Doctor Slump (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Okay, now let me tell you
why I started to hate
Nam Ha-neul.
With my gifted brain, I became
the top-ranked student in my school,
in my region, and in the country.
That's me. Yeo Jeong-woo.
Pass it!
I was good at sports too.
- What's this?
- You know there's a quiz tomorrow, right?
What's this?
I wrote some notes down yesterday.
It'll count toward your grades,
so study hard.
You're the best, Jeong-woo!
Yeo Jeong-woo!
- Stop it.
- Yeo Jeong-woo!
Yeo Jeong-woo!
Stop. Don't be like that.
I also had
an unbelievably amazing personality.
Yeo Jeong-woo!
I saw you buying
tteokbokki earlier but no sundae.
Simply put, I was extremely popular.
- Thanks.
- So I assumed.
I thought my life
would come up roses forever.
And then, one day…
a crazy girl appeared out of nowhere.
Nam Ha-neul.
She ran around just to solve
one more question.
She ate instant coffee without water
to save time and not go to the bathroom.
She was obsessed about studying.
Thanks to her, I was given the taste
of defeat for the first time in my life.
I became faster.
I did more.
I worked quicker.
I even sacrificed my sleep.
Starting today, she's not eating
so she can study more.
I even starved.
Damn it.
And so, I was on the road
to destruction when one day…
Okay, you get that?
We just did factorization.
Now, let's find the limit.
To do that…
Since we said X is minus 1,
this would end up being 0.
And if you substitute this
for minus 1, you get 0 here too.
Jeong-woo, are you okay?
Okay, that's it for today's class.
Go home and study hard.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Class dismissed.
- Thank you, sir.
Sir, Ha-neul fainted!
- What?
- Oh, my God!
- Hey!
- Hey, Ha-neul!
- What's wrong?
- Are you okay?
Jeong-woo fainted too!
Hey, what's wrong with you two? Jeong-woo!
And thus…
I came in second even when we fainted.
Are you okay?
That crazy…
Goodness! Jeong-woo, how are you?
Are you feeling a bit better?
- Yes, I am.
- Good.
By the way, where's Ha-neul?
Right. She went to her academy
for an intensive class.
- An intensive class?
- Yeah.
She ran out because she said
she needed to sit in front.
Despite ruining my once peaceful life,
that heartless girl
didn't even ask if I was okay.
She lacked manners and kindness,
and she was rude!
I couldn't hide my shock at her actions
and desperately hoped
we'd never cross paths ever again.
- What's wrong?
- Jeong-woo.
- Okay!
- Jeong-woo!
Let's go all the way to the end then!
What do I do now?
You crazy fool.
I must be insane!
Hey. Long time no see.
We had drinks together last night.
Right, we did.
- Hey, Ha-neul.
- Hey, Jeong-woo.
- I'll go first.
- No, let me go first.
I drank too much last night.
You know alcohol numbs the frontal lobe
and hinders rational decisions, right?
Of course, I do.
Our frontal lobes were
to blame last night, not us.
Of course.
From now on, let's keep
our frontal lobes in check.
Let's stay away
from alcohol and each other.
- Promise.
- Promise…
Right. We said we should stay away.
You're right. Okay.
Then, get lost already.
All right. You should get lost too. Bye.
- Hey.
- What?
Weren't you just leaving?
You're right. I'll get lost then.
Sorry, I need to get lost that way.
This is driving me nuts.
Where have you been?
I just…
went out for some air.
Gosh, I'm so thirsty.
Ha-neul, I heard you have depression.
I also heard you fought with your superior
and quit. You fought with Mom too.
Are you a fighter or something?
I never said it like that.
Come on. Don't be flustered.
Anyway, now that you're unemployed,
don't worry and just rest.
Look at me. I'm jobless and stress-free.
No reason for me to be depressed.
How nice is that?
That's enough.
What do you mean "That's enough"?
We shouldn't try to hide this.
We should be open, talk about it often,
and help her out as a family.
That will help her recover faster. Right?
Right. What's for dinner tonight?
What? Bean sprouts?
I want some jangjorim though.
Mom, can't you make me some?
- And with beef shank?
- Damn it.
What? Beef shank?
You're not grasping
the situation, you fool.
- I'll beat some sense into you.
