Dope Thief (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
Run, Die, or Relapse
- [Ray] Manny! Oh, shit.
- [distant gunshots]
[Ray panting]
Manny, man.
Manny. Manny. Manny.
Where the fuck are you, Manny?
- Hello?
- [person speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
- [speaking Spanish]
- He's your neighbor. Right over there.
You ain't seen [stammers]
[Ray] Did he come and go?
Have you seen him? Yo.
Have you seen your neighbor Manny? Sh
[horn honking]
[sirens wailing]
[Ray] Hey, man.
I'm looking for Manny Carvalho.
Yo, man, you got a couple bucks?
[Ray] Hey, yo, I'm looking for Manny.
You seen him today?
Nah. Someone was asking about you.
What? Was it cops?
No, they didn't look like cops.
Was it white dudes, man?
Uh, one of them had tattoos on their face
or something.
[speaks Spanish]
Oh, yeah,
they was asking about you in Spanish.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- You know what. Thank Fuck it.
[sirens wailing]
Hey. Yo, I saw you from the road.
I I just figured
that you had to come back this way.
Yeah. I mean, it's the only way home.
They got to him, Son [stammers] Jesus.
They got to Manny, I think.
Son, you hear me?
Yeah. Yeah, I heard you.
And he ain't never come home.
And the last I saw,
his door was hanging wide the fuck open.
You need sleep.
He either He either ran,
or he died, or he relapsed. [sighs]
And those are your choices too.
Did you hear anything?
- Ray, take the first
- Did you hear anything?
- Take the first one.
- Did you hear anything, Son?
'Cause I need to find him, okay?
I need to find him
before anything else happens.
Anything else is already happening, Ray.
Everybody you get close to
is in those crosshairs with you.
Everybody you care about.
So don't come to me again. You understand?
Yo, do you you mean, like, in person?
["Point And Kill" playing]
[music ends]
[hip-hop music playing]
Malik? Hey, Malik.
- Malik.
- Oh, what's good with you, Ray?
Hey, man, you seen Manny?
Uh, he was in here, yeah. Yeah, yesterday.
Ah, shit, he's alive. He's alive.
[laughs] This dude, man. Like [sniffs]
Bol' was on fire. You hear me? [chuckles]
Fire. Dropped a fat knot too.
- How much is a fat knot?
- Shit. I don't know.
- 10G, maybe more?
- God
- I mean
- Damn.
he was moving like 1,000 miles a mile.
- Like, I couldn't keep up with him, man.
- Yeah?
[sighing] Fuck, Manny.
So what'd he buy?
Come on now.
You know I can't reveal all that.
Oh. So, what,
you his fucking priest now, huh?
What'd he buy, Malik?
All right, man.
Then how much 10Gs get you in here, huh?
What it get you? It It gets you what,
Big Macs? Uzi's? Street sweepers?
All the shit you got in the back, man.
Come on, you you got me
standing here doing fucking algebra.
And you know I fucking hate math, Malik.
So help me out, nigga.
Enough, Ray. It's not what you think.
All right.
Hey, hey, what was right here, huh?
A SIG Sauer?
- He made me promise.
- Promise what, Malik?
[sirens wailing in distance]
He's skipping town.
Manny, you home?
Manny! Manny! Manny. Manny!
Where the fuck are you, Manny?
[phone ringing]
Where the fuck, bitch? Where the fuck?
Where the fuck are you, bitch?
- The fuck are you? [grunts]
- [ringing stops]
No more bullshit. I'm coming home.
No. No, no, no,
you got two more nights, Ma.
No, we talked about this now.
Nobody lasts two days in this place.
I lost my shirt.
Hey, look, I don't Look
[stammers] don't come back here, okay?
'Cause I'm doing something really special.
I'm doing something to the house. I'm
It's a surprise for you, right? [sighs]
Ma, can you just for once
once in your life, just, like, trust me, please?
Once in your entire life, just trust me.
I'll be home in two hours.
Ma! [sighs]
Shermie's okay?
Yeah. Oh, yeah,
Shermie is is fucking wonderful, Ma.
[sighs] Shit.
What the fuck is that?
- [drums playing]
- [bagpipes playing]
[mayor] On behalf
of the Department of Justice family
and the law enforcement agents,
I want to extend my deepest condolences
to Jack Cross's friends, his colleagues,
to Anya, to William.
Today, we recognize
a man's ultimate sacrifice.
Jack Cross lived his life as a father
and a DEA Special Agent.
Today, we honor him as a hero,
a man who gave everything
for his city, his state and his country.
Law enforcement in this city is a family.
I see a lot of faces out here today
[DEA agent] Nice of you
to sneak past the marshal to be here.
What a mess.
Who was even the buyer up there, Mina?
Jack called them "The Alliance."
No, but they were Aryan assholes
from up north
And now we have no idea
who blew up this deal?
No, did you ID the third body?
Richard Staley. Know him?
- [bell tolling]
- [congressman] He was a good man
He was an honorable man
- [typing]
- He was a brave man
[tolling continues]
He was a prick
I know.
[knocks on door]
[detective] ASAC Nader?
Crawford. Hi.
You asked for a heads-up on anything
before I share with the task force.
Yes, uh, thank you. I appreciate that.
So, a soybean farmer
called in a brush fire near Eagleville.
Firefighters found a van
burned to the frame.
Okay, great. If you could share
those VIN numbers that would be
Destroyed. And the plates were gone.
But about four miles south, on 115,
we had a few reports
of a suspicious man on a bridge.
- By suspicious, you mean
- Let's say, not from the area.
[inhales sharply] Anyway, one woman
reported she saw littering,
so we searched the river.
Better to be lucky than good, right?
The dive team also recovered this.
That's a Colt Cobra .38.
38s were found at the Ottsville lab.
And in two of my agents.
Crawford, tell me this gun is registered.
Thank you.
The Colt Cobra is not a DEA gun.
Jack Ruby used a Colt Cobra.
You know who Jack Ruby is?
You took criminology
and you don't know who Jack Ruby is?
What do you study in there, your feelings?
Well, this gun killed our Jack.
We track the gun, find the shooter.
But the gun
is registered to Alice Shirley.
She died,
so we're following her grandson Jerome.
Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.
Do you know who Lee Harvey Oswald was?
Yeah, of course. Killed JFK. Probably.
There's the grandson. Here we go.
- [tires squeal]
- [horn honks]
Yo! Jerome. DEA.
