Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Chapter Three

[MARIAH] Previously on
Emperor of Ocean Park
[ZIEGLER] I'm sorry for your loss.
I must ask you something, Talcott.
I must know about the arrangements.
[TAL] I'm glad to answer your questions,
but I can't say I find the
timing totally appropriate.
[MCDERMOTT] We're here
to ask about Jack Ziegler
and an associate of his named Lisa.
Can I at least give you
Communion before I go?
How about we just pray?
Heavenly Father, we thank You for
No, no, no. Confession of sins.
[CHANTAL] Father Brown
was murdered last night.
We might have some relevant information.
Who should we talk to?
Did you solve the murder yet?
Embezzlement or murder, you
get to the truth the same way.
You find a thread and pull.
Tal, are you all right?
[TAL] Who is sending
you flowers at work?
[KIMMER] They were from a client.
It doesn't mean anything, Tal.
[MAXINE] A handsome guy like
you, I bet you got some rhythm
to go with all those good looks.
I'm Maxine, by the way.
Tal, they've got no record
of any agents with those names.
They're not from the FBI.
Hey, we good now.
Thanks again.
You listen to that '90s
playlist I sent you?
Finish the lyric
"I bomb atomically"
Okay, fine. I will listen to it.
I mean, you know I'm a house head.
Yeah, I been busy, man.
[TAL] All right, who
left this pawn for me?
There's Theo Mountain.
Same folks I always see
in and out of that lecture hall.
[TAL] And Lionel.
Marc Hadley?
Marc doesn't have a class
in here on Wednesdays.
Why is he in my classroom?
Can you give me a copy of this?
That's gonna be extra.
Come on, man. [SCOFFS]
Get it together.
[MCDERMOTT] Don't run, Talcott.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Agent McDermott.
Or is it even McDermott, since
you're not an agent at all?
What do you want with me?
You're right. I'm not at the Bureau.
I needed to convey a
certain level of urgency
at our meeting, you understand?
No, no, no, I don't understand.
- Why are you following me?
- I find people.
That's my trade.
My client desperately
needs to know who Lisa is
and where she might be.
Once I have that information,
you'll never hear from me again.
No, I told you, I don't know any Lisa.
You and I are in the same boat, Talcott.
Ziegler's got you on
some wild-goose chase
with these arrangements.
I have it on good authority
Ziegler wants to get
to Lisa before I do.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. This
is about the arrangements?
Is Lisa connected?
Don't know, don't care.
But Ziegler wouldn't
hesitate to kill us both
to get whatever it is he wants.
Uncle Jack would never do that.
He said he'd protect me.
Your Uncle Jack is a ruthless
criminal with no moral compass.
You want to trust him? Fine.
But sharing information
before it gets to him
might keep us both alive.
I don't even know what the
hell the arrangements are
or who's involved with
them or why they exist.
What do you think I'm hiding?
When you're ready to talk
about Lisa, you call me.
And you can verify all of this
all the financial improprieties,
the stealing from the pension funds,
the pay-for-play corruption, all of it?
Yes, sir. We have multiple
high-level sources.
Two broads [SIGHS]
Sorry two women willing
to go on the record.
It's corroboration out the ass, Lew.
Including a whistleblower who provided
a trove of primary documents.
We could publish them
alongside the article.
This could be front-page stuff.
Above the fold.
And how did you find this
whistleblower, get him to talk?
[CHUCKLES] The same
way I won a Pulitzer
determination and God-given skill.
What would I do without you?
Huh? Come on, let's get to work.
Mom! Mom!
Jesus fucking Christ.
Malcolm, you are holding up the line.
- What are you doing?
- I can't find my laptop.
And you waited until we got here
in the drop-off line to look?
Just calm down. Damn.
Hey, don't you tell me to calm down.
Oh, Mariah.
[GROANS] Are you okay?
I am so sorry for your loss.
Oh, thank you, Judy. I appreciate that.
