Envious (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[playful music]
Yes, it's quite red, but
no, there's no infection.
- What is it?
- Hmm
It may be stress-related or an allergy.
Isn't "stress-related" what doctors say
when they have no idea?
- Maybe it's something psychological.
- There it is.
You haven't the faintest idea.
This looks like stress to you?
- Yes.
- This is terminal.
- No, no.
- Tell me.
You're afraid to tell me
I have a terminal illness.
- Take a good look.
- Maybe you're under stress.
Can you write me a note?
I can't go to work like this.
- Physically, there's nothing wrong.
- Nothing's physically wrong?
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm going to show you to the door.
There's no point in you being here.
Get your things.
- [doctor] Very well.
- Thank you.
You're very professional,
but you haven't helped me one bit.
[music fades]
You have something on your cheek.
What is it?
- Oh, this?
- Mm-hm.
Oh, this is just an allergy.
[playful music]
[music stops]
Hello. How are you?
What are you doing in disguise?
Embarrassed to be seen with me?
No, it's a new look that
that I'm trying out.
I came to get a few things.
I'll work from home.
No need for you to go.
If it's about the other day, forget it.
I didn't say anything, okay? I swear
No, it isn't about that.
I wanted to try working
remotely from home
And Nicolás would never allow employees
to talk about his private life.
He tells me everything.
He trusts me because I know it all.
- Mm, I can imagine. Yes, of course.
- But
Hey, but What?
- There. No?
- There's nothing.
- What do you mean, "nothing"?
- There's nothing.
- There.
- There's nothing there.
- No, but here, here.
- No
Oh, Victoria!
But what What's wrong with your face?
- It's just an allergy.
- This is not an allergy.
It looks like a serious infection.
You have to see a doctor right away.
You look like a monster.
Your skin is coming off your cheek.
Have you ever seen an allergy,
Magui Roldán?
Have you never seen,
uh, rosacea on the face?
- Never seen a type of rash?
- No.
- One thigh rub against the other one?
- [Nicolás] What's going on?
- Not with those model legs. Hello.
- [sucks in air]
[Fernanda] No, I remember that
when your sister got married,
you lost your voice.
And when your friend Lu got married
- Lu Pedemonte.
- you broke out in hives on your back.
I had an allergy on my back.
- Yes, it must be the same allergy, right?
- What allergy is it?
I have no idea, I'm not a doctor.
It's looks, um
It looks
- Are you all right?
- I'm good.
- It's an allergy, nothing more.
- Mm.
- Have you taken something? I have
- Of course. No, I have.
- Really?
- Yes, thanks, I'm good.
Well, I would like to take advantage
of this moment and apologize to you.
[Nicolás] Mm.
Apology accepted. May I go now?
No. Please, stay.
I also wanted to tell you
that the model unit is not my house.
- [sarcastic] No. I don't believe it.
- Come on.
I separated some time ago.
I'm getting myself sorted.
I stay there sometimes. Is that bad?
- No, it isn't.
- Mm.
It's perfect.
It's perfect. I'd have preferred
that you didn't set me up like that.
I'm sorry, my bad.
I didn't tell Magui, and I forgot.
- [Victoria] Okay.
- I've always liked you.
I saw the opportunity,
and I jumped in head first.
- It's true.
- Fine. You got what you wanted.
Don't say that.
I was a judgmental jerk and was thinking
that I don't know, that you were the
typical girl who was looking for a guy
to marry, have kids, live in a condo.
What do I know?
- Me?
- Yes.
Not at all.
That's nothing like me.
- I left my ex, did I tell you?
- Yes, you told me.
Yes, I left him.
[Nicolás] That night
that Vicky arrived audacious, free
[sexy music playing]
A she-wolf.
- [Nicolás chuckles]
- Yes, I was like a she-wolf.
Forgive me,
but the memories are flooding back.
I'm sorry.
[Victoria] Mm.
I wouldn't want us to have to stop this
because of my mistake.
You look nice with that, you know?
[both laugh]
"Look at who you made fun of,
Magui Roldán!"
And who'd she make fun of?
No one. It's a figure of speech.
It's from the meme.
The viral one with the spiteful woman.
"Look at who you made fun of."
- No. A meme?
- Like I won. That's what I'm saying.
As in, "I won."
I beat them all, as a matter of fact.
That is, I won six-zero minimum!
- It's your friend Karina's wedding now?
- Melina.
- Melina.
- Meli, the Lioness.
She's not a champion.
