Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Safety Net

[haunting music playing]
[Yu-chan breathing heavily]
[Go-yun] Hey.
Yu-chan, what's wrong?
Here, have some water.
[Yu-chan groans]
You okay?
- Yeah. All good.
- You sure don't look like it.
It's just indigestion.
Really. Don't worry.
Give me your hand.
Let's see.
Any pain?
The hegu pressure point is right there.
And here is the neiguan point.
[gasps, moans]
- This one's the quchi.
- [groans]
Apply pressure to all three points.
If that doesn't work for your bloating
Hang on.
Okay, see this point
between the first two toes here?
This is the taichong point.
Press on it, and [groans]
What the
What is that?
You seem to know
a lot of useless stuff, huh?
Not when it comes to saving patients.
- What now?
- I'll press it for you.
Hey! I don't want it. Stop, seriously.
- No, no
- Hold still.
I said I'm good.
This is weird, okay? Don't do it!
Are you even listening to me? Ah! Oh! Oh!
[Go-yun] The heck?
- Whoa!
- What?
[Go-yun] What even is this?
Is this made of cheese or something?
[singing "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Bom bom-bom, bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom ♪
Bom bom-bom, bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bom ♪
- Bom bom ♪
- [scissors snip]
[Da-eun] So this friend of Dr. Hwang's
that you sometimes mentioned
was Dr. Dong, huh?
I could tell his antics were familiar
because of your stories.
Do you like him?
Hmm, I think he's nice.
Then maybe you should get your
eyes checked, my friend. Come on.
Guys like him are exhausting.
I don't know.
I don't know him as well as you do.
So what, then?
You wanna see what it's like, huh?
Whoa, Jungda! Where'd you go?
Man, I wasn't done talking. Where
Huh? There you are.
Tenacious enough? You know,
I've been doing that since grade school.
Okay, Song Yu-chan.
More like Song Yu-childish.
How do you like that?
Ugh, I shoulda started hitting you
when we were younger.
Dude, back then,
I was way stronger than you!
So what?
- You're this tiny little thing now.
- Ah! Whoa, don't hit me.
- [chuckles]
- Why are you walking like that?
[Yu-chan] Hm?
Ugh, damn it!
My sock's all stretched out.
Give me a second.
But you know what?
I do admire him, actually.
Only a tiny bit though.
There, that should do.
You see?
When he wants something, he's relentless.
He always gives his all.
If I was a patient,
I would want my treatment from him.
He would not rest until I was treated.
[soothing music playing]
[breathes deeply]
[knuckles cracking]
[upbeat ominous music playing]
[music fades]
[phone alarm chiming]
[woman, agitatedly] Oh.
- Da-eun.
- [alarm continues]
- Get up!
- [alarm stops]
- [Da-eun's mom] Huh?
- [Da-eun groans]
- Go and wash up. Come on.
- [Da-eun groans]
Why can't somebody just wash and dress me
and deliver me to the hospital.
- Get up right now.
- [Da-eun groans]
You said those trainees or whatever
are coming today. Come on, giddy-up.
Oh, that's right. I should set an example.
Forget about examples
in a state like that.
- Get up. Come on, enough already.
- [yawns]
Mom, one of these days,
you should drop by the hospital.
These anger management issues
are psychological.
- Ah!
- Let's go already.
Good God, you're killing me.
- You really are.
- [Da-eun moans]
[Ms. Song] My goodness.
Sorry to keep you all waiting.
I hope it wasn't too long.
I'm afraid we don't have the time
or the manpower
to pair all of our trainees one on one.
That's the reality.
So, today, try to learn by watching
or asking questions to your seniors.
Everybody in here
will kindly help you out.
And you may speak with the patients
if they need something,
but please refrain
from provoking any of them.
Ms. Jung and Ms. Min,
please show them around the ward.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Oh, we have a conference today, right?
It's the case study?
Yes, we do, ma'am.
We're studying the symptoms
of TMS treatment.
- So, if you can, please do try to attend.
- [nurses] Yes, ma'am.
- That's all.
- Yep.
First or second?
- I'll take first.
- Okay.
[Da-eun] I'll show you around the unit,
and then Ms. Min
will teach you about the work.
She's a consummate professional,
so, watching her, you'll learn a lot.
Uh, this side right here is the Open Unit,
and that is the Closed Unit.
