Dr. Brain (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Chapter 3

Who is it?
It's Kangmu Lee.
The night Junki was killed
I saw a car parked in front of his house.
The police ran the license plate.
And found out
The car's yours.
You still don't trust me?
I told you, I wasn't there.
- I guess you couldn't have been.
- Huh?
Your car was completely destroyed.
And you were found dead.
You're saying
I'm dead?
Guess you must be high.
Huh? [laughs]
Something must have gone wrong
during the brain sync.
Yeah, the brain sync.
Perhaps you're here now
because you're part of Junki's memories.
It was my determination to solve this case
which extracted you from his memories.
Since you're an investigator
something in my subconscious
knew that you could be helpful.
The man I'm looking at
exists inside Junki's memories.
That makes no sense at all.
I exist inside Junki's memories?
Just think about how things went down.
Who did you meet first?
I synced with you
before my brain synced with Junki.
[Kangmu] That's me?
[Sewon] You were my first brain sync.
But why can't I see your memories?
Instead, why do I see you
as a living person?
Are you trying to tell me that
I've been absorbed by your brain?
Since you were the first one
Perhaps some error occurred.
And your memories ended up
imprinted into my brain.
Your memories,
your subconscious, all of it.
You've been absorbed into my brain.
That's why I perceive you
as an independent being.
Then what am I?
A ghost?
[electronic voice] The person
you are trying to reach is not--
[scoffs] What the hell's wrong
with that guy?
Why do you think he's trying
to incriminate a dead guy?
He's feeding us false information
to sabotage the investigation.
And trying to show all of us
that he's pretty clever.
- Then let's arrest that asshole.
- Why? For tampering with a corpse?
He'd beat that charge easily.
We have Dr. Koh's location.
Okay, stay on him.
I need a team at his house and at the lab.
Yes, ma'am.
Let's say all that's true.
Let's say I'm dead and I'm a ghost.
Don't you find it strange?
Your first brain sync
just happened to be
on the private investigator
hired by your wife's boyfriend?
What are the odds?
You think it's a coincidence?
Tell me that.
Why was I your first one?
Recently, we've seen very strong
interest for brain-inspired AI.
That is, AI systems that are inspired
by the structure and functions
[cell phone vibrating]
of the human brain.
AI still has a long way to go
when it comes to
emulating curiosity,
social interaction, metacognition,
and things of that nature.
Our efforts are geared
towards imitating
[cell phone vibrating]
We want AI to be able
to produce its own emotions,
read emotions from other agents,
and also be able to empathize.
And so that's why this brain-inspired AI
is the most important part
of our research
Hey, Sewon, I'm in a meeting--
The first body
we used for the brain sync
Who was it?
How the heck would I know?
What's this about?
Namil How did you get the body?
What do you mean, how?
I just picked the first one I found.
What's going on? Did something happen?
I need to see you.
I can't right now. Let's say 10.
At the BB Park Mall.
[Sewon] Okay. See you later.
[line beeps]
I can't wait any longer.
I have to find out what happened to me.
Your accident
Do you remember anything?
What's the last thing you remember?
Where were you going?
I was on my way to meet Junki.
We're almost there.
[tires screech]
This is it.
This is where your car crashed.
What a shitty way to die.
Maybe I slipped in the rain?
[Sewon] No I saw something else.
Let's go take a look.
[Kangmu] Is this it?
There were so many things I wanted to do.
I didn't get to say goodbye to my father.
[high-pitched ringing]
[Sewon] You're driving somewhere.
[cell phone vibrating]
- But
- [Kangmu] But what?
Yes, I'm on my way.
I'm being followed.
Let me call you back.
[tires squeal]
- [car horn blares]
- [tires screech]
[truck horn blares]
- [tires squealing]
- [strains]
[Sewon] Someone was tailing you.
[Kangmu] I remember.
I thought I threw them off.
[Sewon] But you didn't lose them.
They came back for you.
It wasn't an accident.
You were murdered.
Did you see his face?
Is he still alive?
Why are you digging for info
on Jaeyi Jung?
Who sent you?
He's in bad shape.
He saw our faces.
Let go of me!
- [grunts]
- [splatters]
Why was I killed?
They were after the man who hired you.
Junki Lim?
They killed everyone.
I think Dr. Hong
can help us figure this out.
Going somewhere?
Yeah, I'm going home.
I'm tired. I've been working overtime.
Did you notice anything odd about Dr. Koh?
Well, Dr. Koh's a weirdo,
so I'd say everything
he does is pretty odd.
Fair enough.
Also, Secretary Yoon wants to see you.
Secretary Yoon? For what?
He's pretty concerned
about your recent activities.
He'll reach out to you.
Okay, sure.
[tires squeal]
[car door closes in distance]
[tires squeal]
[cell phone vibrates]
Got it.
Turn around.
Dr. Koh is heading towards Yongsan.
