Dope Girls (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
A Filthy Little Mole Down a Filthy Little Hole
You have no idea
what you've just done.
You said his family are bad.
How bad?
The Saluccis are criminally
insane gangsters
who sell girls
and dope in shitty clubs.
And if you cross them,
their approach to revenge is inhuman.
I'm gonna take that tongue,
and I'm gonna feed it
to my mother.
Find my son.
If you're gonna work for me,
I need to know I can trust you.
There's a girl downstairs
we picked up last night in the raid.
Find out who she is.
What makes you think
she'll speak to me?
Because beneath
- Get your hands off me!
Morally bankrupt.
We have an opportunity here.
You wanna open a night club?
I saw how much that place was making
last night, and it was a cesspit.
Don't you think
we could do it better?
You'd be like every other Black woman,
working for their white boss.
I want something that's mine.
Would you ever lie to me?
Of course not.
You're the only thing that matters to me.
What are they doing?
Talking to her brother.
I thought he died in the war.
it's bloody creepy, if you ask me.
And the money is gone,
along with my grandson.
- I don't know anything about that.
- What are we paying you for, then?
I can get you work.
What kind of work?
Depends what kind of
girl you are.
Come find me
when you get out.
She trusts you.
She is your way in.
I joined the police
to help girls like her.
Sometimes we have to be bad to be good.
You stink.
Stand over there.
I said get over there.
You are putting me off my lunch.
Go on, what have you got?
Lily told me about a tunnel.
A secret place,
in the heart of Soho.
Somewhere near French Street.
Come here!
I don't know
But it wasn't this, sir.
Hello, stranger.
Enjoy the ride.
Carry on.
She took me to a cafe
in Soho after.
And I think it was a test
when she drugged me.
What is that place?
No men know about it.
And we like to keep it that way.
- Was she real?
- Oh, she's real, all right.
She was a grass.
Sending everyone's
business to the police.
And when the Saluccis found out,
they took the lot.
Eyes, tongue, ears.
See no evil, speak no evil.
Ask me, she deserved what she got.
Grasses are the lowest form of scum.
Hi, Wally.
Can we have two chicken pies,
two beef sandwiches
and two Victoria sponges? Thank you.
She's paying.
She went home with the Duke of Bristol
last night. Dirty bitch.
I don't have any money.
Oh, I know.
Your purse.
Gimme that.
Who's Clare?
- You said you could get me work.
- Maybe.
Are you gonna help me or not?
A friend of mine's opening a place, and
they're looking for hostesses and dancers.
I'd take a cut off whatever you earn,
but it'd be regular money.
Here we go.
Two pies.
Thanks, Wally.
Victoria sponge.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Ready?
The new club is off Brewer Street.
It's called the 33.
A girl from Danton's is opening it.
used to run that place.
Now he's missing.
One of those girls'll know
his whereabouts.
He's screwed most of them.
Someone must be hiding something.
So get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just
bring it straight to me. Understood?
And don't tell a soul about this.
Okay. Three things you need to know:
for a night club to survive,
we need to flog booze, girls, dope.
Police can't find out, obviously,
but neither can the Saluccis,
because we can't afford
their protection.
Is that silk?
- We need curtains, Kate.
- Do we? Glasses over here, please.
Sit so yourself. Make it nice,
and people will spend time here.
Treat people nice.
Manners cost nothing.
Speaking of which,
we're not selling dope or girls.
- It's not that sort of place.
- Wherever you say.
Once you're finished with the stage, bring
the rest of the glasses down, please.
I could get used to this.
Pass me two glasses.
Now we're talking.
What happens when the Saluccis
realize he's dead?
That's not our problem.
Okay, it's been five days.
They're gonna tear Soho apart.
And what are they gonna find?
There's nothing left but ashes.
Girls, this is amazing.
I said no strangers.
This one's all right.
She'll do anything.
What are you hanging around for?
Come on.
- To us.
- To us.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You've gotta be joking.
- Billie.
The bastards sold us
fucking water!
Silvio disappears. Then he reappears.
It's what he does.
No, this is different.
Something's wrong.
I don't understand
Because now is not the time
for tantrums.
I need you to grow up
and focus on our future.
There are bigger things at stake.
He's your grandson.
This is about blood,
not some piece of land.
For all we know, he could be dead.
It's not just land, Damaso.
It's a passport to real power.
