Dom (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


This program includes scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This series is loosely inspired
by true events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictional characters
and real persons are coincidental.
See? They're aligned.
They're aligned.
You twist it, and it opens.
Next time you lose my keys,
you're paying for the locksmith.
She's pissed, huh?
Can you explain that again, sir?
You liked that, didn't you?
Come here. Look.
That's the cylinder.
It has five pins. You pull this
Let's go.
This one.
Hurry up. Someone's coming.
You pull this piece.
-Come on. You're gonna get caught.
-Hurry up.
And this one aligns
the cylinder's five pins.
Fuck, Pedro. Hurry up.
You carefully pull all the pins.
That's it.
You twist it
Twist it
All lined up? It's open.
-Is it open?
-It's open!
Get in!
Oh, my! You're gonna be
a locksmith just like me.
Fuck, man!
Okay, foot on the clutch.
Now, shift to second gear.
-That's it.
-Good job.
-How did you open it?
-I've had some lessons.
Yeah, right.
Hey, pass the fucking joint.
I wanna give it a try.
You have to hold it in. Don't cough.
No coughing.
No coughing.
Fuck Give me that.
That just makes you laugh
and makes you dumb.
-It makes you dumb?
That's his father talking.
So, you think your father
never smoked a joint?
He doesn't do dumb shit.
-But I do. Give me that shit.
-Such a smartass.
-Very funny.
-Here, no coughing.
-Look at him.
Go on.
-That's it!
-Way to go.
-Who do you think I am?
-He learned from me.
Fuck, Lico! Close that shit.
Are you crazy?
-Shut the fucking window.
-Are you crazy?
-Shit, we're fucked.
What the fuck is that?
-Get out of the car, now!
-Out of the car! I'm serious.
-It's not working.
-Just go!
I told you not to open the fucking window.
You stole the car, and I fucked up?
Fuck you, bro.
-Hi, Camargo.
-Victor, long time no see.
You miss police work?
No way. This is hell.
-What happened?
-We caught them red-handed.
-I owe you one.
-Don't worry.
You and I go way back, Victor.
Hey, kids! Come here.
Listen, this time I'm gonna
cut you some slack.
You're free to go.
André, I called your mom.
She's waiting for you. Go.
Thank you, sir.
Lico too, right?
No, not you. You stay.
What the fuck were you thinking?
That little prank could have
ended really badly.
Your father is an honorable man.
You should get better friends.
All right. Thanks, Camargo.
We're gonna take a walk, okay?
-Go ahead.
-Let's go.
This way.
Come here.
Look at the kid!
This is where criminals end up.
Six feet under or here.
Look closely. Pay attention.
You see?
You wanna end up here?
Do you?
Fuck! Seventeen grand, man! So much money!
Let's split it in four then,
since Pedro is out.
Not four, six.
There's Mauricinho
and the driver who tipped us off.
How much is 17 divided by six?
Shit just got complicated.
Let's see if some coke
helps me do the math.
It's a decimal number.
What's that? Decimal?
Does that mean less money?
So fucking stupid.
Come on, blond boy. Still pissed?
That's typical of rookies. It's normal.
He's a rookie, but I was right.
He kicked ass.
He definitely deserves his share.
You're right.
The playboy did really well.
You're a bunch of losers.
Come on, Dom. You're never satisfied.
You're super uptight. Stop bitching.
Bitching, my ass!
The alarm went off because of you.
We could be in jail now.
You have no idea how to plan.
I don't wanna go back to jail.
Stop busting our balls.
You know what?
I've got something lined up.
Let's see what you're really made of.
Show us what you can do.
Don't know if I want to.
He'll chicken out.
Is that because you didn't get anything?
You want money? Here.
Happy now? Relax, bro.
You'll see a lot more of these bills.
Fuck you.
Come on. Put that away.
I don't want this shit. Keep it.
This is fucking cool.
Hey relax.
You were fucking amazing.
They're clueless.
What are you thinking about?
My father
Forget about that shit.
Think about what you have.
Shit, son, what the hell?
Hi, Dad.
Thank God you're alive.
I'm okay, Dad. I'm fine.
Are you coming home?
I'm staying at a friend's.
In the favela. At Lico's.
I know all about that.
I brought you a gift.
Get that stolen shit out of my sight.
