El Presidente (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Las pelotas

Yeah, Chile. Chile. Good evening, Chile.
Chi-Chi-Chi, le-le-le-le. Good evening.
Let's welcome all the ministers tonight.
The ministers, the Minister of Sport
-Let's greet them and
You're going on stage in one minute.
Fuck it With a round
of applause for one Messi.
And a crucial moment has come
for the Chilean national soccer team.
Next Monday,
we'll see the draw for the groups
for the Copa América,
which is to be played in our country.
The day after tomorrow
at the great Festival of Nations,
all the presidents of CONMEBOL
will be present.
There is great excitement in the press,
and strong security measures
are being taken
What are you doing?
South American soccer will begin
I love that new car smell.
It's more modern than the red one, right?
-Did you miss me?
You can't miss something
you can't get rid of.
Don't play games.
Admit you're having a good time with me.
Well, actually, I had a lot more fun
when you were posing as a waitress
and offering me pisco sour.
-That was much more fun.
-Yeah, yeah, that was more fun.
Okay, baldie, listen to me.
The party you're throwing before the draw,
I need the presidents to go
without their wives.
You're crazy, girl. You know what I need?
I need luxurious hair and to be
the president of FIFA, for example.
I don't like asking for things twice.
I can't do it. I can't do it.
The only reason the presidents
are traveling with their wives
is for the party, get it?
For the celebration.
How can I tell them not to take them?
Man, I can't.
Didn't you get your little team,
Unión La Calera, the championship?
You're telling me it's impossible
to make some old ladies
disappear for one night and go shopping?
Please, Sergio, I've seen you,
when you set a goal,
no one can stop you.
It was a pleasure, Mr. President.
Thanks for the ride.
What's wrong with going
shopping with your friends?
No, I don't understand it.
Are you comparing me
to the other presidents' wives?
You know what I mean, Nené.
Don't get angry or touchy now.
I spent over two months organizing
this fucking party, Sergio.
And now you want to send me off
shopping with my "friends."
Don't think of this as something
I'm asking of you as a wife.
I'm asking you as an associate.
We are partners, Nené.
The world of CONMEBOL,
is a world of old chauvinists.
Presidents don't like to go
to these parties accompanied
by their wives.
Those women are not like you, Nené.
They're annoying assholes
who spend all their time
fucking up their husbands' lives
instead of helping, supporting them,
and helping them grow.
Besides, I assure you that the ANFP
will compensate you very well
for this favor.
I'll think about it.
No, no.
The diet.
Sergio and Nené had won a battle
against the big clubs,
but they could still lose the war.
And when Sergio was alone
and harassed by the press,
it was very easy for him to lose his cool.
There's a lot of expectation
about the Chilean national team.
You think that coming from a B club,
you'll be able to fulfill
your new responsibilities?
If you get out of my way, I'll tell you.
Mr. Jadue, is it true that you signed
official documents as a lawyer,
when you have no legal qualifications?
Shut up, you idiot.
-Mr. Jadue, please.
-No more questions, people.
Thank you very much.
Hey! What's going on here?
Hey! If you don't leave right now,
this place is going
to be full of ambulances,
and there won't be
a single asshole left to cover the news.
-"The new stars of the ANFP."
-Is it a good article?
-Did I say anything interesting?
Who authorized this stupid photo?
It's terrible.
And you are?
I'm here to talk to Sergio.
I don't have you on the schedule.
You'll have to call
and make an appointment with Mr. Jadue.
I'm Cristian Varela, from Colo-Colo.
The president.
And I'm Cecilia Domínguez, from La Calera.
The secretary.
From La Calera?
It's a pleasure.
Well, you're going to have
to schedule an appointment
-with Mr. Jadue
-Look here, miss.
When the White Claw stops traffic
on the Alameda with their buses,
will I also need to ask for an audience
or are you going to talk to them?
-Look, I
-You have nothing to worry about.
You tell the White Claw boys
to talk to me.
-Who are you?
Jashir Alabí.
Are you leaving now?
Fucking asshole.
Open the gate for me, man.
I'm Varela, from Colo-Colo.
Wait a minute. Just a minute.
-We need to talk.
I know I was supposed to call
the realtor, but
-Today has been a very difficult day, huh?
Nené, we just
We just moved from La Calera, you know?
Now we have to think about moving again.