- Help, Ha-neul!
Fine, use eye of round instead then!
- Use that.
- For goodness' sake!
No? Then, just quail eggs will do.
That sounds good, right?
Quail eggs are fine!
That's enough!
I can't have peace anywhere.
Hey, Ha-neul.
- Have this.
- What is it?
Your antidepressants.
Ba-da said he found them in your closet.
That little bastard.
From now on, you don't have to
hide your pills or take them in secret.
And yesterday…
I'm sorry about yesterday.
It must've been so hard
to have gone through this all by yourself.
From now on, I'll do everything I can
to help you overcome your depression.
So here. Take this.
Okay, I will. So you can go, Mom.
Okay. All right, I'll leave.
Make sure you take it.
Stay strong.
You are created
to receive the greatest love.
Hold on!
What are you doing?
You see…
We agreed that being all gloomy
wouldn't help you one bit.
So we decided to put
our sadness aside and cheer you up!
This was my idea.
People seemed to party nowadays when sad.
Goodbye parties, divorce parties…
And this is what I came up with.
A depression party!
Look over there.
Ha-neul, we'll always have your back.
Let's overcome this together.
Gosh, there you go again.
I'm not crying. We can do it!
All right! Follow me!
Let's eat.
- All right.
- Sit down.
All right.
Ha-neul, fish with red flesh
is good for depression.
I heard cabbage is great for it too.
Try some. Here. That's it.
Chew thoroughly.
Eat up.
- Thoroughly. And swallow.
- She likes it.
You are created…
- Mom, eat. You should eat too.
- Okay.
Let's eat.
What else would you like?
What's the matter with them?
Why do they want me to recover so bad?
- What's up?
- Me? Preparing for surgery.
Are you bragging about work?
Let's drink later--
Sorry, I have the night shift.
- Then, tomorrow?
- It's Saturday.
Jin-woo visits on weekends.
That's perfect. He misses me too, right?
What is it? Are you that bored?
So why did you have to quit then?
- Why'd you beat your professor and quit--
- Damn it.
Jeez, she's so annoying.
You must be distraught.
The prosecution will probably
push forward with how your prints
were found on the heparin bottle.
But currently, that alone isn't enough
to convict you, so don't worry.
I just don't understand
how that bottle ended up in my clinic…
We don't understand it either.
We searched the trash
and the nearby CCTV several times.
We even interviewed your employees,
but nothing strange turned up.
Also, for the second hearing next week,
we'll be summoning
Dr. Kang Jin-seok as our witness.
- Sorry?
- He was with you during the surgery,
so he'll know best how innocent you are.
We also thought he could testify
about your surgery methods
and your clinic's system in detail.
We requested his presence,
and he said yes.
I see.
It's a relief
since his testimony will be of help.
To be frank, I was suspicious of him.
He was the only one
who had refused questioning.
It was strange for several reasons.
But seeing how he agreed to testify,
maybe I was wrong.
But the thing is…
Why did he suddenly agree to testify
after refusing to be questioned before?
What was that?
What? Did you hear something?
Or maybe not.
Hey, Mr. Unemployed.
Take this to fellow in the rooftop room.
I'm busy right now.
I'm texting this girl I'm interested in.
You've never done such a thing before,
so I'm sure you wouldn't know.
- But I need to give it my all.
- Okay.
You do that. And you'll have
no allowance this month.
Fine. I'll go.
- But what is this?
- I noticed he had a really thin blanket.
Mom. Don't be so nosy.
You said he was a doctor.
I'm sure he can buy his own blankets.
You fool. If he was well-off,
would he be living up there?
I don't know why, but I heard
he came here completely broke.
Go on then.
I'll be back.
Excuse me.
Mr. Rooftop.
What's going on?
What are you doing here?
Mr. Rooftop.
I came to give you a blanket.
But the door was open.
- And the window was broken.
- What?
So no items were missing?
Someone broke in,
but they didn't take anything.
Failed attempts like these
aren't uncommon.
He either couldn't find what he wanted
or sensed someone coming.
- So he ran.
- What?
Did he run after hearing me come up?
We'll have to check CCTV cameras
and dashcams nearby for more details.
We'll let you know as soon as possible.
Yes, sir. I really hope you can catch him.
