Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e03 Episode Script

Friday of 13 People

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Her wound is small but deep.
An artery, a nerve, and two tendons.
Three tendons. We have to put
five together. Have you done this?
Have you?
No, I've only seen a video.
It's my first time.
If you make a single mistake,
I'll cut off your wrist
and give it to Seo-jeong.
Let's begin.
We will perform a dissection
for the next five minutes.
I will operate on her
for neurological rehabilitation,
arterial reconstruction,
and tenorrhaphy within 30 minutes.
Is that even possible?
Hold this.
Suction tip.
Partial median nerve and radial artery.
Flexor pollicis longus
flexor carpri radialis
and palmaris longus complete.
Is he really going to do everything
without any additional incision?
The 10,000-hour rule.
It says if you work on something
for 3 hours a day for 10 years,
you will become an expert.
It sounds somewhat plausible.
If so,
how long will it take you
to become a specialist?
It will take 20 hours a day for 11 years
which is about 80,300 hours in total.
You will only become a specialist
after spending 80,000 hours in
studying and slaving as a resident.
You'll also have to pass the board exam.
You must try all your best
so that you can complete it in 11 years.
I didn't spend my entire life
studying, practicing,
and dissecting to get stuck here
in some small hospital
in the countryside.
Things are still unsettled.
So what are you getting at?
That's why I'm still anxious
about the future.
No matter what happens,
I'm going back to Geosan Medical Center.
Whatever happens,
I will go back to where I belong.
That's how I felt.
We have five minutes left on tourniquet.
I will start arterial reconstruction
right away.
Nylon number eight.
The suture is so thin that you can't
even see it with the naked eye.
he's being unbelievably fast.
on earth is he?
Dr. Kang.
Do you want me to cut your wrist off?
-We have 20 minutes left.
I will start neurological
rehabilitation immediately.
I will perform tenorrhaphy
at the same time.
Stay focused.
For the next five minutes,
I'll perform tenorrhaphy of tendon.
-What? Within five minutes?
-Let's start.
To the right.
That's not it. Stretch it upwards.
It's been five minutes.
We have two minutes left.
He's fast.
-He's unbelievably fast.
We have one minute left.
I'm sorry.
We have 19 seconds left.
The nurse prepares everything
in advance as if she knows
what he'll do in the next step.
Everyone in this operating room
is working in perfect order without
making any unnecessary moves.
-Time's up.
Tourniquet off.
-What about bleeding?
-There isn't.
The vital sign is 100 over 70.
The oxygen saturation is stable.
Close it up. You can do that much, right?
It's upsetting.
Good work.
But I couldn't say anything to him.
His operation
was the most perfect one that
I have ever witnessed in my life.
I was
like a fool more than ever.
I'm okay.
I'm fine.
Damn it.
We finished up on Dr. Yun
and moved her to the ICU.
-About Dr. Kang
Well, he seems totally lost.
Okay. I'll do that.
Teacher Kim must have pushed him so hard.
He just did everything as usual.
You know his style, right?
And just like other doctors,
this one will leave, too.
He'll also curse Teacher Kim
just like the others.
I need an explanation.
Who on earth are you?
What are you talking about?
I just don't get this.
-Get what?
-The man who tried to cut
my wrist off at a casino
turns out to be a chief surgeon
stuck in the ER.
My private life and hobbies
are none of your business.
The operation in the afternoon
was definitely a general surgery.
But the angiorrhaphy was
way too professional
for a general surgeon.
Are you complaining about how good I am?
Seriously, what is your area of specialty?
Are you a gambler or an ER doctor?
Or are you a surgeon?
If you are a surgeon, you must be
specialized in a particular field.
Are you a general surgeon?
Are you specialized in blood vessels?
What is your main area of field?
Saving lives.
That's what I'm specialized in.
Don't play games with me.
I'm asking very seriously.
Are you sure it's not because
you're ashamed of yourself?
What do you mean?
You were embarrassed of yourself
in the operating room.
That's not all, right? You're a doctor,
but you wasted your time
at a casino bar early in the evening.
You tried to use a defibrillator
on a patient with dyspnea, too.
