El marginal (2016) s01e03 Episode Script

Capítulo 3

Let's go.
Get up, pieces of shit.
MIGUEL: If you see
the oppression of the poor
and how justice is denied,
don't be surprised.
The one who loves money
never has enough of it,
and the one
who loves abundance
never gains enough.
That's ambition
and vanity, too.
The more you have,
the more you consume.
So, what's the benefit
for the owners
aside from looking
at it and rejoicing?
The poor man's sleep is sweet
because the rich
man's dissatisfaction
stops him from sleeping.
Let's go.
I saw under the sun
what is good and convenient.
Eat, drink,
and enjoy
the fruit of your labor
and the time that God
gave you on this earth.
But instead,
I have seen great evil,
the wealth kept by the owners
to their own detriment.
CAPECE: Did you hear me?
It smells of
concentrated asses
and balls in here.
Get up, pieces of shit.
Let's go!
Get up!
Let's go, assholes.
I want you all
lined up for the shower.
Get up everyone.
Get up everyone.
They want to
make Lunati pay
for the loot they
stole from Borges.
It's over three
million dollars.
What the hell does this
have to do with us?
It's obvious.
Lunati better
not even dream
that we're going
to resolve this
and deliver his daughter
on a silver platter
for chicken feed.
Where did you get that?
I've been working, too.
I've been putting
this puzzle together.
Lunati intervened
in the operation
that sent the Borges
brothers to the cops.
They were dealing
liquid cocaine
in breast implants
that were sent to Europe.
So what?
That's over three
million dollars.
Lunati kept the loot.
Years later,
the Borges took revenge
by kidnapping
the daughter to get it back.
Why the hell do you
play the detective?
You have the opportunity
to make a big deal.
Don't just think
about yourself,
think about Lucas.
Don't tell me
what I have to think.
Your job is to deal
with the orders.
Get out of here
and give Lunati a call.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
Right, tell me,
what's wrong with her?
Nothing at all.
This girl is healthier
than all of us together.
Can't you see
she is unconscious?
She fainted ages ago.
I have no doubt
she is faking it.
Her vitals are perfect.
There's nothing
wrong with her.
She's got a brilliant
career in acting
ahead of her.
Screw her!
All this disturbance
for nothing.
Everyone has
been mobilized.
She's taking us
all for fools.
I saw her from afar
but you examined her.
How much do I owe you
for the trouble, Doctor?
One thousand
eight hundred.
Thank God there's
nothing wrong with her
or I'd have to
remortgage my house.
Do you know
why I called you?
I need to tell you
what's happening to me.
We are missing Panza Sosa.
I heard.
He left for a job
and never came back.
So what? What happened?
It's creating a big mess.
A mess that involves
all of us.
and you,
more than anyone else.
I always fall on my feet.
I show up.
But if the news
that we're missing
an inmate comes out,
you'll be
the first to fall.
I have no idea
where he is or
what happened to him.
You're lying to me,
I saw you in the monitor
with a doctor,
who wasn't sent by
the court, in the workshop.
Panza is injured in
the jail and they are
looking after him.
No, I swear
that's not it.
All right.
Do you know
what my feeling is?
That you are lying to me.
You think I'm an idiot.
Like I just said,
I just saw you
with the doctor
in the workshop.
It's true, a doctor came.
Ah, it's true.
But he didn't come
for Panza.
It's worse.
What do you mean "worse"?
The doctor said you were
going to get better.
Thank God for chemotherapy.
But you know what?
I have a better cure.
Love that cures everything.
I'm going to warm you up
until you get really horny.
I'm sure you're not
a virgin anymore.
I'm sure
you've been around.
But don't worry,
when you open your eyes
you're going to beg me
to carry on.
Get out,
son of a bitch.
Thank God for the miracle!
She's resurrected.
You are sick.
Easy, I'm not a pervert.
Easy, I was pretending.
I will leave you alone.
Calm down.
And don't lie again.
Did you hear me?
LUNATI: This is Dr. Lunati.
Have you heard anything
about my daughter?
Mmm, no, tomorrow maybe.
But I was just
about to call you.
I think we should
revise our agreement.
