Destined with You (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

She waited a long time.
I'll leave her be until she wakes up.
I won't wake up.
I died 30 minutes ago.
Your loved one has died.
How can you be so calm?
It's too late.
I told you to hurry. You dawdled, right?
You don't love me anymore.
I had a car accident.
I sent the car to a repair shop
and took a cab here.
That's why I'm late.
Why did you come here then?
Go to the hospital.
You were dying to see me.
I had to save you.
Are you crazy?
Let's go to the hospital.
It was nothing.
How is it nothing?
It was a car crash.
You could get health issues later.
Then you'll say your back hurts
so you can't go far for the honeymoon.
I hate stuff like that.
That won't happen.
I knew something was going on
when you decided to quit your job
and moved to Onju on your own.
Dad said you came to help him
and felt so proud.
But that's not why, right?
My friend's getting married soon.
She asked me to catch the bouquet.
That's why I had drinks.
And we had so much fun talking
about who'd catch my bouquet.
Why today of all days?
I have a question.
Are we breaking up?
Then what is this?
Why do you need time? For what?
There is something I need to figure out.
We can figure it out together.
I need to do it alone.
Can you wait a little for me?
"When the rose
starts to bloom in the milk,
burn this page
and mix it with the ingredients."
"When the rose blooms completely,
filter it in a burlap bag."
"When the water becomes clear…
it'll become a love potion."
"Make the person you want
to charm drink it."
- Let's guide everyone in the lobby.
- Okay.
I'm counting on you.
Good morning.
We're so busy lately, right?
Thanks for your hard work.
Have a seat.
- Mr. Park.
- Yes?
Congrats on your son
getting into university.
Gosh, thank you.
- Next meal's on you?
- Of course.
- I'll keep it in mind.
- Thank you.
Yes, Mr. Gong.
Are you playing hooky somewhere?
- I had something to do.
- The mayor's gone crazy, thanks to you.
Stop playing and come back now.
Urban Planning Division's main tasks,
the checklist, and the case analyses.
Who wants to present first?
Did he drink it or not?
Go to Onjeong-dong.
- The hanging baskets were destroyed.
- But why?
How would I know?
The mayor saw it on his way to work.
You're in trouble.
- I'll go right now.
- Be quick.
You're taking a day off already?
You said
that nobody would come
for a consultation for a while.
Still, it's too soon.
I really didn't want to ask
for your help,
but I have no choice.
There goes your day off.
Have a nice consultation.
Some lunatic crashed into the median strip
and wrecked the hanging baskets
along a 50-meter stretch.
What should I do?
Don't do anything.
The insurance will cover it.
We worked so hard hanging them.
Not just me, but the seniors too.
We worked while drivers
cussed at us for blocking the road.
I can't let it slide.
I'll sue the person.
I'm pretty sure he drank and drove.
It wasn't drunk driving.
Then it was drowsy driving.
Someone who's sober
couldn't crash into them like that.
The brakes didn't work.
Are you siding with the offender now?
You're the City Hall's lawyer.
Citizens sue civil servants
for the smallest things.
Why can't we sue someone too?
They're a criminal.
According to the Civil Law,
he's only responsible for the damage.
He filed a report,
the insurance company came,
the police investigated him,
and he proved that it wasn't intentional.
So he didn't violate
the Criminal Act, Road Traffic Act,
nor Special Traffic Accidents.
How do you know
if it was intentional or not?
Did he say
that he didn't do it intentionally?
Did you meet him?
You're meeting him now too.
- Don't tell me…
- It was me who caused the accident.
Why on earth did you do that?
Shouldn't you ask if I'm okay first?
You're worried about baskets, not me?
You're perfectly fine. You even
went to the development plan meeting.
How did you know I was there?
You're no help.
Go down and apply for a day off.
- Meet me in the parking lot in ten.
- Why?
You're going on a trip with me.
- Why would I?
- You promised to give me one spell
and take the rest yourself.
I want my spell today.
This is ridiculous.
You want me to take a day off
after ruining my baskets?
Look here. This is an emergency.
I need to go clean up
the mess that you made.
Are you the only one in your department?
