Curses! (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

The Baboon Temple

-[door opens]
-[grunts, moaning]
[parent] Good night, my sweet Dira.
Dream of wonderful things.
[gasps] I forgot Luna on the front porch.
I cannot sleep without her.
How could we forget our favorite doll?
Have no fear.
Your father will go rescue her.
[phone rings]
[Dira's father] Hello?
Yes, Ms. Vanderhouven,
I was told you're looking for someone
who knows the region.
Of course.
I will meet you at the airstrip then.
-Bye now.
-[phone beeps]
-[leaves rustle]
[animal growling]
[growling continues]
All packed. Ready to go.
I don't know if that's the best idea
for you to come along.
Not this time.
Sure it is.
I got my toothbrush, my board
and a bunch of bananas for the monkeys.
-[grunts, exhales sharply]
-[item scraping]
[straining, sighs]
No way! You are not going without us.
Kids, trust me, you're safer here.
We know you're a super mom and all,
but even you can't do it alone.
I appreciate you both wanting to help,
but I'm not dragging you
halfway across the world
into who knows what.
You've already been
put into too much danger.
we're in danger no matter where we go,
here or in the jungle.
If we don't make right
by this artifact and save Dad,
we're next, remember?
Yeah, we're part of this.
And I really don't wanna turn to stone.
You know what? I guess you're right.
You can come.
We may be a weird, cursed family,
but we are a family nonetheless.
-[Russ] Oh, keep the blanket down.
After some research,
I learned that lower primates
are calmed by soothing music.
You may laugh, but it really
seems to respond to smooth jazz.
-[jazz music playing]
It wasn't easy.
It really didn't want to wear them
at first.
-But we wore him down. [grunts]
Make sure Linda is fed on time.
Two flies and one cricket.
Do not worry about a thing.
We'll keep an eye on the house
and your lizard while you're gone.
And please make sure
nothing bad happens to Dad.
I'll keep my good eye on him.
You got my word.
Well, we can't fly commercial
with a cursed baboon head.
So, how are we getting to the Congo?
Please say, "Margie."
Please say, "Margie."
Please say, "Margie."
[workers straining]
-You even trying? [grunts]
-Better luck next time, fellas.
You owe me a crankshaft.
And you owe me a case of motor oil.
Old Rufus is thirsty.
-[worker 1 huffs]
[worker 2 groans]
-Margie! [grunts]
-Hey, kiddo!
Still hustling the boys, I see.
Gotta keep the old bird
in the air somehow.
Wow, look at you two,
sprouting up like beanstalks. [laughs]
I have grown three inches
since you flew us to Iceland.
A lot warmer this time around.
Is that why the Congo?
No, um, we're returning an artifact.
It's a long story.
I love long stories. [chuckles]
We have hours of flight time
for you to regale me with every detail.
Luckiest kids in the world.
International travel
really is the best education.
So, where's Alex? He not coming?
No, he's, um, swamped with work.
Anyway, it's just the three of us.
All right, hop on.
[Margie] Let's get this bird in the air.
[engine whirring, pops]
Can you believe all this?
Things coming to life?
Secret wings of the house?
Dad turned to stone?
Well, it's not all bad news.
Looks like we got that summer trip
after all.
That's your response?
Why is everything a joke to you?
Because I'm funny.
And I'd rather not talk
about the other stuff.
-What if this doesn't work?
-Don't say that. It's going to work.
It has to.
We're not losing Dad.
It's been a hundred years,
and nobody else has figured out
how to end this curse.
True, but nobody else is us.
Aren't you scared?
Of course I'm scared,
but we've gotta help Mom.
Dad tried to do it alone
and look what happened to him.
The only way we'll be able to do this
is as a family.
[Margie grunts]
[both snoring]
[Margie] Ladies and germs, we'll soon be
landing in the village of Tungada.
In the event of a bumpy landing,
put your head between your knees
and kiss your tush goodbye.
Indeed. You must be the Vanderhouvens.
I read your article
on the history of the region.
It was fascinating and so well-researched.
Thank you.
My ancestors have lived in Tungada
for thousands of years.
Now, what is it I can help you with?
It's a bit strange.
Then you've come to the right place
because strange things
have been happening here as well.
Like what?
Come. We can speak on the drive.
And I'll be here making sure
Old Rufus stays in working order.
It's beautiful.
Huh? What's with all the trucks?
Are people moving away?
Sadly, yes.
Many are making the painful decision
to leave our ancestral homeland.
But they believe it is necessary
for their protection.
Protection from what?
We are having severe problems
with our baboon population,
and if it does not end soon,
all of us will have to make that choice.
It disheartens me to even think
of our entire village being abandoned.
What kind of problems could be
that awful to resort to this?
We've been overrun.
They've always been a nuisance,
but recently,
their actions have grown very aggressive.
How recently? Like, within the last week?
-Yes, it started four days ago.
That's when Fangs woke up.
It can't be a coincidence.
And what exactly do you mean
by "aggressive"?
They've been stealing-- How do I put this?
Our heads.
[Mwenda] Mannequin heads from our stores.
The heads of our beloved
restaurant mascot.
Even the head of my daughter's doll.
They've been stealing heads
from wherever they can find them.
We fear that soon
they'll attempt to take our own.
That is definitely not
typical baboon behavior.
[Mwenda] Indeed.
They act as if
they're in some type of trance.
You think it's related
to the baboon temple?
What exactly do you need my help with?
We're here to return something
that was stolen.
-[tires screeching]
[Sky grunts]
[snarling, growls]
We've got to get this to the temple.
Do you know where it is?
We do not discuss the baboon temple.
It is a cursed place.
Cursed? [scoffs] We're used to that.
