Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Smooth Criminal

Eyes, burning a way through me ♪
Eyes, destroying so sweetly ♪
Now, there is a fire in me ♪
A fire that burns ♪
This fire is out of control ♪
I'll burn it! I'll burn it! ♪
I'll burn it! I'll burn it! ♪
What are we gonna do with it, huh?
Oh, this Sandy is mine.
Always has been.
Why is this one began to chipped?
Uninstalling it
is gonna cost us, so are you ready?
Ugh. It'll spike us shit.
He's a massive pain in my ass.
How about we flat-line them?
The five Fingers can have discount
on work created on his cold dead body.
We still need a reaper for that.
But we'd breakeven, wouldn't we?
Sure, barely. I suppose.
You hear that? I should just
rip the damn thing off myself.
Maybe then you'd finally learn not to
clap-shit that ain't yours, piss sniffer.
Please don't get blood all over my room,
- all right?
- Stay out of this!
Um, excuse me?
I was the one who found him.
- You fucking lied to me?
- Shut up!
Now, spill it. What the fuck you're doing
and parading around on my throne?
You bet your ass. That's right.
Bought and paid for it. Except my supplier
ghosted once I put down.
So, what'd you get for paying in advance?
- I can't move.
- Shut it!
She's got people. One of our own.
Just looking to make some fast scratch.
She'd been curved for it too. Up to now.
Hold on.
- Huh?
- Your supplier. You mean
Gloria Martinez. That ring a bell?
Oh, yeah. She's my mom.
So, you're Gloria's brat?
Why did she think you can handle
an offer with you?
She didn't. She died.
What the fuck?
But I just talked to her two days ago.
What happened?
The bad just killed get her, or
It was a car accident.
From some kind of gang group drive-by
Got caught in the crossfire.
Nothing to do with the Sandevistan.
Tracks why she never bought us back.
Condolences, kid. That's tough, but still
Don't paid for a set
that makes things free and easy for you.
Listen. I had no idea it was yours.
Yeah, I've never been an escort
chipping all the mails spectrum
my mom left lying around.
Good times, good times.
Christ! This twerp's
clearly got a screw lose!
Back off. He didn't know
what he was doing.
You guys are cyberpunks, aren't you?
What's it to you?
Let me keep the Sandy.
Can't pay you back just now,
but I'll work it off.
One gig at a time, long as it takes.
Not good enough.
Shit's a military-grade.
You can't just buy another off the shelf.
Whatever you paid my mom,
I'll get it back.
No deal.
I said, no murder.
Come on! Just give me a chance!
Now that's funny.
I look like I run a preschool to you?
I'll fire up the Sandevistan.
Bullshit. Totally like you can't
boot it up without keeling over.
This toddler's full of surprises.
- Hmm?
- Hmm? No.
Body his size
would sizzle up after two hits.
Tried eight. No sizzle.
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
Come on. That's a lot of bunk
and we all know it.
Yeah? Okay. Then how about I prove it?
Whoa. Plant your ass back down.
Yo! Chill out.
Just gonna clap this cig real quick.
That's in up my sleeve See?
Wha? Huh?
- Aah!
- That makes nine today
No way. It's actually ten.
Holy shit! What in the
fast forward fuck was that?
Just give me a chance.
A chance, huh? What kind?
Easy. You take me out on a job.
Won't fuck it up.
Got quite a pay on you.
I'll give you that.
Okay, kid. You get one chance.
Oh, great. Here we go again.
I owe it to Gloria, and maybe
the apple don't fall far. Hmm?
You won't regret it.
- Huh? He Hey!
- Chill.
Just slotting a tracker.
Wouldn't want you go on AWOL on us.
I ain't gonna run.
Yeah, yeah. I heard
that one before. A lot of times.
Be hearing from me tomorrow.
So, cyberpunks. Those were
the kind of peeps you roll with.
- Could've said some
- Like what?
Seems like a plan from the start.
Maine wouldn't shut up about
this priced Sandy going missing
and I saw you using
an exact same one in this train.
Knew for sure you had his
after the visit to your reaper.
Then thought you'd bat your eyes
at me till they showed.
You're lying the whole time.
Just go home already.
About your mom
Sorry for your loss.
