Escaype Live (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


Please drive your vehicles slowly.
Haste makes waste.
Life is a journey,
don't make it your last.
Tread carefully, tread safely.
Kashi is the city of Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva adores the sound of
Conch, tabor, and bells.
Not car horns.
Don't honk unnecessarily.
-Why did you stop in the middle?
-And get blessed by Lord Shiva.
Let's go.
Will you drive that bike up my ass?
Make no sound for a minute.
Don't try to break
the traffic rules.
Let's go. Glory to Mahadev!
Eyes on the road.
How nice, Mr. Pandey?
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Must have forgotten the ATM pin.
You're a customer.
And the customer is God.
Gods don't have
to visit his devotees.
Just think of me really hard,
and your devotee shall materialize.
Am I right, Ms. Kusum?
Don't shower too much love
which Mr. Pandey can't handle.
Here you go.
God bless you.
Glory to Mahadev.
Hey man,
It came all the way from
the top management
For all the buttering
up you did all year round.
Right, Brijesh.
What is it?
It's an envelope, not sari.
Open it quickly.
I'm no longer interested
in teaching, Mr. Mishra.
I'm living a life of comfort now.
Glory to Mahadev, dad.
God bless you, son.
Dad, I got promoted.
I've been promoted from assistant
manager to deputy manager.
It's the grace of God.
I also got a fat raise.
Can we meet today?
Okay, professor.
Since now you're
the deputy manager,
will you get to keep your
job if you take a few hours off?
I don't need a reason to
take a few hours off, dad.
Will 2 o'clock be fine?
You know what, son,
come over during lunchtime.
You can have lunch with us, and
I also want you to meet someone.
Do you want to meet over the phone?
And yes, get
some sweetmeats while coming.
Glory to
This is called 'sitoriya'
Seven stones placed
one over another.
-Leave the phone.
-There are two teams in this game.
Hurry up, Rani.
-Hurry up. Come on.
One team destroys,
the other team rebuilds.
If the other team hits you with the
ball before you arrange the stones,
then you are out.
You made me lose.
She is crazy.
I told her to arrange the stones
back, but she's busy with the phone.
We almost won.
What happened?
How dare you call me stupid?
How dare you?
-Why are you hitting me?
-How dare you call me stupid?
Leave me.
Now call me stupid.
Now call me stupid.
Aunty, come quickly.
Rani is beating up Jugal.
Let's go.
Stop, Rani. Stop.
-Leave me, mom.
I'll beat the living
daylights out of him.
Will you call me stupid now?
Will you?
Why are you beating him up?
She saw something on the phone,
and started beating me up.
Sita, control your daughter.
Keep him away from the phone.
How dare you talk about my phone?
Got a big mouth.
I will bash you.
Let's go inside.
[indistinct crowd chatter]
Forgive her.
Brother, something is
wrong with my child.
What is wrong?
I've been observing
her day and night.
She has frequent mood swings.
Sometimes she is laughing ,
something crying.
Sometimes she doesn't talk all day.
could it be because
of the vitamins?
But that's a good thing.
This time she's bashed that boy,
in the evening she
will defeat Fetish girl.
No need to be stressed.
Go make some tea.
Hey mice.
If it wasn't for you, uncle,
I really would've
cracked her skull open.
Are you going to face
off with her looking like this?
She admitted online,
that she won't compete with me.
This is your chance, girl.
Go for it.
What's the point?
She's still on no. 1
And I still haven't crossed 1400.
Who said you cannot?
Look what your uncle got you.
New dress.
Do you know who stitched it?
She stitches dresses for movies.
I've arranged for hair
and makeup as well.
You'll look like Angelina Jolie.
Smile. Smile. Smile.
Now hurry up and get ready.
We'll first go get the vitamin
injection before the competition.
No, uncle. No.
Uncle Nandu,
I'll look very beautiful in this,
won't I?
