Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Number of Outcomes Where Dislike Becomes Like

Jae-woo! Get down!
What was that?
It was pretty much attempted murder.
Imagine if it hit someone.
It could've been terrible.
This is a serious matter.
Whoever that psycho is,
you never know when
they'll get up to something worse.
As the bodyguards of society,
you need to catch them--
It's "Guardians."
"Guardians of society."
Same difference. Anyway.
So you two are
just shop owner and customer?
Yes, basically.
there's a bit more to it.
To be precise,
we're also offender and victim.
That young man over there
stole my brother's phone and ran off--
"Young man"? And I didn't steal it, lady.
Who are you calling "lady"?
Are you kidding me, mister?
Officer, there was just
a little misunderstanding.
I even offered to compensate her,
but she turned it down.
That phone was a much newer model.
There you go again.
If you've done something wrong,
make a sincere apology first.
Did you think I'd be grateful
if you threw a new phone at me?
-What do you take me for?
-Fine, here's my sincere apology.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Happy?
See? You're trying to taunt me.
This man has a knack for annoying people.
I'll take that as a compliment.
You can talk it out outside later.
Do you have any idea
who might've done this?
Anyone upset with you
or holding a grudge against you?
I've been running my shop
for four years now.
My top priority
has been staying on good terms
with my customers.
I'm not so sure after watching
you two quarrel the entire time.
May I have a word with you for a second?
Just a second, please.
Not in there.
I can't?
Not there either.
Then let's just talk over here.
could've been the target.
What do you mean?
That's right, it's me.
Well, how should I put this?
I happen to be a celebrity
who has a lot of rivals.
People secretly take photos of me
on the street
and post them on social media.
Then they argue and debate
over what I did and didn't do.
One time…
I yawned like this.
Someone posted a close-up of it online
and claimed that I had drooled,
which I hadn't.
I had just drunk coffee.
That's why it was wet around my mouth.
The price of fame, I guess.
There are pitfalls that come
with being well-known.
So who are you?
I guess no one you know
is studying for the CSAT?
I'm Choi Chi-yeol,
the star teacher.
Choi Chi what?
Mr. Choi!
-Mr. Choi.
-Mr. Ji.
It's okay.
It's all right.
Everything's okay now.
It's all right.
Are you okay, sir?
Try taking some deep breaths.
Can we get one of those calming drinks?
You've been getting food
from Nation's Best?
Why didn't you tell me?
I could've done it for you.
I was embarrassed to tell you
because I told you not to go back there.
I also wanted to pick
the side dishes myself.
The person who shot that metal ball…
Could it be my stalker?
It's weird she suddenly disappeared.
Maybe Chiyeolsucks? Probably not.
Online haters are cowards.
All they do is bad-mouth people
behind their backs.
Or maybe it's Director Cha of Perfect M?
He's definitely the sneaky type.
I'm not sure.
Rest up for now. You look pale.
I probably should.
I was terrified back there.
I was army crawling before I knew it.
That metal ball
shattered the window to pieces.
Considering the velocity and acceleration,
the shooter must have been
at least 10m away.
Considering the angle, it didn't seem
like it was shot from above.
If it was shot from a moving car,
its trajectory might have been caught
on the CCTV cameras in the neighborhood.
By analyzing the footage, I might be
able to pinpoint where it was shot from.
I'll have to go back there tomorrow.
Talk about a bolt out of the blue.
If I had known this would happen,
I wouldn't have
cleaned the windows last week.
What did the police say?
They said the investigation won't be easy.
There are no CCTV cameras around here.
Things shatter whenever
I'm around that tiger.
The phone, the window, and my money.
You mean Choi Chi-yeol?
What does he have to do with this?
I'm talking about the tiger.
Be quiet. I'm on edge today.
Got it.
But the bus stop ad--
I said, be quiet!
Go take a walk or something!
Have some waffles or whatever.
Leave me alone.
-But the tiger is Choi Chi-yeol.
-You little…
-We're finished, ma'am.
-Thank you.
How much is it? Do you take credit cards?
Of course.
That'll be 1,028,000 won,
including the installation.
You can just pay 1,020,000 won.
What? 1,020,000 won?
Pull yourself together, Ms. Nam.
You've been losing
so much money this month.
I'm really breaking the bank here.
I should've just swallowed my pride
and taken that phone yesterday.
When you were lecturing him
about making an apology,
I did think you were being
a bit ridiculous.
Do you think he'll give it back?
Would you?
After you disregarded his kindness?