Mr. Martinez,
wonderful news. Based on your
exemplary academic performance,
the Arasaka Corporation
has awarded you a scholarship
so that you may return to your studies.
This is an exceptionally rare opportunity
and a great honor. Congratulations.
there is still the matter
of your recent violent behavior
regarding Mr. Tanaka on Academy grounds.
Now, I spoke with Mr. Tanaka
and he has graciously agreed
to strike several demerits
from your permanent record
should you offer an apology.
For details, please
Kid, you're up.
Hey! Over here, kid.
Morning, sunshine. You ready?
The data wasn't lying.
He is just a kid.
- Can he keep up?
- Guess we'll see.
Now I know.
I know he's a sweet little thing,
but keep those grabbing myths to yourself.
Why do we even put up with you?
This one here is Kiwi.
And Dorio and Pilar, you've met.
Make yourself comfy.
- My name is David
- Too fast.
Let's get right down to biz, kid.
Slot the shard.
Say hello to Arasaka Corporation's
driver and bodyguard
- Maxim.
- Yeah!
We're gonna swipe the nav data
from the limo he rolls around the area.
Just the data? Not the car?
We clap the ride
and Arasaka's ninjas
will swarm us like flies to shit.
So, yeah, just the data.
Betting on fights
is this lad here's sole joy in life.
He's in one of those seats every weekend.
He always put a bag
stack on Butcher,
bank them on its cold,
splitting, upper cutters.
From hearing alone,
most peeps show up just to see her
paint the cage red
with some poor gut's blood.
this weekend,
ain't gonna go down like that,
the Butcher's getting butchered
in round one, like a sad sack of meat.
What makes you so sure?
Just trust me on that.
he had a habit of drowning the sorrows
at this one hole in a wall dive.
And that's where you make your move,
few drinks in when he's getting greased.
You nab the key and hand it to Dorio.
She'll photocopy the pop block.
Then we clap the nav data while
sack-of-muscle Max was still shit-faced.
But leave that to us,
you just got to slip the key back
in the slot before he catches on.
That's it. Simple.
Hold on
His master's calling.
Sheesh, bastard can't catch
a break. No rest for the wicked.
Not good.
- His boss needs him there.
- Shit, on his day off?
Data's not copied yet!
Fuck! Change of plans, kid.
Key to the car. Grab it.
Becca, trip him up.
- Huh?
- Chop chop, go!
- Aah!
- Hey! What the fuck?
- I'm so clumsy. Sorry!
- Watch it, kid! Ooh!
Get in. Nab the data
before he shows.
How in the hell?
I'll handle that.
You get in.
You good?
Don't talk. Focusing.
Arasaka eyes was such
a huge pain in the ass.
Sorry about that, handsome!
Nah. It's no problem, sweetheart.
I'll make it up to you next time. Okay?
- You, bitch!
- Why are you yelling at me?
You're so sensitive, you know!
We're blown. Target coming in hot.
- Stats?
- Just a little more.
Time's up. Cut it!
Ahh. Done.
It won't open!
The security's back online?
Like I said, time's up.
Open up! Now! You, fuck!
Oh, shit. No way back.
- Start her up.
- What?
Punch it, kid.
I don't know how to drive!
Time to work.
Hey! Hey!
Get out! I said!
- Show me
- You're dead meat!
you got what it takes.
You hear me?
I'll make you and your whole family pay!
Hey! Stop! My car!
Wait! I said, wait!
Sure glad them ain't my wheels.
Take it straight to Aldo's.
You hash the GPS?
Can't from inside. Got a jammer up,
but encryption's shaky.
They'll snatch our position soon,
unless we find solid cover.
Then Aldo's it is.
Should be safe there. On our way.
Ah, fuck, communications cutting out.
- Do I pull over?
- No!
Geo stats ping you,
they'll drop a hit squad on your ass.
Drive like hell!
- Summing a route.
- Thank you.
- You think we can make it?
- It's up to you now.
Look at you. You're practically a pro.
You think so?
I mean, maybe if autopilot wasn't on.
We've got company.
Tyger Claws?
Maxim must've
provide them with a new ride.
- That fast?
- Best if we don't fuck with corpos.
