Eric (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

With increasing criticism
of the investigation,
the family of the missing boy
have offered a $25,000 reward
in the hope
that it may lead to new information.
As every day passes,
questions are being asked.
"Where is Edgar Anderson"?
"How did he go missing"?
"Who out there knows something
that could lead to his return"?
At 11:23 a.m. today,
my client, Mr. George Lambert Lovett,
was released without charges
in relation to the disappearance
of nine-year-old Edgar Anderson.
Mr. Lovett's home
has been searched without a warrant,
and he has been held 24 hours
without verification of his alibi
and without any plausible evidence.
Not only has Commissioner Nelson
continued his persecution
against Black and minority communities
in this city,
but he and Capt. Cripp's NYPD
have also wasted critical time
as yet another missing boy
is lost to our streets.
Following the release of Mr. Lovett,
the NYPD are again appealing
to anyone with information
about Edgar Anderson to come forward.
You got less than 24 hours
till the pitch, buddy.
No slacking.
Edgar's gonna go nuts when he sees me.
I have to fit the teeth.
It'll look better with the teeth.
Don't miss Jerry's party.
Okay, okay.
A child doesn't just vanish.
A child doesn't just disappear.
This money will help.
It was all over the news this morning.
Glad you came around, Cassandra.
Vincent must have taken some persuading.
They've released that man.
They must have someone else in mind.
How's Vincent bearing up?
I don't know.
He didn't come home last night.
He's keeping something from me.
- Call Dr. Mason.
- I think it's a little late for that.
He's going again.
My son is gone and nowhere to be found,
and you're still doling out
the same old crap.
I've seen it before.
This is how it starts.
I should never have come
to see you. I need to talk to Vincent.
Vincent cares about no one but himself.
Always has.
Well, welcome, everybody.
It's great to have you all here.
Twenty-five years, we've been making
some of the best shows on TV.
- I still get asked the same question.
- Hello.
Why do we do what we do?
This is my reply.
We are the arbitrators of magic.
The keepers of story.
Passionate about the work of play,
what we do.
Okay. Are we pitching tomorrow?
- Yeah. You got the script?
- Mm-hmm.
- Bag or stick?
- Walk around.
Oh, fucking risky! You know
Lennie doesn't like the walk around.
Lennie's cool.
I'm just here for the pension
and the free snacks.
Me too. Can't stay long.
So I saw they released the guy.
You know, we're on your team, Vinny,
but the booze is taking you nowhere.
Nope, you got me. Dylan or Crystal Gayle?
That's me trying to give a shit.
- Okay? God!
- Hey.
Ticktock, ticktock. Back to work.
Oh shit!
Hey, Vincent.
Oh, Councillor Costello.
Twice in one week. Lucky me.
Hey, is it true that city hall is
giving $100,000 to the Sunshine Charity?
You gotta gag Jerry.
It's the talk of the town.
It's a great cause,
and you got your charity event coming up.
We were eager to chip in.
Oh, how a charity that helps the poor
goes hand-in-hand with your plan
to bus the homeless out of this city
is kind of remarkable.
We like to think of it
more as a commitment
to the health and sanitation of New York.
Vincent, may I introduce
my brother-in-law, Bruno Di Bari?
Bruno Di Bari, the trash king?
Hudson Sanitation?
That is how you made your money, right?
The irony continues.
I'm so sorry about your son.
I can only imagine
what you're going through.
They got a new suspect yet?
My kids have been watching your show
since they were this high.
Mush is their favorite.
And what is it they say?
Be good. Be kind. Be brave.
- Be brilliant.
- Different.
It's "be different."
Vincent, I need you
to come to the station for questioning.
Will this take long?
That depends.
Please don't drop that on the floor.
Mrs. Anderson?
I'm sorry. I was waiting for you to come.
- They said Mr. Anderson been arrested.
- Get out.
- They had a warrant.
- Get out of my house!
- Get out!
- All right.
Keep it together.
This is insane! This is insane!
Tee up your story.
Get your ducks in a line.
It's in a row. Ducks in a row.
Tomayto, tomahto.
They're wasting your time here, buddy.
Yeah, wasting time We're wasting time!
You're wasting time!
Come on!
Gonna miss the pitch.
