El Mantequilla (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Fernando Lacrosse: Negociante de Arte

All characters, plots, situations
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
[in French accent]
Don't even think I'll let this one go.
Where did you pull it from?
My client is an important lawyer
and he has his clients.
Who does he represent?
[laughs] I can't tell you
because I don't know.
[in English] And even if I did
-[in Spanish] You never change.
I'll need to take it for an afternoon,
-to show my collector friends.
Fer, you know that I can't.
You don't trust me?
Of course I trust you.
But this is a sensitive matter.
[in English] Nobody can know about this.
[in Spanish] You have your camera.
[in English] Come on, take a picture.
[in Spanish] May I see
the certificate of authenticity, or
[sighs] That you can.
-[in normal accent] Fucking Dodé.
-[winds camera]
[shutter clicks]
[winds camera]
[elevator bell dings]
Mr. Botello, why did you drop the charges?
Who are you?
Detective Elena Robles.
Tell me, Detective, how may I help you?
Why did you drop the charges
for Mr. Plutarco de Guzmán?
Very good question. Why don't you ask him?
[sighs] Look, sir,
I know you'll start talking
about attorney-client privilege and such,
but something doesn't sit right.
You represented Butter Man.
-That's right.
-But not anymore.
You're a professional, huh?
What a great investigation.
Well, if there are no more questions,
I'm going to my office.
Seems strange.
No, I hold no personal opinion.
I mean, that you don't
represent Butter Man anymore.
Did something happen, sir?
It happened that they ruled on the case
and it's common to change lawyers,
depending on the proceedings
you're facing.
But you should know all that
based on your investigation, right?
It's not that I don't like surprises.
Especially coming from
a little lady like yourself,
but you'll need to make an appointment
if you want to take up my time.
See you around.
-[phone ringing]
-[in normal accent] What's up, Mom?
[Emiliano] Are you better?
More or less.
Because I rushed to answer the phone,
I hurt my back.
I thought it was the school calling
and that something happened to you,
but no, it was the press.
What do you mean, "the press?"
What the fuck
does the press want with you?
Why "what the fuck?"
Why "fuck," asshole?
What a mouth on you. Did I teach you that?
Mom, look.
Listen carefully, please.
What did the press want?
I don't know, not sure where I wrote it.
I wrote down that reporter's name.
Where did I put it?
[groans] It's just
Let's see.
I don't know where I put it.
Let's see.
-[glass shatters]
-Oh, damn!
Margarita, are you okay?
[Margarita groans]
[Margarita coughs]
See what you made me do?
My flowers.
[exhales] It all fell.
What time are you coming to eat?
I'm having some tacos, Mom. Don't worry.
I'll go soon.
I love you.
-[Margarita hangs up]
-[dial tone]
[Emiliano, in French accent]
I'll be needing your services.
What kind of services?
[laughs] Not those. The other ones.
[smacks lips] What have you got
that could possibly interest me?
A Dodé.
Which one?
[smacks lips] That one.
I need to sell it fast.
We'll be organizing a clandestine auction.
[people chattering]
Do you have
the certificate of authenticity?
I'm in. [chuckles]
[smacks lips]
Beautiful. I'll send you the invitation.
To dinner?
First the auction.
You don't need to invite anyone else.
-[smacks lips] Oh, no?
-I want that piece.
And also that one.
-That sounds good.
[smacks lips]
-Oh, Fernando, Fernando.
What evidence do you have
to link Butter Man with your case,
apart from nostalgia?
Nothing solid, Captain.
It's a hunch.
The con they pulled on Mr. Plutarco is
a copy of one Butter Man pulled in 1956.
So, I need your authorization
to go to the jail and talk to him.
But didn't this happen in Mexico City?
Remember, they dropped the charges
and the case is closed.
I'm not paying travel expenses
for your field trips
It's here, Captain.
I'll pay out of pocket, don't worry.
I just need a few minutes with Butter Man
to ask some questions.
Help me with the authorization.
[sighs] Elena, I know it's frustrating
that you haven't solved your case,
but don't you think it's a little silly
to link your first case to Butter Man's?
Just one hour, Captain.
Off the record.
Help me with the authorization.
I'll see what I can do.
What does Beto think of all of this?
[people chattering]
Hey, Pablo.
Hey, how do you always
manage to get in here?
When you're charming,
you can do whatever you want.
Anything on Butter Man?
Not really.
It's more tangled than we thought.
Well, this is what will make us famous.
I just need to solve the case
so those idiots will respect me a little.
I can help you.
Keep giving me information
and we'll work together.
[Camacho] Elenita!
Hey, Detective Robles.
