Demon's Path (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

The janitor found the corpse in a box
at Happy Valley's Wong Nai Chung Road.
The police then arrived
and sealed the crime scene.
-It's my fault, but I didn't mean to.
-For now, it is handled as murder.
I'll call your wife!
-The janitor who found the box
-Don't do it.
-Please spare us!
-was on leave for a few days
to avoid the reporters.
The shop has also been closed down.
-Forget it!
-At the crime scene,
although the barricade tape
has been taken down
Why did you buy so many vacuum bags?
To carry my coats.
My coats are very expensive.
I don't want to dirty them.
What about the plastic wrap?
We hung Kah Yi's oil paintings
in the living room.
Even though we broke up,
I want to keep it for the memory.
What about the gloves and deodorizer?
Hello, my dear. I'm not meeting her.
She left.
How would I know?
She sent me a message
and said to break up.
If you don't believe me
She left!
I didn't go to her!
My wife is imagining things
and suffering from depression.
I just want to solve the problem quickly.
I just want to be with my wife!
A group of people who came for war game
There is no blood stain
or any sign of a fight.
This isn't the primary crime scene.
What's with Madam's fingers?
Madam was transferred from
the headquarters' Archives Department.
This is how she sends information
to her brain.
Haven't you heard?
-Everyone calls her MIIDSS.
Major Incident Investigation
and Disaster Support System.
She's the police's supercomputer.
-Number 6235, Chen Kok Wah.
The method of wrapping the body
is 97 percent similar
to the flower trough double murder
that happened in Elizabeth House
at Causeway Bay on March 31, 1984.
Go to the archives now
and apply to borrow the reports
for CM0067213F and QD0043618K.
Also, find the information
of the Indonesian Chinese suspect
from back then.
Apply for a warrant immediately.
Number 7027, Chow Chi Keung.
Open the lock.
I'm not a locksmith
and I don't have the key.
I can't open it.
According to CM0067213F's forensic report,
the bodies were too rotten
for identification
and four keys were hidden
in the oral cavity
of one of the four victims
and one of them was
Madam, you can't open the lock.
It's a bad idea.
Number 1623, Ma Yu Lung
of Happy Valley's CIDE team leader.
You received the Silver Whistle Award.
Unfortunately, while investigating
a drug deal in 1981,
because of your mistake, your peer,
1631, Chu King Woh, was shot to death.
Since then, you became
demotivated and perfunctory.
You even developed the habit of gambling.
What a way to greet a person
in the first meeting.
You're so stuck up,
yet you rose so quickly
in just a few years.
Madam Kok, your competence
and clear-up rate are unrivaled.
Sir Ma, this isn't your territory.
What brought you over?
Well, they said the victim was our clue.
So I came to take a look.
But he's an important evidence
in our case.
I'm sorry, Sir Ma.
If you want to investigate,
please request for a permission.
Madam, you returned from abroad
and don't believe in superstition.
My team's new officer
touched some evidence
which happened to be a chain
and green talisman too.
He got into trouble
as soon as he touched them.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Thank you, Sir Ma.
Sheng, Lok. What are you waiting for?
Come and help undo the chain.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
When you undo it,
remember that it's important evidence.
Yes, sir.
So is this Peter?
During the investigation
of the flower trough double murder
in Elizabeth House
at Causeway Bay in 1984,
I heard you were demoted
to the Patrol Sub Unit.
What did you learn
when you were at Wan Chai Pier?
I remember that. My senior from back then
said that unit was rented
by a doctor of Ruttonjee Hospital
as it's close to the hospital.
Not long after he moved in,
he noticed that the plants at his balcony
always withered very quickly.
In fact, there was
a strange smell in the unit.
Gosh. It was so scary.
He ultimately discovered two corpses
wrapped in white cloth
and sealed with cement
under the flower trough.
A chain was wrapped around the whole thing
and there was a green talisman on it.
According to the information,
the victims were the Cheah brothers
from Singapore.
They came to Hong Kong to collect debts.
They met up with an Indonesian Chinese,
the suspect, in that very unit.
Due to unamicable settlement,
they were blackmailed and killed.
For decades since then,
the suspect has been missing.
The strangest part of this case is,
the murderer used so much time and effort
to murder and hide the corpses.
He used a white cloth, a chain
and even a green talisman.
The combination of these things
is kind of weird.
"If this system collapses,
the outcome will be very sad."
Only the dead will keep a secret forever.
Sir, you cut your finger. Stop.
-Get back to your work.
Are you not following this page?
It's very popular.
How popular?
They'll update with a post
at midnight every day.
They talk about Hong Kong's
ten mysterious cases
including the cardboard box murder
and the opera murder.
Days ago,
they published a post about the murder
in Elizabeth House in 1984.
You two must be very free
since you have time to gossip here.
The murderer hasn't been found
even after decades.
-Where is he hiding?