What, we just sit around
doing nothing, do we?
No, no, you're supposed to keep calm,
because if you screw our chances
of building this racetrack,
when your little brat comes back with
his tail between his legs, which he will,
I'll kill him myself.
You only have yourself to blame.
You should have remarried.
How can you learn to be a man
when you're his mother?
- Okay.
- Now eat, you look thin.
- Luca, Luca!
- I couldn't wait to see you again.
Happy to see you again!
Hail the conquering hero
That's it. We're fucked.
We need to rob a restaurant.
We're not robbing a restaurant.
We open tomorrow, Kate.
We need booze.
If we rob a restaurant, the police
will investigate. It'll be a mess.
- Okay, a hotel.
- We could rob the police.
I know a girl that was taken
to this warehouse by the river
and it's like
Aladdin's party cave.
Turns out, every time
the cops raid a club,
they stash the booze
in this locker.
And then whenever
the bastards want a drink,
they go down there.
Drink for free.
And the best part?
My mate says that
it's practically unguarded.
Practically unguarded?
What does that mean?
One or two rookies. Kids.
Sorry, are you
actually considering this?
you won't rob a restaurant,
but you'll rob the police?
Do you think the police will
admit they were robbed?
If she's telling the truth,
they'll hardly miss a few crates.
It's brilliant.
How are you gonna get in?
Because they're not exactly gonna open
the fucking doors, Kate.
Well, when you've found
a serious solution, come and get me.
The British Empire is
the largest in history,
governed through systems of both
Mummy, this is so boring.
- When's our tutor coming back?
- I don't know, sweetheart.
When he gets better.
If he ever gets better.
Look, I know this is tedious,
but it is vitally important
to know one's place in the world.
I mean, what if your father were to become
Prime Minister one day?
Darling, don't roll your eyes.
They'll get stuck there.
Now, when one talks of colonial
Why can't the people from other countries
rule themselves?
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I wish we were back at school.
Don't you?
Jenny's mum says it's not even the flu
that's making people sick.
It's aspirin,
made by the Germans.
I'm starving. Is there
any of that treacle tart left?
Elizabeth baked
a fresh one this morning.
I need the loo. I'll catch you up.
Okay, everyone, into your lines.
Okay, ladies, here we go.
Show me what you've got.
You're Violet, yes?
I'm looking for someone
who can handle themselves.
- Do you want a job?
- Yeah.
My son has always been a hero.
When I asked him what was the worst thing
about being on the front line,
he did not say death
or loss or even sacrifice.
the food!
Luca fought
when many did not.
May he rest in peace!
would be a proud man.
And I am a proud woman.
A fair woman.
Welcome home my son!
Thank you.
Thank you. Grazie.
Famiglia, amici, grazie.
For a long time, I didn't think
I'd ever see home again.
The days felt like nights.
never ended.
how precious this is.
I swore, if I ever made it back,
I would never waste another moment.
my three boys.
Nearly men.
Come up here to Daddy.
I've missed out on so much,
I have to thank my brother.
Our general.
I know he would have given anything
to fight alongside me if he could.
But maybe he had
the real battle.
Taking care of Mama.
She demands a lot,
does our mother.
- That's why we love her.
- No.
My mother, no one else only you.
- Salute!
- Salute!
We'll find him.
Hello, officer.
Get on with it,
before he wakes up.
I can't see a fucking thing.
Go, go, go.
Okay, that's enough, let's go.
Let's go, come on.
Shit, he's gone.
Oh, shit.
Okay, let's go.
- How?
- I found a new supplier.
You remember Reggie?
He's gonna run the door.
Welcome to the family.
Let's have a drink, shall we?
Feel like a proper lady.
- Proper.
- To proper ladies.
Got you these.
I've missed seeing you
every night.
Now you can see me
whenever you want.
How'd you feel getting
your pay from a woman?
Money's money.
Ain't you worried about Silvio?
No, why should I be?
Well, you two didn't exactly
see eye-to-eye.
What's he gonna think about
you having your own place?
I'm sure he's got bigger things
to think about than little old me.
So, what happens at a nightclub?
- Grown up things.
- Like what?
Mum? Like what?
- Dancing, talking.
- So, why can't I come?
'Cause you're not grown up.
Do you even care that Daddy's gone?
How could you say that?
I can't go to Alice's today.
- I've got my period.
- Sweetheart, you don't.
