Dive Club (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

The Rising Sun

[gentle piano music]
[Lauren] Hold the corners!
[Lauren laughing]
Ah! Take that!
And that, you pirate!
En garde!
Get out of there.
It's about to start.
Hey, guys, I’m Lauren Rose
and welcome to my first ever video
on my channel, The Diving Rose.
Now, every good captain has a boat,
so let me introduce you to…
[all] the 'Indy'.
We all had this.
We hand-painted this.
[all] Hi, guys!
[Lauren] Hi guys, how are you?
[Lauren] Dive Club, guys,
we're about to head to on an awesome dive.
-Oh yeah.
-Oh no, that is not advised.
[Lauren] We're gonna go explore
the under-sea world.
-[Stevie] Under-sea world?!
-[Anna] Under-sea world.
[Lauren] Guys, Dive Club.
This is it.
Have the best dive of our lives!
Tune in, and don't forget to like
and subscribe…
Someone switched camera holders,
oh my god.
-…and leave a comment.
-Ring the bell.
It is my channel, but anyway…
Well done!
Thank you! Thank you very much.
[Lauren] I think someone is following me.
I found something and they want it.
They broke into my room, trying
to find it. I don’t know who to trust.
I don’t think I can trust anyone.
Not even my dad.
What was that?!
I knew Lauren didn’t sail into the cyclone
and disappear, someone made her disappear.
Do you think someone…
I think someone was trying
to keep her quiet.
What could've she found
that was so important?
And why wouldn’t she tell us?
We have to take this to the Chief.
Are you sure you wanna do that? I mean,
didn’t she say she couldn’t trust her dad?
Yeah, well she didn’t trust us either and
we’re her best friends.
Well, we can’t keep it. This is evidence.
[Izzie] She said someone broke
into her room.
When was the last time
you guys were there?
Weeks ago.
Did she keep a journal or anything?
She had a notebook.
I’d start there.
Look, I know Lauren's your friend,
but she seems like the kind of girl
who thought things through.
And she was hiding something for a reason.
First thing tomorrow,
when the Chief has left for work,
we'll search Lauren’s room.
And then we'll hand in the phone.
[jaunty sea-faring music]
I knew you’d come.
Who says I’m here to see you?
[gentle acoustic guitar]
[acoustic music continues]
A bit late, little cuttlefish.
Just one more chapter.
[sighs] Lauren. Where are you?
[classical music]
[woman] Anna!
[whispering] I'll just be one moment,
I promise.
Babushka, are you OK?
Do you need anything? Brad!
Where are you flitting off to?
And without shoes?
-Just to see the girls.
-Stevie-wrangling I assume.
[Anna] You’re early.
I thought we had lunch plans.
Well, with your father away, I thought you
might need help setting up for the party.
[gasps] Oh!
Happy Birthday Grandmother
Thank you, Anna.
-You look like you’re off on an adventure.
Never interrupt a busy woman.
[Anna] I’m sorry,
Izzie and I did make plans.
That’s alright.
I was just telling Viktorya
about the universities we’re considering.
And it is fascinating.
Oh, run along, you girls.
We’ll be fine.
Anna, your mother said you’re wearing
lilac this evening.
I’ve got a matching shirt.
[door opens]
[tense music]
Wait! What about the security alarm?
[scoffing] No one in Cape Mercy
has a security alarm.
We have a pretty low crime rate here.
[lock clicking]
Not any more.
And we're in, guys.
[Stevie] Over.
[Maddie] Coast is clear.
[door clunking]
Alright, eyes open
for anything that looks out of place.
How are you doing in there? Over.
Yeah, nothing yet, but Lauren’s room
is pretty messy.
[Stevie] Over.
Is it Stevie messy, or Lauren messy?
What is the difference?
[Maddie] Does Lauren have a pile
of damp wetsuits on her bed?
Fine. It’s Lauren messy.
This isn’t Stranger Things, guys!
Get in, get out.
I have to do my eyebrows
for the party tonight
[Anna] and it’s gonna take an hour!
I don’t have a dress for tonight.
What’s happening?
Lizzie doesn’t have a dress for tonight.
Does she wanna borrow one?
She says yes.
[Maddie] Cool, I can sort something.
[dramatic music]
He’s back! Abort! Abort!
You guys had one job!
[dramatic music]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[phone keypad clicking]
Yeah. It’s not here.
[Chief] The notebook's not here.
If she knew about it,
she would've written about it.
[Chief] Because it's important to me!
[Chief] I know, I know,
it's not your fault.
I don't want it to get out either.
[walkie-talkie crackles]
[music intensifies]
[siren wailing]
[siren wailing]
[adventure music]
Are you sure
that's what he said?
If I didn’t hear it myself,
I wouldn’t have believed it.
That was awesome with the siren,
by the way.
Thank you very much.
[horn beeping]
Well, the hull needs patching.
And we’re
going to have to replace the mainsail.
Calm down, Jack Sparrow.
That's Capt. Jack Sparrow to you,
thank you very much, matey.
And where are we gonna
find a pin for the rudder?!
[Henry] Hi.
This sail's has been laying
around the workshop.
Looks like you guys need a new one.
What would we do without you?
And I believe this is yours.
