Dream Home Makeover (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Movie Room Remake

[upbeat electronica music]
[Shea] Today's the day.
-How freaking stoked are you?
-So excited.
-[Syd] Can you believe this day's here?
-[Shea] No.
Does it feel surreal?
I still don't believe
it's actually going to be our house.
[Shea] We have so much to do.
I think we have moved six times
in ten years.
I don't want to move again for a while.
It is kind of the worst
and it feels, like, really dramatic,
-but it's just a lot.
-It's totally dramatic.
[Syd] We thought we were packed.
Then we were like,
throw in stuff in the Tupperware.
Let's drive it over there.
[Syd] Wren, this morning, she said,
"I know my room doesn't have a carpet yet,
but I want to sleep in there."
-[Shea] I know!
-I'm like, "It's gonna be a couple days"
[Shea] Unfortunately,
the new house isn't ready yet.
Our lease is up on our rental house,
so we have to get out.
What are you planning to do with the TV?
-Um I forgot about it until right now.
-[Shea] Oh
You're so organized at the beginning.
Everything neat, labeled.
-At the end, you're dumping it.
-Your organizational graph
looks like this.
And then move date right here.
-You just end up
-Yep, throwing it all in.
[Syd] You and I just divide and conquer.
I hope I turned the gas off right.
But we'll find out.
[high-pitched, piercing sound]
[Shea] Syd, it smells like gas.
[Syd] Going great.
You're gonna tell me you had it
under control from the beginning.
[Syd] I did fix it pretty quick!
What do they say?
"Fear minus death equals fun."
-That was fun?
-Yeah, it ended up being fun.
-You know? No one died.
-Shall we go to the house
-[Shea] Let's head over
then get the little stuff?
-Let's do it.
-Let's do it.
It's actually happening!
So, we can unload.
[Shea] The house isn't quite as finished
as we were thinking
it would be when we moved in.
we're gonna do it in phases.
First is getting the main floor,
so kitchen, great room,
dining room completed.
-"Completed" is a loose term.
-Can we go back or are we tight? Yeah.
-I can get you an inch
-This can work.
And then, phase two will be
actually completing the house
and finishing the upstairs
so that the girls can have their bedrooms.
[Tyler] No.
-[Syd] Are you freaking out?
-[Shea] Yeah, it's okay. [chuckles]
Since the house isn't quite done yet,
we decided to have a slumber party
in what will one day be my studio.
So we set the mattresses up,
and the girls are so excited.
-Is this our first night in the new house?
-Are we having a slumber party?
-[both] Yeah.
Hopefully, the slumber party
is just for tonight.
First night in the new place.
We're having a slumber party.
[mellow electronica music]
[Syd] Where are we going?
We're headed to meet a new client.
His name is Trey Ennis,
-and he's a bachelor from London.
-[Syd] Okay.
[Shea] And he loves to have movie nights,
invite a bunch of people over.
We are going to be designing
-his theater room.
-[Syd] Nice.
[Shea] He lives in north Salt Lake.
[Syd] Okay.
[Shea] It's close to downtown,
5 minutes away.
Lots of charming bungalows around here
that have been around
since the early 1900s.
Do you feel like you could ever live,
like, in the city?
[Shea] Well, I used to live up by the U.
And then we were dating
long-distance at the time,
and so that was 11 years ago.
-[Syd] Wow.
-[Shea] Oh! [laughs]
-[Syd] Crazy.
[Shea] So, it's been a while.
[Syd] That was 11 years ago,
but we're in our 20's.
-[Shea] It's weird.
-[Syd] It's like
[both laughing]
[Shea] Let's go meet Trey.
-[Trey] Hello! Good morning.
-Hey! How's it going? Syd.
-Pleasure, Syd.
-I'm Shea.
-Pleasure. Come in, grab a seat.
-Pleased to meet you!
-[Shea] Thank you.
-[Trey] Mi casa es su casa.
I grew up in London.
I came here for a job
after I graduated from my MBA.
It seemed like a fantastic opportunity to
experience a different part of the world.
-How long have you lived in this house?
-Roughly a year.
Yeah, it's been an interesting year,
to say the least.
I don't have green fingers,
so the yard work has been uh
[Syd] Me too.
I think we have optimistic fingers,
where we try to get stuff
and it dies, and we're like
I've been keeping
that tree alive in our dining room.
Outsource, man. That's the new move.
-[Syd] Tree burial ground in our yard
-of all the trees that died.
-You're being dramatic.