Do you want me to prove it?
But finish your work.
How many of you have lost
someone you loved?
Raise a hand if you have lost
a son?
Come in, child.
Okay. Good!
I lost my father
when I was 11 years old.
Lost my mother to demons of the mind.
my daughter,
to savage disease.
it is only through
experiencing great loss
that we begin to truly
understand gain.
Just as hunger teaches us
to cherish a warm meal,
grief shows us the path to life.
Death is not an end.
It is a beginning.
And so, friends,
heralds the birth of a golden age,
a time of life, liberty,
and we will be reunited with
all those we have lost.
Of course, it is natural
that we feel sadness,
anger, pain.
if left unchecked, can only harm us.
I will teach you, my friends,
how to release yourselves
from the shackles.
Turn tears into power.
You have already taken
the hardest step.
Just being here today.
into the light.
Together, we will burn down
the old order,
and build ourselves
a new world.
Hail Osiris, King of the Dead,
Renewer of Life, Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris, Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
This might come as news to you,
but this is a place of work.
- Are you serious?
- We need to rehearse.
I have to meet friends anyway.
See you later.
- Someone's a sassy Sally.
- Eddie, I'm not in the mood.
The last time I checked,
a warm-up for you involved
riding the stage manager's wife.
That's when I didn't care.
Now I do.
- Don't you?
- Of course I do.
Then show me.
Have you got a minute?
Not really.
What do you want?
I found these
in the dressing room.
Booze, girls, dope
Some of the girls were planning
to sell it.
I know.
I gave it to them.
I already told you,
I don't want it here.
- It will make people drink more.
- I don't care.
If we're doing this, I want it to be
as respectable as possible.
I mean it. Drink is one thing.
Drugs are quite another.
So you'll chop a man up and burn his body,
but coke, that's where you draw the line?
I don't want the police
sniffing round here.
You said yourself
we need to tread carefully.
Welcome home.
When you said
death is not an end,
I know what you meant.
Go on.
My father killed himself.
I'm not supposed
to know that, but I do.
And I've seen him.
You don't believe me?
I believe you.
I saw my father too.
The night he died.
I want to speak with him.
I saw you do it the other night
with my friend's mother.
I remember.
Can you help me?
I can, but the ritual is complex.
And not for the faint of heart.
I'll do anything.
Very well.
We will need certain items
to help lift the veil.
Nothing is
more important than family.
Now, more than ever,
we need to feel loved,
And that's what this club will be.
A family.
Because if we make people
they'll never want to leave.
the more they'll pay.
there are rules.
Well, one very important rule.
Which is, to have a bloody good time.
As we're new, I don't imagine the police
are gonna give us any trouble yet.
But if they do, Reggie will
stall them as long as he can.
And then it's the usual. Drinks down
the hatch. Stash the bottles out the back.
- Any questions?
- What time do we close?
When the music stops.
All right, let's go.
Opening doors in ten.
Basic hygiene,
it's a bloody jungle down there.
No chance,
you'll be scratching all week.
Where's the bloody skirt then, eh?
Have a good night.
Reggie, you're a hard man to find.
What, no welcome home?
"Thank you for your service"?
- Welcome home, Luca. Good to see you.
- You don't waste any time.
No, I'm here till
Danton's gets back up.
I've got to pay the bills.
- You know what it's like.
- Do I?
I hear you were one of the last people
to see my nephew.
I saw him that night.
Got him out, safe as usual.
Couldn't tell you if I was the last
Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
You were on the door of that club
since the day it opened.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, is that right?
- Yep. Yep.
- You saw every dirty little secret.
And yet, on the night that my nephew
and a load of our money goes missing,
you don't see anything or hear anything
out of the ordinary? Isn't that odd?
Someone must have
called in the raid.
It wasn't planned.
We got no warning.
That wasn't the question, Reggie.
Did you or did you not
see anything unusual
on the night that my nephew disappeared?
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
No new faces that night?
Look, with respect,
considering the number of people
Where's my son?
- I don't know!
- Where is he?
- I don't know!
- Liar.
If I find out you're fucking lying
Stop, stop.
I believe you.
You gonna let us in, then?
Who owns this joint?
I don't know.
Some idiot.
Honestly, this racetrack
has become a fucking obsession.
Leveling the ground plans
for the stables, lounges.
What's your cut?
Well, you've just got home.
You should focus on your wife, your kids.
