Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Afsnit 3

- Do you like him, Anders?
- Yes.
He likes you too.
- Where is Anders?
- He's over here.
- Get him then.
- No, he wants to stay here.
- I know what's going on here.
- What do you mean?
Come here, Anders.
I said, come here!
- No, Erling!
- Get away from there.
- Let the boy decide for himself.
- I know why you want him here.
Give him here,
or I'll call the police on you.
- No, Erling!
- Come, you don't have a chance here.
- Come now. Relax.
- You disgusting fuck!
- Erling!
- Perverse bastard!
We're looking for an Anders Kjeldsen,
He's got a record for breaking and
entering, rape and armed robbery.
We found his mother Ulla Kjeldsen
bound to a chair in her basement.
She's been dead for 1.5 years.
She was bound with the same knot -
a clove hitch.
He went to sea as an 18-year-old,
but was sent home for fighting.
- The mother's cause of death?
- She died of thirst.
He dragged her down into the
basement while she was alive.
Anders Kjeldsen could have killed
more victims we don't know about.
- Louise.
- Well, it's just a theory for now.
His approach changes from
Natasha to Julie.
Ten years ago, he pursues
Natasha on foot.
He attacks her, kills her and hides
her in the same place.
Three years later, he attacks a girl
at a petrol station, an impulse.
The attack is probably due to
her likeness to Natasha.
When he takes Julie, he's looking,
consciously for a new victim.
He uses a car and moves the victim.
There could be more victims between
the petrol station girl and Julie.
I believe that because he changes
approach between the victims.
We should look for unsolved cases,
like rapes where the victim
has been moved,
or unsolved murders with
similar approaches.
Okay. We're looking for similar
cases in neighbouring countries.
Well done, everyone.
I don't like that there are two.
It'll be fine.
I'm afraid of being there alone.
- What if they attack me?
- They wouldn't dare.
Just go down and give them some food.
How often does he come down?
If you don't fight back,
he'll stop hitting you.
Tell me, Julie. Every day?
Just let him do it.
If you fight back,
he'll turn off the water.
For a long time.
- Who is she?
- Don't know. She never says anything.
The media is revelling in
serial killer theories
and we're being criticised.
- Who cares about journalists?
- It's not just them.
The victims' families are criticising
us for not getting results.
Particularly Natasha's parents.
They've made sure all of Denmark
knows she's being buried tomorrow.
Should we use the media to
find Anders Kjeldsen?
If we do a call out for him,
he'll be hard to find.
There are other reasons to
wait with a call out.
Certain murderers turn up at crime
scenes or visit victims' graves.
I think Anders Kjeldsen could
turn up to the funeral.
He won't if you're looking for him.
- Do we know he's seeing that stuff?
- I think so.
He probably stays abreast of
everything written about her.
I'd put surveillance on the church.
- Hey.
- Hey, Stine.
Can we talk? It's about your
brother's birthday party.
- I don't have time now.
- No problem, I'll cover you.
- Just two minutes.
- Thanks.
I'm working on the table settings,
so I want to know if you're
coming to Mikkel's birthday.
I haven't decided yet.
- You don't want to come alone?
- No.
- You can bring someone, if
- If there's a man in my life?
There isn't.
- I really want you to come.
- Thanks.
Hey, you've reached Annemarie.
Leave a message.
Hey, it's me.
I was considering coming by today.
It would be nice to see you.
That's all. See you.
I'm going now.
I'm going to Annemarie's.
Do you need a lift?
Yes, please,
I've got the group today.
Unsolved murder of a woman south
of Malmö, 3.5 years ago.
Erika Bernn, 35, found in a lake.
Bound with the same knot as
Ulla Kjeldsen and Natasha.
- Clove hitch.
- Did you talk to the investigators?
Yes, Rydberg. He can meet us tomorrow
at the location the body was found.
Perfect, then we're going to
Sweden tomorrow.
He got so angry when
I broke up with him.
He came to my place at all times
of day and night.
But I didn't let him in.
Not until that night.
He started crying, the wuss,
so I let him in.
I wasn't afraid of him.
He'd never hurt me.
Until then.
He didn't leave until the morning.
I was afraid he'd come back,
but he didn't.
He didn't come back.
I was scared for several weeks.
- Did you go to the police?
- No, they'd never believe me.
He was my ex and I let him in.
I just wanted to forget it.
And how's that working out?
Like hell.
Do you want to hear something
I miss that jerk.
I'm an idiot.
You're not an idiot.
Sure I am. It's sick.
When we experience an assault
by someone we like,
we would love to hate them,
and only hate them.
But it's not always that easy.
Your boyfriend probably
wasn't always a jerk.
- What are you doing here?
- Didn't you get my message?
So you've hired someone
to fix the bathroom?
- Thanks for the other night.
- Hello, there.
Who are you?
I'm Jan. This is my house.
- Okay. I thought you were
- This is Danny, my boyfriend.
Wait a minute.
You weren't meant to
find out like this.
