En Fin (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


-It's me, Tomás. Open up.
-Do you remember the password?
-No. Open the gate, please.
-But there's a protocol
-I don't remember it, Juan.
The capital of Cambodia.
I thought you were dead.
You can sleep here.
Thanks. It'll be just for a few days.
You know Julia. She'll get over it.
In fact,
I'm not even going to unpack.
So where do you sleep?
Reinforced with thick lead.
This place can withstand three Hiroshimas.
I had prepared well. I've got it all here.
Canned food that lasts
a hell of a long time.
Scented towelettes, a little luxury.
Water purification tablets.
Curry and mango, have you tried it?
Tastes like curry,
but with a hint of mango.
And you haven't even seen
the best part yet.
Moncho, what are you doing here?
Come here.
You've been a very bad boy. Bad boy.
What's that over there? A bull?
Yes, that's Alfredo.
The idea was
to repopulate the planet after
You know.
That's where I sleep.
-If you want, I can sleep
-No way. They don't know you.
-You'd make them nervous.
-All right.
They've been sleeping with me
all this time.
Besides, you wouldn't be able to put up
with Conchi's snoring.
The sow.
What have you got there? A triceratops?
No, there's nothing there.
Just the boiler.
What's the padlock for?
In case the boiler escapes?
Good one. Come on.
What's up, apocalypse friends?
Today, we're going to learn
how to build our own bunker.
What color is the red planet?
Have you seen it?
Yes, it's red.
Exactly. Communists.
First of all, dig a big hole.
I'll tell you the truth.
It doesn't matter
what they say on the news.
It doesn't matter
what the government says.
The Illuminati are behind this.
It doesn't matter
what they say on the news.
If you don't have cement,
you can use pallets.
Where is it? Where's the fucking planet?
Show me the planet, I want to see it.
Where is it?
Get out of here, you bastard! Fuck you!
It doesn't matter
what they say on the news.
It doesn't matter
what the government says.
-The Illuminati are behind this.
Reptilians. Salamander humanoids.
Ventilation and insulation.
Be prepared, but keep cool.
Where is it? Where is it?
Butt Butt
Where is it? Where is it?
Butt paper and water.
There is only one safe place.
It doesn't matter
what they say on the news.
It doesn't matter
what the government says.
They're fumigating us.
They're spraying everything down on us.
Sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, CO2.
CO2 is carbon dioxide?
This is the truth.
These are the last ones.
Are you sure?
Yes, damn it.
I've told you a thousand times,
I don't like to drink alone.
Besides, we got to wash
these beans down with a beer.
Heard anything from Julia and Noa?
No, but they should be fine.
If they forgive you, you're one
lucky son of a bitch, my friend.
You roll in shit
and come up smelling like roses.
They just need a little time.
Was it worth it?
My grandma used to say,
"A great night begets a rough day."
Look. That's where they say
they hit it with a missile.
That's what they say.
If you look closely enough,
it flickers.
Check it out. It does a kind of
Could you aim a little better?
Do you know what day is it today?
I don't think anyone's keeping track.
-Wednesday, September 9th, Saint Peter
-Every day is the same.
The concept of a "week" has gone to shit.
I miss dragging myself out of bed
on a Monday morning.
Or watching a shitty
Betis-Osasuna match on a Saturday.
An orderly, predictable life, damn it.
Nothing has happened, God damn it.
The planet didn't hit us.
-Well, supposedly
-If nothing has changed,
why is everything different?
Answer me that.
Tomás, you'll catch a cold.
We just have to do
what we were doing before.
It's not so hard.
If life goes back
to the way it was before,
Julia will come back too, right?
I don't know, man. You're drunk.
Still got that barbecue?
You know what Romero said to me?
He said you and Noa
are invited to Sunday's event.
-Tomás is behind this. I'm sure of it.
-For sure.
Remember what he was like?
Every Sunday it was the same.
What is it with men and barbecues?
They go crazy for them.
-Do you like raisins?
You need to start eating better.
Don't you want to be better than him?
Well, I am better than him.
You must go on Sunday and humiliate him,
because you're a queen.
You're a goddess, honey. You're Dua Lipa.
Of course you are.
I don't know what a "Dua Lipa" is,
but I'll tell you one thing,
I'll go. Yes.
I'll bring the best meat for the grill,
and veggies for you.
And everyone will thank me, not him.
They'll say, "Hey, Julia. You rule!"