What are you talking about?
Miguel and I are aware
of the reasons behind
the kidnapping.
It's link to the silicone
operation, right?
Are you blackmailing me?
Not at all.
I'm asking for a pay
that matches the job.
We had an arrangement,
No, we had an agreement
when it was
a run-of-the-mill kidnapping,
but now it's not anymore.
Anyway, I think
we will easily come
to an agreement.
We all want to
find your daughter
safe and sound.
This sounds
like abuse to me.
How do you want us
to do it then?
I'll get in touch again.
I'm very surprised
to be the only one
who has an unfavorable
report about Diosito.
He's the most troublesome
guy in the jail.
You know what
I'm talking about.
I don't see him
as troublesome.
He's done two thirds
of his sentence
and he should get
a provisional release.
It's within his rights.
Congratulations Capece.
It was about time you saw
the prisoners' rights.
The truth is that
it's very encouraging.
All right, Emma.
Don't start.
I'm asking you.
What matters here is
that Diosito Borges
is an inmate
with good behavior.
What we can't do
is send the judge
a file with such
conflicting opinions.
How is it possible, Emma,
that we all agree on
the fact that Diosito
can handle freedom
except from you?
I don't know,
I'm wondering the same.
I'm in his wing every day
and I've never seen him
start a conflict.
It's rather the opposite.
In your report, Emma,
you describe Diosito
as a psychopath.
Dr. Kalina thinks
the complete opposite.
Is that right, Doctor?
According to the interviews
I've had with Juan Pablo,
I can see clearly
that he is not someone
dangerous for society.
Lately he's made
some great progress.
He has matured a lot.
Excuse me,
are we talking about
the same person? Diosito?
Borges' brother?
The most dangerous
person in this jail?
Yes, we are talking
about the same person.
He controls the whole jail,
but that's not worth
Neither is his
cocaine addiction.
ANTIN: You're mistaken.
Borges doesn't
control the jail,
I control the jail.
And you are going too far.
You can't say
or report things
that you can't prove.
I can prove it.
In any case, I don't know
why we're discussing
provisional release,
since you're the ones
deciding who comes in
and who goes out.
You're crossing the line,
We're talking privately.
I'm not filing a report.
What I don't understand is
why did you ask me
for an evaluation
since you've already
made up your mind.
Just tell me where to sign
and I'll decide what to do.
How am I going to
tell you where to sign?
What's going on?
All right, I'm leaving.
I'm leaving.
I have to go.
Where is your boss?
Peaceful moments
in jail are as rare
as good people.
You savor them.
Another peaceful moment.
Amongst good people.
We're all sinners.
Eh. There are sins
and there are injustices.
My brother, for example.
He's a good boy really.
Too good to be here.
When I look after him
he thinks I treat him
as if he was stupid.
But when there was trouble,
everyone ran away,
and he came
to talk to me about you.
What's going on?
Have there been kisses?
What happened? How is he?
What did he tell you?
That you're a good person.
But I think more like you.
We are all sinners.
I have a hard time
thinking there can be
another good person
apart from my brother.
It's not about what I think,
it's what God says.
People call
my brother Diosito.
I thought it was
a stupid nickname.
But between the two of us,
I'm the dumbest.
Sometimes I have
things in front of me,
and I can't see them.
That's why
I believe in him.
Diosito says
you're the best person
to run the courtyard.
Morcilla is a moron,
even dogs have
no respect for him.
That fag doesn't even
defend what he fucks.
You could easily resolve
the fuss in the courtyard.
Did you go to school
or did you learn
to talk like that
reading the Bible?
Reading the Bible.
Thing is,
today's assholes are not
like the ones before.
I pay attention
to my brother because
that's how it should be.
What's in it for me?
Having a better time.
No one here knows
anything about you.
Sometimes that's
a good thing because
no one notices you.
But here,
the ones that
don't get noticed,
come out of here in a coffin.
Think about it.
It's an opportunity.
All right.
And pray.
we've got a problem.
Antin came to me.
They know where
we keep the girl.
He's looking for you.
He knows everything.
The peaceful moment
in jail is over.
For fuck's sake.
