Criminal Code (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Bicho Homem

[siren blaring]
Federal Police! Freeze! Stop right there!
[officer] Stop! Hey! Come back here!
- Stop! Go, go!
- Here, here.
[man] Grenade!
[Rossi] Ladies and gentlemen.
Our Operation Crime Genome,
which launched this morning,
proves the strength of the pioneering use
of genetics in solving crimes.
Thanks to the hard work
of our forensics team,
who have been working 24 hours a day
up to their elbows in trash
left by robbers and delinquents,
so far, we have as many
as 60 DNA profiles
that link to the Proguard break-in.
Two of those thieves
were arrested this morning.
Cut him off, surround him!
[Rossi] One was a DNA match
that belonged to Carlos Oliveira Dias,
street name Batoré.
His DNA was collected while he was in
jail from 2015 to 2016,
and matched with DNA
found on a cigarette butt
from known gang headquarters
in Ciudad del Este.
Hold it right there!
Get down! Get down!
Get down! Way down1 Stay down!
[Rossi] The second arrest was Leanderson
Matias do Céu, known as Caroço.
- Let's go! You're surrounded! Let's go!
- Go!
- [women screaming]
- Get on the ground!
- Everyone out of the pool!
- Look at the ground.
I told you to put your head down,
now do it!
- Let's go, everybody!
- Hands where I can see 'em.
- Hands. I see you.
- [gang member] Fuck!
- [officer] Nobody move!
- Out!
Bathtime's over, babe.
[Rossi] The majority of these DNA profiles
haven't been matched to a specific person,
but have been matched to other crimes,
a multitude of crimes.
Be careful with that shit.
[Rossi] Thanks to
the National Bank of Genetic Profiles,
we have identified that several
of these same individuals were present,
either together or separately,
at least ten city sieges
and violent heists
across multiple locations
throughout Brazil.
What we're talking about here are
various groups coming together
to form what I believe is the largest gang
of bank robbers in the world.
Our objective with Operation Crime Genome
is to destroy this network
of organized crime in our country.
Hey, put that stuff in the back, dude.
Today's arrests are only the beginning.
Thank you very much.
- Sir, one more question.
- Just one more question!
- Answer one more question, please!
- Right here!
- Just one more! Please!
- That's all I ask!
What up, partner?
["Você Me Deve" by Racionais MC's playing]
[theme music playing]
All her other bottles are in the cupboard.
The cabinet above the kitchen sink.
- You know?
- I know.
Remember how much
to give her in each bottle?
Of course. Seven scoops in 200 milliliters
of water in the morning,
and five scoops in 180 mililiters
in the afternoon.
[Suellen] 150. Oh, this is important.
- There are security cameras throughout.
- Ah.
- We're police officers, after all.
- No worries.
[doorbell rings]
[dog barking]
- Good morning.
- Oh, hey.
I didn't wake you, did I?
- [Suellen] Who is it?
- Got any coffee?
- Hey!
- [Fernando] I don't think any's left.
I'll make some delicious coffee.
Here's the filter.
[Fernando] Uh, there's really no need.
One, two.
[Suellen] Hey, nutcase.
- [Benício] Hey.
- [Fernando] Isn't that too much?
- [Benício] Enough, right?
- Hmm?
- Are you in the same clothes as yesterday?
- Oh, are you kidding?
Mirna, if you need anything
just call Fernando, okay?
- [Mirna] Yeah!
- [Suellen] Nutcase, no time for coffee.
- See you, big guy.
- All right, bye.
- [Benício] Bye, Mirna!
- [Mirna] Bye.
[Benício] I owe you a coffee, Suellen.
[phones ringing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Yuri gasps]
How did you get in here?
I was looking for the bathroom,
and the door was open.
Hey, is that the software
used to crack the cellphones?
[Yuri] Yeah, uh it's Mamute's phone.
Mmm. Cracking it
without the software takes forever.
How's the app's speed?
Oh, warp speed.
There's only 13 hours left.
Well, uh good luck with that.
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- I'll see you in the meeting, then.
[man] Bro, I know you're scared
shitless of the idea of going to Foz.
But Medianiera, man?
That's really fuckin' far.
I need to get cash in no time.
- How much?
- 23.
Fuck me, man.
By when?
- Three months.
- That's fucking crazy, bro.
Dude, what happened at Proguard
wasn't even your fault.
