Eli Roth Presents: My Possessed Pet (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Eight-Legged Exorcism

My stepdaughter, Kelly,
showed up from school one day,
big smile on her face.
[woman] What is that?
Sometimes the perfect pet
can crawl its way
into our hearts.
[Kelly] So cool.
- [Clint] That's really cool.
We loved the spider.
He was what brought this to us.
But if you're not careful,
something evil can crawl
under your skin. - [screams]
[Clint] Due to a mistake
that I had made,
we got the attention
of an entity.
And then, all of a sudden,
you could feel the energy shift.
Oh! - [Stacey] No! [screams]
[narrator] What would
you do to save your home,
your family and your pet
from an ancient demon?
Leave this house!
[Clint] There is a lot of people
who think everything
is goodness and light.
And they think as long as you
think positive, happy thoughts,
nothing's gonna happen to you,
and nothing spiritual
can hurt you.
That's wrong.
Years ago,
my step-daughter, Kelly,
was involved in a science
project at school.
And if she ever needed help
with a school project,
I was always happy to help.
But she was a very bright girl,
always got straight As.
It was a biology unit,
and they were learning
about zoology
in various small animals.
What about this guy?
Too small.
How about this one?
- Oh, good one.
Oh, what a monster.
You know, some spiders
are so venomous,
they can kill you in minutes.
Others, it takes a long time.
Cool. [chuckles]
Look at you two.
I'm impressed.
The heat's on. It's due tomorrow.
- [Stacey] Mmm.
We finally found the right one.
Oh, yuck.
I think they're cute.
All right.
Are you guys almost done?
Because it's time
to make dinner.
Sure. I'll just finish
cleaning up here.
You know what?
- What?
I think spiders are kind of cool.
- Yeah.
Yeah. Me, too.
Come on. Let's clean up.
I never really had
a great connection to spiders.
But I liked spiders.
And there's a lot of things that I
understand more than most people.
But this was totally unexpected.
It's gonna work.
Mom! Mom!
I won first prize.
First prize?
Ms. Tucker said that
it was the best one
she's seen in years.
- Ah!
Did you get a ribbon?
Not quite.
[Stacey] What is that?
[gasps] Oh, my God!
Get that out of my house!
- Out. Now.
Mom, no!
Let's just all calm down, okay?
[scoffs] And that
doesn't belong in here.
Please let me keep him.
Clint and I read
everything about them
and how to care for them,
so please.
If that thing ever gets loose
or comes near me--
It won't do that.
Why would it do that?
And it better not smell.
Spiders don't smell.
But not in here.
Of course.
Thank you, Mom.
What should we name him?
- [chuckles]
[Clint] Why Vincent?
[Kelly] Because he looks
like a Vincent.
[Clint] Okay.
Let's say hello to Vincent.
That is so cool.
Stacey was a bit shocked.
And she's just like,
"I don't want a spider in my home."
But Kelly likes the spider.
When she resigned herself to
it, he was pretty cool.
I thought it was a good idea that
this pet should have a middle name.
What's that?
It's a statue I picked up
in Greece.
Arachne, an ancient
spider, uh, spirit, I guess.
Greek mythology.
- Cool.
I picked her up on my trip
a long, long time ago.
She's been in a box for ages.
Well, I thought
Vincent might like her.
I think he does.
Let's give him a middle name.
- Arachne.
Vincent Arachne Jahn.
[Kelly] Vincent Arachne Jahn.
Was she a goddess?
- No.
No. She was a mortal,
like us.
But she dared to put herself
on the same level as the Gods,
and she was punished for it.
And she was turned
into a hideous monster.
- [Kelly] Arachne.
[Clint] I'm like,
"That's a great name for a spider."
And I thought nothing of it.
[soft growl in the distance]
[door closes]
We usually would
just feed him crickets
that we bought
from the pet store.
He would sit there,
and he would crunch it and crunch it.
It was so loud,
you could hear it from across the room.
