Curon (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Killer

Can I take a photo of you?
Why not. I'll take a photo.
Come on.
-Smile, you're lovely.
Please, don't.
All right, then you come, too.
-Not together. I ruin photos.
-No, I'm ashamed.
-Stop it, come here.
Do you have enough room?
Smile. One, two
Three, go.
Here you are.
We could get married when you're 18.
Anna, I love you.
You're the only woman I've loved
and will ever love.
Do you have something to tell me?
What's up?
I met a guy.
His name is Pietro. He's from Milan.
There was a party at my hotel.
I'm sorry.
Anna, I've always been at your side.
I was always there when you had a problem.
And what do you do?
But do you realize everything rolls
off your back?
It's not easy hanging out with you!
Not everything can always go smoothly.
Things don't work out that way.
Listen, fuck off!
-Fuck off!
Come here. Let's talk about it.
Get your boyfriend from Milan
to come and get you.
What's wrong?
Maybe we should just call the police.
Daria, if we don't try, who will?
Let's go.
All right.
Damn it!
May I?
How are you feeling?
Fine, why?
I heard about the graffiti.
No, Dad, don't worry.
Come here.
You've got to promise me something.
Never be afraid of who you are.
Whatever is inside you, it can't be wrong.
You are who you are.
Never, ever hide.
Come on, you'll be late.
You can also speak to her.
She doesn't speak to me.
Perhaps it's you who can't handle it.
How is she?
She's turning into a beautiful woman.
And what about me?
You are beautiful already.
What's wrong?
You haven't come home for two nights.
It's never been a problem before.
It's my job, Klara. You know that.
But it's slightly different now.
Because Anna came back to Curon,
you mean?
Have you seen her?
Are you involved in her
going to the mountain?
Let me get this straight.
I work my ass off
chasing these fucking wolves,
-and you think her and I hang out
-Albert, please calm down.
Stop pestering me with your paranoia.
It was 17 years ago.
Don't shout. The kids will hear.
The problem isn't Anna, it's you.
She already ruined our lives once.
Please stay away from her.
What had to happen, happened.
Everything went smoothly
until you annoyed me.
I was in love with another man.
Bullshit, Klara.
You knew who I was.
You chose me.
-That's enough for now.
-I've got to do something.
Hey, Giulio, Giulio! Come on.
No, leave it. Leave it, okay?
Are you always on your father's side?
Do you hear how he treats her?
She lets herself be treated that way!
It's not a war,
where you have to pick a side.
Actually, it is!
It is a war, and you know it!
I've had enough.
Who cares.
After I finish school, I'm out of here.
When you act like this,
you're exactly like Dad!
Me, like that asshole?
You don't know me at all.
-And you don't know me--
-Tell me, then. Who are you?
You wouldn't understand.
If I'm like Dad,
you're like Mom.
Always hanging out with freaks.
First Lukas, and now that girl from Milan.
Where are you going?
To build my future.
Far away from this fucking family.
You drive like Mom.
Get out and help me.
I'll accelerate, and you push.
Are you happy now?
I got distracted
because you were talking bullshit.
I don't talk bullshit, only the truth.
The truth?
Do you want to know the truth?
The woman you saw in that suite
doesn't exist.
You were drunk.
You always feel like it's Grandpa's fault.
He had Mom's cell in his pocket,
and he didn't fucking tell us.
Fuck off.
We'll go on foot.
Without saying a word.
What about Grandpa's truck?
Where's your brother?
If you don't know,
and you're his mother
Why would you answer me like that?
May I go to the bathroom?
Hello, Daria. Everything okay?
How come you didn't come today?
If you need anything, you know, I
I'm here.
Call me.
I knew it was an excuse.
-I know you too well.
-What the fuck do you want, Lukas?
I'd like to talk for a second.
I want to apologize for--
Your apologies mean nothing to me.
I trusted you.
And you betrayed me.
I told you. You're nothing to me now.
Mom, are you in there?
That's really cool.
What is this kind of thing
doing in a place like this?