MAN: Come on boss,
accelerate a bit.
Put it into first gear but
don't let go of the clutch.
I'm not stupid.
All right.
That's perfect.
Go, try it.
Come on. Come with me.
Hey, wild thing.
Did you see
we paid you attention?
With what?
The things from the theft
are by the courtyard door.
Ah, that's good.
CESAR: Here you have
a couple of cards.
I hope there'll be a gesture
on the other side
or it'll get stingy.
Look, so you don't
have to be too honest,
here, keep that.
Look at you,
you can draw well.
Shame you didn't pursue it.
What's that? The old jail?
That's how I imagine it
after hearing
so many stories.
What stories?
Prisoners used to say
there was a tunnel
that would go
all the way to the old jail.
You could escape from there.
PASTOR: What tunnel?
Where is it?
I don't know.
Ask Verruga.
He used to tell
the story, he knows.
Why would you kidnap
the daughter of a judge
and put her in jail?
In my jail?
Fucking hell.
It was an emergency solution.
A bullshity solution.
So what?
When this gets out,
my career will go
down the toilet.
No one will find out,
The father of that bitch
is the one who needs this
to remain a secret.
You don't know shit.
You are completely
Things have changed,
They've changed,
they are different.
Now they call you
saying "Take us there."
They come without warning
and they inspect you.
I have too many
loose ends at the jail.
Too many.
We didn't want to
go over your head.
But you did.
We wanted to keep you
out of this mess.
Things got out of hand.
But you're right.
I'll see how I can
get the girl out of there.
And then that'll
be the end of it.
How the hell did you get
yourself into this mess?
I did for the money.
For my money. The money
that the bitch's father
stole from me.
While she's held captive,
she can't say anything.
How much did he
steal from you?
How much money?
Three and a half big ones.
All this for three
and a half big ones?
Million, Antin.
Three and a half million.
Ah, you mean
45 million pesos.
Do the conversion you want.
I don't have cigarettes.
There's a kiosk.
Buy cigarettes and some
chocolate covered peanuts.
Chocolate covered peanuts?
You're too old for that.
Just do it, you idiot.
Shove it.
EMMA: Did you see the guy
I told you about this morning?
The one who put me
in a bad mood.
SOFIA: The cute one.
I'm being serious.
It's very weird,
it's like he doesn't exist.
He's not on social network.
He doesn't have an address,
records, nothing.
You're obsessed.
If you don't like him,
forget about him.
Let's deal with
the ones we like.
I have the inmates.
I'll let them in.
MAN: Excuse me.
SOFIA: Hi, how are you?
Good morning.
How's the professor doing?
I've made a drawing
of Romeo and Juliet
for a tattoo.
If I was Romeo,
I would tattoo it on myself.
Thank you.
How are you?
I just wanted to see you.
What do you need?
I wanted to know why you had
such a bad opinion of me.
And why the fuck
you want to ruin my parole.
I don't know what you know
and who has been
talking to you,
but no one can
disclose information
on the inmates' reports.
We have to count
them separately,
one by one.
Let's do something.
Did you see this place?
SOFIA: So, two stories.
Apartment 5C, right?
SOFIA: We have to guess
what's a lie and
what's the truth.
Are you Verruga?
You're blocking the light.
What do you want?
I've been told you know
the old abandoned jail.
I want to know
how to get there.
If you're thinking
of escaping,
I'll tell you now
that it's impossible.
Not possible?
What about the legends
of escapes through there?
Have you been there?
How did you get there?
I've seen many guys try
the courtyard's door,
but it's not possible.
I have nothing
to offer you.
Why do you want to know?
I want to go.
I need to see.
All right.
I'm going to tell you.
I have little time left here.
Good morning, blondie.
Good morning.
These pills give me
such a headache.
But I still want to screw.
If my wife finds out
about these pills
Stop. I don't want to
start the day like this,
hearing about your wife.
Do you know what
you'd need to do?
No, see a therapist.
No way.
My brother says the same.
But if I become good,
I'll have to go
back to my wife.
That's not
convenient for you.
Not convenient at all.
Right, honey.
I'm going to work.
No way.
