Crazy Delicious (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Tomatoes, Chicken Pie and Afternoon Tea

[chimes tinkling]
[chimes tinkling]
[whimsical music playing]
Lemon meringue pie.
Oh, my.
Welcome to our enchanted garden.
This is the magical, edible world
Crazy Delicious.
I'm Jayde Adams, and in this show,
creative home cooks compete
to make the most mind-blowing dishes
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"They will be judged
span style="style2"by world-class gods of food.
Soul food sensation Carla Hall,
gourmet magician Heston Blumenthal
and Michelin-starred Swedish chef
Niklas Ekstedt.
Today, they've challenged
Samira, Mark, and Lara
to get clever with carrots,
breathe new life into burgers,
and create picnics fit for the gods.
The winner will take home
the coveted Golden Apple.
[chimes tinkling]
[laughs] Crazy.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Three talented cooks are here
span style="style2"to create extraordinary dishes.
I predominantly make sweet things.
So, chocolates, cakes, or anything
that's made out of sugar, I will make it.
I like to push the boundaries
with everything I make.
The very weird and very wonderful.
I always want everything to be perfect.
That doesn't always happen, unfortunately.
[Mark] I'm a super competitive person.
The goal of everything that I make
is to hit Michelin-star standard.
I would say I'm probably
in the top five or ten percent of cooks.
There may be someone who's better than me,
but I haven't met anyone yet who is.
I'm a huge Heston fan.
We nearly called our son Heston.
Is that too obsessive?
[Samira] I am originally Lebanese
and I am a maths and physics tutor.
I love to think of my food style
as creative, a bit crazy, but also yummy.
I have almost 800,000 followers
on social media
and I love celebrating everything natural
with a twist.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks will compete
span style="style2"over three rounds.
For the first, they must make
one ingredient the star of their dish.
[chimes tinkling]
[whimsical music playing]
-[Jayde] Welcome.
For the first course, the gods have chosen
an everyday ingredient,
and they would like you to transform it
into something spectacular.
-The humble carrot.
Go forth and forage.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The garden is full
span style="style2"of fabulous ingredients.
I feel like I just want to skip around
and pick everything.
[Jayde] span style="style2"And the cooks can gather
span style="style2"whatever they need.
[Mark] The garden is mind-blowing.
Let's go find some carrots.
[Jayde] span style="style2"But it's up to them to make sure
span style="style2"that the carrot stands out.
So, the important thing is that
it should all be about the carrot, right?
Right. I think we take it for granted.
We want it to be
at the center of the plate.
We want to give it a life, I guess.
[Niklas] Definitely.
They have 90% water
and to boil them makes no sense.
[Heston] You just remove all the flavor.
-Use carrot juice or carrot puree.
-[Carla] Yes.
Saute it, pickle it.
Anything but boiled.
I'm looking for pumpkins.
You can use it either as a sweetener--
-[Heston] Carrot cake.
You can do it savory as well, of course.
-Carrot soup.
-If it is a soup, it's not crazy.
[Jayde] Have you all got your ingredients?
You've got two hours to turn your carrots
into something crazy delicious.
Your time starts now!
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cook who makes
span style="style2"the most cracking carrot dish
will get an extra ten minutes
for their next course.
Mark's starting off
by giving his carrots a water bath.
I'm putting spices to give a sort
of nice, warm, winter feel to the carrots.
It'll mean that the flavor
should be a more carroty flavor.
It won't be lost in the water.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Mark is making spiced carrot
span style="style2"ice cream, served in ginger biscuit cones,
topped off
with a candied carrot baton flake.
Mark, we're about to meet
Heston Blumenthal,
and I hear you're a massive fan.
I'm a big Heston fan, yes.
[dramatic music playing]
-How are you?
-I'm very well. Very well.
You've got a lot of kit.
I've got a huge amount of kit.
Maybe too much kit.
Reminds me of somebody
not too far away from you.
So, what are you making?
I'm making carrot ice cream.
I'm making a candied carrot flake.
And I'm making a ginger nut ice cream cone
as well.
-Can I ask a question?
Is the chocolate gonna be
at the end of the cone?
It'll be chocolate at the end of the cone,
and it's going to be dipped in chocolate
to protect the end as well.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hoping to dazzle the gods by using
span style="style2"the carrot in a variety of ways is Lara.
I am making a pistachio, carrot
and goji berry cake.
This is just one of the five layers
of the carrot trifle,
so I may have bitten off
more carrot than I can chew.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's making
span style="style2"a carrot patch trifle.