Movie nights,
when you do movie nights,
do you do them here, or
-[Trey] So, we do them downstairs.
-[Shea] Okay.
I have a makeshift movie night
there sometimes.
The screws will come out,
the screen will pop off.
I'll be like,
"Let me get that over there, put that"
I love watching movies, but I like it more
when I'm watching it with people.
That's why I do host movie nights
because I believe that movies
bring people together.
How do you want your space
to be when done?
You know, I think I want my space
to kind of feel like my personality
and how I have the rest of the home to be.
You know, it's pretty much bachelor-esque,
if you will.
-But I've got a bit of panache.
-No, I couldn't tell.
But it is, right?
Like, you see no pictures.
There's nothing around you.
Gray, white, brown.
Variations of gray.
So it would be nice if I had something
that kind of matched that, right?
So, you want some of the grays
and the browns to carry over?
-[Shea] Okay.
Do you have, like, a favorite movie?
Anything with Keanu Reeves or Will Smith
and The Rock. That's just
I'll watch anything.
Even if no one watched that movie
with them, I'll watch it.
I've loved movies
for as long as I can remember,
and when I moved to America,
you know, having a graduate job,
it was the most money I ever made.
So I was going to the movies
every weekend,
and that's a tradition
that hasn't stopped.
I've just brought it home.
I usually have friends come here
every other weekend.
I would like the tour of the movie room.
All right, absolutely.
-Come on down. Trey's movie room.
-[Syd] I love action movies.
Even when they're kind of cheesy,
like, the John Wick shows that
I keep trying to get you to watch with me.
It's very unrealistic
and very enjoyable.
And then he thinks
he's, like, in the movie
and then the way he drives scares us all.
Who was in the car accident recently?
Oh, my gosh.
[Trey] This is the makeshift movie room
I made from scratch.
-Where the magic happens.
-Screwed this myself.
-It is where magic happens!
For better or worse. [chuckles]
There are DVDs all over the floor.
There is a tacked up screen,
a projector
that he clearly installed himself.
An ironing board, I think?
It is "bachelor pad central."
[Trey] So over here, you've got the sofa.
This is where most people sit.
I get the mood that he's trying to set,
so I appreciate that.
Behind here I've got a ton of pillows
that we scatter around.
We'll bring chairs from the kitchen table
and they'll line up here.
So, everything rotates currently?
-[Shea] Are you hoping to have
a space that does still rotate
or are you hoping to get, like,
theater chairs that just
stay here all the time?
The idea is that it's very much more
of a community kind of movie room
as opposed to, you know,
when you do go into
those actual massive houses
and they have three different chairs
It's not community.
So, more sectional.
What are you thinking
the budget is for the room?
-I'm thinking a cool 30,000, I would say.
I'd like to see it jazzed up
to a point where you go in
and you're like,
"Wow, I don't even like Trey.
I just want to come here
for his movie room."
So long as they bring booze.
It looks like we have
a lot of DVDs to store.
I feel like you need a built-in.
-[Trey] Yeah!
-Instead of having all these out,
it would be awesome if we could do
a built-in across this wall.
-And then store movies.
Also, we could hide the AV equipment
-inside of there.
-Yes. That would be even cooler.
Then, we'll get you a proper screen.
You gotta have drink tables, right?
Damn, okay, didn't even think of that.
'Cause we don't want cup holders.
-It's not classy.
-[Trey] Yes.
-We don't want cupholders.
-[Shea] Yep.
It'll be fun to see how you lay it out
and pull it together
because he is very much a guy
that, like, entertains
and not just as a single activity
of watching a movie.
[Shea] It's a small space
and that takes careful space planning
so we can utilize every inch of the room.
The inches matter down here.
[comedic drum]
Down here?
I didn't say down there.
I just said down in the basement.
-I did not actually say that.
-You didn't say that.
I know.
I give up.
[chilled-out piano music]
-[Ivy] I got it!
-[Syd] Spread that butter around.
-[Ivy] I don't wanna cook.
-[Syd] Bring over the chocolate chips.
Chocolate chips.
[Shea] Pink plates today,
does that sound good?
-[Ivy] Hey, Dad
-[Shea] That's a good plan.
I don't even know where they are.
-[Syd] I don't know where anything is.
-[Shea] Me either.
You walk in the house,
and you see that it's come so far.
And seeing the girls
really enjoy the space is amazing.
[Ivy gasps] I got it.
[Shea] But then you see a million things
that still have to be done,
like putting all of the finishing touches
on every surface.
Built-ins, coffee table, nightstands.
