Eleita (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

A Coisa Pública

Madam Governor!
Madam Governor!
Madam Governor,
anything to say about the article
on your repetitive absences from work?
Too long. Haven't read it.
You were scheduled for internal briefings
yesterday, but you didn't come.
-How do you know?
-Your schedule's online.
-My schedule's online?
-Let's go in, honey.
The same source confirmed
you got totally smashed at a party.
That's fake news.
I only collapsed from GHB abuse.
I have one last question.
A young man tried to walk you to your Uber
and people say you groped his behind
and said, "Come to daddy."
-Is it true?
-I can't deny it.
-I was just fooling around, guys.
-Lucky for you, it was fake.
-Fake? You pranked me?
-Media training.
For me? What for?
You must behave according to your office.
Comb your hair.
Never be seen
under the influence in public.
Engage in a lasting relationship.
-All of these basic things.
-So pretend I'm someone else.
-Nothing wrong with that.
-You're too unpolished, dear.
Listen carefully, guys.
This is who I am!
This is how I got elected.
I'm not going to change.
Cry me a river!
Welcome to the palace,
the Rio de Janeiro statehouse,
and our governor's official residence.
Two different ones?
The other was converted into an Airbnb,
to help raise state revenue.
So let's start
our open-door palace experience!
Follow me. Make yourselves at home.
Just don't touch anything.
This is real gold.
Our first stop is the stateroom,
used by the royal family
to accommodate
their most distinguished guests.
Perhaps it's not the right time
to visit this room.
Turn off the music! Quick!
Damn, I totally forgot about this!
-Who are these people?
-On Saturday, we're open to visitors.
Move closer, folks!
I'm so thrilled
to have you guys at my palace.
This is how I run things, okay?
Face to face.
This distance between us sucks, right?
We can't lose this human contact,
not by a long shot!
-I'm really wasted.
-I just started.
-I'm fine.
-We got here two days ago.
Two days?
-Today is Saturday.
-No way!
You. What's your name?
-Gerald. I love you, Gerald.
And I love you too!
And you too!
And I love you too!
I love everyone!
I love all of you!
I love drugs. I also love dicks.
I love drugs. I also love dicks.
I love drugs.
-I want to live inside this meme!
-Look at my face!
Ma'am, your press conference
is at 4:00 p.m.
-What for?
-So they stop calling you a junkie whore.
-But I am one!
-I know.
The main thing is that you apologize.
But only to those who felt offended.
And tell those who were offended
that you were misunderstood.
Come on, it wasn't a big deal!
-You had a party on public property.
-But it's my public property.
Since you insist that I have
a "good reputation,"
-let's do it my way.
-Here we go.
The only way
to make people stop mocking you,
is by mocking yourself first.
Being bullied is my expertise.
Why do you think my email
is "stinkyfefe" for a decade?
Let's cure your hangover!
Mrs. Odila! You're an angel.
I'll have one of each.
That's for you, honey.
For our Madam Governor
it won't cost a dime.
You're so adorable!
I'll tell you the truth, man.
The letter of the law is there.
Printed, in black and white.
For everyone, you know?
Would you like some coffee?
Performing commercial trades
inside government offices is illegal.
I've been doing this for years
without any problem.
It's in our constitution.
I'll have to suspend you for a month.
-But this extra income pays my rent.
-Paid suspension.
That's the thing with the law.
You're either for it or against it.
I really needed this.
I'm almost finished.
-It's getting late.
-But I'm almost there.
It's 4:00 a.m.,
and soon there will be reporters outside.
People already see me as a whore.
-Haven't you given up yet?
-I don't know.
-How old are you?
-I'm 24.
Can I say something?
If you have any hope, forget it.
-Did she mention me?
-Not even your name.
-Not even my name?
-Fefê is perfect.
But she's toxic.
She's really perfect.
Run. While there's still time.
Before her life absorbs yours.
You can go.
Leilane, I'm interrupting your newscast
to bring the meme of the moment.
Our governor went viral again.
I love drugs. I also love dicks. Dicks.
I love drugs. I also love dicks. Dicks.
I love drugs. I also love dicks. Dicks.
I love drugs. I also love dicks. Dicks.
I love drugs. I also love dicks. Dicks.