What? Stolen? Not at all.
I just bought it.
Yeah? With what money?
My money. I'm getting by.
-Are you dealing drugs?
-No way, Dad.
Now you're dealing too?
I swear I'm not.
That's a dead-end!
-I bought it with my money!
-Get that thing out of here!
-Don't you trust me?
-Get it outta here!
I don't associate with criminals.
Get it out of here.
What you stole from me is not in this box.
You can never return
what you took from me.
Take it.
-Come on, Dad.
-Get out of my house.
Get out of my house.
I won't cut you any more slack.
Get out of my house. Now.
Picture yourself at my age, looking back.
Is this the legacy
you want to leave your kids?
There's so much I want to do,
starting by paying
for my own place and my own food.
Victor, come back here.
I'm talking to you!
Are you back?
Just getting some clothes.
Hey, aren't you gonna say hi?
Evandro Brandão, a lawyer.
We went to school together.
-Hi, nice to meet you.
You know Dr. Teodoro.
How are you?
my youngest son
He's a diver.
Brazil is a dictatorship,
and he keeps his head underwater.
Excuse me.
At least you know where your son is.
My son is never home.
He parties all night.
That's all he wants to do.
Son, I know that living with your father
is getting hard.
He thinks I'm a loser.
I'm not coming back.
Son, don't say that. Victor
Look at me.
I'll talk to your father.
He'll leave you alone.
I'm not letting you leave this house.
I don't care what you're doing.
One is open and 15 are closed.
Someone cast a spell on you.
We knew that already.
How do we undo that?
Come back next week.
We'll make a beautiful offering
to your orisha.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Hey, what's up?
Don't you want anything?
You come here every day.
You don't buy anything, you don't
drink anything. You don't fuck anyone.
What do you want?
If you want me, just let me know, honey.
No, I'm just doing some healing work here.
Really? Let's have a beer,
you can tell me all about it.
-Come on.
-No, I have to go.
Come have a beer with me.
We're gonna clear this up.
The boy decided to talk to us.
What's up?
You've been walking up and down here
for a month,
and you never stop to have a beer with us.
Start talking, kid. Spit it out.
Someone cast a spell on me.
I'm doing healing sessions with Mãe Rosa.
And whose son are you?
My father is a doctor.
I'm talking about orishas.
Mãe Rosa says I'm Xangô's son.
Kaô Kabecilé.
I had a spell cast on me too.
I fooled around with a married woman.
A married woman? You?
You've been coming here a lot.
Walking up and down
It's not just because of Mãe Rosa, is it?
No, I don't smoke. I'm a diver.
A diver? What the fuck is that?
I work at the docks.
I spend the whole day underwater.
Can you make money with that?
I'm starting to.
-Here, diver.
-No, thanks.
Smoke it.
Fucking smoke it, man.
I never feel anything.
Inhale it. More!
This shit is strong.
-This is so good.
-I still don't get it.
This hill is called Santa Marta
No. Santa Marta or Dona Marta?
I already told you, man.
The hill is Dona Marta,
but the favela is Santa Marta.
You still don't get it?
I'll never get this shit.
Hey, I'm fucking starving.
You have the munchies.
Here! Have a pink egg.
You like the weed, don't you?
Ribeiro, boss!
Did you escape from Ilha Grande?
I swam here from the island.
-Where's the beer?
-A cold one coming right up, boss.
Who's the playboy?
-He's cool.
-Is he?
He's always hanging around.
-Yeah, boss.
-Come here.
-Search him.
-Stand up, playboy.
-He's clean, boss.
-He's clean.
I'm not in the mood for rats.
Not today, fuck!
Beer for everyone!
-I'm back!
-So badass!
My princess, no faggots here
Beer for everyone!
-I'm back!
-Here's to Ribeiro!
Let's drink! The boss is back.
What the fuck!
My eyes, son of a bitch! My eyes!
Shoot the motherfucker!
Shoot him! My eyes, fuck!
-What are you fucking doing?
-He had a gun!
What the fuck, playboy?
He had a gun.
I thought he was going to kill you.
He was gonna kill you.
I bought this shit for you as a gift.
I spent good money on it. And for what?
-This is what I get?
-Enough. Stop crying.
You don't like him, do you?
I don't either. You know why?
That guy is my goddamn brother-in-law!