Do you think you can still be
on the spring gala committee?
Because I am glad to take
over your responsibilities.
- I've got it covered.
- Okay.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.
'Cause we really need to get going
Oh, you know what? I think
you're holding up the line.
Great. Love you.
Have a great day.
An arrest is a good thing, Mariah.
- [MARIAH] I just don't buy it.
- You don't buy it?
What the hell does that mean?
People do drugs. It happens.
[MARIAH] There's
something going on here.
[TAL] I got to go to
work. I'll call you back.
- [MARIAH] Bye.
- Everything okay?
Just another one of Mariah's
"Dateline NBC" theories
rearing its head again.
New kicks?
Yeah, you remember my student Lionel?
Used to intern over at Newhall?
He gave them to me as
a grief gift, I guess.
They're gonna start background checks
and interviews any day now.
We have to be prepared for that.
The FBI.
My nomination to the federal bench?
- Yes, of course.
- [KIMMER] Uh-huh.
I'm I'm sorry.
How you doing?
The more I get back
to my normal routine,
the easier it'll be.
Hmm. I understand.
I'm here.
Can you help me with this?
[SIGHS] I have a meeting
downtown with a client at 5:30,
so I'll be late.
- But I have my late class.
- I know.
I've asked Patty to pick
up Bentley from preschool
and bring him here until you get back.
[PERSON] Corrections operator.
- Visitations, please?
- [PERSON] Hold please.
[PERSON 2] Visitations.
Hello, I'm trying to get a visit
with my cousin, Sharik Deveaux
He just got there this week.
- Mm-hmm.
I didn't realize so many family members
had already signed up. Okay.
And there's no other way, huh?
Only his public defender. I see.
- [PERSON] That's right.
- Okay, thank you so much.
- [PERSON] Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Yo! What the fuck?
A silver Audi A6, you say,
in the campus parking lot?
Yeah. Lot five around 9 a.m.
You see a university
permit sticker or anything?
I don't know.
This why you want to see all
the surveillance videos, man?
- You owe somebody money?
- No.
You fuck somebody's wife?
Jesus, Desmond, no, I
just want you to be aware
in case you see something.
Someone put that chess
piece in my classroom,
and now I'm getting stalked by a car.
Man, "It's fucked up when your
mind's playing tricks on ya."
Is that ?
The Geto Boys song.
I told you I'll listen to the playlist.
All right, never mind.
you holding up, buddy?
Fine, Marc, thanks.
Anything I can do,
you let me know, okay?
You got enough on your plate.
Dean added a Wednesday lecture
to your schedule, didn't she?
God, no. Where'd you hear that?
Someone said they saw you in
the fourth-floor lecture hall
on Wednesday, you know,
just before my class.
Don't think so.
If they gave me another class
with these entitled brats,
I'd jump out the window.
Or throw one of them out first.
[CHUCKLES] See you around, Tal.
[CHUCKLES] Laser pen.
I left it in the lecture
hall, went back to get it.
Love this thing.
[HOWARD CHUCKLES] Our fees are too high?
You tell that mathematically
challenged fuck client
of yours that I'm gonna
schedule a meeting with him
just so I can punch
him in his solar plexus.
Hard, Bob!
I got to go.
Hey, honey. What are you doing here?
- I wanted to talk to you.
- Okay.
You handled the pension fund
for Cole and Brownstein, right?
The criminal defense firm?
Yes, why?
I need a lawyer, and they're the best.
Can you make a call?
You finally killed Szuza, didn't you?
They arrested a kid for
Father Brown's murder.
Name's Sharik Deveaux.
We're gonna pay for his defense.
[TAL] Okay, what are
you doing here, Marc?
[SIGHS] Laser pen.
[KIMMER] Hey, Tal.
[SCOFFS] Surprised you picked up.
[KIMMER] Well, I was just about to call.
Gonna be even later
than I thought, sorry.
That's okay.
