Dear Child (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Das Haus

How are you doing, Lena?
How are you doing, Lena?
My name isn't Lena.
Hey! Help!
Yes! I knew that, damn it!
But what am I supposed to do?
Should I just wait around until one day,
maybe, the necessary authority
As soon as we find the boy,
you can suspend me for all I care, please!
No! No, absolutely not.
We need explosive ordnance disposal now.
Right now!
Because there's still imminent danger!
We won't enter the premises until then.
But what if the child
is somewhere in there
and becomes the next to be blown up?
That's a camera.
So we can see who comes and goes.
Do you need anything else?
Are you hungry or thirsty?
Or do you have any questions?
Then I'll leave you
to get settled here, okay?
I'm a big girl.
I remembered everything exactly.
I did everything right.
Are you thirsty, Lena?
First, we dye your hair.
And then you get to drink.
Take your time to think it over.
Is that a yes?
Then we'll make you pretty now, Lena.
That scar you have there
Lena was ten.
She grabbed the tongs
off the red-hot barbecue grill.
At my birthday party of all places.
It's almost perfect, Lena.
Just one more thing missing.
Okay, gather in.
Okay, gather around.
All right.
When bomb disposal gives the all-clear,
we'll go in with the dogs.
That means we'll enter the premises
with backed-up, four-man teams.
Thank you.
The official at the NATO base says
that there's no way
the mines are the military's.
Before any closure, all premises are
cleared by explosive ordnance disposal.
he wanted to know your name.
-I'm sorry.
-For what?
Well, for
all of this.
All right, here we are.
183,70 euros, please.
What are you doing?
-I'm getting Lena's room ready.
-What for?
Well, for Hannah.
In case she comes to visit us.
I sat in the hospital and waited for you.
I was worried!
I took a cab here!
Bye, Mom. Have fun in Paris.
And don't worry,
I'll keep an eye on things here.
Bring me something, yeah?
Look at that.
You think Hannah will like it?
I could give it a fresh coat of paint.
We don't even know yet
if she's really Lena's daughter.
Of course she is.
Until the DNA comparison is in
I don't need a DNA comparison
to recognize my granddaughter.
And her, why did she recognize you?
Because she felt it. And so did I.
It's Lena's daughter. I knew straightaway.
Matthias, why did she recognize you?
Control creates security.
create security.
Security is
the most important thing in life.
From now on, you will obey the rules.
When I enter the room,
you will stand with your hands held out,
so that I can see you immediately.
You will use the toilet
in the morning at 7:00 a.m.,
at 12:00 p.m.,
as well as at 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
I will help with personal hygiene.
Careful! That's your favorite blouse!
Hold your arm up!
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
You are home, Lena.
I want to go home.
You are safe here.
What day is it today?
September 6th.
What is your name?
Five months.
For five months, you were
The girl, Hannah,
was she there the whole time as well?
Was there also a boy?
Are you awake?
Jonathan, don't be so rough.
I just wanted to see
if she was already done resting.
See, Mom is back again.
-Hello, Mom.
-Hello, Mom.
You look beautiful.
Your children have really missed you.
Help me.
Okay. Almost 8:00 p.m. Your toilet time.
Before that,
you'll put your children to bed.
They are not my children.
Yes, Lena. They are your children.
I am your husband.
We are a happy family.
But they are not my
You have no one else anymore.
Just us.
You'll feel better
once you understand that.
Dog indicates.
Are you still with the patient?
I'm with her, yes.
Is she responsive?
Yes, she's awake.
We've probably found the house.
We don't know
if someone's inside with a detonator
about to blow everything up.
Besides the boy,
who else could be in the house?
I hit him
with this snow globe
once on his temple
-Okay, we're going in.
-Don't move!
-Police, don't move!
Police! One person on the ground!
Police, don't move!
Person on ground, ex!
Room two clear!
Room three clear!
Room four clear!
the perpetrator
his face
his face is completely shredded.
What about the boy? Can you see him?
In the children's room.
In the children's room, under the bed.
In the children's room, under the bed.
He's here.
I'm Aida.
"Jonathan did everything right."
You have to tell him that.
Did you hear that?
you did everything right.
I got him.
They have the boy.
And him?
He's dead.
My name is Jasmin.
Lena, that's against the rules.
Jasmin Grass.
You know that I have
to punish you for that!
Where do you live, Ms. Grass?
Why are you doing this, Lena?
No. Düsseldorf.
You're ungrateful and bad.
Is there anyone we can notify for you?
My dad.
Ulrich Grass.
Ms. Grass, I'll call him now.
Thank you.
It's all right.
Everything will be all right.
Colleagues in Freiburg
are on their way to your father now.
You said just now
that you hit him only once, right?
In the photo
What photo?
What photo?
-It's not usable for identification.
-I have to see it.
That's not possible, Ms. Grass.
I have to see him!