We'll get going then.
- Okay. Thank you.
- We'll be in touch.
Oh, dear.
I should've installed
some window guards sooner.
- I'm really sorry about this.
- It's okay.
You should come sleep
at our place tonight.
Goodness. No, that's okay.
But there's a huge hole there.
So much wind will come through.
Well, I can put up some newspaper.
I just have to endure one night.
- Newspaper?
- Yes.
- Good night.
- Good night. I feel so terrible though.
Damn it.
Damn it.
That's no way to treat a wound.
- What? Why are you here?
- I heard you had a break-in.
But you insisted on sleeping here.
You got it wrong.
I'm going to sleep at a friend's place.
Is that friend Kyung-min?
- He's doing emergency surgery.
- How do you know that?
I just spoke with him about handing over
my duties. Come down to our place.
It's okay. I can go
to another friend's house.
You cut ties with them.
- My acquaintances--
- They won't pick up your calls.
Look, it's awkward for me too
because of what happened yesterday.
But it's not enough to let
my former classmate sleep here.
So let's forget about what happened
and just go to our house.
Then, let me just clean this up first.
All right.
This break-in bothers you, right?
- You don't think this was a small matter.
- How did you know?
You said you were afraid of thugs
in black suits coming for revenge.
If it was really a thug,
he would've killed you
without anyone knowing.
He wouldn't wreck
a shabby room like this. Right?
I mean, a real thug
would've dragged you away.
He'd beat you up with a sack on you
in an abandoned building.
Then, he'd hang you upside down
and beat you more.
And he'd toss
your dead body into the river.
Are you some kind of robot?
Thanks for the realistic
and detailed explanation.
I'm just saying you don't need to worry.
Our neighbors were robbed recently too.
I guess rooftops getting robbed
is our neighborhood's new trend.
So don't worry too much
and focus on your trial instead.
Things will work out.
It wasn't your fault.
You're so clumsy.
I'd like to apologize
for this inconvenience.
it's not an inconvenience at all.
Oh, dear.
I thought you were Hong-ran's friend
since she introduced you to us.
But I had no idea you and Ha-neul
used to go to the same school.
Exactly. No wonder you looked familiar.
Maybe I saw you from her yearbook.
Hey, just shut it and eat.
How prickly.
Was she always like this?
How was she in high school?
- Well…
- Why are you so curious?
To be honest, I'm not too curious.
It's just something you ask
when you bring friends over.
Friend, my foot. We weren't that close.
I never said we were.
I wasn't close to you one bit.
Let me explain.
I had absolutely no opportunity
to become close with her.
She only put aside ten minutes a day
to chat and never talked outside of that.
When we invited her to eat tteokbokki,
she lied about how she was allergic
and all she did was study.
You knew I was lying?
Of course.
No one's allergic to tteokbokki!
You should've used
a more believable allergy.
Jeez, you're really unbelievable.
Why did you go to such lengths?
I would've wanted
to go to the arcade afterward.
Then, I'd want to go to karaoke.
I knew I wouldn't want to study,
so I stopped myself.
I held back on eating
or doing what I wanted back then.
You worked so hard.
You must've been so lonely
and exhausted while living so intensely.
Why are you acting like this?
We have a guest.
You promised not to cry.
Oh, dear. I'm sorry.
I've become so emotional with age.
No, I shouldn't have mentioned that.
I'm sorry.
- Hey, your soup's getting cold. Eat up.
- Okay.
- You too, Mom.
- All right.
- Thank you for the meal.
- Eat up.
This tastes good.
Is there anything you want more of?
No, this is more than enough.
- Take the big ones.
- Yes, ma'am.
There you go.
It's so good.
- Eat up.
- Yes, ma'am.
Here's your blanket.
And you can lie on this.
And here's your pillow.
By the way, she seemed pretty sad.
Don't mind her.
She'll start encouraging me
to recover soon.
Get some rest.
Want to go get some ice cream?
I mean, I'm grateful to you
for helping me clean my house.
And to be honest,
we're both in frustrating situations.
We could get some air too.
It's okay. It's late at night.
Rest up.
Ha-neul, I brought some jujube tea,
which is good for depression.
- Ha-neul?
- What in the world? Goodness!
- Ha-neul.