Layers of carrot sponge,
carrot jelly, and mousse,
carrot and chocolate ganache,
topped with gold chocolate carrots.
-How are you?
-Yeah, scared, terrified.
[Heston laughs]
So, you're making a trifle.
-Where was the inspiration for this?
-My friend is really into plants
and she has a terrarium
and it's loads of layers,
really beautiful.
It's got loads of textures.
I just thought, if I could combine that
with a trifle with a carrot patch,
then I think we're onto something.
-How many layers is that?
-It's five layers in the trifle
and then you've got the carrots
and everything else.
Wow, that's a lot.
Are you confident
you're gonna be able to get
all these layers cooked and set in time?
I'm slightly crying inside.
That's ready.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Taking a more
span style="style2"savory approach is Samira.
I decided to make carrot soup,
because it's a traditional dish,
but if you do it with a twist, it's fun.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira is making a carrot pond.
A carrot and pumpkin soup
served with carrot-topped pesto
stuffed carrot logs wrapped in pastry
and autumn leaf crackers.
I'm fascinated with your dish.
Why did you call it "pond"?
Because I will be serving it in a pumpkin
that looks like a pond.
Do you think this is crazy enough?
It's just a carrot soup.
I think this is the craziest it could get.
I'm very, very interested
to see how this comes out.
[Mark] This is the carrot flake.
Overall impression is,
I have to say, I'm pretty impressed.
Mark and Lara
have got a lot of things to do
and to incorporate into the dish,
so my question to both of those would be,
sometimes, less is more.
I think the biggest thing with Samira is
she's gonna be judged on her carrot soup.
You're making something
that many people have had before.
So, is it going to be crazy enough?
It's gonna have to be
one hell of a carrot soup.
Sixty minutes to go. Sixty minutes.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Halfway through
span style="style2"and Samira is blitzing
her roasted carrot and pumpkin soup.
While Mark purees his carrots,
ready for ice cream.
So, I'm making the ice cream base,
which is double cream and full-fat milk.
I just want to do really well.
I've put a huge
amount of effort into this.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lara's tempering gold chocolate
span style="style2"for her carrot decorations.
It's like a really caramely
white chocolate. It's absolutely amazing.
Got the little carrot molds here.
I will seal them together
so they look like an actual carrot.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's also using the gold
span style="style2"chocolate in her layer of ganache.
I've got some carrots, nutmeg,
cinnamon, ginger.
Cream, obviously.
So, it's really nice. It's very aromatic.
This is layer number four.
I feel like I've given myself
slightly too many elements, to be honest.
I'm making autumn leaves crackers,
to be eaten by the soup.
I'm playing with colors,
but it's all natural colors.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira adds turmeric, beetroot
span style="style2"and carrot powder
to color and flavor her crackers.
Cone time.
The difficult part of making the cone
is the consistency.
It's taken me about 80 or 90 attempts
to get to this level of consistency.
[blows toy whistle]
Thirty minutes, guys!
I'm like Lizzo, but with clothes on.
[blows toy whistle]
[Jayde] span style="style2"To complement her carrots,
span style="style2"Lara is using orange in two of her layers.
We've got a chocolate orange mousse
with candied carrots.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's also making
span style="style2"a zingy carrot and orange jelly.
I want it to be quite retro.
Chunks of fruit in your jelly.
I'm all about that.
I'm gonna start preparing
the carrot tree logs.
So, we're gonna core it.
Here we go.
I have mushrooms, also chestnuts,
and I have butter and garlic.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira wraps the stuffed carrots
in shredded filo pastry,
ready for the oven.
I love this idea.
I'm gonna just hope
that the judges are gonna love it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With time running out,
span style="style2"the cooks still have plenty to do.
Can I have that?
Just got the ice cream to make
and the cones to form
and then dip them in the chocolate,
chill them.
I'd like to be a little bit further ahead.
I will be using the stems
to make the carrot pesto.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Samira whizzes up
span style="style2"her carrot-leaf pesto
Mark is preparing the dry ice
he'll add to his ice cream mix
for a super-fast freeze.
Biggest risk at the moment
is I don't get my ice cream made in time.
You've got two minutes, guys.
You can do it!
[exhales in frustration]
[dramatic music playing]
[Lara] My hands are literally shaking.
I think this might be a bit heavy.
I don't think the jelly is fully set yet.
[exhales in frustration]
The air is so intense with fear and panic.
