Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Demonic Invitation

[distorted screech]
[high-pitched scream]
- [guttural panting]
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
- Jamie.
Why are you hurting me?
What did you say?
Why are you doing this, Jamie?
Aunt Mary?
I'm hurt.
You need to help me.
What's happening?
Do not make eye contact!
Bishop, get out of her eyes!
[demon] I am the summoner
of the Devil.
[growling intensifies]
[opening theme music]
[Eli Roth]
Evil is on the rise.
Demons battle
to possess our souls
and drag us one step closer
to Hell.
But now, there is a gathering
of spiritual warriors
who defend us against
the Devil's minions.
Go back to Hell!
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
[Eli] And unite to banish
the demons in our midst.
These are the true stories
of the Legion of Exorcists.
How do we become the target
of a demonic entity?
Exorcists know it's possible
to invite a demon in
without even knowing
you're doing it.
We were talking about
demonic invitation.
It's not a formal
wedding invitation,
it's not like demonic
entities RSVP.
It could be as innocent
as moving into a home
that already has
a demonic infestation
or as serious as reading
a book on black magic.
Seemingly innocent actions
can have devastating
But once the demonic entity
has been given the invitation,
it usually takes
an exorcism to remove it.
All of my life,
I've studied Demonology.
It has been a passion,
it has been a calling.
And this was the case
that opened my eyes.
It frightened me.
And it frightened me
to the core.
So, my team received
a phone call
from a very frantic mother.
Her whole life had been
turned upside down.
She explained how her daughter
was very loving and kind
and respectful,
she grew up that way.
It was a loving family.
Very, very loving family.
The problem is she started
getting bullied in high school.
And it was getting bad.
Extreme bullying.
Her trauma started
with other human beings.
And that's the sad part
about this whole entire story.
So this girl, at 16,
who was unbelievably
kind and loving,
completely changed.
[mother] Good job!
- [father] You did it.
That's how you do it.
Nice one.
All right, Kara, you're up.
Yeah, yeah. Watch this.
Skill of a surgeon.
Oh, Kara, good!
- Yeah!
- [mother exclaims]
[father] How did that happen?
She shook the table!
[eerie music]
[Kara's voice muffled]
You're cleaning up this time.
Are you picking
a number or what?
Shut your mouth.
Excuse me, Brooke,
that is no way to speak to your sister!
You can shut yours, too.
You don't talk
to your mother like that!
What is going on with her?
You know, at first she would
disobey her parents,
and that was completely
out of the ordinary.
But then it got to completely
changing her clothing,
being aggressive,
telling her parents to shut up.
And that was blasphemy
to her parents.
It was clear that there was
something going on.
I mean, it was a total 180.
And even the mother described
that when she was
around her daughter,
they would hear loud bangings
in threes,
as in mocking of the Trinity.
Or the foul, rotten odor,
or the smell of sulfur.
And they would have all the
classic signs of infestation.
Oppression was already there
because they were seeing
their daughter literally going
from a very loving,
respectful daughter
to the spawn of Satan himself.
[knocking on door]
[mother] Brooke?
Coming in, okay?
Brooke, I don't know
what's going on with you,
but last night was not okay.
Go away.
[mother] Look, I'm the one
backing you up here.
Your dad wanted to take
your phone away.
Is that what you want?
[crunching sound]
You really wanna know
what I want?
I'd like to know
what's going on with you.
Ask me again.
Go on.
[sighing] Okay.
What do you want?
I want you
[distorted]to die.
[muffled] Brooke, I don't
Why would you
What are you doing?
Brooke, no!
[echoing] Stop it!
Brooke, stop!
It shook her to the core.
To the core.
It was one of the most
horrific things
I have ever heard.
This girl was actually digging
her nails into her skin
and actually causing blood
to come out,
and wasn't even reacting,
looking directly at her mother.
Her mom felt hopeless.
I was trying to be as pastoral
as I could to the mom.
And I just wanted to listen
and hear what else
was occurring.
Now, when she told me that,
the first thing
that I'm thinking is,
"Are we dealing
with mental illness?"
In fact, anyone who comes to
me and requests an exorcism,
I require that they have
a psychological evaluation.
Because you have to,
you have to verify everything.
Because you have
to be skeptical.
