Django (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


I need your help with something.
What kind of something?
My gun.
Absolutely not.
Keep your voice down.
It would be breaking all the rules.
I don't care, give me my gun.
Well, can you at least tell
me why you think you need it?
You remember why I came here, right?
You were looking for the
owner of a tobacco case.
Seven years ago,
someone killed my family.
That tobacco case is the only clue
I have, and it brought me here.
Oh, Django. I'm so sorry.
Nah, don't be sorry, don't be sorry.
Look at me, don't be
sorry. Just give me my gun.
We will accompany John
to Nacogdoches today,
and I want to be armed.
Will you promise me
I just wanna talk to him,
I'm sure he knows something.
Do you trust me?
Why didn't you marry him?
Get off me!
You scared of him?
I'm not scared of anyone.
He could've got you killed
in Elmdale. I'd never do that.
And you know it. Because I know you.
You think you know me, but you don't.
You don't know anything.
What are you thinking?
You know what I'm thinking is:
if we want to get the oil out,
we gotta get us a drill.
Now, we will pass through
Elizabeth's territory
and that stranger's gonna come
in handy if we get attacked.
You're trusting a thief.
I wanna go with you.
I'll bring Kevin and Phillip.
- John
- He is not armed, don't worry.
I curse that man for the robbery.
He gave the Lady another
reason to want us dead.
Everything will be fine. You'll see.
Thank you, ma'am.
I've always taken
care of you, haven't I?
Yes, ma'am.
And I always will.
When I taught you to
read, what did I say?
That I'm Adam's eyes.
That's right.
Now I need you to be my eyes and ears
I'm sorry.
Now, we need to make you credible.
I'm sure you understand.
Let's go.
Lady's Plantation
I can't watch my son die of hunger.
Oh, I'll take my chances.
The Lady hates us. It's
getting worse every day.
She had a man killed just
'cause she thought that he helped
that robbery in town.
That's when I knew I had to go.
- Eat this.
- Thanks.
You'll need your strength.
Don't send me back, please.
Ain't up to me, John and
Sarah decide who stays,
but they're not here now.
And where are they then?
They went up to Nacogdoches
a couple of days.
You know it's a funny thing,
you can't dig a grave
without ending up inside one.
I buried Sarah's entire
family after the war.
Did you kill 'em?
Did you?
Do you know who did?
No, I was too late.
Sarah was the only one left.
She didn't say a thing at first.
Not a damn thing, like she was mute.
And when she did speak
she damn near ripped my heart out.
What'd she say?
She said the blood of her
family was on her father's hands.
You believe that?
It's a harsh thing to
say. Do you need a hand?
No, I'm good.
Goodnight, stranger.
This is the first time
I've ever done a robbery.
We do it for our families.
If we make it home alive, I
wanna try for another baby.
What's it like being a father?
It changes everything.
You know, my father was a good man.
That's what Maggie
says too. She loved him.
Yeah. I wish I'd met him.
Yeah. Uh, we were we were poor.
Even, uh
even poorer than we are now.
- That's hard to imagine.
- Yeah.
What about you? Are
you your father's son?
My father was a drunk.
A real heavy drinker.
He would beat my mother up.
He would beat me up, if
he had a real rough night.
I remember his his bloody knuckles.
And when my mother died, he'd beat
me twice as much and twice as hard.
Up until the point I started hoping
I I wouldn't wake up from it.
And when I was thirteen, I
found one of my mother's dresses.
And I smelled it.
It still smelled like her.
So I buried my face in it,
and after that,
I put it on.
And that's how he found me.
Imagine. I was wearing
my mother's dress.
And he just stared at me.
And he kept staring, didn't say a word.
And then all of a sudden he
said, "Put that shit off."
Keep running.
Hurry up.
We're almost there.
Come on, hurry. Run!
I don't see 'em anymore. I
don't I don't see 'em anymore.
I don't see 'em.
Come on.
We lost them.
- How do you know?
- I don't.
- We hit the jackpot.
- Shh! Shh! Shh!
I think we made it, we made it.
We made it!
Look at all this money look how much!
Smell it. Smell it!
Did something happen?
Nothing. I just wanted to be with you.
I don't want to leave
you alone with him.
Why you here, son?
Couldn't let her travel alone.
It's not safe out here.
Elijah, get up!
Shit! Fuck!
Go! Let's go!
So, this is John's plan?
These thieves believe they
can get rich off my land.
They do not know what awaits them.
Open that book and read
where the red sign is.