Make up the advantage down here on bikes.
Get the highway here.
Why are you running?
Come backand fight, cowards!
Where are you going?
Gotta lose these guys.
Shit. Traffic?
Oh, my, my
Not good.
Uh Closing in on us.
- Put your buckle up!
- Huh?
How dare you do that to my partner!
Don't underestimate me!
Seems shut-tied.
Aldo should be inside.
Well, at least the jammer
is still running stable.
The doors weren't locked?
Then unlocked for a while.
Stay here. I'll scoop it out.
Come on now, don't run away.
Let's play a little more!
Sorry for the wait.
Well, gotta say not bad for wookie-wookie.
So, we're cool now?
Sure. Welcome to the crew.
But remember, little man.
Ain't no one in this world
you can trust more than yourself.
Start using us as your crutch,
and you're good as dead.
Yeah, got you.
When I look in your eyes
I see all that ♪
Check out the precision, dudes!
Fastest thing, isn't it?
I know the only thing that hurts
fastest in the west.
Spit it! Devoted, you say?
All hands on me!
You wanna take up for a test drive?
Enough to get you through a month.
Here's your cut.
Holy shit!
Everybody gets a fair shake.
Only where I operate.
- You still mostly organic?
- Huh?
Save some heads,
then look in to open your cyberware.
Mere bone can't keep page
with the Sandevistan for long.
You've got a point.
Little more chrome and you could've zeroed
that Tyger Claw no prop,
or any goon out there.
It ain't waste of 'ennies if it makes you
stronger. That applies to your cyberware.
And also,
to your crew.
Yeah, alright.
I believe I was clear when I requested
only the navigation data,
not Arasaka's corporate property.
You got what you
asked for, didn't you?
What I asked for above all else
was your discretion in the matter.
We tried, but you know
how things be sometimes.
Gotta improvise.
It was imperative I learned
Tanaka's routines the places he frequents.
So check the navigation data.
It's all there.
Your joyride put us back at square one
and Tanaka on high alert.
He's already switch sides.
The data is useless.
Okay, switched and sided for what?
That's not for you to know.
Damn! How the hell we supposed to do the
job right when you leave us in the dark?
The less you know, the less I risk.
Understand this and understand it fast.
I do not pay you to think.
I pay you to check the boxes off my list.
It is my place
to see the larger picture.
It is yours to listen.
You will do what you're told.
That is how our business is done.
Are we clear?
Yeah, we're crystal, dude.
Very good. For now, we'll wait
until he lowers his guard again.
I'll be in touch.
Uh-huh. See you.
Who was that?
Faraday. The middleman
who landed us the gig.
He happens to be a top fixer
around these ports.
Thought you were the big boss
making all the calls.
No, I'm the guy who gets shit done.
And he's the one holding all the 'ennies.
Without him and his crutch,
you ain't nothing in this biz.
It's as simple as that.
Don't think too hard about it.
We're celebrating tonight.
Hey, baby! What do you say, huh?
- Yo.
- Mm.
Um, sorry, but, who are you?
Remember. Come on,
after all we've bee through?
Oh, right. You were at the bar.
Yeah. You like my performance?
- Uh, sure. Yeah.
- Mm.
I'm Rebecca.
I heard you're joining up on Maine's crew?
Maybe. Is this carbonated?
Be seeing you around, then. Bu-bye!
Yeah. See you.
Mr. Martinez, hello again.
Is this a good time?
It sounds rather rowdy on your end.
Uh, yeah, but it's fine.
I trust you received
the message that I left?
Yeah, I got it.
Excellent. Now, about your apology to
Pass this along
to Katsuo for me, would you?
Er, perhaps it's best if you would
If he wants revenge,
tell that prick I'll be waiting.
But I'm done going easy.
Oh, and you can all kiss my ass!
They will finally feel the flames ♪
Flames that run down through my veins ♪
I will make the city burn ♪
We're now planning to return ♪
Trying so hard to be free ♪
To make you see what I see ♪
Hold on to your wishes ♪
If you can't hold on to me ♪
Forgive me for letting you down ♪
Forgive me for letting you down again ♪
Guess I'm not strong enough ♪
Right now ♪
Oh, my love ♪
Let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
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