[Legion member] Yes.
[James] Evidence
has to be clear to me,
very crystal clear,
that you're dealing
with the demoniac.
So, the conflict between
the mom and the daughter
increased, it amplified,
to the point where the mom
had had enough.
So, the parents did have
the psychological evaluation.
There was nothing there
that would deter me
from performing the exorcism.
And the more I thought
about her story,
the more I couldn't stop
thinking about
the self-inflicting wounds.
I wanted to see pictures
of these scratches.
But as I began to process
digging your fingernails
into your skin,
and scratching yourself
to the point
where it's causing,
you know, bleeding,
and making no reaction
to it at all.
That is a different story.
There's no guessing involved.
That's what the demoniac does.
Targets the children,
targets the innocent.
Targets the weak links.
That's their MO.
And I can't tell you
how many cases I've worked
where every target
is the child in the home.
I think, as clergy,
as demonologists, as exorcists,
we know the demoniac,
they're very wise.
Oh, yes.
And they know a target.
They have a target in mind.
And they're very patient.
They wait for the person
to make a mistake,
annoyingly, at times,
inviting the demoniac in.
At first, Brooke's parents
did not think
it was a demoniac entity
behind her aggressive behavior.
Until Brooke did something
that cannot be explained.
[muffled] Brooke,
what is going on?
You keep cutting your wrists.
You're threatening your mother
and you treat
your little sister like crap.
Okay, you think this is funny?
[intense, scary music]
Hey, we're not done. Sit down.
I said
[screaming, panting]
[demonic voice] We're done.
What Brooke did
absolutely terrified the family.
And I knew then
that we were dealing
with a very powerful
demonic entity.
This is what caused
the mom to call us.
She knew at that moment
she was not dealing
with her daughter.
When someone exhibits
abnormal strength
to a point that it cannot
be explained logically,
we know that that is
a demonic entity.
And in this case,
there's no doubt in my mind
she was under
transient possession.
It's time to go to the home
and perform the exorcism.
[door opening]
[mother exclaiming softly]
Thank you so much!
We're gonna do everything
we can to help.
Have faith.
The mother was trembling.
And I thought,
"My God, she is just
This is a woman
who is really suffering."
A 16 year old girl did this?
Yes, but I suspect
she had some help.
In the name of the Father,
Son, Holy Ghost.
Bless this dwelling, bless this
dwelling, bless this dwelling.
[agonizing scream]
[eerie noises]
The first stage
of performing an exorcism
is the presence.
[loud crash]
[flies buzzing]
[James] And oftentimes,
the person has what's called
transient possession.
The demonic entity will enter
the body and leave at will.
As an exorcist, what we do
is we provoke through prayer.
We force the entity
to manifest itself.
And once the person enters
into transient possession,
then the solemn rite begins.
[flies buzzing]
Do you know who we are?
[eerie music]
[distorted] I know who
you think you are.
And what you think
you're going to do.
Will you let this girl go?
Leave her family.
Or must I drive you out?
[distorted laughing]
As exorcists, we have
to be very careful
not to fall for the power
tricks of the demoniac.
And certainly not to look
in the demoniac's eyes.
[distorted laughing]
As an exorcist, we do things
that the person doesn't know
what we're doing.
And for the sole purpose
of forcing the entity
to manifest.
And it did.
[high pitched screaming]
[distorted laughing]
Hello, Brooke. I'm father--
[demented laughter]
- I'm here to help you.
[Brooke struggling]
[priest] Yes, good.
[growling, straining]
Father, you need
to help me hold her!
[guttural growling]
Hold her.
- [panting]
I'll get the holy water.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
[soft, dreamy voice] Jamie.
Why are you hurting me?
What did you say?
Why are you doing this, Jamie?
I'm hurt.
[distorted] Please help me.
[priest] What is happening?
It's using my aunt's voice.
No, you're not her.
You're not her.
You're not her.
[priest] Do not make
eye contact.
Bishop! Do not look at her!
Bishop! Get out of her eyes!
[distorted whispering]
[distant growling]
[growling intensifies]
In the name of the Father--
I did the one thing
that I knew that I was
not supposed to do.
I accidentally looked
into the eyes of the demoniac.
And it was a complete
black abyss.