It used to be called the Locked Unit,
but now we call it the Protective Unit
or the Closed Unit.
Follow me!
[lively music playing]
[Da-eun] This way.
[cheerily] Hello.
Huh? Where did Mr. Kim go?
- [gasps] Whoa!
- [reverential music playing]
Here's my morning blessing,
O great mediator.
[electronic thrum]
This will ensure that you don't lose
any stamina points all day.
Is that so?
- [whimsical music playing]
- Yeah. [laughs]
It's a skill that I learned
when I was over
at the Tower of Frustration.
I wanted to help
since you're always working, you know?
[Da-eun] Oh, I see.
- And who are they?
- [Da-eun] Oh.
They'll be working with us
as trainee nurses.
You'll see them
the next two weeks in our unit.
Mmm. Oh, newbies to the unit.
I can tell you haven't
chosen your classes yet.
This Garden of Darkness
is an area that I designed,
so should you have any questions
or require any assistance,
then come to me, okay?
Hey, do you play any games?
The Tower of Frustration
and Garden of Darkness
are from the game Lost Valhalla though.
I know because I play it too.
[Da-eun] Seung-jae.
Shut it.
No, I don't.
Do I look like some dweeb to you?
- [Seo-wan grunts]
- [Da-eun] Mr. Kim!
- [Seo-wan grunts]
- [Da-eun] Mr. Kim!
- [Seo-wan straining]
- [Da-eun] Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim!
- [Seo-wan grunts]
- [Da-eun] Mr. Kim Seo-wan! Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim Seo-wan!
Mr. Kim, calm down! Mr. Kim!
It's okay! Calm down.
Calm down. It's okay.
- That's right.
- I'm sorry.
Right. It's okay.
I pity you because you're stuck inside,
uh, that silly game.
[Da-eun] Calm down.
It's okay now.
I'm sorry.
I shall cleanse in the River of Oblivion.
[music fades]
[Seo-wan sighs]
[Da-eun] Let me help you.
[Da-eun] You've had therapy training
at school, right?
This is the Therapy Room.
You must not entertain
or deny patients' delusions.
It's tricky, isn't it?
I felt the same way at first.
When I got enough exposure,
I got the hang of it though.
I'm sure you will too.
Can we, uh, take a second?
Ah Oh. [chuckles]
Why don't we take a short break,
then come over to the station.
[door lock beeps]
Where are the trainees?
They asked for a short break,
so I let them have one.
They asked you for a break?
[Da-eun] Mmm
[chuckles] That's bold.
Where are they right now?
[footsteps approaching]
[water flowing]
One of you seems to be missing.
[trainee 1] He He headed over
to the front desk a moment ago.
There he is.
Follow me.
Where have you been all day?
- How much did you eat?
- About half.
It's a good practice
to check in after meals.
How much they ate
is an indicator of their status.
We tend to skip meals when depressed.
Make sure to recheck names
before giving out medicine.
- Please tell me your name.
- Park Su-hyeon.
We occasionally get patients that hoard
their medicine and take it all at once.
Ms. Park, open wide.
Let's take it again.
Open wide.
Good job.
You'll come in
one week after your discharge,
which is May 20th, at 11:00 a.m.
When your meds get here later,
we'll go over again how to take them.
You can't take two sets of clothes.
Mrs. Kang, could you
please check up on Gyu-ho?
Yes, I'll go right now.
He might harm himself
'cause he wanted two sets.
Right, I'll check up on him.
The most important part here
is making sure that the patients
can maintain their daily routine.
- Once you're discharged
- Ms. Min is really good at this.
Ms. Min's just on another level.
She's rumored to be
the next head nurse of the department.
Seung-jae, what are you looking at?
Are you listening?
Can I go to the restroom, please?
Could you please go later?
You should take this and give us a call
if you have any questions.
- [playful music playing]
- [door lock beeps]
Hey, I've thought a lot
since we had that conversation.
Nothing better to do?
I'm busy.
Very busy.
But I need your help with this patient.
I know this patient who has serious issues
with her self-esteem for no reason.
She's an amazing nurse,
does great work, gets recognized for it,
and her looks are
are pretty nice.
But she doesn't see what she's worth.
Why don't you like me?
You're starting to get
a little annoying now.
Just give me a decent reason,
and I'll stop bugging you about it.
Seriously, what is it
that you don't like me?
I see spirits.
[Yeo-hwan] Huh?