I mean, Lionesses were champions.
- I know, I read that.
- She hardly played in games.
Lionesses were champions. She wasn't.
Meli is a Lioness,
but she's not a champion.
I didn't tell you yesterday,
I got the invitation for Meli's wedding.
And it says, "Blue dress code."
I mean, Meli fancies herself
as English royalty
and says we all have to go in blue.
[playful music]
We can smell
maybe a bit of chestnut, very fruity.
- I don't know if you get that.
- [Melina] Yes. Plum, right?
[sommelier] Wood
A little fruit, yeah?
Yes, this is a little more complex
because, in this case,
size does matter here.
- [laughs]
- When does it not?
- [sommelier] Yes.
- [women laugh]
With those hands of yours,
you've got plenty going on, sorry.
[Carolina] I'd hit that.
Well, the reason size matters is,
because the bigger the glass is,
the more it aerates the wine.
So we're able to enjoy it that much more,
that it expresses itself in our mouths.
- I'll ask you not to swallow it.
- Oh, I swallowed it!
- [Lucila] Sorry, she swallowed!
- [sommelier] Don't swallow it.
- Another mouthful, please.
- It's really hard.
- I'll try.
- Don't swallow, yeah?
- [sommelier] Take another mouthful.
- [Melina] Okay.
- Swirl it around
- [women] Mm!
I didn't swirl it.
I drank it all, straight down.
Take your tongue, swirl it around.
Meli is swirling it in her mouth.
- [Lucila] An expert swirler.
- [women] Mm.
- [Victoria giggles]
- Wait, wait. Have you finished yet?
[women laugh]
Stop it.
[Fernanda] Did you say
you got the invitation yesterday?
Yesterday, yes.
And you woke up
with this outbreak on your face today?
[awkward music playing]
That's interesting, isn't it?
There are these three allergic reactions,
and there are three weddings.
Do you think there's a coincidence?
I don't know,
I don't see it, I don't get it.
That maybe when something is wrong,
your body expresses it.
You get swollen,
you break out, and you get hurt.
The thing that bothers me
is that I have to wear blue.
Do we all have to wear blue?
- Yes.
- No, no.
If you have a dress code, pick something
we can wear again, like black.
But blue? That's weird.
The groom wears black, I dress in white,
and blue is my favorite color.
- It looks nice, you're going to look good.
- [Débora] That depends.
You have to find a blue dress you like
that makes you feel good
and you can wear again.
- It's very hard, it's difficult.
- I have to agree with Vicky.
- Oh, thanks, hon.
- Wear something that makes you feel good.
- Listen to me.
- Yeah.
All of us already have a partner.
She is the only one that's single,
she needs to feel really confident.
It's a good place to meet someone
at a wedding, isn't it?
- Forty years old, not much time left.
- Don't worry about me, I
There is someone. I'm seeing a guy.
- What?
- Yeah, yes, I'm seeing someone.
- Bust out the photos, you moron.
- No, it's very new, it's very, very
- And?
- It's recent, it just happened.
- Show us.
- I don't have any photos, it's new, like
- What does he do? What kinda work?
- It's a mystery.
I can't tell you guys. I can't tell you.
I'm gonna keep it discreet for now.
But at the wedding I'm sure you'll
You'll meet him at the party, okay?
- The rash on your skin has gone down.
- Rash? What?
You were with Daniel for ten years,
weren't you?
- Yes, ten with Daniel.
- Mm-hm.
And you attended various weddings.
- Mm.
- And you told me he didn't dance.
- No, not at all. Never.
- 'Course.
And he wanted to leave the parties early.
- He didn't eat seafood.
- He didn't, he missed something important.
He sort of missed, you might say,
the enjoyment
of being part of a celebration.
- It was lost on him,
- Mm-hmm.
Maybe it's an opportunity
to see how Victoria acts at a party.
How Victoria acts at a party on her own.
If Victoria dances.
If she gets drunk.
If she dances like she's at Rio Carnival.
If she's the one
who starts the conga line.
The one who says,
"Come on, let's go, yeah."
Right? Huh?
I don't care about what you're saying.
I mean, I don't care how I act alone.
I already know who I am alone.
I've been alone since I was little.
I cooked alone, went to school alone.
You were with your mother,
your sister, and your friends.
The only thing I know is I am not going
to go to a wedding alone, okay?
What are you gonna do?
I'm still thinking. I got a few ideas.
[upbeat music playing]
[Magui] My hubby's such a great host. Yes.