What? I need to work.
No, you brought this pill.
Come on, bitch.
Does your wife
do that to you?
Does she treat you
this good?
This? Like that?
No, come on bitch.
Yes, please.
Like that.
Change the sheets
of the middle bed.
Are you relatives
of someone here?
Don't look at him.
Answer to me. Who?
I'm Chuenga's sister.
What did I say? Fuck off.
Mario, stop.
You got me out
of the courtyard.
You don't even want
to talk to me anymore.
I told you I'm a free man.
She's my girlfriend,
I cleared that up already.
You're his girlfriend?
Tell him.
Tell me the truth,
I promise he won't
bother you anymore.
You're coming here
to have sex because
he owes him money.
Does your brother
owe him money?
No, no.
Don't fuck with me.
Don't interrupt me.
I'm talking to the lady.
Come on.
We're going to do
something. You don't
have to say anything.
But if you were
forced to come here
I will take care of it.
I'm Mario Borges.
I'm going to
look after Chuenga.
I promise nothing
will happen to him.
So, you're free.
Think about it.
Hey. Hey.
Talk with me.
For you, the grave
is a paradise, right?
I'm not messing
with anyone,
but the things you do
break my balls.
Let's calm down, Mario.
We need to talk,
man to man.
Easy, we're friends.
You can't exclude me from
the business like that,
I've been in it,
way before you arrived.
I've quietly put up
with your people,
but I'm not one
of your soldiers. Huh?
And I'm not
your friend either.
If you want to talk to me,
you know where I am.
You scared me.
Look at your face.
Have you been crying?
What's going on?
I saw you speaking
with Diosito.
Is it about the report?
Did he say anything to you?
He threatened me.
He showed me
a photo of my apartment.
To scare me.
So I would think
they are following me.
What are you going to do?
I don't know.
Nothing. What will I do?
EMMA: As per our findings
during the interviews
and the follow-up
regarding inmate
Juan Pablo Borges,
aka Diosito,
it's evident that
his behavior is outstanding.
He is an ideal role model
for other inmates who want
to reintegrate into society.
He has succeeded in
breaking from drug addiction.
He doesn't consume cocaine,
or any other illegal
Neither does he intervene
or deal with said substance
inside the jail.
Like his older brother,
another model inmate,
he doesn't participate
in any prison gang
or illegal group.
For the reasons
explained above,
in my expert opinion
I approve this inmate's
parole application.
Counselor Emma Molinari.
Let's go for a wash, tramp.
Smells like ass, moron.
Why are you laughing?
He always smells like ass.
INMATE 1: Last night I dreamed
I was going to Mirtha Legrand.
I said I dreamed, man.
It was a dream.
There was no food,
there were cockroaches.
Hey, Picachu,
you're the mystical one.
What does it mean?
You need to stop
doing hard drugs.
VERRUGA: The cleaning
closet has a false wall.
You go through and
you'll find a staircase
that'll take you
to the basement.
You go to the end,
and there's an exit
to the courtyard.
And then you're
in the old jail.
Nice ranch, right?
Very nice.
Look at this swimming pool.
See? The property is
quite far from the road.
Meaning, it's not easy
to get there.
The access is complicated,
which is a good thing.
There's a grove of trees
that hides everything.
The landlord's house
is pretty far from
the main house.
I can tell the guy
that some friends
are coming,
and to not disturb them.
What a nice ranch
you have.
You do have it
all figured out.
Don't make fun of me.
This cost me a lot of work.
It's not easy to
deal with sons of
a bitches like you.
No. That's okay.
It's just what we need.
It's great. It's perfect.
I'll send you a pen drive
with photos and map
that'll show you
how to get there.
All right?
How's the negotiation going
with the girl's father?
I don't know what the hell
this moron is thinking.
He's playing with
the daughter's life.
He's not paying.
He hasn't reported
the kidnapping.
He's speculating.
He's trying to buy time.
All I know
is that you, me,
and any of the guys in here
for our kids
we'd give anything,
we'd do anything.
But that piece of
shit is heartless.
He's a piece of shit.
What do we do
with Panza Sosa?
Panza is not coming back.