-I think he became a priest.
-So that he won't be afraid
of vengeful spirits.
We have customers.
Go and take their order.
If I were the murderer,
I'd dismember and cook you.
Where else do you want to go to? The park?
-Here you go.
-After the park
-Here's your cendol.
It's cendol. Look.
-Is it pretty?
It's pretty, right?
Let me tell you something.
Grandpa used to come here.
When you grow up,
will you remember that I brought you over?
But I might be gone by then.
Drink and see if you like it.
After the cardboard box murder,
there is new discovery for the sensational
flower trough double murder
that happened in the 1980s.
The police discovered a corpse
wrapped in white cloth
and chain at Mount Davis
and the murder method
was similar to that of the case
in Elizabeth House in 1984.
The police is looking for
the Indonesian Chinese
who escaped back then.
Are you afraid?
Afraid of what?
Afraid of the police.
Why should I be afraid?
It's such a big case.
The police will surely take action.
They'll go to all places with Indonesians.
They'll even arrest people
who eat Indomie,
let alone the owner
of an Indonesian restaurant.
I bought this Indonesian restaurant
to make a living.
There's no melon in a melon bun.
Grandpa, don't be so old-fashioned.
You're so clever, Chi Chi.
As reported in the news,
the murderer has disappeared.
-They can't find him.
-If I were the murderer,
I'll leave first
and come back after a while.
I'll change my name
and run a small business.
No one will recognize me.
The family of the 16-year-old victim
pays their respects
to the victim at Happy Valley.
In response to the citizens complaint
on the police's efficiency
He's crazy. He cut off her nipples
and burnt her pubic hair.
He must be impotent.
Brat, you said it so loudly.
What if the murderer hears you
and makes you his next victim?
Why did you bring me here?
Sit down.
My dear, don't you remember?
This is where we came for our first date.
I drove an old car
and it even slid down on a hill.
You said in the car that
if we could come up alive,
we'd celebrate with a feast.
Can you stop it?
The nicer you are,
the more I think of how you fooled around
with that woman!
It was my fault. I'm the one to be blamed.
But you've checked my phone.
I've stopped contacting her.
Let's give ourselves some time, okay?
We'll be fine again soon.
My dear, it's not me.
Don't be so sensitive.
How did this happen?
It's you!
It's my fault.
I'm sorry.
Okay, my dear.
I'm going to the toilet.
Calm down while I'm away.
Hey sister, it's me.
Why aren't you replying? Are you okay?
You said you were in a fight with him.
Did you get the money?
Mom just got hospitalized.
We need over 100,000 dollars
for the surgery.
Calm down.
Think carefully before you reply.
Keep in touch
with her friends and reply their messages
and I can hide it.
I can hide it from her brother too.
Just don't turn off the phone.
Don't alert them.
Don't worry, it's okay.
After this,
it'll be over.
You've made it through the toughest part.
You can do it.
My dear.
Once I finish my work here,
let's leave behind everything
we have in Hong Kong
and go back to England, okay?
Here's the latest information.
The police have found new clues
for the recent murders
and published the warrants
and police sketches,
-offering 100,000 dollars.
-You okay? Your hands are cold.
They urged the public to call 999
-if they see these suspicious figures.
-Let's go.
Mister, don't leave yet.
Who is the owner of the car
with car plate number FC689?
Give me your license and ID.
Why do you want his ID?
Calm down, miss.
I just want to remind you
to park properly.
Don't block the road.
I'm sorry, sir. I'll move my car.
Please wait.
Where's the toilet?
Go out and turn left.
I'm finally safe to go.
Come. Let's go home
and watch some cartoon.
Let's go.
My dear, the police is looking for you.
I'm coming.
Mr. Cheng,
when was the last time
you saw Ms. Chin Kah Yi?
I think it was a few days
before the cardboard box murder.
It was
Do you mind if I check my schedule?
Yes. It was last Monday, the 15th.
You seem familiar
with the cardboard box murder.
The morning the murder was discovered,
I went back to our place
to pack up and leave.
I don't like to be alone.
So I turned on the TV while I packed.
After that, I went there two more times.
I cooked and waited for her.
But she sent me a message
and told me not to wait for her.
She even asked for a breakup.
Someone saw you going up
with a lot of things on December 17.
Why did you buy so many large vacuum bags?
To carry my suits.
My suits are very expensive.
I didn't want to dirty them.
What about the plastic wrap?
We hung Kah Yi's oil paintings
in the living room.
Even though we broke up,
I want to keep it for the memory.
It won't be torn so easily
if I wrap it with a plastic wrap.
What about the gloves and deodorizer?
The gloves were for moving things.
The deodorizer was for getting rid
of cigarette smell in the toilet.
At late night of December 17,
the CCTV caught you
pushing a trolley into the lift.
The things in the nylon bags
were just documents and wines.
I'm the CEO of a listed company.