- The trees are green ♪
- Wasting time
The trees are green ♪
- And the sky is blue ♪
- The sky is blue ♪
- The sun is up ♪
- The sun is up ♪
And it's smiling down on you ♪
Hello, world, what you doin' today? ♪
Put your hand in mine ♪
Come on, let's play! ♪
Four! Shut the fuck up!
Excuse me.
I'm here to see Vincent Anderson.
Excuse me.
You'll get used to that.
That's my son.
I didn't know
what picture to pick for him.
He loved that basketball shirt so much.
I don't think he ever took it off.
The fight to just get him into a jacket
It's comforting. At least he was wearing
what he wanted the day he passed.
Is that your son?
I've seen him on the news.
Good-looking kid.
- Thank you.
- And white. That'll work for y'all.
Folks won't forget a kid
who looks like their own.
And you have a reward.
My son, I had to fight to
to get anything about him in the press.
I'm so sorry.
We're both sitting here mourning our boys.
I'm not mourning.
I just don't know who to trust anymore.
Excuse me. Nice to meet you.
You okay, Vincent?
Yes, I'm fine. Thanks, Michael.
I'd like to show you some CCTV
from the day that Edgar disappeared.
According to your statement, Vincent,
the last time you saw Edgar was
inside your apartment when he left.
This is Edgar
leaving your apartment building.
He passes Mr. Lovett.
Then, just under a minute later,
a second figure comes out.
Do you wanna revise that statement,
Mr. Anderson?
"Truth, like gold,
is to be obtained not by its growth
but by washing away from it
all that is not gold."
- Tolstoy.
- I know it's fucking Tolstoy.
- You sure you're all right, Vincent?
- What the fuck?
Is this gonna take long?
I really do have a lot of work to do.
- I've got a big pitch tomorrow.
- Your wife called last night.
- She said you followed Edgar that day.
- Yes.
Why didn't you disclose that
when I interviewed you the first time?
I don't know.
Your wife also said you had a fight
the night before Edgar disappeared.
What did you fight about?
My client
does not have to answer.
Did Edgar hear you?
Again, I fail to s
I'm trying to ascertain
if Edgar was upset that morning.
Yes. Yes. Yes, he heard.
So I'm just trying to get this straight.
You followed him
because you were concerned.
You're clearly shouting at him.
Uh, I I called after him,
but he didn't hear me.
The traffic gets crazy that time of day.
- So you walk on.
- Yeah.
And then, just after that,
you go out of sight.
Oh shit.
Cassie's landed you right in it.
Would you say you and Edgar are close?
Closer than I was to my father.
How about you? You close with yours?
Not really. Military man.
Oh, you too.
Don't try and bond with the guy.
He sees straight through you.
Shut up.
Thank you, Tina.
- Vincent, I'm sorry.
- Have Ms. Anderson wait.
We gotta get out of here, Vincent.
We got to get moving.
How'd you get that cut on your forehead?
I really need to talk to Cassie.
- You're losing it, buddy!
- Ssh!
Who are you talking to?
You blew it!
Now he knows you're loony tunes.
I'm advising my client
to stop this interview.
Again, how did you get that cut
on your head?
Your blood type is the same
as the blood on this T-shirt!
- I fell. I fell, okay? I fell.
- Come on, buddy. Do better.
How did you fall?
I really I really do have a lot of work.
Tomorrow is a very big day.
Then talk to me!
The fuck? Don't bail on me now.
- Can you stop?
- Vincent!
Shut up!
Shut up! I I am fine!
I'm fine.
I wanted to make sure we were okay.
That Edgar and I were okay.
So I walked on.
Called out again. Um
He turned down an alley. I followed.
I I reached out for him. I must
No, I did. I I grabbed him
by the back of the neck.
He pulled himself free and shoved me away.
I I I grabbed him again.
Yanked him on the front of his T
And that's when
I must have done this, I guess.
Oh, there was so much blood.
And Edgar was, um
Edgar was just standing there,
staring down at his
torn torn T-shirt and then
staring back at me
like he didn't know who I was.
And then he
took off the T-shirt and threw it at me.
I picked it up and blotted my forehead
'cause there was so much blood, and
he was he was
just standing there
in his little white undershirt,
and he pulled up his jacket,
and I told him,
"Zip it up. You'll get cold."
And he turned and walked away.
I told myself
That's when I told myself
that he'd gone to school
and I'd go to work, and we'd talk
about it at the end of the day.