Did you know that moving is
one of the most stressful things for men?
Stop talking bullshit.
What the fuck happened today?
Why are you all over the news
calling a reporter "idiot"?
Well, if I see an idiot,
I say "idiot," sure.
And if I see a moron, I say "moron."
Sergio, come on.
I'm a simple woman, I don't ask for much.
You have to listen to me.
You have to understand that people
are watching you all the time.
You have to act like you've got
a camera on you all the time, okay?
Sometimes our actions have consequences.
I can take care
of controlling public opinion,
but I need you to take care
of controlling yourself.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot.
Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot. ..
Enough with this bullshit.
I just don't understand the point
of seeing the same thing 100 times.
"Shut up, idiot. Shut up, idiot."
I know what I said, Nené.
I know what I said.
I've got 500 things to do.
-Don't hassle me with this crap anymore.
-Excuse me, but
Don't coaches watch videos
with their players?
This is a bit like that,
only here it doesn't matter
if you score a goal or not.
What matters here is
to make a thorough analysis
Does this lady have any training,
say, to come here and tell me this?
Does she have any qualifications?
Did she study for this?
I'm asking because I can watch
YouTube videos at home,
-and it's much cheaper.
-Yes, of course.
But that's why your wife hired me,
so that there are no more YouTube videos.
Is that clear to you
you flabby wimp?
Or don't you get it, you bald crook?
You backward ignoramus.
Upstart, go back to your shitty town.
Who's this crazy woman you hired?
Shitty pig.
Shitty, disgusting, hick pig.
Swine, fat pig, son of a shit-wagon.
Who do you think you are?
You greasy, filthy, unfuckable pig.
You like that, don't you?
You like to suck dick?
You'd love to suck King Arthur's dick,
and the whole national team,
because that's what you are, a cocksucker.
Cocksucker. You love it.
You suck my dick, you fucking slut.
The ANFP is not a swimming pool.
It's a springboard.
Where to, Nené?
Where else do you want us to go?
This, this is my town.
And yours, too, right? It's our place.
I want to win the World Cup, Sergio.
-Don't you understand?
-Ja-Ja-Ja, due-due-due.
Long live, Jadue. You go, Mr. President.
Thank you.
The World Cup?
Damn it, you don't want much!
Who should I talk to, to win a World Cup?
Grondona? Blatter?
-Are you making fun of me?
-No, I'm not making fun.
-I'm It's just a question.
-It was a metaphor.
And the SME grew with every trip to Luque.
Sergio bought the toy store next door,
knocked down a couple of walls, and voilà.
Little Fátima's Travel and Tourism
was no longer so small.
Sergio, he bought this place
next to the toy store.
He's always been so generous with me.
He's like a son to me.
Who would have thought, huh?
My friend, Fátima, and her travel agency.
I must be the only owner
of a travel agency
that's never been out of the country.
Sergio, one thing.
I think you need to say a few words
at the Reinforced Concrete Party.
When is it?
What sculpture are we going to make?
Nico, stop that nonsense.
-We've been there so many times already.
-No, but we could go, Nené.
Honey, you know what would
be useful at the ANFP?
A makeover.
Don't tell me it's just a whim.
The building is old, it's falling apart.
We have to be
the generational renewal for the ANFP.
I feel embarrassed
to be hosting people in these conditions.
Dude, you can't work this much.
Relax a little, or you'll get sick.
It's not work.
But, yeah.
At least let me get you a sandwich.
No, I can't eat any flour.
Just pure lettuce.
You shouldn't sacrifice so much
for anyone.
And women are too demanding sometimes.
Yes, Rosario,
but my wife deserves everything.
Understand? She'd do it for me.
And, in fact, she already has.
I learn a lot from her anyway.
Okay, and what do you teach her?
The little ball game.
Right, so you're the kind of guy
whose business and pleasure is soccer.
Yeah, what would you know about soccer?
Much more than you.
Right then, Rosario,
you know what we have to do?
One day we'll go and play a little game.
And if you want, you take Barça, okay?
And I'll take any team you tell me,
I'll beat you all the same. Okay?
We'll see. We'll see, deal.
Hey, thanks. I needed a break, yeah?
-How are you guys? Everything okay?
-All good.
-That's beautiful. I'm fine, too.
-My apologies, my apologies.