I love drugs.
Drug Users and Special Treatment.
Which has been shortened to DUST.
Sorry, is there a problem?
-Firstly, no way.
-Secondly, "LMAO."
Ma'am, some people think
you condoned drugs
to thousands of young people,
school-level young!
I know this meme went down badly,
but this is ridiculous!
I don't want to, "instill a fear of drugs
in teenagers in a playful way."
Since when do teenagers
like playful things?
Teens are into anime and having sex!
Netinho, look at that!
That is openly racist!
Madam Governor,
let me introduce Mr. Freakhead.
Mr. Freakhead is the villain
because he's a drug dealer.
But at the end of the story,
he will be saved by Jesus.
-A joint who sells pot?
-It's playful, Governor.
-He's a prostitute.
-The kids love it!
-Not with my money.
-It would look good for us.
-Representatives say they're leaving.
-The media is always after me, Netinho.
I posted a dance,
but it's as if I made a baby snort coke.
We will carefully review
your proposal.
There's no such thing
as a power vacuum, man.
Right after Mrs. Odila's suspension,
two factions emerged
to compete for the market.
The First Carb Command
and Red Velvet Command.
You might be mistaken.
It makes no sense.
How can you be so sure
the source is our kitchen?
Where else do cakes come from?
Raids don't end trafficking.
We raid first, then we investigate.
Toledo, sugar is not a law enforcement
issue but a public health issue.
Mr. Marlon, with all due respect,
you're being a pussy.
This is wrong, Teresa.
I don't approve of this operation.
It's wrong!
Who does Marlon think he is
to stop my investigation?
I was just getting started, bro.
Girl, you won't believe
the meeting I had today.
Leleco, thank God!
Did you bring my stuff?
You better sit.
What did I do?
This whole thing about egging minors on
to do drugs is giving off a bad vibe.
Even you, Leleco?
Fefê, my 13-year-old sister
has been singing:
"I love dick, I love drugs."
-You think this is cool?
-It isn't.
My suppliers' message group
is so pissed off at me!
I was just goofing around.
-She didn't mean to.
-It doesn't matter, Nanda.
She can't go around
Hey, you're a goof, I get it.
Back in school, you were always joking.
I used to laugh with you.
But it's over.
You're a public figure.
-It's different.
-Gotta keep it low.
There, I said it.
What about my stuff?
I'm afraid I can't keep
supplying your needs, Your Excellency.
Hi stranger
Fucking hell.
-André Nonato?
The Governor
wants to discuss the relationship.
I have class soon.
-We won't force you.
But the Governor
really wants to talk to you.
-You used public funds to stalk me?
-I did.
-But don't overreact.
-That's an impeachable offense.
-But you stopped answering me.
-Because you see me as a dildo.
I'm not a dildo, I'm a human being.
André. Let's talk.
I know you don't love me.
I don't love you either.
Fine. So, what do you want from me?
André, you really appeal
to the female demographic
aged 40 to 80,
who isn't very fond of me.
My ratings are like
Having a First Lady would really help.
Wait. You want me to be your First Lady?
Yeah, but, like, a fake First Lady.
It seems that people
don't really trust single women.
What's in it for me?
You'll have a staff,
an office, a lot of perks
Maybe you could set up
a welfare institution to help people.
You're a straight white man.
You have a history behind you to amend.
On one condition. I want to come too.
He went over my orders for this?
That's not what I did.
Don't even talk to me!
Those orders came
from the Governor's office.
This is pointless. I can't even throw
my daughter a party with this!
If you want to break the scheme,
you have to track the sugar pipeline.
-That's our human rights boy.
-I told you not to say a word!
Marlon was right.
-You're right, Marlon.
-I know, Teresa.
He knew that.
Penguin leaving.
I'm glad you actually listened
to my advice, Your Excellency.
I'm doing it because I want to.
-You look very pretty dressed up.
-Shut up, you sound like my dad!
-How stupid do I look?
-Stop it.
-Yes, very stupid.
-Stop it.
Boys and girls,
I'm really pleased to introduce to you
our Drug Users
and Special Treatment program,
a joint effort between me
and the government.
First of all, I'd like to thank
Governor Fefê Pessoa.
None of this would've been possible
without her.