And the T-shirt?
I I threw it
behind the dumpster.
Behind or in?
No. Uh, behind, I threw it.
I threw it behind.
Let's take a break.
I wanna keep him overnight.
Let him sweat it out.
Your call. The press are
gonna go crazy over this.
You should go home.
Come back tomorrow.
- Please. Just let me talk to him.
- Not tonight.
A few minutes after your husband leaves
your apartment building,
another man goes in.
And a couple hours later, he comes out.
He's with you.
Was that someone you trust?
Someone you know well?
He's a friend.
Get some sleep.
Oh my God.
He's out there somewhere.
I promise.
With the numbers of people
forced into sleeping rough
increasing daily,
the sheer scale
of the city's homelessness epidemic
goes beyond comprehension.
It has been reported those living in
the sewers and subways beneath our streets
could populate a large village.
Until now, it's been a situation
Stay still.
I can't get it straight if you move.
with the problem
reaching crisis point,
finally, plans are being laid
Here it comes.
It's on! It's on!
project that will relocate
those homeless to suitable accommodation
has gained traction in recent weeks.
Councillor Costello will consider this
a significant coup after facing
I'm very proud.
Okay, okay!
What'd you think of that, pal?
Hold still, please.
Looking forward to working with you.
It's the last time, Bruno.
I like what he's doing.
About time somebody
cleaned up the streets.
Who owes who here?
The scheme is backed
by the Hudson Sanitation Company,
who were awarded the contract to clean up
New York's tunnels earlier this year.
Don't worry. It's here.
Here you go.
- Cecile?
- Hmm?
I'll drive you home.
Well, they sure did a number
on this place.
I can't believe Vincent kept this.
Do you think that Vincent killed Edgar?
If he had run away,
he'd be back by now.
So something must have happened.
The worst things
go around and around in my head.
At least if he's dead,
no one can hurt him anymore.
His mother blames me.
She says that he's been going again.
Well, his mother's been medicating him
since he was nine years old.
He's crazy, but he's always been crazy.
Not enough to
- Cassie, don't give up on
- I've met someone else.
I can't live with him anymore.
I won't live with him anymore
if Edgar's gone.
No, no. He's making Eric for Edgar.
Edgar's gonna come home.
And he's gonna see Eric,
and everything is gonna be fine.
Wouldn't that be something?
I got Jerry and the entire fleet of suits
lined up for 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Holy shit. 2:00 p.m. today. Um
Please should Vincent get out,
just tell him
that I need him there, please.
Thank you.
- Oh Jesus. I love you.
- Love you.
- Sleep.
- Yeah, okay.
What is it about puppets, Lennie?
They get to say the things that we can't.
- We're here.
- Mm.
No one has forgotten Marlon.
Nobody's bothering to mention him either.
The news is all about
that cute little white kid.
It's different.
- You know it's different.
- Difference is Marlon is Black.
That's it.
Two kids missing,
and you're not connecting them at all?
- I haven't given up on him.
- Then you're just not pushing hard enough.
Somebody has to know something
out there in these streets, in that club,
on those courts.
My son, he was too beautiful
to just just poof into thin air,
and you just give up on him?
Marlon, he was gentle.
He was kind.
He liked to dance.
Different doesn't mean
he's not worth looking for.
I know who my son was.
And you do too.
He was as beautiful as that little boy
lost out there right now,
and I want him home.
I want him home
in whatever way you can find him.
I wanna
I wanna hold my son.
I wanna hold him in my arms.
I wanna hold him.
Even if all you can find is his skull.
I will keep coming and coming and coming
until you do something more than giving me
your "sorrys" and driving me home.
You are better than that.
You gonna let me in?
what do you wanna watch tonight, Daddy?
I am not in love ♪
But I'm open to persuasion ♪
East or west ♪
Where's the best ♪
For romancin'? ♪
With a friend ♪
I can smile ♪
But with a lover
I could hold my head back ♪
I could really laugh, really laugh ♪
Thank you ♪
You took me dancin' ♪
'Cross the floor ♪
Cheek to cheek ♪
But with a lover
I could really move, really move ♪
I could really dance, really dance ♪
Really dance, really dance ♪
I could really move, really move ♪
Really move, really move ♪
With friends
I'll still feel so insecure ♪
Little darling
I believe you could help me a lot ♪
- We'll give you ♪
- Just make love with affection ♪
Sing me another love song
But this time with a little dedication ♪
- Sing it, sing it ♪
- Sing it, sing it ♪
Ooh-ooh ♪
I'm gonna switch arms.
