Destiny (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Kanade. I love you.
Do you know there's a way to hold hands
that can never be separated?
I got a call from a girl.
I'll be right back.
Kanade's dad was
Don't say it!
This might be the end
of our friendship.
Why are you here?
-I missed you.
-You don't know
how hard it was for us
to get over the death of Kaori.
I've never forgotten her. Not ever.
You'd better not see Masaki.
You have Takashi now.
Don't you think it's time we get married?
This is a tough one.
The former prosecutor
has come out to squash us.
This is out of the blue.
All I want is to know the truth.
What the hell is this?
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
That's why I
Kaori was
Kanade, wait!
Wait a second.
Sorry, I can't. Let's go, Kaji.
Are you sure?
Since that day,
Masaki's voice won't stop
echoing in my ears.
There can't be any doubt
about what he said at that moment.
He said Eisuke Tsuji was killed.
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
Is this your first time?
Yes, it's my first time.
Masaki's father,
Koichiro Nogi, killed my father?
That's why I Kaori was
And what does that have to do
with Kaori's accident?
Hello. This is Nishimura.
It's been a while.
I have a little favor to ask you.
I want to see the documents
for a case from the Tokyo District Office.
Yes. A case around 2004.
My father was involved as a prosecutor
in the environmental energy
corruption case.
When the trial was over,
my father committed suicide
right in front of me.
My father was kind.
Kana Kana, come here.
When I was a child,
he used to play with me often.
Way to go!
At the time, I didn't even know
what sort of work he was doing.
What's your job, Daddy?
Daddy's job is called a prosecutor.
What's a prosecutor?
Hmm, it's hard to explain.
There are people who do bad things, right?
We catch those bad people,
and judge if they really were bad.
Then we try to make them
turn into good people by
I don't understand.
Yeah, it's hard to understand, isn't it?
For some reason,
I remember that day very well.
The park at dusk,
walking side by side with my father.
The warmth of my father's hand.
My commitment to a sense of justice.
That might be it.
You asked me about my job.
Didn't you, Kanade?
Daddy's job is to be committed
to what I believe is justice.
maybe it's a job that tests you
if you can commit
to a sense of justice or not.
My father changed
when I was in the sixth grade.
It was after we moved
from Takamatsu to Tokyo.
Is Dad not coming home again tonight?
He's on a business trip for a while
so he won't be coming home.
His work required him
to be away from home for days at a time.
Welcome home.
Hello, Kanade.
At home, he didn't talk much anymore.
I felt scared to talk to him sometimes.
May 19th, 2003
Don't get in your father's way.
Go to bed now.
On May 19th
From TV news,
I found out that my father worked
in the special investigation squad
of Tokyo District
Public Prosecutors Office.
He was leading the search
of an office of a sitting Diet member
who was involved in a corruption case.
My father, the prosecutor in charge,
ordered the arrest of the Diet member.
But when the trial started,
it became clear
that the prosecution
had fabricated evidence in the case.
My father, who was supposed to be
catching bad people,
found himself considered
to be the villain.
And then he
Am I the only one summoned?
The case is a fabrication
by the prosecution.
It was a completely rash move
by the police.
It is outrageous.
An indictment is impossible.
The attorney who exposed
the fabrication by the prosecution
and caused my father to get arrested was
Koichiro Nogi.
An indictment is impossible.
It is outrageous.
Do you have a moment?
You seem to be researching something
on your own recently.
Well, I
Is it about Eisuke Tsuji,
the former prosecutor?
Did you know about my father?
It was easy to figure out
even with the change in your surname.
That's fine for now.
You have a visitor.
The "attorney of justice" is here.
Thank you for waiting.
Be careful.
You never know when you'll be caught
flat-footed in this business.
Try not to repeat
the mistakes of your father.
Thank you for making time
in your busy schedule.
Not at all.
I wanted to apologize for the other day.
At Yokohama District Court.
Oh, it's all right.
Was that day the first time we met?
Uh, not exactly.