What do they do
in university hospitals these days?
How do they teach their medical students?
Don't patronize me.
I passed the board exam
with the highest score in the country.
That's exactly my point.
What good is it when you can't even tell
the difference between
cut and suction in the operating room?
There wasn't anything wrong with me.
Your hands were just way too fast.
Do you know why
surgeons wear masks in the operating room?
It's to prevent contamination.
No. It's to keep the mouth shut.
It's to keep the mouth shut so that
they can speak with their hands.
Don't make an excuse for yourself
in front of a patient who is
on an operating table.
Don't try to rationalize yourself.
Surgeons don't get second chances.
You were the one who was clumsy
in the operating room.
Do you get that?
You didn't answer my question.
I asked you what you really are.
You little brat
I'm the teacher.
That's me.
Dr. Kim. In other words, I'm Teacher Kim.
All right?
Did you hear what Dr. Kang just said?
He passed the board exam
with the highest score in the country.
I heard that. Why?
I see.
Strange people.
And a strange doctor.
This is Search Team Three.
We're at Doldam Hospital.
We found a vehicle
of suspected hit-and-run.
Strange hospital.
What are you doing
in this strange place?
What were you doing here
for the last five years?
No, Seo-jeong!
Did you say Seo-jeong?
Are you talking about Yun Seo-jeong
who disappeared five years ago?
Are you saying
that the Crazy Whale is there?
Yes, she is.
This is such big news.
So how is she doing there?
Is she married? Does she have kids?
She's preparing
for the double board certification? Why?
I don't know why
she's wasting her time like that.
I can't put her on right now.
By the way,
can you find out about
someone called Teacher Kim?
What? Teacher Kim?
What's that? Is that a name?
I don't know for certain.
Everyone calls him like that.
He's a chief surgeon here
at Doldam Hospital.
Please find about his real name,
which school he went to,
and what his field of specialty is.
Also, I want to know
what he's doing here at Doldam--
In-su. It's me, Seo-jeong.
Hey, Crazy Whale! Are you alive?
Kang Dong-ju has no idea
what he's talking about.
Forget what he said.
Why didn't you call me?
My gosh, Crazy Whale.
She hasn't changed a bit.
Who's the Crazy Whale?
Her name is Yun Seo-jeong.
You probably heard of her
as the Queen of Forefinger.
She used to be the legend of ER.
-She must have been skilled.
-Of course.
She used to be the ace of our department,
but she disappeared
after she had a car accident.
Anyway, she's been at
Doldam Hospital all this time.
Doldam Hospital?
It's the place where Kang Dong-ju
got sent off to.
The one in Jeongseon.
I'm not saying that the president
did anything wrong.
He probably deserved it.
Have you heard of someone
called Teacher Kim?
No, right?
Well, I should ask someone else.
I think I'll ask Dr. Ahn.
Doldam Hospital.
What are you doing here?
I'll ask you the same thing.
Are you spying on him now?
Why do you want to find
about his background?
What do you need it for?
You shouldn't be walking around.
Don't you know about that?
Your artery, nerve, and three tendons
were damaged.
Although the operation was successful,
you still need to take some rest.
Don't ever try to question him.
Don't cause any trouble.
You may get infected
with the slightest touch,
and that may lead to an artery blockage.
I'm telling you as your doctor.
Please return to your bed
without complicating the situation.
You're the one who's complicating
the situation. Don't you get it?
Do you know how hard
I worked for the last five years?
Do you know how hard I worked
to return to this place?
Forget it.
Let me ask you for a favor.
I'm not sure how long you'll stay here,
but let's please treat each other
like we're strangers.
Don't talk to me unless
it's work-related, okay?
-Please don't talk to me, Dr. Kang.
stop prying into
Teacher Kim's private affairs.
He's not someone you can do that to.
Do you get it?
Do you like him?
Is that why you were here
for the last five years? Is that it?
You're insane.
My gosh.
-He's insane.
-Hey, Dr. Yun.
-How's your wrist?
-Completely insane.
You're insane. You're crazy.
Why did you ask her that?
I'm so embarrassed.