I'll stay home today.
And do what?
- Sit around and stop me playing cello?
- No, no, no.
- What's going on in there?
- Just work.
- Don't give up on him.
- The kid has been gone for over a week.
I'm not just talking about this boy.
You got out of that place.
Now you can do something,
even if they try
and grind you down, Michael.
You're there for a reason.
Remember that when I'm not here.
Oh my God. Enough with the exit speech.
You're not going anywhere, old man.
We both know that's not true.
You're a rotten mother.
I hope your kid is dead.
I got Levy
to review the security footage
from the dry cleaners
across from the alley
where the T-shirt was dumped.
Plus, the subway opposite his studio.
Vincent's on 'em.
Fuck. Thanks.
Looking forward to dinner tonight?
Lorenza's a great cook.
It's the highlight of my week.
- Tina.
- Mm-hmm?
Can you set this up?
Ah, ah, r rewind that.
Right there.
- What's the time?
- 8:14 a.m.
The kid swings a left
towards his school.
He's got his jacket on.
8:18 a.m.,
Vincent walks the opposite way.
And the tape
from opposite Herald Street subway.
8:34 a.m., Vincent comes out the subway,
crosses the street. Heading to work.
Security has him logged
as staying there all day.
He went out for 20 minutes at lunch,
and that's it. This backs that up.
We gotta release him.
Where the hell is this kid?
- Oh shit.
- Your father's waiting for you outside.
Do you have any comment?
Mr. Anderson has been released
without charges
and will not be making any comment.
You let your son walk alone to school.
How do you respond to your critics?
As I said, Mr. Anderson will not be
making any comment at this time.
Op-ed piece in the Post today
called you a disgrace as a parent
and questioned your capacity.
How do you respond?
Tell my father I don't need a lift.
You have kids? Don't you wanna live in
a world where your kid can walk to school,
and you can still trust
they'll come home safe?
Come on. Shouldn't that be a basic right?
I let my kid walk a couple of blocks
from his home to his school.
You can criticize me for that
all you like,
but, you know, I I wanna believe
No, I still do believe in a world
where he could do that
and come home safe, all right?
After five days?
If it were my kid,
he's not coming back alive.
Fuck you,
you piece of shit!
My son is alive.
I am so sorry.
It's okay. You were upset.
I'm just I
I don't know.
You know, it don't take much
to give bad thoughts wings.
I was hoping
I could see Edgar's drawings.
Okay. You watch your step here.
He's good, isn't he?
He's good.
I wanna go back
to the Sierra list.
Go through old names, find links.
Maybe go back to The Lux again.
Every day, the kid walks past that place.
He then swings a right
and then walks onto the basketball courts.
The same courts
that Marlon Rochelle played on.
Marlon Rochelle?
We pulled that kid in twice for drugs.
That doesn't stop his mother
from calling me four times a month.
Look, this is a nine-year-old boy.
A white boy.
We did our duty by Marlon Rochelle,
and we came back with nothing.
Kid was a fag. He's either high somewhere
or washed up in the Hudson.
And his mother still deserves to know
what happened to him.
We got two boys disappear 11 months apart,
and we're not linking them?
Yes, Marlon did drugs,
but we'd do him a disservice
if we dismiss him because of it.
He was a kid.
Now, between those courts,
that club, and those cops in Vice,
someone knows something.
- Don't poke the bear, Ledroit.
- Are you talking about Nokes?
What the fuck's Nokes gotta do with this?
Look, I'm not condoning officers
like Nokes and Kennedy,
but remember what it was like in Vice?
You got guys out there
trying to raise a family, pay a mortgage,
and they're pulling in hoods
with more money
than you and I will ever make
in a lifetime.
It's a slippery slope
once you start taking from the candy jar.
Look, all I'm saying is
you got a tendency to rush in.
Sorry to interrupt.
Mikey, everyone who was pulled in
the night of the Sierra raid, May '79.
Tina, can you lighten this guy up
for one night?
He's driving me fucking crazy.
I'll do my best.
Lorenza says don't be late for dinner.
She means it too.
- Hey, fellas.
- Hey, Nokes.
