Doctor Odyssey (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Plastic Surgery Week

Doctor, this ship is heaven.
- And you're here
to keep everyone alive.
Breath is irregular. V-Fib. Now.
I have a pulse.
Becoming some kind of team, huh?
I have a secret.
Is it that you're in love with Avery?
You broke the code.
Bro code?
You want to call a truce?
No more fighting over girls.
You matter.
You matter to me.

Lotta new faces this year.
That joke was old
the first time you told it.
Oh, Lordy. A lot of new everything.
In case of an emergency,
you can use your implants
as a flotation device.
You are both awful.
What's happening here is a disease.
It's called body dysmorphia.
Ah, the patients
for plastic surgery week arrive,
high on pain meds and sea air.
Whatcha guys doing?
The Captain and Tristan
have this cute little tradition
of mocking people
victimized by an industry
that exploits them
and makes them pay for it.
And here comes the exploiter-in-chief.
- Who's that?
- Lenore Laurent.
Her husband, Maury,
owns the cruise line.
They also own a chain of
fancy plastic surgery clinics.
She books the ship out every
year for her elite clients.
They get their work done
and come aboard to recover.
But her real motive
for this whole thing?
Miss Lenore has a huge
lady boner for the captain.
She does not have a
whatever you said.
- No, that
- Bobby Massey.
Oh, she's spotted me,
so big smiles all around. Let's go.
My brawny buccaneer.
Lenore Laurent.
You get younger every year.
Mwah. Oh, you.
Mister, what did you do
to yourself, hmm?
Little Juvederm or Restylane?
- "T," huh?
- No, no, no, no.
Just a little sunlight, sleep,
and a little sunscreen.
- Ah.
- How's Maury?
Ugh, Maury. He's great,
as long as he's stuffing
his face with cold cuts
and white bread,
which he's always doing.
Dearheart, uh, remind me
of your name again.
Why am I thinking Harvey?
It's not Harvey.
It is. My name is Harvey.
It's Avery,
and she is our very talented
nurse practitioner.
Avery. That's right.
So pretty.
- Your name, that is.
- Hmm?
I hope we're in a better mood
this year. Hmm?
My patients, they pay beaucoup
bucks, and they expect happy,
shiny faces full of joy
and accommodation.
Miss Laurent,
can I show you to your suite?
I'm off.
I'm gonna mwah bother you later.
Okay, well, I'll look forward
to being bothered.
Ta-ta. Let's go.
- Oh. Ah, yes.
I can't do this week again. I cannot.
- Avery? Wait, wait, wait.
- It's just so anti everything everything
- and against everything I believe in.
- Whoa, whoa.
Just imagine this time next
year you'd be taking your boards
on the way to being a doctor.
Thanks, really.
But there's a stack
of unsorted compression garments
down below calling out for me.
I can't stay here anymore.

- It's him. The Real Ken Doll.
- The who?
The man who has made himself
look like Ken.
He has a reality show with
Barbie and Skipper and Allen,
the whole gang. They've devoted
their entire lives
to looking like these characters.
Cap, come on. The Real Ken Doll.
I-I know not this Real Ken Doll.
Son, may I ask you a question?
And And please take it in the
spirit in which it's intended,
but are you fluid?
No. I'm obsessed.
You could call me a fan.
I-I just think he's very inspiring.
Malala is inspiring.
That is a man dressed as a plastic toy.
No, he is the plastic toy.
Well, gents, I've officially
seen literally everything now.
Nothing more could shock me.
I bid thee adieu.
- No.
- I need medical attention.
- Someone help.
- Please, God, no.
It can't be.
My Pom Pom. My Tri-Tri.
I really do need these things drained.
Um, may I steal him
for a second, pretty please?
Seems that you are the rightful owner,
so steal away, Ms?
Von Dreesen.
- Caroline to you.
- Okay.
- Pom Pom?
- Pom Pom?
How lucky am I? My own concierge nurse.
I don't know what's worse,
Mom the fact
that you got a deep plane
facelift and didn't tell me
or the fact that you showed up
here unannounced.
I was afraid you'd jump ship.
How about this room, hmm?
I told the gal at the check-in
my son Tristan
is a nurse on The Odyssey.
I haven't seen him in over two years.
I have to come to the middle of
the ocean just to see my baby.
She gave me an upgrade.
You know just the strings to pull.


