Death's Game (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Death Can't Take Anything Away

He's worth two billion!
Two billion!
Get him!
Come here!
That's right.
The worst I can do is die.
We've lost track of him.
Does he have nine lives?
What are you waiting for?
Go and get him!
First floor.
Going down.
That's it.
With luck like this,
I won't end up dying.
First floor.
He must have genuinely loved her.
I was worried that you wouldn't come.
I kept thinking
about what I should do if you didn't.
It's all over now.
But where's the money?
Over there.
In the boat with the lights.
That bitch!
That girl, Kim Eun-jae.
Why did she kill me?
Could Ju-hun have killed
one of her family members in the past?
Did she do it for revenge?
For someone so simple-minded,
you sure love to complicate things.
You killed yourself over money.
she killed you for the money.
did Lee Ju-hun
end up being killed by her as well?
Did it never cross your mind,
even when you knew he was doomed?
But then again,
a fool like you was bound to die that way.
You think I'm a fool?
You're wrong.
You won't believe the plans I've made.
Lee Ju-hun hid the money
in a location only accessible by boat,
and I'm the only one
who knows where it is.
I'll find that ten billion
and escape this prison
that you've put me in.
I'll be the one to have the last laugh.
Is that a smile?
Let's see if you can
keep smiling like that.
Damn it.
What about my ten billion?
What the hell kind of situation is this?
This can't be.
When will I be let out?
Shut up!
How long am I in here for?
-Come out.
Am I being freed?
What the hell are you saying?
I'm taking you back to your cell.
Have you been dreaming?
Put your shoes on, you idiot!
What the hell was that for?
Come on.
If I'm going back to my cell,
that would mean
there are other inmates there.
Damn it. I'm a little scared.
Go inside.
You're back.
I hope I'll get his memories soon.
What's taking so long?
Welcome back.
Where am I supposed to sit?
What's wrong?
We didn't move anything.
What? Never mind.
By any chance,
do you know when I'm getting out of here?
How could you forget that?
We'll both be released in four days.
Four days?
You should control your temper
for the next four days.
What if that psychopathic murderer
ends up killing you?
A psychopathic murderer
is going to kill me?
Lee Jin-sang.
You're back.
You should've controlled your temper.
You bastard.
Are you out of your mind?
I don't know what's going on,
but I'm going to teach you a lesson,
you son of a bitch!
You bastard!
-Calm down!
Let go of me!
Stop! You could end up in trouble.
What if he ends up killing you?
You think he's going to kill me,
and not the other way around?
What's gotten into you all?
You'll never leave this place alive.
What was that?
My name is Cho Tae-sang.
I'm 21 years old.
I dreamed of being an MMA fighter
since childhood,
but I ended up giving up
due to my family's circumstances.
Where's our money?
-Please, just a few more days.
-Are you kidding me?
Come on, lady.
Give me two more weeks.
-I'll pay you back then.
-Where's my money?
Tae-sang. You needed money, right?
This is your last chance.
You're dead
if you don't pay us back by then.
I'll pay you back after two weeks.
I'll text you an address.
Hurry over there.
I'm that man's attorney.
If you take the fall
for his hit-and-run case,
I'll pay you 200 million won.
Since you're 18 and still a minor,
according to the law,
they'll have to release you on probation.
Why aren't there any cops
at a police station?
Darn it.
-Who are you?
-I could ask the same thing.
Are you homeless?
I do feel that way sometimes.
So, which officer owes you money?
I'm here to turn myself in.
I hit someone
with a stolen vehicle and ran.
And by the way, I'm still a minor.
After turning myself in
with a false confession,
I was taken in for grand theft auto
and a hit-and-run.
I was going to pay back
the money my family owed
and become an MMA fighter
with the money I was promised.
the woman who was hit
ended up dying during the trial.
I hereby sentence Cho Tae-sang
to two years of imprisonment.
I ended up being charged
with manslaughter.
What kind of bullshit law is this?
Where's Mr. Kim? Hey, you prick.
You said I wouldn't do any time,
you bastard!
-I received a two-year sentence
and ended up saying goodbye to my dream
of becoming an MMA fighter forever.
I specifically asked
to meet him in person.
Why would such an important man
come to a place like this?
I'd say he's more of a lowlife than I am.
-What did you say?
-And another thing.
"A place like this"?
He's the one who's supposed to be in here.
Be quiet.
You took the money, so we're done.
You seem to have the math all wrong.
I'm doing two years for manslaughter.
Don't you think I deserve more now?
Give me one billion.
Did you say a billion?
If you don't,
I'll find a lawyer and go to the police
the moment I get out.
Let's see.
So, the man who was driving drunk
killed someone in a hit-and-run.
And he even made a minor
serve time in his place.
God damn.
How many years will they give him?
Let's see what the law says
since you love it so much.
All this big talk about the law,
and you could end up dead.
If there's anything I learned in here,
it's how to survive.
How do you want to die?