- Others can go clean them up.
- That's my task.
I saw the org chart.
Everyone else's tasks
ended in one or two lines,
but yours had seven lines.
That's unfair.
Go tell your coworkers who are
always sitting around to clean them up.
Let us disappear for a day.
This year must not be Hong-jo's year.
She got dumped
and her work got ruined the next day.
She tried to steal our crush.
It serves her right.
Hong-jo, you were here.
Do you have time to sit here?
Clean up the mess.
"Did what I say just now
sound like a love confession?"
"Yes, it did to me."
"Was it not?"
That sounded so pathetic, right?
My gosh.
Mr. Gong.
- Can I--
- What, a day off?
- Take it.
- What?
I didn't think it through yesterday.
It's best to take a day off
to overcome heartbreak.
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Is everything okay?
Eun-yeong, are you okay?
You can just reply with a period.
How could someone so educated
believe in such a superstition?
It's not like he's going to pay me extra.
Why I should go on this trip?
Because if you get a boyfriend,
it's thanks to me.
You must've believed
in such a superstition.
Give me that.
Someone so educated like you
used the Love Spell already?
Give me that.
Take it if you can.
Tickle, tickle.
Yes, I got it.
I didn't use the Love Spell.
That's the only page missing.
It wasn't that.
I used the spell
for losing weight or getting pretty.
I have a photographic memory.
I remember everything.
Should I recite the book
from beginning to end?
Fine. I used the Love Spell.
Are you happy now?
You're very fast.
When did you use it?
You said it was mine.
It doesn't matter how I use it.
The spell book is precious,
so put it in the wooden box.
I will.
Did he drink it?
He must have.
I hope he drank it.
Why does it have to be today?
I happen to want it today.
The hanging baskets were totally wrecked,
but your car seems fine.
That car is in the repair shop.
So you have two cars.
Your dad gave you everything.
What more do you want with the spell?
I need to know too.
What spell do you want so badly
that we have to drive this far?
Don't worry.
I won't take the Fair Skin Spell.
By the way,
are you hurt anywhere?
It was a car accident after all.
Is it okay for you to drive?
Do you want to drive instead?
Can you drive?
Of course, I can. Gosh!
My license is kept safely in my closet,
so it's clean, I should've brought it.
Why keep your license
in the closet? To wear it?
It's a self-driving car.
Don't worry and sleep.
I'm not the type to sleep in a car.
That's rude to the driver.
I see.
Should I stop by the rest…
I guess not.
I become red
only in front of someone I like.
Did what I say just now
sound like a love confession?
Son Sae-byeol
of Greenway Building Division.
Is Ms. Lee away from her desk?
Is this Mr. Kwon?
Hong-jo took a day off.
You can talk to me.
Can you spare me a second?
Just me?
Why did you want to meet us?
You guys filmed
and spread the video, right?
We didn't.
I did film it, but I didn't spread it.
I just showed it to her.
It wasn't me either.
I showed it to just one person
in the PR team.
Filming a video
without consent is illegal.
I won't report it to the Audit Team.
Instead, I want you to
delete the video in front of me.
It might've been fun for you two,
but it could've hurt someone.
If something similar happens,
don't make the same mistake.
He's so cool.
I love how cold he is.
- Yes?
- Get a grip.
We're totally in the doghouse.
It's okay.
We still have Jang Sin-yu.
You're right.
Our eyes met.
Go this way.
That was fast.
It wasn't. You slept for a long time.
It's so nice.
Even in an expensive place like this,
the owner would grill pork belly
for us if we ask, right?
There's no owner. This is my villa.
Then let's go buy some pork belly.
You have a grill, right?
I've never gone camping before,
so I've always wanted to try that.
"If there's no one else here,
do we have to spend the night alone?"
Shouldn't you react like this?
Does being alone with me
concern you?
Yes, very much.
You might do something to me.
Some people
might find you very attractive.
But to me, you're not even half of half
of half as attractive as pork belly.
I won't do anything to you,
so don't worry.
It's not that way.
Get ready. We'll climb the mountain.
We're going hiking?
I never thought I'd come
all the way to Jirisan Mountain.