Please, Mwenda. What can you tell us?
The temple has not always been cursed.
Legend says, long ago,
when humans had encroached
on the baboon's land,
they lashed out in retaliation.
Our forefathers
originally constructed the temple
as a peace offering between the species.
A harmony was reached
for hundreds of years.
The temple was celebrated far and wide.
But then, at the turn of the last century,
it was pillaged.
-And the truce… [indistinct]
-I think we know who did the pillaging.
-Cornelius was a bad dude.
-…was permanently damaged.
Unease has always simmered
below the surface,
but recently, they've changed.
And this present crisis
is enough to make things boil over.
I think we can solve your baboon problem
and save your village.
But we need your help.
Hmm. Very well.
For the safety of my daughter
and the village,
I will take you to the temple.
I never thought I'd see the day
where one of our sacred artifacts
would be returned to us.
You almost become used to your history
being taken from you.
Maybe we'll start a trend.
One can hope.
-Wow! Sphodromantis congica!
It's only native to this region of Africa.
Dad would love this.
Come on, bug boy.
We don't have time for this.
But this is the holy grail
of the mantis world.
That's a spiny bush viper.
One bite will kill.
Russ, focus.
[baboon growls]
[shushes] You hear that?
Sorry. I'm hungry.
And I'm saving my last banana for--
No, listen.
[leaves rustling]
[baboons snarling]
The baboons. Quick, hide.
[baboons snarling]
[roars, snarls]
I will check
to make sure they have passed.
You stay hidden.
I do not see them anymore.
-I think the coast is--
-[grunts, roars]
[muffled grunts]
No. Stop. [screams]
Why did you stop me?
We needed to save him.
We're going to, but we can't help him
if they capture us too.
Mom's right. We're outnumbered.
We have to be smart.
They must be headed to the temple.
Let's follow 'em.
-[grunting, groaning]
That's it.
It looks just like the photograph.
[grunts, groans] Help!
[screaming] Help!
Help! Let me go!
[Mwenda screaming]
-[grunts, straining]
How do we get it in?
We use the same key they did.
-[jazz music playing]
[jazz music ends]
So, do we just let the head out here?
No. That doesn't feel right.
Plus, we're keeping it with us
until we find Mwenda.
Where do you think we go then?
-[Russ] "From the belly of the beast."
If that was the temple's mouth…
then this must be his esophagus,
which means we have to descend into…
The belly of the beast.
Ew, its stomach? Gross.
[baboons yelling, grunting in distance]
Careful of booby traps.
Looks like
they've all been set off already,
probably when Fangs was taken.
-[jazz music playing]
Not all of them. Watch your step.
[baboon shrieking in distance]
-Lights off.
-[baboons growling]
[footsteps approaching]
-[baboons growling, shrieking]
That was close.
Which way should we go?
Hmm. [sniffs]
It's this way, to the right.
Wow. How do you know that?
There's a bunch of fresh monkey poop
right there.
Super scientific.
You'd be surprised
how much science deals with poop.
[baboons shrieking, growling]
They're coming back.
Quick, hide in the left tunnel!
-[footsteps approaching]
[gasps, groans] Oops.
[Fangs roaring]
-Really, Pandora?
[snarling, growling]
[grunts, sighs]
[sighs] I don't hear them anymore.
-I think we got away.
-[breathes heavily]
Welcome to Congo Clown Burger.
-Can I-- Can I take your order? Order.
-[all gasp]
Can I take your order? Your order.
[distorted] Your order.
-[baboons roaring]
[growling, shrieking]
Okay, maybe we didn't get away.
No, but, uh,
I think we found the belly of the beast.
[Pandora] You've gotta be kidding me.
That's Fangs's body.
The baboons must have been
trying to find a replacement head.
Found out who's controlling them.
Wait, no. We're trying to help.
He probably thinks we're here
to steal the rest of him. [yelps]
[Pandora whimpers]
There's gotta be a way out of this.
[gasps] I know what to do.
[panting, grunts]
Mom, I've got this.
[inhales deeply]
[straining, grunts]
Now are you okay with me
riding my board in the house?
-[Sky] Still no, but that was amazing.
[Mwenda] Hey!
[Mwenda] Hello!
Did you stop them?
We did. You can thank Pandora for that.
That is wonderful.
Now, do you think you can help me
get out of here?
Thank you so much.
With what we did in the temple,
peace will be restored.
The village and my daughter
will be safe once again.
Glad we could help fix things.
If you ever need my help again,
and it does not require
my head being stolen,
you know where to find me.
[engine starts]
After all this,
I'm realizing the two of you
really can take care of yourselves.
Yeah, but you're still way better at it.
Years of experience.
Now let's go home.
All aboard!
[engine whirring]
See, the bishop moves diagonally,
never side to side. Got it?
[sighs] Maybe we should have started
with checkers.
-[Pandora] Daddy! [panting]
-You have returned.
Hail the conquering heroes!
Did it work? Did we free Dad?
-It didn't work.
-[sighs] We failed.
You didn't fail.
You succeeded in making right
by our golden friend,
just as your father urged.
But it didn't end the curse.
It didn't bring him back.
No, not yet.
I think it's going to be
a bit more complicated than that.
Do you notice anything different
about the hourglass?
It's turned upside down from how it was.
And the sand is falling up?
Which only started yesterday
after you returned the artifact.
So it stopped falling for Russ…
And started to go back up for Dad.
So if we fill the hourglass…
We could get Dad back.
[Sky] You guys were right.
We need to return these things
to where they belong.
But it's not just one
we need to do right by.
It's all of them.
Well, let's get to it.
We've got a lot of work to do.
[thunder rumbles]
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