I don't know, but whoever did it
is a fucking genius!
We have today and tomorrow
We're gonna make a killing
at the Fire Festival.
Hey, come and see. The padlock is open.
Do you see who the genius is?
Muscles and brains
don't usually go together.
He seems to be exactly your type.
Nobody is my type.
Go, let's go.
Good morning.
It's been a while.
To what do we owe this honor?
I need a hand to find my grandchildren.
I've got lots of things to do.
Are you still pissed at me?
It was 17 years ago
The kids have taken the truck.
And where were you?
No, sorry.
You didn't manage to be a good father,
let alone a grandfather.
Anna has disappeared.
They went to the mountain to look for her,
and they don't know
what the mountain is like.
Anna told them about the Valley.
They'll have gone there.
Come on, get in.
I'm guessing this isn't
the Valley of the Sun.
I think we're almost there.
Come on, Daria.
Come on!
What's wrong?
Mauro, I'm tired.
I'm hungry, I'm thirsty,
and there's not a thing here.
Nothing at all.
We'll be torn to pieces by a fucking wolf.
Come on, let's not give up now.
Mauro, look around.
An empty valley and two dickheads.
-A nightmare!
-Don't you think about Mom's life?
What if that person I saw at the hotel
got her?
Stop, Mauro, stop!
Let's call the police, the rangers,
whoever you want.
-They can deal with it.
-And then?
Then we'll be handed over
to social services!
I'll have to parent my idiot brother,
and we'll end up as drug addicts
in the Rogoredo woods.
Fuck off.
When Mom went away
you built a castle of cushions around me.
I was inside
and I felt invincible.
Do you remember?
Of course I remember.
It was my idea.
I've never told you
When I'm with you,
I feel like we are still in that castle.
Come here.
Come on, I'll roll a joint.
That's the Daria I know.
Look at your cat biscuit.
Prime quality cat biscuit
Prime quality
Hello, Dad.
So now you say hello to me?
As if nothing happened.
Next time you answer me like that,
just see what happens to you.
I'm waiting for your apology.
What are you talking about?
I don't understand. What have I done?
If you're joking, stop it,
because this time you've gone too far.
Weren't you in the garage
fixing your bike? Now, go back there!
You also frightened Figaro.
-Do you want to tell me what's happening?
-Go, I said! Go!
-Go back to the garage.
-All right, I understand.
Love, sorry, I shouted a little.
Sorry, love, no, come here.
Who are you?
Everything you never had
the courage to be
That's it.
That's me.
Look at yourself.
You are weak.
You are scared.
You disgust me.
It's all over.
Now, I'm here.
And we won't make a complete
asshole out of ourselves anymore.
What is this place?
You're sure the light was here?
Yes, sure.
Help! Over here!
Come on, Mauro. We're over here!
What has gotten into your heads?
What were you doing
with Mom's cell phone?
Let's go home.
Let's calm down now.
Your grandfather had his reasons,
She saw a light.
There's something in there.
That's a mountain hut
that's been abandoned for 20 years.
That's not true.
This place is dangerous.
Addicts used to come here.
Relax, I will look for your mother.
I'll call the reserves from Bolzano.
Come on, kids.
Get in the car, and we'll go home.
Tell us the truth.
The truth
She came here and she was
weird, right from the start.
And suffering.
For all the years
she has been away from here.
The truth is that
your mother has disappeared,
and I have no idea where she is.
We know that already.
Skip the preamble.
That's all I know.
That's not true.
Why did you have her cell?
I found it in the woods
when I went looking for her.
It was on the ground.
I can't figure things out.
The graffiti on the wall in the suite
The woman I saw that night
Weird things happen in this place.
Especially in that room.
You told us a load of bullshit.
Once, I saw Lili.
Your grandma.
But she was dead.
It wasn't her.
Just like how the woman you saw
wasn't Anna.
They are
So it's true that this hotel is cursed.
Our family is cursed.
I didn't manage to protect my wife.
My daughter.
And now, not even you.
Mom always thought of you.