Mamute was the one that fucked up.
Nah, he doesn't drink, bro.
Reach out to a guy named Isaac.
He works a lot now. He's gigantic.
He's vain as hell, but a total monster.
If it weren't for that fuckin' mess
that we got into in Proguard,
I wouldn't even have
to solve this problem.
Come on, man.
You got the lay of the land.
Tell me the work and I'll do it.
No can do, bro.
Police are crawling everywhere.
Yeah, but I gotta keep my promise
to my brothers. They need it fast.
Well, your promises are
not my promises, man.
What's that mean, bro?
That's your answer
when I'm asking for help?
[tense music plays]
If you wanna back out, just tell me, okay?
But know this.
What goes around comes around.
I'll be watching you.
- Is that supposed to be a threat, jackass?
- What do you fuckin' think?
It'll be my word against yours.
So you tell me.
Are you worried?
It'll be easy, man.
Just find me a job to do fast,
and you'll even make some dough.
I'm not trying
to take advantage of you here.
I'm trying to do this the right way,
got it?
I'll take a look at things.
I'll see what I can come up with.
[Benício] Where did this guy come from?
Nobody knows him. Suddenly he's leading
the biggest prison break and heist.
- [officer] Ah, it's Mr. DNA.
- [chuckles]
- Morning, sir.
- Good morning.
- [sighs]
- [Rossi] Team.
- Let's get started.
- [officer] Yes, sir.
Yeah. So, who's got something?
- What about the getaway cars?
- They used fake IDs. It goes nowhere.
Nothin' new on the CCTV footage.
Standard M.O.
The mansion in Paraguay was rented
six months ago. Paid in cash.
Mamute's cell phone must be
gettin' cracked by a toaster.
It's taking forever.
- It'll be done tomorrow.
- Ah.
[Moreira] Don't get your hopes up
about the phone.
When the Organization is on, they
play their hands close to their chests.
Only the people on a job know about it.
When it's done, they erase all messages
and destroy the device.
- [Rossi] The profile analysis on the map?
- [Saldanha] Just question marks left.
We've arrested everyone we could.
- If someone wants
- Giving up?
[Saldanha] No.
Why don't you find out who they are?
- You may as well start your vacation now.
- [Saldanha] Here we go, Little Miss
[Guilherme] You should call
Saldanha "Salty."
- [laughs] Just saying, it's obvious!
- [Saldanha] So original.
[Guilherme] Perfect nickname.
Master Assunção!
Oh, fancy meeting you here.
We need your help on the Proguard case.
Does Rossi know about this?
Of course, brother.
[Saldanha] We've been searching for them
for a long time now
- [Benício] Hi, guys.
- All I'm saying is you should try it
[Benício] Everyone,
you all know Assunção, yeah?
- Hey, Assunção.
- Hello, hello.
Inspector, Benício told me that
you asked for me to come and help out.
So, thank you for the opportunity.
[Benício] It's all yours, Professor.
[officer] What,
is this a fuckin' rest home, now?
Hmm. Right there.
[woman moaning on video]
Let's go, jack-off.
'Sup, Roleta?
How's it goin', partners?
- Oh! This isn't ours, is it?
- Of course, the same as it's always been.
- You forgot how to count?
- We're raising the price for peace.
- That's not what we agreed to, man.
- We have no fucking agreement.
Look, we impose taxes,
we don't agree on them.
And we've seen you around with your new
slot machines and your impressive cars,
and we thought, didn't we, Gerson,
"Look at Roleta.
He's really hit it big, hasn't he?"
So yu're moving up a tax bracket,
All right, brother, well,
I'll just get it to you next month.
- These slot machines are an investment
- What the fuck?
[Roleta] Are you crazy?
You're fuckin' hurting me.
- Are you a businessman with investments?
- What are you doing, Avelar?
- [Avelar] Where's the money?
- My hand!
Give me more time.
- [Avelar] Where's the money?
- I need a few days.
- [Avelar] Where?
- [Roleta] Give me time, I'll get it!
- [Avelar] Time?
- [Roleta] Turn that off!
You'll get 50,000 and give it to us
next week, okay, asshole?
- Fifty thousand, bro!
- [Avelar] Fifty K by the weekend.
Yeah, yeah, by the weekend, 50 K!
- Turn that off!
- [Avelar] Say you understand.
[Roleta] I understand!