Why do they let the press
just waltz in here?
We need to talk with security. Damn.
All right, gentlemen.
Just letting you know,
they didn't authorize the visit
to interview Butter Man in jail.
What? Why?
I don't know, Elenita. [stutters]
You're the detective.
It was a resounding no, and that's it.
But, Captain, it's in our jurisdiction.
They can't refuse it.
Well, yeah, I tried.
There must be
There must be something, very suspicious.
He's a very high-profile criminal.
You can't just show up.
They're special visits.
We're the CIPD. Not just anyone.
So, who the hell has the authority
to block this, huh?
Calm down, Detective Robles.
Control your partner, Benavides.
[indistinct chatter]
[all murmur]
[in French accent] Good evening.
I think we all know why we're here.
This painting needs no introduction.
Without further ado, I'll start
the bidding at $400,000.
Who'll bid more?
$450,000 in the first row.
[Emiliano] $500,000.
I can't hear you. Who'll bid more?
$550,000 to my right.
$600,000 back there.
We're at 600. 650?
650 on the phone.
Anyone bid $700,000?
$700,000, fourth row.
$750,000, in the back.
Oh, là là.
$800,000? Anyone? 800
One million.
-[patron 1] What?
-[patron 2] He's crazy.
-[Emiliano] $1 million.
One million, two hundred, anyone?
One million, two hundred on the phone.
One million, four hundred here.
The water's getting warm.
One million, four hundred million?
One million, four hundred
in the second row.
Do I hear one million, six hundred?
One million, six hundred. Ah!
One million, eight hundred? No one?
[smacks lips] That's what we're here for.
One million, eight hundred on the phone.
C'est magnifique.
One million, eight hundred, going once.
-One million, eight hundred, going twice.
-Two million.
[patron 3] Two million?
Two million for Ludovico.
-[patron 4] Two million?
Excellent acquisition.
[applause continues]
[music playing on radio]
I feel like they gave me this case
just to humiliate me.
[partner] Yeah?
Is that how you feel?
I think we're onto something bigger,
like we're just seeing
the tip of the iceberg.
But nobody listens to me.
There are too many coincidences.
Do you agree?
Well, yeah.
But here, the trained
and strong woman is you, honey.
You have to be smarter than them.
Why don't you lean on Beto?
-You're kidding!
That idiot is useless.
[laughs] So, tell your dad, I'm sure he'll
help you get out of this very quickly.
No, no, absolutely not.
I want to do this without his help.
Just imagine if I go crying to him.
Then I'd be
the laughingstock of the division.
They already think I made detective
because of pure nepotism.
No, absolutely not.
-So, then, talk to Beto.
He may be an idiot, but he's a male idiot.
Use that to your advantage.
He has a lot of experience
in the division.
Do whatever you have to
to follow your gut.
[music ends]
[dance music playing]
What the hell are you doing at the office?
At your house,
they said you were still there.
Just here, working.
Working on tomorrow's hangover?
No, no, Elena. Of course not.
[music continues through phone]
Do you have the information on Abelardo?
Oh, let it go already.
They dropped the charges.
Didn't you hear the boss?
Beto, don't you think it's suspicious
that this all is linked to Butter Man?
His 20 years of capture,
the money, his wanting to speak,
the lawyer doesn't let us speak to him.
-[agent] Just hang up, Beto.
Beto, are you listening to me?
Yeah, yeah, Elena, I'm listening.
So, what does
[mouthing] Your experience.
your experience tell you about this?
Well, that it's a coincidence,
that our case is closed,
and that you're stubborn.
Beto, aren't you tired?
Honestly, yes, I'd like to go home to bed.
Aren't you tired of being
the most mediocre detective in the unit?
They put you with me to punish me.
Nobody takes you seriously.
You haven't solved a single case
in all your years of service.
You're about to retire.
Wouldn't you like to go out with a bang?
Well, yeah, I guess.
Then, help me, Beto.
Look, maybe you're right
and it's just a coincidence.
But, what if it's not?
You could leave a hero.
[music continues]
I'll check out Abelardo tomorrow.
Thank you very much, Beto.
-Good night.
-[hangs up phone]
[screams, laughs]
See? [laughs]
You're not going to keep counting it?
I don't think you'd ruin our friendship
over a few dollars, would you?
They could be marked.
I'm just saying.
I'll count them because you want me to.
I'll bet you've never sold
anything like this, Fernando.
No, I've never sold a painting like this.
This piece was stolen from the city's
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.
And it was stolen by none other than
Mexico's greatest con artist.
-This painting is priceless.
Imagine how valuable it will be
in a few years on the black market.
-I think you're a visionary.