I didn't meet you in person,
but I'm familiar with your face and name
from that illegal drug case.
once before that.
I was at university.
When Ms. Kaori Oikawa had that accident,
I saw you at the police station in Nagano.
I see.
I know Masaki caused so much trouble.
It's all right.
The reason I came here is
Is it about my father, Eisuke Tsuji?
Oh, excuse me.
I was surprised by your bluntness.
It's because I too
wanted to meet you face-to-face
and ask you some questions.
Ask me? About what?
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
About the case
which my father
was involved in 20 years ago.
The environmental energy corruption case.
I see.
In that case,
you were the attorney for the Diet member
my father indicted for bribery.
Yes, I was.
This almost feels
like an interrogation.
The special investigation squad was abuzz
over the arrest of a sitting Diet member.
Well, I can imagine.
But when the trial started,
every last bit of testimony
up until that point was retracted.
This was all done by a skilled attorney.
I don't know if I'm that skilled.
The Diet member was acquitted,
and my father was accused
of deciding to indict even though he knew
that the key evidence email
had been fabricated.
And he was dishonorably discharged.
And right before he was arrested
My father
was proud of his job as a prosecutor.
It's just impossible
that he would ever try
fabricating evidence to achieve results.
I don't believe that,
and I don't want to believe that.
If by any chance
my father actually did
what he was suspected of doing,
there must have been a reason why.
That's what I
wanted to know.
If so then why do you think
your father didn't fight
to clear his name?
You must be concerned
because of what Masaki said.
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
But what I presented in the trial
with your father was all truthful.
As recognized by the court.
I was committed to justice as an attorney.
And your father
It was a grievous incident.
But your father
administered justice to himself.
Wasn't that what happened?
At least that's what I
Even if so
Even if that's the case,
what does that have to do
with Ms. Kaori Oikawa's death?
I'm sure he said
I-I'm sure of what Masaki said that day.
That's why that accident
Kaori was
I have no knowledge
beyond your father's case.
There's no way I can answer.
Are you asking me
as a prosecutor?
Or as the daughter of Eisuke Tsuji?
I'm asking as both.
Then I have to say it was a bit lousy
as a prosecutor.
Come in.
The doctor will see you.
Are you Mr. Masaki Nogi
brought here in an ambulance?
Thank you for coming in.
It's okay.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
When you can't get a statement,
you obtain objective facts and evidence.
Isn't that the basic method?
Especially if your opponent is formidable.
Matsumoto Higashi Police Department?
I'm Nishimura from the Yokohama District
Public Prosecutor's Office.
I appreciate your kind assistance.
I want to make an inquiry
about an accident from 12 years ago.
It occurred within the jurisdiction
of Matsumoto Higashi in July 2012.
I was committed to justice as an attorney.
And your father
Are you asking me as a prosecutor?
Or as the daughter of Eisuke Tsuji?
How about the 17th? Next Saturday.
Huh? Sorry, what?
Oh, I
The day we're going to Nagano.
How's next Saturday?
We've got to inform your mother
about us getting married.
Another difficult case?
Lines on my brow?
There are no lines. You're fine.
I don't want wrinkles.
"It might be Masaki."
That was my gut feeling.
Not answering?
It's a number I don't know.
Hello? What's up, Tomo?
Sorry to call so late. Can we talk?
It's all right with me.
Hold on a second.
Hello? What is it?
You haven't met Masaki again, have you?
No, I haven't met him but
But what?
It's hard to explain on the phone.
I-I'll tell you when I see you.
What's hard to explain on the phone?
Why are you so curious about Masaki?
Well, you can't help it I guess.
Okay. I understand.
Call me when you have some time.
-Let's get together and talk.
Okay, great. Thank you.
Good night then.
Yeah, good night.
Ah-ha! I startled you!
Stop this "I startled you" nonsense!
Hey, Nozomi!
Mom, we're here.
Welcome home.
-Oh, Ms. Nishimura.
-Ah, Takashi.
So nice of you to come at a busy time.