Hey, I know you're vegetarian, but
do you know where I can get
Forget it.
No fucking way. They're my friends.
-That's what they're for, Romero.
-Is that so?
Is that what friends are for?
Ramón, Berta, Manolo, Chelo
Those who stood by my side
when the world was going to shit?
While others left.
Is that what they're for?
Sorry, we don't know that.
Maybe it's okay with them. I don't know.
I don't eat my friends.
Neither will you,
or anyone else.
-What are you doing?
-God damn it, Romero.
I heard a noise.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah. It's just, I heard a noise,
so just in case
Are you okay?
-You sure?
-Well, not really.
There're something I haven't told you.
Something that keeps me awake at night.
Something that I did
We've got to sleep, Juan.
Sleep is key. Tell me another time.
I need to get some rest, man.
Everything has to be perfect tomorrow.
Good night, Juan.
I haven't drunk sangria in a long time.
There's non-alcoholic too, for Trini.
Too bad for you, Trini.
Listen to me, Tomasevich.
You're in your prime.
It's completely normal to be single.
Well, we're super happy together.
You're not normal. You know how many
buttholes a dog sniffs in its lifetime?
-Say a number.
-A thousand.
Maybe. Depends on the dog, I guess.
But once a mutt sniffs one butthole,
it wants another.
What matters is that
that thing passed us by
-and that we're all safe and well.
-You're right.
The truth is, I didn't think
we'd be together again
at another Sunday barbecue.
Well, some people are
pretty damn bitter about all this.
José María, the guy who owned a bar
next to the town hall,
-that guy's totally screwed.
Why do you think, Tomás?
Because he did some terrible things.
Some people would have preferred
that thing to hit us,
so they wouldn't have to go on
with their lives.
-Poor bastards.
-Yes, it's a shame.
So, how about you?
How are you?
What have you been up to?
Apart from leaving your wife, of course.
Not much.
Nothing special, to be honest. No
Hey, so what exactly
did this José Luis guy do?
José María.
I'll go.
Well, my mother-in-law told me this,
-so I don't know the details
-No, honey.
-It was my cousin who told my mom.
-Which cousin?
-Mari Carmen.
-Capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh.
-Your mother told me firsthand.
All we know is José María
turned up and stabbed his father-in-law
150 times outside a kindergarten.
150 times. Just imagine that scene.
The guy agonizing on the floor
for half an hour in front of the kids.
Terrible stuff.
Good one!
Right. That's great!
Hey, look who it is!
I didn't know you were coming.
Julia, you look great.
That's enough.
-What's up, sweetie? How are you?
-Look at me!
Hi, Pino.
You look great.
Let's do this.
How's school?
Are you going to sit there? Sit here.
what are we eating?
Right. So
We all know how difficult it is
to find meat these days,
but when have I ever failed you
at barbecues? Never.
And even less so on a special occasion.
It wasn't easy, but
Let's see.
What? They're pigeons.
The new chicken.
They're all the rage.
I also brought a little meat.
Well done, Julia! That's great.
And some sausages!
I'd like to propose a toast for Julia.
That's okay.
-For Julia.
-Thank you.
Tomás, snap out of it.
-Pass me the tray, please.
-Jeez, dude.
This meat looks great. Look at it.
-Julita really went all out.
-Yes. It looks good.
Compared to those anemic lovebirds
of yours, anything looks good.
-It's true.
-Go on.
Where did you get it?
Great. Great.
Where did you get it?
Julia, the meat is great.
Where did you get it?
It's great.
How did The meat?
Where did you get it? The meat.
Well, I have my contacts,
and they seem to be better than yours.
Right. You're right. It's true.
Yes. Julia
I'm glad this barbecue
means as much to you as it does to me.
Thank you both for coming.
I wanted to stay at home, but
Relax, pal.
So? Did you talk to her?
Yes. It's going well.
One step at a time.
Are you gonna ask her
to get back together?
-She's going to ask me.
-That's my man. You've got balls.
That's what turns them on.
They have to crawl back to us.
-Come on, man
-Really. Listen to me.
I took a course in seduction.
Not because I needed it,
just to learn new methods.
Watch and learn.
Actions speak louder than words.
A little vegan sangria?
They say the calculations were wrong.
There was a delay.
And you believe that?
Damn it Romero,
it's not a question of believing.
When the red planet
entered into the Earth's trajectory,
the Earth was further ahead,
that's why it passed us by. We dodged it.