I can literally feel it.
[Mark] If I added too much dry ice,
it would go too hard.
[Lara] There's so much carrot
in this dish.
Mark, I really hate to say this to you,
-but we've got 30 seconds.
Oh, God.
Stop caressing your carrots.
No more tinkering. It's time for tasting.
I think I want to be sick.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The gods are about to decide which
span style="style2"cook has created a truly original dish
using the carrot as the star ingredient.
First is Mark with his not quite
frozen carrot ice cream
served in ginger biscuit cones
with candied carrot flakes.
Are you pleased with this?
It hasn't set as hard, the ice cream,
as I wanted it to.
I just ran out of time.
I like the level of spicing.
I think, because the ice cream
hasn't had time to get cold enough,
-its perceived sweetness is higher.
-[Mark] Yeah.
If you chill something down a bit,
it becomes less sweet.
The first thing that I think
is that my cone is soft.
It's coming out at all ends.
[Niklas] There's a lot of ideas here.
It could have been
like this great surprise
and this great dish,
but the temperatures weren't there.
And I think, for me, way too sweet.
Obviously, this didn't turn out
how you planned it to turn out.
Time was your enemy.
You gonna have to up your game.
I'm devastated.
Um, I poured my heart and soul
into that dish.
I've just got to take it on the chin,
dust myself off and focus on dish two.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira has made
a roasted carrot and pumpkin soup,
served on a bread crumb base
with carrot-topped pesto,
autumn leaf crackers
and stuffed carrot logs.
[Carla] Oh, my goodness!
This is a carrot pond.
[suspenseful music playing]
I love the pesto. It's great.
There's so much flavor.
It's punchy. The soup, for me,
is a little thick to be a soup.
-It's leaning towards a puree.
But the flavor with the crackers
are great.
There is something pond-like about it.
But I'm loving the pesto in there.
-I think that's a fantastic addition.
The only thing that I would say,
and this is just me,
this is completely raw.
If this was just baked a little bit,
I could take some of the squash
and actually have it with my soup.
-[Niklas] The stuffed carrots and filo--
-We use it for baklava.
-[Samira] And I thought,
"Well, why not use it
for something savory?"
Finally, something
that really tastes like a carrot.
But it's a very enjoyable, fun,
exciting, imaginative plate of food.
-Thank you.
-[Samira] Thank you so much.
I'm very pleased.
I feel so much more motivated
and I feel like my energy level is
a million and one right now.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last is Lara
with her carrot patch trifle.
Five layers of carrot cake, mousse,
jelly, and ganache,
all topped with edible soil
and gold chocolate carrots.
-[Carla] Wow.
-[Heston] Look at that.
I have made you a carrot trifle.
I hope that you like it.
[Carla] I want to dig in.
I mean literally dig in.
I want one of those golden carrots.
[suspenseful music playing]
I get the orange. I get the chocolate.
-Now, where else is the carrot?
-The carrot's in every single element.
The carrot is there visually,
and technically, you used it as well,
but I can't taste the carrot anywhere.
For me, if I would have tasted this blind,
I wouldn't have found carrot.
The textures are great.
The mousse is good,
but I agree with Niklas.
The carrot isn't the star
which is a bit of a shame.
I think it's really visually so beautiful.
-It's a lovely dish.
-[Lara] Thank you.
I really appreciate that.
Obviously, there was
some negative feedback,
so I wouldn't say I feel happy.
They did say they didn't really feel
like they could taste carrot,
which is such a shame, because
I literally put carrot
in every single layer.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With two rounds to go,
span style="style2"the gods must decide
which cook deserves to win
the crucial ten-minute advantage
for their next course.
So, Mark's carrot ice cream.
[Carla] I think he came in with an idea.
He came in with techniques
that he wanted to use.
-And he wasn't able to execute it.
[Heston] Samira, I--
-[Niklas] The most boring thing. Soup!
-[Carla] Right.
I mean, when you hear it, you're like,
"Soup? Carrot soup?" I thought, "What?"
-And then, boom.
-[Carla] Yeah.
-Changes your perspective.
-So, Lara?
-There was a lot of work in her dish.
[Niklas] Visually, it was carrot.
-But the flavors weren't carrot.
-[Carla] Right.
You could argue that
they showcased the magic ingredient
-in different ways.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
And we just have to think about
how much we put on taste
-and how much we put on the creative side.
The gods have spoken.
And the dish
that excited them the most was
Congratulations. You now have
an extra ten minutes cooking time.