Stacey was horrified.
She'd hear this crunching,
and it would just turn her stomach.
[Stacey] I want you to get rid
of that thing. [shudders]
[Clint] You're overreacting.
I am not overreacting!
That thing is vile
and disgusting.
[Clint] You just
don't like spiders.
[Stacey] Of course
I don't like spiders.
[Clint] But Kelly does.
It'll break her heart.
I'll lock it up.
Stacey was one of the nicest,
sweetest, happiest people
I ever met.
But she was scared of spiders.
And despite her feelings,
we tried to work things out
as best we could.
[vacuum cleaner whirring]
[vacuum cleaner turns off]
[exhales deeply]
I wish
she never brought you home.
[Stacey shrieks]
[Stacey screaming]
Well, that's strange.
It's molted skin.
- [Stacey shudders]
Well, spiders,
whenever they grow, they shed.
And it comes off in,
usually, one big piece.
And it still looks
like a spider.
How did it get in our bathroom?
- I don't know.
I didn't bring it in here.
It must have got caught
in my clothes or something
when I was cleaning
the terrarium.
And then got on our towels?
That doesn't make any sense.
It didn't get out.
- How do you know?
After his final molt,
he should have only lived
for another 12 months.
But he didn't die.
Vincent started acting
a little bit different
from a typical tarantula,
in that he wanted to feed daily.
He was always hungry.
Usually you feed tarantulas
maybe twice a week,
but he wanted to eat every day.
He was very, very greedy,
very hungry.
[voice murmurs in the distance]
[murmuring continues]
Palpably you could feel
the energy shift.
And then, as time progressed,
I saw other things.
There was a sense
that we were being observed
very intently.
You all right, kiddo?
[Clint] Hey.
Hey. What is it?
Yeah. [stutters]
What are you doing?
Get ready for school, yeah?
[rasping in the distance]
[floorboard creaking]
What are you doing?
[sighs] Nothing.
All of these manifestations
and activities
started occurring.
Suddenly, there have been
electrical disturbances.
Sometimes a television
will shut off or turn on.
Sometimes, you know, lights
will shut off and turn on.
It really
doesn't make sense to us,
because we've never had
these issues before.
[screaming and screeching]
[exhales deeply]
[Clint grunts]
[Clint breathing heavily]
What are you doing?
It's Vincent. He's--
Vincent is what?
It's nothing. It's
It's nothing.
[Stacey groaning]
What's wrong?
Was it a nightmare?
No. No, it wasn't.
It was Vincent. I know it.
[Clint] She's hysterical,
she's screaming.
She had this dream,
Vincent attacked her.
[panting] - Vincent is in his
cage, locked away.
You had a nightmare, sweetheart.
[Stacey breathing heavily]
Come on.
[woman on radio] Positive news
on the sector from Wall Street.
But blue chips fell victim
to a sell off
[radio continues
playing in the distance]
[breathing heavily]
[distant screech]
What do you want from us?
That's when I realized there
is a spiritual aspect to this.
[distant hissing]
[Stacey winces]
Oh, Clint.
- [Clint] Hmm?
Clint, wake up.
[Clint grunting]
[both shrieking]
[Kelly] Mom!
- Kelly!
[Kelly] Mom!
- [Stacey] Kelly.
[Clint] Spiders were on the
floor, the ceiling, the walls.
And they just
appeared overnight.
Each one of these eggs sacks
is gonna hatch about
100 baby black widow spiders.
I didn't want that.
I was worried about my family.
We had to get away
from the spiders.
There was definitely something
supernatural about them.
We had to do something.
We called a clairvoyant.
I can feel her presence.
Yes, female.
Definitely not male.
So it isn't Vincent,
because Vincent
is definitely male.
Shh. Quiet, please.
What does she want?
I don't know.
She was very quiet.
And she took it very seriously.
She has a hold on him.
She's infested him.
She's hungry.
She is ancient.
[softly] Arachne.
Let's give him a middle name.