- Thanks for the coffee.
- [doctor] Thank you.
- Did you not eat?
- Man, I had so many patients today.
There was no time. Wanna bite?
I'm good. I'm not hungry.
Did something happen? What's wrong?
Hey, what do you guys think of someone
who says they're being haunted by ghosts?
Saying you're haunted by ghosts
is a major sign of schizophrenia.
Wow, I've always wanted
to treat someone like that.
Introduce me to them,
and I will stop at nothing to cure them.
First, cure yourself.
But why ghosts? What is this about?
I just wanna understand
the logic in admitting that you see ghosts
to someone that says
they have a crush on you.
That's not good.
They're lying.
You have a crush?
Yes, I do. I'm totally lovesick, okay?
What's the medical term for lovesick?
[inhales deeply] Depression, I think.
Ah, very true.
How supportive and helpful you are.
Isn't it courteous
to at least ask me who it is?
Come on, guys.
[sighs] Who is it?
[Yeo-hwan tuts]
What's his diagnosis?
Airhead flu.
- Airhead flu.
- [Min-seo] Uh-huh.
Airhead flu.
And also, you need to record
the patients' conditions.
Take Park Gi-seon here, okay?
He's been on a new sleeping pill
since yesterday.
So then we'll check
if the patient sleeps any better.
- Ms. Park.
- [Soo-yeon] Yes.
We'll go eat first before we take over.
Take the trainees with you
and eat together.
- Okay.
- Okay. Let's go, guys.
Huh? Uh, where is Seung-jae?
I haven't seen him in a while either.
Uh, no idea.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
Let's go now.
[nurse 1] I'm getting hungry.
Today for lunch, we're having
spicy stir-fried pork and radish on
[Da-eun] Oh, there you are. Let's go eat.
Uh, what's wrong? Are you not hungry?
I am. Let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
He's a slacker, for sure.
Remember when we trained?
We used to joke about wearing diapers
because we didn't wanna miss anything
while using the restroom.
Ms. Park was so scary back then,
wasn't she?
He won't wanna come to our unit, will he?
He's just clueless right now.
From what I've seen, that's permanent.
I'm sure that's how
they used to think of us too.
Let's cut him some slack.
From now on, you'll only see his bad side.
It's just the way we're wired.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
Iced Americano. Thank you.
Uh Me too. That's great.
Um, I'd like an iced Americano as well.
I'll have one too, then.
Can I have a chamomile tea?
Oh, herbal teas take a little longer.
Is that okay with you?
Yeah. Sure, okay.
[barista] Okay,
here is your iced Americano.
[Ms. Hong sighs]
This is taking too long.
No more chamomile.
I mean, it takes too long, right?
If you're busy, you guys can go.
[Da-eun chuckles] Mmm.
[door lock beeps]
[announcement chime]
[woman over PA]
CS OPD. Code blue. Code blue.
CS OPD. Code blue. Code blue.
You messaged?
I can't reach him.
- [Ms. Hong sighs]
- We'll go look for him.
Oh, it's okay. You two should head
to the conference room now, all right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Go ahead.
- [both] Okay.
- Third floor.
- [both] Okay.
Is he for real?
Something's not right.
More than something.
I couldn't care less
if he wasn't bothering anyone else,
but he's really starting to get annoying.
- You can be a little bit high strung
- What do I do, then?
He's constantly around.
I'm gonna grill that little punk so hard.
[scoffs] You don't have that in you.
I so do. I'm scary.
Pretty sure that's not true.
[distant siren wailing]
[Jung-ran] That's the way
The cookie crumbles ♪
We all enter on our own ♪
A life story ♪
That's just like a novel ♪
Leaving our marks all alone ♪
Don't beat yourself up
Over your mistakes ♪
You can be good in every way ♪
Just work towards a better tomorrow ♪
And live just for today ♪
Wow wow wow wow ♪
Wow-wow-wow-wow, wow-wow-wow-wow ♪
Oooooh! Amor Fati ♪
- [backing track kicks in]
[imitating beat]
Buh-buh-buh, buh-buh-buh ♪
- Amor ♪
- Fati ♪
Buh-buh-buh, buh-buh-buh ♪
Amor Fati! ♪
[backing song] Amor Fati ♪
Just you wait.
I'll overhaul his attitude completely.
Let's see how he does.
For what?
You said overhaul.