It was actually Tomás.
Didn't you know?
NASA hired him to dig a hole on the planet
and plant a bomb, right?
I heard they were going
to launch missiles at it to divert it.
That's what they want us to believe.
That was their plan from the start,
damn it.
Whose plan?
The elites.
That's how they want to see us,
scared shitless.
Subdued like sheep.
Meanwhile, the world's gone to shit.
You know how they're doing in Luxemburg?
They're having a fucking great time.
Because the apocalypse
is all in here.
Maybe, but it's also up there,
don't you think?
See that big red rock floating up there?
My goodness
Have you seen it up close?
With a telescope?
Because I have, and so has Tomás.
Go on, tell them.
About the
-It's a hologram.
Hyperrealist? Of course it is.
Quality work? Incredible.
But it flickers.
We're all looking up at the stars,
but the problems are right here.
Extraterrestrials have been around
since before human beings.
The steak's tempting, isn't it?
Where? Well
I bet when you thought you were gonna die,
you gave up the "lettucearianism."
Food is like sex,
gotta fuck a little of everything.
Lettuce, steak A Mediterranean diet.
Thanks, Molina. I don't take advice
from a nobody like you, but thanks.
Eating grass doesn't make you
a better person.
You just have to pay attention.
Anyone seen a Chinese person
since all this started?
Or a sparrow chick?
No, because they don't exist.
They're drones equipped with cameras
operated by the government.
The government.
I'm going to the bathroom.
Of course.
Just listen to him.
I don't know either.
Tell us more about the drones.
Hey, kiddo. Wait.
How are you doing?
We've barely had any chance to talk today.
-I'd like you and I to
-No. Too late.
Well, let me at least try
Dad, how can I explain this to you?
Remember when I flunked five subjects
in high school?
I had the whole summer to study
and retake them in September.
It was the best summer of my life, Dad.
I had an incredible time
and I didn't do shit.
In September, I failed again.
I had to repeat everything.
You know what I thought then?
"I fucked up."
Well, if you had studied
Dad, look
You can't make up for anything
in September because you're in November.
Deal with it. It's over.
No. It's not over.
You're here, aren't you?
Your mother's here.
Mom's not here because she wants you back.
She's here because she's a moron.
Just like you.
I need to pee.
I know what you're doing
and you're doing a great job.
Playing the tough guy with Julia.
Make it clear you're an alpha male
and not some shitty beta,
which is what the feminists want.
They pretend they like soft men,
who write poetry, who do yoga in tights,
who polish their nails.
This is the apocalypse, my friend.
But not you.
You're a real stud. A lone wolf.
A real man.
-You must be proud of your mother.
-All right.
Listen to me. You and I are the same.
-Oh, my God.
-More wine?
Hey there, little one.
Easy. Easy.
We must find a way to save ourselves.
We must make it count.
because I do not. I want to leave.
Would you listen to me?
Let's both scream at the same time.
-Can you do what I say for once?
-I do what you say every day.
-It's the only thing I ask of you.
-We'll never make it out.
Shut up.
You still haven't told me
where you got the meat.
What does it matter?
You've got your asparagus.
Well, I was asking around
at the grocery store.
They sent me from one place to another
and I ended up over near Romaralejo.
Where in Romaralejo?
Pino, for 20 years you've been telling me
the same thing, "I don't eat meat."
Now you want to know where I buy it?
Well, in a warehouse.
-Oh, my God.
-From a nice, blonde, very clean lady.
She seemed trustworthy, I guess.
Very professional.
It didn't come cheap, though.
I traded in Tomás' exercise bike.
Screw him.
Listen, Julia,
I think the meat
Listen up for a second, please.
It's nothing really, just
It makes me so happy to see you all here.
It reminds me of the old times.
I just wanted to say,
to my family in particular
I don't know where she is right now.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you
I'm sorry.
Really sorry.
Though I may not look it,
I'm the sensitive type,
and this hurts.
It hurts because because I screwed up.
I screwed up.
I don't know. I'm sorry. I was like
I was like a lost kid in a shopping mall,
but I found my way back.
I swear.
Thanks to love.
I'm sorry, honey.
Forgive me.
-I'm truly sorry. Really.
Forgive me.
You have to forgive me, please.
-No. Enough.
-Julia, please.
-Come on, Tomás.
-Please, forgive me.
Tomás. Tomás
Please forgive me!