No. Oh, my God. Are you serious?
- [carnival music playing]
- [children laughing]
Oh, come on.
She's gonna be bouncing off the walls.
No, I'm not.
Well, then you tell her no.
Put your foot down.
You know, my mother can't chase her
around the house all afternoon.
- Mommy says you can have it. Go play.
- You're better than Dad.
- Great.
- Go play.
[phone ringing]
[Ray] Hey, man.
[Son] You gotta stop.
I've got more to lose than you.
I can't find him,
but he's still out there.
Can I just come take a walk with you?
Talk this through?
In this weather?
What weather, man? What weather?
[sighs] Oh, okay.
So, you know, it's cold, it's cold.
You, uh You want me
to bring you back that vest?
Keep it if you're going down the Shore.
Oh, okay. I didn't know
it was a going away present.
[Son] I can't help you anymore.
But I still I still got, um,
some things to take care of.
I was thinking about what you said.
What you love, and you know,
what you don't.
- You don't love anything but yourself.
- [scoffs]
Protect that.
So where that leave us, man?
You want me to lay off you for a bit?
That might be better.
I'd like to tell you
"You know where to find me," bro, but
No, no, no, I shouldn't know that. Mm-mmm.
Okay? I shouldn't know that.
Listen, Ray,
nothing you got is worth staying for.
After all these years, man?
After all these years,
it's like [stammers]
It's like you don't even know me, man.
Come on, Ray. Be professional.
I already got a wife
that talks to me like this.
You You think that my whole life
is one big-ass hustle?
So, I guess I fooled you too.
Take care, brother, all right?
Yeah, man. Take care of that family.
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[Shermie yelping]
Oh, shit.
[Shermie barking]
[Ray] Hey, come on.
Come on. Good boy. Oh, Shermie.
Goddamn it, man.
You weigh three pounds, huh?
How you make ten pounds of piss and shit?
What's wrong with you?
[door opening]
[Shermie whines]
[exhales sharply]
[hip-hop music playing]
[Malik] Something I can help you with?
Yeah, we're looking for Ray Driscoll.
Driscoll? Never heard of him.
Hmm. We know he comes in here.
Well, I mean,
I don't make 'em sign a guest book.
I guess we got a trio of geniuses, huh?
Look, this ain't a bed-and-breakfast,
all right?
People come in and out all day.
I don't know who they are.
[breathes heavily]
[line ringing]
[voice] Yeah?
He He says he doesn't know him.
Maybe he didn't understand the question.
[Malik] Have a good one.
No! No! [groaning]
[muffled grunting]
We're gonna give you some time
to think about this.
Did you think about it?
Now, where's Ray?
I know you know him. Go ahead, breathe.
Breathe. Yeah.
[panting, choking]
Yeah, tell us where to look.
[groans, chokes]
He used to [panting] pawn
some of his old man's shit, all right?
'Cause his father's locked up in Chester.
Are you telling me about his father?
His friend, all right, Manny,
comes in here.
Bought half the store.
Got his girl an engagement ring.
I'm looking at a pawnbroker
that doesn't know
what his own life is worth.
- [stammering, grunts]
- [groans]
- I'm asking about Ray.
- [whimpers]
[music continues]
What are you clowns doing, having a wake?
He's got receipts. He's got power tools.
Get to work.
Shermie. [sighs]
You drive me fucking nuts, man.
[inhales deeply]
Your mommy's driving me nuts, okay?
Let's go make sure her house is safe.
If you have any Rottweiler in you,
[inhales sharply]
now's the time to show it off, baby.
[Shermie whining]
Come here, Shermie. Come on. Good boy.
[Shermie growling]
[water dripping]
[water dripping]
Fucking hell. Water.
- [Shermie barking]
- Sherm, hey.
Sherm. [shushes] Sherm, what?
- [Shermie barking, growling]
- [car approaching]
- [car door closes]
- [Theresa] Thank you.
- [sighs] Shit. Shit, shit.
- [barking continues]
[Ray] Ma.
What are you [sighs]
- Let me pay him.
- All right.
- No. You don't have to pay.
- Keep the change.
Why don't we go get some food?
- I'm not spending more money.
- Wait
- I had to put that cab on layaway.
- [sighs]
[Shermie barking]
[Ray] Goddamn it.
Oh, there's my old man. Aw.
Did you miss me?
- [Ray] Shit.
- Did you miss me? Huh?
- Did this dopehead walk ya?
- [Ray] Shit.
Did you have your walk? Aw.
- [Ray] Ma. Okay. Hold on. I got it.
- Well, Mama missed you, that's for sure.
[Ray] Yeah, yeah. I got it. I got it.
What are you already doing here anyway?
[Ray] It's a mess in there.
I was still cleaning up.
[sniffs, sighs]
Okay, Raymond.
Sit. Talk.
Oh, I don't have time for this, lady.
Don't have time? You don't do anything.
You know that you need a few more people
if you're gonna
have an intervention, right?
You ran everybody else off, you prick.
You get one person. Me.
Now, sit here and listen.
I love you. That's important to say first.
- [stammers] Ma
- Sit down. Why is it so hard to sit down?
- "Dear, Raymond."
- Oh, my God.
"Your drinking and drugging has
affected my life in the following ways.
I cannot sleep some nights
for fear that you are
God-only-knows where
- [clicks tongue, sighs]
- doing God-only-knows what."
Oh, will you stop? Just stop.
"You are 33 years old, with few friends,
fewer prospects and no love in your life."
Is this supposed to help me get clean
or help me kill myself? Which one?
There is a place in Florida. Hold on.
- Ma, Ma!
- I got brochures.
One of them's got dolphins on it.
Look at me. I'm not selling drugs,
and I'm not using drugs.
I mean, not more than normal.
[Shermie growls]
That's a bad joke. That's a bad joke.
There's something else. [sighs]
I'm gonna tell you.
Yep, I'm gonna tell you.
You deserve to know,
so I'm gonna tell you.
[scoffs, sighs]
I'm not really painting houses.
I know that, because you did
such a terrible job on this house.
Come on now [stammers]
So I had a hustle, okay?
- What's wrong [sighs]
- You seem very nervous right now.
I am. I'm gonna explain to you why, okay?
[sighs] There's this thing, and, uh,
it was workin'.
Me and Manny, we, uh, were posing as feds.
Look, we we were ripping off drug dealers,
all right? Scumbags. Nobodies, you know?