This is embarrassing. So stupid.
Darn it.
You must make Dr. Kang stay
no matter what.
What are we missing
here at Doldam Hospital?
Money, equipment, and doctors.
-You're right.
A total mess.
That is our reality.
We need Dr. Kang
to overcome this reality.
You said he would leave
in less than a week.
He won't even last a week.
I'll bet 50,000 won.
Wait. Was it three days?
I'll bet 100,000 won.
He'll leave in 3 days for certain.
I didn't know who he was back then.
Now I know
that he passed the board exam
with the highest score in the country.
He's like a jewel to us.
We can't just let him go.
The important thing is
his willingness.
I have heard
that he wishes to leave
this dreaded hospital as soon as possible.
That's why we should do
something to keep him here.
He's the top of his class,
good looking, and young.
If we just let him stand at the entrance,
people around the area,
especially the ladies,
will go crazy about him.
I can't believe what you said just now.
It was really awful.
Hospitals are all about providing
services nowadays.
The doctors
at our hospital are
too old.
What do you think, Ms. Oh?
Shouldn't we ask
for Teacher Kim's opinion?
Teacher Kim can do his own thing.
Don't you think it's about time
to have a normal doctor?
-In that case
-Yes, President Yeo.
let's hear from Teacher Kim.
Can you do a checkup?
He's not here yet.
I mean Teacher Kim.
I see.
Did you have lunch?
It's Friday.
Of course I ate. I ate twice as much.
-Check this again.
Are you allowed to walk around?
Did your doctor approve?
It's Friday.
I couldn't just sit around.
I mean, I'm on the board
for emergency surgeries.
This is Doldam Hospital Emergency Room.
Yes. I'll get it ready.
It's a motorcycle accident.
Five patients will arrive in five minutes.
All right.
He had a motorcycle accident.
There's no external bleeding,
but he's unconscious.
Blood pressure is 100 over 70.
Other 4 just have minor scratches.
We'll begin with the intubation.
Set up IV lines and execute a full drop.
Stick two pints of
emergency pack RBC on him.
He's a hit-and-run driver.
The guy who drove into
your car.
He ran away after hitting
two middle school students.
Don't worry.
I will talk to the insurance company
and make sure the expenses
for your car are fully paid.
Do you want some?
No, thanks. I don't like juice.
Is that so?
It's a call from the ER for a patient
with car accident injuries.
My dear Dr. Kang doesn't like
juice that much.
He doesn't like to answer
his mom's call, either.
It's hemoperitoneum.
He needs a surgery now. Can you do it?
-Is his guardian here?
-On their way.
They'll be here in an hour.
He needs a surgery now, though.
I'll get his guardian's consent
when they get here
and then begin the surgery.
It'll take them about an hour.
He may get a shock
from excessive bleeding.
We should operate first.
What may go wrong is your wrist.
You should go back and get some rest.
I'll take care of him.
No, thanks. I'll take care of it.
The general surgeon is the one
who calls the shots. I give the orders.
Wait until his guardian is here,
I mean, Dr. Yun Seo-jeong.
Are you scared that things will go wrong?
I'm sticking to the rules.
Doctors are responsible for things
happening in an unconsented surgery.
You should be thinking
about ways to save him
instead of being worried
about things that didn't happen.
I've seen too many doctors
who fought and got sued by
family members after they did that.
I'm not even at Geosan Medical Center.
Why would I get myself
into such a trouble?
Are you serious?
-You're no fun at all.
-I'm sorry,
but I've always been like this.
I always stick to the rules.
I'm not sure if you remember.
I see.
I'm sorry I didn't remember, you jerk.
-What? What did you say?
-Forget it.
We're taking him to the operating room.
Let go. This is my patient now.
-My goodness.
-Both of you, stop!
Go to the operating room
and tell Dr. Nam to get ready.
Yes, sir.
Not you.
What are you doing?
Get the operating room ready.
I will go. I can do it.
No. Get out, Seo-jeong.
I'm fine now. I'm okay.
I can do it.
Get away from this patient now!
According to the Medical Law
Article 8, Clause 1,
and the Mental Health Act Article 3,
Clause 1, a mental patient
cannot perform as a doctor.