Ma'am, we have your ice,
but did you mean to order this much?
Yes, yes. Bring it in.

Thank you.

No one to talk with, all by myself ♪
Good evening, ladies. Will we be having
liquids or solids tonight?
- [MUFFLED] 'Iquidshh.
- Fabulous.
- Ain't misbehavin'
Good evening. Liquids or solids?
Savin' all my love for you, for you ♪
Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
I know for certain
the one that I love ♪
I'm through with flirtin',
it's you that I'm thinkin' of ♪
Ain't misbehavin',
savin' all my love for you ♪

Excuse me. Excuse me!
What the hell do you think
you're wearing?
There is a dress code, dear.
Did you leave your suitcase
at the docks?
No, just every ounce
of my ability to give a damn.
What's happening?
As you can see, this person
is dressed as a gondolier.
Go. Change. We'll talk about it later.
Savin' all my love for you ♪
And a smile wouldn't kill you, hmm?

Your little nurse has it out for me.
- Oh, no
- This reflects on you, Bobby.
It's Robert and, no,
and you owe me a dance. Come on.
Oh. [SCOFFS] Please.
Mister, it's gonna take
a hell of a lot more than that
to get into my good graces.
I'm sorry. I'll have a talk with her.
Mm, talk.
I prefer action.
Uh, well [CHUCKLES]
Maybe not so much action too soon.
And what about Maury?
I mean, he is your husband,
and he's my boss.
So am I.
I got two words for you, Bobby
No prenup.
If Maury and I go down
like the Titanic, I get half.
That includes you, the ship,
the whole kit and caboodle.
Savin' all my love for you ♪
- Uh



Sorry. It was bugging me.

Oh, my God. Sorry.
Oh, hi.
Sorry, I was just introduced
to a fascinating new bit
of medicine in there.
Sounds like you want to talk about it.
No, no, just I'm still processing.
I'm Ken.
I know. I am a huge fan.
I'm Max,
the doctor here on The Odyssey.
You're not my usual demographic.
I have a doctor question for you.
I heard you have
some special equipment onboard,
a cryotherapy chamber?
Two of them, actually. You wanna see?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
So, here is our little dabble
into cryotherapy.
His and hers chambers.
Could it be his and his?
I dare you.
So you got your pectorals
done most recently, then?
Yep. I built them up with exercise
but added a small custom implant
to give the perfect shape.
They were the final piece.
The statue of David is complete.
[CHUCKLES] The statue of Ken.
You know,
I watch your TV show, obviously,
and I was always fascinated by
how you describe yourself as an artist
who has just fully
put himself into his work.
My mom's motto was you
can be whatever you want to be.
And I took that quite literally,
What about you?
What would you be if
you could literally be anything?
When I was a kid, I wanted to
be a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.
There are communities for that.
Ah, damn. Trouble incoming.
Time for you to vamonos, Ken.
Copy that.

Thank you.

This is my fourth boob job,
and nothing like this
has ever happened before.
Third time wasn't the charm, huh?
What's your treatment regimen?
Antibiotics. I have an ointment
for the incision scars.
- Nothing for the pain?
- They gave me some pills,
but I don't like
to put synthetics in my body.
To ingest synthetics.
Understandable, dear.
The only thing that really
works anyways is ice.
Have you been icing frequently?
Oh, all day.
I'd walk around with
two buckets full if I could.
Okay, well, um, you have frostbite.
Can you run a warm bath?
We need to break up the ice crystals,
make sure there's
no more damage to the tissue.
I'm going to prescribe you
a CBD balm for the pain.
- It's all natural.
- Will the skin heal?
The redness will go down,
but unfortunately,
that's second-
and third-degree frostbite.
So the damage to the tissue
is permanent,
and you are gonna experience
some blistering.
Down the line, you may be able
to get a skin graft,
but for right now, we're
just gonna do everything
- we can to keep you comfortable.
- Well, can't we do that now?
A-A skin graft?
That's not that difficult.
Oh, it's not? A skin graft
is not too difficult?
Hallway. Now.