-[Mark] Well done.
For their second course, the gods would
like you to transform an ordinary dish
into something extraordinary.
The burger.
Only two of you
can go through to the final.
Go forth and forage.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The second course
span style="style2"is all about reinvention
as the cooks must use
their creative powers
to reimagine the burger.
Burgers. They can be amazing.
We eat a lot of them.
When does it become a sandwich?
Because, for me,
-a burger is a bun with meat.
As soon as you start playing around
with the bread, it's a sandwich.
White truffle.
Smells absolutely amazing.
For me, a hamburger, also it's the size.
As soon as it gets too big, it gets
difficult to hold, difficult to chew.
[Heston] There is the three-finger rule.
Everyone's own three fingers
are about the widest
we can comfortably open our mouths.
I was gonna say something smart,
but I'm just like No.
Have you all got your ingredients?
-[Jayde] Excellent.
Samira, your time starts now.
It's just you, babes.
Sorry, guys. Come with me.
I feel great about the extra ten minutes.
I'm trying to make the most use of it.
-Want to eat one of those?
-Thank you.
Just tastes like spinach.
I'm making rainbow burgers.
Gonna have interesting colors and mixes.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira's using ingredients
span style="style2"from the garden
to color and flavor
her rainbow falafel burgers,
served with tahini sauce in black buns.
The burger buns, I am using squid ink.
The colors will stand out a bit more
with the black.
I think the contrast will be super cool.
-This feels a very long ten minutes.
-Let me just check the time.
-Are you ready?
-[Mark] Yes.
Your time starts now.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lara is hoping
span style="style2"her take on the burger
will be a sweet surprise for the gods.
I want them see to see a burger,
it's gonna look
like your classic, traditional burger,
but it's gonna taste very, very different.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's making a dessert burger
with peanut cookie buns,
caramel chocolate patties,
topped with banana cream slices
and candied bacon.
It's just so nice.
It's like the perfect blend
of salty and sweet.
It's so good.
[whimsical music playing]
-So, how are you feeling?
-Quite stressed.
So, what flavors are you doing?
I wanted to do a take on my favorite
sandwich, which is the Elvis sandwich,
so that's peanut butter,
banana, and bacon,
and it is one of the most amazing things
you can eat.
-I love it. Have you had it?
I am from Tennessee,
I just want you to know,
so I know a little bit about the man.
I want to serve a sweet burger
that looks like a savory burger.
I really hope
you like peanuts and caramel.
Mind blown.
We'll be able to hold it and bite it
like a burger?
-Yes. Well, I hope so.
-It's gonna be delicious, mate.
It's gonna have sweet bacon in it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With his sights set
span style="style2"on Michelin-star quality,
Mark wants to elevate
every element of the burger.
I'm taking luxury ingredients
and adding a cheeky twist.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For his billionaire burger,
Mark is using fillet steak,
white truffles,
tomato jelly, and a deluxe cheese slice.
For a guilty pleasure twist, he's topping
the buns with crushed corn chips,
all washed down with a lettuce shot.
Don't want to run out of time again.
All right, Mark, how are you gonna make
an ordinary burger extraordinary?
So, it's a mash-up
between the finest fillet steak,
the white Alba truffle,
-and then Monster Munch crunch.
-Know what they are?
[Jayde] It's a British delicacy, Carla.
Pickled onion.
-Yeah, a crispy little onion.
We have a different name for it.
It's like Funyuns.
When that's roasted,
it's much more subtle.
I don't think anyone's ever,
in the history of food,
put white truffle with Monster Munch.
You're an absolute maverick, mate.
Last time, time got the better of you.
So, are you on track
to get everything done?
I'm on track if I get my buns in
-in the next two or three minutes.
So, in other words, get out of your face.
[both laughing]
So, I decided to do five different colors.
I'm not using any food coloring.
Everything is colored naturally.
It's just to show that,
from a simple ingredient,
you can actually create
many different flavors.
-Hey, Samira.
-[Carla] I love all the colors.
-[Samira] Thank you.
-[Carla gasps]
-So, this is the buns.
The buns, I'm making them with squid ink.
It looks impressive and wild,
but is it going to be
tasty and unctuous and delicious?
That's what I hope.
[whimsical music playing]
She has lots of colors.
Now, Samira is really great
with presenting this picture,
but it's not just the picture.
We have to eat it.
Just cutting the tomatoes
to make the tomato jelly.
I feel like Mark
is a little Heston Mini-Me.