Your portrait was always
in her drawing book.
Off to bed.
Will you tell me how you are
mixed up in this story?
Why did you go looking for them?
Because it's my job, Klara.
The Bolzano police don't come
for two missing kids.
Then, you stayed out for the wolves,
now for the Rainas.
What is it, have you forgotten about us?
You have made my life hell
since she came back.
Do you love me?
What about you?
What are you doing with Mom's cell?
Mauro, you'll only hurt yourself
like this.
You need to sleep.
No, no. No.
Don't turn the light off.
All right.
What are you doing here so soon?
I skipped German class.
-What about you?
-I come to gym class early.
I know, I overdo it.
Just a little.
Anyway, Curon is weird.
Why do you say that?
We went to a mountain hut in the Valley.
But your father didn't allow us to go in.
No, relax, look,
we aren't allowed to go there either.
Apparently, junkies used to go there.
You really have everything here.
Well, there was no one like you before.
Then you've been very lucky.
Because you met me.
-Lucky me!
No, I was joking.
Sorry, I
thought that
Micki Sorry, it's my fault.
Wait for me there.
There isn't even a trace of blood.
It wasn't an accident.
Somebody took them.
And dumped the car
to cover up their tracks.
Congratulations on your greenhouse.
It's brilliant.
Seen it, have you?
It grows like magic.
It'll produce an excellent crop.
We'll know shortly.
If you get busted,
they'll lock you up in no time.
And I wouldn't like to leave all the
goodies in the hands of the police.
If they lock me up
you'll end up even worse.
All the weed I want,
and my lips are sealed.
I'll keep quiet until tomorrow.
I'll grow restless.
You are Thomas Raina's granddaughter.
Who'll believe you?
You're right.
But I wouldn't risk it, if I were you.
Please, I've got to speak to you.
-What's the matter?
-I'm in deep shit.
Someone's following me home,
to school, everywhere.
Stop it, Lukas.
Listen. I know I disappointed you.
But this is serious.
You've got to help me.
He's my spitting image.
He looks exactly like me.
He follows me and
it seems as if he wants to
Are you joking with me?
After everything you did?
I don't know what to think anymore.
He even attacked me.
It's like he wants to kill me.
So, it's not only me.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
No, don't worry.
What's the matter?
Mind your own business, Giulio.
If you like the cunt, it's fine by me.
Finally, we've got something in common.
You are a real moron.
Exactly. What'll you do when I go away?
I don't know.
I'll cry every day,
but I'll do it on your bed.
Which, by then, will be mine.
I will miss you.
I'll miss you, too.
Can you tell me what's happening?
I found it at the hut yesterday.
That's why I was looking
through the photos.
Why the fuck didn't you tell me?
Because you'd have thought I was crazy.
And I was beginning to think I was, too.
We've got to go back to the hut.
Hey, Mauro, Mauro, Mauro
Whatever happens
there's me,
and you,
and that fucking castle of cushions.
Let's go.
It's identical to the other one.
Who's there?
Well? Who the fuck is there?
Visitors. Finally.
Nobody comes here to keep me company.
So, we are playing hide-and-seek.
And three!
-Are you all right?
-Go outside.
-Go, go. Go.
What have you done to Anna?
Where is she?
I don't know. I don't know a fucking thing
about this business.
-How are you?
-I'm muddling through.
We don't talk to each other much, I know.
Whatever you desire for your life,
I'm here.
I know.
I only ask you to be wary of the people
you hang out with.
They are people that could harm you.
Thank you, Mom.
So? Are you not eating?
Then you can go to the garage
and get the cat biscuits for Figaro.
No, Dad, I don't feel very well.
-What's wrong?
-I'm not going to the garage.
Figaro is hungry.
Are you nuts?
Are you crazy?
Go and get the kibbles. The cat is hungry!
All right.
It's nothing, really.
Exactly. I've imagined it all.
Kill me.
What are you waiting for?
Be a fucking man, come on.
Poor soul.
You don't have balls
You don't have any.
And you said you weren't hungry.
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