This attitude of yours ends right now.
You work for me, understand?
My duty is to the patients.
And as far as I can see,
the healthcare they really need
here is mental healthcare.
I do not work for you.
Hmph. Well, you got that right, sister,
because you're fired.
The doctor said
any more cocaine, you risk
Oh, I know what he said, Jessa.
I was there.
And I'm done wif it, really
after this trip, I ain't messin'.
You don't do the reading,
you won't pass the exam. Simple as that.
And I won't slip you my answers
like I did last time.
You're not mugging me off.
Absolutely not
Your nose. It's falling off your face.
Hey, you're going to be okay.
In my experience, response time
is what matters most
- in cases like this.
- Your experience?
Noses falling off
left and right, are they?
I have dealt with
other avulsions successfully.
How'd it even happen?
The filler used
in Pippa's recent rhinoplasty
has an acetone base.
Certain substances
in high concentrations
- can cause the filler
- High concentrations?
- Hear that, Pippa?
- Aw, piss off. It means
Can cause the filler to dissolve.
Then the acetone leaks out,
and it starts to eat away
at the surrounding tissue,
which causes the nasal avulsion,
the detachment.
Okay, now what I'm about
to put on is only temporary.
And don't worry,
Lenore has already been in
contact with a plastic surgeon
in Los Angeles who specializes
in these kinds of reattachments.

I look like bloody Phantom of the Opera.
There was a Broadway cruise
a couple seasons ago.
- It's the best I could do.
- Raided the costume bin, did ya?
You look like Lady Gaga.
So what'd you do wif me nose,
then? Chuck it in the bin?
I thought you were fired.
I am. Still have to finish
out the cruise, though.
This is fixable.
You just have to talk to Lenore.
I just can't do that, Tristan.
Hey. How's it going?
[SIGHING] Oh, sometimes
we can give them the world.
Other times, best we can give
them is their nose in a box.
- This isn't gonna work.
- Actually, the olfactory system
- is incredibly regenerative
- Not the nose,
this campaign against you.
I'm not letting you go.
I talked to the Captain.
He's going to talk to Lenore.
I didn't ask you to do that.
I don't want this anymore, this
cruise life.
Been a long time coming.
This is just the final straw.
Okay, but what about your scholarship?
What, you're just just giving up?
I'm moving on.
I can't believe you're doing this to me.
To you? I'm not your mom.
I'm not your girlfriend.
This is what I need.
I'm sorry that you have
abandonment mommy-issues,
but please, just don't put that on me.

No, I-I'm not touching that.
If I was to just lightly touch it,
though, I would say
that that was a little harsh.
Great. You, too. Now everyone hates me.
I like you.
- It looks so good.
- It looks amazing.

A little redness and swelling,
but nothing outside the range of
normal post-operative healing.
So I just have to be
extra careful with myself.
With as many surgeries as I've had,
sepsis can be a real threat.
You were smart to come in. Absolutely.
But we'll keep an eye on it
throughout the week.
And honestly, it's nothing
I'm too worried about.
- Mm.
- Sorry. That hurt?
It's fine.
You know, plenty of people
are fascinated by me,
but most of them
aren't usually this kind.
I don't think I've ever met anyone
as authentically themselves as you.
And I think that's very cool.
Well, I think
you're very cool, too, Doctor.
I'm serious.
You see the people in people.
You can't help it.
You don't know how actually rare
a quality that is.
Maybe I've done enough ♪
And your golden child grew up ♪
Maybe this trophy isn't real love ♪
And with or without it,
I'm good enough ♪
And I finally see myself ♪
Unabridged and overwhelmed ♪
A mess of a story
I'm ashamed to tell ♪
But I'm slowly learning
how to break this spell ♪
I only want what's real ♪
I set aside the highlight reel ♪
And leave my greatest failures
on display with an asterisk ♪
Worthy of love anyway ♪

Good morning. Housekeeping.
Keep doing chest compressions.
We're almost there.

- Defib, now.
- Yeah.