I have many important documents.
I can't just throw them away.
I'm not as strong as you.
Those documents and wines
were as heavy as an adult human.
How do I move all of them
in one go without using a trolley?
You told us to get him.
But his answers are reasonable.
Madam, could it be
that he's really not the culprit?
Release him.
Madam, should we monitor him
24 hours a day?
Cheng Wan San, 48 years old.
The only time he appeared in the news
was because he had spasm during HKCEE,
but endured until
he finished the test paper.
To deal with a man like him,
you need to be even more patient than him
in order to find his flaws.
Mr. Cheng, don't go yet.
Do you mind taking us
to yours and Ms. Chin's place?
My husband is innocent. Go ahead.
But let me tell you this.
If you don't find anything,
I'll definitely file a complaint.
Mr. Cheng, I know that since
we don't have a search warrant,
we have no right to search.
But if you're innocent,
I believe you won't mind letting us check.
I told you so.
It's very messy.
Mr. Cheng, this looks like a lot of work.
When did you start?
A few days ago.
Since she wasn't coming back,
I didn't want to let this place bother me.
So I decided to renovate it
and rent it out.
You redid the walls
and changed the flooring.
We can't possibly find anything, right?
Hey, my husband is voluntarily
assisting in your investigation.
You can't find anything
and yet you want to accuse him.
-Don't go overboard.
-My dear.
Mr. Cheng, which company
is doing the renovation for you?
I went downstairs to buy some paint.
We have so many guests today.
Mr. Cheng, are they potential tenants?
-They are
-We are the police.
How should we address you?
-Just call me Mr. Kot.
-Can we talk over there?
Did you notice anything unusual
while renovating this unit?
Madam, I really don't get what you mean.
For example, did you find
blood stains between tiles
or strands of hair in the drain?
It looks very new and clean.
Please change the flooring.
Repaint all the walls.
You want the entire house
to look completely different?
When can you start?
The soonest is by next weekend.
I'll pay you double. Start immediately.
You can take your time.
But scrap off everything first.
Mr. Cheng, let's take a look
at the toilet first.
It's not completely clean.
Is this your first time?
Some stains can't be removed
with caustic soda.
Blacklight will reveal everything.
Blacklight? What is that?
Germs, semen
and blood stains will all be revealed.
What should I do?
You want to destroy all evidence?
Change the entire floor slab.
The dirt has been here for a long time.
It's time to clear them once and for all.
It's blocked.
What did you flush into it?
Just some leftover food.
-Let me unblock it for you.
-No, it's okay.
If you don't unblock it,
those things you flushed down
might all come up
or collide with those
from pipes of the other units.
That'll be worse.
Even the police can't settle it.
-By the way, what's your profession?
I'm in the financial sector.
What's the matter?
When I came in,
there was a very strong stench.
Maybe it's because I haven't opened
the windows for some time.
I renovated a butcher's house before.
His entire house smelled like blood.
Let me teach you
how to get rid of that smell.
Boil a pot of white vinegar.
-Don't add water.
Use it to wipe the house, windows,
floor and corridor.
Will that work?
My friend runs a funeral parlor.
He said it can even get rid
of a corpse's stench.
I'm working at 7A, 24th floor, Tao Yuan.
I found something. I'll get back to you.
Stick it tightly.
It's sealed now. I'll flush.
When you see the water coming up,
press it down with all your strength.
Don't ever let it come up.
If you press it down,
you'll have no more trouble.
There is no progress in the investigation
of the Happy Valley murder.
It is said on the Internet
that it was done by the same person
who committed the cardboard box murder
many years ago
and that Sito Wing Keung
was just a scapegoat
for the real murderer
who is still on the loose.
The police believe
that it is a baseless guess
and will identify and arrest the suspect
based on the evidence
they recently gathered.
How do you think murdering feels?
I have no idea.
Do you believe
that the same kind of people
attract each other?
I saw on Discovery Channel
that chimpanzees
don't identify their kind
by the appearance,
but by the butt.
If there are two types of people
in this world
in which one type thinks murder is serious
while the other type thinks murder
is just like how we always
step on ants and kill them,
do you think people
who find murdering very easy
will surely want to find a way
to look for their kind?
A murderer and a non-murderer
have different eyes and even lives.
If I were that real murderer
and because I've never been discovered,
I get to lead an ordinary life,
working, eating
and watching shows as usual,
do you think I'll feel bored and lonely
and have the desire
to confide in my own kind
the things that must be kept secret
in this world?
But they have one way
to identify the odor of their own kind
and come together without any question.
Just sitting here
to watch TV and drink some beer together
is good enough.
Did you notice anything unusual
while renovating this unit?
Try to recall.
That's very thorough.
He even changed the floor slab.
This building's U-shaped pipe
is the biggest problem.
There's always backflow.
After SARS, I suggest
that we don't touch it at all.
Just change everything.
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