I want you to check out
the bodega on 13th.
- Tell him I sent you. Go easy.
- On it, sir.
Who is 8?
Only person who knows who 8 was is dead.
- No
- Keep away from me, Ledroit.
You don't know who you're playing with.
You need to take a shower.
You know you stink, right?
Get a move on, Vincent.
You gotta nail that pitch for the kid.
- Hey, my man.
- There you go.
- Enjoy.
- There you go.
How you doing?
- Hi.
- Hi.
There you go.
Here you go, sir.
- Give me five minutes.
- Okay.
Have you slept at all?
I met this mother last night
whose son has been missing for 11 months,
and she just
she had this look in her eyes
like she just knew he was dead.
Come on, Cassie.
Don't think like that. Come here.
He has to be alive.
He just has to be alive.
He just has to be.
He is.
He is.
I knew this was a bad idea.
Jerry, I haven't got all day.
Oh shit!
Oh, thank fuck.
- There's time.
- Jerry is here.
- Yeah.
- That's Avi Nagler.
He's the head of Acquisitions and Market.
Um, we also have Sam.
He is COO and the acting president
of Kids and Animation.
- Uh-huh.
- And you know the rest.
Suits and fruits.
- Do you wanna bail?
- No, I got this, Lennie. I got this.
Okay. Please stick to the script.
No curveballs.
- Watch your language. Thank you.
- All right.
- I got this, buddy.
- Ooh.
Eric is a monster. Yes.
Eric is that which we fear. True.
He's the shadow
that lurks behind us all
or lies under the bed.
But he is also
And you and you and all of us.
He is the very best
and the very worst of all of us.
He's the monster
that walks with us side by side.
He's the monster
that that every child wants
when they are lost and need to be found.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now you're making me feel bashful.
Huh. You fucking douche.
Oh, hey, Eric!
Best behavior. We have adults here.
Oh, yeah.
Sorry, guys.
I'm not used to polite company
or anyone listening.
You know,
it gets kind of lonely in this city.
You're not alone, Eric.
- Huh?
- No one's alone here.
You got me.
And me too. I'm Mush, and this is
Hey, Eric. I'm Peggy.
I'm Parker.
I'm a stray, so you're in good company.
- Oh!
- We're all strays in our own way.
We come to the park when we feel lost.
Are you lost, Eric?
Oh, yeah.
I guess I took a wrong turn somewhere.
See, the thing is,
it's so dark underground,
but I was scared to come up,
and nobody told me
that sunlight could be so pretty.
- No!
- Hey.
Come on!
Don't move!
- What the fuck is a green glass door?
- I don't fucking know anymore.
- No, but seriously, like, you were insane.
- The VIPs are here!
Aw, shucks.
- Hey, ladies.
- No, it was amazing.
- Hey, Jackson! What up?
- Nice to see ya!
Hey, how's it going?
Hey. Well, look at you.
Don't you look the picture?
- Hey, apologies.
- No problem.
- All cool. Apologies. Yeah.
- Yeah. Enjoy your night!
Will do!
Back of the line. No cutting.
That that was delicious.
I'm gonna hunt you down
for that pot roast recipe.
Are you a cook, Michael?
Oh, I Taco Bell and Wendy's.
Someone's been feeding you up.
No one gets muscles like that on takeout.
Hey! I knew it was a bad idea
to invite you over!
After that,
I'm doing aerobics for a week.
Have you spoken to Dana yet?
Has she seen Kimberly since Kennedy
She's doing okay.
Baby's cutting new teeth.
That's one good thing about
marrying a cop.
They make good babies.
I'm just saying.
You gotta find this one a nice officer.
I'm trying.
This numbskull keeps playing chicken.
You hear that, Ledroit?
You gotta quit going to The Lux
every night and get yourself a wife.
Who else are you gonna
tell your secrets to, huh?
I'm serious.
Mikey, everybody needs somebody
to lean on.
Who's got your corner?
You know, we'd be
a lot more comfortable inside.
I gotta get home.
Yeah. Another time.
Dana. That that Nokes' wife?
- You mentioned her at dinner.
- Yeah.
We we got up to mischief together.
Her and Kimberly in the early days.
She's a nurse
at Bellevue Hospital now.
But if you're asking,
Nokes is a prick.
My husband was a shit,
but at least I got out.