And they have two friends,
two children, friends with Juli and Cata.
AGE - 39
AGE - 37
[Magui] Oh, yes
[Magui]we relax, drink wine
[indistinct chatter]
Ladies, I'm gonna go.
This here is not going down at all.
I'm gonna go see someone, or something,
see if they might check me out.
- [Natalia] Are you all right?
- Yeah, see you later. I left everything.
I've done a lot of work.
I prepared it all for tomorrow.
She's always leaving.
She always leaves,
she is never here, she never stays.
[music stops]
[Matías] Hello.
Hello. Listen to me, how's it going?
- You're an expert with technology?
- Uh-huh.
Do you know this dating app,
YouDate, the dating site?
- Do you know it?
- Yeah. What happened to your face?
- This here?
- Yeah.
- It's an allergy.
- Oh.
Is that so hard to understand?
All right, relax. I didn't know.
What's up with YouDate?
I downloaded it for an emergency.
- Mm-hmm.
- I think I did something wrong.
It's weird, I added my photos,
they went live.
But I'm not seeing anything.
I don't see anyone. It's not right, look.
No. The guys are showing up.
For the guys you like,
you have to "heart" them.
- Yeah.
- "Tap, tap, heart, heart."
- Those you don't like, you "X" out.
- I did that, and I saw those.
But their photos show them
kissing their dog, or lifting a fish.
Showing their package.
I don't know. Where are the others?
What others?
The others, the normal ones,
the ones worth dating. Can I pay?
Because I didn't get that part.
If there's an option to pay,
send me a link, that will take me
No, no, no. You don't pay.
Don't put any number there, relax.
- No? Okay.
- Thing is
- Dating apps like this one
- Yeah.
- have busy periods and quiet periods.
- Yeah.
- You're in a quiet period.
- Oh.
There's so many more women than guys,
it's hard to find a man who's interesting.
I don't need him to be interesting.
I have a wedding,
I have to go with someone,
I am not going alone.
Honestly, I need a guy
who has a good job, more or less.
- Hmm.
- Who isn't ugly and wears a suit.
That, I can work with.
If there's anyone like that, tell me.
Okay, um, the guys who use
these kinds of dating apps,
are like clothes at an outlet.
They're there because they have some flaw.
They have one hem shorter than another,
a stitch missing, or a poorly sewn pocket.
Now then, like in any outlet,
if you keep searching, searching,
you will find something.
I don't have time to keep searching.
- I don't have time.
- Mm. Then, uh
do it like a Gatling gun. Da-da-da.
What do you mean, Gatling gun?
Take all the guys, give them a Like.
You "Like," you "Like." Da-da-da-da-da.
Then gather them up,
the guys who gave you a "Like" back.
- Yeah.
- Separate them.
From there, you choose one because,
in a way, all those "chose" you.
If I'm doing it that way,
like a Gatling gun
- Mm.
- and I give a "Like" to someone I know,
without even realizing it, that's awful.
And then he thinks I like him.
If he's a badly sewn pocket
or a loose stitch
- I don't want a badly sewn pocket.
- Okay.
[clicks tongue] Then I'd say your choice
is to roll up your sleeves,
really roll up your sleeves,
and start looking through the outlet.
But do it like you mean it.
[playful music]
Using a dictionary is helpful,
but only up to a point.
You can't go to a party with it.
You need to learn slang words.
Like "joker," "sixer,"
"hey, bro," "plastered."
Lemme see if you wrote any.
You wrote a few. "Steady," "temp work."
- Stea
- "Cold one."
- Slang words that are common.
- "Joker."
"Joker." "Joker," or "jokester," as well.
- Hey, joker.
- [chuckles] What?
My parents were asking about you again.
Aren't you eating here today?
Hey, Mei, you know, I've been meaning, um
I love teaching you all about English,
and I like being your friend, really,
but I don't want to marry you.
I don't wanna marry anyone,
or do it at all.
If you reject me, they'll marry me off
to some Chinese douchebag
that my grandpa will choose.
Do you want that?
Maybe your grandpa has good taste
and he'll pick a handsome Chinese guy.
No, how could he be cool?
Chinese men are chauvinist pigs.
They want a woman to go to work,
cook all the food, and look pretty.
I refuse to take care
of any mother-in-law.
Well, look at you, girl.
[phone chimes]
- [Victoria] I don't understand this app.
- [chuckles]
[Victoria] I don't get it.
I did the Gatling gun approach,
I gave them "like, like, like."