Kindness, my foot.
He was only making up for…
Whose side are you on?
You always side with men, don't you?
I can't deny that.
I love men.
Anyway, shouldn't you get going?
Go where? I need to make money.
To the academy. You have to book a seat.
You're right. It slipped my mind.
I'm off.
Please watch the shop.
Run, Haeng-seon!
Hey, why aren't there
many CCTV cameras around here?
…was what I wanted to ask her.
But she's gone.
Which is totally fine.
She must be in a hurry.
Gosh, it's cold!
That little…
My bad.
There's Choi Chi-yeol!
-There he is!
-Mr. Choi!
I missed him again.
I'd love to see him in real life.
Yeong-ju, I'm off.
My bad.
Just 30 people before me.
Let's focus on the condition
that the common difference is an integer.
"When a sequence satisfies the conditions
described below, find the 20th term."
"So a sub one and a sub two…"
Today's special plus one soup.
That'll be 14,500 won, please.
Insert your card, please.
Just saying "please"
doesn't make you polite.
Who are you trying to be polite to?
To me?
Or to my card?
Have a nice day, please.
How was the exam?
It was mostly fine.
Except for English.
But I think I can still make Level 1.
That's great then.
You did well.
Great job.
You could use some rest.
Too bad you have to go
straight to the academy.
But what can you do?
Just hang in there a little longer.
Preparing for college admissions
is but one moment in your life,
but the results are permanent.
-You know that, right?
-I do.
By the way, the academy sucks these days.
Especially the math class.
Is the teaching not good?
That's not it.
It's just too easy for me.
It's such a waste of time.
You're right.
If a top student like you studies
with a bunch of ordinary kids,
it does tend to be a waste of time.
Speaking of which,
about the Med School All Care Program
that starts in the winter…
Should I ask them to move it up to summer?
Is that possible?
Of course.
I'm an influencer.
The academy director
will have to listen to me.
Don't you know that?
I've been quite enjoying
your posts on
I'm glad.
I don't pursue personal interests
because it creates bad blood.
Instead, I stick to
sharing information based on facts.
Speaking of which,
I'd like to make a suggestion, Director.
I'm all ears.
It's about the All Care Program
that starts in December.
It's the flagship program
of The Pride, right?
A class of just seven students taught
by star teachers is extremely special.
It's also the very reason why
I enrolled Su-a in this academy.
You could call it the pride of The Pride.
I pushed ahead with it
from the very beginning.
I know that.
It was all you.
But after giving it some thought,
I wondered, "Why wait until the winter?"
Many other academies
have similar programs now.
If you're to gain an edge,
why don't you start the program
this summer instead?
But you see,
things are not that simple.
Our teachers already have
their schedules set for the year.
If you make it happen,
I'll put in a good word with moms
for next season's courses
as well as your summer program.
You're still behind Perfect M
when it comes to
English and Language Arts.
Aren't you?
I'll see what I can do.
This may look like
a complicated cubic function question,
but it's not hard to solve.
So how do we approach it?
I'm shook.
No one?
For real?
need to pay attention to the boundary.
We can use the fact that the number
of points of intersection changes
as the two functions intersect.
That was spot-on.
The change in the number
of intersection points is key.
Let's see.
The cubic function, f(x) equals
x cubed minus x squared
plus bx, and the curve, y equals…
Once again, I crushed it in class.
-This way, sir.
-I know.
You're also crushing it on
You gave that girl
a high five during class.
"I'm jealous."
"Stay away from him."
"I'd never wash my hand."
"High five" is the top trending search.
Was it intentional?
Of course.
These incidents are effective
for encouraging class participation.
Plus, that girl did give a spot-on answer.
So you had everything planned out.
What about dinner?
Nation's Best again?
Sure. I'm stopping by on my way home.
The owner is a bit cold,
but I can stomach her food.
It's also fun to pick the side dishes.
They're closing soon.
Go home. I'm off.
Drive safe.
This damn air pollution.
The windows are filthy.
What should I do about this?
Leave it.
They'll get dirty again in no time.
They cost an arm and a leg.
I'll treasure them for as long as I live.
Why did you have to show up
right at that moment?
Anyway, I'm sorry.
I should've been more careful.
Is that a sincere apology?
Yes, I sincerely apologize.
It was my fault this time. I'm sorry.
Take that off. I'll dry it.
Change into this.
By the way,
this is the most expensive garment I own.
It was purchased at Sinu Department Store
in Gangnam on April 27, 2020
by Haeng-seon as an early birthday gift
as she was feeling happy from drinking.