- [switches power off]
- [sighs]
You crazy?
Take this pocket money.
See you this weekend, honey!
[Roleta] Asshole.
Shit. Fucking nutjob.
[Assunção] Look at this DNA.
It comes up in two other attacks on
armored vehicles, not including Proguard.
And this one here.
Linked to attack on an armored truck
in the small town of Palmital.
And also shows up at an explosives robbery
in Porecatu.
Look, I think we should focus here
and head right there.
Yeah, but that could be
a coincidence, right?
Coincidence? In the same zone?
And the same type of robbery?
I'll shave off my mustache
if it's not the same.
That DNA from Porecatu
also shows up at the prison break in Foz.
And could lead us to Soulless.
If we filter the robberies by DNA profile
Then we can find others,
crosscheck who was involved.
- This one hit two vehicles in the area.
- The old man is a legend.
Investigating that, gentlemen,
we found three suspects.
None of them have been formally charged.
Two are in prison, so they
couldn't have been involved in Proguard.
The third suspect,
Roleta, front and center.
We don't have anything on him, he's free.
Let's get everything we can about
the robbery and about Roleta.
And give everything
you find out to Suellen.
[hip-hop music playing]
Guess what, brothers?
You gotta be willin' to die to see God.
- Wow.
- I for sure fold.
You think you're big, bro?
I see that, boy, and raise-
[scoffs] This guy doesn't say much.
- Wait for it.
- What the fuck?
- Roleta's not messin' around, is he?
- [Roleta] Fuck, no.
Aah. You gotta be willing to
die to see God, bitch!
- [laughs]
- [exhales]
[player 1] Holy shit, man.
[player 2] Man, look at that.
I forget, two pair
beats one pair, Mais-Velho?
I fuckin' think so!
[laughing loudly]
[echoing thump]
- Gordim, we fucked this up good!
- You knocked it out of the park.
- [Mais-Velho] We're not messin' around!
- [Gordim] In it to win it.
- [Mais-Velho] It's all ours!
- [Gordim] Hell, yeah.
[chickens clucking]
[goats bleating]
Come on.
Everything gets more expensive.
Groceries, school supplies, the lights.
Only my tips stay the same.
I'm lookin' for info on a guy.
[cow mooing]
They call him Roleta.
Doesn't ring a bell.
- Could it be the wrong info?
- No.
Careful who you ask about it.
Look, anything I hear about this Roleta,
I'll let you know.
I've got some new clients
who really like to talk. Jesus Christ!
So you're able to get by?
More or less.
Selling subscriptions is a big scam.
One guy pays, then sends all my videos
to a Telegram group of 200 people.
Scope out this guy,
and we'll talk more, then.
Take care, okay?
- Buddy!
- Bye.
[phone bleeping]
[suspenseful music plays]
[camera clicks]
[Yuri coughing]
[door closes]
[Benício] They don't know you, Assunção.
[Assunção] Hey, thanks
for vouching for me, and all that.
Everybody forgets us old guys.
Even you, bastard, you forget!
This is the first time you've come for
a beer with me since you moved to Foz.
I've been busy, Professor,
you'll have to forgive me.
- Ah.
- Fishing isn't really my thing.
- You know, too much sitting around.
- I used to be the same way at your age.
The "lone wolf," you've got that goin' on.
I thought I could solve
every problem by working.
To get justice, you know.
Trying to be just like Batman.
But in the end, well, when you turn 60,
eventually, the only thing
you have in common with Batman
are bats in the roof of your house.
- Mmm!
- [chuckles]
Is that your way of telling me
I'm trying to be the hero?
No, I just like Batman 'cause
he's an attractive millionaire.
- [both laughing]
- [phone vibrating]
Ah, Assunção, you're really somethin'.
What are these addresses?
[informant] That Roleta guy
you're looking for, he's from around here.
Makes his money off slot machines.
- People say he's crazy, bit of a nutjob.
- You know if he's in a gang?
Apparently, he joined the Organization
a long time ago.
Those addresses are bars
where he has his slot machines.
Great, amazing. Take care. Bye.
- Yes!
- Oh!
- [exhales]
- Whose side are you on?
- The fish or the fisherman?
- I'm sorry. I just caught a big one.
I think he'll lead me to Soulless.
Oh. Then go ahead, scare the fishes.
Come in.
Hey, Moreira.
How are ya?
- Did you see the show from Rossi?