I started to get, "Hello," "hello."
Everybody saying "hello" to me.
And they wrote the weirdest stuff.
What do I do?
One guy wants to come
and give me a hug in the morning.
No, wait. If he wants to give you a hug
in the morning, he's lying about the hug.
He wants to see you.
See if you're pretty or ugly.
- Seriously?
- To not waste money on a dinner.
I'll read you some.
I'm gonna put you on speaker.
This one says,
"I'd prefer a walking date
to a date in a bar."
Guys who invite you out
walking or jogging are broke.
Okay. I like this one.
"Adventurous. I like trying new things,
I'm not afraid of anything."
I like that. Courageous.
A swinger. He'll take you to an orgy.
[percussive music playing]
Wait, this one.
"I make dinners, open doors.
I'm a gentleman".
A gentleman. Look out.
Chauvinist. He'll hit you in two weeks.
You'll need a restraining order.
So what do I do? There are no nice men.
Why don't you organize some dates,
instead of texting on the phone?
- Keep going, ruling each one out.
- I don't know what to do.
I'd rather they'd send me a note,
saying something like: "I like you."
Just a quick call in passing.
It'd be like that, but virtual.
Stay strong. Keep going.
If you meet a guy and he seems violent
or broke, or you don't like him, he's out.
It's not like you're looking
for the love of your life.
- Okay.
- Make an effort, seriously.
Starting now.
- [rock music playing]
- [notifications dinging]
- Hi, I'm sorry.
- How are you?
This powder is beautiful.
Beautiful, relaxes you,
makes you so mellow.
I'm not into drugs
because I'm a scaredy-cat, see?
But mellow yourself out.
Go for it, knock yourself out.
There are days
when you invite them for coffee.
A muffin, a bite to eat.
It costs a fortune.
- You?
- Just a glass of tap water, thanks.
[notifications dinging]
- Did you meet anyone nice on the app?
- I went out with a girl for three months.
- After that, five with another.
- Quite a few.
Danny, check it out.
- But are you sure it's her?
- [Pablo] Yeah, look. Victoria.
- [woman] Broccoli, please.
- [Pablo] She's an interior designer.
Since I was little,
I've dreamed about having a family.
- With a little house, land, a dog, a sofa.
- Yes, aww
[notifications dinging]
- Why did you split up?
- I got my ex pregnant.
What? With the first girl
you went out with?
The mother of my kids.
Two with one and three with another.
I don't get it.
I'm connecting with my juju. Yeah.
Diego? Diego!
[man] This bitch gets to keep
my house and four-by-four,
and she talks about me to the boys.
Now she calls the police. I don't get it!
[rock music continues]
And I'm the complete idiot
paying for it all.
Vicky, where ya going?
- [man] Dessert?
- No, I ate so much.
A little something?
- Yes.
- To celebrate.
- Just a little.
- Tiramisu, maybe.
Excuse me.
Could I have a tiramisu and the check?
- I'm going to the toilet, will you wait?
- Yes.
- Don't eat all the tiramisu.
- No, no, no, I'll wait for you.
- [Matías]What more do you want?
- He didn't come back from the restroom.
- Or to pay for the check.
- Ah.
- You had to pay for it?
- All of it. The date cost me 90,000 pesos.
Do you know the worst
about these dating sites?
They make you feel more alone
than when you started.
They make you feel like total shit.
You start to believe
there is something wrong with you.
- That you're ugly, I don't know.
- How are you even ugly?
I can't believe I have to go by myself
to the wedding.
It's not that bad.
- It's bad.
- To six.
- It's bad.
- Just like that, okay?
Everything I'm thinking makes me so mad.
After everything with Danny,
I don't know, it's all mixed up.
["Teoría Espacial"
by Barbi Recanati playing[
Your face has cleared up.
Yes. It cleared up a few days ago now.
Not sure why I thought
you still looked like a monster.
[Nicolás] Victoria?
- Can I talk to you for a minute?
- Yes.
Yes, tell me.
What is it? What's up?
Feeling better?
- Yes.
- Did you find out what caused the allergy?
No, but something cosmetic.
Some make-up, something like that.
- [Nicolás] Of course.
- Meh.
Always the flirt. [chuckles]
- So made-up. Not too, too much, but
- A bit.
- You smell nice.
- [Victoria chuckles softly]
- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.
I miss you.
- Oh.
- And?
- And?
- And?
- I don't know, you
- I, what?
- You're in?
- Yes, I'm in.