- How long?
- Around four months.
I was going to tell you on Friday.
Stop this nonsense.
Don't look him up.
I haven't done anything wrong.
Tell him to stay the hell out
of my bathroom!
Have you got siblings?
I've got an older brother.
His name is Rasmus.
The worst thing about being here
What is it?
That my mother
and my big brother don't know
what's happened to me.
But I don't want them to know.
Is it April now?
Then it was just my birthday.
I turned 18.
Happy Birthday.
It's Rydberg.
- Lasse Rydberg.
- Jan.
- Louise.
- Lasse Rydberg. It's down here.
We found her right here.
He'd just laid her at the edge.
No attempt to sink the body.
Disappeared on the way home from
work one Friday evening.
We found her on Monday, when she'd
been dead max 24 hours.
She was kept alive for
up to 48 hours.
But we never found out where.
The only thing we found was the car
which we thought he used. A van.
It was stolen before she disappeared.
It was burnt out. No fingerprints.
The cause of death was a blow to the
head but she was beaten beforehand.
He'd cut her face with a knife. She
was cleaned with a chlorine solution.
- Any suspects?
- No, nobody with a motive.
We assumed the victim and perpetrator
didn't know one another.
I have some pictures in the car.
- Have you had any similar murders?
- No, nothing like this.
Not this cruel.
He cut off one of her fingers.
Did it do it before or after
she was killed?
Before, according to forensics.
If he cut off her finger before,
it could mean something.
- They might have known one another.
- The victim was randomly chosen.
He could have chosen anyone.
Wrong time, wrong place.
- Can we get a copy of this?
- Absolutely.
- Thanks for your help.
- No problem.
- Louise.
- I think the Swedes are wrong.
To cut the victim's face is often an
attempt to erase personality
or identity.
I think the perpetrator knew
Erika Bernn.
- Could it be Anders Kjeldsen?
- I don't think so.
Anders Kjeldsen uses violence,
but he's no sadist.
How would he know Erika Bernn?
He might have gone to Sweden
and met her there.
- A 35-year-old lawyer?
- A lot points to him.
The placement of the body,
the burned car and the knot.
There's a lot that doesn't fit.
The body was cleaned. Kjeldsen
wouldn't have been able to plan that.
The signature doesn't fit.
He might have started
severing fingers here.
Then he would have done it on his
mother, two years after Erika.
AndersKjeldsen hides his victims.
Erika was meant to be found.
He wanted to show that she'd
been humiliated.
If it was Kjeldsen,
Julie and Emma could be alive.
- Erika wasn't killed immediately.
- Julie has been gone for six months.
It's easier for you if the girls
are dead, huh?
What the hell do you mean by that?
- Is everything okay?
- I don't know.
- My ex has found a new guy.
- Oh, damn.
I thought she'd change her mind
and I'd be able to move home.
- When did you separate?
- Six months ago.
- Around when Julia disappeared.
- Yes.
You thought if you saved Julia,
you'd save your relationship.
Can't you just keep your mouth shut?
Is that so fucking hard?
I don't think you should go
to Natasha's funeral.
You're just jealous.
I'll decide for myself.
What if someone recognises you.
Mind your own business.
I know how you could see the
funeral without taking risks.
Do you want to hear?
- When is the funeral?
- In an hour.
- Kjeldsen probably didn't kill Erika.
- We don't know that yet.
I've ordered the report.
Gitte, have you found anything else
about AndersKjeldsen?
They were a classic nomad family.
The lived in five different
municipalities over 14 years.
As soon as anyone suspected anything,
Ulla up and moved.
- What do you mean suspected?
- Violence and sexual abuse.
Nobody investigated it,
so it was just moved on.
I've spoken to a teacher who taught
Anders in sixth grade.
He says Anders was problematic
and aggressive.
He didn't seek contact with either
adults or kids his age.
It'll be hard to find anyone who knew
him then and still does now.
But I'll try.
We'll go now.
Is the technical ready, Dennis?
Yes, we rigged everything in the
church this morning.
I've spoken to Natasha's parents and
the church. Six of us will be inside.
- And five outside.
- Perfect.
I want to come.
Sure, you can go with me.
Thanks, Gitte.
It's all ready.
Focus on this screen.
- Can you raise the volume?
- Sure.
Team 1, take position.
Team 2 and 3, wait for a signal.
Copy that.
We see Jan,
but no Anders Kjeldsen.
Julie Vinding's mother is here.
Karen is sitting beside Jan.
Erik is sitting on the other side.
Hey, Jan. Nice to see you.
Look to the sides, Dennis.
- How's Rasmus?
- Thanks for giving him a lift.
He didn't want to come today.
I'm here for the parents' sake.
For ten years, they didn't know
what had happened to her.
You think it's the same man, right?
That's what the papers are writing.
- That it's a serial killer.
- We don't know.
And the media definitely don't know.
The doors are closed.
No AndersKjeldsen.
- Take a lap round the church, Dennis.