Given the situation,
he'll have to borrow it for a second.
No, thanks.
I don't wear strangers' clothes.
It won't take long.
You'll catch a cold
wearing wet clothes with the AC on.
Take it off. I'll look away.
I'm fine. I'm going home.
Not so fast.
Give me ten minutes.
No, five minutes.
I'll dry your clothes.
You can change inside if you want.
Why insist? I said I'm fine.
-You'll catch a cold!
-I'm leaving--
Mr. Choi!
What is my teacher doing here?
Your teacher?
Who is?
This is Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
The star math teacher from the academy.
For math,
Choi Chi-yeol.
Get out of here.
How in the world did the tiger
turn out to be Choi Chi-yeol?
That tiger…
After all I've done to him?
I'm baffled too.
The person you've been cursing out
for stealing the phone
turns out to be Mr. Choi?
Is this really him?
He looked totally wimpy in real life.
But here, he exudes charisma
and an excellent sense of humor.
What's he like? Is he unforgiving?
Do you think he'll hold a grudge?
No. I doubt he will.
You never know.
I still can't believe
this cutie from the video
and the man who was just here
are the same person.
Maybe he's two-faced.
Or maybe he has an alter ego.
Hold on.
What about his membership card?
It says, "Ji Dong-hui,"
not "Choi Chi-yeol."
It's the manager's name.
The manager?
That fragile and pale one?
So it was his name.
I even like his name.
This is driving me crazy.
How did I not recognize him?
I pass by the academy every day.
I did think he looked familiar
from the beginning though.
That's what I told you.
The tiger is Choi Chi-yeol.
When did you tell me that?
The day you had the windows replaced.
So that was what you meant?
Then you should've said so, punk.
-Stop it, Mom.
-Why didn't you? Let go of me.
-You're going to hurt him.
-I said, let go!
-You little…
-Calm down.
How is this possible?
That shop owner turns out to be
the mom of one of my students?
She didn't look that old though.
This changes everything.
I should've been more careful.
Why didn't it cross my mind?
I hope she doesn't write
on or anything.
"Choi Chi-yeol stole a phone."
"He's two-faced."
Hold on.
Gosh, that scared me.
That's cute.
Whatever. It wasn't intentional.
We both got the wrong idea, so we're even.
Still, we're not equal.
He definitely has power over us.
We're not equals at all.
Give me my brother's phone, you thief.
Splashing water on him was too much.
What if he starts mistreating Hae-e?
Since I'm the one that messed up,
I'm the one who should make up for it.
It's all on me now.
The owner of Nation's Best
is the mom of one of your students?
She looks young for her age.
I would've never guessed she was a parent.
Me neither.
When that high-five girl
showed up and called her "Mom,"
I felt a shiver down my spine.
You mean Nam Hae-e.
She enrolled for the first time
in Season 2.
She's diligent.
She scores high on the tests too.
I know. She's a smart kid.
She doesn't take after her mom at all.
What are you doing?
I want to make sure
that woman isn't bad-mouthing me
on the internet.
She doesn't seem like the type who would.
You think so? Are you sure?
You want me to say that three times?
Yes, please.
She's not going to do that.
It's Nation's Best.
What could it be?
Why is she calling me?
Just answer it.
Choi Chi-yeol speaking.
Hello, Mr. Choi.
It's me, the owner
of Nation's Best Banchan.
Hae-e's mom.
I know you're busy,
but I was wondering if you could stop by.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Maybe she's decided she can't let this go.
Maybe she thinks I'm still a phone thief
despite our misunderstanding.
What if she wants to sue me?
Or will she start a fistfight with me?
She used to be on the national team.
I might lose.
Then let's be cowards
and fight two-on-one.
Okay. Keep your word.
Hello, Mr. Choi.
Please come on in.
-Hello, Mr. Choi.
I'm sorry I asked you to come
when you're so busy.
The thing is,
I prepared a little something for you.
What is it?
Hello, sir.
This is gujeolpan.
Charcoal-grilled tteokgalbi,
kkochi, and mushroom jeon.
This is steamed squid.
Be sure to eat the guts too.
I used fresh squid, so don't worry.
It'll make a perfect meal
or a great snack
to pair with wine after class.
I can't eat all this.
Why not?
You teach all day long.
You should at least eat this much.
You're a bit too skinny.
He should put on some weight, right?
Well, I guess.
I've always been slim,
but that doesn't mean I'm weak.
Of course not.
You look great, actually.