You are very beautiful.
But to defeat adults,
you must look like an adult.
Like this doll.
Woweven I'll look
big like this doll.
But to look big you
must take your vitamins.
But uncle,
the injection's really painful.
Also makes me feel weird.
Come here, child. Come here.
You'll feel better when
you defeat Fetish girl.
And after you win the competition,
the pain will disappear like poof.
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
It is.
It is.
Yes. My child.
So, what's the update?
Very nice, ma'am.
The response is too good.
What is the update
on Fetish versus Rani?
Fetish girl has said she is not
cheap, to face off with a kid.
Then we disqualify her.
-Yes ma'am.
Tell me what the update is.
by disqualify you
mean from the face-off?
Yeah, let's just show me.
Ma'am, we can try this
I think that's perfect.
Go with that.
No, from the competition.
-Can you give me an update?
-Ma'am, does she know this?
She should read the rules,
and you should know the rules.
Don't worry at all.
Give me a second.
Yes, ma'am.
I saw you yesterday.
Where, ma'am?
In the restaurant.
-Ma'am, I
-Talk to her.
It's your mom.
Hello, Mom.
Are we done with the plates?
Yes, ma'am. Almost done.
No, no, mom, listen to me.
Please don't send Lisa.
Mom, I'll call you back.
Did you speak to her?
-Yes ma'am.
-All okay?
Sorry, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.
Carry on.
Isn't this great?
It's even better than that Darkie.
Neelya, they won't allow us inside.
Why not?
We didn't come here to sell any
product, we came here to become one.
We're a customer, understood.
Come on.
Excuse me.
Yes, take a good look.
The entire package
is right in front of you.
Nilesh Sonawane. Full makeover.
New hair colour, new hairstyle.
Can she manage to pull this off?
She's our senior stylist.
And hair makeover charges
are 12,000 per session.
I can book it for you.
What's the down payment?
And how many EMIs?
Everyone's offering
EMIs these days.
You should opt for it too.
Good for business.
Neelya, have you lost your mind.
They are a bunch of thieves.
Let's go to Azim's instead.
He'll do it for 500.
I don't want my pubic hair trimmed,
I want a hair makeover.
And if I want to defeat Darkie,
then I must look like him.
-What you see is what sells.
But what about the money?
My point exactly.
Doesn't matter what it takes,
those foreigners will cut my hair.
We'll find a way.
Prakash. Where is everyone?
What happened, baby?
Where is everyone?
Why is he outside?
Prakash. Sunita.
Where is everyone?
Bashira, what's wrong?
I am sorry.
He's my best friend.
Dhruv is my best friend.
He said I'll have to leave.
-And suddenly my mind fucking
got crazy. -No.
-I don't know what I
I just fucking smashed
It's a prank, right.
I got furious.
Because I love him.
He's my fucking friend.
Darkie, please tell me it's a prank.
I don't know what happened?
He isn't waking up.
Oh my, God. Dhruv
What happened? Dhruv, wake up.
Please, baby, wake up.
Someone call the doctor.
Dhruv, please wake up.
What happened?
Dhruv, wake up.
Please, wake up.
Come on. No, baby.
What's wrong with him?
This is what we call a prank.
Right, boy.
This is not done, guys.
This is not done.
It's your boy, Darkie.
No. 1 on Escaype live.
And this is just a trailer of what's
going to happen this Friday night.
Because I'm going
to groove with Dhruv.
Hi, guys.
We're throwing the biggest
party on Escaype Live!
This is going to be the
darkest night of Escaype live.
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& If he asks for buttons
of blouse repeatedly, j&
j& If he asks for buttons
of blouse repeatedly, j&
j& While thinking about
love playing, j&
j& While thinking about
love playing, j&
j& When the wretched guy
wants to warm his hands, j&
j& When the wretched guy
wants to warm his hands, j&
j& When the wretched guy
wants to warm his hands, j&
j& Dig your teeth
into his shoulders. j&
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& O woman! j&
j& The guy would ask
you to come to Patna. j&
j& The guy would ask
you to come to Patna. j&
j& In the name of Patna,
he'd try to be touchy with you. j&
j& In the name of Patna, j&
j& -Touchy-touchy.