And we would take their money,
we would take their drugs,
and we'd make sure
that nobody knew who we was.
Look, it was work.
Research. Protocol.
We were very, like, professional.
Oh. Good for you.
Anyway [sighs]
we went to the wrong house,
and now these people are looking for us,
and they are gonna hurt
anybody that we care about.
- Oh! [groaning]
- You fucking degenerate!
It's like Robin Hood.
You don't give it to the poor!
I give it to you, and you are very,
very poor!
This is that friend of yours.
It's his idea. You couldn't plan this.
You're not organized enough.
Yes, I am, all right?
are you hiding contraband in this house?
Show me or I'm tearing up that room!
Okay, yeah, I'd like to see you get up
here with all these stairs, all right?
You'll give yourself a heart attack!
- [phone ringing]
- Shit!
[pants] Fuck.
Goddamn, rehab.
Where was she talking about this bullshit?
Talking about
[muffled screaming]
- [hangers clanking]
- [sighs]
[inhales sharply]
- Who the fuck
- [grunting]
- [stammering] motherfucker.
- Manny?
- What the fuck, man? Oh, my God.
- Ray?
Why didn't you say it was you, man?
Why you ain't say it was you?
- I thought it was her!
- Oh, my God, Manny.
- Where you been this whole time?
- I got too high, I think. I
It's all right. Shut up.
Let me see. You all right, you all right.
You okay. You alive, man. You here, man.
You here.
Hey, hey. Why are you here, man?
Why are you here?
I got all fucking sideways, Ray.
[stammers] I forgot my combination.
I didn't know where my fucking phone was.
- So I Holy shit.
- Okay.
Hey, my stomach is so fucked up
- What's wrong with you?
- right now.
What, like food poisoning?
I I Since this whole fucking thing
started, I'm like
Fuck. Oh, fuck [stammers]
I need the bathroom, Ray.
Oh, hell no. Hell no, bro.
You cannot break into our house
and take a shit!
Calm down. Calm down, all right?
- [groaning]
- Look, tell me how you got away, huh?
I had this big argument
with Sherry, right?
- In public?
- [Theresa] Raymond!
- Hey, give me a second, please!
- So, I come back home,
those bikers were all up
in my house, right?
- So I didn't know where to go.
- [Theresa] If you're getting high
Hey, give me a second, please!
I Check this out.
So I I got on the train, right?
And the train was going to the airport.
And I'm like, "Is this a sign?"
Oh, Manny. [sighs]
- You know what I mean?
- Manny
- Should I go back to Brazil?
- [chuckles]
Should I, like,
try to find my sister or something?
You know what I mean?
But then I [stammering]
I thought, "No, I can't do that."
No, man, 'cause there's a whole
thing called TSA.
And then I remembered that
Theresa wasn't here,
and I came here
[Theresa] Raymond, if you're not down here
in ten seconds, you're going to Florida.
- You're going to Florida?
- Yeah, I was thinking about taking a
No, I ain't going to fucking Florida, man!
I'm staying right here.
Look, man. Hey, listen, man.
How about this?
How about you go to the pizza place on
Wanamaker, use that bathroom, all right?
And let me distract her
for a little bit, okay?
Hey, look [stammering] I'm gonna, uh,
I'll call your phone.
- Oh, man.
- I'ma call your phone. Right?
And that's that's my burner number, okay?
Do not lose that shit.
We don't do this again, Manny. Okay?
So we get separated, where do we go?
- Storage place.
- Thank you.
Right. Right, man.
I'm so happy to see you.
I'm so happy to see you, motherfucker.
- I wanna take a shit, Ray.
- Don't take a shit.
Just Just chill till I get her
out of the house, all right?
[softly] Have to take a shit.
[footsteps approaching]
[Ray sighs, sniffles]
Your father got stabbed.
That was the lawyer.
Wait, somebody just stabbed Pops?
He's in the infirmary.
Do they even have doctors in there?
They probably duct-taped him
back together.
Okay. Wait, hold on.
So the lawyer, what did she call for?
Because it affects his case.
He's an old man.
They could have cut his liver in half
- Shit.
- for all I know.
[Ray sighs]
I'm going to see him
- [sighs deeply]
- and I need you to drive me.
- No. No, I can't. I told you.
- Raymond.
- Take an Uber, okay?
- I am not taking an Uber to jail.
[breathes shakily]
Raymond, if you have a soul left
in your body,
you will drive an old lady
to her lover's deathbed.
Did you have to call him your lover? Hmm?
- Ma, hold up
- Come on.
[gate buzzing]
[Theresa sniffs] I look awful.
Mmm. It's an emergency.
It's not a conjugal visit.
Just wanna look good enough.
Good enough? For what?
For him to want to stay alive
a little longer.
[Ray] I'm not going in.
[Theresa] Okay. So don't come.
[gate buzzing]
[guard] Raymond Driscoll,
get your ass out here.
Stop fighting. Come on.
[motorcycle engine rumbling]
- [knocks on window]
- Oh!
- Oh, shit!
- You made it. [chuckles]
- Um Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry for scaring you.
- Oh, I'm just waking up. I just
- I didn't Okay.
- Uh, are you gonna come in?
- [sighs]
I can clear you.
Uh, that's something that
we should probably discuss.
- Okay.
- Yeah. Um.
Is there, um Is there some place
that we can talk, like, private?
Away from here? [sighs]
There's some stuff
I need to come clean about. Yeah?
And, um, it could make your job
a little bit more complicated.
- Thank you.
- [server] Here you go.
Classy place.
- What, this?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, you know, you get what you pay for.
Yeah. The day-drinking prison guards
are a nice touch too.
[grunts] It's a perfect night
for a prison break, ain't it?
- [chuckles] Right, right.
- [chuckles]
[guards laughing]
So, um, are you breaking out or back in?
Look, I'm just
I'm trying to find a safe space to, um
- [door opening]
- [Ray gasps]
confront these feelings I've been having.
And what feelings are those?
Look, uh, I can get you
on the visitors list no problem, Ray.
You know, it just takes one phone call.
Yeah, we might have to.
[Michelle] It, um, probably opens up
a lot of old wounds though.
I don't know what's worse,
old wounds or new wounds.
[Michelle] Well, I guess that all depends.
Are you asking what's more dangerous,
the past or the present?
'Cause, uh, at least
the past has already happened.
[sighs] Yeah, but it's the future
that's breathing down our fucking necks.