I'm a little concerned
that Mark feels that he has to take
every piece of the burger
and turn it into something else.
I don't know. He has a lot going on.
I hope that they find my flavors
more impactful than last time.
Lara, this seems to be a dessert
posing as a burger.
Is that gonna give us
what we really want to have in a burger?
[Jayde] span style="style2"Halfway through
span style="style2"and Lara is making banana cream slices
that will look like
classic burger toppings.
Banana cheese
and then the banana lettuce.
It's absolutely vital that I get them
into the freezer as soon as possible.
Otherwise, it just won't work.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Mark's cheese slices
span style="style2"contain the real deal.
I'm gonna add a load of cheese
and some truffle oil
and then I'm gonna chill it.
You can't have enough cheese in a burger.
How did the burger introduce his wife?
Meat Patty.
Also a great name for a drag queen.
I quite enjoyed that.
Thirty minutes to go.
[Jayde] span style="style2"All three cooks are hoping
their takespan style="style1" on the beef patty
will wow the gods.
The trick for frying falafel
is the temperature, 170-180 degrees.
I'm gonna be making a sweet patty
for this round.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lara pours dark chocolate
span style="style2"into burger-shaped molds.
I'm filling them with peanut butter
and caramel and sealing them together.
So, it'll look like a burger, but when you
bite it, it's filled with liquid caramel.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Mark is sticking
span style="style2"to a more traditional beef filling.
So, I'm gonna use
very thin carpaccio for the meat.
Like a siren calling me
from the cliffs,
-I hear you're slicing beef.
-I am slicing beef.
Can I try it?
-[Mark] That's good beef.
-[Jayde] Incredible.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With the burgers underway,
the cooks concentrate on
boosting their buns.
Monster Munch crunch
on top of the burgers.
This is my cookie dough.
This is actually gonna form
kind of the bun part of the burger.
[Jayde]span style="style2" With 20 minutes to go,
span style="style2"Samira is having falafel issues.
I'm a bit skeptical about the red one.
I think it might be slightly undercooked.
So, I'm gonna just quickly
do another batch.
Sometimes, the plan changes
in the last minute.
Everyone, you have ten minutes left.
Buns are looking good.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Time's a-ticking and Lara still
span style="style2"needs to make her syrup-candied bacon.
I want it to be really, really crispy,
really well-done bacon.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Mark's onto
span style="style2"his liquid lettuce shot.
That isn't very nice at all.
I just need to make it a little bit, uh
A little bit richer.
Two minutes!
There's more pressure now, knowing
that someone is gonna go home, so
let's hope it's not me.
[dramatic music playing]
I am so stressed right now.
I literally can't describe it.
Banana cheese and then the banana lettuce.
I like using the cling film, as I think
it gives it quite a nice lettuce look.
-I need to get some flowers.
Oh, my God.
Back away from your burgers.
It's time for tasting. Mark.
I've run out of time again.
[Lara] I didn't think I was gonna do that.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira, Mark and Lara
are about to serve
their reinvented burgers to the food gods.
After judging, one cook will be sent home.
Up first is Lara with her Elvis burger.
Peanut butter cookie buns filled with
a chocolate and caramel patty,
banana slice toppings and candied bacon.
[group] Whoa!
-[Heston] It's really cold.
-So, this is my Elvis burger.
-Thank you very much.
-Well done.
I'm as happy as I can be. It's just
everything's up to the gods now, so
I await my fate.
-It's pretty spectacular.
-Like Elvis.
-Like Elvis.
[group laughs]
It certainly doesn't fit
into the three-finger rule, does it?
[Niklas] I love the idea of the bacon
in a dessert, too.
I'm getting the chocolate.
The peanuts.
And I don't have the banana yet.
-[Niklas] I do have it.
-[Carla] You have it?
-It's jelly.
-It's green.
[Carla] Oh, my God!
She's delivering
on so many different levels.
And it's tasty and crazy.
[Heston] I'm not overly keen
on the way the whole thing eats,
but creativity is about having a go
and, my God, she's had a go.
When somebody does something
that's so far out,
-you look at it and you're like, "Okay."
-[Heston] Fair enough.
Maybe she's changed the rules.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next is Mark
span style="style2"and his billionaire burger.
Fillet steak, truffle cheese slice,
and tomato jelly,
served with shaved white truffles.
There's a small element that's missing.
I ran slightly out of time.
It was a lettuce shot
in a champagne glass.
-Thank you.
My second course
couldn't have gone any better, minus
the shot.