- Arachne.
When you have a totem
and you worship a deity,
you say the name
in praise of it.
Saying the name, that brought the
attention of the spider spirit.
And we weren't
asking it for anything.
We were just saying her name.
- [Kelly] Arachne.
[Clint] Arachne.
It was like we did a ritual
and we invoked the spirit.
And it showed up.
And it was like,
"Now, you're gonna
pay the price
for your inequities."
She does not belong here.
You brought her here.
She's angry.
[Stacey] So, what do we do?
You ask her to leave.
And you pray she listens.
[Clint] She told us,
"You never want to inadvertently
or deliberately
offend the spirit."
That's gonna make it angry.
When you're talking to a spirit
and you're
asking it for something,
the most important thing is
you want to dim the lights,
you want to turn
the lights down,
because spirits don't like
to manifest in light.
Everything was lit by candlelight.
It was very dark.
Then you sit there,
and you use the spirit's
name, you invoke it.
You speak to it directly.
[clairvoyant] Whatever
happens, remain calm.
Do not break the circle.
Do you have his skin?
you are not welcome in this home.
You are not welcome
in the body of Vincent.
Release him now!
Leave this place.
Release this family
from your power.
We ask you to release Vincent.
You must go back.
You must go back!
We acknowledge this trespass,
but in the name of all that's
light, you must leave this home.
You are not welcome.
Release us from your power!
you are not welcome here.
We didn't mean to summon you.
Leave my family alone.
Leave Vincent.
Leave this house!
[exhales deeply]
[sighs in relief]
I had never done
invocations before.
I'd never tried
to summon anything before.
I'd never done magic before.
You can't just start
using incantations
and expecting it
to work out well for you.
[Clint] We did a ritual
and we invoked a spirit.
Arachne, she's powerful,
and she's primal,
and she's vicious.
And you don't want her
mad at you at all.
But Vincent was fine.
Let's go, Vinny.
This way. No, this way.
[Clint] Here, we'll get him this way.
He went and lived
for years after that.
Yup, gentle.
Just like before.
From the back, like this.
Watch. Here we go.
- Oh.
You gotta keep your hand flat.
Not bad, eh, kiddo?
It is so cool.
- That is really cool.
Good boy, Vincent.
- Yeah, Vinny.
Good job.
- Yeah.
And ever since that,
Stacey's attitude towards spiders changed.
She has a really good
relationship with spiders now.
Every morning and every night,
we go and we check on Vinny.
We refill his water,
and we give him his food.
And one day,
I went to check on him,
and he wasn't moving at all.
And it was obvious
that he had passed away.
He lived a very long life.
He was very well taken care of.
We did the best
we could for him.
We felt that we were lucky.
And we had Vinny
for a long time.
We know that pets
have a limited lifespan,
and when they die, you're sad.
It's an eventuality.
I mean, death is part
of the circle of life.
Stacey made
a little coffin for him.
And she made it out of paper,
and she decorated it,
and it was very nice.
We put him in that,
and we set up a fire.
We had a little ritual,
and we said some words about
About, you know,
how much we appreciated him,
and what he brought to our life.
[voice screaming]
We just heard
this, this loud scream
from the fireplace
as he burned, and
I'm not really sure
what that meant.
Spiders don't make
noises like that.
And he was clearly dead.
The spiritual world, it's,
it's part of the natural world.
It's always been here,
it's always around us.
Spirits pass us by every day.
But if you want to directly
interact with something,
it doesn't matter if you're
calling out a specific name
or if it's even
like some made-up name,
something is gonna show up.
And if you don't know
what you're doing,
you don't know
what's gonna show up,
you can easily
offend these spirits,
and it's potentially dangerous.
[exhales deeply]
Arachne, she never left.
She's still here.
She's gonna be with me
till the day that I die.
I have a permanent attachment
to her now,
but now we have
a bit of an understanding.
Spirits work in mysterious ways.
We just roll with it.
[narrator reading]
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