What do you say we go and
go and see your father, huh?
Confront those demons.
[line ringing]
Yeah, it looks like they're having
some sort of heart-to-heart.
[voice] While his fucking
old man bleeds to death.
- Least he took the bait.
- [sighs]
The cameras are off 'em.
Yeah, but don't fuck this up now
in front of the guards.
Wait till he's outside.
We'll get it done.
[guards laughing]
- You tell me when the time is right.
- Mmm.
We'll, um
We'll take a minute
and find the perfect moment.
You know, you are, um
You're a very patient woman.
Patience is my thing.
I'm a Quaker, you know.
No. You're not a Quaker.
What, you didn't know
they had Black Quakers?
I don't know. It's a pretty
white motherfucker on that oatmeal carton,
so no.
[Michelle] Listen, Ray. Ray.
Quaker meetings are silent and very still,
but only until someone
finds the right inspiration.
You mean, like, if they get that spark?
Yeah. Then you get up and I'll follow.
[guards chattering]
Hallelujah. Fuck yeah. Let's Let's move.
Oh, thank thank you.
[operator] Philadelphia 911.
[Eileen] Hi, this is Eileen at the Double
Down Bar across from Chester Prison.
I just wanted to let you know,
we got bikers coming in from all over.
There's something
about to go down over here.
[gate buzzing]
[Theresa] This means a lot to him, yeah?
[monitor beeping]
[Ray sighing]
Did I take that shiv for you?
[Ray] Mm-hmm. You'll live.
You little piece of shit.
Is this because of you?
[clicks tongue]
You've been talking, right?
Telling people what the fuck I do in here.
So why don't you just tell me the truth?
Who else did you tell, old man?
You're scaring the ladies.
The rage in you, they can feel from there.
- Oh, yeah.
- [claps hands]
Well, then give me a hug.
Father-son moment, right?
- Let me tuck your ass in.
- [groaning]
- Hmm? How is this? How about that?
- [Bart groaning]
- I'll rip some skin off your back.
- [beeping rapidly]
You ruined my fucking life,
you piece of shit.
[breathing heavily]
You're such a disappointment as a son.
You don't get to be disappointed in me
from your fucking
prison hospital bed, bitch.
I die. [chuckles]
I die when I walk out of here, old man.
Do you understand that?
I'm gonna die before your ass.
[chuckles] Shit.
And I gotta do it
without traumatizing
those two women out there.
Crawl under a porch like a dog.
- Jesus Christ.
- [monitor blaring]
I'll see you in hell.
[blaring continues]
- [Theresa] Oh.
- Hmm?
Oh, thank you, Ma.
[inhales sharply]
Hey, triple-check
that you got everything, Ma, okay?
Don't leave nothin' behind.
All right.
Can I give you this?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
[Ray sniffles]
[sighs] I love you. You know that?
I love you too.
I'm gonna go, um, warm up the car,
all right?
- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- All right.
[engines rumbling]
[sirens wailing]
[officer 1] Philadelphia PD!
Get off the bike! Get off the bike!
[officer 2] Stop running!
Get on the ground!
[officer 3] Down on the ground! Now!
What the fuck?
[tires squeal]
Ah, fuck.
- [officer 4] Do not resist.
- Shit.
- [biker] Fuck, no!
- [officer 4] Get down now!
Hands behind your back!
[biker 2] Get your fucking hands
off me, man!
[helicopter passes overhead]
Thank you.
[Nader] Why the hell
are they right outside of a prison?
[Nader] With COVID restrictions,
that's five to ten people at most.
Every visitor to Chester today.
One name in particular stood out.
Michelle Taylor.
[Nader] Yeah, I know her.
Used to be a prosecutor.
Get everything on Taylor.
[DEA agent] ASAC
just got the composite sketch
from Jerome Jenkins.
- Jenkins?
- The kid.
The guy that stole the gun that shot Jack.
Long day?
It was a miracle.
This car is burned, bro.
Some bikers spotted it,
so we gotta get rid of it.
You're telling her.
[breathes deeply]
[engine starts]
[Sherry] Where the fuck
have you been, Manny?
- Why didn't you call me? This isn't love.
- [Manny] Can I just talk to you?
- How can you say that?
- [speaking Spanish]
[both speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
- Oh, my God. Can you Can you
- [speaks Spanish]
She is the one yelling. Can you
Can you please teach your daughter
how to behave in front of guests?
- [Sherry] Manny [speaking Spanish]
- Can you just
I speak Spanish, you know.
[both] No, you don't.
- [Manny] He's my friend.
- [both speaking Spanish]
Listen, she's gonna call the police.
- She said that?
- Yeah. Could you say something?
[muttering in Spanish]
[Ray speaking Spanish]
Please. Por Por favor.
- Okay. Look, Sherry, this was me.
- [Sherry] Ray
- All right, it was all me.
- [speaks Spanish]
He wouldn't put me in this position.
No, no, no.
Mami, I put you in this position, okay?
- It was my plan.
- [Sherry] Oh, really? Oh.
It was my everything, all right?
Manny is just He's just
a good, loyal friend, man. Like, yeah.
- I don't believe you.
- Believe me, por favor. Okay?
And we gotta destroy your car too.
I'm really sorry.
What? What the fuck
my car gotta do with anything?
- [Ray] We didn't mean
- What the fuck were you doing
[speaking Spanish]
Okay, listen, if you give up on Manny,
I swear to God
- I will never forgive myself, Sherry.
- Good. I hope you don't.
Look, he loves you, all right?
He loves you. Like, real love, all right?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Do you know what love is?
- Whatever.
- Love is not what you say,
it's what you do.
Well, then don't listen to what I say
You know, like,
pay attention to what he does, huh?
Yeah. He was hiding this, and I found it.
I mean, I'm assuming it's for you.
I don't know.
- What is that?
- Take this, man.
I mean, come on, bro.
Take it. Go ahead. Go.
Are you serious?
- Get down on one knee, man.
- [speaking Spanish]
[Manny] Sherry.
What are you doing?
- [Ray speaks Spanish]
- [Manny] Sherry.
[speaks Spanish]
Let them have their moment, you know?
- [speaks Spanish]
- All right?
- [sighs]
- [Manny] Look at me.
I love you.
[Manny cheering]
[gasps, sighs]
Hey, Ray. Ray! Come in here.
We're celebrating.
No, man.
No, we not.