[Carla] So, should we put
truffles on? Yeah.
Go wild. Go wild.
He's thrown a right spanner in the works
with this.
[suspenseful music playing]
-It does still remind me of a burger.
He's made his cheese slices,
but they're very thick.
And they're quite pasty.
It's a lot of cheese.
The white truffle disappears
when there's so much.
It's not great.
[Heston] It's not dry, but it's certainly
not juicy at the same time.
-I missed the crunch of the lettuce.
I mean, Mark always runs out of time.
The element that he said that was missing,
lettuce in a champagne flute,
I'm glad it didn't come.
'Cause there's already
too many ingredients
and too many elements in this dish.
Sometimes, everybody doesn't need
to be at the party.
Finally, it's Samira
and her rainbow burger
of multi-colored falafel,
served on black, squid ink buns.
Hello, Samira.
This is a completely natural
rainbow falafel burger.
Thank you.
I am very happy
with how my second course went,
but I don't want to be overconfident.
I'll let the gods decide.
It's very colorful. Looks tasty.
[Niklas] It looks very contemporary.
It's vibrant and colorful,
and I'm enjoying eating it.
[Niklas] The bun is pretty.
I love the size.
But it's still a falafel.
I think that some of the balls
are undercooked,
-and you taste the raw garlic.
The spinach one is really hard and dry.
[Carla] If I saw a picture of this,
-I would say, "Wow."
You cannot eat a picture.
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's time for the gods to decide
who will be going through
to the next round.
So, we've tasted all of their courses,
so somebody has to leave.
We have to make a decision.
I think I know
who I want to make this next course.
-I think I do now.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jayde] Well done, everyone.
Carla, what are your thoughts?
So, Mark, time let you down,
but you are so passionate about food
and that comes across.
Samira, your carrot soup blew our minds.
But your burger
some were undercooked.
Lara, you made us rethink
what a burger is.
Oh, my God.
The two cooks that are going on
to cook the next course are
-Oh, my God.
-[Mark] Well done.
[Lara] I'm sorry.
Come here.
It was a great experience.
I'm just really annoyed
that I messed up today.
Which is doubly disappointing,
especially when you do it
in front of your food hero.
Girls, well done!
It feels amazing.
I'm also worried about course three.
[Lara] I made the final.
I honestly can't describe it.
I'm gonna have to absolutely knock it
out of the park for the next round.
[exhales deeply]
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the third round,
span style="style2"the cooks must create a magnificent feast
in a last bid to win the Golden Apple.
[drum roll and harp play]
For the final course,
our divine deities have one last demand.
They would like you both to create
the world's most crazy delicious picnic.
You know the drill. Go forth and forage.
[whimsical music playing]
So, a picnic.
I think, for me,
it's lots of bits and bobs.
Definitely sweet and savory.
It's kind of like a smorgasbord.
All these little boxes and containers
of things that you want to open.
-[Niklas] "What's in that one?"
-I like to see a sense of discovery.
It's French, right? "Picnic"?
I think the French span style="style2"pique-nique
is literally picking bits and bobs.
-Picking and nicking.
-Picking and nicking.
Ladies, you have four hours
to create a picnic fit for the gods.
Your time starts now!
[dramatic music playing]
Whenever I envisage a picnic,
I always imagine this big, beautiful tree
and countryside
and I want it to encapsulate that.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lara's turning
span style="style2"her favorite picnic scene into a dish.
She's making a tree
of hollow chocolate shells,
filled with sweet Scotch eggs
and macaron sandwiches,
served with a cheese and bacon quiche dip
and savory biscuits.
Hey, Lara.
-There is some savory stuff, I promise.
-There are? Okay, good.
How will you eat from your tree?
Is there an order or
I always do sweet, then savory,
then sweet again, because--
-Like breakfast.
-Yeah, exactly.
Why is that a breakfast?
Breakfast is always sweet first.
Then at about elevenses,
you have an English breakfast.
-It's why I look like I do.
-No, you look beautiful.
[Niklas and Lara laugh]
So, do you think there will be a balance
between the savory and the sweet?
I'll take that into account.
I've got that in my head now. Okay.
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
I can't wait to eat your tree.
[Jayde] span style="style2"True to form, Samira is looking to
span style="style2"wow the gods by keeping things colorful.
I am gonna be making a rainbow picnic.
I grew up eating
a lot of rainbow vegetables,
so there's a huge influence
of that element in my cooking.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's using the garden to create
span style="style2"a rainbow picnic of hidden treats.