- I did.
- It seems he likes to look in the mirror.
- Uh-huh.
That's why he keeps lookin' the wrong way.
Come again?
Why would the Organization and the
Ambassador have peace at the border?
They made a deal.
But whose deal?
And why, after a few months,
The Organization terrorizes
Paraguay and nobody says shit?
No, no. There were some heads
that rolled during all that.
Some killings for revenge.
Since when do you kill
witnesses for revenge?
If someone killed someone
that wanted to rat me out,
I'd say "Thank you so much,"
and buy 'em a cold beer.
That's why I took it upon myself
to look into it,
and found a photo of Mamute standing
by a plane headed directly to Paraguay.
- No, no. Hold on. Stop there.
- Maybe a connection with the Organization
Stop! Stop it!
I called you here to keep an eye
on Rossi and his team.
- I'm just trying to do my job, sir.
- Not while on suspension.
I'm still a police officer.
Technically, I'm the one
who gets to say what you are.
Now, anything else you wanna say?
You're free to go.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[zip unfastening]
My God, Benício.
We're in a car in the center of town,
not a nuclear bunker.
All this is only for one night.
And no, this is not my first stakeout.
Check it out!
It will be my first stakeout with
an emotionally stunted adolescent.
[both laugh]
Hey. [sighs]
[Suellen sighs]
What ya readin'?
Assunção just sent me a report
about a robbery of an armored truck.
- Hmm.
- Roleta is the main suspect.
But if it was really him
he's a madman, for sure.
Oh yeah? But why?
Two cars doing 100 miles an hour
down a state highway
following an armored vehicle.
[energetic music playing]
- [man 1] Roleta, are you crazy?
- To the floor!
[man 2] Let's start shooting.
- Come on, let's go. Let's go, Pereira.
- [Roleta] Speed up. Don't brake!
[horn blares]
- Faster, you got this, you got this.
- Hold up, hold up! Oh fuck, bro!
Come on, get it straight. Go on, go.
[Suellen] From that point on,
it was all pretty standard.
.50s doing what they're made to do,
tearing through that armored truck
like paper.
[man 2] Get out. Down, down.
- Get down! Get the fuck down.
- Let's go!
- On your knees!
- [woman screams]
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Come on!
- I said get the fuck out!
- Get out, get out!
- Get the fuck out of there! Move!
- Go, go, go!
- On the ground!
- Come on!
- Get out, get out!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Get the cash!
- Come on.
- Move quickly.
- What are you waitin' for?
- Go, go! Just grab it, let's go.
- Let's go, move it!
- I got it.
- I got it.
- Come on, back in the car.
But that's when it gets odd,
what happens next, bro.
[man 2] Man, look at those suckers.
[driver] Are you crazy?
Let's turn around, let's get
everything we can from these fuckers.
- Are you outta your mind?
- Are you ignoring me? Are you listening?
Turn the fuck around, now!
[Suellen] No way they planned it,
but they didn't give a fuck.
They did what they'd done before,
with Highway Patrol two miles away,
trying to get back.
Jesus Christ.
- What's this guy Wait.
- [car door opens]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Suellen] There we go.
- That's our guy.
- [Benício] Yup.
[starts engine]
- [man] Pass me the 13.
- Listen, Avelar, I'm still short on funds.
The new machines aren't paying out yet,
so I need a few more days.
Fucking fuck!
You're stringin' me along, Roleta.
Seriously, I'm lookin' to do a big job
with someone.
As soon as I have,
all that money goes to you.
Look, I would give you more time,
but I got Gerson here and he's pissed.
I don't know how long
I can keep him under control.
- Figure it the fuck out.
- Come on, Avelar.
Man, what the fuck?
What the fuck should I
[exhales heavily]
Hey, man. About you looking for work.
- [Soulless] What's up, bro?
- Well, let's talk.
Just, I've got these plain-clothes cops
wanting a piece of everything I do.
Leave it with me, bro. I'll send a guy
to meet up. He'll be discreet.
- Is that Roleta?
- [Benício] There he is. Fuckin' bum.
I'll pull over here.
[Benício] Look at that.
[Suellen] Go inside, slowpokes.
- [Benício] They're in.
- I'm gonna go.
[both laugh]
I mean, when you change
ten diapers a day, this is
just another day.
- [woman] I'll get that report finished.
- [all] Morning.
- [woman] So you can use our data.