-You dropped it at the marina.
More of a Wuthering Heights man, myself.
No one will find it in here.
[Maddie] So we’re agreed.
We’re not handing the phone in.
Until we know what he’s hiding,
we can’t trust the Chief.
So, did you find anything
in Lauren’s room? Anything strange?
Er, no. Nothing.
-Oh, what did I put in my mouth?
-[Maddie] Lobster paste.
Erm, you have not met Sea Dog, have you?
Is this a person or an animal?
[Maddie] It's my grandfather.
That’s his signature dish.
[Anna] OK, this is not going to work.
If you’re coming diving with us,
you cannot be wearing that.
Anything in here will be better
than… this situation.
It's not that bad.
Is it?
It's all good.
[Izzie sings quietly]
From your heartbeat ♪
Just let it go ♪
You’re quite the songbird, aren’t you?
Oh, I didn’t realize you could hear me.
No good?
-It’s Lauren’s.
Stand down, Lizzie. It fits you well
and it’ll keep you warm.
What’s that? In the shoulder pocket.
[Anna] Looks like a bit of junk jewellery
for the bowl.
Are you sure you’re OK?
Yeah, she needs a wetsuit
and besides, it…
wasn’t one of Lauren’s favourites anyway.
[door opens]
[Sea Dog singing]
I see my wife standing at the quay ♪
The tears do flow as she waves to me ♪
[door closes]
I'll tell you the truth
I'll tell you no lie ♪
[Maddie singing along] ♪I’ll love
that girl till the day I die! ♪
Ah! I see we’ve landed another one!
You must be Izzie.
-Welcome aboard. [chuckles]
-Pleased to meet you Mr….
Well, that’s my land name.
I need that for tax returns and so forth.
In real life they call me Sea Dog.
-[Maddie] Sea Dog is Harbor Master.
-[Izzie] Oh!
And tonight, I’m your fairy godmother!
Sea Dog, you scoundrel!
These are amazing!
These are very '90s.
Well, Maddie said you needed some finery,
These belonged to Maddie’s mother.
[Sea Dog] She had lots of them for her
book tours.
She went all over the place with these.
There’s matching gloves.
There’s matching gloves!
[Sea Dog whistles happily]
[sea shanty music]
[girls singing]
I see my wife standing on the quay ♪
Heave away, haul away ♪
[Stevie] Ahoy, Sea Dog!
The tears do start as she waves to me ♪
We're Bound for South Australia…♪
You lot could sing sailors to their doom!
♪..I'll tell you no lie ♪
Heave away, haul away ♪
[Sea Dog singing]
Heave away, haul away ♪
[girls singing]
We're Bound for South Australia… ♪
[soul music]
Seamless guys, seamless.
Anna, where have you been?
And what on earth are you wearing?
It’s vintage.
Madeline, why don’t you take off
that jacket and show off your dress.
Mum, you know Maddie likes to wear
her jacket.
[whispers] It's her father's.
[Viktorya] Girls, help yourself to some
juice, huh?
You come.
Renee, your guests
need an official welcome.
[glass tinkling]
It is my great honour
to welcome you to our home
to celebrate not just the matriarch of my
but the matriarch of Cape Mercy.
A traditional Russian blessing.
Za raditelei.
"To our parents."
[guests] To our parents!
[light jazz music]
Looks like you’re in the club.
No mean feat
when it comes to Renee Volkov.
So I’m beginning to realize.
[girls laughing]
Hey, um, any info on the posse
my daughter’s running around with?
The one in the blue ensemble
is my little sister,
and all complaints must be in writing.
Is your daughter settling in OK?
Yeah, she seems to be.
She’s very capable.
-I just worry she’s, you know…
-Growing up too fast?
[Lucinda] Our parents relocated to
so I’m stuck on permanent
babysitting duty.
-It’s not easy when it’s one against one.
-Tell me about it.
Oh. Capricorn.
So are you set…
settling in OK?
Yeah, for the first time, I actually am.
-Do you play?
These are Maddie's. Anna asked me to hide
it’s Hayden and Stevie’s song.
I didn’t know Maddie could play.
She’s actually really good.
-Not that she’d ever admit it.
-Here. Let me.
Henry, are you a willing participant
in Anna’s plan to stop
Stevie and Hayden dancing to their song?
I wouldn’t say 'willing'.
Look, the heart wants what it wants.
So have you actually read
Wuthering Heights?
-Oh, yeah. Heathcliff's a nightmare.
That's not a good relationship.
Oh, yeah. Total nightmare.
[piano playing]
Now listen, honey ♪
While I say ♪
How can you fix your mouth to tell me
you're going away? ♪
Don't say that we must part ♪
Don't break my aching heart ♪
You know you love me ♪
True for many years ♪
Loved you night and day
Can't you see my tears? ♪
How can you leave me? ♪
Wow. Look who's back from
her European tour.
Paris certainly agrees with Camille,
don't you think?
I thought you were wearing lilac tonight.
I can’t believe they
are playing this song!
Have you seen Stevie?
After you're gone,
there's no denyin'… ♪
[music continues in distance]
Don't you think it's funny
that our song's about a break-up?
I actually think it's quite beautiful.
Why was this in Lauren’s room?
[theme music]
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