- [cork pops]
- ["Safe House" playing]
- [distant gunshots]
[Ray panting]
Manny, man.
Manny. Manny. Manny.
Where the fuck are you, Manny?
- Hello?
- [person speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
- [speaking Spanish]
- He's your neighbor. Right over there.
You ain't seen [stammers]
[Ray] Did he come and go?
Have you seen him? Yo.
Have you seen your neighbor Manny? Sh
[horn honking]
[sirens wailing]
[Ray] Hey, man.
I'm looking for Manny Carvalho.
Yo, man, you got a couple bucks?
[Ray] Hey, yo, I'm looking for Manny.
You seen him today?
Nah. Someone was asking about you.
What? Was it cops?
No, they didn't look like cops.
Was it white dudes, man?
Uh, one of them had tattoos on their face
or something.
[speaks Spanish]
Oh, yeah,
they was asking about you in Spanish.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- You know what. Thank Fuck it.
[sirens wailing]
Hey. Yo, I saw you from the road.
I I just figured
that you had to come back this way.
Yeah. I mean, it's the only way home.
They got to him, Son [stammers] Jesus.
They got to Manny, I think.
Son, you hear me?
Yeah. Yeah, I heard you.
And he ain't never come home.
And the last I saw,
his door was hanging wide the fuck open.
You need sleep.
He either He either ran,
or he died, or he relapsed. [sighs]
And those are your choices too.
Did you hear anything?
- Ray, take the first
- Did you hear anything?
- Take the first one.
- Did you hear anything, Son?
'Cause I need to find him, okay?
I need to find him
before anything else happens.
Anything else is already happening, Ray.
Everybody you get close to
is in those crosshairs with you.
Everybody you care about.
So don't come to me again. You understand?
Yo, do you you mean, like, in person?
["Point And Kill" playing]
[music ends]
[hip-hop music playing]
Malik? Hey, Malik.
- Malik.
- Oh, what's good with you, Ray?
Hey, man, you seen Manny?
Uh, he was in here, yeah. Yeah, yesterday.
Ah, shit, he's alive. He's alive.
[laughs] This dude, man. Like [sniffs]
Bol' was on fire. You hear me? [chuckles]
Fire. Dropped a fat knot too.
- How much is a fat knot?
- Shit. I don't know.
- 10G, maybe more?
- God
- I mean
- Damn.
he was moving like 1,000 miles a mile.
- Like, I couldn't keep up with him, man.
- Yeah?
[sighing] Fuck, Manny.
So what'd he buy?
Come on now.
You know I can't reveal all that.
Oh. So, what,
you his fucking priest now, huh?
What'd he buy, Malik?
All right, man.
Then how much 10Gs get you in here, huh?
What it get you? It It gets you what,
Big Macs? Uzi's? Street sweepers?
All the shit you got in the back, man.
Come on, you you got me
standing here doing fucking algebra.
And you know I fucking hate math, Malik.
So help me out, nigga.
Enough, Ray. It's not what you think.
All right.
Hey, hey, what was right here, huh?
A SIG Sauer?
- He made me promise.
- Promise what, Malik?
[sirens wailing in distance]
He's skipping town.
Manny, you home?
Manny! Manny! Manny. Manny!
Where the fuck are you, Manny?
[phone ringing]
Where the fuck, bitch? Where the fuck?
Where the fuck are you, bitch?
- The fuck are you? [grunts]
- [ringing stops]
No more bullshit. I'm coming home.
No. No, no, no,
you got two more nights, Ma.
No, we talked about this now.
Nobody lasts two days in this place.
I lost my shirt.
Hey, look, I don't Look
[stammers] don't come back here, okay?
'Cause I'm doing something really special.
I'm doing something to the house. I'm
It's a surprise for you, right? [sighs]
Ma, can you just for once
once in your life, just, like, trust me, please?
Once in your entire life, just trust me.
I'll be home in two hours.
Ma! [sighs]
Shermie's okay?
Yeah. Oh, yeah,
Shermie is is fucking wonderful, Ma.
[sighs] Shit.
What the fuck is that?
- [drums playing]
- [bagpipes playing]
[mayor] On behalf
of the Department of Justice family
and the law enforcement agents,
I want to extend my deepest condolences
to Jack Cross's friends, his colleagues,
to Anya, to William.
Today, we recognize
a man's ultimate sacrifice.
Jack Cross lived his life as a father
and a DEA Special Agent.
Today, we honor him as a hero,
a man who gave everything
for his city, his state and his country.
Law enforcement in this city is a family.
I see a lot of faces out here today
[DEA agent] Nice of you
to sneak past the marshal to be here.
What a mess.
Who was even the buyer up there, Mina?
Jack called them "The Alliance."
No, but they were Aryan assholes
from up north
And now we have no idea
who blew up this deal?
No, did you ID the third body?
Richard Staley. Know him?
- [bell tolling]
- [congressman] He was a good man
He was an honorable man
- [typing]
- He was a brave man
[tolling continues]
He was a prick
I know.
[knocks on door]
[detective] ASAC Nader?
Crawford. Hi.
You asked for a heads-up on anything
before I share with the task force.
Yes, uh, thank you. I appreciate that.
So, a soybean farmer
called in a brush fire near Eagleville.
Firefighters found a van
burned to the frame.
Okay, great. If you could share
those VIN numbers that would be
Destroyed. And the plates were gone.
But about four miles south, on 115,
we had a few reports
of a suspicious man on a bridge.
- By suspicious, you mean
- Let's say, not from the area.
[inhales sharply] Anyway, one woman
reported she saw littering,
so we searched the river.
Better to be lucky than good, right?
The dive team also recovered this.
That's a Colt Cobra .38.
38s were found at the Ottsville lab.
And in two of my agents.
Crawford, tell me this gun is registered.
Thank you.
The Colt Cobra is not a DEA gun.
Jack Ruby used a Colt Cobra.
You know who Jack Ruby is?
You took criminology
and you don't know who Jack Ruby is?
What do you study in there, your feelings?
Well, this gun killed our Jack.
We track the gun, find the shooter.
But the gun
is registered to Alice Shirley.
She died,
so we're following her grandson Jerome.
Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.
Do you know who Lee Harvey Oswald was?
Yeah, of course. Killed JFK. Probably.
There's the grandson. Here we go.
- [tires squeal]
- [horn honks]
Yo! Jerome. DEA.
No. Oh, my God. Are you serious?