- I don't know how Dana puts up with it.
- "It"?
What do you mean?
I've drunk too much.
You think she'd talk to me?
Sure, Mikey.
I can ask.
- Night.
- Night.
What are you doing?
- The usual. This is what we want.
- Let's get this party started!
You guys, get involved.
Take a glass, take a glass, take a glass!
Come on, come on!
To Eric!
To Eric! Whoo!
- Jerry.
- You pulled it back, Lennie.
No, Vincent did.
I'll take the puppet,
but Vincent's out, Lennie. You know he is.
He's a liability.
Look at him.
His son's gone missing,
and he's out here drinking.
He's clearly unhinged.
Just suck it up in the morning.
Shake and bake, baby.
Either you do it or I do.
Jay! Great to see you! I didn't know
you were gonna be in tonight.
Eric! Whoo!
Don't move.
I fucking found him too.
Yeah, and I got him out.
We can make
real money here, Yuusuf.
For you to waste on blow?
You get a lot for a kid like that
if you know where to sell him.
TJ knows people. Knows the pervs.
Shut up. I'm thinking.
I got some other ideas.
I said don't move!
- Have you seen this little boy?
- No.
- Can you give us a call?
- Sir, have you seen my son?
No, thank you.
Ma'am? My son. My Thank you.
- Excuse me, gentlemen.
- Nah, thanks. Have a good day.
Hi, have you seen this little boy?
He's been missing for
This is Edgar Anderson.
He's missing.
Could you please give us a call
if you know anything?
Excuse me. Excuse me, ma'am.
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
No guarantees you're getting in.
Hello, Officer.
Seeing a lot of things
not attended to.
I pay you to run the door.
Everyone's having a good time.
Look who's back.
- In again.
- Is that a crime?
Do you recognize him?
Like I said last time. Good-looking kid,
but I ain't seen him before.
No. You look again.
- Mikey.
- I'm sorry I can't help you more.
Hey. We talked about this before.
And when you weren't here?
You got soft inside, Gator, but the world
kept turning while you were gone.
Life went on.
If you fuck with me,
I will go back inside
for what I will do to you.
Okay, good. Go play. Get out of here.
Hey, you.
Hey, hey. Coming through.
All right, all right.
- Admit it, man. We're on fire!
- Whoo!
- Oh yeah, baby. Oh brother!
- Vinny!
With you up there
on Good Day Sunshine,
my boy is coming home!
- Vinny!
- Yo, man!
Are you all right in there?
Yeah. What's up?
Hey, do you think
you should go home and be with Cassie?
No, man, all good.
I'll be by the bar.
All right, we're coming.
We're coming. See you out there!
Let's go.
Gloria ♪
You're always on the run now ♪
Running after somebody ♪
You gotta get him somehow ♪
You really don't remember ♪
Was it something that he said? ♪
Are the voices in your head ♪
Calling, Gloria? ♪
Gloria ♪
Don't you think you're fallin'? ♪
If everybody wants you ♪
Why isn't anybody callin'? ♪
You don't have to answer ♪
Leave 'em hangin' on the line
Oh-oh-oh ♪
Calling Gloria ♪
- Gloria ♪
- Gloria ♪
I think they got your number ♪
Gloria ♪
I think they got the alias ♪
Gloria ♪
- That you been livin' under ♪
- Gloria ♪
But you really don't remember ♪
Was it something that they said? ♪
Are the voices in your head ♪
Calling, Gloria? ♪
Oh shit.
Gloria ♪
Don't you think you're fallin'? ♪
If everybody wants you ♪
Why isn't anybody callin'? ♪
You don't have to answer ♪
Leave 'em hanging' on the line
Oh-oh-oh ♪
Calling Gloria ♪
- Gloria ♪
- Gloria ♪
I think they got your number ♪
Gloria ♪
I think they got the alias ♪
Gloria ♪
- That you been living under ♪
- Gloria ♪
But you really don't remember ♪
Was it something that they said? ♪
Are the voices in your head ♪
Calling, Gloria? ♪
Uh-huh, uh-huh-huh, Gloria ♪
How's it gonna go down ♪
Will you meet him on the main line ♪
Or will you catch him on the rebound? ♪
Will you marry for the money ♪
Take a lover in the afternoon? ♪
Feel your innocence slippin' away ♪
Don't believe it's coming back soon ♪
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