So at least we should see what's wrong.
[Deul-re] Ms. Hong,
the conference is about to begin.
[nurses] Okay.
Hey, about our next monthly conference,
I think
[indistinct chatter]
- Oh? How's it going?
- How are you?
Um, what brings you
to our unit's conference?
I'm interested in it,
so I asked Yeo if I could sit in.
Ah! What about your surgeries?
- I had a little window.
- [both chuckle]
- [man 1] We'll begin the conference now.
- [man 2] Get the lights?
Here, take this.
[Da-eun chuckles]
[Yeo-hwan] Mental disorders
commonly observed in modern people are
panic disorder, depression,
intermittent explosive disorder,
anxiety, insomnia,
and schizophrenia, to list a few.
Their causes may vary,
but these disorders
all have something in common.
What's that?
The importance of early diagnosis
and early treatment.
[Yeo-hwan] Yes, that's right.
In psychiatry, which disorder was treated
with the highest frequency
of outpatients recently? Anyone?
We've seen it in the media.
Lots of celebrities have come forward,
claiming they suffer from panic disorder.
This led the public to believe
that panic disorder
only affects celebrities,
but the number of patients
with panic disorder
has increased 70%
over the last five years.
And accounting for undiagnosed patients,
the actual number is projected
to be much higher.
In these cases,
the fear of imminent death
is the core emotion.
Edvard Munch painted The Scream
and also suffered from panic disorder.
The Scream depicts the fear
that the artist felt
while in panic at the time.
But the problem is
that most people still don't recognize
panic disorder for what it really is.
People brush off their headaches,
vertigo, breathing issues,
blaming stress or lack of sleep
for their symptoms
until they're finally diagnosed
with panic disorder as they should be.
So now, then.
What might patients
diagnosed with panic disorder
cite as the number one thing
they fear?
It's the moment
they sense an impending attack
rather than suffering
through the attack itself.
They live in fear of a panic attack.
Yes, well, that and also, uh,
we shouldn't ignore the fear of situations
where no one can help them.
Uh, that would explain
why dim-lit theaters and airplanes
seem to cause more panic attacks.
[Ms. Song] They also fear sleeping alone.
Someone that I know,
she and her spouse slept
in different beds,
but now they don't
because of panic disorder.
[all laughing]
[Hyeok-soo] There's a silver lining.
[all laughing]
[Hyeok-soo] My, how sad, don't you think?
That's how intense panic disorder can be.
They feel like they're going to die.
Calling emergency services
is something they go back and forth on.
They know that they're not really dying,
that it's all just the panic disorder,
and yet, they still
can't overcome that fear.
Then it repeats,
and they spend another day worrying
about a possible attack.
Naturally, this causes a rift
between patients and non-patients.
Uh, people that don't suffer
from panic disorder
can't understand the fear,
no matter how much you explain it.
That's why now, we'll take time to try
experiencing the fear to some degree.
All right, get into pairs. Pair up.
[Soo-yeon] Would you like
to partner up with me?
[Deul-re] How should we pair up?
[Ms. Song] Ms. Hong can pair up
with Ms. Park. You two pair up.
- That will work.
- I'll go with Ms. Park. Cool?
[Deul-re] Okay.
- Right.
- Oh, hello. Nice to work with you.
[Da-eun] Seung-jae, you can work with me.
Come on. Here.
[Yeo-hwan] All right, use both your hands
to squeeze both of your nostrils shut.
Partners, please cover their ears as well.
Now, you are only going to breathe
through this straw.
Take a deep breath in
[inhales]then let it out.
Repeat that for 60 seconds.
[Seung-jae] One, two
three, four, five,
six, seven,
[people counting, breathing]
Twelve, thirteen, fourteen
- [unsettling music playing]
- [gasps]
[Yeo-hwan] Right.
That's panic right there.
Actual panic attacks are said to cause
the kind of dread that you just felt.
All right, then.
Shall we try switching roles?
[Da-eun breathing heavily]
[Da-eun] One,
[unsettling music continues]
- [labored breathing]
- [water burbling]
- [labored breathing]
- [water burbling]
[tense music playing]
- [Seung-jae coughs]
- Seung-jae!
I I'm fine.
I'm fine.
[water burbling]
[muffled] 51
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
[whimpering softly]
I I I need to use the restroom.