And I thought,
"Oh, God help me."
[aunt] Jamie,
why are you hurting me?
[distorted whispering]
[aunt] Look at me.
I was terrified.
Because it was mimicking
the voice of my deceased aunt.
[aunt's voice]
Why are you hurting me?
That was powerful,
because the demoniac knew that
I was in the cemetery that time,
and I was far away
from my family,
and my aunt had passed away,
she was in the hospital.
And she called me.
And her last words to me were,
"Jamie, hurry."
Oh, man
I couldn't go, I couldn't leave,
I couldn't leave the cemetery.
I had no way to get there.
And that
That hurt. That hurt.
But the demoniac knew this.
- Yep.
And the demoniac prayed on that
and that made me vulnerable.
[overlapping, anguished screams]
Protect this man of God!
Protect this man of God
preaching with me.
Out, devil! Out!
[anguished crying]
You're killing me.
[sobbing] Why are you
hurting me?
No, no, no, no
No, you're not real.
No, no, no, no. It's not real.
It's not real, it's not real,
it's not real!
You're not real!
Damn you, Jamie!
You little brat!
It's not real!
[taking deep breath]
[priest] Bishop Long,
can you hear me?
[James muttering]
Bishop Long, can you hear me?
Bishop Long, come back to me!
Bishop Long, come back to me!
Bishop Long!
Bishop Long, can you hear me?
Are you all right, Bishop?
[distorted laughter]
I don't know what happened.
[soft crunching sounds]
So, once I was able
to break free,
only through God's
grace and help,
it was time to continue
the solemn rite
to send this demoniac
right back to where
it came from
[distorted growling]
I'm ready to continue.
Come on, we have to go.
[bones crunching]
- [James] God.
By your name, defend me
and by your might,
defend my cause.
[bones crunching]
God as my helper,
The Lord sustains me.
[distorted screaming]
Out, demon! Out!
You will leave this child.
At this point,
we're doing imperative exorcism.
"I command you,
in the name of Jesus Christ,
whoever you are,
unclaimed spirits"
And that is when her body
It was just like someone
like someone had taken a chain
and lifted her torso
just like this.
It was a, uh, extreme V-shape.
Very unnatural.
Absolutely impossible
for a human being to do this.
That is the power
of the demoniac.
Parlor tricks.
These are parlor tricks
to frighten you,
to scare you,
to shake your faith,
to make you believe,
"Oh, I'm dealing with something
that can actually mess
with someone's body in this way.
Maybe I'm in over my head."
[distorted roaring]
Father, the Son!
- [screaming]
The Holy Spirit!
[anguished cries]
My soul extols the Lord.
How graciously he looked
upon his lowly maiden.
Glory be to the Father.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
For a brief moment,
it was if the demoniac was saying to
me, telepathically,
"Is that all you got?
If that's all you got,
look what I can do."
This demon will not
make us weak.
The fight is not
in this flesh, Father.
In the name of the Father
[James] He puts down the
princes from their thrones.
He exalts the lowly.
In the name of Christ,
I cast you out!
Out, demon!
[priest] In the name
of Christ, I cast you out!
Oh, God!
- Please, God!
- In the name of God!
[muffled growling]
[growling fades out]
[both panting]
Finally, it was over.
We were able to expel
the demonic entity
from Brooke's body.
What's going on?
[James] It's all right.
Give me your hand.
[softly] I got you.
Come on. Get up.
You're okay now.
What happened to me?
It's okay
- What?
You're gonna be fine.
You know, I had faced
my own mortality.
It was one of the most
terrifying moments
in my entire life.
[crying] Where's my mom?
Mom! Oh, my God.
[James] I kept my faith in God
and it was only
through the grace of God
that this demonic entity
was expelled.
- That was, um
- God is good.
I'll never forget the eyes.
How do you think
she invited the demon in?
The background story of this
is that she had purposefully
summoned demons
to harm other people
who had harmed her.
She and her friends,
other friends that were
getting bullied
decided, because
they had read a book,
The Lesser Key of Solomon,
they believed that they could
summon these demons
for the sole purpose
of the demoniac
attacking the people
who were being mean
to them in high school.
And they had no idea,
they had no clue,
what they were getting
themselves into.