What are you punks up to?
Get back to your positions.
Hurry up!
Hey, 1201.
That bastard…
-Here he comes.
-All of you, sit back up.
Come here, punk.
Seeing how he's so scrawny,
it can't have been assault, right?
You're right.
You look like a pervert.
Did you get caught taking upskirts?
It was murder.
People called me a psychopath.
I've always had
an impulse to kill someone.
So I gave it a go.
And trying it out…
made me have a lust for blood.
It made me want more.
Unfortunately, I ended up here
before I could satisfy it.
My life is ruined,
so I have nothing more to lose.
So why don't we…
try our best
to get along?
Unless you want to
become my next victim, that is.
How do you want to die?
I didn't know…
that you were such a good actor.
-Yes, sir.
Keep watch,
and tell me if the guards come.
Yes, sir.
Listen up, everyone.
You're in for a beating
if any of you dare to stop me.
-Aren't you going to answer me?
-Yes, sir!
So you're a psychopathic killer?
That's right.
Why you…
Have you lost it?
You've been having it easy
by deceiving everyone.
I see that you haven't changed at all.
You motherfucker.
Do you want to die?
I want to kill.
Hit me back.
Come on.
Take a swing, why don't you?
Wait. I'm sorry.
Please forgive me. I'm begging you.
Forgive you for what?
For picking a fight with you.
Wrong answer.
It's because you killed Kwon Hyeok-su.
How do you know about Hyeok-su?
Listen up.
He's just a loser who was beaten up
by a kid he used to bully in high school.
He ended up being bullied afterward
and whined to the kid he used to bully,
only to be ignored.
So he snuck up to him from behind
and struck him with a brick.
And now what?
You're pretending
to be a psychopathic killer?
How did you know all that?
-Is that true?
-Did this bastard lie to us?
If you've taken someone's life,
you should learn to repent.
Don't weaponize it
to scare others, you bastard.
Don't let him fool you.
Unbelievable. How dare you lie to us?
You're dead. Get him!
-Wait! Don't…
-Get him!
Stop. Don't do this.
Please stop!
What more did I expect from this place?
Aren't you going to eat?
I'm fine.
Just eat when he asks
if you want some, dumbass.
Eat the bones as well.
You're dead if you leave any.
Hey, aren't you going to say hi?
Are you glaring at me?
-You're being too harsh.
You pretended to be a big shot
and looked down on me.
Now, you need to pay for what you did.
He needs to pay for what he did?
I can't believe I'm hearing that
in here of all places.
It's very convincing.
What the…
-Help me!
-Hold still!
I need some help over here!
We need help!
Don't go anywhere.
Is he going to be okay?
Worry about yourself.
What's this?
Someone asked us to make sure
that you don't get out of here alive.
Who asked you to do that?
I'm sure you know who the client is.
It must be him.
Don't tell me I'm going to die here.
Now, die!
You bastard!
Just give up!
Come here!
You bastard!
Take this!
You son of a bitch!
This body is amazing.
He may be a convict,
but he's young and strong.
And he actually didn't do anything wrong.
Damn it.
Is it over already?
Aren't you worried?
About what?
Whether we'll be given a second chance
once we're released from here.
I really can't tell.
Do you regret ending up in here?
I regret it every day.
-What about you?
At first, it felt so unfair.
But now, I regret being trapped
in a prison called death
after going out of the way
to ruin my own life.
It's too late now, though.
Now that I've seen what hell is like,
I've realized that being alive
in itself was a chance.
That's why…
I don't think it's too late for you yet.
It's ready.
You're such a sore loser, aren't you?
-I knew you'd be at it again.
How many more years do you think
you'll get if you kill me now?
Have you given up everything?
It's already over for me
since the other inmates see me
as an easy target, you son of a bitch.
Even so,
your instinct is to kill again?
You scumbag!
Should I just kill him myself?
I need to get out of here
and find that ten billion.
But it pisses me off too much
just to leave him be.
Did it hurt when I slapped you?
Did it hurt more than
when Tae-seok slapped you?
How do you know him?
Hyeok-su told me.
He's behind you right now.
Didn't I tell you?
I see dead people.
My mom's a shaman.
He doesn't believe me, Hyeok-su.
What? All right.
Hyeok-su tells me that he once poured…
What was that?
Right, noodles on your head.
How do you know that?
Hyeok-su wants to know…
Know what?
"Are you even sorry…
for what you did to me?"
That's what he said.
Why would I be?
I'm stuck in juvie,
and my life is ruined all because of him.
He says he knew you'd say that.
You piece of shit.
Hyeok-su says he'll haunt you forever,
until the day you die.
What's that?
Jin-sang literally ended up
pissing his pants.
And the day of my release arrived.
Hyeok-su said he's sorry he's late.
If you plan on dying,
you better get my milk first.
Or I'll beat you to death myself.
I really want to beat him to death myself,
but it would be more painful for him
to waste his youth away in here.