Can't you find it alone?
I don't know what spell you want,
but you must've memorized it.
Can't you do it yourself?
Did you read the book properly?
Only those selected can cast the spells.
I didn't take you for the type
to blindly believe in shamanism.
In Joseon, they called
the spell book Book of Spells.
The first person
to write the book was Aeng-cho.
Aeng-cho was a real person.
I read Joseon Dynasty Records.
Then the book I have
is the book written by Aeng-cho?
What do you want me to find?
I can't get caught
for illegally picking a rare plant.
It's not protected.
It just grows here.
So what is this plant?
Rhododendron fauriei.
Rhododendron fauriei.
Are you sick?
Are you planning to do
the Cure Disease Spell?
You must be crazy.
In this day and age?
Come on. You're a lawyer.
- Do you believe in miracles?
- No, not at all.
- What about curses?
- Curses…
I believe in them.
Then you'll get what I'm going to say.
I am cursed.
Now is not the time to joke around.
Go to a hospital if you're sick.
You don't have time for this nonsense.
Have you ever been
desperate for something?
So desperate you would grasp at straws.
I have.
Then be quiet and keep searching
before the sun sets.
Now I want to do it even less.
I found it.
Here, I found it.
Even wizards don't entrust
their wands to Muggles.
You're a witch. I'm a Muggle.
Pluck it yourself.
I'm ready.
You can start now.
I'll be standing by you.
"Cure Disease Spell."
"Before casting the spell,
cleanse your mind and body by bathing."
"Wear neat and white clothes."
"Cast it at night,
at a place full of grass
when the full moon is at the highest."
"Place brassware on red silk
embroidered with plum blossoms."
"Add chocolate vine, wild ginseng fruits,
antler reishi,
and rhododendron fauriei."
"Mash them with a pestle
and squeeze out the juice."
"Sincerely hoping for the person to heal,
use the juice to write
on the palm of the sick person…
the character 'life.'"
How do you feel?
My heart seems to be beating faster.
Is that a good thing?
Are you getting better?
You better go in.
- What?
- Go in first.
I'll stay with you.
I want to know what happens.
What's happening?
This won't do.
Where are you going? Stay by my side.
Can't you just go in first?
Are you getting mad at me?
When I came all the way here,
wore this strange dress,
and did my best to help you?
What's strange about it?
I think you look pretty in it.
What's wrong with him?
I hope it works.
That would mean the Love Spell works too.
Are you okay?
How're you feeling?
I was just worried you might've developed
an allergy from inhaling the ashes.
Why aren't you answering?
Are you sleeping?
You startled me. I thought you left.
The spell must've worked.
You look healthy.
Your skin looks so fair. Better than mine.
Wash, get changed, and pack.
I'm almost done.
We're leaving already?
After coming all the way here?
I'm feeling under the weather.
I couldn't sleep properly
because I had a nightmare.
Was the bed uncomfortable?
My condition must've
gotten worse after the spell.
It could be a healing crisis.
Even flu takes a few days
for you to recover.
I don't know about your illness,
but you might recover slowly.
Pack up and come out.
Hong-jo took a day off.
I came all the way to Jirisan
just to go back like this?
I'm so unlucky.
What kind of guy does that?
One moment, he believes in spells.
Next, he doesn't.
It's Mr. Kwon.
It's Mr. Kwon.
What do I do?
It's me, Jae-gyeong.
Hi. To what do I owe this call?
Is the video
the reason you didn't come to work?
Well, that's not the only reason.
I have some personal matters to attend to.
That's a relief.
I was worried about you.
- Me?
- Yes.
What about tomorrow?
I'll be at work.
- Can we meet after work tomorrow?
- Pardon?
Why are you surprised?
I'll text you about the time and place.
I think the Love Spell worked.
He was worried
because I didn't go to work.
He asked about tomorrow
and to meet after work.
He'll let me know when and where to meet.
This clearly proves
that the Love Spell worked.
Is he going to confess
his feelings for you or what?
There's a high chance.
Cheer up.
The Cure Disease Spell
will take effect soon too.
See? I told you to wait.
Sin-yu, you're always so impatient.