You have hurt yourself.
I can't let you be with a patient.
You are disqualified
from this hospital as of today.
-Teacher Kim.
-I mean what I say.
I won't take back my words,
so don't even try.
Get out.
Hey, you.
Go and get the operating room ready.
Don't you think it was too harsh?
How could you say she's disqualified?
Mr. Park! Mr. Park!
Yes, Doctor.
Tell Dr. Nam to prepare for an operation
and move this patient
to the operating room.
His guardian hasn't arrived yet.
Get the consent over the phone.
-Yes, Doctor.
You should be on call tonight.
Didn't you see me kicking out
the emergency medicine specialist?
You should fill the position
since the specialist isn't here.
That's nonsense.
Surgeons are never on call
for the emergency room.
I'm not asking for your opinion.
I'm giving you an order.
It seems like you like taking orders.
This is a special order I'm giving you
as the head of General Surgery.
So you'll be on call tonight.
Today is Friday, so you should stay alert.
This is ridiculous.
What a jerk.
I'm going to cut the abdomen open now.
You are disqualified
from this hospital as of today.
Yes, Dr. Song. This is Kang Dong-ju.
Hi. How are you doing?
I'm dying to leave here.
Since you left,
I've been feeling so bad.
There are no fellows as good as you
in General Surgery.
I'm playing golf
with President Do right now.
Do you think you can join us
for dinner tonight?
Pardon? Did you say tonight?
Come say hello to him
and beg him to have you back.
I'll text you the time and place.
It'd be better if you bring him
a bottle of kaoliang wine.
You know what I mean?
Hey, Dr. Song.
I'll be there in a minute.
-You must come, okay?
37.7KM, 48 MINUTES
It takes 48 minutes from here.
I have to leave at 6 p.m. at the latest.
What should I do?
Hello? Okay. I'm on my way.
This is driving me crazy.
I can't believe what just happened.
Please hold him.
This is unbelievable.
Guys, you shouldn't run in the hospital.
We were on a family trip.
Of course, we're in the hospital.
What happened?
They were on a family trip.
They've been having abdominal pain
since they had lunch.
Are you all right?
Doctor, why are you standing there?
My father is dying!
-Who's in Internal Medicine?
-It's President Yeo.
-Please call him.
-Yes, Doctor. Follow me.
Sir, please lie down for a second.
What did you say? You're responsible
for this. Let go of me.
Hey, you!
-I'll be right back.
It's your fault.
What happened to them?
They're car accident patients.
They are arguing over who's at fault.
Please calm down.
Sir, let me check your wound.
Don't be late. Okay?
It's not as hectic as I expected.
I thought there would be
a long line of patients.
How's the newbie doing?
Do you think he'll be useful?
He's garbage.
That's disappointing.
He looked like a nice person.
Hold on. I forgot.
I heard
you told Seo-jeong to leave the hospital.
-Who told you that?
-Myeong-sim did.
-You didn't mean it, right?
-I meant it.
I won't let someone deluded like her
be with a patient.
Hey, where are you going?
Hi, Teacher Kim. I heard you finished
your operation.
Why did you bring that orchid?
This one grew up so beautifully.
I brought it so you can
appreciate it in your office.
Do you have something to say?
It's about Dr. Yun Seo-jeong.
You're not going to kick her out, are you?
-Who said that?
-Ms. Oh did.
You're not serious, are you?
Are you stepping out?
Yes, I am.
I'm going out to enjoy my hobby.
But it's Friday.
I left the work to Dong-ju.
Still, it's Friday.
Don't you think it'd be difficult
for him to handle alone?
It's not so bad to deal with
too much work sometimes.
He would be able to
build up his experience.
Did you really mean
what you told Dr. Yun?
Yes, I meant it.
This time, neither President Yeo nor Do-il
will change my mind.
So you should give up, too.
I'm sure he didn't mean it.
He wouldn't kick me out.
I should implore him again.
I don't mind kneeling down.
Is Mr. Lee Chang-geun's guardian here?
Who is Mr. Lee Chang-geun's guardian?
