Dharavi Bank (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

What do you want?
When will Thalaivan leave the house?
That's all I want to know.
How am I supposed to know that?
He hasn't left his house in years.
There has to be some way
to drag him out of his hole.
What did that file contain?
That file It was his Achilles' heel.
Extortions, murders,
hawala rackets
It had a detailed report
on all his criminal activities.
It was his death sentence.
Then why didn't you and my dad
submit the file?
Without any political support,
it is impossible to get to Thalaivan.
Anyway, the black money
of most of the ministers
of this state
is deposited in Dharavi Bank.
Every election is contested
using Thalaivan's money.
And what about that audio recording?
It has recorded
Thalaivan's voice, right?
- He sings a lullaby. I've heard it.
- Mahesh!
It's proof.
He killed a police official.
Mahesh, do you think
the court will accept
that toy as evidence?
If you get information
about Thalaivan,
what will you do with it?
I'll keep a gun
pointed at his fking door.
I will shoot that bard.
You were supposed to collect
the consignment.
Then where were you at that time?
I was watching the match
in the warehouse.
I swear to God, Thalaivan.
I know nothing about the raid.
I have no idea about it.
Tell him, Shiva!
Where is your family?
Please don't harm my family, Thalaivan!
Please don't harm my family!
My son is just 14 years old.
And my daughter is 7 years old.
I spent half of my time at the hospital
because my wife is on dialysis.
Don't harm my family!
Please don't harm my family!
Thalaivan, how can I betray you?
You are akin to God for me.
I have been working with you
since the beginning.
I don't even have the courage
to betray you.
I can't do that!
Where is your family?
I am here.
Behead me! Go ahead!
But please don't harm my family!
Don't harm my family, Shiva!
We are friends, right? Please tell him!
You have an informant
amongst the police, right?
I want his body
in front of my eyes
Consider it done.
I'll bring him dead.
But please don't harm my family.
For God's sake, don't harm my family!
Don't harm my family!
Hey! Listen to me.
I want that fking Francis.
I don't want excuses!
Whoever you find,
be it his wife or his children,
bring them to me.
Don't make excuses, asle!
Hang up!
Hey Buchkiya!
Are you here on a picnic?
Stand straight, motherfker!
Why are you standing there?
Come here.
Were you thinking something?
So, I didn't disturb you.
Don't you think dad is losing
his influence on people?
He should have chopped that ale
Francis into pieces in front of everyone!
Should have killed him there.
- Anna!
- People start shtting their pants
when they hear his name!
That's how powerful dad is.
If he loses his power,
what will become of Dharavi?
If he had killed Francis,
how will we find out
who leaked the information
about our deal?
It's not about the deal.
It's about power.
We will eventually find out who did it.
If I were in dad's shoes,
I would have shot a live video
of chopping off his family alive.
Then I would have seen
who tried to stop us!
He might have a plan.
Elections are around the corner.
I am sure he has a plan.
We shouldn't use violence
to deal with every problem.
Hey! He doesn't have any plan.
He is growing old.
We have to save Dharavi, Veera.
How is he now?
Sir, he is strong.
Nothing is going to happen to him.
And what about
his shooting competition?
He was going to represent
the Mumbai Police
at the shooting competition.
You know how good he is at aiming.
He always hits the bullseye.
He was certain to win a gold medal.
But I wanted him to be a part
of my operation.
And he agreed to be a part of it.
Daaji, what's Joe's real name?
- Sir.
- Thanks.
- Our sharpshooter.
- Hail India, sir!
Hail India. Relax.
How's your hand?
It's fine, sir.
It's nothing serious.
Daaji was singing your praises
in front of me.
He claims you never miss a target.
- Right?
- Bullseye.
Is that so?
I only miss a target
when I want to.
Who's the target, sir?
Get well soon.
- Ditto.
- Take care of yourself.
Close the door.
You seem to be quite upset
since the party night.
Is there anything wrong?
Tell me, please.
It's nothing, Michael.
I know you very well, my foxy cat.
Tell me. What's wrong?
That bard Avinash tried
to molest me during the party.
Where did he touch you?
Here. Here.
Like this.
Then why didn't you tell me?
He is the MLA of Dharavi, Michael.
So what?
Mhatre's son and Shiva's close friend.
Do you understand
why I remained silent?
But I won't remain silent.
Hey, wait! Where are you going?
- Sir
- You can't go inside.
Sir, I don't know all this.
Talk to the nurse.
Go away from here.
Sir, I have to clean the sht
and vomit of other patients too.
I am fed up with working
at this government hospital.
Go and talk to the nurse.
Wait a minute.
Joe, did you call the ward boy?
Shoaib, you!
Sorry, Joe.
I have been sent to kill you.
Let go of me!
Hail India, sir!
- Hail India, sir!
- Sir
It's an important call.
I have to take this.
- I will call you once you are done.
- Okay, sir.
Thank you.
Tell me, Daaji.
Joe was attacked.
- Is he okay?
- I am not sure, sir.
But he killed the attacker and escaped.
The meeting with the delegation
from Japan
It's scheduled for five o'clock, ma'am.
I know it's at five.
Reschedule it to six o'clock.
And connect me to the Home Minister
in 20 minutes.
- Okay, ma'am.
- Ma'am!
Meet him. He is JCP Jayant Gavaskar.
He was DCP Ramakrishnan's right-hand man.
He is one of our best.
Number one subject matter expert
of Dharavi Bank.
Good evening, ma'am.
- Sir, no one has received the salary yet.
- Come on. Get going.
Okay, buddy. See you tonight.
Pick it up.
That way.
At the back.
Hey! Joe!
- Where have you been?
- Sit down, motherfker!
- Have a seat.
- What are you doing?
Keep it back.