Us Brazilians don't know
about punctuality.
You have nothing to envy us Argentinians
in that regard.
-Now, in soccer
-Don Julio
Well, boys, I present to you
José María Marín
The main news today
are the changes in the Brazilian team.
This crook José María Marín comes in,
and Ricardo Teixeira leaves
due to health problems.
As you know, Ricardo had some tiny
health issues and decided to step aside.
The Brazilians are nervous
about organizing of the 2014 World Cup,
which is just around the corner.
And the following year,
they'll also be hosting the Copa América.
They won't be able to afford it.
The Brazilians are not great at work.
Maybe that's why Hawilla
stopped pampering the boys.
And that's something that Marianito Jinkis
knew how to do very well.
Don't tell me we aren't all more calm
now that you know more.
Let's see if we understand, guys,
my proposal is not a breakup,
it's an alliance
in which we have everything to gain
and nothing to lose.
It would look pretty good,
"Full Play and CONMEBOL."
-It would, wouldn't it?
It would look good, yes.
It would. We're a block.
Europeans and Asians
won't have a choice but to agree.
And as you may have seen,
my numbers add up.
More than add up,
I think there's some extra ones.
I don't see the need for such a circus.
You guys are messing with something
that's been working well for years.
You know what's wrong with virtual money?
I don't sign anything I can't see.
Now everyone's complaining
because they don't want
to carry cash in a suitcase.
But a suitcase is a suitcase.
Let's see, Don Julio.
My company, Full Play,
offers a contract just like any other.
Copa América 2015, Copa América '19,
Copa América 2023,
and Copa Centenario 2016.
Yeah, and do we give a shit
about the contract
that hasn't expired with Hawilla yet?
Keep working on the stupid "friendlies,"
that's your thing.
You're too young and you want it all now.
Don't forget you have
your whole life ahead of you.
Being young doesn't make us
less clear-headed.
Isn't that right, Mr. Jadue?
Youth is a divine gift, isn't it?
It must be enjoyed.
Our age doesn't matter here.
We're just men discussing business.
Man, Don Julio, nobody here
is trying to screw anybody over.
Mariano knows what he's doing.
He's trying to establish a cash flow.
We're all going to have
a company in Uruguay.
The money will be deposited
directly in Miami.
It's very simple. For example,
I am going to do a triangulation
with an account in Switzerland,
because I've always liked Swiss watches.
-Very well explained. Very well explained.
-What you're doing is great.
The truth is
Look, Julio, it's the easiest
and most practical thing.
I'd get bigger payments.
They're bigger numbers.
Getting them through customs
won't be that easy.
This way, we can set up phantom accounts,
dissolve the companies
whenever we want for peace of mind.
-Be covered.
-Yes, yes. Ghost accounts,
but hard cash for everyone.
Very well, gentlemen.
Tomorrow is an important day.
Everyone will decide at the vote.
You'll be able to sleep on it
between now and tomorrow
Do what's best for each of you.
You know what's wrong with these guys?
All they think about is scoring the goal
and having the fans celebrate.
Sometimes you realize the game is lost,
and it's not worth running around
and getting injured.
Then you have to change your strategy
and think about losing the game.
But, of course, winning the championship.
Gentlemen, remember one thing.
-What doesn't evolve, devolves.
-Wise words, Mariano.
But to change the strategy,
I need a player to sneak me the ball.
A player who will complement me
on the pitch,
and make a good pass
for me to score the goal.
Tomorrow you're voting
with the Pacific Group.
Tomorrow, you're going to support
Bedoya and company.
Vote for what
this Jinkis asshole proposes.
No, Don Julio, but you I mean, no.
Sergio, sometimes, to win,
you have to know how to lose.
I'm sorry.
-How clumsy.
-Forgive me, María. What a mess.
-Rosario, sorry.
-I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. You know what?
I'm gonna drop this off
and come back, okay?
I'll tidy up. I'll clean it.
-Forgive me.
-I'm sorry.
Where are you going
with that bottle, baby?
Room 412.
We could share it.
I don't think they'd be very happy.
Room 412 can wait.
If I
We'll have to take a rain check, okay?
Another round of applause for Mariano
for a clean, near-unanimous vote.
Well done, well done.
Well done.
And that's how sneaky Jinkis
took over the empire of my friend,
José Hawilla.