And he'll just have to carry on living
regretting how he ended up
ruining his life,
just like me.
My baby!
-It was so tough in there.
-Are you okay?
-Let's go.
This is good.
Cho Tae-sang.
Get in.
Open it.
No, I'm good.
What do you mean?
I don't need the money.
I'm going to live honestly from now on.
If you're considering confessing--
It's all in the past now.
I've done the time already.
It's too late now
to be blaming someone else.
What's more,
I don't want to accept black money.
I'll take what happened between us
to the grave,
so I hope we don't see each other anymore.
But where's the money?
Over there.
In the boat with the lights.
That bitch.
I've finally found it.
To think this tiny thing
is worth hundreds of millions.
What should I do with all this money?
Get a house and a fancy car?
But wouldn't people be suspicious
if I bought all of that
when I just got out of juvie?
Depositing this cash in a bank
is also out of the question.
Do I need to keep holding onto it?
What a headache.
I'm still in trouble,
even with all this money.
I'll get some rest first.
It's nothing. I should just ignore it.
I'll just…
Yes, it's me.
I'm so sorry.
You've been through so much because of me.
You're on your way home, right?
Well, actually…
I can't wait to see you again,
my son.
I am.
I'll be there soon, Mom.
Will this be enough?
If I carry on living as Cho Tae-sang,
she won't ever get to see her son again.
All right.
I'll give her some more.
Please select a locker.
Please set a password.
A password?
I'll make it my inmate number.
One, two, zero, one.
I can use the locker
for four days at most.
Then I have until 9 p.m.
four days after today.
It should be fine
since I'll come back right away.
This must be the neighborhood
Cho Tae-sang used to live in.
I'm almost there. Be there soon.
Hey, Cho Tae-sang.
Who are you?
Did those punks send you?
Fucking hell.
I've waited two years to kill you.
I've endured two hellish years
just thinking about killing you,
but you don't even remember me?
Even in her last moments,
my little girl didn't get to die in peace
because of the injustice of it all.
But all you got was two years
because you were still a minor!
Let's go home, Su-yeon.
Daddy's here to take you home.
Do you have any last words
for the late Ms. Lee Su-yeon?
How could you?
He killed my daughter!
Your Honor!
He killed my daughter, Your Honor!
He killed my daughter!
Didn't you hear me? He killed my daughter!
You killed someone
but only got two years
because you're a minor.
What kind of bullshit law is this?
How is this real?
My daughter lived a kind and honest life,
and this country only gave you
two measly years for taking it from her.
You can carry on with your life
after serving two years
since you're only 20 years old.
But my daughter…
Her life was cut short
at the age of 20 because of you!
I'm sorry.
I'm terribly sorry.
But I wasn't the one
who killed your daughter.
-It wasn't me,
but someone else.
What are you talking about?
What are you saying?
Are you all right, Tae-sang?
Who did this to you?
You're not going to die, are you?
No. I should be fine.
I'll be fine.
I'm so relieved.
You scared me.
I thought someone else got to you first.
I should be the one to kill you.
Why are you doing this?
We never had any beef.
That's right.
But that's only because I laid low
and tiptoed around you, you bastard.
But still…
They said they were going to pay me!
What? Is it over already?
So you were with them.
How slow are you?
Didn't I tell you
that I regret ending up in juvie?
I never should've gotten caught.
I should've thoroughly covered my tracks.
I've always regretted it.
That's why
I came up with a perfect plan this time.
I'll pay you the money instead.
As if you have any.
I do.
Hold on.
There's no fucking way you have any money.
Don't fuck around with me.
They promised me
100 million won if I kill you.
Just die, you bastard.
You never fall short of my expectations.
I could've avoided dying
if I didn't get stabbed by that man first.
I forgot about the dead girl's family
when it should have been obvious.
Of course you did.
You are a selfish brat
who fails to think about the sadness
the bereaved have to go through.
Also, "It should have been obvious"?
He thought I'd killed his daughter.
Of course, he'd want to kill me.
You sound so certain.
Then who would your mother want to kill?
You must be forgetting
that I killed myself.
I wasn't killed by anyone.
Let's focus on my next life.
I need to retrieve that money.
Hurry and shoot me.
Why are you in such a hurry?
Hurry up and just shoot me! Come on!
Sure. Since you want it so badly.
Just you wait and see, Death.
What's going on?
Why can't I get up?
Excuse me.
Why can't I talk?
What's with this person? Hello?
What the…
Am I a baby?
So that's what that smirk was for.
Then what about my ten billion won?
That damn bitch!
My money! My ten billion won!
Are you still standing there?
Are you afraid to turn back?
The face I somberly remembered
The person I'm grateful for
The person I owe
Although there's no miracle we hoped for
Nor the strength to get back on our feet
Listen to the voice that embraces you
"I love you"
"I love you"
If you're still hesitating
I hope you find the courage
To stand up again
And overcome it
Subtitle translation by: Sonya Hong
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