Let you get on with business?
Mama's right. The racetrack
will change everything.
And we both know
I'll be running it.
I'm just messing with you, brother.
Evening, gentlemen.
Gin, rum, whiskey, or champagne?
How much for you?
What? Lady muck doesn't fuck?
Don't you know who I am?
I'm afraid my brother's just got back.
It's been a while
since he's had the pleasure.
You understand.
Whiskey's all around.
Go on, off you trot.
Where's Billie?
Everybody wants to touch me
Everybody wants to feel
Something that's real
'Everybody wants to touch me
They all love my skin
They can't wait to take me home
They don't even care where I've been
Everybody wants to touch me
They all want a little pat
They all want to tell their friends
That they had themselves a piece of that
Everybody wants to touch me
- What's going on?
- Go and meet Walter.
- Billy?
- Eddie, I can't, just please.
Get out of here.
For God's sake.
Eddie, will you give us a minute?
Bloody madhouse.
If they knew,
we'd already be dead.
- We need to treat them like anyone else.
- Anyone else?
How many other people have a vested
interest in cutting out our tongues, Kate?
I'll take care of it.
Stay off the dope.
So, you know him?
The one who's missing?
Silvio's why most
of the girls got the clap.
- What do you think's happened?
- Hopefully something really bad.
- I'm good.
- Go on.
- I said I'm good.
- We're still waiting on our drinks.
Whiskeys for the table.
That's a nice skirt.
Why don't you come join us?
- Take the rest of the evening off.
- This isn't that kind of place.
Let go of her.
I think you and your friends
should find somewhere else to drink.
Tell you what. Why don't you give me her,
and we'll settle up?
I told you.
My girl's not for sale.
If it wasn't for me,
you'd be speaking German, you bitch.
- All right, let's go sit down.
- Sit down?
Sit down?
You've gotten good at that, haven't you?
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed at home.
And this little piggy was too busy
tucking into Mama's tiramisu
that he forgot all about business.
This is our fucking turf.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this evening's entertainment is over.
Off with their heads!
Welcome to the show.
Everybody get the fuck out of here.
Take what you want.
Smash the rest.
You can't open a club on our fucking land,
without wetting our whistles.
Sorry about all the trouble.
But if you want to reopen,
you're going to have to pay.
- For what?
- Protection.
Well, you really took care of it.
The Saluccis own us now.
And you've got a problem
with selling dope?
How the fuck do you think
they make their money?
I know exactly how they make their money.
And I won't sell that poison.
- We're paying them protection. That's it.
- Okay.
How are we going to pay for protection
if we can't even afford to pay our staff?
And whose fault is that?
With your carpenters
and your fucking curtains?
People want a show.
I thought I'd seen it all with the severed
head, but the vaginal clamshell.
Jesus Christ. People just want to enjoy
a drink and a dance.
I don't care what people enjoy.
I perform to escape.
That's all I have.
So, you do not get to come here
and try to teach me
about what's offensive
or ugly.
This is the world you left your baby in.
Because she doesn't look like you.
That's not true.
Yet you kept Evie.
Oh, my sweet boy.
How was your brother?
He's weak, Mama.
Then you must be strong.
to make sure your brother
does not lose his head.
what's happened to the boy.
And what if something has
happened to him?
Then I will take whoever is responsible
and roast them on a fucking spit.
you're safe now.
Silly boy.
it's like someone else is up there.
I forget it's you.
Billie, if you're in some kind of trouble,
you can tell me, you know.
- You look nice, sir.
- Stop fucking around.
What have you got to report?
The club's run by Kate Galloway.
The bitch who wet the bed?
But she didn't recognize you?
I'm in.
How am I supposed to reopen,
when all my stock was destroyed?
I mean, I work with several clubs already,
and we don't loan to them.
- What makes yours so special?
- Me.
What, going to the Saluccis?
We are going to make this club work.
Billie actually believed you.
That it would be different here.
It will be.
- Freak show.
- Just give me time.
Hello, Mr. Huxley.
People underestimate you,
don't they?
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles, and London.
It's a proper dancing role,
and it's money.
Upstairs need to know the whereabouts
of the Salucci boy,
and they need to know now.
Any more trouble,
I'll speak with the Saluccis.
They have friends in the police.
I should be out there looking for my son.
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
Violet, stop!
It's a Salucci gun. Put it down.
what you've just done.