I think that's when a home
really starts to feel like home.
And when we finally get to that point
is when I start to feel more settled.
[Syd] Ready?
No, hold it with two hands, the plate.
Ives, you want a straw?
-[Ivy] Yeah!
-Dude. Don't tell Mommy.
[Syd] I'm excited to get
our space finished,
but then, when family life is crazy
and everyone's working,
you really have to just pause
and enjoy those brief moments
before and after school with the kids,
you know, just hanging out.
-[Shea] Are you happy in our new house?
Yeah, Mom's so happy.
[chairs squeaking]
[chairs squeaking]
-[Shea] Good noise.
-[Syd] Sounds great.
Dad needs to put some grease on there.
[Shea] Can you stop the squeaking
for a second? It's hurting my ears.
Thank you.
-[Syd] Eat up. Gotta take off to school.
-We got to get to school, okay?
The team's gonna come to the house today
and then we're going to get
all of this mess cleaned up.
-[Wren] Yay.
-[Shea] It's going to be beautiful.
-[Wren] Yay!
-[Shea] Yeah, are you excited?
-I'm excited.
-The team?
Who's going to pick me up from school?
You can't drive yet?
In renovating Trey's home theater,
we're going to take everything out
and start from scratch.
Then I'm having Tyler
add a paneling detail
that has a really unusual molding profile.
I want it to have some depth,
so that it feels bigger than it is.
Let's go over the game plan.
So, we have this screen, right,
that's big for this room
to watch Speed and Die Hard.
On the bottom, we have all these drawers.
Right now, we'll tentatively plan on
three drawers for DVDs.
Up here will be shelves.
So, basically, everything's roughed in.
We just need to kick butt
on the carpentry side.
-[Tyler] As far as our drawing here,
this trim is gonna have
several levels, right?
This is our casing.
We'll have that, and then on top of that,
we'll have our next piece of trim.
So, basically, every spot
that it comes at an intersection,
we're gonna have a "T" there.
[Shea] I'm also having Tyler
install a built-in
that will highlight the theater screen,
but also hide AV equipment and DVDs.
We'll do paneling in a dark color
to convey that cozy and intimate feeling
you get when you go to a movie theater.
And then we'll do
plaid wall-to-wall carpet
which will be great for the acoustics
but then add some pattern to the space.
Next, we'll install a giant screen
with a projector
to complete the perfect
movie-going experience.
Because he's a bachelor,
we'll add a large sectional
so people can hang out
and have a comfortable place to sit.
But what if he needs to iron something
while they're watching the movie?
We might need to leave the iron.
[Tyler] I think I hit the wrong hole
on this one.
[upbeat pop music]
Let's get furniture in here.
I pick all of the foundational elements
in a room first.
So the big pieces.
-Here feels good for now.
-[woman] Yeah.
I feel, like, in your spaces,
you always have a comfy couch.
[Shea] I love a deep couch.
And that's strange
because I'm not very tall.
But I like to put my feet up on a couch
and do one long bench cushion,
so if feels more like a little bed.
How big of a gap do you want?
[Shea] They can be close,
so we get a nice pathway here.
Pillows! My favorite part.
When putting finishing touches
on a space,
I like to add in colors
through the textiles and accessories
and decoration,
to be able to add our personality.
I really love that this is really modern
against this super rustic table,
and it kind of has
a nice juxtaposition there.
Objects, and how you put them together,
really set the tone for a space.
If you are a person
that likes a lot of stuff,
then you fill them,
and you have to create levels and layers
and pay attention to textures.
Or if you want a clean, minimal feeling,
you have to pay attention
to how they're working together.
I feel like I need something
more modern over here.
More options, guys.
[woman] I like the woven
little round things in there.
Does it feel like too many stacked things?
-Like, on
-[woman] No.
[Shea] The point is
to make it look easy and feel good.
I don't wanna be watching TV
and then my eye, like, go to the side.
I start twitching when things feel off.
So that was my goal,
to just feel at peace.
[Syd] You might have a little OCD,
a little perfectionism.
[both laughing]
[woman] That's cute.
-I'm liking this one.
I like the green in it.
Let's leave it, I'm feeling good.
-[Syd] Guys, guess what?
[Syd] While you were at school,
Mom finished the house.
[Shea gasps]
[girl yells]
-[Ivy] I surprised you!
-[Syd] Hi.
[Shea] Surprised me? Hi!
Man, Wren, look how good you are,
taking your shoes off already!
[excited] Do you see this?
This is incredible.