You do look more fashionable
when you're slim.
I appreciate it.
And I'm sorry for everything.
Don't be.
I'm the one who should apologize.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Please. I'm the one at fault here.
-No, you're not.
-I am.
-Why are you doing this, Mr. Choi?
-I'm sorry.
-No, Mr. Choi.
the way your sister
changes her position so quickly
never ceases to amaze.
It was her forte as an athlete too.
But why is she suddenly being so nice?
in the end,
humans are just like wild animals.
You know the law of the jungle, right?
Since Choi Chi-yeol has more power,
your powerless sister
is offering him food.
Like a tribute to a king.
But my sister isn't powerless.
All parents are powerless
when it comes to their children.
Her head almost touched the ground.
She's super flexible.
You worried for nothing.
She's really kind.
I know.
She's surprisingly forgiving.
No wonder she was on the national team.
But can I really accept this?
You know I never accept
any gifts from parents.
That I do.
But when you tried to pay her,
she got furious.
Tell me about it!
That lady…
I mean, Ms. Nam is terrifying
when she's angry.
Considering all of her efforts,
I think it's okay
to accept it just this once.
You can become her regular in return.
You're right.
Become her regular. That's a good idea.
Want me to tell you
everything's okay three times?
Forget it.
I'll repay her kindness.
Send her a gift from the department store.
I guess I'll share this
with my assistants for dinner.
Hello, sir. Yes.
I see. I'll relay it to him.
-Mr. Choi.
-What is it?
-You can't eat with us.
-Our director is buying you dinner.
He has something important to discuss.
He scheduled it for today
since you have no classes.
I'm not going to eat anything there.
So leave some for me.
Mr. Choi,
you haven't even touched your food.
This is the highest-quality Korean beef.
Eat up.
I have other plans. Please hurry up.
This is expensive.
We should finish all of it.
I gathered up all the star teachers
of our academy today
because I have a suggestion to make.
It's about the Med School
All Care Program.
Could we move it up to this summer?
I know this is sudden,
but there's been a request from parents.
As a matter of fact, I'd been debating
whether to move it up anyway.
Think about it.
All the other academies start their course
right before the senior year.
What's the point of doing it
at the same time as them?
We need an edge.
I think it'll be a bit difficult.
We have our year planned out.
We can make adjustments.
I can sort things out.
Still, this is so sudden.
I need to teach at the second branch too.
The All Care Program
only consists of seven students.
Picking out the members sooner than later
will be in our best interest.
If you don't want to, I won't force it.
I'm in.
You're in?
You want to move it up?
The curriculum is all set anyway.
We might not have much time
to put together a level test,
but it's not impossible.
We could hold a parent information session
while the level test is being conducted
since we're short on time.
Mr. Choi, you really are
the true brains of our academy.
Great! Sounds like a plan.
I want new blackboards in return.
-For the classrooms.
I want enamel blackboards.
I have a model in mind.
I'll send you the link.
Right, the blackboards.
I've been looking into it
since you mentioned it last time.
But they're almost double
the price of ordinary ones.
And the installation and whatnot…
-It's such a hassle.
-It is.
But so is changing our schedule
for this program
and putting together a level test.
Is anything in this world not a hassle?
I see your point.
Even if it's a hassle,
we need to get it done.
Let's get those enamel blackboards. Okay.
On that note, let's have one last drink.
You want to split the bill?
Let's go now.
Isn't that Choi Chi-yeol?
It's been a while.
How long has it been?
I bet we're the only ones
who've seen you in the past decade.
Yeong-seok, I'm sorry
I couldn't attend your mother's funeral.
My schedule was full during the break.
Don't worry about it.
I understand that you're busy.
Take a seat.
Drink with us. It's been so long.
I took out huge loans
to get that apartment, but I screwed up.
I think I bought it
at the top of the market.
But you're actually going to live there.
You're getting married soon.
It was partly an investment.
I proposed as soon as I bought it,
but now that the wedding is coming up,
I'm getting cold feet.
-Are we boring you?
-Not at all.
Chi-yeol, are you getting married
anytime soon?
I'm too busy with work.
Why would he get married?
With all the money he's making,
he should just enjoy his single life.
I saw this article the other day.
Do you really make
more than ten billion won a year?
Is that true?
No, I actually make a bit more.
-Jeez, that's incredible.
-You made it big, man.
Back when he used to be penniless,
his shoulders looked a lot narrower.
But look at those killer shoulders now.
This is why you should succeed
no matter what.
Don't you agree?
He looks the same.