You said his family are bad.
How bad?
The Saluccis are criminally
insane gangsters
who sell girls
and dope in shitty clubs.
And if you cross them,
their approach to revenge is inhuman.
I'm gonna take that tongue,
and I'm gonna feed it
to my mother.
Find my son.
If you're gonna work for me,
I need to know I can trust you.
There's a girl downstairs
we picked up last night in the raid.
Find out who she is.
What makes you think
she'll speak to me?
Because beneath
- Get your hands off me!
Morally bankrupt.
We have an opportunity here.
You wanna open a night club?
I saw how much that place was making
last night, and it was a cesspit.
Don't you think
we could do it better?
You'd be like every other Black woman,
working for their white boss.
I want something that's mine.
Would you ever lie to me?
Of course not.
You're the only thing that matters to me.
What are they doing?
Talking to her brother.
I thought he died in the war.
it's bloody creepy, if you ask me.
And the money is gone,
along with my grandson.
- I don't know anything about that.
- What are we paying you for, then?
I can get you work.
What kind of work?
Depends what kind of
girl you are.
Come find me
when you get out.
She trusts you.
She is your way in.
I joined the police
to help girls like her.
Sometimes we have to be bad to be good.
You stink.
Stand over there.
I said get over there.
You are putting me off my lunch.
Go on, what have you got?
Lily told me about a tunnel.
A secret place,
in the heart of Soho.
Somewhere near French Street.
Come here!
I don't know
But it wasn't this, sir.
Hello, stranger.
Enjoy the ride.
Carry on.
She took me to a cafe
in Soho after.
And I think it was a test
when she drugged me.
What is that place?
No men know about it.
And we like to keep it that way.
- Was she real?
- Oh, she's real, all right.
She was a grass.
Sending everyone's
business to the police.
And when the Saluccis found out,
they took the lot.
Eyes, tongue, ears.
See no evil, speak no evil.
Ask me, she deserved what she got.
Grasses are the lowest form of scum.
Hi, Wally.
Can we have two chicken pies,
two beef sandwiches
and two Victoria sponges? Thank you.
She's paying.
She went home with the Duke of Bristol
last night. Dirty bitch.
I don't have any money.
Oh, I know.
Your purse.
Gimme that.
Who's Clare?
- You said you could get me work.
- Maybe.
Are you gonna help me or not?
A friend of mine's opening a place, and
they're looking for hostesses and dancers.
I'd take a cut off whatever you earn,
but it'd be regular money.
Here we go.
Two pies.
Thanks, Wally.
Victoria sponge.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Ready?
The new club is off Brewer Street.
It's called the 33.
A girl from Danton's is opening it.
used to run that place.
Now he's missing.
One of those girls'll know
his whereabouts.
He's screwed most of them.
Someone must be hiding something.
So get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just
bring it straight to me. Understood?
And don't tell a soul about this.
Okay. Three things you need to know:
for a night club to survive,
we need to flog booze, girls, dope.
Police can't find out, obviously,
but neither can the Saluccis,
because we can't afford
their protection.
Is that silk?
- We need curtains, Kate.
- Do we? Glasses over here, please.
Sit so yourself. Make it nice,
and people will spend time here.
Treat people nice.
Manners cost nothing.
Speaking of which,
we're not selling dope or girls.
- It's not that sort of place.
- Wherever you say.
Once you're finished with the stage, bring
the rest of the glasses down, please.
I could get used to this.
Pass me two glasses.
Now we're talking.
What happens when the Saluccis
realize he's dead?
That's not our problem.
Okay, it's been five days.
They're gonna tear Soho apart.
And what are they gonna find?
There's nothing left but ashes.
Girls, this is amazing.
I said no strangers.
This one's all right.
She'll do anything.
What are you hanging around for?
Come on.
- To us.
- To us.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You've gotta be joking.
- Billie.
The bastards sold us
fucking water!
Silvio disappears. Then he reappears.
It's what he does.
No, this is different.
Something's wrong.
I don't understand
Because now is not the time
for tantrums.
I need you to grow up
and focus on our future.
There are bigger things at stake.
He's your grandson.
This is about blood,
not some piece of land.
For all we know, he could be dead.
It's not just land, Damaso.
It's a passport to real power.
What, we just sit around
doing nothing, do we?