-He'd try to be touchy with you. j&
j& Don't let the guy get
a ticket done. j&
j& Don't let the guy get
a ticket done. j&
j& Don't let the guy get
a ticket done. j&
Can I get a job there?
And how long will it take?
I I can transfer 400,000
by tomorrow,
but please start the process.
Thank you. Thank you.
-It's alright.
-No, please.
-Please give it to me.
-I'll keep it.
Child, let him do it.
Otherwise, he's engrossed
with his phone all day.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
It's time for desserts.
At least tell them now.
Coming, Dad.
I have three spoons,
get three more. Okay.
How was the food?
It was nice.
Offer Mr. Mishra.
Mishra uncle.
Only one.
-They are very nice. Have it.
Not for me, son.
I don't eat these things.
One doesn't make a difference.
I exercise every day for an hour.
You'll have it.
It's really nice.
Sure. I love sweetmeats.
-Yes, father.
Give her a tour of the house.
Tour of what?
Show her around the house,
the terrace.
Take her along.
Running a personal errand.
I'll be late.
I'll be back in sometime.
Tell him to use some colour.
-Okay. Hang up now.
-Tell her I am sorry.
Are you always this
quiet in front of girls,
or do you always carry
this good boy image?
That's not the case.
Guess he'll ask on whatsApp.
Whether I drink or smoke?
Whether I had a
boyfriend or still do?
What's my favourite food?
Do I eat non-veg food or not?
And of course virginity.
How does that matter?
These questions decide whether the
girl has a good character or not.
How can anyone decide
right or wrong?
All that depends on the situation.
Maybe what's right
for me is wrong for you.
Then after we're married
Imagine if we did get married.
Won't it prick you if
I still run Titli?
My beauty parlour.
You won't have any
insecurities if I keep working.
No, I
I feel husbands are for giving
suggestions and not permission.
Whether you want to work
or not is for you to decide.
Your choice.
I'm pretty versed with
the choices of Benares boys.
Be it peas or better half,
voluptuous is the word.
Finally, something made you laugh.
Otherwise earlier you had
no expressions on your face at all.
So much pressure.
Is this how you talk to
all the boys at the first meeting?
Not with everyone.
But I didn't feel
awkward around you.
Dad called me home suddenly.
I was feeling uncomfortable.
I've a question.
Everything that you just said.
Are those your actual opinion,
or was it just to impress me?
No, I don't want to impress you.
nor do I want to get married.
Do you have a girlfriend?
You should tell the professor.
He looks like a grump,
but eventually, he will say yes.
Shall we?
But how am I going to say no?
Because you're good
looking and talented?
And what am I going to say?
That the boy has good looks, a good
salary, a good sense of humour,
but I don't like him.
Look Rajkumar, this is Benares.
Not Mumbai where a
girl refuses a proposal,
and doesn't raise any eyebrows.
Since this is your problem
you'll have to find a solution.
I can only wish
you the best of luck.
Gouge my eyes out.
Aim for the hair.
Come on.
Leave it. Go away.
Come here.
What is this contraption?
Sister. You do it.
-You can do it.
-Aim for her hair, not the eyes.
-It's very simple.
Yes. Hold it like this and blow.
No, no, not me.
-It's very simple. Hold it.
How am I looking?
Just like that doll.
Sweetheart, what is all this?
Let's go inside.
What is all this? Let's go inside.
I'm looking so good.
Just like that doll. Big girl.
But you look like a doll anyway.
Take this off, child. Come on.
I won't go. I won't take it off.
Go inside. I'll talk to her.
Go in.
What is all this?