I have to see him!
I have to see him!
-That wasn't me.
-Perhaps you can't remember anymore.
-That wasn't me.
-It was self-defense.
That wasn't me.
-That wasn't me!
-Keep calm.
-Her name is Jasmin, Jasmin Grass.
-That wasn't me!
Out! I'll give you something to calm down.
-But the snow globe, it
-Stay calm.
Calm down, Ms. Grass.
-Ms. Grass, do you hear me?
-Calm breaths.
-That wasn't me.
-Breathe in.
Take one more deep breath.
Did you get home okay?
Is he there as well?
They found the house. And the boy.
He's doing okay, considering.
We also found the perpetrator, dead.
Karin, did you hear me?
And Lena?
No, nothing yet.
You have to find her.
Oh my.
I've got you. It's all right.
Everything's all right.
Hannah, look who's here.
Your sister is also here, see?
You have to let go of me now.
Where is Miss Tinky?
You know, maybe she's still
at your home and hiding.
I'll let them know to look for her, okay?
If you need anything, I'm right next door.
Just call out "Shari" really loud
or come over, okay?
Did you tell them about the baby?
Did you mention Sarah to them?
Oh children, cometh to Bethlehem's stable
And see in this most holy of nights
What joys our Father in heaven brings us
Very good.
And now you get your presents.
Jonathan, this one's for you.
What do you say?
-Thank you, Santa.
You have to shake it.
My very own treasure.
And now, Hannah.
Go on, reach in.
Thank you, Santa.
What are you going to call her?
-I'll go ask Mom.
-No, stop.
Mom is already asleep. She needs to rest.
How do you like
All right. Miss Tinky.
Does Mom get a present too?
Mom will have a baby, won't she?
-Are you the colleague from the State CID?
-Police Officer Reisig.
Please keep
to the cordoned-off path back there.
And if you see a cat, let me know.
It belongs to the girl
and is called Miss Tinky.
Miss Tinky?
I know, yes.
I'll only stay until the colleagues
are up to speed on the case.
Okay, I'll do that.
Thank you, boss. I appreciate it.
Will you be taking over now?
Why would I?
A colleague lost a foot
because of my orders.
Should you have waited
until NATO arrived with the key, then?
That's what my supervisor thinks.
And the people from the NATO base.
Oh, and the boss of the security company
for these premises,
he's pressing charges against me.
So, are you suspended right now?
Not yet.
It'll be fine.
It's there, up ahead.
Okay, now open your mouth, please.
It'll be really quick.
I did it too.
It's baby stuff.
You just have to open your mouth.
Very good.
And done already.
And now I have something here for you.
A really cool pair of sunglasses.
It's all right.
I don't want to be here.
It's all right.
I want to be with Miss Tinky.
And with Mom.
Did you write that down?
I've never seen injuries like that before.
Jasmin Grass must have had
a total blackout.
What do we have here?
A surveillance camera.
Seems to transmit the video via Wi-Fi.
-Is there a router somewhere here?
-We haven't found anything in here yet.
I'll check outside, okay?
Hannah always called
the drawing "Grandfather."
She wanted me to tell stories about him.
About his garden with the dacha.
About hydrangeas and ladybugs
and strawberry cake.
At some point,
I even started smelling them,
the strawberries.
-Bite him, Miss Tinky!
Bite him!
Do you need more boxes?
Thanks, yeah. Put them here.
Mom will put you to bed in a minute.
Again, at last!
It's 8:00 p.m. Come on.
Use the toilet, Lena.
But I don't need to go.
Yes, you need to.
I really don't need to.
-I'll get some materials.
-Yeah, all right.
"Happiness is a particularly
favorable happenstance,
a fortunate stroke of fate."
Write down, "Happiness"
What does that feel like, "happiness"?
Come here.
Nice. And warm.
There's something here!
What is it?
I think we've found the router!
Out! Get out! Everyone out!
-Get out! Go!
-There's a bomb!
Out! Bomb!
Get away from the house!
The injuries to the face and throat
were undoubtedly caused
by a concave piece of glass.
up to 17 millimeters.
Initial stab length
up to 50 millimeters.
And the thickness
of the snow globe's glass
exactly matches the width
of the cuts in these injuries here.
So, here on the snow globe.
On the back of it,
a large piece is missing.
And it perfectly matches the entry
and cut lengths of the wounds.
But all of these are postmortem.
-Well, his neck was broken first.
One perfectly placed blow
with a blunt object is enough.
Like this. Bam.
And if you hit that spot accurately,
you separate the base of the skull
from the cervical spine.
Atlanto-occipital dislocation.
What about the DNA?
The DNA of the deceased
does not match that of the children.
If he isn't the father, then that means
then there's a second perpetrator?
And presumably a third one.
Why three?
Because the DNA comparison showed
that the children do have the same mother,
Lena Beck.
But not the same father.
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