Don Julio, I thought I had convinced you,
but in the end you ended up
voting against me.
Life has taught me to lose
when I have to lose.
The only one losing here is Hawilla,
Don Julio.
These guys think
they've already won the game,
but they should watch out.
Sometimes great confidence
is a bad counsel.
Come with me.
What did you do?
Did you play hooky?
I stole a cell phone.
Hey, lady. You can't keep us here,
you know.
Besides, you're not a cop.
And you're not a student, sweetie.
Have you ever earned a paycheck?
You know? Work?
You're going to learn how to work.
Here you go.
If you behave, there could be a lot more.
Let the old folks stay
at their boring party.
Ladies, I told you
we were going to the mall.
Really? How original.
But I have a surprise
that won't disappoint you.
Think of it as an invitation
to have a good time.
Ladies Welcome.
Hi, welcome.
Ladies, come on. Enjoy yourselves.
You take care of that area.
Quickly, asshole.
-Thank you.
-Here we are.
-Go ahead.
-Thank you.
All good. How are you?
Mr. Ten Percent!
Who's the Santa Claus in the cart?
Chuck Blazer. He wasn't on the list.
You take care of it, he likes girls.
Almost every day. I swear, huh?
I'm glad you're having a good time.
So, tell me,
what's your reward for all this, huh?
Sergio's unconditional love, of course.
Nené, don't play innocent, please.
The Ecuadorian is crying already.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yes, Nené.
When Carlos comes home,
smelling like a rotten fish
or blows all his bonus money
at the casino,
the only thing that calms me down
is going to the shooting range.
Don't look at me like that again.
You think Chuck Blazer is
as big an idiot as you are?
Well, no, asshole.
So, what's your plan today?
Tania tells me that they're having
a great time at the mall, huh?
I'm very glad.
Nené, your wife,
is great company, isn't she?
-She's absolutely charming.
-And it's important to me, so
-Something to eat?
-No, not me.
To eat
And, well,
as with every time a family gets together,
people overindulge, get careless
and secrets come out.
They called me old-fashioned,
but at home, I had one of those phones
with which you dial, talk and that's it.
The best wine I've ever tasted in my life.
Technology's a mess.
I used to tell the guys that.
They thought I was an old fart,
but you'll see
Pay attention because, believe it or not,
this is the day when everything
started to go to shit.
Why? You'll see.
Chavez, white. Chiriboga, black.
-Let's take a picture, huh?
-With the young lady.
Yeah, I'll take the picture.
Let's do a selfie.
I'll take a selfie.
-Another one, another one!
Jadue, Jadue!
Jadue, Jadue!
-How'd it go?
-Good, good.
How about you? How were the old ladies?
Good, but
Honey, I was talking to Eliana.
Did you know that Mr. Chiriboga
What? That Luis has a lover?
Please, Nené.
Lovers have existed
since the beginning of mankind, huh?
This is serious, Sergio.
He even has his son laundering money.
That's the lowest of the low.
Is there anything I don't know
that you need to tell me?
Of course not.
First of all, I don't have the time to
lead a double life.
And secondly,
how can you think that I'd
force Nicolás to launder money?
At least not until he comes of age.
I don't keep a single secret
from you, huh?
I'm an open book.
Friends, I need to talk to you
about something, calmly.
As you all know,
the 2014 World Cup in Brazil is coming up.
The construction,
the remodeling of the stadiums,
has been more expensive than expected.
Well, that's what you might call
a "probleminha," right?
The rich are complaining,
the poor are complaining,
everybody is complaining.
And I believe
that it's not convenient for us
to take on the organization
of a Copa América
one year after the World Cup.
Does that mean they're giving up
the 2015 Cup?
Hey, bear in mind that Bolivia
has not been a host country since 1997.
And why not Chile?
We haven't been host since '91.
Well, then, Colombia is up and coming.
Leave us a little something.
You've already gotten too much this week.
I wish. What do you mean, Don Julio?
Taking out Hawilla.
Sergito spoiled you,
he spoiled everyone with his vote.
Well, this is dragging on for too long.
Let's get moving and take a vote, huh?
Of course we're going to vote.
We always vote. Isn't this a democracy?
How is it that you say?
Chi-Chi-Chi, le-le-le?
Okay, then. Chile.
Sorry to bother you, Don Julio.