I was just thinking,
maybe we should go out
to the Vineyard House this weekend.
My dad kept a chess set there,
similar to the one he kept at home.
I'd like to see if it's still there.
[KIMMER] You want to
fly out for a chess set?
No, not just that.
He left me the house.
I haven't been there in forever.
I figured we should take a
look at it sooner than later.
[KIMMER] It's the dead of winter.
Yeah, well, it's actually very beautiful
this time of year
quiet, scenic,
a great place for us to connect.
[KIMMER] Sure, honey. Hey, I got to run.
And don't eat a bunch of junk food
- just 'cause I'm not
there. - No, not at all.
I'm gonna grab some
healthy dinner and see
I sit alone in my four-cornered room
staring at candles.
Jerry Nathanson?
What the fuck is going on?
Lewisson wants to talk to you.
[LEWISSON] It's not just
the financial reporters.
It's 20% of the staff.
Uh, we're just not selling
papers like we used to.
Now, there is a way to keep you.
Not at your current salary, but
we're gonna move some of our people
- to strictly online stories.
- [SCOFFS] Oh, my God.
So we can start to build up
what we offer on the blog.
- The blog?
- Yeah.
And and this new Facebook thing is
Facebook just reconnects me
to people from high school
that I never wanted to talk to anyway.
Yeah, well, I know,
but there will be news
eventually on on all of it.
All right, no disrespect,
Lew, but that's crazy.
And I'm I'm not a blogger.
I am a newspaper reporter.
[SIGHS] I don't know what I'm gonna do.
My dad's already called me three times
saying he can get me an
interview at FOX News.
[HOWARD] Well, that's great.
- Not great.
How dare he?
He means well. I just
don't want to no run to Daddy
every time things get tough.
Yeah, well, you're
gonna get another job.
Lewisson's right, newspapers
are getting crushed.
Everybody's either
folding or consolidating,
and it's tough for any
journalist right now.
Well, you're not just any journalist.
You won a Pulitzer in your 20s.
I was on a team that won a Pulitzer.
So what?
So the industry is littered
with former this-or-that award winners.
Same unemployment check.
You're gonna be fine.
You know, I can provide a life
where you never have
to worry about work.
Ugh, please don't propose
for the eighth time, Howard.
This isn't that.
I don't like worrying about my career,
but I would fucking hate
not having a career to worry about.
- Hmm?
- Yeah.
I'm just saying, if you ever
need a soft place to fall
- You know?
- Thank you.
[DIANE] Wonderful
meeting with you, Mariah.
You as well. It's an
exciting opportunity.
[HAL] And, Judge Garland,
we really appreciate
you coming in on the line
and for giving FOX News
the inside track in the
Mariah Garland sweepstakes.
It's a wise investment.
This girl once did a
piece on land values
in Western Kentucky that you would think
would be like watching paint dry,
but it was just so smart,
so interesting, and funny.
You you read that?
I read everything you write.
Oh, I'm sorry, Hal.
I'm being a dad right now. [CHUCKLES]
[HAL] No problem. Nice
talking to you both.
And hope to see you here soon, Mariah.
Thank you. We'll be in touch.
I thought that went great.
It did not. [SCOFFS]
The whole vision they presented for you?
You start as a correspondent.
You develop an audience, work
your way to an anchor's desk,
then your own show.
That's damn good.
It's not for me, Dad.
What do you mean?
I mean, you know, it's TV.
And I'm a journalist
and not the kind that
reads a teleprompter.
I mean, it'd be one thing
if it was 60 Minutes
or something, but
I was skeptical, too.
I ignored the calls
for years, but then
Then you gave up.
You had every right to.
They screwed you on the court.
The liberal media was taking
shots at you left and right.
You couldn't just sit there and take it.
And this sort of who-shouts-
the-loudest contest
called news was the
perfect distraction for you.
I wouldn't call what I do a distraction.
No, I'm just
I'm saying that you left
the more serious days
of your career behind
quite intentionally.