-No problem. It's been a while.
-Yes, it has been.
I brought you this.
Thank you! Please have a seat.
-Go ahead.
-Thank you.
Hey, you'll have beer, won't you?
-It should be fine.
You didn't drive here.
I could see clearly
how excited my mother was.
She thought we were there to tell her
we were planning to get married.
Of course that was true,
but I realized my heart was heavy
for some reason.
Was it because of my father? Or Masaki?
The restlessness in my life these days.
But that wasn't all.
Hey. Are we really going to tell her
about us getting married today?
We're not? Why?
Because I haven't given you an answer yet.
I thought so. You didn't notice it.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Oops. I forgot the chopsticks.
Kanade, take care of this.
As you can see, I'm on a roll these days.
-On a roll?
-On a roll
I'm on a roll towards aging.
It's embarrassing, honestly.
When did my mother become so cheerful?
How did she overcome my father's death?
-I'm so glad you could come.
-Thank you.
There you go.
-I'll do it.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'll fill it up for you.
-I'll do it for you.
-No, it's okay.
-Now, let's eat.
Uh, before we start
-Um, well
Will you marry me?
You said you hadn't answered yet, so
You didn't?
Please give me your answer.
Yes. I'd be happy to marry you.
My goodness
I'm so glad
You two
Hey, let's have a toast!
Yes. Cheers.
Let's have a toast!
Takashi. Take care of my daughter.
-Of course. Please treat me favorably.
-Of course.
I've been drinking alone recently.
Don't mind me if I pass out today.
You can go home whenever you want.
I cannot do that.
I'm a doctor.
What is it? Did I say something weird?
You've definitely found
a good man, Kanade.
Did you hear that?
I'm relieved.
I apologize for having to meet
in this way, Mr. Nogi.
It's all right.
Something worrisome came up.
What do you mean?
Did you happen to meet
the daughter of Eisuke Tsuji recently?
I'm impressed that you know.
Kanade. What are you doing?
Looking for notebooks
from my university days.
Takashi fell asleep. What should we do?
I wonder if I made him drink too much.
Just leave him alone.
Recently, he's had to perform
a lot of operations so he must be tired.
-Are you busy these days too, Kanade?
But it's always that way.
You don't have to try so hard anymore.
You've found your own happiness now.
I'm not trying too hard.
Kanade, if you're
still thinking about your father
No, it's not like that. It's okay.
I hope so.
You need to forget
about your father.
There are things better left unknown.
Sometimes the past needs to be sealed.
You becoming a prosecutor was a surprise.
I'm sure your father never dreamt of it.
Mr. Nogi is a former prosecutor.
In 1988,
he was posted to Kagoshima District.
He was my father's colleague?
I was committed to justice as an attorney.
But why didn't he mention that fact to me
when we talked the other day?
Can I turn off the light?
Hmm? Yes.
What's the matter?
You seem kind of down
since this afternoon.
I don't think so.
I'm not feeling down, but
Are you hesitant to get married?
Of course not. What are you saying?
we don't have to fixate
on the idea of marriage.
If you don't want to get married,
we could just stay as is.
I never said I didn't want to get married.
Then why did you say we should?
You suddenly proposed to me.
I wonder why myself.
You should go check out the fridge.
What's in there?
Something I bought you.
This ring was in the fridge?
He's more mischievous than he seems.
Yeah. He doesn't seem the type, does he?
Thank you.
I thought you'd be more excited.
I'm not that young anymore, and we've
lived together for almost two years.
That's how it is?
Yes, that's how it is.
It's not because of Masaki, is it?
The reason you're not excited.
No, that's not it.
-To tell you the truth
I happened to see Masaki
argue with his father.
The Yokohama District Court lobby.
I heard Masaki say
that his father was the one
who killed my father.
And that Kaori's accident
was connected to it.
Masaki said that?
Later on, we met and talked.
-With Masaki?
-Um, no.
With Masaki's father.
No way.
What did he say?