No, no, you're supposed to keep calm,
because if you screw our chances
of building this racetrack,
when your little brat comes back with
his tail between his legs, which he will,
I'll kill him myself.
You only have yourself to blame.
You should have remarried.
How can you learn to be a man
when you're his mother?
- Okay.
- Now eat, you look thin.
- Luca, Luca!
- I couldn't wait to see you again.
Happy to see you again!
Hail the conquering hero
That's it. We're fucked.
We need to rob a restaurant.
We're not robbing a restaurant.
We open tomorrow, Kate.
We need booze.
If we rob a restaurant, the police
will investigate. It'll be a mess.
- Okay, a hotel.
- We could rob the police.
I know a girl that was taken
to this warehouse by the river
and it's like
Aladdin's party cave.
Turns out, every time
the cops raid a club,
they stash the booze
in this locker.
And then whenever
the bastards want a drink,
they go down there.
Drink for free.
And the best part?
My mate says that
it's practically unguarded.
Practically unguarded?
What does that mean?
One or two rookies. Kids.
Sorry, are you
actually considering this?
you won't rob a restaurant,
but you'll rob the police?
Do you think the police will
admit they were robbed?
If she's telling the truth,
they'll hardly miss a few crates.
It's brilliant.
How are you gonna get in?
Because they're not exactly gonna open
the fucking doors, Kate.
Well, when you've found
a serious solution, come and get me.
The British Empire is
the largest in history,
governed through systems of both
Mummy, this is so boring.
- When's our tutor coming back?
- I don't know, sweetheart.
When he gets better.
If he ever gets better.
Look, I know this is tedious,
but it is vitally important
to know one's place in the world.
I mean, what if your father were to become
Prime Minister one day?
Darling, don't roll your eyes.
They'll get stuck there.
Now, when one talks of colonial
Why can't the people from other countries
rule themselves?
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I wish we were back at school.
Don't you?
Jenny's mum says it's not even the flu
that's making people sick.
It's aspirin,
made by the Germans.
I'm starving. Is there
any of that treacle tart left?
Elizabeth baked
a fresh one this morning.
I need the loo. I'll catch you up.
Okay, everyone, into your lines.
Okay, ladies, here we go.
Show me what you've got.
You're Violet, yes?
I'm looking for someone
who can handle themselves.
- Do you want a job?
- Yeah.
My son has always been a hero.
When I asked him what was the worst thing
about being on the front line,
he did not say death
or loss or even sacrifice.
the food!
Luca fought
when many did not.
May he rest in peace!
would be a proud man.
And I am a proud woman.
A fair woman.
Welcome home my son!
Thank you.
Thank you. Grazie.
Famiglia, amici, grazie.
For a long time, I didn't think
I'd ever see home again.
The days felt like nights.
never ended.
how precious this is.
I swore, if I ever made it back,
I would never waste another moment.
my three boys.
Nearly men.
Come up here to Daddy.
I've missed out on so much,
I have to thank my brother.
Our general.
I know he would have given anything
to fight alongside me if he could.
But maybe he had
the real battle.
Taking care of Mama.
She demands a lot,
does our mother.
- That's why we love her.
- No.
My mother, no one else only you.
- Salute!
- Salute!
We'll find him.
Hello, officer.
Get on with it,
before he wakes up.
I can't see a fucking thing.
Go, go, go.
Okay, that's enough, let's go.
Let's go, come on.
Shit, he's gone.
Oh, shit.
Okay, let's go.
- How?
- I found a new supplier.
You remember Reggie?
He's gonna run the door.
Welcome to the family.
Let's have a drink, shall we?
Feel like a proper lady.
- Proper.
- To proper ladies.
Got you these.
I've missed seeing you
every night.
Now you can see me
whenever you want.
How'd you feel getting
your pay from a woman?
Money's money.
Ain't you worried about Silvio?
No, why should I be?
Well, you two didn't exactly
see eye-to-eye.
What's he gonna think about
you having your own place?
I'm sure he's got bigger things
to think about than little old me.
So, what happens at a nightclub?
- Grown up things.
- Like what?
Mum? Like what?
- Dancing, talking.
- So, why can't I come?
'Cause you're not grown up.
Do you even care that Daddy's gone?
How could you say that?
I can't go to Alice's today.
- I've got my period.
- Sweetheart, you don't.
Do you want me to prove it?
But finish your work.
How many of you have lost
someone you loved?
