Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


[Daniele exhales]
[Daniele] Give me a little sleep.
Please, a little sleep.
[drawer bangs]
I wonder what Dr. Mancino
and Cimaroli are writing in there.
I'd give my pinkie
for some benzodiazepine.
One of the doctors my parents sent me to.
What was his name? Sanfilip?
Sanfilippo, yeah, that was his name.
What did he call me?
"A subject instinctively driven
to the use of substances."
["Baby" by Side Baby playing]
[singing along in Italian] Side baby
She calls me baby ♪
Fuck your problems
I don't believe in what you do ♪
Hey, I'm the daddy of the scene ♪
Your favorite rapper
Is inspired by my career ♪
[in English] Yo, this is homemade shit.
It's all produced locally, you know.
- This is all good stuff, trust me.
- Yeah, let me be the judge.
- Let me take at least two puffs.
- [man 1] Come on!
- [man 2] How is it?
- Ah. Not too bad.
It seems a little light.
Wait until it hits you, then you'll
tell me if it's light. [laughs]
- This is the Leprechaun's grass.
- Pass it. Come on!
I already fucking know
how it's gonna end tonight, you know.
[music stops]
[water lapping]
Hey, where the fuck are we? [exhales]
What the fuck! [grunts]
[chuckles] Jeez, what a blow!
So much for being a little light!
[Daniele] Good thing you cuffed
your jeans. Useful.
Oh, yeah. [chuckles]
- You're a beach hipster!
- [Daniele yawns]
[man 1 grunts]
In fact, this thing about drugs is true.
The problem, though, is that
someone like me doesn't stop at that
and switches to chemical drugs,
the ones that never satisfy you.
Some manage to stay in control,
and some lose their head.
Like myself.
["Keep Moving" by Bronson playing]
[man] Hey, bro, you're fucking stoned!
- Hey, Danie'! [laughs]
- Hey, how are you?
Hey, what's up, Danie'?
Hey, what happened?
- What's going on? Shit!
- [laughing]
[all] Whoa!
- [music continues]
- [shouting]
[Daniele] But now, I'd give a year
of my life for some Leprechaun's grass.
- A good night's sleep. That's all I want.
- [Mario] Angelica, I can't.
I can't, no. No! Go away!
I can't. I can't, Angelica.
[sobbing] I can't, Angelica.
Oh, Angelica. No!
- Hey, Mario.
- [gasps]
Hey! It's Daniele.
You're just having a nightmare.
- Oh, Daniele. [gasps]
- What's wrong with you?
[sobbing] Leave me alone.
Wake up, gentlemen.
This morning the heat is unbearable.
Did you guys sleep well?
Today, you're gonna have to
take a shower, okay?
It's unbreathable in here.
Get a load of this.
- [sighs]
- Hey, Pi'.
- [Pino] What?
- Isn't there a way to stop this CT?
[Pino] Sure, there is. Run away.
That way, instead of a week,
they'll give you two.
- Yeah.
- Simple.
There you go.
[Daniele exhales]
If you're planning to escape from there,
I don't recommend it.
Some time ago, someone tried, but he died.
- [exhales] Good morning.
- [Pino] Morning. There, he showers.
Be like Mario.
[Mario] Hey,
you can't see the women's ward from there.
What are you looking for?
Well, a girl.
Uh, excuse me for asking,
but did you wake me up last night?
No. Maybe I woke you up making some noise.
I couldn't I couldn't sleep all night.
My mind was reeling.
Mm-hmm. Yeah,
I must have dreamt it. [chuckles]
But it's good that you're ruminating.
It means you're working on yourself.
There's no medication that can heal you.
In here [groans]
the doctors
can only give you a little help at most.
The rest is up to you.
The way you see things.
How hard life gets to you.
Then why are you here? Here,
they treat you as they please, Mario.
From your point of view,
it makes perfect sense.
[Daniele chuckles]
[Mario] I'm in here because I need help,
just like you.
On my second
or third hospitalization [gulps]
I was sent to Palestrina.
Luckily, asylums had
recently been closed. [sighs]
It was a mixed ward.
[inhales] In my room,
there was this lady who was totally crazy.
You know what?
Her son had been diagnosed with autism.
At the time, mainstream science
explained that disorder
with the theory
of the "refrigerator mother."
That is, in their opinion,
the mother's lack of affection
was to blame.
That means
they basically blamed the mother
for not being able
to love her child normally.
So, they thought. Can you believe that?
Uh, can I ask you something?
This woman you're telling me about,
is her name Angelica, by any chance?
Because you often call
to her during the night. Last night too.
Angelica. Yeah, her name is Angelica.
Her her name was Angelica.
[thunder crashing]
But I didn't wanna trouble you
with my stories.
These are stories from another era.
Now things have improved.
[thunder rumbling]
He hasn't woken up yet.
[grunts] Fuck that!
Ah, fuck you! [groans]
- [Madonnina groaning]
- [Pino] Easy.
Hey, what's-your-name,
can you give me a hand?
I'm all alone,
and I can't do everything by myself.
Okay, how can I help?
- [Madonnina] Mary, help me.
- [Pino] Come here and hold his arm.
- No. Hey.