He said he only faced my father
as an attorney against a prosecutor.
He didn't know about the accident.
But if you think about it,
on that day
Masaki's father
came to the police station.
Then the accident was treated
as negligence by Kaori.
He might have pressured them?
I made a request
to the Nagano police station.
What I found out was
Masaki's fingerprints
were on the steering wheel.
You mean it wasn't an accident?
I've never told anyone this before.
But on that night,
Masaki said something to me.
-That night?
-The night of Kaori's wake.
I'm sorry!
I'm the one who
He said he killed Kaori.
No. That can't be.
I know. It's unthinkable to me too.
There's something I've learned
as a prosecutor.
The difference between committing a crime
and not committing a crime
is a very fine line.
When unexpected things happen,
people behave unexpectedly.
You never know when a person
might step over a line.
You just don't know.
That's why
of course I want to believe
my father and Masaki, but
I believe them as a daughter
and as a friend.
But now,
it's impossible
for me to blindly believe them
as a prosecutor.
Feeling like this
sometimes makes me think
I shouldn't have become a prosecutor.
But I can't back down now.
Because I want to know the truth.
I'm sorry I had to tell you this.
It's okay.
But you're the only one
I could share this with.
So after all
I think I should go see Masaki and ask him
about the accident.
What happened between him
and Kaori on that day
and why he appeared in front of me
Don't do it.
-Because what if
What if he actually did kill Kaori?
I'm home.
Crap, he's home already.
He said he'd be late.
Who's here? Do you have company?
Why are you asking?
Hello. Long time no see.
Why are you shocked?
Didn't you say you would be late?
Well, the truth is
Hey, come on in.
What's going on?
Um, so
I contacted Yuki.
That's why
That's why you came to Kaori's memorial?
You heard from him?
What are you guys secretly doing?
-But I couldn't
-Masaki, you too.
You don't have to hide from us.
Well You know.
But now everyone's here, so it's all good.
Hey. We might as well make a toast.
How about it?
We should raise a glass to Kaori.
Come on. I even bought some pizzas.
Raise a glass? Are you kidding?
Some nerve showing up, Masaki.
What? But Tomo.
You just said he doesn't have to hide.
That's saying the opposite.
I'm just saying I can't believe
how you can show your face
after being so secretive.
So tell me, why didn't you ever call me?
And why did you
come over here so suddenly?
Tomo. That's enough.
I just wanted
to see everybody.
Masaki says he was
out of the country this whole time.
What were you doing?
Digging wells.
He was working with NGOs.
going to developing countries
and conflict areas.
As a way of atonement for Kaori?
I should leave now.
I apologize, Yuki.
Tomo too.
Kanade too.
-Hey, hold on
You'd better not get close to Kanade.
Kanade's getting married soon.
She already has a man.
I see.
I see.
Show me.
I got a call from a girl.
I'll be right back.
I missed you.
What the hell is this?
"It's now or never."
I heard a voice inside me say.
Kanade, don't go!
Why were you so harsh on him?
You didn't have to say
Because it's all my fault!
Everything was my fault.
Masaki! Wait!
I want to ask you something.
Why did you say what you said?
What was the relationship
between my father
and your father?
Did you know about the case
my father was working on?
And that your father
was the attorney on the case?
And what does that
have to do with
Kaori's accident?
What do you actually know, Masaki?
I want to know too.
Until I find out,
in the meantime,
I'll be here.
What kind of guy is he?
Your husband-to-be.
What a lucky guy.
He gets to marry you.
Don't be silly.
You're right.
If I find out something,
can I contact you?
Was that call you?
That was me.
Y-You can.
Bye then.
Don't let go!
Do you know there's a way to hold hands
that can never be separated?
I know.
I know!
It was his usual smile.
I knew I must not go.
I knew I shouldn't, but
Subtitle translation by: Ikuko Sachs
I've ruined everything.
Why were Masaki's fingerprints there?
If I'd killed her
That's not fair, Tomo!
It was me who
It's impossible.
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