Tomás, get up, please. Get up right now.
Get up.
This is
I've tried
I've tried everything to convince you
While the world collapses around me
While I learn from this strange solitude
I wonder again if maybe I'll survive
Because without you
My conscience is cold and empty
Because without you, my love
I've realized I won't be reborn
He said he had a plan,
that he was saving us.
That we were prime specimens.
And you haven't done anything wrong?
No! I'm a computer technician.
-I'm a model.
-Yeah, I know you're a model.
I don't even know
how long we've been here.
He only comes to bring us food.
I gotta hand it to him.
I'm on a strict diet
and he always tries his best.
Can you talk about something
other than your abs?
Please. I can't stand this guy any longer.
How long until the world ends?
Don't you know?
The world didn't end.
Well, maybe a little,
but not because of the red planet.
It didn't hit Earth and it's not going to.
I knew it. I knew it!
My calculations didn't add up.
Please, you have to get me out of here.
I have a family, a boyfriend.
-I'm your boyfriend.
-A real one.
-We've made love. Twice.
-Please. Listen to me.
Listen to me, please.
You don't know what it's like
for the world to end
and have a thousand things
left unfinished.
Things to do.
People you want to say goodbye to.
Things you haven't experienced and
and you want to experience.
Then suddenly, someone comes along
and locks you in here,
and takes all that away from you.
I'd give up everything if you'd just stay
My creed, my past, my religion
After all we've been through
You're breaking our bond
And breaking this heart into pieces
I'd even leave my skin
My name, my strength and my life
I won't need them now
If you take my faith away from me
What wouldn't I give up
It just came over me all of a sudden,
like I was on The Voice.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I screwed up, even more than before.
Shit, what the hell is that?
What is that?
Looks like some kind of metal plate,
doesn't it?
Just like the one I've got in my knee.
-Where did you find it?
-Pino, what are you doing?
-I knew it. You eat meat.
Not animal meat.
Come on, you can do it.
It's been 20 years
since I last ate meat, all right?
But with the apocalypse and all,
I just felt like trying a little.
Human meat, Pino? Seriously?
You know I'm against the meat industry's
mistreatment of animals.
-You know it.
-I've known you since high school.
And now it turns out you're a cannibal.
I mean, it's just It's
-Look, it's not so bad.
-Excuse me?
In the consumption of human meat
at least there's consent.
Eating humans is more ethical
than eating chicken.
Mari Carmen!
Moncho! I'll be damned
José Luis.
Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch!
Look, I don't want any trouble.
Need some help?
Julia, don't get upset about the meat.
-You had good intentions.
It looked good, right?
I don't know. I don't think
it's such a big deal, really.
I think it's more of a cultural thing.
Like eating snails,
or pigeons.
-Those pigeons were gross.
-Yeah, right, I know.
-It was gross.
I was going to bring rat pie for dessert,
but a kilo of rat is very expensive now.
Anyway, Julia,
I'll take care of the next barbecue,
because you
What about me?
Because you're
You're the best.
That doesn't make sense.
Yes, yes. You think so? No, I
Yes, what I wanted to say
is that you're the best.
Anyway, I think today's been
Today, Tomás? Today?
The problem isn't today,
or yesterday, or months ago
when you ditched us.
With you there's always a problem.
You're selfish.
An asshole who does whatever he wants
and only looks out for himself.
But you were like that before.
You've always been like that, Tomás.
Tomás, help me!
What the hell is going on?
What are they doing?
Easy, bull.
Get away from there!
No, no, no!
Off you go.
Farewell, friends.
Oh, my God.
Stop. No, don't touch it. Don't touch it.
You're the bravest man in the world.
I don't know if you saw,
but I was going to go for it first.
He beat me to it.
I mean, I could be the one
lying there bleeding.
It's him now, sure,
but it could've been me.
Just so you know. And he pushed me.
Right, Borja? Sorry.
You pushed me.
Easy, you'll be fine.
Borja, stay with us. Hang in there.
Hey, careful.
Please Can we switch places?
What are you saying, Pino?
You're driving me crazy.
Keep going. Come on, please.
When we get there
-I think I'll stay here for a while.
-Of course.
Did you kidnap those two people
and lock them up in the garage?
Yes. You know,
to repopulate the Earth and all.
Why not just the girl?
What about you?
I'm not a monster.
Can you help me catch them again?
Here ducky.
Here ducky.
Tomás, what are you doing with them?
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