- Let's go get some ice cream.
- What?
- Ha-neul?
- Ice cream.
- Where are you?
All done.
Ha-neul seemed pretty bored
now that she's unemployed.
She never knew how to have fun anyway.
I can't be there
to hang with her every day.
Maybe I should teach her
how to have fun by herself.
What? "Folding Cranes with Blankets"?
Today, we'll be folding a crane…
I'm not grabbing it by the neck.
Please don't report me for animal abuse.
- This crane…
- Who is this idiot?
Who would watch this?
- Goodbye.
- Good night.
- Oh, my God!
- My goodness!
My mom, dad, Eun-jeong,
Nurse Do, and Ms. Han
were my only five subscribers.
But I just got one more.
You weren't subscribed to Dr. Bin?
Have a good night.
Then, you have your first subscriber
who isn't family or someone you know.
Let's beat Yeo Jeong-woo.
My first subscriber.
Who could it be?
"Lee Hong-ran."
Lee Hong-ran.
"Red flower"?
It feels like a movie scene.
The stars are beautiful,
and the moon is glowing.
It could be a movie poster.
Don't you feel better
after getting some air with your friend?
We're not friends. Just former classmates.
What's the difference?
Friends are people you willingly befriend.
Classmates are people who are placed
administratively in the same school.
Thanks for drawing that distinct line,
my fellow classmate.
Why are you staring at it?
It's just that…
That ambulance is likely headed to the ER.
Then, they'll head to surgery.
My colleagues would then intubate
the patient, insert a line,
administer medication and blood,
and then save them.
Meanwhile, I'm unemployed.
Hey, you've only been jobless for a day.
While you're at it,
you might as well have some fun instead.
- Fun?
- Yeah.
Is that possible in my current state?
Come on.
You've probably never rested
since kindergarten.
Isn't there anything you've wanted to do?
I did want to spend all night
reading dissertations like a maniac.
Yeah, you do seem like one.
There are tons of fun things to do.
Why would you want to read dissertations?
What? I love reading them.
From SCI-level to minor ones,
I read everything I come across.
When I read them,
I become stress-free and happy.
There was this one I read--
This won't do. I'll have to teach you.
Let's eat tteokbokki and go to the arcade.
- And karaoke too.
- What?
You said you wanted to do
all of those things in high school
but held back
because you would've stopped studying.
But you're free now,
which means you can have
all the fun you want.
But still--
Let's go get tteokbokki first!
What? Hey.
That was in high school.
- I'm not hungry. I don't want to go!
- Let's go, my fellow classmate.
You sure you're not hungry?
See? Isn't spicy food
a great stress reliever?
Of course.
The brain perceives spiciness as pain.
So it releases endorphins
and oxytocin to relieve the pain.
So it temporarily makes us happy
and relieves stress--
Just eat. Eat fast.
We have to go to the arcade.
Can we please skip that?
We're too old for the arcade.
What do you think?
It's better than expected, right?
Well, these sounds and flashing lights
seem to stimulate my orbitofrontal cortex.
It feels like my brain
is releasing dopamine as well.
See? Aren't you glad we came?
We have all the time in the world,
so from there to all the way over there,
let's try every single game. Got it?
Tetris. I want to play Tetris first.
Tetris? Let's go!
Watch closely.
Fill the empty spaces with these blocks.
Hold on.
Is this really your first time?
How are you so good?
You just need to predict the spaces.
You see, the blocks move through pixels.
Damn it. This is irritating.
I was supposed to get a long one.
You wait for the long ones
and that's how you lose.
Pixels, my foot.
In a cavern, in a canyon
Excavating for a mine
Dwelt a miner, forty-niner
And his daughter Clementine
Oh, my darling
Oh, my darling, Clementine
Thou art lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Gosh, I'm sorry.
I pressed it by accident.
Honestly, I was this close
to leaving you behind.
What is this? A singing test?
I did practice this a thousand times
in high school for the singing test.
Yeah, I get it.
But you have to sing
K-pop songs at karaoke.
I actually don't know any.
People get nostalgic
about songs they listened to in the past.
But I never listened to any then,
so I had nothing to be nostalgic about.
how about we try Pump It Up
or whatever it's called?
But why do you have to
look so sad when you say that?