- [carnival music playing]
- [children laughing]
Oh, come on.
She's gonna be bouncing off the walls.
No, I'm not.
Well, then you tell her no.
Put your foot down.
You know, my mother can't chase her
around the house all afternoon.
- Mommy says you can have it. Go play.
- You're better than Dad.
- Great.
- Go play.
[phone ringing]
[Ray] Hey, man.
[Son] You gotta stop.
I've got more to lose than you.
I can't find him,
but he's still out there.
Can I just come take a walk with you?
Talk this through?
In this weather?
What weather, man? What weather?
[sighs] Oh, okay.
So, you know, it's cold, it's cold.
You, uh You want me
to bring you back that vest?
Keep it if you're going down the Shore.
Oh, okay. I didn't know
it was a going away present.
[Son] I can't help you anymore.
But I still I still got, um,
some things to take care of.
I was thinking about what you said.
What you love, and you know,
what you don't.
- You don't love anything but yourself.
- [scoffs]
Protect that.
So where that leave us, man?
You want me to lay off you for a bit?
That might be better.
I'd like to tell you
"You know where to find me," bro, but
No, no, no, I shouldn't know that. Mm-mmm.
Okay? I shouldn't know that.
Listen, Ray,
nothing you got is worth staying for.
After all these years, man?
After all these years,
it's like [stammers]
It's like you don't even know me, man.
Come on, Ray. Be professional.
I already got a wife
that talks to me like this.
You You think that my whole life
is one big-ass hustle?
So, I guess I fooled you too.
Take care, brother, all right?
Yeah, man. Take care of that family.
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[Shermie yelping]
Oh, shit.
[Shermie barking]
[Ray] Hey, come on.
Come on. Good boy. Oh, Shermie.
Goddamn it, man.
You weigh three pounds, huh?
How you make ten pounds of piss and shit?
What's wrong with you?
[door opening]
[Shermie whines]
[exhales sharply]
[hip-hop music playing]
[Malik] Something I can help you with?
Yeah, we're looking for Ray Driscoll.
Driscoll? Never heard of him.
Hmm. We know he comes in here.
Well, I mean,
I don't make 'em sign a guest book.
I guess we got a trio of geniuses, huh?
Look, this ain't a bed-and-breakfast,
all right?
People come in and out all day.
I don't know who they are.
[breathes heavily]
[line ringing]
[voice] Yeah?
He He says he doesn't know him.
Maybe he didn't understand the question.
[Malik] Have a good one.
No! No! [groaning]
[muffled grunting]
We're gonna give you some time
to think about this.
Did you think about it?
Now, where's Ray?
I know you know him. Go ahead, breathe.
Breathe. Yeah.
[panting, choking]
Yeah, tell us where to look.
[groans, chokes]
He used to [panting] pawn
some of his old man's shit, all right?
'Cause his father's locked up in Chester.
Are you telling me about his father?
His friend, all right, Manny,
comes in here.
Bought half the store.
Got his girl an engagement ring.
I'm looking at a pawnbroker
that doesn't know
what his own life is worth.
- [stammering, grunts]
- [groans]
- I'm asking about Ray.
- [whimpers]
[music continues]
What are you clowns doing, having a wake?
He's got receipts. He's got power tools.
Get to work.
Shermie. [sighs]
You drive me fucking nuts, man.
[inhales deeply]
Your mommy's driving me nuts, okay?
Let's go make sure her house is safe.
If you have any Rottweiler in you,
[inhales sharply]
now's the time to show it off, baby.
[Shermie whining]
Come here, Shermie. Come on. Good boy.
[Shermie growling]
[water dripping]
[water dripping]
Fucking hell. Water.
- [Shermie barking]
- Sherm, hey.
Sherm. [shushes] Sherm, what?
- [Shermie barking, growling]
- [car approaching]
- [car door closes]
- [Theresa] Thank you.
- [sighs] Shit. Shit, shit.
- [barking continues]
[Ray] Ma.
What are you [sighs]
- Let me pay him.
- All right.
- No. You don't have to pay.
- Keep the change.
Why don't we go get some food?
- I'm not spending more money.
- Wait
- I had to put that cab on layaway.
- [sighs]
[Shermie barking]
[Ray] Goddamn it.
Oh, there's my old man. Aw.
Did you miss me?
- [Ray] Shit.
- Did you miss me? Huh?
- Did this dopehead walk ya?
- [Ray] Shit.
Did you have your walk? Aw.
- [Ray] Ma. Okay. Hold on. I got it.
- Well, Mama missed you, that's for sure.
[Ray] Yeah, yeah. I got it. I got it.
What are you already doing here anyway?
[Ray] It's a mess in there.
I was still cleaning up.
[sniffs, sighs]
Okay, Raymond.
Sit. Talk.
Oh, I don't have time for this, lady.
Don't have time? You don't do anything.
You know that you need a few more people
if you're gonna
have an intervention, right?
You ran everybody else off, you prick.
You get one person. Me.
Now, sit here and listen.
I love you. That's important to say first.
- [stammers] Ma
- Sit down. Why is it so hard to sit down?
- "Dear, Raymond."
- Oh, my God.
"Your drinking and drugging has
affected my life in the following ways.
I cannot sleep some nights
for fear that you are
God-only-knows where
- [clicks tongue, sighs]
- doing God-only-knows what."
Oh, will you stop? Just stop.
"You are 33 years old, with few friends,
fewer prospects and no love in your life."
Is this supposed to help me get clean
or help me kill myself? Which one?
There is a place in Florida. Hold on.
- Ma, Ma!
- I got brochures.
One of them's got dolphins on it.
Look at me. I'm not selling drugs,
and I'm not using drugs.
I mean, not more than normal.
[Shermie growls]
That's a bad joke. That's a bad joke.
There's something else. [sighs]
I'm gonna tell you.
Yep, I'm gonna tell you.
You deserve to know,
so I'm gonna tell you.
[scoffs, sighs]
I'm not really painting houses.
I know that, because you did
such a terrible job on this house.
Come on now [stammers]
So I had a hustle, okay?
- What's wrong [sighs]
- You seem very nervous right now.
I am. I'm gonna explain to you why, okay?
[sighs] There's this thing, and, uh,
it was workin'.
Me and Manny, we, uh, were posing as feds.
Look, we we were ripping off drug dealers,
all right? Scumbags. Nobodies, you know?