First, you pestered me to open the box.
And now this.
Nowhere in the book did it mention
how long it would take for you to recover.
Just wait and see.
Because the Love Spell is working.
That means
the Cure Disease Spell will work too.
I'm so excited!
Remember. You promised
to take only one spell.
The rest of the spells are mine.
Don't change your mind.
Don't ask for more.
Got it?
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Good morning.
Mr. Gong.
Did Ms. Ma resign?
Her time off is over,
but she's not here today.
Who the hell…
You said to reply with a period.
That was a period.
Why are you replying only now?
I turned on my phone today
to come to work.
Your texts were funny.
You wanted to check
if I was dead or alive,
- but you were scared, right?
- Of course.
Everyone knows
about the affair and the divorce.
He shouldn't have pretended
to be so loving on TV.
The whole nation knows you,
and your phone was off.
I won't die.
See? I came back alive.
Wait for me.
Really not going to eat?
I'm not hungry.
Skipping wild veggie bibimbap at Jirisan
is like not bathing in a bathhouse.
Since you're so excited,
go enjoy it yourself.
- Hello.
- Are you here alone?
Yes. One bibimbap, please.
I'm at Jirisan Mountain
and I'm still eating alone.
I thought you weren't hungry.
Did you suddenly get hungry?
What do you want?
I am Groot.
Could I get another bibimbap
but without bracken, please?
How did you know I didn't like bracken?
I am Groot.
You keep staring at your phone.
If you're so curious,
why not text him first?
I can't do that.
What I'm doing is verification.
If he contacts me first,
it means the Love Spell worked.
Then, we can hope
for you to get better too.
I'm not making a fuss just for myself.
Just text him first. I'm curious too.
No, I'll wait.
Oh, my gosh! He texted me.
What does he say?
What did he text?
It's a secret.
Put your feet down.
Thank you.
Go home and get some rest.
You're tired from driving,
not from the spell.
So don't blame it on me.
Just wait and see.
What about the dress?
Would I ever wear it again?
And you think I would?
It looked expensive.
Sell it in a thrift shop or whatever.
Deal with it yourself.
That dress is yours.
He'll let me know when and where to meet.
This clearly proves
that the Love Spell worked.
Is he going to confess
his feelings for you or what?
There's a high chance.
What does he say?
What did he text?
It's a secret.
See you at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Let's meet here.
I'd like that.
Yes, I'd…
The spell must've really worked.
Oh, my gosh.
Good morning, Mr. Gong.
Get here earlier next time.
Good morning.
- Hi.
- Good morning.
You caused a mess and took a day off,
so your coworker had to clean it up.
I'm sorry.
Did you receive the email?
Yes, the files?
You should've told me if you did.
- I received it well.
- My tumbler.
- What is it?
- I lost my tumbler.
- Did you see my tumbler?
- No.
What's the fuss about?
I lost my tumbler. It's this big and--
It's pink.
Why do you have my tumbler?
I took it to prevent accidents.
It was on the floor
and someone could've tripped.
Did you drink the water in here?
Was I not supposed to?
Did you really drink it?
It's not yours to drink.
I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
I found it and kept it safely.
- I deserve a "Thank you," not--
- Quiet!
Unless there's a wildfire,
your voice should not be louder
than 20 dB in Greenway Building Division.
I'm sorry.
You don't have to apologize.
He's the one that was loud.
I'm Manager Ma Eun-yeong.
Nice to meet you.
You already know my name.
Thank you.
Park Maintenance
has a team dinner today,
and everyone must attend.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
Oh, no.
See you at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Let's meet here.
What are we eating?
I'm meeting him tomorrow instead.
So I can't check if the spell worked.
I think it did though.
He works overtime a lot,
but he said tomorrow is good too.
You're too close.
How do you feel? Did you get better?
- There are even side effects.
- Side effects?
My chest feels tight. My heart beats fast.
It's hyperventilation or arrhythmia.
- You didn't have them before?
- Of course not.
Hong-jo, did you wander off again?
I'm coming!
Give it a bit more time.
Tell me if you start to feel better.
What's she doing there?
Everyone's waiting for you.