And I'm not there yet. That's all.
I see.
Mr. Lyles. I'm Mariah Denton.
We spoke on the phone.
Uh, yeah, I didn't know
you were gonna be here.
Oh, I just need a few words with Sharik.
Did you not get enough information
from me when we talked?
No, you were great. Thank you.
Look, it's highly irregular
to have a guest in our session.
A guest?
I'm the one paying you.
If I don't talk to Sharik,
I'm not gonna pay you anymore.
Respectfully, ma'am
If you want to explain to your
partners at Cole and Brownstein
why you let a couple
hundred thousand dollars
of billable hours slip
away and pissed off the wife
of the man who's running the
partner's retirement fund,
be my guest.
Otherwise, sit the fuck down
Ah, I'm Stetson Lyles
with Cole and Brownstein.
And this is Mariah Denton.
She's one of the firm's
What, you a lawyer, too?
[BOTH] No.
I have a feeling that you're innocent.
And I don't want to
see another Black man
railroaded by the system, so
I'm paying for your defense.
Inside, you'll find, uh, an agreement
for the firm to represent you,
along with a copy of our bill.
Including the extraordinarily
large retainer fee,
that's what it'll take
to secure your freedom.
Well, you don't look
like no Harriet Tubman.
And don't shit come
for free, so who is you?
What's the catch?
I should tell you that
this isn't typically
how our firm handles cases like yours.
You're right. I need
something in return.
Quid pro quo? That's great.
Um, look, I'm not even
sure I can hear this.
- What you need?
- [MARIAH] Information.
You just got to talk to me, and then
you'll sign this, and
I'll take care of everything.
[STETSON] I have a
legal duty to advise you
that anything you say
will not be covered
by attorney-client privilege.
What you want to know?
Why you think you're really here.
How'd you know Father Brown?
The drugs, everything
that you can tell me.
I was in Reverend Brown
youth program a while back.
You know, he tried to keep a
bunch of us off the streets.
But, um, I'm stubborn, man,
and I kept slipping back.
Whenever he see me out
there, he come scoop me up,
take me to church.
Sometimes just go get some food.
He'd minister to me, you know,
teach me about the Word.
I liked Rev. I wouldn't kill him.
One day, Rev picked me up.
But this time he asked if I was holding,
said he needed some
Percs, so I got him some.
He kept coming back
Percs, Bennys, sometimes
Oxys, like, on the weekly.
- He used?
- [SHARIK] Nah, no.
I know a fiend when I see one.
He said it was for his girlfriend.
Next thing I know, they say Rev dead,
say I'm the last one to see him.
Freeman Brown didn't have a girlfriend.
Sure he did.
- What was her name?
- I don't know.
Quiet as kept, Rev got around.
Thank you so much. Okay, bye.
[SIGHS] Lindy found
Bentley's monster truck.
Disaster averted.
Thank God. He's
obsessed with that thing.
Tell me about it.
I thought we were gonna
have to order a replacement.
Your, um your boss got him
that, right, last Christmas?
Jerry Nathanson?
Addison got the monster truck.
Jerry got him the Magna-Tiles.
How's he doing, Jerry?
Same as always.
Doesn't want me to leave the firm.
[SIGHS] This was a really good idea.
It'll help you to reset.
And we could use some time together.
You okay?
Uh, I'm sorry, there's just been a
bunch on my mind.
She was pretty.
I-I didn't mean
Nothing wrong with looking.
[TAL] Who the hell is
this, the paparazzi?
Shit, I thought she
was gonna come later.
Ashley Grey. She's an appraiser.
"An appraiser"? Kimmer, we
barely set foot in the house.
I know. I was gonna talk to you.
We're gonna want to know
what this house is worth.
Not right now I don't.
My father is barely in the grave.
- It's selfish.
- "Selfish"?
Tal, this is what you're supposed to do
when you inherit property.