-Mr. Lee Chang-geun's--
-When is my grandfather's turn?
What's his name?
-It's your fault.
-No, it's your fault, you jerk.
Did you just call me a jerk?
-Take his X-ray.
-Yes, Doctor.
Please lie down slowly.
You're going to take an X-ray.
Please move slowly.
Excuse me. Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim, where are you going?
May I help you?
He's the car accident patient, right?
I'm his family. Can I see him briefly?
Please wash your hands with this
and come inside.
This is intensive care unit.
You scumbag.
Gosh. What are you doing?
Stop it.
You killed my son.
You don't deserve to be alive.
-I will kill you.
-Go get someone. Hurry.
You can't do this.
Stop it, please.
My son died.
He killed my son.
You are even worse.
You shouldn't have saved his life.
Why did you save his life?
He is a murderer who killed my son.
Why did you save his life?
It's all your fault.
Let go of me, please.
Get off me.
Let go of me.
Why did you save his life?
He killed my son.
I will kill you all.
I will kill everyone.
-I will kill him.
Ma'am. There seems to be
a misunderstanding.
He's not the one
who hit your son with a car.
The hit-and-run driver was moved
to a patient's room a while ago.
This patient was
transferred here
because of a motorcycle accident.
You almost killed an innocent guy.
Take her out.
-Are you all right?
-I'm okay.
-He is fine, thank goodness.
-Dr. Yun!
-How are you feeling?
-I feel much better.
Please wait
until the fluid is fully injected.
What should I do?
I should leave now to be there on time.
Don't be late. Okay?
Forget about your pride.
Just think about
going back to Geosan Medical Center.
-Ms. Woo.
Put the metro on bed number eight.
Kang Dong-ju.
You should go.
You should walk out that door right now.
We have an emergency patient.
He is a 48-year-old man.
It seems he drank pesticide.
-My goodness.
-Are you all right?
-Dr. Kang.
-My gosh.
-Dr. Kang.
-Wake up!
-Don't look back.
-Wake up!
This is your last chance.
It is your last chance to go back
to Geosan Medical Center.
As soon as I turn around,
my life will be ruined.
Dr. Kang!
Please save my son.
Please save my son.
Doctor, please.
Please save my son. Doctor.
Please save my son.
Please help me.
Doctor. Please.
I'm begging you.
Please save my son.
Doctor, please.
Please save my son.
Darn it.
A 48-year-old man drank pesticide
as he was drunk.
-Did you check the bottle?
-It's organophosphate.
Prepare charcoal
and check how many vials of atropine
-we have available.
-Yes, Doctor.
-Let's move him to the hybrid room.
-Excuse me.
Please wait outside.
-Thank you, Doctor.
-This way, please.
He will be all right.
This way, please. He will be fine.
Who else is coming?
In fact,
I asked Dong-ju to come.
It's not that he is competent.
But we need more fellow doctors
in General Surgery Department.
You know what we're going through now.
Young doctors these days
don't prefer to become a surgeon.
The hospital is full of patients
but lacks fellow doctors.
It's not for Kang Dong-ju.
It's for me, President Do.
What about the list of
cardiothoracic surgeons
-for the operation on the chairman?
-Please don't worry about it.
We have the best cardiothoracic surgeons
for the operation.
You know there is a board meeting
in two months, don't you?
Of course I do.
I will do everything I can
for your second term.
Let me pour you a glass.
Please let me express my gratitude.
-How many liters is it?
-It's 7L.
Do you have the result of ABGA?
It's here, Doctor.
It's 6.8 pH?
Bring me five ampules
of sodium bicarbonate.
-I will perform the intubation.
-Yes, Doctor.
-Thank you for coming here.
-It's my pleasure.
Thank you.
Let me check his heart rhythm.
-I will do it again.
It's ready.
-The number you have dialed
-Is he out of his mind?
Dong-ju. What do you think you are doing?
It's almost 9 p.m. Why aren't you coming?
Are you in a car accident or something?
Or are you trying to get smart with me?
Are you leaving already?
I'm tired tonight.
I can't stay any longer.
Wait, President Do.