That's it. Stay with the beat.
- Right foot.
- Right foot?
There you go. Back and forth.
I had fun thanks to you.
Me too.
The trial had been stressing me out,
but I got rid of it all today.
Let's go to the arcade again next time.
Have a K-pop song memorized.
That's your homework.
You didn't have to sigh.
Fine, you don't need to memorize one.
That's not why.
I feel pathetic for not knowing
a single K-pop song at this age.
Why is that pathetic? It's not a big deal.
It is.
I missed out on a ton of other things.
It's not normal.
- Why did I live such a foolish life?
- You just worked hard.
No, I was just an idiot.
You did your utmost best.
I did my best for no reason and failed.
- Since you've hit rock bottom…
- I should stay strong?
No, just stay down.
Let's take a break
while we're at rock bottom.
Ha-neul isn't as terrible as I thought.
In my case, I'm guilty for my actions.
But you're being falsely accused.
Well, you're pretty childish.
But you'd never do something bad
and brazenly lie about it.
She's a good judge of character.
She's become kind now too.
She has a cute side too.
Cute, my foot.
Has all the shock I've experienced lately
messed with my head?
Getting some sleep should help.
Yeah, I'm a bit sick.
Goodness. Jeez.
When the life
I had worked so hard for fell apart,
I was expecting
something grand to comfort me.
We should say cheers first.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
No, you're doing well.
That's it.
The arcade.
Since you've hit rock bottom…
Let's take a break
while we're at rock bottom.
His ridiculous words of comfort.
These three things
will bring me peace tonight.
I hope tomorrow will be just like today.
What the hell?
What was that?
- Hey!
- What's wrong?
Look at this.
What is it?
- Damn it.
- What is this?
- Why is your severance pay so low?
- I wasn't a full-time employee.
My professor was renewing
my contract yearly.
So he secretly listed you
as a contract worker?
That's ridiculous.
That way, he could reduce
my severance pay.
I won't stand for this.
Hey, what are you going to do?
Are you going to make a scene again?
I get that you're angry,
but if people hear you acted out again,
you won't be able to work again.
You know word spreads fast in our world.
Hey, they fixed the window.
Okay, thanks.
Go. Good job toughing it out.
I'll see you later then.
Damn it.
Come on.
The second hearing over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau…
I'll get going.
- Bye.
- Thank you for everything.
Anticoagulants found in the victim's body
and their use in surgery
will be crucial in the trial…
- That guy…
- A person who conducted surgery with Yeo…
He seems familiar.
…will testify as a witness.
We heard the casino makes up a third
of the finances for Macau's government.
Did her family say anything?
Hey, over here.
Did you check?
You two were also listed
as contract workers, right?
- Then, let's hurry and confront--
- Dr. Nam.
We're just going to act
like there's nothing we can do.
It's okay for you since you already quit.
But we're afraid that if we complain,
we might provoke the professor.
And I'm sorry to say this,
but please refrain from coming here.
Professor Kim wouldn't be happy
if he knew we were meeting you.
I wonder if she's okay.
Maybe I should've asked for her number.
Number, my foot.
I hope she's not causing a scene.
Who cares?
What's wrong with me?
Jeong-woo, you ingrate.
If they fixed your window,
you should thank them
and at least buy them some fruit
like a decent human being.
Don't just sit here!
And if I run into Ha-neul…
Then what?
I remember now!
I said Mr. Rooftop looked familiar.
He's Yeo Jeong-woo, the plastic surgeon.
What? Is he famous?
You bet. He was already famous,
but he's even more famous now.
His patient died during plastic surgery,
so he's on trial right now.
But the victim was the sole heiress
of the biggest casino running Macau.
Simply put, he's totally ruined.
Can someone like that stay here?
What? Is there a reason they can't?
Of course.
Look at this article.
Anticoagulants were found
in the patient's body,
and she died from excessive bleeding.
He insisted his clinic
never had such medication,
but they found a bottle
of it at his clinic.
He totally lied.
Goodness. Why would he lie about that?
It's obvious.
Probably because he's guilty.
Mom, what about Ha-neul?
She's a nerd so she's naive.
What if he brings her down?
Hold on. What if we're questioned later
for providing a suspect
with a place to hide?