I thought I was taking
something off your plate.
Really? Because it seems
you're putting something else
on my plate that I definitely
don't need right now.
Besides, this is our house,
and I get to make
decisions about it, too.
[ASHLEY] Hi. You must be Mr. Garland.
[TAL] Hi, Ashley.
I'm not in need of your
services at the present.
I'm sorry.
Have you already been inside the house?
Uh, no, of course not.
[KIMMER] What is it?
[TAL] Stay there.
Call the police.
Yes, hello.
Uh, someone has broken into our house.
No, I-I don't know if there's
someone still in the house.
[OLIVER] "My son, there's so much
I wish I could share with you.
Alas, at the present moment, I cannot.
If you're reading my note,
one must assume that
something has happened to me."
Everything's okay up here.
Be down in a sec.
[OLIVER] "I apologize for the complexity
of this method of contact,
but there are others who
would also like to know
that which is for your eyes only.
So know this much
Lisa's boyfriend, despite
his deteriorating condition,
is in possession of that
which I want you to know."
Lisa's boyfriend?
[OLIVER] "You have little time.
You are unlikely to be the only one
who is searching for the arrangements
that Lisa's boyfriend alone can reveal.
And you may not be the only one
who knows who Lisa's boyfriend is.
Excelsior, my son.
It begins."
[PERSON ON TV] You see, sometimes I turn
the sports page, and I see
the, uh, society section.
You lock the door?
Like the cops said, it was just
bored teenagers or something.
Nothing was taken.
We're okay.
[MARIAH] Being a team player,
that's a strength of mine
ever since I was the only girl pitcher
on a Little League team with all boys.
I have a very strong point
of view, a singular vision,
and I think that that's critical
in long-form reporting like this.
Really being able to blend in
and get people to trust you,
that's the key to this
type of journalism,
and it's something
that really excites me.
And that type of thorough
attention to detail
is really important
in this type of work,
so that's a hallmark for me.
That's great, Marianne.
Thanks for taking the time.
[MARIAH] I don't I don't know, Dad.
Every single one of my
top-tier choices rejected me.
Just give it time.
Well, do you think we
should go back to FOX?
You don't want to do television.
You're not at that place
in your career yet, right?
Dad, if I offended
you when I said that
[OLIVER] My advice is for you
to take that cocksure spirit
and let it fuel you to persevere.
Thank you. Bye.
I was surprised to get your call,
but I do appreciate it.
Well, my father would've
insisted we make a donation
under the circumstances.
When will the search
for a new rector begin?
Soon, but we're not gonna rush it.
What about Father Brown's girlfriend?
I'm sure she must have some thoughts.
- "Girlfriend"?
- Oh, I was told he had one.
- Was I mistaken?
- Who told you that?
Wow. Thank you so much, Mariah.
Be real with me, Ms. Reid.
I know the church
secretary knows everything.
I'm asking for a reason.
What reason is that?
I believe whatever
happened to Father Brown
is related to my father's death.
Two men so closely connected
both ending up dead?
Come on.
I don't know of any girlfriend.
And even if I did, it ain't my business.
I made a sizable donation, Chantal.
I'll be happy to keep making it.
Do you understand?
I know grieving is hard, honey.
Let me get you a receipt.
Girlfriend, okay, okay,
where is the girlfriend?
I'll take that.
Thanks again for your donation.
You should get some rest.
You look a little tired.
[OLIVER] "My son, something
has happened to me."
[KIMMER] Hey, Tal.
"Lisa's boyfriend is
in possession of that
which I want you to know."
[KIMMER] Gonna be even
later than I thought, sorry.
[OLIVER] "You have little time."
[MCDERMOTT] These arrangements.
[OLIVER] "The arrangements."
Ziegler wouldn't hesitate
to kill us both.
[OLIVER] "Excelsior, my son.
You okay, Professor?
Uh, yeah, I'm fine.
Oh, just checking.
You seemed a little out
of it in class today.