Oh, me too, I'm in.
- So?
- Do you want to do something tonight?
[sucks teeth]
I can't tonight.
- Oh.
- [Nicolás] Mm.
What's wrong with now?
Huh? It's my birthday tomorrow.
- Oh.
- Yes. [chuckles]
- Give me my present early, okay?
- [chuckles]
Come on.
[both chuckling]
[Nicolás] Mm!
What's wrong?
- Does it hurt your face?
- No, no! It doesn't hurt.
No, I just can't here.
It's awkward, that's all.
It's I don't know, I feel shy.
- Shy?
- Yes.
Are you the same Vicky from the other day?
Remember, in the window? [laughs]
I was loaded the other day.
- Fine.
- I was loaded.
I don't mean I'm not crazy
and adventurous. I am.
- Mm-hmm.
- What I meant to say is
Basically, I mean,
adventurer is my second name.
- Yeah.
- What I smoked got me very relaxed.
I don't know if you recall how it ended,
but I wouldn't want that to happen again.
Well, I miss Vicky the crazy adventurer.
I'm sorry, I don't have any marijuana.
You can't tonight,
so it's not gonna happen.
Not gonna happen.
I can't Saturday, Nicolás.
I have a wedding.
Sorry to disappoint and not be
as spontaneous as you'd like me to be.
Fine, I'll go with you to the wedding.
- You have a Prince Charming, a date, fine.
- No, I don't have anyone!
I don't have anyone.
I was going to go alone.
You want to go with me to the
So, may I go with you
to the wedding, Victoria?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- It's a real wedding, you know?
- How would it not be?
It's a friend of mine
who's getting married.
Of course, what time on Saturday?
- Saturday at 9:00.
- Saturday at 9:00.
Perfect, I'll come by your house
and pick you up at 8:30.
[Carolina] Your boss?
- Your boss?
- Yes.
The owner of the model unit?
That's him, that's him,
but he said he was very sorry.
- All human beings make mistakes.
- Okay,
And it's not a model It's a model unit,
but he's living there temporarily.
- Temporarily? He has a love nest.
- He doesn't have a love nest.
It is. He brings women to screw, Vicky.
If that were true,
Magui would know not to go in.
It isn't like that.
Why can't you be happy for me?
That someone who's intelligent,
handsome, and successful likes me.
- I don't get why you're not happy.
- I don't see those qualities! I don't!
What do you want me to say?
Because I see a liar.
A ladies' man who doesn't care
that you were naked, staying at his house.
Why don't you come to the wedding
with me and Fermín?
I don't want to go like I'm a spare part.
What spare part?
You're my big sister, okay?
I don't want to, I don't want to.
Do you think they won't ask
about Danny, after ten years?
"What happened with Danny?"
What do I say, "He married a Brazilian"?
No, you can say, "I'm separated,"
and shut your mouth.
No, I don't want that!
I don't want Lucila
to ask her husband to bring me a drink,
to prove I'm a loser who doesn't have
anyone to bring her a drink,
because everyone knows, in a wedding,
there are winners and losers.
One gets a drink brought to them, winner.
One who doesn't get a drink? Loser.
What are you even saying?
What drink do you want?
Go and get yourself a drink.
Because you never have to ask or wonder
where your drinks come from!
No, because I get them myself
I don't want to get my own drink!
I don't want to.
I don't want to get my own drink!
I want someone to bring me one.
You have no idea what it is to feel
lonely, helpless, and abandoned
since you were a little kid.
What? My dad left me waiting by myself
and never came back too, you know?
I believe there comes a time in life
when you let your problems go. That's it.
You don't end up blaming your parents.
You have to work on yourself.
- You have to go to therapy.
- Yes, I'm going to therapy!
Dumbass, I'm going to therapy!
I'm doing it, really, I swear.
I know there's a time for everything.
I know. There's a time for everything.
I know that because I never had it!
Since I was this tall,
I was making breakfast for you or dinner
because mom wasn't home from work.
I know all that well!
Are you throwing our childhood
in my face now?
It isn't my fault that I was the youngest!
- I was also a little kid!
- We both, idiot!
- [door slams]
- What's going on with you two?!
- They can hear you out on the street!
- There she goes. Like always.
Walk away.
You're both crazy.
You'll argue about anything.
[door slams shut]
[Teresa] That's really ugly.
You're dressed like a bimbo from the 90s.
Could you, for just once,
not say anything mean?
For just one day.
Try it. "Just for today,
I won't talk shit."