[footsteps approaching]
[in English] Hey, darling.
[in Spanish]
Meet the supplier of the work.
And this is my man,
who managed this great sale.
-Nice to meet you.
I've got something in my eye. Sorry.
Are you okay?
[in English] You don't look fine.
[in Spanish] I'm fine.
Mr. Lacrosse, I'd like to talk with you.
Of course.
When we finish this in private,
I'll be happy to speak with you.
Excuse me.
Fernando, are you okay?
I think I had too much to drink. [laughs]
[both laugh]
I'm going to get a little air.
Becky, dear, can you finish
counting Ludovico's money?
[machine counts bills]
[machine continues counting bills]
We're good.
Congratulations, Ludovico.
The Dodé is yours.
Thanks, Becky. Thank you very much.
Where's Fernando?
Uh, Becky.
It's not the original.
Where is Fernando Lacrosse?
Where's Fernando Lacrosse?
Go find him!
I think we have a
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
[both grunt]
[grunts, groans]
[both grunt]
-[grunts, coughs]
[grunts, coughs]
That's enough.
Where'd you hide the painting, asshole?
Where did you leave it?
[moans, pants] In the van, in the van.
[in normal accent] Fuck you, dickhead.
[groans] Enough, enough.
[guard] You killed him?
What are you going to do?
What am I going to do?
What are we going to do?
You hit him too, asshole.
Hell no. I didn't hit him.
I'd better take this painting back,
Fuck you. I'm outta here.
Hey, don't leave me here
with the dead guy.
-[groans, coughs]
-[thunder rumbles]
[coughs, grunts]
[groans, pants]
Where's Fernando?
[guard] Seriously hurt, ma'am.
Go get him and close the property gates.
And you make sure
that nobody finds out about this.
Keep the situation under control.
-[in English] Come on!
-[in Spanish] Yes, ma'am.
Oh, Becky. [tuts]
[inhales deeply]
I think I'll take my money.
Ludovico, I'm sorry about this.
I just don't think I should
go ahead with the sale.
We'll go to the next buyer in-line.
[sighs] Ugh.
Okay, okay.
Let's just do it,
I don't want any more problems.
I can't believe that Fernando
-They stole my painting?
-No, no, no.
They tried, but we got it back.
In fact,
we're just finishing the deal, right?
[Ludovico] No.
No, no.
No. [laughing]
[laughing continues]
[siren blaring]
[officer] Suspect name Fernando Lacrosse.
Age 30, tall, slim, blond with light eyes.
-You're sure it's here?
Here's the file you asked me for.
There's the information.
Abelardo Rodríguez?
Yes, our Abelardo.
But here it says
that Abelardo is 87 years old.
Well, you wanted my help, right?
Well, there's the information.
-[laughs] Okay. How's the coffee?
-[Beto] Mmm.
Look, I'm not a criminal.
Here are all of my receipts for the year.
[stutters] Forget it, ma'am.
We came looking for
Mr. Abelardo Rodríguez.
Oh, well.
You're four years too late.
Four years?
My husband died four years ago,
leaving me alone in this house.
You might think my kids help me out,
but they don't.
Oh, I'm very sorry, ma'am.
Listen, if it's no bother,
do you still have your husband's papers?
Military ID, any identification?
Yes, of course.
I'll bring it in a minute. Excuse me.
Four years.
The same amount of time
that Abel's been married to Itzel.
There are too many coincidences,
don't you think?
Well, yes, it's very suspicious.
[smacks lips] Oh, God.
[Camacho] That means
that Abelardo Rodríguez
who robbed Don Plutarco, doesn't exist.
That's correct.
We're talking about identity theft.
Then, we reopen the case.
We have a con artist
and an identity thief.
And he could be pretending to be
someone else at this very moment.
We have to find him.
Very good, you two, very good.
You've made good progress.
Even though I asked you to drop the case
and you disobeyed me.
So now, you have to work overtime
in the archives.
To make up for your disobedience,
Detective Robles.
Yes, Captain.
That'll be all, you two.
[Pablo] Elena!
[phone rings]
[Elena] Speaking.
I'm not paying that guy up front anymore.
I paid him for an entire week
and he left me waiting like a sucker.
Can you repeat that, please?
-I'm on my way.
-[hangs up phone]
Where are you going?
-To Acapulco.
-No way.
You're craving a piña colada
or just sick of your boss?
Pablo, I think this time
I've got a scoop for you.
There was a raid
on an underground auction in Acapulco.
Seems like they got Botello.
I'll call you.
They got him? Who got him?
Okay, who called you?
Tell me, don't be like that.
What happened? What happened?
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