tell us why you did this to our topper?
Why? Come on, tell me.
Because he
He deserves it.
You were up on the ledge all night?
all night!
That sounds like a line from a porn film.
That means you watch porn.
Okay, that's enough.
She's my aunt.
So what?
-Even she has feelings.
-I'll see you in a bit?
If you were in his place,
up on the ledge all night,
-what would've you done?
-I'd grab it
-Kulsum showed me your photos.
It was so embarrassing.
-Aunty, I
-Shut up!
We have paid your tuition fees.
-Your parents didn't leave you a fortune!
-But I
You're posting photos in a miniskirt
on Friendsbook!
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
You've lost all sense of modesty,
you stupid girl.
We've done so much for you
and this is how you repay us?
You've left your husband
but you're holding on to his business?
What else could I have done?
Would you have taken care of me?
I am just worried about you.
This business of weed
might get you into big trouble.
If you're so worried about me,
let's go somewhere
far away from Kota.
We are in the same hell, you and I,
just on different levels.
Let's leave Kota.
Get out of this city.
Of course, you wouldn't want to.
You just want to share a bed with me,
not a life.
What about you?
You want to settle down?
I want a normal life.
A family.
Let me know when you're done
with these fairytales.
You needn't worry, sir.
The institute will be alright.
It's not just about the institute, K.D.
What's the matter, sir?
Follow me.
This way.
See this.
These red ones are us.
The blue, yellow, and white ones,
the sight of them irritates me!
Because this is
R.J. City.
There is no space
for others in R.J. City.
Planning to name this city after yourself
isn't this a bit too ambitious,
Mr. Jindal?
Oh, yes.
It is a very ambitious plan.
It's my dream.
Have you ever worn a sari?
About 70 years ago,
it was my grandfather's dream
to leave his village
and come to the city.
After he arrived,
he worked very hard
as a manual laborer.
He made sure his son,
my father,
got an education.
More importantly,
he taught my father to dream.
Those days, Kota was
famous for Doria saris.
My father
dreamt of
opening a sari shop.
He managed to borrow some money
and opened his own shop.
Hey, come on! Hurry up!
I would be
the model.
I would drape the sari
like this
and wear it.
I used to model the saris for customers.
They used to come from all over
Kota Junction,
Ram Ganj Mandi,
Bhawani Mandi,
We worked hard.
We struggled every day!
But the shop didn't do well.
It was a flop!
My father's dream was shattered.
And that broke him.
He became an alcoholic.
He became abusive
There were days when we stayed hungry.
I would be so hungry,
I could've eaten this sari!
Later, I took up a job
at the Kota cement factory.
I worked very hard there.
I started earning
and things got better.
I started having dreams of my own.
My grandfather's dream
my father's dream
and my own
Their dreams
have a big role to play in mine.
Three generations of our family
gave everything they had
to this city.
Look at me.
I spent my childhood
modeling saris for customers.
Spent my youth
inside the Kota cement factory.
And now that I'm old
this R.J. Institute.
I don't have children of my own.
This dream of making Kota into R.J. City
is how the Jindal legacy will live on.
I won't let this dream of mine
get shattered.
No way.
I'll make sure
this city becomes R.J. City!
At any cost!
Thank you.
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