Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


What shall we do?
Let's stay the course.
The road is safer.
As you wish.
It's just
I've never seen anything like it.
They didn't have views like this
back home.
Is that so?
I lived in Cassardis my whole life.
I tried to leave once, but
That's a story for another time.
Arisen, we cannot heed every cry for help.
Should we not try?
Gently! Gentle, now!
Don't come any closer, you monsters!
Stop it!
No! Theo!
I'm coming!
Theo, help me!
Do something, Theo!
Where's your honor, man?
After her!
There's so many of them.
I am your protector.
Therefore, I will not leave your side.
They're They're leaving.
You're one hell of a fighter.
Thank you for your assistance, travelers.
I am Balthazar,
and this brute here is Simon.
We are indebted to you.
There's no need--
Thank the Gods you were here.
You saved me.
I don't know how I can ever repay you.
My love.
What do you want?
Why, to make sure you are unharmed, dear.
If you don't mind
I appreciate what you did
as well, darling.
You certainly tried your best for me,
so, thank you.
Is the horse all right?
If anything happened to it,
I fear you may have trouble carrying me.
Oh, she's fine, my love.
She's just over yonder.
Well, go get it, then.
Hurry up.
I can't be on my feet much longer.
That was a very traumatic experience.
Watch yourself.
That woman weaves a complicated web.
Excuse me?
Mind your tongue, Simon.
Your timing couldn't have been
more perfect.
Had you not come along when you did
We would have been their dinner.
You two look and fight like Royal Guards.
How did you come
to find yourselves out here?
We were originally stationed
at Aernst Castle.
The duke sent a group of his finest men
to defend it, but now
we're all that's left.
All that's left?
Aernst lies in ruin now
because of that bloody Dragon.
Simon and I managed to flee
with these two.
We're escorting them to the Capital.
I see.
You take news of the Dragon
pretty well, my friend.
This one's got some brass balls on him.
Same thing happened
to my village, Cassardis.
Cassardis is gone, too?
I'm sorry.
Perhaps the Gods intended for us to meet.
Ethan, will you travel with us?
Brilliant idea.
We could use a sword like yours.
There seems to be danger
around every turn.
Actually, we
Are you heading
to somewhere in particular?
Something like that.
By the Gods!
You're an Arisen?
And you're going after the Dragon?
Indeed, I am.
Just you and this girl?
Which direction did the Dragon go
after it left Aernst?
North. We lost sight of it
over the mountains.
Then that's where we're headed.
Are you serious?
Of course.
If that's so, you should take
the mountain pass up ahead.
Let us travel together until then.
We'll show you the way.
A wise choice.
You said so yourself,
you are not familiar with this area.
These two seem to know their way around.
It's the most efficient course of action.
That is true.
Then it's settled.
Glad to have you both on board.
You've been through a lot today.
Let us keep watch tonight.
A generous offer,
and one that we will gladly take.
Finally, I can get some sleep.
You poor, poor man.
Out here in the cold by yourself.
Care to warm up a bit?
This is all that's left.
It's a good vintage.
I'm fine, thank you.
More for me, then.
So, you're going to try to kill
the Dragon, are you?
You heard us?
I wasn't eavesdropping,
just couldn't get to sleep.
I am going to kill the Dragon.
You are a very brave man.
Elizabeth, was it?
You remembered my name.
I'm flattered.
And Theo is your?
The carefree one sleeping over there
is my husband.
Even in times like this,
he's sleeping like a baby.
He must be tired.
His family was one of the richest
in all of Aernst.
Investments all over the city.
He's not a bad-looking fellow.
A bit bland for my taste,
but he's not bad.
He was the ideal man to marry.
He's an only child,
his mother died when he was young,
and his father
wasn't going to last much longer.
Why are you telling me this?
I used to be quite popular with the boys.
But when Theo asked
for my hand in marriage,
I knew I was going to inherit a fortune.
That Dragon ruined everything.
All his investments are gone.
At least you're both still alive.
But his businesses are not.
We'll be out in the cold
once we get to the Capital,
and the Dragon surely won't be far behind.
The only thing a woman can depend on
is a man who knows his way around a sword.
And one that's brave enough
to take on the Dragon, well
You're traveling with a Pawn.
You don't have a good woman
in your life, do you?
If it's a skilled sword you're after,
you'll have better luck convincing
your escorts to unsheathe theirs.
Balthazar has the personality of a rock.
-And Simon?
-What of him?
After he got off,
he wants nothing to do with me.
Besides, I can tell that you have a heart.
Just our luck.
I know you're disappointed with me.
I almost got you killed.
I'm trying to be a better man, though.
I will become the man you deserve.
I won't hold my breath.
Elizabeth, wait!
The man I deserve has a backbone.
What was that?
I only caught a glimpse,
but I think it's a Griffin.
Let's go!
We're safer in numbers.
Yes, of course.
Great! And I was just getting
to the good part of my dream.
Focus, Simon.
Here it comes!
It ate it.
I hope that will be enough to satisfy it.
-Are you two all right?
-Better now.
Did you explore her peaks and valleys?
Excuse me?
Don't play coy.
Looks like it's still hungry!
Keep your wife safe.
Take out the wings first!
If we ground it,
we take away its advantage!
Look out!
It's too dangerous here! Let's go!
This is gonna be tough!
Perfect! Now we've gone and woken
the whole damn horde!
-Why are they so persistent?
-They must like nibbling on young women.
Then you'll make a fine appetizer.
Watch out!
Why aren't you helping us?
We're a bit occupied
at the moment, m'lady!
Draw your sword, Theo! Protect your wife!
I killed it.
Yes! Now, kill more!
Protect her, Theo!
You're stronger than you know!
That's it, man! You're doing it!
Let's finish off this Griffin!
Goddamn it! It's back in the air!
We can't win the fight like this.
-What the hell are you doing?
The dolt let himself get caught!
Hannah! Now!
Look out!
Are you two suicidal?
So, that's their plan.
We need to protect her
until she can get her shot off.
Oh, great! Is that all?
-Losing your nerve, I see.
-As if!
Nice shot!
Tricky bastard!
He wasn't caught. He was holding on!
I think it's gone.
I'm OK.
That was reckless.
What did I tell you? Balls of brass!
What about the Goblins?
Oh, he's got some stones now!
You had it in you the whole time.
Yes my love.
Thank you for bringing the best out of me.
What in the blazes!
Why did you do that?
She'll never leave me now.
She'll be mine, and mine alone.
You're such a fool.
You didn't have to do this.
I was always yours.
Elizabeth, what did you just?
Are you mad?
You finally prove you can protect her,
and then you murder her!
You idiot.
That's all she ever wanted from you!
Oh, no.
did you really?
What the hell do we do?
We must give her a proper burial.
What about him?
He is the only survivor from Aernst.
We must get him to the Capital
at all costs.
Don't worry, my love.
I'm coming
coming to protect you.
Mother of Gods!
Are you sure about this?
I am.
Thank you for your help.
May the Gods be with you.
If anyone can kill that Dragon, it's you.
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