I heard you own multiple buildings.
Where do you live now?
I live near the academy. At the Emerald.
Don't tell me you live in the penthouse.
Stop prying.
Do you?
I do.
Can we come over?
If it's the penthouse,
it must be huge.
Right, let's hold
a class reunion there sometime.
If we can fix a date.
Guys, I'm getting a call.
Excuse me.
Go ahead and eat without me.
I ran into some friends.
What's with that reaction?
Can't I meet friends?
All right. Enjoy.
See you tomorrow.
I didn't expect Choi Chi-yeol
to really join us.
We flattered him a little,
and he started bragging.
Gosh, he's so annoying.
I've lost my appetite.
You guys encouraged him.
He used to be innocent and kind-hearted.
He's so full of himself now.
I wish he'd just pay and leave.
He can't leave yet.
I want more beef.
This is a rare opportunity.
Order some more.
We should all get beef tartare bibimbap.
Jong-ryeol, stop drinking.
What's with you?
Is something wrong?
It's for the table over there.
Add a few more servings of beef.
Gatherings like that
are completely pointless.
You harm your health by drinking,
and you waste your time on chit-chat.
This is why I stay away
from class reunions.
This is awesome.
-Even better with Mr. Choi away.
-I know.
It'd feel uncomfortable to eat like this
if he were here.
He wouldn't let us drink either.
Today is an exception.
This is the only time.
-We get it.
Anyway, let's enjoy the time we have!
-Let's drink!
-This is so good.
-It is.
-Try this.
-How do I eat this?
What a feast.
What's all this?
Are you sure this is for me?
Yes, it's for Nation's Best Banchan.
It's from Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
-It's from Mr. Choi?
Oh, my goodness.
He sure has deep pockets.
What a generous gift.
This is my sincere gift to you.
Please accept it this time.
From Choi Chi-yeol.
I'm so touched I'm going to cry.
What a wonderful young man.
I think we should redesign this.
Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
-Carry on.
-Yes, sir.
I heard about the All Care Program.
Did you really say yes
to get new blackboards?
No way.
I've been concerned about having kids
at different levels in one class.
It'd be more efficient
to set up classes for top students only.
The Director acted
at the right time for once.
Then are we doing
the level test right away?
I'm so touched
by your sincere gift, Mr. Choi.
Thank you so much.
From Nam Haeng-seon
of Nation's Best Banchan.
We'll have to pull all-nighters
to get ready for the program.
Let's do this.
Sure, that's my specialty.
Oh, my.
They posted a notice
about the All Care Program.
Are they really moving it up?
Enrollment begins right away.
What did I tell you?
Their director sounded completely hooked.
Hats off to you.
She says a word,
and an entire course gets moved up.
This lady here can get things done.
I didn't exactly do much.
It just shows
how much influence Suaimdang has.
Same difference.
Suaimdang is you, and you're Suaimdang.
So what's the difference?
You're right.
Anyway, the level test is tomorrow.
It's such short notice.
There's no time to prepare.
I know. For Jin-su's brother,
I hired tutors for the level test.
The kids will have to use
their natural talents.
This is a much fairer way
to judge their abilities.
Rather than having the kids
cram and whatnot.
Hello, Ms. Jang.
Have you seen the notice
about the Med School All Care Program?
No, I haven't.
It starts this summer.
The level test is tomorrow.
I pulled some strings.
I see.
Speaking of which,
you know…
Can you get your hands
on the previous level tests?
I mean,
Ms. Jang, you seem to have a way
with getting information.
It's highly likely
that both Sun-jae and Su-a
will get into the program anyway.
Why don't we start sharing information?
I'm not sure.
What information
can you give me in return?
First of all,
I'm the one who moved the program up--
But everyone knows that now.
I think we should wait
until after the test.
I'm busy. I have to go.
Are you aware
the All Care Program has been moved up?
The level test is tomorrow.
I'll get you some previous tests,
so study hard until then.
If you fail the test,
our plan will get messed up. Got it?
The doors are opening.
The doors are closing.
Are you ever coming home?
What do you care?
Mr. Yang and his wife want to meet us
for a meal in two weeks.
I said yes.
Also, Father's birthday dinner.
Yurizon Hotel at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
-Count us out.
-What are you talking about?
You already put it off a few times.
Sun-jae has a level test,
and I'm attending an info session.
There's been a change in schedule.
I don't believe you.
Do you care about anything
other than your kids' education?
Not at the moment.
Sun-jae's education comes first.
That obsession of yours
suffocates me and the kids.