Read about syphilis,
read out loud, please.
A venereal disease
contracted chiefly by
infection during sexual intercourse,
and transmitted dur during pregnancy,
provoking miscarriage,
general or partial paresis,
blindness or tabes dorsalis.
Now you see what we're fighting against.
We don't want others to suffer
like Adam is suffering, right?
No, ma'am.
That's why we need to
destroy that city of sin.
And when it's done, I'm
gonna send you up north
so you can study medicine
and become a doctor.
Are Are you kidding?
Never been more serious
in my entire life.
- Now, would you like some bacon?
- Yes, ma'am.
But, uh why are
you doing that for me?
'Cause I can see perfectly clear how
that diabolical disease that my
filthy pig of a husband
contaminated my son with will
..slowly destroy him.
And I won't be here forever.
And if you're a doctor, you can
take care of Adam when I'm gone.
I need you to promise me that you
will take care of him when I'm gone.
I promise.
"I promise to take care
of Adam when you're gone".
I promise to take care
of Adam when you're gone.
That's nice.
Now you can eat.
My God, feels like it was
yesterday the last time I saw you.
Come here.
Well, then I look in the mirror
and see some shriveled old goat.
Been a lot longer than I care to admit.
Allow me the pleasure of
introducing Oscar Beaunney.
If I hadn't met him, I wouldn't
have survived after the war.
It's the same for me. Walter's
the brother I never had.
Now, we're here to offer you a deal.
A deal?
Why don't you come inside, I'll
do you a deal on a cup of coffee.
- Liking the sound of that.
- Come on. Come on y'all.
Now let me introduce you to
my family. This is Ki-Mama.
Welcome. Would you like some coffee?
Coffee would be good.
Thank you.
She was my nanny.
I lost my mother when I was six,
she's been my only family ever since.
We ain't blood, clearly,
but blood doesn't matter.
Excuse me, sir. Is there
a-anywhere I can wash up?
Sure, it's right upstairs.
Thank you.
I'll pay a fair price for
it, already got financing.
I'm sorry, the rig's not for sale.
What kinda price are we talkin' about?
Two thousand.
You could spend the next 100
years looking for a deeper reserve.
Or you could cash out right now.
With all due respect, Mr. Ellis,
I don't believe you're an expert
on the geology of this place.
A bunch of men with masks and
guns are on their way here.
Shit! Seymour, take the money
upstairs and give the gun to Django.
It's the Lady's men.
They followed us.
Let's go down to the basement.
Seymour! You got some ammo?
I'm out!
You found me when I was
drowning. You showed me
your lovely, terrible face.
In the flickering light of grace,
I heard you say,
"Why have you turned
your back on my love?
"Why have you chosen him instead of me?"
On the night of his passion,
while dining with his disciples,
he broke bread and gave it to
them and said, "Take this bread
"and eat it, for it is my
body offered as a sacrifice."
Well, he's not gonna make it.
You should finish him.
I can't do that.
Do it
Do it!
- Do it!
- I'll do it.
You can take your fucking rig!
You saved your father's life today.
Blood wins over everything.
You also know nothin' about me.
I found them in Walt's room.
I'm sure he doesn't care.
Do you want some?
What a day.
What kind of a name is Django anyway?
It's just a name.
So it's not yours?
In this life, it is.
Well, we all deserve a second chance.
You really believe we get one?
Yeah, I do.
Well, if you say it
take it.
You can hold on to your gun, stranger.
Are you sure about that?
Let me ask you something.
Why didn't you kill her?
She's my oldest friend.
Some strange friends you got.
Father and Sarah both
agree, you're welcome here.
I don't know how to thank you, sir.
Now that you're officially
part of our community,
let's get back to work.
Got it.
- That's a lovely home you have.
- Can you just please shut up.
I just want you to know something.
Just like you
I died a long time ago.
But I'm here now. I'm right here.
Maybe over time
we'll find a way
to express ourselves.
Or maybe
Maybe I'll
I'll be able to repair
some of the things I
destroyed by leaving you.
No. You have to go.
John told me everyone here
deserves a second chance.
I deserve one too.
Do you understand that?
Your army killed his son, he would
never give you a second chance.
He doesn't know who you are.
Why don't you tell him who I am?
You have to go.
Daddy's here. Mommy! Car!
Daddy's here. Let's go!
Oh, my God.
Ah Come here.
Elijah, hi.
Thank God you're home.
Good luck came, just
like you said it would.
It will get us through
the winter, that's it.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I'm so happy to have you back.
I love you.
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