And we would take their money,
we would take their drugs,
and we'd make sure
that nobody knew who we was.
Look, it was work.
Research. Protocol.
We were very, like, professional.
Oh. Good for you.
Anyway [sighs]
we went to the wrong house,
and now these people are looking for us,
and they are gonna hurt
anybody that we care about.
- Oh! [groaning]
- You fucking degenerate!
It's like Robin Hood.
You don't give it to the poor!
I give it to you, and you are very,
very poor!
This is that friend of yours.
It's his idea. You couldn't plan this.
You're not organized enough.
Yes, I am, all right?
are you hiding contraband in this house?
Show me or I'm tearing up that room!
Okay, yeah, I'd like to see you get up
here with all these stairs, all right?
You'll give yourself a heart attack!
- [phone ringing]
- Shit!
[pants] Fuck.
Goddamn, rehab.
Where was she talking about this bullshit?
Talking about
[muffled screaming]
- [hangers clanking]
- [sighs]
[inhales sharply]
- Who the fuck
- [grunting]
- [stammering] motherfucker.
- Manny?
- What the fuck, man? Oh, my God.
- Ray?
Why didn't you say it was you, man?
Why you ain't say it was you?
- I thought it was her!
- Oh, my God, Manny.
- Where you been this whole time?
- I got too high, I think. I
It's all right. Shut up.
Let me see. You all right, you all right.
You okay. You alive, man. You here, man.
You here.
Hey, hey. Why are you here, man?
Why are you here?
I got all fucking sideways, Ray.
[stammers] I forgot my combination.
I didn't know where my fucking phone was.
- So I Holy shit.
- Okay.
Hey, my stomach is so fucked up
- What's wrong with you?
- right now.
What, like food poisoning?
I I Since this whole fucking thing
started, I'm like
Fuck. Oh, fuck [stammers]
I need the bathroom, Ray.
Oh, hell no. Hell no, bro.
You cannot break into our house
and take a shit!
Calm down. Calm down, all right?
- [groaning]
- Look, tell me how you got away, huh?
I had this big argument
with Sherry, right?
- In public?
- [Theresa] Raymond!
- Hey, give me a second, please!
- So, I come back home,
those bikers were all up
in my house, right?
- So I didn't know where to go.
- [Theresa] If you're getting high
Hey, give me a second, please!
I Check this out.
So I I got on the train, right?
And the train was going to the airport.
And I'm like, "Is this a sign?"
Oh, Manny. [sighs]
- You know what I mean?
- Manny
- Should I go back to Brazil?
- [chuckles]
Should I, like,
try to find my sister or something?
You know what I mean?
But then I [stammering]
I thought, "No, I can't do that."
No, man, 'cause there's a whole
thing called TSA.
And then I remembered that
Theresa wasn't here,
and I came here
[Theresa] Raymond, if you're not down here
in ten seconds, you're going to Florida.
- You're going to Florida?
- Yeah, I was thinking about taking a
No, I ain't going to fucking Florida, man!
I'm staying right here.
Look, man. Hey, listen, man.
How about this?
How about you go to the pizza place on
Wanamaker, use that bathroom, all right?
And let me distract her
for a little bit, okay?
Hey, look [stammering] I'm gonna, uh,
I'll call your phone.
- Oh, man.
- I'ma call your phone. Right?
And that's that's my burner number, okay?
Do not lose that shit.
We don't do this again, Manny. Okay?
So we get separated, where do we go?
- Storage place.
- Thank you.
Right. Right, man.
I'm so happy to see you.
I'm so happy to see you, motherfucker.
- I wanna take a shit, Ray.
- Don't take a shit.
Just Just chill till I get her
out of the house, all right?
[softly] Have to take a shit.
[footsteps approaching]
[Ray sighs, sniffles]
Your father got stabbed.
That was the lawyer.
Wait, somebody just stabbed Pops?
He's in the infirmary.
Do they even have doctors in there?
They probably duct-taped him
back together.
Okay. Wait, hold on.
So the lawyer, what did she call for?
Because it affects his case.
He's an old man.
They could have cut his liver in half
- Shit.
- for all I know.
[Ray sighs]
I'm going to see him
- [sighs deeply]
- and I need you to drive me.
- No. No, I can't. I told you.
- Raymond.
- Take an Uber, okay?
- I am not taking an Uber to jail.
[breathes shakily]
Raymond, if you have a soul left
in your body,
you will drive an old lady
to her lover's deathbed.
Did you have to call him your lover? Hmm?
- Ma, hold up
- Come on.
[gate buzzing]
[Theresa sniffs] I look awful.
Mmm. It's an emergency.
It's not a conjugal visit.
Just wanna look good enough.
Good enough? For what?
For him to want to stay alive
a little longer.
[Ray] I'm not going in.
[Theresa] Okay. So don't come.
[gate buzzing]
[guard] Raymond Driscoll,
get your ass out here.
Stop fighting. Come on.
[motorcycle engine rumbling]
- [knocks on window]
- Oh!
- Oh, shit!
- You made it. [chuckles]
- Um Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry for scaring you.
- Oh, I'm just waking up. I just
- I didn't Okay.
- Uh, are you gonna come in?
- [sighs]
I can clear you.
Uh, that's something that
we should probably discuss.
- Okay.
- Yeah. Um.
Is there, um Is there some place
that we can talk, like, private?
Away from here? [sighs]
There's some stuff
I need to come clean about. Yeah?
And, um, it could make your job
a little bit more complicated.
- Thank you.
- [server] Here you go.
Classy place.
- What, this?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, you know, you get what you pay for.
Yeah. The day-drinking prison guards
are a nice touch too.
[grunts] It's a perfect night
for a prison break, ain't it?
- [chuckles] Right, right.
- [chuckles]
[guards laughing]
So, um, are you breaking out or back in?
Look, I'm just
I'm trying to find a safe space to, um
- [door opening]
- [Ray gasps]
confront these feelings I've been having.
And what feelings are those?
Look, uh, I can get you
on the visitors list no problem, Ray.
You know, it just takes one phone call.
Yeah, we might have to.
[Michelle] It, um, probably opens up
a lot of old wounds though.
I don't know what's worse,
old wounds or new wounds.
[Michelle] Well, I guess that all depends.
Are you asking what's more dangerous,
the past or the present?
'Cause, uh, at least
the past has already happened.
[sighs] Yeah, but it's the future
that's breathing down our fucking necks.