- Come with us, Yuri.
[woman] No, go, go. Go ahead.
Roleta's DNA.
- What? How did you get ahold of that?
- [laughs] From the trash.
It wasn't pretty.
If it matches the other robberies,
we could get a warrant to tap his phones.
Wiretap his whole warehouse.
If we're lucky,
we could intercept a conversation
between him and the Organization.
- Exactly.
- What about the chain of custody?
- [knocking]
- [officer] Pardon us.
- You called us, sir?
- [Rossi] I did.
[door closes]
Benício and Suellen tracked Roleta.
And they brought what they believe
to be a sample of his DNA.
Do you have a picture of him drinking
from the can and throwing it away?
- And of you picking it up?
- Chief
- [Rossi] Do you?
- They sold DNA as this magical solution.
But if it's so fucking hard to use,
it's worthless!
What's so funny?
Calm down, calm down. We already
found Roleta, let's just keep on his tail.
Sir, this Roleta is tied
to illegal slot machines
and that robbery
of the two armored vehicles.
- Why don't we just arrest the guy?
- I agree.
We could arrest him.
We could get a warrant
that connects him to those other crimes.
But, if we do that,
we arrest him, the Organization calls
a good lawyer, who gets habeas corpus.
Now they're on alert,
and the guy disappears.
What are we supposed to do, sir?
We need to link this guy to Proguard.
With DNA, his connection
with other suspects, anything.
Just make sure when you collect evidence,
you document a proper chain of custody.
We need to do this right
and to do this right the first time.
Sir, can we at least
unofficially run the sample from the can?
Just for us to know by chance
if there's actually a link to Proguard?
Right. I'll see what I can get
from this. Excuse me.
- [officer] There's our DNA guy!
- [Yuri] Don't bust my balls.
- DNA! Does Nothin' Anyway!
- [officers laughing]
You know something about Santos?
There was only one thing
that could bother him.
People chewing loudly.
[both chuckle]
If that was the only thing that bothered
him, after years of being your partner,
- he must've had the patience of a saint.
- Aah!
He did, Suellen.
Best police officer I've seen.
- Everyone thought that.
- A lot of people have said that to me.
- What took the two of you up to Foz?
- Santos was always really chill, you know?
He almost always did
the right thing. Yeah.
He also taught me something.
That we're always police officers.
We don't fight some crimes
and ignore others,
just because your boss tells you
not to investigate.
- And so you went rogue-investigating
- Aah
- Do you regret it?
- Nah!
- We did it 'cause we're cops.
- That's for sure.
- [Benício] The fuck is this?
- What the hell?
That's right, let the whole street know
we're here. Good job.
All right, so,
Rossi says to get some rest.
- And I'm gonna take over.
- We are.
- No need.
- Tell him we appreciate it.
But you can go. Bye.
What a little shit.
- Too big for his boots.
- [Guilherme] Ridiculous.
- Why is he still here?
- I'm outside their car.
- I told him to beat it.
- Calling to cry to Papa, I bet.
Good evening, sir. How are you?
Sorry to bother you.
Officer Benício would like
to speak with you.
[Rossi] There's nothing to say.
Benício, Suellen, you have two options.
Either leave the stakeout,
or leave the case.
I didn't hear you say okay.
[both, in unison] Okay.
- Try not to fuck this up.
- Thanks, guys.
- [officer] Cheers.
- What an idiot.
Daddy's little baby, man.
[starts engine]
["Mad World" by Tears for Fears plays]
All around me are familiar faces ♪
Worn out places, worn out faces ♪
Bright and early for their daily races ♪
Going nowhere, going nowhere ♪
Their tears are
Filling up their glasses ♪
No expression, no expression ♪
Hide my head
I want to drown my sorrow ♪
- No tomorrow, no tomorrow ♪
- [groans]
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad ♪
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had ♪
When people run in circles
It's a very, very ♪
Mad world ♪
Mad world ♪
Mad world ♪
[Guilherme] No fuckin' way.
Ah, why not?
Why not?
Could be.
- Oh, not you. No fucking way.
- [snoring]
[motorcycle engine revving]
Come in, come in, can you hear me?
Roleta is on the move!
Let's go! Fuckin' A!
Wake the fuck up, man.
- [groans]
- I'm schooled from waking up my dad, man.
Look, Guilherme called
and he's tailing Roleta.