It's the 12 damn steps of shit!
[Asian music playing]
[Mei] Hey.
[clicks tongue]
Ah! Hey.
- [Mei] You seem distracted.
- Yeah.
You're distracted.
- I've got a lot on my mind.
- What?
- What's on your mind?
- Guess. I have an idea.
It's brilliant.
- We're having a family dinner.
- Yeah.
- You will come.
- Yes.
When the Chinese guy marries someone else,
you and me fight. That's it.
Let me see if I understand.
When the guy marries someone else,
we argue, and you split up with me.
- Yeah.
- But it isn't my fault.
- No.
- Are you sure?
I'm sure. I promise.
- You promise?
- Yes.
- Okay fine.
- [chuckles]
[Mei] They won't blame you.
- Why?
- They'll say I scared you off.
That I'm a bad woman.
- Chinese fathers think that way.
- Are you good or bad?
What would you say? Hm?
- A bit of both.
- [laughs]
I'm good.
[upbeat music playing]
[laughs courteously]
[upbeat music continues]
[music ends]
[door closes]
[phone beeps]
Hi. Well, I'm ready
and standing here out front.
I'm sure you'll see me.
I'm pretty hard to miss.
I wanted to tell you
I bought a gift for you.
Kisses. I'll wait here.
[car approaching]
[horn honks]
[car driving away]
[taps purse against her hip]
[phone buzzes]
[Nicolás] Vicky, gorgeous.
Oh, hi. Thank goodness.
I don't know if you have the address,
uh, but I'm out front right now.
[Nicolás] You're gonna kill me,
but I've got a meeting with some investors
who are only in the country
for a couple of days.
Oh. And?
I have to go for dinner.
Look, I'm really so sorry,
but work is work.
- Of course.
- If it finishes early, I'll come there.
I'll let you know.
We can text. What do you think?
[bittersweet music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[Matías] Hey, hey.
What are you doing, crazy dog?
[exhales loudly]
- Hey!
- [exhales]
- Vicky.
- Yes, I'm dizzy, that's all.
- A dizzy spell.
- You sure?
- Yes, it was a dizzy spell.
- Can I help with anything?
- No, I'm fine.
- A glass of water?
- I was dizzy. That it's, I'm fine.
- All right.
- Didn't you have a wedding?
- I did, but I just got stood up.
By who? A loser from the app?
No, another guy.
- [exhales and moans]
- What?
Ah, for fuck's sake.
I promised myself
I'd never wait for anyone again.
That it'd never happen again.
I can't believe
I am back in the same place.
What's wrong with me? Something bad
that makes people want to stand me up?
I'd go, but I agreed to eat
with Mei's parents and the Wongs.
Don't worry about it.
She has the opposite problem.
They want to marry her off all the time.
That's the problem she has?
They wanna marry her off?
I should be so lucky.
- [exhales]
- I'm sorry. Sorry.
- No, it's fine. I'm sorry, you go.
- Alright.
- You sure you're alright?
- Go, I feel better. I'm breathing fine.
- Are we good? You gonna be okay?
- Go, everything's fine.
- Yeah.
- Sure.
- I'll go.
- I promise.
- I'll breathe a little and I'll be fine.
- See you later.
[Victoria exhales]
Hey, no, no. Wait, listen.
I'll go and get my things,
and we'll go. I'll go with you.
- Really? What about your friend?
- Yes, No, they
- They love me, they'll understand.
- You mean it?
Yes, nobody's gonna stand you up again.
Not on a step,
on the sidewalk, or anywhere else.
I'll go with you.
I'll grab some stuff, my backpack,
a few things, and we'll go, okay?
Do you have a suit and tie?
A suit and tie?
A nice suit for a wedding.
For going to a wedding reception.
[sniffs] I'll check.
- Yes, that's fine.
- I got it.
- I'll be back.
- I'll wait here.
["La Poesía Intermitente"
by El Chacal & Los Alpes Floreados]
What's up? Did I shock you?
Did you think I'd end up
in a yellow corduroy suit?
- No, no.
- Like a clown?
- You look good.
- I'm good?
- You look really nice.
- Yes?
Are there many snobs at this wedding?
- No doubt.
- Yeah? Is this all right?
- Yeah?
- To be honest, yes.
I'll drive us.
- Yeah?
- I'll handle everything.
All right.
I'll handle it all, yeah?
- [chuckles]
- You enjoy yourself.
["La Poesía Intermitente"
continues playing]
[music continues]
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