[door opens]
- [tense music playing]
- [water burbling]
[continues whimpering]
[Hyeok-soo] Calling emergency services
is something they go back and forth on.
They know that they're not really dying,
that it's all just the panic disorder,
and yet, they still
can't overcome that fear.
Then it repeats,
and they spend another day worrying
about a possible attack.
[groaning, breathing shakily]
[distant siren wailing]
- [Yu-chan] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- [Yu-chan's father] No, no, no, I mean
He was having a hard time breathing.
I thought he was going to suffocate.
I said I was fine. Why'd you call them?
- Are you sure you're okay, sir?
- Yes, thank you.
If you ever need anything, you call us.
Yes, we will. Thanks again!
[Yu-chan's mother] Goodbye.
Hey, are you sure you're okay?
Yes, I told you.
[sighs] Thank God.
[Yu-chan] You should go in too, Dad.
Ugh, just go on in already.
[melancholy music playing]
It was just indigestion.
My parents took it way too far.
Hey, Yu-chan.
You know why no one asks you
why you quit everyone's dream gig
after graduating from the dream school
and picked a job selling chicken?
Why are you being so serious right now?
Because they're waiting for you
to tell them yourself.
It's what you'd call a common courtesy.
But I'm sure there's a good reason
you don't wanna talk about it. Bye.
Okay, so just tell me. Why did you quit?
Ugh! What kind of nonsense is that?
You quit a job that others only dream of,
and that's the best reason
you can give me? "Just 'cause"?
Well, it makes good sense to me.
Well then,
I'm just gonna think what I want.
What do you mean?
Well, you could have gotten really drunk
at a team dinner and wet your pants.
- Watch it.
- So just say it then, dude.
Come on! What's the real reason?
I already told you. It was just 'cause.
Fine, then I'm not going to answer
any of your questions anymore either.
[Da-eun clears throat]
- You're really not gonna answer?
- Mmm.
Whoa, you just answered that!
- So childish.
- Bring it. Let's go.
[blows on ball] Buckle up.
My flaming serve!
- Whoa!
- What?
[dramatic music builds]
[pathetic trumpet note whines]
[whimsical music playing]
[trumpet fanfare plays]
[music fades]
[Yeo-hwan sighs]
She hates me enough
to say she sees ghosts?
[mysterious music playing]
Why are you by yourself?
I'm not by myself.
Then what, you're sitting
with your ghost companions?
Can you just be real now?
Why do you think that I'm not?
Fine. Well
Uh, where exactly is this ghost?
You're sitting on it right now.
Don't be like that. Come on.
I'm done eating now. Enjoy your lunch.
- [unsettling music playing]
- [creepy laughter]
[music stops]
- [unsettling music playing]
- [creepy laughter]
[chuckles nervously]
[disconcerting music playing]
[Yeo-hwan chuckles]
You're a psychiatrist, for Christ's sake.
You got goosebumps
on the back of your neck.
[door closes]
[high-pitched ringing]
[ominous music playing]
[electrical crackling]
[ominous music intensifies]
[ominous music swells, fades]
Whoa, Ms. Min. Your eye okay?
Oh, my contact's just out of place.
[Mr. Yoon] Oh.
Embarrassing. Come on.
There's no such thing as ghosts. Ugh!
I wish someone
would smack me or something.
You asked for it.
- I wasn't talking to you.
- Okay, then. Sorry.
- Why are you in this unit?
- To treat a patient. What else?
Get out if you're done.
Okay, sure. I'm going,
but, hey, before I go,
I need to ask you something quickly.
About what?
Can I ask you
to explain everything you know
regarding panic disorder,
if you don't mind?
Do you have it?
[Ms. Hong] Charting's the highlight
of the Psychiatric Unit.
[Da-eun] It's not bad
once you get used to it.
So does the Psychiatric Unit
do a lot of charting?
Well, compared to other units, yes.
We need to check every hour, so yeah.
It's not very complicated.
It's nothing once you get into it.
- I don't know. It's pretty hard.
- Just be careful not to scare them away.
[Da-eun] Right.
[Seung-jae] I need to
go to the bathroom.
Didn't you just get back a second ago?
If you wanna continue in nursing,
you'll have to learn to hold it.
And also,
if this is about smoking, quit it.
It's not like you'll have any time
to smoke during work hours anyway.
I quit too.
[melancholy music playing]
Ms. Park, I'm going to the training room
to count supplies.