Like, it feels cozy and nice and livable.
That's always been my favorite thing
about what you do. It's awesome.
-My gosh, I'm so excited! It's so good!
-[Shea] Ah! [laughing]
You did so good! [kisses]
[Shea] Look. Do you like this room?
-[Syd] Dang!
-This is the TV room.
Oh, my gosh.
This is the classy couch.
This is the, like, lounge couch.
-This thing is cozy.
-Show me how you fluff a pillow.
Fluff and then karate chop.
Shea, these came out so cool.
It looks awesome.
Yeah, they put the steel doors in today.
We have all of our treasures.
Wren, where is this from?
Tell me, where did we take this picture?
-[Shea] Is that our favorite vacation?
[Syd] I love this corner
with these pictures you took in France.
You can see a lot of, like,
inspiration from that trip.
[Shea] I feel like I was so in love
with everything European,
it inspired a lot
that we did in the house.
We're known for the casual thing,
but I wanted to make it feel
a little dressier.
[Syd] It's so cool.
This kitchen looks pretty.
I wanted a combination in the kitchen
that I've never done for any client.
The kitchen is the heart of the home
and I want our kitchen
to feel beautiful and timeless,
so marbles and unlacquered brass hardware
on the faucets and on the poles.
The range is like a classic style
that's been around forever.
And I originally planned
to go light on our island
because I love the tone of natural oak,
but we need to create some contrast
because when everything is the same color,
things can fall flat.
You've worked really hard.
I've worked almost
as hard as you, but not.
[Syd] This came out so cool.
Hallway to heaven here.
Okay, I have finished the master bedroom.
-Dang, babe. It looks good!
-The master!
-Thank you.
-You did good.
[Shea] You can see
we did this moss green headboard
and then I paired it
with this vintage toile floral fabric.
I wanted to create something
that felt elevated
and really balanced
masculine and feminine styles.
-[Syd] These are cool.
-You like the floral pillows?
-But they're tough floral pillows.
-It's a tough floral.
Would you say "everything from
the windows to the toile" in that room?
[laughs] Mm-hmm.
I've kind of just wanted to
Oh, no.
Yeah. Like, this bed has been
perfectly steamed, sitting perfectly.
With a master bedroom,
you want it to flow
with the rest of the house
but still feel unique,
so I like to take one
or two colors or textures
from the main part of the house
and pull them into the master bedroom,
and differentiating
through other elements.
The master bathroom.
[Syd] Oh, my gosh.
I'm trying not to swear, but I want to.
-It's amazing.
-[Shea laughing]
[Shea] Are you admiring
my 100-year-old timber?
-[Syd] That's legit.
-[Shea] It is real and it was a beast.
For the master bathroom, I wanted to
create an elegant and streamlined look,
so I used polished nickel finishes,
beautiful marbles, white oak.
But then I wanted to rough it up a bit
by incorporating things
like this reclaimed beam
and natural wood tones.
I wanted to frame out the tub
with these pretty drapes.
I want to see what it looks like
if I was in the tub.
Yeah, there you go.
It's big.
-It's a party tub.
-I know.
You could get in there.
[unconvinced] Uh-huh.
You could fit three of us in here.
No, I'm not a "sit down
and take a bath" kind of girl.
The "honeymoon tub"?
No. Just go hop in the shower.
So even though there's
a lot left to do on the home still,
to finally be in is what means
the most to us right now.
We can deal with the other stuff.
You know what feels good?
To see the kids' backpacks
and shoes on the floor.
And I mean that for real
because it's so clean and beautiful,
but it's the start of us
actually making it a home, you know?
It will never look this clean ever again!
So enjoy it now!
[dreamy electronica music]
-[Syd] Come on, Mitch!
-[Shea] Problems getting the sectional in?
It's a little tight.
[Shea] Well, Syd always has lots
of opinions about moving furniture,
so maybe he can help.
Looks good in here, though.
[couch creaking]
Do you have any room
to go up a bit there?
-[snapping sound]
-[Shea gasps]
-[Syd] Hold on.
-[Mitch] What is that?
It's making noises that are not good.
[sofa creaking]
Hear those sounds? It's not good sounds.
-The couch or the wall?
-That was the couch.
This sucks.
I don't know what to do.
-Should we go back, try again?
-[Shea] I think so.
[Syd] Okay.
[indistinct chatter]
-[Shea] Yeah?
Do you want to make this room
the theater room?
-[all laughing]
[Syd] It's this piece here
that's preventing us now.
[Shea] Take the casing out?