Yes, keep it there.
Pick the other one.
When did you get discharged
from the hospital?
Joe, you are seriously injured.
You sent Shoaib
to kill me!
Listen, Joe.
Hear me out once.
It was Thalaivan's order.
If you want, you can ask Rajan.
I swear to God!
I tried so hard
I tried so hard to defend you
But what could I have done?
Thalaivan was really upset.
And listen.
He threatened to kill my family.
So, what could I have done?
Okay. Where
Where is Shoaib?
- He was killed.
- What?
By the police.
Don't stay here.
Go back.
I won't tell anyone that you came here.
Okay? Go on.
Did the police question you?
I wasn't in the condition to talk!
They took me directly to the hospital.
My government
should not face any official inquiries.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
Permission to speak frankly?
People think
that Dharavi Bank is just
an underworld nexus.
But it's not.
It's an industry.
From shipping ports to sports,
from contract killings to hospitals,
from real estate
to your cabinet
Thalaivan has his men everywhere.
But he can't be linked with anyone.
From Mumbai to Dubai,
renowned businessmen,
actors, cricketers,
He helps everyone.
We are going after an empire
of 30,000 crores.
And the owner of that empire
is hiding amongst
30,000 alleys of Dharavi.
Ma'am, this operation isn't just difficult
but really dangerous too.
And only one person
can make it successful.
I know, Jayant.
That's why I chose you.
Whatever and whenever
you need the resources,
you will get them.
You have my word.
Thank you, ma'am.
Jayant is forming a team, ma'am.
I'll keep you posted.
This is a top priority for us.
Good luck, commissioner.
Thank you, ma'am.
Hail India.
- JCP.
- Yes, ma'am.
You may go, commissioner.
I need to have a word with him.
Yes, ma'am.
How are you, Jayant?
I am fine.
And Ira?
She is also fine.
You were looking for this, right?
It has all the information about
the account of Dharavi Bank
in which the money
of the cricket league is deposited.
Now, you can focus
on winning the elections.
Whosoever wins these 70 seats
will become the CM.
Thalaivan is giving 700 crores to Mhatre
to win these 70 seats.
So that Mhatre becomes
the king of Maharashtra
and Thalaivan can
become the kingmaker.
To stop them,
whatever needs to be done,
you can count on me for that.
Not ma'am.
I am so happy
to see you again, Jayant.
Oh! Mr Gaikwad, greetings.
I am so sorry for being late.
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning.
- Good morning. Please come.
- Yes.
Please have a seat.
How are you?
You're visiting me after a long time.
It seems you've also learned
to use online banking.
No, ma'am.
I have only been able to learn
to send an e-mail properly.
I am retired.
So, I spend most of my time
at my farmhouse.
You're lucky.
Tell me. How can I help you? FDs?
No, I want an education loan.
I want to get my son admitted
to a college in London for MBA.
So, I thought of applying
for a loan here.
Of course.
What's your birth date?
15th December 2000.
I have written it on the form.
Is there an error?
Vinu was also born
Excuse me.
Oh, Almighty!
You still have my number!
Okay, tell me.
How have you saved it on your phone?
Michael's Sakina or your Sakina?
I want to meet you.
Okay. Where do you want to meet me?
I'll text you.
Okay, bye.
- Will you have fish?
- Yes.
- Ira.
- Yes.
Why don't you wear a sari like this
fisherwoman? You'll look hot.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Then get me a new sari.
- Done.
Happy birthday, Vinu.
Hey! How did you like the birthday gift?
- Superb, dad.
- Yeah?
I can see everything clearly from here.
- Dad.
- Yes.
I want to become a police officer
like you once I grow up.
Well done, my boy!
You will surely become
a better police officer than me.
I want to see you fight.
Haven't you seen me fighting
so many times?
Don't I fight with your mom
all the time?
How much is this for?
Don't tell mom. I have to make a call.
- How much is this for?
- 400 rupees.
- Tell me the fair price.
- It's fair.
It's not fresh. Give me another one.
- It's fresh.
- No, it's not.
Yes, Vinu?
- Dad!
Oh, God!
Jay! Jay, leave him!
Let go of him! What are you doing?
Jayant, what are you doing? Stop it!
What the hell!
Jayant, stop it! Please!
Never mess with my family.
Take Michael to the hospital quickly!
I didn't know I would meet you here,
You have Ram's file, right?
Don't make the mistake
that my brother made.
Where is the file?
I will give you money, Gavaskar.
Get settled with your family.
I will count to three.
Go on.
You won't get the file.
No matter what you do.
Happy birthday,
Sorry, my child!
I'm sorry!
Bad day?
There's a lot of workload. Just tired.
I was house hunting.
In Chicago.
Just like that.
I was checking out the market.
What happened?
Is something bothering you?
Deepa, my father was not corrupt.
He was framed.
When did you find out?
I spoke with one of his teammates.
He told me.
You know, I always hated him.
I thought he took a coward's way out.
I was really embarrassed
because of what he did.
But I couldn't confront him.
I just wanted to hug him
and tell him that I love him!
Who implicated him?
Do you know?
He was following a case.
That's how it happened.
Look at me.
My family
never tried to solve things.
One mistake.
And they ruin the whole family.
Still, no one is happy.
is never the answer.
Whatever happened with your dad,
the universe will take care of it.
He will be very proud of you.
Let's focus on that, okay?
Hey! Don't add that too much!
- Take it out.
- Hold this.
Give it to Rajan, Rajesh,
Thurai and Sonu.
They are in Arthur Road Jail.
Go on.
Mister, hold it. You come here.
These are for Shekhar,
Arthur Road Jail. Go on.
Hurry up! You have to be on time.
Don't be late.
I want to meet Thalaivan.
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