- Ready.
He's asystolic. There's
no rhythm. We can't shock him.

- Try again.
- [BEEP]
- Still asystolic.
I don't have a pulse.
Initiate Advanced Life Support measures.
- Max.
- His O2 sat is crashing.
We need to intubate now.
B.P.'s 190/50.
- Max? Max!
- Stop.
He's gone.

Time of death, zero-800 hours,
13 minutes.
We need to get him downstairs.
Code 4178. We need the laundry cart.
Why can't we just use the stretcher?
This isn't a hospital. We can't just
waltz through the leisure deck
with a dead body.
We owe it to the other passengers
to have a non-traumatizing,
"carefree experience."
This is how we do it here, Max.
What about him?
Surely we owe him more than
a bumpy ride under dirty sheets.
It's just to get him
downstairs. To the morgue.



- Where are we going?
- Flower shop.
Why are we going to the flower shop?
I thought we were going to the morgue.
Because in the event of death,
the flower shop is the morgue.
This is the largest non-critical
refrigerated space on the ship.
When patients pass unexpectedly,
we keep them here until we make port.
Is this for real?
Yes. In the event of death,
we give some of the flowers
to the passengers
to make space here.
You know, lemonade out of lemons.

We're not authorized
to do a full autopsy.
But I need to know,
do we have a contagion on our hands?
advanced erythema
beyond the surgical site
suggests spreading inflammation, so
no, I don't think so.
It's what he was concerned
about when he came to see me.
You couldn't have known
it would advance this quickly.
We've constructed a paradise here.
But never forget, that's all it is
construction. An illusion.
The world is still the world,
and all we can do is sail on.
I'll call the authorities,
notify the next of kin.
I'll handle the death certificate.

He had minor post-operative swelling.
You did what you were supposed to do.
I'm supposed to not let
my patients die in their sleep.

I'm heartbroken, just sick.
That poor, poor boy.
I have a surprise for you.
Tomorrow, I get these bandages off,
and you and me are doing Seabobs.
I signed us up.
Do you know what that is?
- Yeah, I know what Seabobs are
- It's like a jet ski,
but you can dive underwater.
I have work, Mom. I'm not here
on vacation, too.
Oh, come on.
I want to do something special for you.
Do you know what you're doing?
It's the same
every time that you show up,
this love-bombing,
smothering me with affection.
And then, then you just disappear
for God knows how long.
My puppy, my Pom Pom,
where is this coming from?
Do you know why I was always your puppy?
Because I thought it was my fault,
every time that you left.
And I was terrified
that if I let you out
of my sight for one second,
I might never see you again.
And that
That hurt.
This is not very nice, Tri-Tri.
You don't know what it is to be hurt,
because my mother was very unfair.
She did not love me.
Do you see what you're doing?
I'm trying to tell you how I feel,
and you're making it about yourself.
I have real issues, and
and they screw me up.
It's like I crave affection.
And you, you got me addicted to it.
You cannot say this stuff to me.
God, and I crave it specifically
from women who don't want me.
- Why do you think that is?
- Stop.
I can't. I cannot hear this.
Don't you understand?
I am your mother, and you are my baby.
If I hurt you,
then it hurts me even more.
Oh, my heart.