I don't know how to thank you.
I promise, I won't let you down, huh?
This is a dream come true, you know?
Calm down, Sergio. Being happy now
is like celebrating a win
when the team is still on the bus.
The real game is played in the draw.
Right. No celebration then, huh?
And I guess celebrating early
is bad luck, too.
-You're a fast learner, aren't you?
-Thank you. Thank you, Don Julio.
I'm super excited, huh?
-Don Julio.
Now don't ask me to calm down, please!
It's an insult that after all these years
you're going to work with Jinkis.
It seems you and I differ on this.
Sit down.
Take my advice. Keep a low profile.
I know it's hard,
but it's not good to be seen like this.
Because if you ever wanted to
José, revenge is a dish best served cold.
-Good news?
-You got me.
Very good news. Not just for me,
but for my country.
How good?
The Copa América in Chile.
-No way
So what are you doing
standing here, sober,
like it's not the best day of your life?
I don't know.
We need to celebrate.
Yeah, sure.
Andrés, can I have two?
-You can handle it, can't you?
-Thank you.
Put them on my tab. Thank you.
-Do you like to dance?
-I'm not very good at dancing.
Get over here.
-Tell me again.
-You are the champion.
Of what?
-Of what?
You are the host of the Copa América.
The Colo-Colo man is here for the meeting.
Tell him the President is busy.
We need to take a different approach.
We have to make something
of this new opportunity.
The beginning of the Jadue era.
What is success?
A destination? A united family?
Traveling from La Calera to Miami?
A successful business?
People think they know
what it's all about,
but many are wrong.
The word "success" is actually spelled
with a "P" and an "M."
Power and money.
And when you're hosting the Copa América,
opportunities open up.
If you went your whole life without any,
it's an explosive mixture.
Hey, Nené!
I'm going out to meet a supplier, okay?
I'll be right back. Stay put.
Just enjoy!
Good one, fucking fat ass.
Each one has $9,900.
This is completely legal.
The maximum allowed per person
is 10,000, you understand? Okay.
That's it!
Hey, Sergio.
Isn't that the news vendor who worked
on the corner near Fátima's house?
I don't think so, huh?
He looks just like him.
But it can't be, just imagine,
where's a news vendor going to get
the money to pay for a ticket to Miami?
It's impossible.
The future of Chilean soccer
is in the hands of a sick man.
The future of Chilean soccer
is in the hands of a compulsive liar.
And if you press me, ladies and gentlemen,
I'd say it's in the hands of a criminal.
I must say that this time,
I fully and 100% agree with you.
Mediocre asshole, failure.
There's something wrong with you,
if not your father wouldn't have left you.
Pig. Pig, be thankful that your
That your wife fucks you,
because you're unfuckable.
It's pathetic.
She fucks you out of pity, fat ass.
You filthy pig,
I can smell your cock from here.
-You fat cocksucker.
-That's it.
Five minutes. You made it.
Putting together a news story
is like making a game plan.
Maradona never needed a press agent.
When you're a genius with the ball
and a poet with the metaphor,
you sell yourself.
But when you lack charisma
and elegance on the field,
then what do you do?
You give it to a playmaker to make sure
the ball always arrives at the right time.
And a tough defense, but with good control
so that he can distribute it.
And if everyone does their job,
and you have a bit of luck on top of that,
that's when you have a team
that can win the championship.
And if someone doesn't understand
because they don't know about soccer,
what do you expect him to do? Fuck him.
Let's not talk
about our president, please.
Your president.
Sergio Jadue never lets his guard down
and is fighting for Chile
to be the next host
of the Copa América, gentlemen.
But, remember, luck needs help.
And getting the unconditional support
of the fans
Hey, Nico.
is also key
to winning the championship.
-All right, sure.
-I don't know.
I think it's boring.
Wouldn't it be better to put it
on Twitter and make it go viral?
-I don't have a Twitter account.
Use the ANFP account, Marco.
That's right.
Chile will organize the 2015 Copa América
following Brazil's resignation
Sergio Jadue, President of the ANFP,
confirmed Chile is hosting
Despite criticizing him for his errors,
we recognize Jadue's efforts
Big news for the 2015 Copa América,
Chile will be the Latin American host
Chile will host the 2015 Copa América
Look how nice you look when you smile.
-What's up?
