Dystopia (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


-Are you keeping stuff from me?
-No, like what?
Chrissy to Frida.
What the fuck's Paolo doing here?
-Our poster boy!
-It's great to be back home.
Go easy with him.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
If you're this dim when sober,
you might as well be drunk.
I thought you would support me
after everything.
-I am!
-Trouble in paradise?
Great you've found each other.
Chrissy to Jennifer, over.
There something wrong with Indigo!
-I'll report the bastard!
-Then we'll lose all of this.
We're behind schedule
and I don't want to take any risks.
-Where's Indigo?
-Can you come and check something?
Take a rest, if you need a break.
What the fuck?
Thanks for the lift.
Don't mention it.
-I hope I didn't scare you.
-No, you didn't.
It's okay.
But it's not good
if you go sleepwalking at night.
No, I know.
What were you dreaming?
I was catching a train. Home.
What were you doing here?
Everything. Nothing.
There's always something
that needs fixing.
-Well, thanks.
-Good night.
Please, just hold on.
I didn't hear you. What did you say?
Sorry Claus, please can you stop
because I can't hear you.
What did you say?
I mean, yeah, but I can't hear you.
Can you repeat that?
We've got like coming
You don't have to come
if you can't take it.
Of course I'm coming.
We need to find him.
-So where were you going?
-I don't know.
-I don't even recall my dream.
-We have to do something about that.
I was thinking maybe cable ties.
Are you sure you want to come?
-You can stay here
-Of course I am. Come on.
-Hi. Morning.
No thanks.
-It's a stress thing.
About Indigo?
He'll show up when he's hungry.
I's a bit hard with Frida being here.
You know we were together, right?
We had a relationship that was
pretty messed up.
-I see.
You mean she was depressed?
No. She was jealous.
It got too much.
It got a bit intense.
But now it seems she's better.
Glad to hear it.
If you want to talk,
just say the word.
No worries.
Something's happened
What, have they found him?
What? No, no
-But where is he?
-Skulking in some culvert somewhere.
But where?
I just spoke to Claus.
More bookings have come in.
Indigo's been missing for 24 hours,
and you're thinking of bookings?
He could be lying unconscious
or freaking out somewhere!
You're focusing on
totally the wrong things.
Could you help us out here
and look for him?
-Of course.
I'll take level four
Are you here?
No. Not there, either.
Zacke to Tess.
He's not down here either.
How's it going with Leo?
Has he noticed anything?
What, nothing?
But we were on-game
and in character, weren't we?
-Well then.
Well then.
-Hi! Is this a bad time?
-Not at all.
-Fancy a beer?
Here you go!
So how's it going?
-Just fine.
-You worked at the factory, right?
-For 38 years. The steel plant.
-So you know the place pretty well.
-Indeed I do.
There isn't a square foot of space
that I don't know.
If someone wanted to hide in there,
where would they go?
Why would someone want to hide?
We've hit a bit of a snag
and need to comb the premises.
We've talked about this.
Safety first, yes?
It's not a playground.
You're to stick to the agreed areas.
-What's bugging you?
-It's got out of hand.
Got out of hand, how?
-Zacke? How's it going?
-Okay, we'll search the west part.
But He's totally vanished.
Zacke to Domenica.
We can't find him. Shall we give up?
What are you doing?
Zacke to Tess,
we'll carry on searching.
I just think we'd have found him
if he was here.
Why isn't Zacke answering?
No idea.
I could really do with a rest.
See anything?
What's going on?
Leo, what's happened?
-Will you contact his family, Frida?
-Of course.
-He jumped.
-What do you mean?!
-It seems like he jumped.
-He tried to kill himself.
-What's going on?
-We don't know.
-"Don't know"?
I don't know! Don't look at me!
Come to see me later
so we can discuss a replacement.
-Maybe that guy from Öland
-Not now, Chrissy.
No fucking way
are we giving up now. Got that?
Of course not, Chrissy.
But maybe right now
isn't a good time.
Fucking factory.
Not to be one of those, but
maybe you'd better go.
Are you okay?
I don't get why you're with him.
-Just dump him!
It's not so easy to dump someone
you've been through so much with.
I love Leo.
But do you love him?
Or do you prefer me?
-Tess, have you got a minute?
-Yeah, sure.
Okay. I'll go and check on the water.
Thanks, good call.
What happened when you found Indigo?
What do you mean?
Did he say anything?
Come with me. I'd like a word.
The stupid idiot.
-He's not in a good place.
-I know that.
We weren't always super nice to him.
But we could've talked over
what happened between us.
Do you think he jumped?
I don't know.
You're so sweet.
Chemotherapy. In pill form.
This feels totally unreal.
How could he even think of it?
Why couldn't he just talk to us
if he was depressed?
Maybe it wasn't so easy.
You'll come to me
if something's up, okay?
I don't get why you have to
keep drinking and getting high.
If you ever try anything like this
I promise I'll kill you!
Give me a hug.
I love you. You know that, right?
Hey. That's my computer.
You keep away from it.
Now you listen to me.
That guy's messed up.
I know. He's got a brain tumour.
It can make you suicidal.
I spoke to Frida - she's a nurse.
-But I still have to report this.
Because it's my job
to report any casualties.
-You'll have to look for new rooms.
You can't do this!
Seems he didn't tell anyone
that he had cancer.
I know.
I found his pills.
Still, it's nice to know
it wasn't an accident.
We've got to be more careful
in that damn factory.
Look what I've got.
You'll never get these undone.
I know. But we have to try.
Hi. How's it going?
-There's no point.
There's no water.
They've got to get this fixed.
Fucking amateurs.
What's happened?
Leave her alone.
I mean it.
I've done something here.
Can you check it?
Right here.
Check back here.
Press harder!
It's just something muscular.
You'll be fine.
You've pulled something.
I've got no choice.
I'm not asking you
to understand or to
even accept it.
But the authorities won't let you
stay here after what's happened.
-Do you want these back?
-No, no. Keep that shit.
-Have you ever tried one?
What do you think came over Indigo?
How should I know?
Maybe he had a bad trip on these.
-Cut that out.
-I'll have to call the hospital.
If they find something in his blood,
they'll alert the police.
I'll have to tell them
where I got them from.
What the hell are you doing?
You can't do this.
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