Look where that got Hui-jae.
Why are you bringing that up right now?
The doors are opening.
The doors are closing.
Enjoy your lunch, ma'am.
-Have a nice day.
The customers swarmed in like locusts.
The agujjim was a hit.
The numbers will look good today.
Let's see here.
What are they talking about
on today?
"Med School All Care Program"?
What's this about?
"Med School All Care Program"?
It's the most famous program
the academy offers.
All the moms are leaving
enthusiastic comments.
Are you interested in taking
the level test tomorrow?
That class must be expensive.
Come on, don't worry about the money.
I'll get a side job if I have to.
Forget it.
We can barely afford the math course.
I don't need it.
What do you mean?
Taking this program is said to be
a sure way to get into med school.
All the smart kids are giving it a try.
You should too.
This is new.
You didn't even know how mock exams
were graded until a few days ago.
Forget the lousy mom from the past.
I am a changed woman now.
Now that we've come this far,
I'm going to become a mom
who's passionate about education.
Mom, I have class.
It's a final exam review session.
I'll take that as a yes and enroll you.
Why is she always so extreme?
Here, you have to find the one
that does not correspond to the graph.
If you read on, the correct answer is D.
All good? Moving on.
If you look at C,
a "percentage" is
a ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.
I think the correct term here
should be a "percentage point."
The graph shows the difference
between two percentages,
not the percentage.
Give me just a second.
In that case,
C does not correspond to the graph either
is just as correct.
Well, this is a bit tricky.
Let me discuss it
with the other teachers first.
For now,
I'd say D is the only correct answer.
Moving on.
Cabbage butterflies…
Hyo-jin, I want you to finalize
the level test and bring it to me.
It's Hyo-won, sir.
Minimize calculus questions.
And leave geometry out.
Test them not on how far they've advanced,
but on how well
they understand the material.
-Got it?
-Yes, sir.
Mr. Ji, you plan the information session.
The details of the program
are subject to change
according to changes in admissions.
So don't go too deep into the curriculum.
-Focus on how our program is different.
-Yes, sir.
This is strange.
He usually comes by around this time.
And he still hasn't replied.
Who? The star teacher?
Did my text sound weird?
No, I don't think so.
I kept it short
because I wanted to thank him in person.
If you're so curious,
why don't you give him a call?
Should I?
-Hello, Mr. Choi.
No, it's me, Ji Dong-hui.
Hello, Mr. Ji. This is Nation's Best.
Mr. Choi sent me such a kind gift.
I wanted to thank him
and give him a special lunch box,
but he's not here yet.
Something urgent came up,
so we've been busy.
We'll have to pull an all-nighter.
Oh, my. I see.
-Did you have dinner?
-We had some bread.
-Mr. Ji.
-Yes? Just a minute, please!
I have to print something out quickly.
See you. Bye.
He must be really busy.
He's busy?
All they had for dinner was some bread.
No matter how busy they are,
they should always have a proper meal.
Actually, this is great.
I felt bad after
receiving such expensive gifts.
I'll whip up some food using what he sent.
You're going out for a delivery?
At this hour?
They're pulling an all-nighter.
Can you check the address
on Mr. Ji's business card?
Here are some previous level tests.
I heard you applied too.
I hope this helps.
Impressive, Sun-jae.
What are you doing?
You're sharing the tests with Hae-e?
-She's taking the level test too--
-Why do you care?
She's a competitor.
There are only seven spots in the program.
Did I go through all this trouble
just for you to give them away?
Hae-e's a friend.
There's no such thing.
Wake up, Sun-jae!
She's using you to her advantage.
And look at you,
head over heels for a girl.
Will you please stop?
How far are you…
What kind of person
do you want me to become?
Tell me.
You know,
you terrify me sometimes.
Just focus on your studies.
Where are you going at this hour?
That's one magnificent building.
They're called star teachers for a reason.
Well done, Chi-yeol.
Is this the best possible order?
Are you trying to freak out the kids?
Why are all the killer questions
on the front page?
And question number 14.
Isn't it from three years ago?
Previous tests are going around.
Repeated questions are not acceptable.
They're detestable.
I'm sorry, sir. I'll revise it.
Is this it?
Not fingerprint recognition,
but facial recognition?
So cool.
Hold on.
I shouldn't interrupt him.
-I think this question should be…
Hello, ma'am. What brings you here?
I was about to text you and take off.
It's just…
I felt too bad
after hearing you skipped dinner.
What's the point of living
if you can't eat?