-Fifteen million.
-Of what?
-Mega Sports.
It's their shitty offer. Fifteen million.
And you know what the worst part is?
That's only for the international rights.
I also have to go out
and sell the national rights,
the local rights,
the static advertising, the sponsors
-All that shit.
-They're making you pay a toll.
What was that thing
with the parking meters?
-You want me to teach you about it?
-Yeah, sure.
Let's see
The parking meter business is safe.
Most people will always want to park
next to the stadium.
No loss, but not much profit either,
you know?
The car wash has a lot of profit,
but hardly anyone needs it.
So we make a promotional bundle.
-Car wash plus parking meter.
-Yeah, but
What if they tell you they're only
going to pay for the meter?
I don't give them a choice.
I didn't need an MBA to know
that clients must not be given a choice.
All or nothing.
The point here is that there is
a company that's making
a very generous
offer for the whole package.
$103 million for all the rights,
say, so, if you still want first dibs,
you'd have to make me a higher offer.
Yeah, I think that
that's a number we might be okay with.
Yeah, perfect.
Pleasure doing business with you. Okay.
Dude! $106 million, man!
It's $106 million!
It's done, man! $106 million, man!
It doesn't only happen in politics.
In soccer, the president also needs
the loyalty of his people.
And for the clubs
to be your unconditional friends,
you have to give them a few gifts.
Hello. Hi.
Hi, Sergio.
Get out, Marco. Thank you.
Marco, go away.
Look at you.
Come on, Jadue, damn it, you motherfucker!
-What a night for Chile.
-What a night for the Americas.
What a night for the whole world.
What a night for soccer.
We're about to start
a very special ceremony.
And before thousands
and thousands of spectators,
not only in Chile,
but in all of Latin America.
Let's give a big round of applause
to our beloved mascot.
Hello! Hello to all our little friends
in the Americas!
Now, please, welcome
the second vice-president of CONMEBOL.
And president of the ANFP.
-Sergio Jadue!
Her Excellency, President of the Republic,
Mrs. Michelle Bachelet.
President of CONMEBOL,
Mr. Juan Ángel Napout.
What I've always liked about soccer
is that there's an element
of unpredictability.
Impossible to plan for.
Because it doesn't matter
if you have the most expensive team,
the superstars
That doesn't guarantee anything.
There are things in soccer
that are inexplicable.
Argentina beating Brazil
in the 1990 World Cup,
a team that hadn't won
a championship in 30 years
hiring a priest to perform
an exorcism on its stadium.
In soccer, the dynamics of the unexpected
are always present.
No, he's not looking. He's not looking.
I'm told he's not looking.
No, you can't see anything.
You lose your senses.
When they start spinning,
the balls all look the same.
Well, then let's see, Eduardo,
who will play against Brazil.
It's going to be
Let's see, let's see
Hey, coach.
If you had to make a wish
to help you at the Copa América,
if the genie came out of the lamp,
what would you wish for?
Well, for Messi to be Chilean.
What else?
For Maradona to be 20 years old,
not do coke and be Chilean.
Yeah. Jorge
If the genie asked you against which team
you'd like to play on the first round?
Imagine that.
Let's see, let's see
There's an old trick making the rounds
in some Latin American tournaments.
We call them "the cold balls."
A freezer and three little balls
that can change the history of soccer.
They are not crystal balls,
but they allow you to see the future
and choose the opponent you want.
Not bad, huh?
putting Chile and our game on par
with the world's greatest competitions.
We are proud to be the hosts of América
A quick glass of water? Oh, goodness!
I'm sorry. How clumsy.
Here, let me help you.
when it's our turn to host
the U-17 World Championship
for FIFA in October.
That pride and responsibility
We have reached the peak moment,
the most awaited moment of the night.
We are going to reveal
the groups and teams
that are going to face each other
in this 2015 Copa América in Chile.
With that, let's give a big round
of applause to our partners.
We are going to explain the draw.
In the first roll we have Chile,
Argentina and Brazil.
And in another we have Venezuela,
Bolivia and Jamaica.
Now, we are going to reveal
Chile's first opponent.
Thank you.
The first contender is Bolivia.
Let's see now who will be
I don't know how to thank you.
Calm down, Sergio.
The real game is played in the draw.
Ariel, let's mix them well.
And the last team to join Chile is
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