Jeez, we should've looked into him more.
You're rich for a jobless person
if you can buy fruit.
Trying to take your vitamins?
I actually saw my former colleagues today.
They want to sweep this under the rug.
I understand them.
I wanted to do the same until recently.
What? What's wrong?
What is it? Is something wrong?
You should go.
I'd forgotten about my circumstances
for a moment.
He had a blast
at the arcade and at karaoke.
So what's gotten into him?
- Where have you been?
- What? Just out.
I just heard from Ba-da.
- He said the rooftop fellow is on trial.
- What?
He said his patient died during surgery,
but he's denying it despite being guilty.
Anyway, Ba-da's concerned
you'll get dragged into that mess.
So you better stay away from him.
Did you overhear them by any chance?
They don't know what they're…
What should I say?
Hold on. I don't have his number.
Hello, sir.
I'm sorry to tell you this.
Dr. Kang Jin-seok
suddenly refused to testify.
What? Why all of a sudden?
We don't know. We're confused too.
Suddenly refusing to show up like this
will only worsen public opinion.
And you'll be at a disadvantage
at trial. What is going on?
Let me try calling him.
I'm here to see Dr. Kang.
He resigned as of today.
But he only started here
less than a month ago.
I don't know. I think he's emigrating.
Hold on. Let me check.
I think this bastard agreed
to testify just to screw me over.
I did find it odd he wanted to testify
suddenly after refusing to be questioned.
Can't we request a formal investigation?
I know he seems suspicious.
But refusing to be questioned
and not testifying in court
aren't enough to request one.
I think we should focus
on the upcoming trial for now.
For the second hearing over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau,
a fellow colleague of Yeo
who was going to testify as a witness
has suddenly backed out.
The CCTV camera in the OR malfunctioned…
I received only half
of my original severance pay.
But I wasn't upset anymore.
Getting a little less
of severance pay wasn't a big deal.
Things will work out.
It wasn't your fault.
Today, we'll discuss
the impending trial over the death
of a casino heiress from Macau.
The autopsy report showed
traces of anticoagulants
in the patient's body were found.
Could you explain what kind
of medication anticoagulants exactly are?
Simply put, they prevent
blood from clotting.
Since it could lead to excessive bleeding,
its use prior to surgery is forbidden.
They tell you not to take
aspirin prior to surgery.
Aspirin is a type of anticoagulant.
Then, how did this forbidden substance
end up in the victim's body?
Well, the police's investigation showed
the victim had suffered from arrhythmia.
It's normal for such patients
to have long-term use
of the anticoagulant, warfarin.
That's why the defendant also claims
that this was the cause of death.
But even if there was
long-term use of warfarin,
it wouldn't cause such excessive bleeding…
- What?
- …to lead to death.
That's not right.
Plastic surgeon Yeo's second hearing
for the death
of a casino heiress from Macau
will take place here
at Seoul Central District Court.
Today, the main focus
is whether or not Yeo
will be charged
with occupational negligence.
The prosecution is confident
they'll be able to prove Yeo was at fault…
I found it!
I found it.
What are you talking about? Found what?
There was a case in India
where a patient on warfarin
died from excessive bleeding
during surgery.
I remember reading
about this in a case report.
Case… What did she say?
Beats me. I could only make out "India."
I found a case where the patient died
in the same way Jeong-woo's patient did.
We will now begin the trial
of criminal case number 2023-54958
for the defendant, Yeo Jeong-woo.
The defendant, Yeo, is a plastic surgeon
at the clinic he runs,
and while performing contouring surgery
on his patient, Chang Bing,
he caused her to die
from excessive bleeding.
Your Honor, as you already know,
our witness suddenly refused
to testify in court today.
I'm afraid questioning
won't be possible today.
Could we request the court to summon him?
Your Honor, it is explicitly clear
the witness refuses to testify in court.
Despite having to incur fines
and penalties for refusing
to appear in court,
this shows he had a reason for not coming.
For example,
if he tried to testify today
and cover up the defendant's crimes,
perhaps he was afraid
of being punished for perjury.
Your Honor, the prosecution
is making wild speculations.
The witness has simply refused
to appear in court today.
He never blatantly stated
a refusal to testify.