[girl] You think
it's gonna work?
I don't know,
maybe we shouldn't do it.
Shut up, it's not gonna work
if you're joking around.
- Okay. Shh.
"I conjure ye,
who expresseth and signifieth
the grandeur
of so lofty a majesty."
It's working.
"I conjure ye,
which showeth forth
the strength of God.
Of a God all-powerful
who punishes
the crimes of the wicked."
When someone begins
summoning demons,
thinking that they're gonna
do your bidding,
then they have already
gotten you beaten.
And you don't even realize it.
Because they are going to do
They'll do your bidding,
oh, with pleasure.
But then they're gonna
come back to you and say,
"Now you owe us.
And you're going to pay for it
one way or the other."
So, in this case,
the demonic entity
attacked Brooke
because she was the one
who invited the demonic entity
into her life.
to do her bidding.
But it was Brooke
that ended up doing
the demoniac's bidding.
That's one thing that people
don't seem to understand.
How easy it is
to invite a demon
into your home.
To unlock an evil
that enters your family
and not only
torments them today,
but for generations to come.
And I know this
because I worked a case
just like that.
[loud breathing]
Sam, can you hear me?
I'm here to help.
It's easy to believe
we'd never do anything
to invite a demon
into our lives.
We'd never be lured
by the occult
or tempted by black magic.
Never open that door.
But a door could be opened
by someone we love and trust
without us even knowing.
People don't seem to realize
how easy it can be
to unknowingly invite
the demonic into their world.
To unlock an evil that enters
your household
and just torments everybody.
And it can be transgenerational,
in the bloodline,
a mistake a family member made.
Sometimes it's just by accident.
But whatever the case may be,
both can have
horrific consequences.
And I recently had a case
that touched on
all of these points.
My phone rings one night
and it's a mother,
single mother, two young sons.
The mother explains to me
that her youngest son
has become different,
he's violent,
she can't even
let him go to school.
She's afraid of him.
I told the mother,
"I want to help.
But in order for me
to understand
what's going on with your son,
I need you to go back to
the beginning of the story."
[soft thud]
[tapping on window]
[echoing voice]
Hey, can you let me in?
It's so cold
let me in
It's so cold.
Can you let me in?
Who are you?
[normal voice]
I saw you at the park.
I have no place to go.
Please, help me.
I'll only stay
for a few minutes.
Just to warm up.
Okay, just for a few minutes.
[intense music playing]
[soft footsteps]
[echoing voice] It's so cold.
Come on, buddy, get in here.
[eerie music playing]
Sam, did you crawl into bed
with me last night?
Don't look at me.
Well, whoever it was woke me up
and was freezing.
So, Sam, did you get
a little cold---
It wasn't me.
Then who was it?
Maybe it was the boy.
What boy?
The boy I let in to get warm.
Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?
You let someone in our house?
In my room?
He was cold.
Paul, did you know about this?
Hey, I didn't know anything.
[Shawn] The mother
is clearly distraught.
She said, "I thought my little
boy crawled into bed with me.
And he was ice cold,
like an ice block
got up against her back."
This woman is so frightened,
unlike I've ever heard
anybody on the phone.
But then it just all of
a sudden gets even worse.
[muffled scream] Mom!
The mother was horrified.
Her youngest son
attacked his older brother
with a baseball bat.
Sent him to the hospital,
he had a concussion.
How do you come back from that?
This once innocent little boy
has become so violent
he could have killed
his older brother.
That's when she called me.
This woman is so frightened.
She thinks he's possessed.
She tells me,
"You have to come now
or I have to figure out some
way to bring my son to you."
I knew that I had
to go over there.
[car door closing]
Hey, hey.
Oh, thank God you're here.
[mother crying]
- It's okay, it's okay.
Now, where's your son?
There's something in that house.
But it is not my son.
It's okay.
Wait here. Wait here.
[creepy whispering]
[rattling intensifies, stops]
[eerie sounds]
[echoing child's voice]
It wasn't me.
[distorted child's voice]
In the name of the Lord,
release your hold on this door.
I command you! Let me inside!
[door clicks open]
Sam, can you hear me?
I'm here to help.
I didn't see Sam.
I saw a man.
And it was demonic.
I think the demon
was trying to trick me
into thinking it was Sam.