The whole frame?
[Syd] I think that we can take
the frame of the door off
and put it back together.
That's our option at this point.
-What do you think?
It's tighter than I thought.
-It's not a big deal.
-[Shea laughing]
We've worked with tight spaces before.
It happens. But we've never had
to remove an entire door casing.
-[Syd] And then
-[man] Be careful!
I don't like making mistakes.
So I wanna figure it out
so that we can just have the room
exactly how we intended it to be.
Oh, my gosh. It's gonna happen.
We got this.
[man] It's in!
[all cheering]
[man] Look at that!
-[Syd] Gosh.
-[man] Where's the champagne?
We only have one more of these to do!
Easy peasy, no big deal.
-We could do this every time.
-It was not easy peasy!
And there's still
so much work to be done.
[upbeat electronica music playing]
-Click "Watch a movie."
-[Syd] Okay.
Ready to go.
[Shea] Mm-hmm. The height looks great.
The movie room means a lot to me
because it's the final piece of my puzzle
in regards to this home.
Why I got this home
was because I wanted to have
a movie room in the basement.
And it's not necessarily
the centerpiece of my life,
but it's going to allow me
to build far more friendships
and connections with people.
That's one of my biggest goals.
-[Trey] How's it going?
-[Shea] Good, you?
[Trey] Not bad. Very excited.
Good to see you again.
-[Shea] Good to see you!
-[Syd] Good to see you, Trey.
-A bit nervous, but we're here.
-A little nervous?
What are you nervous about?
You think we did a bad job?
Just the whole process of just,
"I don't know what it's gonna look like."
-Ready? Let's go.
-[Trey] Yes! Let's do it.
-You lead the way.
Oh, my gosh! This looks amazing. Wow.
-[Syd] Do you like it?
-Yeah, it's fantastic.
Oh! This is legitimate!
Okay, okay. That is massive!
Good grief, like, this is actually
everything that I imagined and more so.
And this right here, in case you forget
where I'm from, is marvelous.
[Shea] I wanted a good focal point
when you walk down those stairs,
and, bam, look at the wall.
Brexit, indeed.
[all laughing]
Typically, when you have a dark space,
because it doesn't have many windows,
you think, "We should paint it white."
But we wanted this to feel
like a theater experience,
so we went dark on all the walls.
It looks far bigger than I anticipated.
I don't know how you managed to make it
look bigger with less space,
-considering you brought this.
-Thank you.
Yeah, good space planning,
pushing a sectional against the wall.
[Trey] The paneling looks incredible.
And the color is perfect,
'cause it's not black, it's not blue.
-Perfect dark navy blue.
-[Shea] Right in between.
So, we've got this awesome cognac,
leather sectional. Very comfortable.
You can host lots of people.
You talked about conversations last time,
instead of just sitting in a row
and watching a movie
-when you have these movie nights.
-[Trey] Yes. This is incredible.
You're never getting this out of here.
It's just gonna stay here forever.
How on God's green earth
did you even get it down here?
It was a little tricky to get in.
Tricky, but we made it work.
No, I like that a lot. Bravo.
[Shea] Then, also, I knew
that you had all of these DVDs
that we wanted to store,
so we added a full built-in cabinet.
We also incorporated
little drink tables throughout.
We replaced the carpet
-with this cool plaid carpet.
-[Trey] Yeah.
[Shea] Good for acoustics. And then
we put this projector
at the back of the room,
and then it has a clear shot
to the 110-inch screen.
-[Syd] This one's not coming down, dude. 
-This isn't coming down.
The last screen that I had was actually
held up by tacks, pins, and some hooks.
And every now and then,
you'd be watching a movie
and one of the corners would come off,
and we'd go like, "Bollocks."
You'd have to go up there,
screw it in and replace it.
Hand over the
-There you go.
-There you go.
[Syd] You just got knighted.
-Syd is jealous.
-I'm jealous.
It's literally like a different home.
-It feels nice, classy.
My movie room, it's not just a place
where I'm going to watch movies,
but it's going to be a key social fixture
of the house.
It's going to be a game room.
It's going to be a rumpus room.
A conversation room.
That's what I'm most excited about.
We should do a movie room
at our house, too.
Hear me out. The kids have a space
to watch their movies downstairs
out of the main living space.
I get to watch my movies downstairs.
I thought the basement
would be a place to hang out
and not necessarily everything
was oriented around a screen.
So, what do you, hanging out?
That's a lot of talking.
[Shea chuckles]
[upbeat electronica music plays]
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