- Can I bring the trainees over there?
- Uh-huh.
Let's go, guys.
[Soo-yeon] Hmm, this isn't right.
- Ms. Hong?
- [Ms. Hong] Yes?
[Soo-yeon] Come here, would you?
This is a good time to use the restroom.
[shuddery breathing]
[Yeo-hwan] Hmm.
Battling panic disorder can be lonely.
Most people around them
don't know about it
since only they can feel it,
so most patients try
to overcome it by themselves,
hanging on
and soldiering through countless episodes.
[Seung-jae moaning]
[Yeo-hwan] For cases
like the one you mentioned,
we normally prescribe
alprazolam or indenol,
but we'd need to see him in a hospital
to truly diagnose.
What is it? Is something wrong?
I just wanted to ask you a question.
That's all.
- Excuse me, then. I can
- Oh, no, no, no.
I just wanted to talk to you a little more
about panic disorder.
[Yeo-hwan] Hmm?
What is this?
Ask about Panic Disorder Day?
Are you talking about Yu-chan?
Uh, is that what this is about?
[Da-eun] What?
Yu-chan has panic disorder?
[Go-yun] I think that's what it has to be.
[Da-eun] I had no idea.
He never let on at all.
He never has.
He's always denied it, even still.
Are you sure he won't get treated?
He won't acknowledge it,
so, hm, I don't think so.
God, I hope he's okay.
[Go-yun] I know.
I was thinking about if you'd want
to talk to him a little bit about it.
[chuckles softly]
Yu-chan and I
Well, he's always told me everything.
[Da-eun] From how he had a fight
with his mom and dad,
how he got dumped by a girl,
down to his boss's dirty laundry.
Still, this is one thing
he never told me about.
I'm sure he won't wanna talk.
Okay. What now?
- I think he might listen to you, Doctor.
- Sorry?
[Da-eun] Yu-chan told me once
that if he was a patient,
he would only want to be treated by you.
That you came across as someone
who'd stop at nothing to cure him.
[sentimental music playing]
Yu-chan said that?
- Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, don't worry.
That idiot is definitely going
to the hospital first thing tomorrow.
Yu-chan is in the best hands now.
[chuckles softly]
[sentimental music continues]
[music fades]
[sighs] Another delivery.
What? You're here together?
- I ran into her out front.
- Oh, really?
- Jungda, head inside if you're here
- You idiot.
[scoffs] What's her deal?
- You free tomorrow?
- For what?
- Are you or not?
- During the day.
What is with you guys?
My heart's somewhere else.
I can't focus now.
I'll watch a movie.
[TV chimes]
[Deul-re] I see spirits.
[Yeo-hwan] Where exactly is this ghost?
[Deul-re] You're sitting on it right now.
[unsettling music playing]
[thunder rumbling on TV]
[woman screaming]
What am I doing?
That was no fun. That wasn't scary.
That made no sense.
[TV remote clatters]
[eerie music playing]
[disconcerting music playing]
[music swells, stops]
Ah! Damn it!
So what, she sees ghosts?
You won't stop liking her
just because she's haunted.
I don't think I could.
I would like her
even if she herself was a ghost!
[gentle music playing]
Hey, Dong Go-yun, you wanna sleep over?
[short jaunty tune playing]
Look, Ms. Min, I like you.
I don't care if you're haunted forever.
I would still date you.
I'm a loud drunk.
That's fine.
I know I could handle it.
- But I have fungus.
- Perfectly fine.
I don't care if you have darkened elbows
or even a secret past marriage.
I don't care if you have ten kids.
I wouldn't even care
if you were actually a man.
[emotional music playing]
So, um,
will you please go out with me?
have you ever lived in a place
with no hot water?
Where would I even find
somewhere like that?
And that's why we can't ever be together.
[music fades]
- [Yu-chan] Bro.
- Hmm? Hey, come on.
[Yu-chan] Wait.
Where are we going?
You'll see soon. Here.
Really, where are we going?
Seat belt.
Okay. It better be good.
All right.
[creepy playful music playing]
Ah! How nice.
[woman laughing]
[man laughing]
Ah shit!
- Come on.
- Hey, bro.
Why are we here?
Don't you feel stupid here, huh?
I wanted to try one of the pedal boats.
Couldn't you take anyone else?
There's no one to bother us.
It's perfect to talk.
Are you gonna start unloading secrets now?
