El embarcadero (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Look, Vero. The smart looker.
-So, I was in Frankfurt.
And I turned straight back.
No flight to Valencia, only a red-eye
to Madrid, so I flew to Paris.
I had to change airports,
flew to Barcelona,
from there I took a taxi
and finally made it here in my car.
You're an outright Phileas Fogg.
-And why all this?
-Because I have to tell you something.
I'm deeply in love with my wife
and with you.
I got my degree in architectural
engineering in seven years.
I like things to be exactly planned.
That's why I specialized in high risers,
there's nothing more rational,
or more precise.
So I know what I'm talking about
if I say I'm out of control,
shagging a stranger
in the restrooms of a bar.
and what a fight this is,
it's Sol in the defense,
she heads right, then a left where
And she goes for the basket!
Very good!
C'mon, Sol, school can't wait.
Can you hold this for a sec?
Come here.
I used the chocolate after all.
No? You won't give me a kiss?
Alright, let's go.
Oh, can I have it?
See you!
So? Do you like it?
-The room.
-Yes, a lot.
-I'm glad.
There's nothing
but Sol and Oscar on them.
I mean there's none of the family,
the grandparents
How was he going
to take her see his family?
Right, and your family?
Your parents?
Do you have brothers?
No. No brothers.
-Are you OK?
Should I take care of his things,
or do you want to leave it? Either way.
I think I'll go look
for another place, this is
No, listen, Martina
I want you to stay.
It'll do me good having you around.
And Sol loves you already.
And if your guy wants to stay
over sometime, not a problem.
I don't have a boyfriend.
I don't know why I wear it.
He dumped me.
Went for cigarettes, never
came back. The usual.
Why'd he go?
A sexual attraction
to another woman.
A kind of addiction.
-Why? Didn't you have a good sex life?
-We did.
Well at least I think we did.
It's hard to be objective
in these things.
Eight years making love to the same
person, the same way
Not to say it was just routine,
there was passion, but
-I understand.
-But what do I know?
Maybe you should've
slept with someone else?
Well no. I was in love.
I'm talking about sex, a simple fling.
Nobody's business but yours.
It's as natural as breathing.
It's a question of, you know
flesh, sensual attraction.
-Sex is pure instinct.
-I don't know
What? Of course it's instinctive.
And I'll tell you something else:
a good fuck can turn a terrible
day into a good one.
True enough.
I've had my share of flings.
But the only person I ever
wanted to wake up next to
was Oscar.
-What if we painted the room?
-This room?
It won't be like a fine fling
but it could change the day, too.
Sounds great.
Let's go.
Hey, rice picking lady
Let's get rolling together!
When are you two done,
so it's my turn?
Rice with rabbit is
served here tonight!
-What are you doing?
-Stand by.
Where are you going?
-Hi there
-C'mon, honey, right here.
Coming for your dessert?
What was that about "taking turns"?
You make 'em wait in line
at your door to have a go, right?
You could sell tickets
for the town fair, we'll be there!
So why wait for the town fair?
Why not right now?
-Back off.
Just one thing
I get to choose my dessert
Stop it, let me go!
-Shut up or I'll rip it out.
-Stop, stop!
Will you keep calling me a bitch?
-I can't hear you.
-No, I won't, I won't!
Veronica, I think
I won't stay tonight.
-Anything wrong?
-No, just that I can't.
-Well, come back soon then.
Are you crazy, Alex?
What's crazy about seeing
if Oscar had a child?
What child?
-How old?
-A girl, six years old.
A six-year old girl?
How wonderful.
So when he told you to abort,
he had a daughter with her.
It wasn't Oscar, we both decided
it wasn't the right time.
It wasn't the right time
with you, but with her, yes.
-Blanca, please
-I'd like to know one thing.
What does this Veronica think
of the whole matter?
-About what?
-For instance that Oscar was married?
-It wasn't a problem.
-And about your abortion, your pain?
I don't know.
-You don't?
I didn't tell her who I am.
-Excuse me?
-Because I need answers!
Like what?
How often they did it,
how their orgasms were,
or how they decided to have a baby?
Blanca, get off her case.
It's hard enough already.
Then she needs
to stop fooling herself.
It's one thing to be married to an
asshole, which I'm an expert on,
and another to refuse
take the blindfold off your eyes.
She didn't know he went
to the Albufera, had a daughter,
neither that he was fired
-What do you mean "fired"?
-Just that this letter of notice
popped out of one of the boxes
at your place which was such a mess.