Are we going to make
videos like this now?
If her father sees it,
it's all over.
You drag her father
into everything.
Why will he watch it?
Has he ever seen a smart phone?
He may not but the
world's going to watch it.
I won't let my child
face the world like this.
Leave it.
Let it be sister.
You meddle your
nose into everything.
Sometimes it's the dress,
or the makeup, etcetera, etcetera.
Leave it.
Where are you? Stop all this.
Wrap it up. Stop it.
Calli, stop everything.
What are you saying?
Everything is ready, Nandu.
Then unready it. It's alright.
Leave it.
I don't want to do it.
Why are you getting so furious,
brother? What did I
Why shouldn't I get furious?
You interfere in every matter.
Why don't you understand?
I don't know what you are
She is just a child.
No one will look
at her with prying eyes.
She will be fine.
Salman Khan went bald for a film,
is he still trotting around bald?
-Our child danced on 'Morni' song.
Did she fly away like a peacock?
She didn't, did she?
I wonder what's on your mind?
This is called acting, sister.
An artist has a big heart.
No one will think this way.
I'll get it done tomorrow.
He got promoted.
Tell him to throw a party.
So tomorrow
Hey buddy, are you throwing a party
or save all the money in FD.
Why don't you give us a treat?
I will.
-That reminds me.
Tomorrow morning
-Ma'am, you cannot go inside.
-It's important, to meet Rajkumar
You look like a decent guy,
so why did you have to stoop so low?
I said this is your problem,
you deal with it.
In fact, you spread
the rumour of my affair.
What did he do?
Sunaina, this is my office
It's like a house. You can yell
at him, that's not a problem.
This is our personal problem,
please keep your nose out of it.
Let's talk outside, please.
You guys are unbelievable.
Forgive me, Sunaina.
I lied because I don't
want to get married.
You could've made
some other excuse.
And why did you
drag my name in this?
It's easy to put
the blame on a girl.
We're the weaker sex, afraid,
we'll never tell anyone.
And your reputation
will be impeccable.
That's not the case, Sunaina.
I just couldn't tell him my truth.
Look, Mr. Rajkumar,
I just came to tell you that,
what you did is completely wrong.
My family trusts me because I don't
keep secrets from them like you.
They know the truth about me!
We all have one life.
And the truth doesn't
need to be concealed.
I can understand a woman's pain.
You cannot.
Because you're not a woman.
No man can ever understand a woman.
Hi friends, greetings.
I am Dance Rani, here
to face off with sister Fetish.
Fetish refused to face
off with me thinking I am small.
Come on, sister Fetish.
This is just a competition.
Even if Fetish doesn't
attend the face-off,
I'll do what I came here to do.
There's going to be
a special performance today.
-Come on, lift that up. Get ready.
-I don't think she's coming.
-Come on.
Get ready. Bravo.
Hello, boys.
And hello Dance Rani.
Hi, sister Fetish. Greetings.
Escaype systems made a big mistake
by making you and me face-off.
I wonder who made
this competition rules.
It's just a competition.
We'll have to face off.
I will face off, Rani.
But not with you.
Fetish, just do what you do.
Otherwise, you will lose.
Even if I lose to
you I'll still be happy.
Fine, I will fight and I will win.
Get ready. Come on.
Everyone ready?
Don't be scared, child.
j& Beloved. j&
j& Beloved. j&
j& This intoxication I feel, j&
j& is certainly your effect. j&
j& Your gaze is to be blamed.
Beloved. j&
j& Come closer, why so far? j&
j& this madness of your love. j&
j& My heart's crazy about you. j&
j& I feel out of my senses,
What is this effect. j&
j& I feel out of my senses,
What is this effect. j&
j& After meeting you, beloved. j&
j& After meeting you, beloved. j&
j& Beloved. j&
j& Beloved. j&
j& Beloved. j&
j& Beloved. j&
Uncle, did I get diamonds?