Keep going.
We'll talk while we're pedaling.
Ah, shit!
- [ducks quacking]
- Oh! [chuckles]
[Go-yun] Ah. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Here we go.
- [Yu-chan groans]
- [Go-yun laughs]
[music fades]
No one's coming, so don't worry.
I wanted to make time
for us to talk a little.
So do the other nurses know too?
They don't really know what's going on.
How long will you keep hiding
that you have panic disorder?
[poignant music playing]
I don't though.
But you do.
How did you know?
Asking to use the restroom.
I know you must be going out
to get some fresh air.
You don't drink coffee either.
But most of all,
your nervous look says it all.
[sighs] You're right. I can't hide it.
Did you quit
because of the panic disorder?
I really don't wanna blame it
on the panic.
I just
It was just too much pressure.
That was all.
[music fades]
[computer chimes]
[man] Mr. Song, how's
the Lehman Brothers report coming?
[Yu-chan] I uploaded it to the internet.
Please look it over.
I also placed a printed copy on your desk.
[man] Once you're done,
can you work on the Jinkwang report?
[Yu-chan] Yes, sir.
[woman] Mr. Song,
did you take care of the clients?
[Yu-chan] I've met with Luca,
Under, and Promise in person.
Luca said that they can't
adjust their costs.
Mr. Song, could you organize this report
and look it over for me?
I'm nervous since it's a direct report
to the CEO. Thank you.
- [computer chimes]
- [unsettling music playing]
[computer chiming rapidly]
[Yu-chan's mom] Yu-chan,
Hui-chan wants to run a café.
If that's what it takes
to get on his feet, we should help him.
I'm relying on you.
I'm so relieved to have you.
What would we do without our eldest?
[labored breathing]
[tense music playing]
[tense music swells]
[breathing heavily]
[door lock clicks]
- [sighs]
- [phone buzzing]
[man 1] The Lehman Brothers report
is good.
We'll present it to the CEO,
so go over it again and make revisions.
- [woman 1] Luca keeps asking
- [Yu-chan's mom] You're a smart cookie.
- [Yu-chan's mom] You'll get promoted
- [man 1] Yu-chan, are you working on it?
[voices overlapping]
- [unsettling music playing]
- [breathing heavily]
[breathes deeply]
[banging on door]
[muffled screaming]
[unsettling music intensifies]
[muffled grunting]
- [low notes droning]
- [disquieting percussive tapping]
[music fades]
[Yu-chan] I felt like
I was going to die at any moment.
I couldn't breathe.
No matter how hard I tried.
[somber music playing]
[water sloshing]
[Yu-chan] From then on,
whenever I went to work,
the water would start rising.
[music fades]
[Yu-chan] And after that, well,
you know the rest.
After a while, my attacks got worse,
and then, I started not to work.
I became a selfish slacker.
That one prick who's always
just full of himself for no reason.
Do you know what caused it?
I don't.
[breathes deeply]
That's why it's driving me crazy.
So some people tell me
stress is the reason.
Others say I'm sensitive,
so I don't really know what to think.
[Seung-jae sighs]
T T Trust me.
I wish I knew the reason.
That must be so hard.
I thought I'd be all right
if I just stayed away.
It didn't matter.
I can't even go to the theater anymore.
That's why I brought you.
Why didn't you tell anyone around you?
You didn't ask for help at all.
I don't want to.
It's not my body that's hurting.
It's just all in my head.
I I don't wanna look like some weakling
who can't control his own thoughts.
You plan to sustain that?
[gentle music playing]
I can't train as a nurse anymore, right?
This means you can't become
a regular nurse like the other trainees.
Panic disorder is an illness of habit.
Say you had a panic attack on the subway.
You'll likely keep having panic attacks
when you ride one.
And if you had one in the theater,
you'll keep having them there too.
If you have one at the hospital,
well, you might keep having them
while you're here.
From now on, you can't be a regular nurse.
You have to train
as a nurse with panic disorder.
H Huh?
They say there's no easy cure
for panic disorder.
However, people can lengthen the stillness
between all their episodes.
Some get to a week,
working up to a month, and so on.
Cou Could that work?
Seung-jae, I'll help you.
You can get relief with medication,
but it won't just go away
simply because you endure it.
After that, leave it to those around you.
You're close with your brother, right?
You're less anxious with your brother?
I am, yeah.
He's not as into it though.