Including cucumber sushi
savory rainbow cupcakes,
hummus dips and a surprise cocktail.
A picnic means to me,
healthy, colorful, yummy surprises.
So if I give you this and I'm telling you,
"Okay, I brought you this cucumber,"
and you're like, "What's this?"
But then you get the surprise element.
Hi, Samira. Rainbow again.
Why is that?
Why is the color so important for you?
More color, that means more nutrients,
and more nutrients means more energy.
So, how are you doing timing-wise?
Looking good? Are you comfortable?
-I think so.
I'm improvising as I go.
You're improvising?
-Isn't that risky? Aren't you afraid?
-It is, but if you don't take risks
-things aren't fun.
What's the worst can happen?
Good luck with everything.
Niklas said
that he's a little bit concerned
whether or not I'll be able to balance
the sweet and savory.
-I'm definitely worried about that.
-I think the tree sounds really difficult.
And there was a lot of chocolate
on the table.
Will the savory elements just disappear
under all the chocolate? Yeah.
I need some carrots.
And we need purple color.
[Niklas] With Samira's dish,
it was very hard to understand
what the end result would be.
-She's a mysterious woman.
Will it be tasty? That's the big question.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Halfway through and Samira starts
span style="style2"on her savory cupcakes.
The star ingredient is sun-dried tomatoes.
You know, a little bit of this,
a little bit of that.
And you have a dish.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Lara's getting
span style="style2"her sweet treats underway.
She's tempering her chocolate
and pouring it into molds.
If the chocolate doesn't set in time,
I will have nothing to serve the gods.
I think a picnic without
hummus rainbow dips is not a picnic.
But I think I'm gonna make some changes
for this one.
I'm gonna add some fresh basil.
I have just gone to grab
some Red Leicester cheese
for my black onion seed
and Red Leicester biscuits.
This is the first time
I'm doing anything savory for the gods,
so I hope that they like it.
I think I'm very happy
with how the muffins turned out.
They smell amazing.
[Jayde] span style="style2"With the chocolate shells set,
span style="style2"Lara can start her fillings.
First, she's making meringue
for her mini salmon sandwiches.
This is going to be a savory macaroon,
which normally you would do sweet,
but I wanted to incorporate
some savory in there.
And then my sweet Scotch eggs,
which are filled with passion fruit curd
and tonka bean ganache
and then rolled in ginger biscuits.
I really hope the judges like it.
Or maybe they would prefer
a real Scotch egg.
It's a bit late now.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Samira's working on
span style="style2"a colorful cocktail for the gods.
It's a magical drink that changes color
when you add certain ingredients to it.
I enjoy the science part a lot.
-One hour to go.
[Jayde] span style="style2"To complement
span style="style2"her picnic tree scene,
Lara makes a dip
using classic quiche flavors.
In there, we've got some pancetta
and marscapone goat's cheese.
It's gonna be a real mix of flavor.
I'm hoping that is gonna give the gods
the acidity that maybe
my other dishes have not had.
[Jayde] span style="style2"But it's a risky dish
span style="style2"for the final course.
But the problem we've got here
is if the bowl gets too hot
the egg yolks are gonna cook too quickly
and it's gonna cause them
to scramble and split.
I feel like cooking is very stressful.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Improvising as she goes,
span style="style2"Samira decides to add a cheesy surprise.
It was a last-minute idea tospan style="style2" get
ricotta cheese into one of the elements.
I made the ricotta cheese by just simply
heating up milk and adding a bit of lemon.
Let's hope for the best.
You're like Jackson Pollock, babes,
but in the kitchen.
I've just taken my cheese biscuits
out of the oven
and I put them
straight into the blast chiller.
I want them to be nice and cold
and I'm running out of time.
It's 30 minutes to go!
It's not enough time
to finish everything I planned to do,
but I'm trying my best.
[dramatic music playing]
I think, now, the most important thing
for me is getting the balls onto the tree.
That is paramount.
Stressed, panicked, nervous.
All the good feelings.
I'm gonna keep going until the time's up.
This is not looking
exactly how I planned it.
I'm taking the risk here.
-You have one minute.
-[Lara whimpers]
Stop cooking!
Oh, my God, I've just realized
I've left something in the freezer.
My biscuits are in the fridge.
Don't be hard on yourself.
It's incredible, what you've done.
-[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The time has come
span style="style2"for the gods to decide
which cook has created a picnic feast
worthy of winning the Golden Apple.