Ah, uh, I'm good.
Hey, you use the shoes yet?
No. No, but soon.
Hey, that day you gave me the shoes,
did you see anyone in
the classroom before me?
Anyone out of the ordinary?
No, I mean, Old Man Mountain
was slow to clear out his class,
but he always holds them over.
Just a normal day.
Have a good one, man.
I've been trying to get a hold of you.
Where have you been?
[MARIAH] Rev Brown was out here
in these streets, Tal.
[TAL] What?
Sharik said that
Freeman was buying the drugs
for some woman, not for him.
Just like I thought Sharik
didn't kill Father Brown.
One of these fast-ass women probably did
or somebody connected to them.
Uh, Mariah, there's a letter from Dad.
- We need to meet.
- [MARIAH] A letter?
- [TAL] Yeah.
- What did it say?
It said "Lisa's boyfriend
has the arrangements."
"Lisa's boyfriend"?
Who the fuck is Lisa?
- When can you come?
- I can swing by tomorrow
after I do some chores at Dad's house.
[CHUCKLES] Nice try.
- Boo-yah.
- Ah.
- No, you got to say "boo-yah."
Hey, boys.
- Mom!
- Hey.
- How was your day?
- Incredible.
You won't believe who invited me out
for drinks later tonight.
Tonight? Who?
George Klein.
The partner at Elwyn and Shuster.
He's a kingmaker on the Seventh Circuit.
I'm gonna go change.
He invited you? How
do you know each other?
Ruth, you know, is my biggest
advocate for the appointment.
She mentioned my name to him,
and he invited me out for
drinks with the two of them.
So you're going back downtown?
I have to. He's hugely influential.
It's gonna be late, so don't wait up.
The other night before
we went to the Vineyard,
you worked late in the city.
I know, I'm sorry.
This will be the last time, I promise.
When I called you, it
sounded like you were out.
Where'd you go?
I went to a restaurant
some Italian place.
We all did me, Jerry,
Kate, the whole team.
[SCOFFS] It was a huge client,
and he wanted to keep talking.
It sounded like fun. That's all.
I need to get out more.
Yeah. It'd be good for you.
I just got back from the gym.
I was gonna jump in the shower.
Tell me, were those interviewers
total and absolute morons?
You should ask me, now.
Uh, ask you what?
Number eight.
You should ask.
Now? Really?
Yes. Um, shit.
- Hold on. Hold on. I
- Relax.
No, I'm relaxed, I
I This is not I'm in my underwear.
- I
- It's okay. It's okay.
Yeah, it's right here.
No, I had a whole plan.
There was gonna be, like,
string lights and candles
and the guy from the subway
was gonna play the cello.
I love you. I don't need that.
Mariah Garland
woman of my dreams
will you make me the happiest
- That's a real yes?
- That's a real yes.
Okay. [LAUGHS]
[MARIAH] Lisa's all over this book.
I mean, there's little notes, messages.
It's got to be the girlfriend.
If Freeman is Lisa's boyfriend
and he knew about Dad's arrangements,
- then that would explain
- Why they tortured him.
He probably wouldn't give them up,
whatever the arrangements are.
Don't you see, Tal?
Dad knew that he was in trouble.
That's probably why they killed him.
And it was probably Ziegler.
We should figure out who this Lisa is.
She has to know something.
Yes, us.
That's what I've been saying, Tal.
I've already combed through
all the old church directories,
and nothing definitive yet,
but I'll share what I have.
I need to see somebody.
[MCDERMOTT] Hello, Mr. Garland.
Calling to arrange coffee?
McDermott, uh, yes,
coffee as soon as we can.
[MCDERMOTT] You must have
found some information on Lisa.
There's a great little place
I know take the train.
You'll get a text with
the station and a time.
I'll pick you up red
sedan, far end of the lot.
[OLIVER] Perception is
the name of the game.
People think it's power.
And the illusion of power is effective,
as is the illusion of weakness.