So who's excited for our play?
Without further ado,
I present to you, DUST!
-Why do you look so sad, Mauricio?
-I don't know, man.
After I turned 14,
everything seems so boring.
Have you tried reading the Bible?
No. I think I need something stronger.
I love drugs! I love dick!
Is there anyone here
feeling bored with life?
-Are you insane, Mauricio?
Have you never heard about
the legend of Ms. Freakhead?
If you become friends with her,
you'll never be able to quit.
It's very simple.
I will give you this joint,
and you'll give me your soul.
-That's it?
-Mauricio, don't!
Is that Jesus Christ?
I won't let you steal
another soul, Ms. Freakhead.
Really? What are you going to do?
Turn the other cheek?
That was the old Jesus.
No, please don't!
No! No!
That's what I call divine justice.
Oh, Jesus!
-I had no idea.
-Let go of me, Netinho.
-What the fuck was that?
-Watch it.
-The Governor took it personally?
-You threw DUST away!
-My base doesn't agree.
-Engagement rises when we attack her.
Is this how it'll be?
"Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry:
for anger resteth in the bosom of fools."
-I don't make the rules.
I just play the game.
You look like you're angry with me.
Am I right? Yell at me.
Go ahead, yell.
Make sure you're loud.
Let me record it. Yell.
Yell now. Yell.
If you stare at something long enough,
you start to see patterns,
connections and paths.
And at all times all paths
lead to the same spot.
You wanted to see me?
The Chief of Governance declared
the purchase of 450 kilos of refined sugar
paid by this very office.
It's been delivered by helicopter.
What does he do with that sugar?
Maybe Marlon is right. It's not police
business. We should drop it.
Major We're almost there.
Ma'am. The chief of governance
is Tony Sorrisinho.
He's the nephew of Márcia Sorrisinho,
leader of the Equilibrium Party.
-You don't want to upset these people.
May I ask something?
If you don't agree with this,
why did you fund it?
Have you seen a video called,
I love drugs, I love dick?
-Of course I have.
I love drugs. I also love dick.
-Right. I'm trying to clean up my image.
-I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
-I wouldn't want to be in yours, either.
It must be fucking hot in there!
It's more comfortable than it seems.
Thank you for coming.
I know you're very busy.
Have a seat.
This is Tony, my nephew.
It has come to my attention
that you are waging a personal crusade
against the sale of desserts
at the palace.
Am I mistaken?
I'm just trying to enforce the law, ma'am.
-You're new around here, right?
-Yes. I just started.
I can tell from the sparkle in your eyes.
You, the young, are always welcome here.
The transgender, the outcasts.
People trying to change things.
I'm not like these old men
who think all change is harmful.
I tolerate change.
But hands off my family.
I had reached the top, man.
And the view from up here
was far from pleasant.
So what have we learned today?
Using drugs is a sin
-and those who sin will
-Get really high!
-Go to Hell!
-Hi, guys.
I'd like to correct some things
that have been said on this stage today.
-But you just died.
-Are you the only one who can resurrect?
-Tell me it's not who I think.
-It's her.
You are at an age
where you do everything wrong.
This little brain of yours
isn't even fully developed.
That's true, I read it.
So everything you do now,
you will regret in the future.
Like that boy who got a tattoo
of his girlfriend's name.
Let me give you some spoilers.
Jéssica is not the love of your life.
Someone had to say it.
So can we have
an honest conversation about drugs?
Then you can make
an informed decision in the future,
based on information,
like, a joint of information. A joint
-One moment.
-Students, please!
Don't listen to the tricks
of this oversized ghost of a joint.
Look at how deceitful it is!
It's trying to lead you
down the path of evil.
-It's more like damage control.
-Zip it, Jesus!
Who wants to ask Ms. Freakhead a question?
So I can come back, ma'am?
I had gone into this job
for the sake of the law, bro.
Just try to be more discreet.
But soon, I discovered
it only applies to one side.
And if the law doesn't apply to everyone,
it doesn't apply to anyone.
What about LSD?
God forbid.
It gives you terrible bad trips.
Why can't you mix alcohol and GHB?
Kid, you're only 14.
You're not old enough to know that.
My cousin got something called poppers.
Is it safe?
That's if you want to take it up the
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