Where are you going?
I-I-I can't I-I need air.
Okay. Right on time.
You can go. I'm very used to it by now.
Follow my finger, just with your eyes.
Pom Pom, call Don and Dr. Tabanyi.
They'll know what to do.
I'm telling you, she's fine.
She's just doing this
because I finally
called her out on her crap.
She has to deflect.
It's one of her tricks.
Maybe. But I am worried
about those jerking motions,
the chorea-like symptoms
in her head and hands.
She's on metoclopramide
for nausea after the surgery.
Isn't that one of the side effects?
It is. But I'd still like
to order an MRI,
and we should get her medical records.
I'll just call up Don
and her doctor, whoever that is.
She writes everything down.
She's got the memory of a goldfish.
Hang on, hang on.
Look at that.
It's different handwriting.
Yeah, she's losing fine motor control.
What did you say
about your mom's memory?
We need to order a gene test.
What does the HT
gene expansion thing mean?
It's only found in
in patients with Huntington's disease.
My grandpa Jimmy,
your great grandfather,
died of Huntington's.
I-I was only 10, but I'll never forget.
It was horrible.
And there's still no cure?
But, you know, medicine
has come a long way since then.
How much time do I have left? The truth.
With treatment?
You could maybe have
another 10 good years,
maybe more.
Max and I will conference with
your doctor and back in Monaco.
You know, the three of us
together will
will come up with
the next steps, you know,
medicines, new advances and
Thank you.
Is that all?
I promised you Seabobs,
and I'm not abandoning that.
Our appointment's in half an hour.
Mom, this is, uh
This is a big thing to process.
- I know. I know.
- So you can just take some time.
I know. It's a lot to process,
and I'm sure eventually it will hit me,
and I'll go through
all the appropriate emotions.
But right now, all I know is
You were right.
I have been absent.
I have made mistakes.
And if I only have 10 years left,
I'm gonna spend as much
of that time as possible
making up for them.

Now get your wetsuit.



How you holding up?
Well, in the last week,
I have lost a patient
and diagnosed another
with a terminal illness.
So I'm a little depressed at the moment.
There are things in this world
that you can't prevent.
I could have done more.
We always could've done more.
Have you never lost a patient before?
I've been around death a lot.
- Just not since I
- Not since you were the patient.

He was there with me,
you know, Ken, in the hospital.
When I first got put into isolation,
everybody was bringing me
books and movies.
you know, like great literature,
great movies.
But as I found myself staring
into the abyss of death,
I think I had all the profundity
that I needed.
What I really wanted was trash.
Simple, easy,
mindless reality television.
Ken's show was
on these midday marathons.
So it was Ken and his friends and me.
It was him, a woman who played Barbie,
a Skipper, and a Malibu Ken.
And, I mean, in the beginning,
I thought it was just trash.
But as I kept on watching,
I just thought it was really human,
you know, this guy who was on
a journey to discover himself.
And as I was laying there,
literally not knowing if I was
going to wake up the next day,
I found that the questions at the
heart of the show really spoke to me.
You know, who am I?
What do I want?
How would I like to be remembered?


Assistance, please!
Guys, I have an unresponsive patient!
What's going on?
[SIGHS] I don't know.
I found her seizing. No trauma.
Okay, we got to move her.
Let's check her incision sites.
Move her on 3.1, 2, 3.
Doesn't look like she's been
taking those antibiotics.
- Damn it!
- Necrotizing fasciitis.
Okay, we got to move fast.
Let's get her on a normal saline bolus.
I need Vancomycin, loading dose,
Clindamycin 600 every eight hours,
and I need a tissue culture.
- What the hell is going on?
- Out. You cannot be in here.
It's a sterilization issue.
Wait in my office, please.
I'll be with you
in five minutes. Thank you.
Avery, let's get that line in.
- Okay.
- You have to understand,
Vanna is not just a patient.
She is my personal shopper,
which to me is a relationship
that is closer than family.
So I would like to know
exactly what is going on.
The tissue around the implant
has become infected.
We have to remove that
infection, or it could spread.
So this this tissue
removing business,
it's not going to affect her implants.
Right now, our primary concern
is her safety and survival.
I understand. I'm not the Wicked
Witch of the West, you know.
It's just, her aesthetic
is an integral part to who she is.
There are many different ways
we could attack this
debridement, Vacuum Assisted Closure.
But I got to be honest with you,
any one of them
could affect the implant.
So we don't use any one of them.
We use all of them.
Precision debridement,
one layer of skin at a time.
Vacuum Assisted Closure to
remove anything that's missed.
What about post-operative spread?
Targeted cryotherapy.
We have the machines.
If there's any bacteria that's missed,
it'll ensure it doesn't spread.
It also stimulates collagen growth,
which can keep the scarring
to a minimum,
help the skin look better, healthier.
The tissue removal would
have to be incredibly precise.
I can do it. I can.
I'll go with the second opinion.

You're gonna pop it.

Next step, vacuum assisted closure.