- Copy that.
He could be in the area.
Natasha's mother Kirsten will say a
few words about Natasha.
All units:
Check all roads around the church.
Beloved daughter.
From the day you were born,
you were our whole world.
In you, we were given the best.
The greatest a person could
hope to experience.
And the day we lost you
we experienced the worst.
For ten years, your father and I have
known you didn't leave us on purpose,
but that someone took you from us.
Now, I can finally bid you farewell.
You are not forgotten, Natasha,
and you never will be.
Honoured be your memory.
We'll get out.
We can take him. Or her.
It's no use.
I'll never get away from here.
I can't do it on my own, Julie.
You have to help me.
I'll never forget this room.
When he brought you here,
I knew he'd kill me soon.
But it doesn't matter.
I don't have anything left.
I won't allow that. We're going
to get out of here. Julie?
We can do it together, Julie.
We've watched the security footage.
Kjeldsen wasn't there.
We've put up cameras in case
he visits her grave.
I spoke to a man who lived with
Ulla Kjeldsen.
His name is Lars Purhus
and runs an inn inNæstved.
- I'll go talk to him.
- Louise is coming too.
She knows Anders Kjeldsen best.
For ten years, your father and I have
known you didn't leave us on purpose,
but that someone took you from us.
There was a police there. He's
sitting here, right in front of me.
I'll kill one of them tonight.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Sorry about what I said before.
About your separation and
Julie's disappearance.
I know nothing about your
It's a work-related problem.
I do it all the time.
- Oh?
- Yes.
I'm sorry.
You were with UllaKjeldsen.
Like I said when they rang, I
haven't seen Ulla for over 20 years.
Her son, Anders, then?
Have you seen him?
What has he done?
Why do you think he's done something?
25 years and a cop asks me about
him. He must have done something.
- Do you want something to drink?
- Two colas, thanks.
Ulla couldn't control him.
He ran away from home. He lived
on a farm in the area for awhile.
Erling Pedersen's.
What did Ulla think about
her son living there?
To begin with, she thought it was
nice to have a break from him.
Then the council threatened to cut
child support and rent assistance.
So she wanted to get him back fast.
- Did Anders change there?
- Yes, he became violent.
He hit a classmate and a teacher.
He was ten years old and a
deranged damn kid.
- Have you seen him since then?
- No.
Thank god.
You should talk to Erling Pedersen.
He's a real shady character.
- A lot happened on the farm.
- Lars?
- Do you think he was sexually abused?
- I don't know.
But something happened there
that made him violent.
We're from the police.
- Do you know an AndersKjeldsen?
- Yes.
- Can we talk to you for a moment?
- Yes, come in.
- How do you know Anders?
- He visited the farm with class.
And then he came back.
He helped me in the stable,
and after awhile he stayed.
I made sure he went to school, even
went to parent-teacher interviews.
- His mother didn't care.
- But she came and got him eventually.
They threatened her child support so
she and her boyfriend came here.
- Lars Purhus?
- Yeah, the one who owns the inn.
Anders was afraid of him.
- He was afraid of his mother as well.
- But you didn't protect him?
I did.
But when you live alone,
without a wife and child
People believe the worst of you.
Anders' mother threatened to
report me to the police.
I didn't dare do anything other
than let her take him.
Anders wasn't okay.
He could be violent sometimes.
He got very angry with me.
I understand him. I betrayed him.
How did the anger express itself?
After a couple of weeks,
I found my cat in the septic tank.
It had been killed, with a knife.
I suspected Anders.
He really liked the cat.
- Have you seen him since this?
- Yes, once.
A year ago.
One night, I woke to a car stopping
behind the stable, by the tank.
- It was him.
- Are you sure of that?
Totally certain. I looked him in the
eyes, and then he drove away.
- Did he park by the septic tank?
- Yes.
- Can you show us the tank?
- Yes.
Oh, god!
It hasn't been used for a few years,
but there's a bit left down there.
There's something down there.
- What is it?
- I think it's a hand.
Come here.
I said, come here!
Come, Julie!
We're dealing with three bodies,
probably women.
All missing left ring fingers.
- Is Julie Vinding one of them?
- That's not a possibility.
I judge all three to have been
there for over a year.
Julie can't have been one of them.
Thank you.
- Thanks for your help.
- Call if you need anything.
- You were right that there were more.
- Something doesn't fit.
- It doesn't fit with him.
- It has to be Anders.
Erling saw him here.
It's the same signature as on
Erika Bernn - the ring finger.
So she's also his victim.
Julie wasn't one of the bodies,
so she's still alive.
Who the hell is that?
It's him!
Unit 1207 following a suspected
perpetrator and requesting backup.
Unit 1207, can you give me
a more exact position?
No, he's driving into the forest.
- Give me the registration plate.
- Just a minute.
I'm getting closer to him.
It starts with AW 82127.
- Shit!
- Unit 1207, repeat.
I lost him!
Subtitle translation by: Lily Ray
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