- Alpha Romeo B9, requesting backup.
- [mutters] Shit
[tires squeal]
His phone's off.
I think that's the man who killed you.
No, wait
I'll go.
Dr. Sewon Koh.
Let's not make a scene.
Be cool.
[killer] Hey, hey, hey
That's no way to treat a doctor, right?
We don't need that. Put it away.
You come with me.
- Upstairs.
- Hmm.
[killer] Most people think
that in a situation like this
they can just run away.
But it's not that easy.
Think about it.
You never know,
you might just get stabbed in the ribs.
Or you might just get stabbed in the back
when you're not even looking.
Imagine I cut your face or your neck.
You wouldn't make a sound.
[inhales] Try not to think about it.
Don't let them take you
or you'll end up like me.
[crowd chatters]
[bystanders scream]
- Out of the way!
- [screams]
[door handle rattles]
Son of a bitch.
[Kangmu, echoing]
Dr. Koh, what will you do now?
Why is it that you stupid bastards
never, ever, listen?
Oh, shit! This motherfucker
[hammer cocks]
Don't shoot!
What the fuck?
Dr. Koh, you should probably run now.
[people screaming]
Don't move!
Get back inside!
Shit, man
Stay here!
Doyoon, where is he?
[shouts] Where is my son?
[police] Second floor!
Second floor!
- Coming through!
- Go, go!
[people screaming]
- [Choi] Stop!
- [officer] Downstairs!
- Move it!
- [people screaming]
[police officers shouting]
[Choi] Start talking.
Who the hell is that? And the other guy?
I need to know why
they're trying to hurt you.
I have no idea.
The answer is in his memories.
I have to do a brain sync with him
before it's too late.
Lieutenant, we lost him.
We're checking cameras
with the help of the guards.
We have to get him to the lab immediately.
I'll explain everything later.
Do you think this is some kind of joke?
[shouts] Tell me what's going on!
If I'm lying,
and brain syncs are impossible
how can I know things
before you know them?
What are the things we don't know?
Those men killed Kangmu Lee.
Kangmu died in a car accident.
Junki Lim hired Kangmu
to investigate something.
Whatever it was,
those guys didn't like it.
And that's why they murdered Kangmu.
If I'm right,
it's the same men who killed Junki,
and kidnapped his kid.
Ask her what forensics said
about Junki's murder.
She might know something
about the way I died.
- That's not what's important.
- [Kangmu] Then what is?
Find the killers
and you find out everything--
Syncing with the man who just died
would be a lot faster.
Asking her is a lot faster. Just do it!
It's pretty obvious that
what you need is psychiatric help.
Not to sync with another brain.
I'm not crazy.
Then maybe you're lying
to sabotage the case.
Prove you're not lying to me.
But not your way. You do it our way.
My name is Dohyung Kim.
I'm here to take your polygraph.
I'm going to ask you
a few questions today.
Just answer yes or no.
Is your name Sewon Koh?
Is your wife Jaeyi Jung?
Have you ever tried to kill your wife?
You can only answer yes or no.
Hell no.
Do you know Junki Lim?
And have you ever met him?
[Choi via earpiece]
Ask him if he killed Junki Lim.
Did you kill Junki Lim?
What does he know about Kangmu Lee?
And Kangmu Lee? Do you know him?
[Kangmu, echoing]
This really isn't going well for you.
That polygraph is looking pretty bad.
I know him, but--
Yes or no.
It's just not that simple.
Ask about the relationship
between Junki and Jaeyi.
And did you know Junki and your wife
were a little more than just friends?
Were you worried that
your spouse might one day leave you
to be with Junki?
Were you angry, or even furious,
because of your wife's affair?
Answer the question.
Enough, please.
I won't answer any more questions.
[Choi sighs]
That polygraph means absolutely nothing.
It was my nervous system reacting
to someone else's memories.
I can prove it to you.
Let me do the brain sync.
You're in no position to make any demands.
I don't think
you understand the situation here.
It's you who doesn't understand.
Do you not want to find the girl?
We're running out of time.
You're right.
We're done here.
[people on TV chattering indistinctly]
[TV audience laughing]
[chattering continues]
[person grunts]
[breathes heavily]
- [grunts]
- Who is it?
[panting] Mom, it's me! It's me!
I didn't mean to scare you.
Why did you sneak in through the window?
Someone must be watching the door.
- What are you talking about? Who is?
- Mom, listen
What's going on? What's wrong with you?
I'll tell you later.
Mom, I'm sorry, but could I borrow
your credit card and your car?
- [parent 1] Seungchae!
- [child] Dad!
Oh, my girl! Come here. [laughs]
- Did you go to day care?
- Yeah, I played with Eunha today.
Oh yeah? That's so awesome!
[Sewon] It's you who doesn't understand!
Do you not want to find the girl?
- [parent 2] Did you eat?
- [parent 1] Yeah, I did.
- Here's your jacket.