Put your guns down. Put them down.
Sorry, man. I didn't know it was a gift.
You're sorry? Sorry, my ass!
You almost blinded me.
Shut up, crybaby,
or I'll give you a pacifier.
You thought Crybaby
was gonna kill me?
His sister is gonna kill me.
She's so jealous!
Thanks for the gift.
We never know where danger lurks.
Rats always catch us by surprise.
Beer for everyone. I'm back!
We're having a barbecue today!
To Ribeiro!
-Turn the music up!
-Everything's on Ribeiro.
I'm so happy.
Mr. João, how are you? How's the family?
The big boss is back.
Your dad didn't accept it?
That sucks.
He wanted to know how I got the money.
What am I supposed to do with that?
There's no turning back now.
He kicked me out.
You really like your father, huh?
He's the greatest guy I know.
But we're very different.
Or very much alike.
I get it.
You're a great guy.
But it was time you left home.
-You don't need him anymore.
-I know.
I can't stand living at Lico's.
That's why it's time you grew up.
You're an intelligent, good-looking guy.
Earn your own money.
Then you can do whatever you want.
And live wherever you want.
With money
you can do anything.
Destiny with a capital "D"
is the Divine Providence.
If God exists and has a plan for me,
cocaine is part of it.
I witnessed the drug's arrival
in Rio's favelas.
And how it completely
changed their lives forever.
Come on, it's on sale! Free samples.
Come on, guys.
Buy some weed and get some coke!
Come on, everyone. It's on sale!
Free samples!
Buy some weed and get some coke.
What's up? Want some?
No, I'm gonna have a beer.
with Nerinho. Thanks.
Come on, guys!
Trust me, this shit is good!
Is the beer free today too?
He says it's a new marketing strategy.
It's good stuff. It's new in Brazil.
He says more people will buy it.
Ribeiro is very clever.
Buy it here!
So, what about that spell cast on you?
It's been hard to get rid of.
It's powerful shit.
-What's up, boss?
Bring me the book.
Be right back, diver.
Hey, what's up?
You haven't sold any coke.
Look, this is our future.
We're gonna make money with this!
Let's work harder.
There's an order from outside the favela.
They ordered 200 of weed and 200 of coke.
Finally, some good news.
But it's a rich neighborhood.
High-class building, security.
Home delivery. Today.
-Now what?
What about the boy?
-Can we trust him?
Come on, boss. Are you crazy?
That guy is really sketchy.
You're gonna trust him?
You're so fucking suspicious!
He's a good kid, boss.
He's always hanging around.
Bring him over.
Diver, come here.
Come closer.
Diver, take a look at these faces.
If one of them came to your building
would they let them in?
Tell me the truth.
You wouldn't.
-I've got a job for you.
-For me?
Yeah, for you. You can get in anywhere
with your looks.
Fancy restaurants, expensive stores,
rich people's parties,
horse races I love that stuff.
If we get caught,
we go straight to Ilha Grande jail.
I've got a delivery for you.
It's really simple.
Do you know how much this is worth?
More than some people.
No, boss. I don't think so.
No? Come on.
What's the matter?
You'll be doing me a favor.
Dude, for me?
I told you he was a coward.
Cowards don't belong here.
Do it for me.
Hey, buddy.
Get over here. Come on.
Spread your legs.
What's in the backpack? Open it.
Hurry up!
Hide that shit better.
Get out of here! Move it!
I saw cocaine's very beginnings in Brazil.
I was there.
But I didn't know
it would destroy my family.
And take my son away from me.
-Bia, Ana, how are you?
-Hey, Jasmine.
-How are you?
Do you really want
to go back to your dad's now?
You wanna go for a swim?
Your brother showed up at home
with a brand-new laptop.
-Pedro is a drug dealer now.
-He's not, Dad.
What? Where do you think he got the money?
I don't know. Maybe he borrowed it.
In the favela?
What did he tell you?
-Don't lie to me.
-He didn't say anything.
-Talk to me.
Damn it, Dad! Pedro screws up,
and I get yelled at?
This is bullshit.
Laura, honey
Dad, I didn't get the job.
-Oh, darling
-It sucks.
Why don't you come work with me?
And have you as a boss?
No way, Dad. God forbid.
Okay, then.
I met a guy.
A guy?
Is it serious?