Raise a hand if you have lost
a son?
Come in, child.
Okay. Good!
I lost my father
when I was 11 years old.
Lost my mother to demons of the mind.
my daughter,
to savage disease.
it is only through
experiencing great loss
that we begin to truly
understand gain.
Just as hunger teaches us
to cherish a warm meal,
grief shows us the path to life.
Death is not an end.
It is a beginning.
And so, friends,
heralds the birth of a golden age,
a time of life, liberty,
and we will be reunited with
all those we have lost.
Of course, it is natural
that we feel sadness,
anger, pain.
if left unchecked, can only harm us.
I will teach you, my friends,
how to release yourselves
from the shackles.
Turn tears into power.
You have already taken
the hardest step.
Just being here today.
into the light.
Together, we will burn down
the old order,
and build ourselves
a new world.
Hail Osiris, King of the Dead,
Renewer of Life, Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris, Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
Hail Osiris,
Lord of Silence.
This might come as news to you,
but this is a place of work.
- Are you serious?
- We need to rehearse.
I have to meet friends anyway.
See you later.
- Someone's a sassy Sally.
- Eddie, I'm not in the mood.
The last time I checked,
a warm-up for you involved
riding the stage manager's wife.
That's when I didn't care.
Now I do.
- Don't you?
- Of course I do.
Then show me.
Have you got a minute?
Not really.
What do you want?
I found these
in the dressing room.
Booze, girls, dope
Some of the girls were planning
to sell it.
I know.
I gave it to them.
I already told you,
I don't want it here.
- It will make people drink more.
- I don't care.
If we're doing this, I want it to be
as respectable as possible.
I mean it. Drink is one thing.
Drugs are quite another.
So you'll chop a man up and burn his body,
but coke, that's where you draw the line?
I don't want the police
sniffing round here.
You said yourself
we need to tread carefully.
Welcome home.
When you said
death is not an end,
I know what you meant.
Go on.
My father killed himself.
I'm not supposed
to know that, but I do.
And I've seen him.
You don't believe me?
I believe you.
I saw my father too.
The night he died.
I want to speak with him.
I saw you do it the other night
with my friend's mother.
I remember.
Can you help me?
I can, but the ritual is complex.
And not for the faint of heart.
I'll do anything.
Very well.
We will need certain items
to help lift the veil.
Nothing is
more important than family.
Now, more than ever,
we need to feel loved,
And that's what this club will be.
A family.
Because if we make people
they'll never want to leave.
the more they'll pay.
there are rules.
Well, one very important rule.
Which is, to have a bloody good time.
As we're new, I don't imagine the police
are gonna give us any trouble yet.
But if they do, Reggie will
stall them as long as he can.
And then it's the usual. Drinks down
the hatch. Stash the bottles out the back.
- Any questions?
- What time do we close?
When the music stops.
All right, let's go.
Opening doors in ten.
Basic hygiene,
it's a bloody jungle down there.
No chance,
you'll be scratching all week.
Where's the bloody skirt then, eh?
Have a good night.
Reggie, you're a hard man to find.
What, no welcome home?
"Thank you for your service"?
- Welcome home, Luca. Good to see you.
- You don't waste any time.
No, I'm here till
Danton's gets back up.
I've got to pay the bills.
- You know what it's like.
- Do I?
I hear you were one of the last people
to see my nephew.
I saw him that night.
Got him out, safe as usual.
Couldn't tell you if I was the last
Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
You were on the door of that club
since the day it opened.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, is that right?
- Yep. Yep.
- You saw every dirty little secret.
And yet, on the night that my nephew
and a load of our money goes missing,
you don't see anything or hear anything
out of the ordinary? Isn't that odd?
Someone must have
called in the raid.
It wasn't planned.
We got no warning.
That wasn't the question, Reggie.
Did you or did you not
see anything unusual
on the night that my nephew disappeared?
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
No new faces that night?
Look, with respect,
considering the number of people
Where's my son?
- I don't know!
- Where is he?
- I don't know!
- Liar.
If I find out you're fucking lying
Stop, stop.
I believe you.
You gonna let us in, then?
Who owns this joint?
I don't know.
Some idiot.
Honestly, this racetrack
has become a fucking obsession.
Leveling the ground plans
for the stables, lounges.
What's your cut?
Well, you've just got home.
You should focus on your wife, your kids.
Let you get on with business?