Take the pawn.
At times in the game, she's
the most powerful piece.
But she can never appear to
be, or the advantage is lost.
- And the queen
- Mm.
always powerful, never
tries to hide it, still wins.
The most valuable pieces
can just be themselves, no?
Well, actually
[CLAIRE] Uh, we should
really let Howard get back.
[MARIAH] Yes, he has an early flight.
That's code for "shut up, Oliver."
Thank you for showing me this
and for taking me to the
Bears game the other day.
You're pretty good company
for a profit-obsessed
venture capitalist.
Thank you both for a wonderful visit.
I'm humbled to be marrying
your daughter, sir.
[MARIAH] This will only take a minute.
- So?
- I like him.
I've really enjoyed
getting to know him better.
I thought you would.
Howard's a great guy.
You shouldn't marry him.
You just said you liked him, Dad.
- He's wrong for you.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about your career.
I'm still trying to claw
my way back into a newsroom.
What does that have to do with Howard?
He's gonna give you everything
in life you've ever wanted.
He has the means to do that.
Soon you'll have a kid,
then you'll have another and another.
Maybe you'll have another after that.
Commonly known as a family?
You've always wanted that for us.
There's not much room
left for your ambition.
You're punishing me.
Ever since the FOX News interview.
I'm doing what?
This is all because I
didn't want the fucking job
that you wanted me to take.
- Watch your tone.
This is is this why
you wouldn't help me
when I came back to you?
And now you're just
making up this bullshit
to, what, fuck with my happiness?
- You're acting ridiculous here!
- No, it's a shitty thing to do!
I said watch your mouth.
All that I've ever done
is look out for you kids
and your best interests.
Is it 'cause I made some little
comment about your career?
Are you that petty?
I called Hal and Diane a week
after they interviewed you.
I wanted to arrange going to New York,
pitch you to the head of
the network, like they said.
But they wouldn't return my calls.
And when they did,
they told me they decided
to go in another direction.
I never told you because
I figured you'd had enough rejection.
I wanted to protect you,
'cause that's what I do.
And that was after your little comment.
I have to go.
I never gave up.
You said I gave up. I never did.
But if you marry this guy,
you'll be out of the game.
You trust me.
That's not gonna happen.
Okay? It's not.
[ON TV] Ooh, burnout!
Hey, superstar.
How'd everything go at Hyde Park, hmm?
I need to get out of here.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna be going
back and forth to my parents' house,
maybe staying there a bit.
Um, there's just a lot more
to do at Shepherd Street
than I thought.
[SCOFFS] Okay.
[TAL] Red sedan.
[PERSON] Someone was in that car!
[PERSON 2] Yo, call the police!
I sit alone in my four-cornered room ♪
Staring at candles ♪
Yo, that shit is on?
Let me drop some shit like this here.
Real smooth.
At night, I can't
sleep, I toss and turn ♪
Candlesticks in the dark ♪
Visions of bodies being burned ♪
Four walls just staring at a nigga ♪
I'm paranoid, sleeping with
my finger on the trigger ♪
My mother's always stressing
I ain't living right ♪
But I ain't going
out without a fight ♪
See, every time my eyes close ♪
I start sweating ♪
And blood starts coming out my nose ♪
Is somebody watchin' the Ak? ♪
But I don't know who it is ♪
So I'm watching my back ♪
I can see him when
I'm deep in the covers ♪
When I awake, I don't
see the motherfucker ♪
He owns a black hat like I own ♪
A black suit and a cane like my own ♪
Some might say, take a chill, B ♪
But fuck that shit ♪
There's a nigga trying to kill me ♪
I'm popping in the clip
when the wind blows ♪
Every 20 seconds got me
peeping out my window ♪
Investigating the joint for traps ♪
Checking my telephone for taps ♪
I'm staring at the
woman on the corner ♪
It's fucked up when your
mind's playing tricks on ya ♪
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