So I was cleaning up and saw it,
it's about five years old.
Five years?
That can't be.
Oscar went to work every day.
Honey, this woman, forget about her.
And forget about Oscar, too.
It doesn't matter if he had a job.
Forget about it all,
it's no longer your life.
-What will you do?
-No idea.
-With this girl?
-No idea.
Are you planning to be her auntie,
her friend, her nanny?
And this woman?
You want to slap her in the face?
-Or put forward a claim?
-No, none of it.
-So I won't go back there.
I'm staying right here,
to live my own life.
That of an independent woman,
whom great things are happening to.
Lots of things. After all, we just sold
Valencia's highest building, girl!
-Are we clear?
-We are.
I'll toast to that.
To Alex' life.
There you go.
Ada, don't you want
to take some sun?
Those bikini lines are
the biggest nuisance there is.
You're writing a book
on your daughter's life.
Of course I'm not.
Don't mix things up, please.
It's not about my daughter.
-It's a about a woman. Fictional.
-Yeah, right.
A husband with a double-life,
who dies. What's next?
Let me guess.
-He has a daughter with the other woman.
-I don't know yet.
I'm still not decided.
With all the bullshit
you just put her through,
how is it you forgot to tell her this?
You know
The years make me forget
how passionately you young ones
know how to stand your ground.
Where are you going with this?
It's devastating,
like a virgin's first orgasm.
I need your help in this novel.
I will not help you to write
a book on Alex' life.
-Are you a virgin?
-What's this about?
Sex. It's about sex.
Hello, Krueger, how are you,
I couldn't make the trip.
-Wait a minute, Krueger.
-I'm losing you.
-When can we do the meeting?
-Absolutely, next week is fine.
-Are you there?
-Can you hear me?
-When do meeting?
You don't have fiber, do you?
Krueger, can you hear me?
Veronica, there's no reception.
-How was the trip?
Listen, I need a favor.
Sure, what's up?
It's a bit complex,
you need to be discreet.
I need you to get in touch
with the Germans.
-I'm not in Frankfurt.
-Where the hell are you then?
-In the Albufera.
-Albufera Again?
I know, I know. Call these people
and tell them to buy forests in Brazil.
Brazil, Norway and Gabun,
don't forget.
And tomorrow you sell
before New York closes, and
And then, rice. As soon as
Chicago opens you go bullish.
-All good, I'll call you.
-Oscar, what's going on with you?
I'll tell you later.
What do you do for a living?
Well, I buy and sell stuff.
But you didn't come to such a nice place
with no reception to work, did you?
Well, the truth is. no.
So what do you do
where there's no WiFi?
How are you?
I'm sorry I didn't call,
I didn't know what to say.
-I was still in shock.
-Me too.
I brought the Lisbon
guide we borrowed.
We went to all the places
you marked, you and Oscar.
Fran, did you ever notice
he was in bad shape?
Never noticed anything strange?
We've been friends all our lives.
We've been out and on trips together.
Christmas and New Year's eve
And any of those times during
those five years, you didn't think once
to tell me that my husband
had been fired?
-I'm sorry.
-What happened?
He made a big mistake,
a big investment went wrong
and it all went down the drain.
He thought he'd straighten it out.
Maybe that's why he didn't tell you.
He wanted to find a similar job,
or he just didn't want to worry you.
Want to know what I think?
That they don't fire you
for one mistake.
They fired him because he didn't come
to work for a single day in five years
because he was with his lover.
Which you knew about,
and helped him and lied to me about.
Right or wrong, Fran?
Did you know he had a lover
in the Albufera?
Do you think Oscar loved me?
-Yes. He loved you.
-And her?
Did he lover her?
Also. He loved her too.
I thought you were my friend.
But you're only a bastard.
He lied to you, not me.
I'd never lie to you.
I ran my car into hers.
If I'd gone back just out of loneliness
she would have thought I'm crazy.
So I staged an accident.
I told her I was a biologist
studying the local bird-life.
So I asked if I could rent a room
in her place.
She told me I should've had some
flings with other men.
I don't know why
My God, what am I doing?
For sure, I gashed my head
and dislocated my neck,
so I probably need some medication.
She needs to stop fooling herself.
and that he had a daughter
that he went to the Albufera
Cool vibe here.
-My little town fair
-Oops, sorry!
Hey there!
This Oscar.
Oscar, Conrado.
What are you having?
It's on me.
-OK, seven casalla shots it is!