Apparently he's on the move and
going to some faraway meeting.
Should we go?
[groans] Let's go, yeah.
I thought they were joking
when they said you didn't shower.
How much gas do you need today?
[unbuckles seat belt]
Fuck, man. That's not Roleta.
No fuckin' way, bruh.
You were asleep the whole time.
- I'm not gonna radio that in.
- What the fuck? Yes, you are, boy.
You said it was Roleta
and you were fuckin' wrong. Call it.
[Guilherme] It was a bait.
It was not Roleta.
Fucking son of a bitch!
- I don't believe it. Shit.
- [groans] It's fuckin' bull!
Oh shit, man.
Yo, this plan is perfect, man. Listen.
The general manager is the person
who knows when the money's
getting to the vault.
So we grab the manager, kidnap his family,
nearest and dearest, all that shit.
And then we convince him
to collaborate with us.
They'll give us everything, bro.
When the truck is coming,
How much is gonna be in the vault.
Fucking everything, bro.
And then we make it happen.
Yo, buddy, what's takin' you so long
with that beer?
[inhales and exhales slowly]
[lens whirrs]
["Eu queria ter uma bomba"
by Barão Vermelho plays on car stereo]
[Suellen] Finally.
He had to come back eventually.
[Benício] What are the chances
of him going out again tonight?
- You want a number?
- Yeah.
- 99.9%.
- [chuckles]
What are the chances of that outing
getting us anywhere?
Being optimistic.
[whistling cheerfully]
Don't do that, man.
One of these days, you're gonna kill me.
I got heart issues.
- Where's the fifty thou, bro?
- Ay
[grunts] A few more days
and you'll have it, boss.
Please don't fuck with us, Roleta.
Don't you think we saw you were
part of that hit in Paraguay?
You have cash coming out of your ass.
How could we not know?
No, no, bro. I'm not
involved in that shit anymore.
I work in entertainment now,
I'm an entrepreneur.
- Entrepreneur, asshole?
- [Avelar] Yeah.
And I'm the Minister of Justice.
- Let's go for a spin.
- Walk.
[door opens]
Did you see those guys go in?
[suspenseful music playing]
Yeah chief. We're up near Jardim
Lancaster, we're north near a farmhouse.
Our perp was brought here
by two unidentified men.
[Rossi] Affirmative. Any illegal activity?
I'll try and obtain a warrant.
Backup teams are on standby.
Maintain your position. Do not move
unless you see illegal activity, copy?
Okay, my love.
I'm heading home.
I'll be there in about ten. Bye-bye.
My love, I have to pass by the hangar.
Don't wait up for me, okay, babe?
[Yuri] Preliminary results show
that the DNA from the beer can
does match samples from the Proguard heist
and the prison break.
- [Suellen] Fuck, that's it, man!
- [Benício sighs]
[groans] I can't believe this.
We're stuck sitting here, quietly waiting
while Roleta is 100 meters away.
And what about those guys he's with?
I mean, for fuck's sake.
They could be accomplices
from Proguard, or from Foz Prison.
Even Soulless could be in there now.
- You're right, man.
- Huh?
You're right. We're out here
and they could be, I don't know,
sitting in there processing narcotics
or planning taking over a town.
They could be committing a ton of crimes.
- Right now.
- Right? Fuckin' right!
It's been four hours since we got here.
And now that damn warrant is MIA.
- We're out here like sitting ducks.
- Yeah.
You know, I wouldn't forgive myself
if anything bad happened,
while we wait for bureaucracy to get
around to actually catching criminals.
When exactly did we start
thinking the same way?
We've been spending a lot of time
Soon, our menstrual cycles
will synchronize.
[chuckles] That's the plan.
- [Suellen] Oh, well, well. Look at that.
- [ringing tone]
They called in a team to clean up
the evidence.
- [siren approaching]
- Let's get a closer look.
- No, I'll go. Back in ten.
- If we go, we're going together.
That's what I said,
let's go in together. Right.
Sir, we're moving in, you copy?
Uh, there's definitely
illegal activity happening.
[Rossi] Backup is on the way.
It'd be better to wait.
If we wait,
we won't catch them in the act.
Send backup. We're going in.
- Good, Suellen.
- Let's go around the side.
- There's more coverage.
- Sure.
[tense music playing]
[Suellen gasps]
[laughter inside]
[Avelar] You can barbecue
this asshole for lunch.