What do you say we go and
go and see your father, huh?
Confront those demons.
[line ringing]
Yeah, it looks like they're having
some sort of heart-to-heart.
[voice] While his fucking
old man bleeds to death.
- Least he took the bait.
- [sighs]
The cameras are off 'em.
Yeah, but don't fuck this up now
in front of the guards.
Wait till he's outside.
We'll get it done.
[guards laughing]
- You tell me when the time is right.
- Mmm.
We'll, um
We'll take a minute
and find the perfect moment.
You know, you are, um
You're a very patient woman.
Patience is my thing.
I'm a Quaker, you know.
No. You're not a Quaker.
What, you didn't know
they had Black Quakers?
I don't know. It's a pretty
white motherfucker on that oatmeal carton,
so no.
[Michelle] Listen, Ray. Ray.
Quaker meetings are silent and very still,
but only until someone
finds the right inspiration.
You mean, like, if they get that spark?
Yeah. Then you get up and I'll follow.
[guards chattering]
Hallelujah. Fuck yeah. Let's Let's move.
Oh, thank thank you.
[operator] Philadelphia 911.
[Eileen] Hi, this is Eileen at the Double
Down Bar across from Chester Prison.
I just wanted to let you know,
we got bikers coming in from all over.
There's something
about to go down over here.
[gate buzzing]
[Theresa] This means a lot to him, yeah?
[monitor beeping]
[Ray sighing]
Did I take that shiv for you?
[Ray] Mm-hmm. You'll live.
You little piece of shit.
Is this because of you?
[clicks tongue]
You've been talking, right?
Telling people what the fuck I do in here.
So why don't you just tell me the truth?
Who else did you tell, old man?
You're scaring the ladies.
The rage in you, they can feel from there.
- Oh, yeah.
- [claps hands]
Well, then give me a hug.
Father-son moment, right?
- Let me tuck your ass in.
- [groaning]
- Hmm? How is this? How about that?
- [Bart groaning]
- I'll rip some skin off your back.
- [beeping rapidly]
You ruined my fucking life,
you piece of shit.
[breathing heavily]
You're such a disappointment as a son.
You don't get to be disappointed in me
from your fucking
prison hospital bed, bitch.
I die. [chuckles]
I die when I walk out of here, old man.
Do you understand that?
I'm gonna die before your ass.
[chuckles] Shit.
And I gotta do it
without traumatizing
those two women out there.
Crawl under a porch like a dog.
- Jesus Christ.
- [monitor blaring]
I'll see you in hell.
[blaring continues]
- [Theresa] Oh.
- Hmm?
Oh, thank you, Ma.
[inhales sharply]
Hey, triple-check
that you got everything, Ma, okay?
Don't leave nothin' behind.
All right.
Can I give you this?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
[Ray sniffles]
[sighs] I love you. You know that?
I love you too.
I'm gonna go, um, warm up the car,
all right?
- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- All right.
[engines rumbling]
[sirens wailing]
[officer 1] Philadelphia PD!
Get off the bike! Get off the bike!
[officer 2] Stop running!
Get on the ground!
[officer 3] Down on the ground! Now!
What the fuck?
[tires squeal]
Ah, fuck.
- [officer 4] Do not resist.
- Shit.
- [biker] Fuck, no!
- [officer 4] Get down now!
Hands behind your back!
[biker 2] Get your fucking hands
off me, man!
[helicopter passes overhead]
Thank you.
[Nader] Why the hell
are they right outside of a prison?
[Nader] With COVID restrictions,
that's five to ten people at most.
Every visitor to Chester today.
One name in particular stood out.
Michelle Taylor.
[Nader] Yeah, I know her.
Used to be a prosecutor.
Get everything on Taylor.
[DEA agent] ASAC
just got the composite sketch
from Jerome Jenkins.
- Jenkins?
- The kid.
The guy that stole the gun that shot Jack.
Long day?
It was a miracle.
This car is burned, bro.
Some bikers spotted it,
so we gotta get rid of it.
You're telling her.
[breathes deeply]
[engine starts]
[Sherry] Where the fuck
have you been, Manny?
- Why didn't you call me? This isn't love.
- [Manny] Can I just talk to you?
- How can you say that?
- [speaking Spanish]
[both speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
- Oh, my God. Can you Can you
- [speaks Spanish]
She is the one yelling. Can you
Can you please teach your daughter
how to behave in front of guests?
- [Sherry] Manny [speaking Spanish]
- Can you just
I speak Spanish, you know.
[both] No, you don't.
- [Manny] He's my friend.
- [both speaking Spanish]
Listen, she's gonna call the police.
- She said that?
- Yeah. Could you say something?
[muttering in Spanish]
[Ray speaking Spanish]
Please. Por Por favor.
- Okay. Look, Sherry, this was me.
- [Sherry] Ray
- All right, it was all me.
- [speaks Spanish]
He wouldn't put me in this position.
No, no, no.
Mami, I put you in this position, okay?
- It was my plan.
- [Sherry] Oh, really? Oh.
It was my everything, all right?
Manny is just He's just
a good, loyal friend, man. Like, yeah.
- I don't believe you.
- Believe me, por favor. Okay?
And we gotta destroy your car too.
I'm really sorry.
What? What the fuck
my car gotta do with anything?
- [Ray] We didn't mean
- What the fuck were you doing
[speaking Spanish]
Okay, listen, if you give up on Manny,
I swear to God
- I will never forgive myself, Sherry.
- Good. I hope you don't.
Look, he loves you, all right?
He loves you. Like, real love, all right?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Do you know what love is?
- Whatever.
- Love is not what you say,
it's what you do.
Well, then don't listen to what I say
You know, like,
pay attention to what he does, huh?
Yeah. He was hiding this, and I found it.
I mean, I'm assuming it's for you.
I don't know.
- What is that?
- Take this, man.
I mean, come on, bro.
Take it. Go ahead. Go.
Are you serious?
- Get down on one knee, man.
- [speaking Spanish]
[Manny] Sherry.
What are you doing?
- [Ray speaks Spanish]
- [Manny] Sherry.
[speaks Spanish]
Let them have their moment, you know?
- [speaks Spanish]
- All right?
- [sighs]
- [Manny] Look at me.
I love you.
[Manny cheering]
[gasps, sighs]
Hey, Ray. Ray! Come in here.
We're celebrating.
No, man.
No, we not.
- [cork pops]
- ["Safe House" playing]