-You should play him.
-But watch out, I'm good.
Yes, sir, here we go!
No harm done.
-This is Vicent.
-Give me a hug, man.
Hi, Llum, give me a hug too
How' yo doing?
Good evening everyone.
What did Oscar do?
Had to go to Frankfurt every week
in the beginning.
Later, he tried to work
from here, online.
But it didn't work.
In the end, he just quit.
He quit
And why did he quit?
How'd you like to go away
every week with all this here?
So he quit and started doing
the numbers for some neighbors.
What a nice job you have.
I like it.
I'll go see who it is.
If they bother you, I'll take them.
Hey, what a surprise.
What's it owed to?
Nothing. I was in the area. And someone
sent me a video onto my cellphone.
And I thought you should see it.
-Can I come in?
I get to choose my dessert.
You didn't have to come for that.
I'm doing you a favor. This kids'
parents want to press charges.
-Against me? Why?
-Bodily harm.
The kid has a hemorrhage.
In his dick.
The kid?
The guy insulting me
on the corner wasn't a kid.
The one calling me a whore.
-He's a minor, and you know it.
-Oh, so now he's a minor!
The guy waving his dick
in the wind at me
asking me to eat my dessert, a "kid"?
That's not the question here
The question here is why people think
they can judge and humiliate others
who, according to them, don't fit in.
And they tell you this waving
their dick and calling you a whore.
And why? Because they think
they're better than you.
You know what these people need?
A nice, hard pain in the balls
to get them off their pedestals
they got onto only
by some fucked-up moral code.
-Am I right or wrong?
-You'll lose everything!
-Oh, really?
-You gotta go and apologize.
I will not.
There's seven charges pressed
against you.
What do you think a judge
will say to that?
What's with Sol if you go to jail?
Have you told her yet,
that Oscar?
-Have you told her?
-I just couldn't yet.
Vero, you think I don't understand.
But I went through the same hell.
Listen, we'll be OK.
Do you hear?
You and I will be fine.
More than fine.
I have a roommate now.
Her name is Martina.
She studies ducks.
-I'll introduce you.
-Martina, come down for a sec.
This is Conrado,
sheriff of the Albufera.
And Martina, she's a biologist.
Oh, really?
She'll be staying with me here
a while to study our birds.
That's right.
Pleased to meet you.
So fine. Anything you need,
come by the precinct.
-Thank you.
-I'll show you out.
-It's a nice day.
-I'll go to take some pictures.
-Do that.
I know what you think.
This is like out of a Saturday
afternoon movie,
but I assure you, I'm not crazy.
You want me to keep your secret.
Why are you doing this?
Because I need answers
that you're not giving me.
So ask.
You knew Veronica and my
husband had a long relationship,
that he'd been here for so long
-Yes, I knew.
-Didn't that seem important?
Shouldn't you have told me
from the beginning?
It didn't seem relevant.
I didn't want to add to your pain.
You didn't want to add to my pain?
You had to know I'd find
all the stuff on his cellphone,
now I'm buying books on birds
only to try and find out
if my marriage was a sham
and he was happier with her than
Listen to me, please!
This is what we'll do.
I'll help you to find answers.
But you have to
come with me to a certain place.
Grief therapy.
Things like this
happen to others too.
I spent 500 euros on bird books.
I'm studying them.
I don't even like birds.
But now that I'm reading up on them,
I'm starting to like them.
So I'm asking myself now
if I maybe never enjoyed
making love either.
Maybe it was just
because Oscar liked to.
Or maybe I liked it
but did it the way he wanted,
not me, or maybe I never wanted it.
I ask myself all these absurd questions
and I can hardly stand myself.
I think Oscar must've
gone through this too.
That he must've entered
this zone, too.
Which zone?
The one where you lose control.
The best was the way they all looked
when you told them you didn't
understand a word they were saying.
And the face I made when you won
three times against me at darts.
-Oh, look
-Oh, that, well Nevermind.
I'll get you another one.
-How about this?
-You know each other long?
-Well, that husky countryman
The one who thanked you
by kissing you.
-Which is really nice by the way.
-I've known him all my life.
-And we were together for a while.
-I'll say.
-Conrado and me, too.
Except that Conrado and me
was a really long time ago.
The sheriff guy? Not bad.
-Nothing. I like him. He's
-Do you really?
He's a great guy.
-Is he?
-The type you like being near.
I know I shouldn't ask you but
I don't know if it's right
but I need to ask you
Ask me what?