Dong-ju, you idiot.
You are doomed. Do you understand?
Dr. Kang.
You should pronounce him dead.
It is
9:29 p.m. now.
Why should I?
Your son
passed away.
Would you mind speaking
a little bit louder?
We were in such a hurry,
and we forgot to bring hearing aids.
I said, your son passed away.
What did he say?
I can't hear you.
I know my son is a bit old,
but he should meet someone nice
and get married.
Please treat him well.
Please, Doctor.
Why should I do this?
Your son passed away.
Your son died.
He passed away!
I want to see
him getting married before I die.
my one and only son.
Please save him.
I'm sorry.
Why should I
I'm sorry.
How could this
Not like this.
Dong-ju, you idiot.
You are doomed. Do you understand?
Press one for the next voice message.
Dong-ju? It's me.
Have you been busy all day?
You didn't call me back.
It's tough, isn't it?
Thanks to Dr. Kang,
this Friday went by smoothly.
But still, it was unnecessary
for you to leave the ER
entirely up to him.
You should come back right away.
I still have things to take care of.
I'll come back as soon as I'm done.
I heard you put up a fight
against some lady who caused
a scene at the ICU.
With that hand.
You don't have a fever.
No swelling.
No heat sensation.
It's looking better than I anticipated.
What are you doing right now?
I'm just checking on my patient.
I want a different doctor.
Please get me someone else.
There aren't any other doctors
in this place.
Do you want me to call
Teacher Kim for you?
That wouldn't go very well, right?
He disqualified you in your face.
What did you just say?
I thought you two were very close friends.
I guess I was very wrong.
Why are you here at Doldam Hospital?
Why are you in my life again?
I didn't come here because I wanted to.
You just happened to be here
when I got here.
Don't you think this is wrong?
You and I
at the same hospital?
No, you're wrong.
You're not even working here anymore.
You're such a jerk.
Why did you change so much?
I was always like this.
Perhaps you don't remember,
but I've always been straightforward.
Good for you.
Why did you take a sedative?
Leave me alone. I'm tired.
I said, get out.
I don't want to see you here.
Leave me alone.
I missed you.
I'm serious.
This is Kang Dong-ju.
We have burn patients. Four in total.
We need you down here.
Burn patients?
Did she say burn patients? How many?
The patients are here.
Please hurry, Dr. Kang.
What are you doing? Get down there.
I've never treated a burn patient.
One with a first-degree burn
and two with second!
And one with third-degree burn
all over the body.
Third-degree goes to the hybrid room
and the rest goes over there.
Dr. Kang. Please start
with the third-degree burn patient.
What are you doing? Go in there!
Secure the airway first.
Start the intubation.
The trachea is already swollen.
Then perform cricothyroidotomy.
-Prepare for cricothyroidotomy.
-Wait. Give me the tube.
-What do you need the tube for?
Hey. What are you doing?
Kang Dong-ju.
Fix it to 23cm.
That's enough.
Set up IV lines with 2L of hydration.
Set up IV lines with 2L of hydration.
-Warm saline.
-Please prepare warm saline.
You're doing good so far.
You have to dress the burn wounds.
Don't forget to measure
the area of burn on the back.
Hold this.
Take deep breaths.
Please check on the carboxyhemoglobin.
Okay, Doctor.
The patient's saturation is dropping.
It must be a respiratory tract burn.
I'll proceed with the intubation.
Move over.
What's wrong with your face?
Dress the burn wounds.
Where's the third-degree burn patient now?
He's in the hybrid room with Dr. Kang.
Are you okay, Teacher Kim?
Call the burn center.
We need a chopper fast.
He should be hospitalized
for at least four weeks.
Who did that to him?
I wonder.
Okay, you're doing well.
Dr. Kang.
What is it?
His blood circulation isn't well.
His hand is blue.
Burn contracture has begun.
Perform the escharotomy immediately.
-Cut open his skin.
What are you doing?
If you don't, his skin will shrink
and block his blood circulation.
It'll build into necrosis.
You're so frustrating.
What's with him?
Teacher Kim.
Our Friday night is
not over yet.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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