I'm so excited to go to port
and do a little shopping.
- You? Never.
You maybe want to come
to the beach before lunch?
I'm gonna be surfing,
but there's a bar and stuff.
Oh, I want to, Pom Pom, I do,
but I also want seagrass rugs
for every room in the villa.
My new besties know a place here
where they are cheap, cheap, cheap.
Text me the location, hmm?
- Uh
- Drop me a pin. Mwah.
I'll see you soon!



Hi. Uh, table for two.
Right this way.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
I'm I'm sorry.
She's She's coming in
It's just that
I have this couple that's
You're welcome to wait at the bar.
- Uh, yeah. No, I'm sorry
- This seat taken?
Is this who you were waiting for?
He'll do.
- Of course. Enjoy.
- Thank you.
Let me have it.
You know what really sucks?
Learning a lesson.
And you can't ever go back.
You can never un-see the thing
you've suddenly seen.
- No more excuses.
- What have you suddenly seen?
I don't know.
Maybe that it was never real.
I was never in love with Avery
to begin with.
I was infatuated.
It's all just part
of this stupid pattern,
over and over with women
in positions of authority.

She always gets me.
Yeah, she comes back, right,
she promises that she'll never leave,
and I know better than to believe her.
I do, but
I thought it'd be different
this time.
You know, in my experience,
people do change. They can.
But it's rarely when you
expect it or when you want it
or when you need it.
I'm really sorry, Tristan. That sucks.
[SIGHS] Yeah.
Okay, so while we're being
grown up [CLEARS THROAT]
and since I think
I just heard you give me
your inherent blessing,
yes? What do you think?
Is it a bad idea?
Sleeping with a subordinate?
Of course it's wrong.
It's 2024. Have you been
in one of those cryo pods
for the last five years?
But also, you know, everything
isn't black and white.
Life is It's weird.
People meet at work.
People meet at work.
I-I guess if you guys
think it's real and
I mean, how serious can it really be?
This time next year,
she'll either be fired
or studying to be a doctor.
And once she's done with that
Oh, God, you'll be in
like your mid to late 60s.
Oh, dude.
You just started a battle
you cannot win.
I went to boarding school.
Don't you know that?
Fa-pow! [BOTH LAUGH]
Let's get some beers.
Miss? Uh, Miss, you forgot your
God, my nose! You're a lifesaver.
Don't think
they ship these international.
Thank you so much.
- Hey. Any sign of
- Mommy Dearest?
Nope. Word is she left from Mazatlan.
Caught a flight.
Didn't even say goodbye.
You okay?
But I will be.
How about you, man?
Uh, Avery told me about
your connection with Ken, and
I'm sorry I made fun of it.
Yeah, it's all very abrupt.
I don't know where to put it yet.
Well, we're three cruises in.
We got a few days off.
What do you say we, uh,
we go to the hotel,
order some room service,
binge some "Archer"?
And listen, I know it's not closure.
But it's as good a place
as any to start.
Thank you.
So, I hear you're applying
for our in-house scholarship.
I heard I was headed for
the unemployment office.
Oh, stop.
You're not fired. Please.
That's just one of those things.
People say you're fired
to be catty or
Listen, dear,
the only reason I am sparing you
is what you did for my Vanna.
She is the only person on earth
who can eyeball my sizes
at Chanel at 100 paces.
So, thank you.
You're so welcome.
Oh, and as far as the, uh,
scholarship is concerned,
you got my recommendation,
which is worth something.

When I was in the hospital,
there were weeks
and weeks and weeks
where the only human contact that I had
was through this little window, waving.
watching Ken on TV,
watching the whole gang on TV,
you were the closest thing
that I had to friends.
I used to talk to you guys, you know,
like we were all in the room
hanging out together.
I know that sounds
a little crazy, but
Not at all. It's what a doll is for,
to be a friend when there's no one else.
Ken was living proof.
Nobody's born a hero.
We make ourselves
into the hero that we need.
I hate to ask this, but
could you show us where he is?
In his will, we were listed
as his next of kin,
so we need to receive the body
and start funeral arrangements.
I'm really sorry I couldn't do more.
A lot of doctors
won't even see patients like us.
You saw him. That's enough.

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