Do you still go to bed with the
fisherman, the sheriff, others?
Well, yeah It happens.
A lot of guys?
I'm getting ahead of myself,
it's all just a bit weird.
OK, it all may seem strange.
But don't you think it's a bit strange,
too, that you came all the way here,
crossing half of Europe by plane,
train and car? Look at me.
Just one question.
Are you in love?
With the fisher-guy,
the sheriff, me?
I'll head outside for a moment.
-I need to think.
Or maybe
I don't know what I'm doing.
No, I don't know what I'm doing.
Ownership isn't for me.
If I fall in love it's not to make you
leave all behind and live with me.
I like having you close by.
For as long as you want to be here.
That's all.
But if it hurts you.
If you can't deal with it
I don't want that to happen.
I'm sorry, you came at a bad moment,
I have a meeting.
Is that so? With whom?
You won't believe it,
but a spectacular woman, sexy,
intelligent, exciting
There's a lot of those.
How will you recognize her?
She said she'd be coming in
some awesome violet, silk panties.
You wouldn't, by any chance,
be wearing some?
No, actually, I don't remember.
-What if I'm wearing no panties at all?
-Good thought!
Did you know 9 out of 10 dermatologists
dis-advise from using underwear?
They say it destabilizes
the blood flow.
Keep going, they'll go away.
Katia, can you come out for a sec?
-What's wrong, honey?
-I spoke to Fran, he knew everything.
-What exactly?
-About Oscar and Veronica.
The sheriff knew, too.
Everyone knew, except me.
He was his friend.
How was he tell you?
And you, as his friend,
did you know too?
Tell me the truth
because I'll find out anyway.
Look, Alex
I saw them once.
But it was five, six years ago,
walking the dog.
He said she was a colleague.
And you believed it?
Who goes for a walk on the beach
with a colleague and a dog?
I'm not stupid, I didn't believe it.
Later, I asked,
and he said it was nothing.
That it was under control.
So I thought 'one night stand'.
-Yeah, right!
-People screw people, Alex!
What's the big deal? You fuck
to get things out of your system.
-Hey, boss, what's your opinion?
I said, what's your opinion?
I don't know, maybe
I'd say people take little infidelities
in their marriages for granted.
-Let's go and ask your wife then!
-Hey, leave me out of this.
-I've got nothing to do with it.
-You knew too?
What is this,
a fucking two-timers club?
Or maybe I'm the stupid bitch
that doesn't screw every next guy!
Cut the crap!
Not getting involved
can save marriages too.
How do I know if you two had a deal?
How do I know if you knew or not?
What could I have done?
You could've talked to me.
Not with him. With me.
You could've stopped
this six years ago.
And maybe we could've kept him
from killing himself.
Alex. Alex!
Hey, honey, what's the matter?
What's the matter, Sol?
What's the matter, honey?
It's OK.
A boy said that Daddy's dead.
-Who said that?
-One of the older ones.
In the school courtyard.
A blond guy, with hair like a girl.
He said Daddy killed himself.
It's OK, my love
It's OK, dear.
Sometimes people
get really tired of everything
Tired of what?
Well, of taking a walk,
of all those sundowns,
even of breathing.
So, in the end, they get
really tired of everything.
Maybe that happened to Daddy.
If he was tired,
why didn't he just go to bed?
Right, sweetie.
He should have done that.
But look
This doesn't happen to me,
nor to you, right?
No. See?
It doesn't happen to us.
No matter how much we run or how
long the day, we never get tired.
We smile.
We smile away the problems.
Let's see that smile.
The way you know how to.
That's right
So don't worry, my love.
Because I'll always be here for you.
Can we go get Daddy out
of heaven now..?
No, love.
No, we can't.
Come here.
I'll always be with you.
I'll always be here for you.
The mind always wants
to be in control.
It wants explanations.
But some things are not of the mind,
but come from the guts.
To overcome pain, you'll feel pain.
And that means losing control.
Control is a bear trap.
It's nothing but fear.
But with fear,
your life is only half-lived.
It's a life half-felt, half-loved
The pain, the love, the happiness,
the misery, and the tragedy:
it's all part of life.
Feeling is living.
She's a little girl.
She's six years old.
And you tell her
her daddy killed herself?
We need to let the feelings happen,
the good and bad.
They need to come out, stir us
but not dominate us.
If we let them flow,
they go away.
And we're free again.
I'm sorry.
None of this is your fault.
I'm sorry.
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