[man] Right. I won't be wanting barbecue
for a long fucking time.
[Avelar] Careful with that, damn it.
[man] Gonna have a hard time
cleaning up this shit.
It's going to be hard fucking work.
- [stones clatter]
- [Gerson] Hey. The fuck is that? Look!
Let's go around.
Come, come, come, come.
- Federal Police. Stop! Fucking stop!
- [man] Run!
- [Avelar] Go!
- [Benício] Freeze! Freeze!
Freeze, you motherfuckers!
Here, over here!
Federal Police! Drop your fucking weapon!
- Gerson, what the fuck is this?
- Federal Police, my ass.
- Hang on, Suellen.
- [gasps]
Ow, fuck!
- [sirens approaching]
- What now?
- [gun clicks]
- Fuck!
- Federal Police! Get down!
- Get down, on the ground!
- Easy, easy! Don't shoot, don't shoot.
- Get down, now!
Civilian Police, we're Civilian Police.
- Don't shoot.
- Where are Benício and Suellen? Benício!
Over here. Suellen is down. Fucking hurry!
- [Saldanha] Go, Guilherme.
- Keep quiet.
- [Saldanha] Wounded officer! Ambulance!
- [officer] Stay down!
- [Benício] Call an ambulance! Now! Go!
- [officer] Stay quiet!
- [Guilherme] Call an ambulance!
- [Benício] Suellen?
- [Guilherme] There's a wounded cop!
- [Benício] Breathe, Suellen.
[officers shouting]
One time that Santos saved my life,
I was just like you are now.
I was fucked up,
I was freezing cold, almost asleep,
And you know what he said?
"Benício, you can't die right now,
because Samuel is waiting for you."
[faintly] Who's Samuel?
[breathing unsteadily]
[Benício] My son.
I have a son, Suellen. Yeah.
[gasps] Ah
He said to me, "You can't die, because
your son is at home waiting for you."
- You have a son.
- "He needs his dad to take care of him."
[gasps] Ayhu.
- Ayhu. Ayhu is waiting.
- Ayhu
Easy now.
Calm down. Breathe.
I'm here with you. I'm right here.
Let's go home. Yeah?
- And see Ayhu.
- Ayhu
- Let's go see Ayhu.
- [shudders]
- Ayhu.
- Ayhu.
- Ayhu. But
- Ayhu is waiting for you.
Hi. Do you want it? You want it?
Grab it.
[doorbell rings]
Daddy'll be right back.
Where's Suellen?
- Where's Suellen, Benício?
- Calm down. She's It's just
We knew something wasn't right.
And it wasn't. I mean, Roleta was there,
but those guys were, too.
- We tried
- Jesus Christ. Where the fuck is my wife?
Calm down. There was a guy with a cleaver,
It was a cleaver, man.
And then, there was a lot of blood.
She's in the hospital,
she's going to surgery.
- She has to have an operation.
- She's in the hospital? Huh?
Huh. Why send the craziest fucking cop
in the Federal Police to tell me
- my wife was hit in the line of duty?
- Forgive me.
- In this condition?
- Forgive me, I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
Were you the one that got her hurt?
Why do you keep saying that, man?
[Ayhu crying]
- Because I should have protected her.
- Ah, you?
Haven't you already lost a partner?
Just stay away from her.
[slow footsteps]
[Rossi] Tell me something.
By any chance, do you suffer
from dissociative disorder?
Because you're sitting here crying
after quartering a man.
Do you know the difference between
a crooked cop and a crooked criminal?
At least he, the criminal,
has a chance of surviving in jail.
Please don't do this to me.
I have three kids at home.
[Rossi] Save your sob story
for the homicide detective.
I'm here for Roleta.
- What was your deal with him?
- [sighs]
We charged him a fee in exchange
for him to set up his slot machines.
- But he got more and more machines
- And you decided to raise the price?
We knew he was a part
of the Proguard heist.
Roleta was stringing us along.
He said he was going to do a big job
with a partner and pay us.
Look sir, we were gonna scare him.
He always said he had heart problems
but I thought it was a lie.
- With the first punch
- Tell me about this job he had lined up?
Who else was involved?
[sighs heavily]
You're not gonna tell me
you didn't know who else was involved
so you could shake them down, too.
He said it was someone named Soulless.
["Você Me Deve" by Racionais MC's plays]
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