Mama's right. The racetrack
will change everything.
And we both know
I'll be running it.
I'm just messing with you, brother.
Evening, gentlemen.
Gin, rum, whiskey, or champagne?
How much for you?
What? Lady muck doesn't fuck?
Don't you know who I am?
I'm afraid my brother's just got back.
It's been a while
since he's had the pleasure.
You understand.
Whiskey's all around.
Go on, off you trot.
Where's Billie?
Everybody wants to touch me
Everybody wants to feel
Something that's real
'Everybody wants to touch me
They all love my skin
They can't wait to take me home
They don't even care where I've been
Everybody wants to touch me
They all want a little pat
They all want to tell their friends
That they had themselves a piece of that
Everybody wants to touch me
- What's going on?
- Go and meet Walter.
- Billy?
- Eddie, I can't, just please.
Get out of here.
For God's sake.
Eddie, will you give us a minute?
Bloody madhouse.
If they knew,
we'd already be dead.
- We need to treat them like anyone else.
- Anyone else?
How many other people have a vested
interest in cutting out our tongues, Kate?
I'll take care of it.
Stay off the dope.
So, you know him?
The one who's missing?
Silvio's why most
of the girls got the clap.
- What do you think's happened?
- Hopefully something really bad.
- I'm good.
- Go on.
- I said I'm good.
- We're still waiting on our drinks.
Whiskeys for the table.
That's a nice skirt.
Why don't you come join us?
- Take the rest of the evening off.
- This isn't that kind of place.
Let go of her.
I think you and your friends
should find somewhere else to drink.
Tell you what. Why don't you give me her,
and we'll settle up?
I told you.
My girl's not for sale.
If it wasn't for me,
you'd be speaking German, you bitch.
- All right, let's go sit down.
- Sit down?
Sit down?
You've gotten good at that, haven't you?
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed at home.
And this little piggy was too busy
tucking into Mama's tiramisu
that he forgot all about business.
This is our fucking turf.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this evening's entertainment is over.
Off with their heads!
Welcome to the show.
Everybody get the fuck out of here.
Take what you want.
Smash the rest.
You can't open a club on our fucking land,
without wetting our whistles.
Sorry about all the trouble.
But if you want to reopen,
you're going to have to pay.
- For what?
- Protection.
Well, you really took care of it.
The Saluccis own us now.
And you've got a problem
with selling dope?
How the fuck do you think
they make their money?
I know exactly how they make their money.
And I won't sell that poison.
- We're paying them protection. That's it.
- Okay.
How are we going to pay for protection
if we can't even afford to pay our staff?
And whose fault is that?
With your carpenters
and your fucking curtains?
People want a show.
I thought I'd seen it all with the severed
head, but the vaginal clamshell.
Jesus Christ. People just want to enjoy
a drink and a dance.
I don't care what people enjoy.
I perform to escape.
That's all I have.
So, you do not get to come here
and try to teach me
about what's offensive
or ugly.
This is the world you left your baby in.
Because she doesn't look like you.
That's not true.
Yet you kept Evie.
Oh, my sweet boy.
How was your brother?
He's weak, Mama.
Then you must be strong.
to make sure your brother
does not lose his head.
what's happened to the boy.
And what if something has
happened to him?
Then I will take whoever is responsible
and roast them on a fucking spit.
you're safe now.
Silly boy.
it's like someone else is up there.
I forget it's you.
Billie, if you're in some kind of trouble,
you can tell me, you know.
- You look nice, sir.
- Stop fucking around.
What have you got to report?
The club's run by Kate Galloway.
The bitch who wet the bed?
But she didn't recognize you?
I'm in.
How am I supposed to reopen,
when all my stock was destroyed?
I mean, I work with several clubs already,
and we don't loan to them.
- What makes yours so special?
- Me.
What, going to the Saluccis?
We are going to make this club work.
Billie actually believed you.
That it would be different here.
It will be.
- Freak show.
- Just give me time.
Hello, Mr. Huxley.
People underestimate you,
don't they?
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles, and London.
It's a proper dancing role,
and it's money.
Upstairs need to know the whereabouts
of the Salucci boy,
and they need to know now.
Any more trouble,
I'll speak with the Saluccis.
They have friends in the police.
I should be out there looking for my son.
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog, do not be
surprised when he turns on you.
Violet, stop!
It's a Salucci gun. Put it down.