But it wasn't.
Sam must have been either
transported somewhere,
or this old man was Sam.
Whatever it was,
it immediately attacked me.
And if feels like a giant,
ice-cold blanket thrown over me.
I can't move, I can't see,
I can't breathe.
And there had to be
time loss there,
but I don't know how much time.
I must have been transported
somewhere else.
Another time, another dimension.
I woke up, I found myself
on my knees
in the desert.
And I saw Hell.
I knew I had to think quickly.
I was being deceived.
I needed to refocus
and do what I came there to do
which was to save Sam.
What did you do with the boy?
[agonizing screams]
Give me strength.
I don't know
what I'm up against.
And I don't have time
to think about anything else.
The kid
who this old man is.
I don't know if we both
got drug out
to the desert together
or if we're still
in the bedroom.
If we've died and gone to Hell,
I don't know.
I'm so literally
frightened to my core
that I can't move.
It's over, I'm done,
I got nothing.
Then, I saw the light.
Jesus Christ.
It it's you.
Deliver me from this place.
Deliver the boy.
[kisses feet]
And I remember kissing Jesus
on his left foot.
And I can still taste
the dry blood
and mud and dirt
off of his foot in my mouth,
as I kiss his foot.
And as soon as I do that,
I feel invincible.
[inhales deeply]
For the first time this night,
I had the strength to fight.
Where were we?
By the power
of His resurrection
and ascension,
I command that you obey me.
In the name of the Father
and the Son and Holy Spirit
I command that you release me,
I command that you
release this boy.
You have no power over me.
My prayers were not
having the effect
that I was hoping for.
I knew that I had
to change up my approach.
I needed to save Sam
before it was too late
and the Devil had him.
and the Devil had him.
So I called upon
Sam's soul to fight.
Sam, can you hear me?
If you can hear me,
now is the time to fight!
[demon roaring]
If we both have faith,
we can beat it!
So follow my voice.
[softly] Follow my voice.
Now, take my hand
and have faith in the Lord.
Lord, give this boy strength!
[laughing, crying]
You're gonna be okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay
This little boy was possessed
in probably within 48 hours.
As violent as the son
became so quickly,
I believe it would have
just come down to death.
- Yeah.
Attacking the older brother,
killing him then.
And probably attacking
and killing the mother.
Basically killing everybody.
And how many times
do we hear stories like that?
This is what I'm gonna
throw out at you guys.
In researching
the mother's background,
she was of Creole descent.
She had many
ancestral connections
throughout her family lineage
of people involved
in southern hoodoo,
Voodoo, Santeria,
that type of stuff.
So, I believe it was
a transgenerational curse,
some type of
transgenerational demon
that ultimately
attached to the son
because he was the easiest,
most vulnerable target.
So, the invitation,
the first invitation
to the demoniac
to come into this family
was done by his ancestors
long before he invited that
little boy into the house.
[Donnie] A lot of people
don't understand
what a transgenerational
curse is.
But it's basically the sins
and curses,
the things that our ancestors
have done, witchcraft, murder,
these sins that have not
been atoned for
that are passed down through
the generational bloodline.
They wait for an open door
to attach itself to a person.
When he opened the door!
"Mom, he was knocking
on the back door,
asked me if he could come in
and I let him in."
There you go.
That was the door.
That was the deception
right there.
Generational curses usually are
types of conjurings
that are done
way, way, way back in the day,
and demons are conjured forth.
And they stick with the family
throughout the lineage,
you know, generation,
to generation, to generation.
And some people don't even
know they have it.
You know, if it's conjured forth
and it sticks with the family
and it's an attachment,
it can actually ruin
a family's life.
As the battle between exorcist
and demon rages on,
the Devil always has a plan
to lure more souls
to join his ranks.
These are the promises
sealed by a demonic pact.
At the next gathering
ofThe Legion of Exorcists,
demonic pacts,
deals with the Devil.
[priest] This 17-year-old girl
was so distraught
that she would do anything
to talk to her dad
one more time.
The demon told her that if she
would just agree to follow him,
he would return everything
that she had lost.
[demonic growling]
The Devil will exploit
vulnerability and grief
in order to get someone
to make that deal with him.
[demonic roaring]
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