It's coming in slow.
But they will increase.
They will.
Amazing, sister. You got more
diamonds than me doing nothing.
But not me.
I have fans, Rani.
They won't let me lose
even if I do nothing.
I won't give up either, sister.
Diamonds, fans, I'll have them too.
I will win the competition.
Team, follow me.
Bravo, mice.
j& Dozens of beauties out there.
Dozens of beauties. j&
j& Prying eyes always staring,
Always staring. j&
j& Dozens of beauties out there.
Dozens of beauties. j&
j& Prying eyes always staring,
Always staring. j&
j& I don't brag about myself, j&
j& even the moon praises me. j&
j& Of every inch of my body. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& The world's made of brass. j&
j& The world's made of brass. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
j& I am baby doll made of gold. j&
Well done. Bravo, Rani.
I wonder what's wrong with
my fans today. They just froze up.
I think they are upset with me.
Congrats, Rani. All the best.
She won!
The girl won!
She is the one.
Mala ma'am, I
I was just video chatting.
I saw you.
Just video chatting.
Isn't this your
online video avatar?
Fetish girl.
I am so sorry, Hina.
Why are you scared, Hina?
I didn't come here to accuse you.
In fact, I'm in awe of you.
Trust me.
Every woman idolizes you.
They want to be like you.
As kids,
we're trained how to sit, get up,
how to stand,
what to say, how we look.
We can never live our desires,
our fantasies freely.
But you are a fearless woman.
You don't think
about society's rules.
About what the
people are gonna say.
And these people who follow you
on the app, shower diamonds on you.
They do what you want,
and the way you want them to.
Do you even realise, Hina,
how liberating it is as a woman?
It's stunning!
Your secret is safe with me.
And anyway,
you're not selling yourself, right.
This thing that you do in
front of the camera isn't wrong.
when I saw you,
I felt alive.
Ma'am, I don't understand.
Actually, Mala ma'am, honestly
I'm only doing this for the money.
I want to go abroad, and for that,
I need a lot of money.
I am not stopping you.
Ma'am, I didn't understand
It's simple.
I want to see you the same
way people see you on Escaype Live.
I just want to see you.
See what you do.
How you do.
from here.
My Fetish girl.
You've lost weight.
Guess you haven't
been eating properly.
Are you on a diet?
That reminds me tomorrow morning,
I have to get done FD from Mr.Verma
You won't understand
because you're not a woman.
No man can ever understand a woman.
I understand women
just the way you do.
I had no choice other than lie.
But I want to tell you the truth.
So, I am sending you a link.
Please download it.
We'll meet again, Sunaina.
At 12 o'clock tonight.
Hurry up. Quickly.
All the CCTVs are off.
We've only one minute.
Do what you have to in one minute.
That manager didn't
pick up my phone.
now I will show him.
Take these. Come on.
People love eating Maggie.
Have you ever tried any of these?
Just take what he owes us.
This will bring bad luck.
Leave it.
Here. Take this.
Let's go. Come no.
Hurry up.
Careful. Careful.
Hold it.
You guys cheated me. I cannot lose.
I wonder what's wrong with
my fans today. They just froze up.
I've 500,000 followers
in Gurgaon alone.
Each one of them sent me diamonds.
Data moderators don't
have permission to access it.
[indistinct chatter]
j& The heart forced me again,
what to do. j&
You cannot understand.
j& Couldn't stay away, what to do. j&
Because you're not a woman.
j& The heart begs, j&
j& to complete the memory
that's left incomplete. j&
j& The memory that left incomplete. j&
No man can ever understand a woman.
j& I accept, what to do. j&
j& I made a mistake, what to do. j&
j& The heart begs, j&
j& to complete the memory
that's left incomplete. j&
j& The memory that left incomplete. j&
j& The memory that left incomplete. j&
j& The love that's left incomplete. j&
You won't understand.
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