Yeah. We're thinking
about moving in together.
I wanna introduce him to you.
So, this guy Does he have a name?
What does he do? How old is he?
-Is he from here?
-Dad, no interrogation, please.
Sorry about that.
-Do I know you?
-I thought I recognized you.
General, we met at a barbecue
at Captain Rossoneri's place.
Victor Pontes, at your service.
I'm a reserve Lieutenant.
I'm sorry I disturbed you.
I was just a little baffled
by what I saw over there.
This is a family environment.
Those people have no respect!
Isn't that outrageous?
The world is doomed.
Whiskey, Lieutenant?
-Is there jewelry in the house?
I've never seen so much gold.
Are you sure they're not coming back?
I'm telling you,
they're travelling in Europe.
They're not coming back.
Do they have designer bags?
Shut up.
How many cameras?
There are cameras in the lobby,
in the elevator.
In the stairs?
-No, sir.
-What about an alarm system?
Do they have a dog?
How long has your boss lived there?
More than 20 years. A long time.
-What's his name?
-Mr. Renato.
What's his last name?
It's okay, nothing's gonna happen to you.
Renato Siqueira Campos.
What's the doorman's name?
How is it going, Lenilson?
I'm Mr. Renato's nephew, 801.
Renato Siqueira Campos.
There's nobody home.
Mr. Renato didn't mention you.
I know, they're in Paris.
I guess you don't recognize me.
Last time I was here I was a kid.
My hair was different.
Don't you remember me?
Look at the camera.
I'm Pedro Siqueira Campos, his nephew.
Oh, man.
I have the keys.
Can you open the garage? I have my car.
Okay, I'll open it.
Thanks, Lenilson.
-Shit. Why didn't Armário get the trunk?
-Let's go.
-Stop complaining.
-My clothes are all wrinkled.
Armário, keep the engine running
and keep your eyes open.
If anything happens, tell me.
Hey, Dom.
Keep it.
I have a brain. I don't need that shit.
Let's go.
You two take the stairs.
-No, I'll take the elevator.
-There's a camera in the elevator.
-But I was in the trunk!
-It's eight floors!
-Take the stairs.
-Stop that! Let's go.
-I always get the shitty work.
-Be quiet, damn it.
Thanks, Fabrício.
Hello, Jessika?
Have you got any plans for tonight?
I have a proposal for you.
I'm not into bestiality
or getting beat up.
I just want to take you to an event.
Wear something nice,
I'll pick you up in a bit.
The camera.
Just hiding from the camera.
Wait! You got lipstick on you.
Let's go.
What a place!
Holy shit, Dom!
This place is fucking awesome!
Fuck, playboy. The stairs were a bitch.
I need to recharge.
Don't screw up again.
Come on, Dom. Everyone's had some.
-I know.
-Vivi had some.
You can have some, just don't screw up.
Sure, bro. It's cool.
Come on. Let's do this.
Let's stop wasting time.
Fucking shit!
Are you calling?
I'm out.
I pass.
Holy shit! Sick stereo!
Look at this thing.
Viviane, you fucking crazy bitch.
What's this?
-It's brand-new.
-It's on. Give that back!
-Let go!
-Give me that!
-I found it!
-It's mine!
-You fucking bitch!
Come on, if you have the balls.
-I'm out.
-I pass.
What's gonna be, Lieutenant?
Are you in or out?
You're impossible, General! Impossible!
It's all mine.
I'm gonna take a leak, excuse me.
You're so lucky, General.
Good evening.
Okay. It must be Mr. Renato's nephew.
I'll take care of it. I'll talk to him.
Have a good night, ma'am.
Are you crazy? The neighbors will hear us.
I was just dancing.
I told you not to screw up.
You want us to get caught?
No, bro.
Come on, Dom. I was just dancing.
Go, hide!
For me?
-Hi, Mr. Pedro.
-Hi, is everything okay?
-Would you turn the music down?
-I turned it off.
The elderly residents were complaining.
It's all right. I turned it off.
-You're done.
-I didn't see anything.
-Calm down. Lower the gun.
-He's gonna give us away.
-Put that down!
-He'll turn us in.
Put that down and look at me.
I'll fix this.
-He's a snitch.
-Lico, look at me.
Lico, I'm talking to you. Look at me.
Fuck, Lico!
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