Work on surrounding yourself with people
who make you feel that way too.
People that can take care of you
when you have a bad panic attack,
when you feel like
you're going to die any moment.
They're the ones
who will help you breathe.
Thank you, bro.
[Yu-chan] But still, though, I don't think
this is a good look for two grown men.
Don't ever bring me here again.
What are we even doing?
[Go-yun] We should come back next year.
- [Yu-chan] Are you out of your mind?
- [Go-yun laughs]
I bought way too many sweet potatoes.
They were selling them for cheap,
so I bought a whole box.
You have a habit of buying everything.
[Da-eun's mother]
I'll boil and then freeze them all.
[Da-eun] Make candied sweet potatoes.
You never eat it when I make it.
You tell me you're full.
I do not.
[Yu-chan] Da-eun!
[Da-eun sighs]
Why does he have to yell like that
when they invented the cell phone?
- [Yu-chan] You sleeping?
- [Da-eun] Oh!
- Oh, he's so loud.
- Something about the human touch.
Jesus, he's loud.
[Yu-chan] I know you're home!
He's so loud.
I think it's because of the chicken.
[footsteps approaching]
- [Yu-chan] Da-eun!
- [Da-eun, softly] God, seriously.
- [Da-eun] What is it?
- Oh.
- Uh, hey, I
- What?
I have panic disorder.
[emotional music playing]
So what?
Hey, now, did you hear
what I just told you? Huh?
You're not reacting to anything I say.
Why would you keep that from me?
I would've told you.
It's just
I wanted to surprise you with it.
Surprise me with what?
It's not even close to my birthday.
- The new Batman movie's out.
- So what?
We should go see it together.
I can't go alone
because of my panic disorder,
but I wanna see that movie.
You should come
and take care of me for a little.
You think I have nothing else to do, huh?
Hey, let's just be honest.
You know I'm entitled to two hours
out of your day for this, okay?
Oh, says who?
You said that one time in middle school
when I saved you from that dog.
You promised
that you'd repay that kindness forever.
That's getting old.
Come on. That story's so old.
[Yu-chan] Man, you're unbelievable.
Okay, so what, then? You coming with?
I'll see you at Myungshin tomorrow.
I made an appointment for you.
Wait, did You knew it too?
Of course I did! Duh!
I'll see you in the parking lot
after your appointment tomorrow.
But why the parking lot?
At 8:00 a.m., everyone's out,
so it's actually perfect to kick your ass.
[laughs] Oh my God!
Hey, you, you watch.
I'll really fight you tomorrow.
[sighs] You're gonna get it.
- Go! See you at the hospital.
- I'll take you on right now.
- I'm going. Go home!
- Jung Da-eun!
- I'm gonna jump the fen
- See you tomorrow.
- [Yu-chan] Fine, then bye!
- [sighs] What a dummy.
- [sighs]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[soothing music playing]
[woman 1] Ms. Lee Chae-eun.
This way for your medication.
[woman 2] Mr. Park Sang-il,
please head into consultation.
[clears throat]
- [woman 3] Mr. Song Yu-chan?
- Yes.
[Yu-chan] There is only one way
to get rid of anxiety.
Finding one's own safety mechanism.
[woman 4] Mr. Ji Seung-jae.
[Yu-chan] Someone you can let in.
Someone who you can go to for help.
One that will offer you company
when you need it.
Song Yu-chan, right?
[Yu-chan] To find a hole
to breathe through
in the monotony of the daily grind.
I have panic disorder.
Was there an incident that made you think
you might have that disorder?
I thought it would go away.
That I simply needed to ride it out, but
that wasn't the case.
She was
my hole to breathe through.
Hey, Jungda!
Ugh, hurry up.
If I tried,
I'd knock you out in one punch.
Uh! Did you just hit me?
- [grunts]
- Get back here, Jungda!
[Yu-chan] Enjoy.
[Go-yun] Drumsticks, check.
Yup, drumsticks are the best part.
[liquid pouring]
There you go. Keep listening to me.
Bro, I'm sure you're really proud
of yourself, but it wasn't for you.
Da-eun scheduled me the appointment.
She's a really nice person.
[Yu-chan scoffs]
How are you and her
such bad judges of character?
Bro, you know what kind of girl she is?
Can I like your friend?
[funky pop music playing]
[music fades]
[whimsical music playing]
[music ends]
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