- Oh, thanks.
-Are you happy to see Daddy? [chuckles]
-Really? Give me a kiss.
[gate buzzes, opens]
Tell me
Why are you so set on finding that girl?
Heejin said
that she saw my son alive.
[breathes heavily]
I have to find her.
I beg you.
Mind waiting outside?
I'm not leaving a suspect unattended.
Keep going.
[machine spinning up]
I have a job today
and I'm gonna have to be out all night.
Yeah, babe, I miss you a lot too.
Of course, every day.
I have to go. I'll call you later.
[keys clatter]
Get your stuff and get over there.
Call me if you run into trouble.
Damn it, I think he saw us.
[killer] Shit
I told you not to tail him too close!
What the hell?
Why are you investigating Jaeyi Jung? Huh?
Who sent you?
Go start the car.
Come on, let's get out of here.
[killer] We took care of that investigator
who was poking around.
And we got rid of the man
who hired him also.
Well, you see
That guy has a daughter.
She's quite extraordinary.
She has the ability to draw
anything she's seen with great precision.
Yeah, don't worry about her.
She didn't see us. She wasn't even there.
Are you sure about that?
Yeah, absolutely.
Take care of her.
- Did you see the girl?
- I didn't see anything.
You looked everywhere?
[sighs] You fuck face
[child groaning, muffled]
Stop right here.
Report back when you're done.
[inhales deeply]
Bury all three where they can't be found.
And don't cause any more problems.
[child whimpering]
[breathes heavily]
What do I do?
Shit, shit, shit! Fuck me!
I told him I don't do kids, goddamn it!
Fucking asshole!
[child whining, whimpering]
Ah, shit.
What am I supposed to do with her?
Just keep her for two days
until I figure out what to do next.
You know I fucking hate children!
Tell me she's not yours.
Of course not. She looks nothing like me.
Okay. 48 hours.
And not a minute longer.
Should we blindfold her?
This is bullshit.
[breathes heavily]
Heejin is still alive.
We have to hurry.
I think he left her with his girlfriend.
Who did?
This dead guy?
She's at a teahouse.
A teahouse?
I think I can find it.
Yeah, it's around here.
[police officer]
Is this the only way to do this?
How many times
do we have to go around in circles?
Just shut up.
Yes, ma'am.
[high-pitched ringing]
[breathes shakily] What do I do?
Where do I go?
Shit! I'm so fucked.
[cell phone vibrating]
Take this exit.
- See if there's a back door.
- Yes, ma'am.
- [speaking indistinctly]
- [door chime rings]
Come on in!
We're looking for someone.
Her name's Mina.
Girls don't work here for very long.
I don't know a Mina,
if that's even her real name.
Hey, wait! Where are you going?
No, don't talk to them. Talk to me.
Hello, ladies. I'll need to see some IDs.
[shop owner]
Please, let's talk about this!
You run a prostitution business,
you have sanitary violations
[scoffs] and you're selling
alcohol without a license.
I would talk if I were you.
Mina. What was her last name?
It's Mina Song.
Where can I find her?
Fuck me
Ah, shit
[door chime rings]
It's me! I'm back!
Tell us where the girl is.
We know your boyfriend,
Taegu Lee, left her with you.
What the hell are you talking about?
I haven't seen that dummy in ages.
And that was the last time.
We found his corpse at a crime scene.
What do you mean?
What happened to him?
He was involved in a serious crime
and was shot to death.
If you don't want to be treated
as his accomplice and end up in prison,
then I strongly recommend you come clean.
Who died? No one died.
I don't understand
what you're talking about!
Where's Heejin? Tell us now.
Oh, shit
Shit! Shit! [cries]
- Arrest her.
- No! Please wait!
Taegu left her at my apartment
and never came back.
That girl wasn't right in the head,
and he wouldn't answer any of my calls.
She ran away while I was out.
I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't run all over town
looking for that girl.
Why is she my responsibility?
I don't even know her!
I'm not lying!
If you don't believe me, we can look.
I swear to God!
It's true. She's not here.
Of course not! Just like I told you.
Do you have memories of this place?
No, not this place.
What's this about?
How the hell would he know my house?
[Choi] Too much time has passed.
It's going to get dark soon.
The darkness could work to our advantage.
Stand back!
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[Sewon] Let me go alone.
I'm Doyoon's appa.
Are you okay?
[police officers gasping]
[police officer]
He found her! Someone call an ambulance!
Here, I got you.
We're getting nowhere.
She won't answer any of our questions.
Heejin is very special.
I know about special children.
Like Doyoon.
I was one also.
Can I please try to talk to her for a bit?
I know you're friends with Doyoon.
And that you took care of Mika.
And I also know
that you're very good at drawing.
I have
something very important I need to ask.
It's about Doyoon.
Where was the last time you saw Doyoon?
Can you please tell me, Heejin?
[breathes shakily]
Or maybe you could draw it?
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