Gentlemen, since the witness
isn't here today,
we have no choice
but to resume the trial on a later date.
Both sides may make
your necessary requests before then.
Excuse me. I brought some evidence.
This patient also died
despite having an INR of 2 to 3.
We'd like to submit this evidence.
I won't accept this evidence today.
The defendant can follow
proper procedures before the next trial
and submit the evidence again.
Today's hearing will end here.
Reality was different from the movies.
We wanted to turn the tide
of the trial with crucial evidence,
but that was nothing but a pipe dream.
There's Yeo Jeong-woo!
- It's him!
- Mr. Yeo.
Anything you want to say
to the victim's family?
Mr. Yeo, is the dissertation
you tried to submit as evidence credible?
You put yourself at a disadvantage
by failing to summon your witness.
Did he have second thoughts?
Please say something.
Anything to say about the CCTV cameras?
Please say something.
How do you feel right now?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Let's go.
Mr. Yeo!
Why did you come here?
To help you, of course.
I told you I liked reading
minor dissertations too.
I looked up your case and remembered
reading about a similar one.
That's why I hurried over with it.
But I wish I found it quicker.
What happened?
I think it was when I fell.
I'm okay. I can buy some bandages later.
This cut's too deep for that.
Want to go to my clinic?
Security system disabled.
Where was my office again?
Was it over there? I think it was.
Follow me.
All right.
Are you okay?
It stings, but I'm all right.
Not this.
Your severance pay.
You were upset.
Oh, that?
Well, I'm over that too.
I know it wasn't easy to come today.
I just wanted to repay you
for consoling me.
I hate being indebted to others.
So what do you want to do?
I got my severance pay,
so on top of this treatment,
it's my treat. Just say the word.
Arcades? Tteokbokki? Or beef?
Or should we drink a bunch
of alcohol and cry like last time?
Let's have all the fun we can tonight.
Until sunrise.
Then, how about we go see the sunrise?
I mean,
we're going to stay up until then.
So let's go see the sunrise.
I saw the sun rise a lot
while pulling all-nighters.
That's not the same.
Let's go to the East Sea. What do you say?
All right, then.
How strange. Why isn't the sun rising?
It clearly says it would rise at 6:45 a.m.
Let me see.
This is the sunrise time for Seoul.
You should've searched for Sokcho.
Look. You click this.
No way.
There's an 80% chance of rain.
It was too cloudy to see the sunrise.
I've never been on a trip,
so I didn't know you had to
search the current location.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
We're still making memories. Right?
Having no sunrise reminds me of our lives.
Jeez, you're right.
Give me your number.
Mine? What for?
Let's hang out sometimes.
be friends, not classmates.
And not the kind who are placed
administratively together.
Let's willingly befriend each other
and become friends.
Let's be friends.
You're smiling.
Sure, if you want.
You seem to be enduring it.
But I know you're actually struggling.
But during these hard times,
if you had someone who could comfort you…
would it help you get a little better?
The sun didn't rise today.
But it will tomorrow.
Despite not knowing our futures…
we still waited for the sun to rise.
Jeong-woo, let's not exhaust ourselves.
I'll stay strong.
You should stay strong too.
Everything will be okay.
I heard he's just anemic.
Fainting while studying isn't uncommon.
And you made me come here for this?
But still--
Not only are his grades falling
but he also ended up like that.
How could he not come
in first even in high school?
How embarrassing.
Goodness. Ms. Kim.
- Goodness, Ha-neul!
- Mom.
Are you okay? What happened?
I was just dizzy. I'm okay.
Let's go to a hospital.
Get a checkup and an IV drip.
I'm okay. Let's just go home.
Shouldn't you lie down longer?
I'm okay.
- Should we take a taxi?
- It's fine.
Goodness, I was so startled.
Let's go.
I said I'm fine.
Gosh, don't scare me like that again.
What are you writing on the sand?
- Stop it.
- These will be memories too.
Is this your first love
who moved into the rooftop room?
- What?
- No, I just…
What? Why are you being shy?
What do you think? Does it look nice?
Am I really Ha-neul's first love?
Gosh, how blinding. What's that?
Wait, it's just me.
You see, I…
She's a habitual offender.
Hey, Jeong-woo.
I have something to tell you.
I came here to tell you this.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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