But I'm not saying you should die instead.
You really didn't have to.
I made all of these
with the ingredients Mr. Choi sent.
So don't worry. Here.
What's going on?
Hello, Mr. Choi.
I brought some food over.
You should eat well even if you're busy.
I was going to drop it off and leave,
but then I ran into Mr. Ji.
Have you lost your mind?
We're in the middle of writing a test.
How could you let
a parent of a student in here?
Will you take responsibility
if the test leaks?
I'm sorry. It was careless of me.
I think you got the wrong idea.
Mr. Ji didn't tell me to come.
It was my own decision.
And I was just going
to drop this off and leave.
The test didn't even cross my mind.
I just wanted you to have a meal.
I get it, so leave.
And take that with you.
I made a terrible mistake.
I should've known better.
I apologize.
But the food didn't do anything wrong--
If you want to be of help, just leave.
Get back in here.
You have no idea
how humiliated and frustrated I was.
I simply wanted to return the favor
for his gift.
I was going to drop the food off
at the door and leave.
Why would he flip his coin
like I'm some spy?
I'm sorry to point this out,
but it's "flip his lid."
It wouldn't even matter if I had seen it.
I suck at math.
Hey, I get it. Just calm down.
That star teacher must've been on edge
because of the test.
Even so,
he didn't have to humiliate me like that.
My first impression was correct.
What a mean, two-faced jerk.
Such a quick change in his attitude.
Be quiet.
And I can't eat anymore.
I give up.
My stomach is about to burst too.
Then what should we do?
We can't throw it away!
I'll focus on the veggies.
I'm on a diet.
Yeong-ju, you know elephants
are herbivores too, right?
They don't eat meat,
but they get big because they eat a lot.
They can eat up to 300kg,
but they only excrete 50kg.
-So the remaining 250kg--
Did you just call me an elephant?
Forget it if you don't want it.
I'll eat it all.
Give it here!
Damn it.
I'm off to school.
Hold on. Mom!
Mom, are you okay?
Hold on.
Hold on a second.
That's all. Get ready for class.
Do you know what happened to Sun-jae?
No, I haven't heard anything.
I see.
This isn't like him.
What happened?
No idea.
She mixed sleeping pills and alcohol.
We pumped her stomach
and put her on an IV.
She can go home once she wakes up.
Make sure she rests up.
Thank you.
I've been meaning to ask you.
What's with the getup?
There's a parent information session
for the All Care Program.
Since I don't know the dress code,
I went classic.
If you show up dressed like this,
at least no one will think you're a spy.
Thinking about yesterday
puts me in a bad mood.
I still need to go.
I'm heading to the academy
after a delivery.
Please watch the shop.
My gosh. Look at you.
A helmet with that outfit?
What a bizarre combination.
Do you know what they call this?
I heard it on TV yesterday.
"Mix and match."
Not "mismatched"?
Darn you.
There must've been an accident
at the intersection up ahead.
It'd be faster to ditch the car and run.
But you're the first speaker.
Should we switch up the order?
It's too last minute.
Give me a second.
I'll figure something out.
Mr. Choi!
Why are you here?
I'm on my way to the info session.
So am I!
Are you going to run all the way there?
You'll pass out on the way.
You look like you haven't eaten.
Like I said, you should eat well.
Need a lift?
No, thanks.
At this rate, you'll be late.
Just hop on already.
I never give lifts
because I ride for a living,
but this is an emergency.
Suit yourself.
Too fast!
Slow down!
Then you'll be late!
Hold on tight.
Hey, it's me.
Sun-jae, what happened?
Why didn't you pick up?
Where are you?
I had to take my mom to the hospital.
I'm on my way,
but I'll need another five minutes.
I'll stall for time, so run.
Don't give up.
Got it. I'll be right there.
The exam will start shortly.
Turn off your phones and hand them in.
Go on in.
You don't want to be late after all this.
I owe you one.
Yes, you do.
Isn't that Sun-jae?
I could've sworn my phone was here.
I'm sorry. Give me one second.
Gosh, what the heck?
Why are you waiting for her?
This is unfair.
Just kick her out.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I found my phone.
I'm sorry.
Good luck.
The merging of liberal arts
and natural sciences caused a stir.
But when it comes to math,
the divide is still clear.
That's right.
There are math electives.
Most schools require
natural science students
to take geometry or calculus as electives.
Electives that you're required to take.
What a paradox.
"Should my kid take geometry or calculus
to get into med school?"
"Which one will give
a higher standard score?"