What do you mean,
he's not coming back?
He was lost
during the kidnapping.
We're going to
need a substitute
just like we did
with Galindez.
We're going to have to take
good care of the family.
I already have.
The other day,
the woman came to see me.
"Where is my husband?"
I had to throw
a few pesos at her
to buy time.
So when I told you that
Sosa was with family,
you knew I was deceiving you.
The face.
What face?
I only have
the face of a moron.
Take that into account
next time.
Your pen drive.
Luna, my name is Miguel.
I'm a police officer.
I work for your dad.
Shh. Shh. Shh.
I work for your dad.
Calm down.
Calm down, don't scream.
I'll take my hand
off your mouth
but don't scream.
There are guards outside.
If you scream
they'll kill us both.
Is that clear?
(SHUSHING) How are you?
Did they hit you?
Are you hurt?
Can you walk?
Can you run?
I'm all right.
but they're treating me
the best they can.
That's good.
Where are we?
They have other
people locked in here.
I heard voices.
That was me.
I was locked near here.
We are in a jail.
I want to go home.
Please take me home.
I'm going to help you.
I can't get you out now.
I need you to be patient.
I promise I'll
come back, okay?
I'm going to come back
and get you out of here.
Stay calm.
Just a little bit more
and no more.
Thank you.
AMAYA: Good morning,
good morning.
Don't play dead again.
No, I got it now.
What do you say?
Good morning.
I have good news for you.
I'm going back home?
Not that good.
But you're leaving
this place
for somewhere
more comfortable.
Where are you taking me?
Don't think
we are that stupid.
We get that
a princess like you
can't stay in a pigsty.
The only place
you have to take me
is my home.
That's not up to us.
It's up to your dad,
who refuses to compromise.
What did you do?
Why doesn't he love you
even a little bit?
You're pretty naughty,
aren't you?
You want me to feel bad?
Why would I want
to make you feel bad?
You know I grew fond of you.
I'm the only one
who can stand you.
Plus I already told you,
when you're older,
we'll get married
and we'll have
a home full of love.
Unlike what you have now.
What's that?
That's blood.
Do you have your period?
Who was here?
I haven't seen anyone.
Someone was here.
There hasn't been anyone,
I swear.
Tell me who was here!
Son of a bitch.
Someone was in Luna's cell.
(PANTING) Just now.
What are you saying?
I don't know,
there's blood.
He went through
the old jail.
Where are the others?
In the workshop.
Stop. Mario doesn't
like us making
decisions without him.
Don't piss me off.
When my brother
isn't here, I decide.
Check if the pipe
in the kitchen
is still sealed.
I'll check
the cleaning room.
Rancho, it went bad.
I'm coming.
Hey, what's up?
What's going on?
Where have you been?
I was just hanging around.
That's it?
Social worker report,
Counselor Emma Molinari.
File Borges,
Juan Pablo. Diosito.
The inmate,
Juan Pablo Borges,
aka Diosito,
has demonstrated
outstanding behavior.
He has no traces of
cocaine in his system.
Neither does he
intervene or manage
the illegal drug
dealing in the jail.
Same as his brother,
Borges, Mario.
He doesn't participate
in any prison gang
or illegal group.
You must be kidding me.
I assume you aren't aware.
At least that's what
I'd like to believe.
Diosito threatened me.
He knows where I live
and I don't want to
risk my life for this.
How does he know
where you live?
He showed me pictures
of my apartment.
Or he has someone outside
who is following me.
Or even worse, someone here
gave him my address
and sent someone
to take pictures
to intimidate me.
No. You're kidding me,
this is very serious.
Of course it's serious.
Extremely serious.
How can an inmate know
I wrote an unfavorable report?
No matter how important
the inmate is.
What Diosito did
is very serious.
I'm going to find out
who is carrying out
his orders outside.
All right.
With regards to the report,
what do you want me to write?
I don't care about
Diosito's parole.
Forget it.
Me as director,
I'm going to file
the report and that's it.
This son of a bitch thinks
he has us by the balls.
He's wrong.
All right.
Don't worry.
Thank you.
Tell us who came
to see you, Luna.