[ethereal music playing]
Look at that!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lara's picnic scene is a tree
of hollow chocolate shells
encasing picnic treats.
There's salmon macarons,
passion fruit Scotch eggs
and a savory quiche dip.
Is there a special technique to eat this?
The idea is you would crack a ball off,
open it up,
and you don't quite know
what it is you're gonna get.
Oh, see? Look. [gasps]
[group] Ooh!
[Heston] This is the Scotch egg.
Oh, wow!
[Lara] Passion fruit curd
and tonka bean ganache.
-[Carla] Mmm
I love the brightness and tartness
of the passion fruit.
It's clever, 'cause, in a funny way,
the texture of the crumb
does connect enough to a Scotch egg.
Yes, babes.
What did you get?
It was a macaroon sandwich,
which has got smoked salmon.
-I think it got a bit squished.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
Is this a savory bite?
Yes. But all my savory elements
do have a little bit of sweetness.
It might be just a bit too sweet for me.
In the basket here is a quiche dip.
I made some biscuits
and forgot to put them on the plate.
Oh, no, you poor thing.
-[Heston] I really like this.
-[Niklas] I love this.
The lardons in there.
This is great.
I'd whack this in a sandwich any day.
You should start selling it in stores.
The whole fortune cookie thing,
breaking it down, exploring into this.
I think it's exciting.
I think it's creative.
It's amazing.
-Not everyone's like that.
-You do know that, right?
-[Lara crying]
You know that, right?
I want you to say, "Toot, toot."
-Toot, toot.
-"Honk, honk."
Honk, honk.
That's you tooting your own horn, girl.
[both laughing]
-Lara, well done.
-Yeah, well done.
[mouthing] Thank you.
[Heston] It certainly is like a painting.
[Niklas] It is.
But you've taken your paints
from the garden.
Which I love.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Samira's colorful picnic board
sees vegetarian delights buried
amongst a harvest of fresh ingredients
from the garden.
There's cucumber sushi,
a selection of hummus
rainbow cupcakes,
ricotta cheese stuffed figs
and a magical cocktail.
-Looks beautiful.
-Thank you.
So with the drink, there's a magic element
when you squeeze lemon.
[group] Wow!
The lemon juice, as well as having
the effect of the color changing,
brings a really nice acidity.
[Samira] This is rainbow hummus.
[Niklas] This is really good. I love this.
-I love the texture of that.
-A little chunky.
[Niklas] It's delicious.
[Niklas] Homemade ricotta.
I like the cheese. I like it in the fig.
She's also got lots of ricotta
in her hair.
[Niklas] Rainbow muffin.
-It eats a lot more delicately
-than you first think it would do.
I love the texture. It's really light.
And then the hummus,
we're getting all of those colors.
So, each bite is different,
but we get to experience it in one bite.
-[Niklas] Sushi.
-[Samira] Rainbow sushi.
It's a great contrast between
some of the other things on there,
because just the texture, the crunch
Every little bite tastes good.
If you would walk in the park and someone
would have put up a picnic like this,
you would go, "Wow!
-I want to join that party."
-You'd stop and join it.
Thank you.
-Well done.
-Thank you.
Well done, Samira.
You have two entirely different courses.
[Heston] Lara did an incredible job
with her picnic.
I loved how interactive it was.
You didn't know what you were gonna get.
Life is like a box of chocolates.
Yeah! Oh, my God, yes! Yes!
However, I think Samira's picnic
had more things in it
that I would like to continue to eat.
Was there any surprise
in what Samira gave us?
There was a surprise
in that there was so much.
This is very difficult.
One is more crazy than the other.
One is more delicious than the other.
We don't have to agree.
But we have to make a decision.
[thunder and lightning crashing]
Here they come.
If this isn't dramatic enough
We're desperate to know
who will be taking home the Golden Apple.
Well done to you both.
You have made it hard for us to decide.
In fact, we were split in that decision.
But there is only one Golden Apple
and it goes to
-[Jayde exhales]
-[suspenseful music playing]
Thank you.
Well done.
I'm so happy that this happened.
I feel amazing.
And it's not something I expected.
It's incredible.
You did make it
fantastically difficult for us.
[Lara] It's been amazing. Thank you.
At the end of the day, Samira's food,
it was exciting, it was creative,
it showed flair and imagination.
Basically, it created magic in the mouth.
We've been span style="style2"Crazy Delicious.
Join us next time
for more fantastical food. Goodbye.
[dramatic music playing]
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