Let's go. Everyone up front.
I think it did though.
He works overtime a lot,
but he said tomorrow is good too.
Not being able to drive is the worst.
How did you get here?
Aren't you glad to see me?
Is the theme of the house
ink wash painting?
I should redecorate it when you're out.
Go do your work.
Don't worry and take your time.
Let's see.
What are those?
At first,
I was very upset to hear
that you moved to Onju.
But come to think of it,
it's a good thing.
You're not living
with your parents anymore,
so I can visit you whenever I want.
Aren't they nice?
I bought pajamas just in case.
How is it?
What's with those eyes?
How is it?
Did I upset you by coming over
when you told me you needed some time?
What's wrong? You're making me anxious.
Na-yeon, let's stop this.
You want to stop dating and get married?
Was this what you meant
when you said you needed time?
What's the reason?
During our two years together,
you never told me anything important.
You won't tell me why
we're breaking up either?
I need a clear explanation to accept it.
Do you not love me anymore?
Is it another girl?
Or do you just not want to get married?
What reason can you accept?
Are you saying
you'd say anything to break up?
How can you do this to me?
I know.
I liked you first, so I chased you around.
It's also true that I like you more.
Even so,
how can you do this?
I'll go today.
But give me some time too.
I need time to think.
I'll give you a ride home.
You don't have to.
Giving me a ride home after breaking up?
That makes me feel pathetic.
What's for lunch?
- Ms. Lee.
- Yes?
What's for lunch?
We should eat together with Ms. Ma.
What about the cafeteria?
It provides a balanced diet
that changes daily.
No. We should eat webfoot octopus today.
Isn't that so, Ms. Ma?
I'm up for the cafeteria.
I don't want to go out.
See? Ms. Lee always chooses the best menu.
What's up with the thumbs up?
He used to hate her.
His old age makes him fickle.
Let's go quickly
before the cafeteria gets crowded.
Mr. Gong. I'm sorry
but I need to go out for work today.
Working outside again?
You work way too hard.
What is it?
Are you feeling better?
I called because I was concerned.
You must be concerned
about Jae-gyeong, not me.
What to say when you see him
and whether the spell worked or not.
You catch on quick.
Don't get your hopes up.
I'm still not feeling good,
both physically and mentally.
There might be another--
Don't blush for no reason,
fidget, or tuck your hair behind your ear.
I personally hate those things.
As if I ever did those for him!
When did I ever fidget?
Knock, knock.
Mr. Jang, did you
read all of these already?
My mind kept getting sidetracked,
so I tried to focus on work.
There were over 200 of them.
There were 198.
The mayor would like to
have dinner with you.
I can't.
Can't you just join?
Mr. Kwon has a prior engagement.
If you turn him down as well,
what am I supposed to tell the mayor?
Where is Mr. Kwon heading
for his prior engagement?
Am I late?
No, I just arrived too.
I see.
You must be busy.
I'm fine.
- What would you like?
- I'll--
No, it's on me.
I'd like a hot iced latte.
Thank you.
I'm Sin-yu, the legal advisor.
I need to check CCTV footage
from three days ago.
Yes, sir.
I want to introduce someone.
He is Lawyer Jang Sin-yu,
the new legal advisor for City Hall.
- Nice to meet you.
- Mr. Kwon.
- Yes?
- It took a lot of effort,
but Mr. Kwon hired him away
from Law & High.
Let's give him a hand.
Mr. Kwon is very competent.
He did a great job.
What brings you here?
I wanted to know what Jae-gyeong said.
I won't tell you.
It's an issue between him and me.
So there is an issue.
No. We were vibing so well.
There's no way the Love Spell worked.
How can you be so sure?
- Do you think I got dumped again?
- No.
Jae-gyeong does like you.
And I
like you too.
Subtitle translation by: Yeeun Kim
Like me?
Do you think I want this?
I can't control my feelings
because of the spell.
Get a grip, Sin-yu.
Did you follow me?
Yes. Actually, I did follow you.
I don't want to do this.
But I can't control my body.
Teach me how to break the spell.
There's only one way.
What is it?
What if I end up
really loving her?
Ripped and synced by
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