You must be wondering.
No matter which one you choose,
you must get a perfect score in math
to get into the top med schools.
And that means
you just need to choose me.
I've parked your car in the garage.
Thank you.
How did you arrive on time?
Did you really run?
A passing biker gang member
gave me a lift.
A biker gang member?
Never mind.
The test was quite difficult,
but the results are not bad.
They seem to have struggled
with question number 29.
Most of them, at least.
But some exhibited
excellent problem-solving skills.
Nam Hae-e.
-You scared me.
What happened? What is it?
Jae-woo. Yeong-ju.
Hae-e got in.
She got into the All Care Program.
Is that right?
Oh, my goodness!
-Great job!
-I'm so proud.
I got the text too.
It still doesn't feel real.
Sun-jae got in too.
Isn't it amazing, Mom?
I got into the All Care Program.
Only the best of the best
can get into that program,
and two of my best friends got in.
Gosh, I did a great job raising you guys.
Thank you for raising me.
Are you sure you raised me?
How come you've grown the most?
Hold on. Are you questioning me?
You're so dead. Come here.
-Oh, no!
Can I put my leg down now?
-Come here.
-Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Hey, Seo Geon-hu.
You're Im…
-I'm Lee--
-Hold on.
I got this.
No, Jae-cheon, right?
No, I'm Lee Sun-jae.
We've been in the same class
for two years now.
You have a very common name.
Otherwise, I would've remembered.
Anyway, I thought you were training.
Isn't that why
you weren't coming to school?
Not anymore starting today.
Is the teachers' office this way?
It's that way.
Who is he? Do you know him?
He's in our class. The ice hockey player.
The one who never comes to school?
What a colorful character. Quite charming.
what are you going to do?
Your back.
Damn it.
-I'll dust you off.
-Dust it off.
-Hold on.
-Dust her off.
-It's so dirty.
You said it was your treat,
so I thought you were taking me
somewhere fancy.
Please understand.
I really need to tighten my belt.
Money is slipping through my fingers.
Okay. I understand.
Congratulations again, Ms. Nam.
Thank you.
Yeong-ju, it's so funny.
As you know, I wasn't that interested
in Hae-e's education.
If she gets into college, great.
If not, fine.
It's her life, after all.
But you know what?
Now that she's gotten into
the All Care Program,
I feel so proud.
I'm exhilarated.
Remember when we barely made it
to the semifinals
and then went on to win the final?
I'm getting the same rush of emotions.
And I'm beginning to feel ambitious.
What is this?
Same with my mom.
She used to be adamantly against
me playing handball.
But when I made the national team,
she put up banners
and threw a huge party and everything.
Maybe all moms are like this.
Hey, kid.
You shouldn't litter.
You're obviously a teenager.
You shouldn't be smoking.
Damn it. What the hell?
-Hey, let it go. You
don't want to mess with kids like him.
I'm letting it slide just this once!
Sit back down, Haeng-seon.
What is it now?
I'm at the study room.
I'm sorry, Mom.
This is why I told you
to prepare thoroughly.
Forget it. You don't have to do anything.
I'll sort it out.
How have you been, Director?
It's Young-min's mom.
She must be out celebrating.
Couldn't she at least text me
and let me know?
I've been starving all day for her food.
Maybe I'll take a walk.
Yeong-ju, my friend.
-What is it now?
-I'm on cloud nine today.
Is it okay to be this happy?
I should be counting my blessings.
I have a smart daughter.
I have a kind and hard-working brother.
And I have my best friend here
right next to me!
Kim Yeong-ju, my loyal friend.
You know I like you a lot, right?
Gosh, get off me.
You're drunk again.
I'm having a flashback.
Our team dinner
after we won the championship.
You got drunk like this
and showered everyone with kisses.
I'm reliving that moment right now.
I mean it!
I really, really like you.
Get off me!
I get it, so quit grabbing me.
Why? I like you so much.
-I mean it.
-I get it.
Get off me!
You brat.
Hold on.
Mr. Choi!
Mr. Choi Chi-yeol!
Thank you, Mr. Choi!
I mean it.
Thank you so much!
You know I really like you, right?
Hold on!
Admissions is a long fight.
And I hope all of you become winners.
There's one student who might not be
at the same level as our kids.
So exactly what is your plan?
-Please calm down.
Don't leave like this.
It's not like you'll never see her again.
She turns into a lunatic
when she gets mad.
When she goes crazy,
she becomes downright insane.
I officially request a meeting!
Wait. Where are you going?
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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