My boss doesn't have as much
patience as me. Talk.
I don't know,
I didn't see anyone.
I was sleeping.
Could the blood be yours?
Don't be a smart ass.
Up until now
we treated you well.
Don't piss me off.
I can't stand
your old man anymore.
I've been holding
back for days,
but I feel like
sending him your head
wrapped in gift paper.
When I was your age,
I was working
in a slaughter house,
so I'm not scared
of cutting someone
into pieces.
In fact, these days
it bothers me more
to kill a cow.
Poor thing.
I'm listening.
It was a fat guy.
Hmm. Fat?
Fat and hairy like you.
What did he want?
Tell me what he wanted.
Let me go.
What did he say?
What did he want?
He didn't say anything,
he came in and he left.
Mother fucker.
Fucking bitch.
Let's not waste
any more time.
She doesn't
want to help, fine.
No more special treatment.
Tie up the other hand.
Gag her.
Don't give her anything
to eat or drink.
If she wants to shit,
she can shit in her pants.
How is that my fault, moron?
I didn't see him well.
I've had enough of you.
Do you know why
you are still alive?
Because I need to
record some videos
to send to your dad.
So be grateful for every
breath you get to take.
Now I get why Lunati
doesn't give a shit.
We did him
a favor by taking away
this bag of shit.
Which camera faces
the warehouse door?
MORCILLA: Number 12.
Are you sure?
That you are an idiot?
I like men who are
brave and determined.
Mario, I'm here.
If I didn't come earlier,
it's not because
I was scared.
I know I didn't screw up.
I didn't come
because your brother
advised me to stay
away for a few days.
They stole from me
like they could have
stolen from anyone.
What do you want?
I want
I want to go back to
my spot in the courtyard.
This business is mine, too.
It belongs to me.
Don't laugh.
Let's talk as equals.
No one cared
about that courtyard.
I made it grow.
Don't disrespect me.
I wouldn't be here
if I did.
I would have
done it all myself.
What happened to you?
Did you hurt yourself?
The guys from the villa.
They hit me with
a bottle the other day.
MAN: The door.
Why is it not healing?
I didn't go to
the nurse's office
because it wasn't serious,
but it still hasn't healed.
Morcilla is
telling the truth
and this guy is
worse off than him.
Pastor? How is he
going to be worse.
What are you saying?
Can you shut up?
I don't care
about your friend.
Go get that woodpecker.
Take him to the workshop.
I want a face to face.
I want both versions.
What do you think?
Hey, Picachu.
PICACHU: I think he's here.
Diosito is
looking for you.
What are you doing?
Is everything okay?
Where were you?
Here, messing around.
I haven't seen you
all day.
I went to your brother's
but I didn't see you.
I was involved
in some stuff.
My brother
wants to see you.
Yes. Now.
All right.
Here we are.
You can go.
Why do I have to go?
What are you
going to do?
Nothing. Go back
to your business.
And give Antin
his stuff back.
All right.
I'm going.
What does the Bible
say about lies?
Blessed are those
who wash their robes
that they may
have the right
to the tree of life
and may go to the city.
But outside are the dogs,
the sorcerers,
the sexually immoral,
the murderers,
and everyone who
practices falsehood.
I've always been
fascinated by the memory
of those who believe in God.
Did you understand
a word of what he said?
So, it's dangerous to lie.
Because you put down
a lie and you have to
cover it with another
and another, and another.
And soon you're
drowning in it.
That's why
the best liars are those
who talk the least.
Here we do business.
Everyone knows that.
we are comfortable.
I mean, we eat.
We live.
We let live.
Until, from time to time,
someone dies.
Then we say, "Of course,
nothing in life is free."
Even Jesus on the cross
must have thought the same.
"I traded my life
for these morons?"
But it was too late
when he realized.
That's why sometimes,
it's better to only kill one,
even if it's the Christ,
instead of killing
a pile of morons.
Do you still get it?
I'm not sure.
Take this,
son of 1,000 bitches.
Take it! Take it!
Who do you think
you are messing with?
Son of a bitch.
Take it.
Wash Sibinski's car.
I don't want problems
of religion here.
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