- [Madonnina groans]
- [Daniele] How should I hold him?
- [Pino] Like that, by his arms.
- [Pino] Yes, by his wrists.
- Please, Mary, help me
[Pino] Take it easy.
My goodness, look at this.
All right, turn him around.
- [groans]
- Turn, Madonni', turn.
- Like that. Come on.
- [shouts]
[shouts] Virgin Mary. Virgin Mary.
[shouts] I lost my soul.
- Stop it.
- I lost my soul.
- It's done?
- Yes.
- Go to bed now, Madonnina.
- Virgin Mary.
- Yeah.
- [Madonnina whimpering]
There is such a wonderful scent in here.
[sniffs] You have no idea
what I'd do to you right now.
- You never give up, right?
- [Gianluca chuckles] Never.
But can I borrow your body wash?
At least we'll smell the same.
[Daniele] Sure, but don't overdo it, okay?
Thank you.
And sorry about yesterday.
Don't worry about it, sweetie.
We all have our moments of despair,
don't we?
- Especially in here.
- [chuckles]
Apologies to you too.
I don't feel insulted.
In fact, I never do.
[Madonnina shouting]
Virgin Mary, please help me.
Virgin Mary.
[tender piano music playing]
Hey, I'm sorry, Danie'. I dropped it.
Well, at least it smells good in here.
Doesn't it?
It's like being in the mountains.
- [Giorgio] Hey.
- Hey, you.
Could I borrow
your body wash as well, please?
I only have my toothbrush.
And I don't even have toothpaste.
- Here. You'll have to make do.
- [Giorgio] Sure.
It's delicate.
[door closes]
Hey. How'd it go?
Hey, dude. Dr. Mancino's waiting
for you in the office.
- What about Cimaroli?
- If I say Mancino, it's Mancino.
Are you gonna tell me how
to do my job? Let's go.
[Daniele] Pino.
- [huffs] What now?
- Can I ask you something?
- [exhales]
- Listen, about Mario.
Why is he in here? I mean, he's, uh,
he seems to me to be, uh,
a cultured and sensible person.
Except at night
when he has strange dreams.
He has nightmares, huh?
- Yeah.
- No wonder.
I would, too, if I were him.
Why do you say that?
I can tell you're still a kid. You still
don't know a fucking thing about life.
Well, then explain to me
what I don't know about life, Pino.
I'll explain then.
In your room, there's only one man
who could be dangerous.
Guess who. [exhales]
Mario was tried for attempted murder.
Wife and daughter.
Then his wife withdrew her accusation,
and that was it,
but now he's not allowed to see them,
even from afar.
So much for being sensible.
Come on, Dr. Mancino's expecting you.
How come Mrs. Cimaroli isn't here?
Well, Dr. Cimaroli was held up
in the emergency room for a consultation.
So, you'll have to make do with me.
All right, then.
How's your vacation going?
Why did you take me off
the sleeping pills?
Frankly, I have no idea.
I don't know anything about it.
It says nothing here.
- Now, can I ask you a question?
- [exhales]
Can you tell me about your love life?
It's a specific request from Dr. Cimaroli.
Okay, fine.
If you don't wanna cooperate,
I'll just tell her you're a virgin.
So maybe she'll conclude that
[clears throat]
your outburst the other night
was your testosterone's fault.
I've had a few relationships
in recent years.
[Mancino] Uh-huh.
- But in the end, they all ran away.
- [Mancino] Why did they run away?
Did you scare them?
Were you jealous or
Never in my life have I raised a hand
to a girl, if that's what you wanna know.
If anything,
they were the ones who beat me.
One in particular used to kick me so hard
when we argued.
Then why did they run away?
Well, for the most absurd reasons.
Once, I remember, I gave her a ring.
Then we fought for no reason,
so I asked her to give it back, you know.
Then give me the ring back.
Okay, sure. Take it back.
I don't want it anymore.
Hey, Daniele!
Daniele, oh, my God. Daniele!
[Daniele chuckles]
- You're such a huge dickhead!
- [Daniele] She got so pissed off.
Chiara! Hey! Wait
And then she left.
But as you can see,
it's not all sad memories.
On the contrary.
The one I
I loved the most was called Carolina.
I was crazy about her.
She was wonderful.
- [tires screech]
- [brake ratchets]
- Why are you stopping here?
- Because I love you.
- Mmm! Mmm!
- [horns honking]
I love you. I love you! I love you!
- I love you! I love you!
- [driver 1] You idiot!
- Carolina, I love you! I love you!
- [driver 2] Asshole!
[kisses] I love you.
- [horns honking]
- [driver 3] Get the fuck out of the way!
And I thought it was a nice gesture,
instead [chuckles]
she got scared.
But I don't think I did anything wrong.
You know what I mean?
I was just crazy about her.
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Of course I'm listening.
The detachment of a doctor from a patient
is part of the therapeutic approach.
Listen, Cenni, I'm not the empathic kind.
Dr. Cimaroli takes care of that.
But I wanna tell you something.
I don't understand why the brain
is not treated like the rest of the body.
If you have an ulcer, what do you do?
You treat the ulcer.
And if you have a problem with your brain,
you should do just the same.
Get treated before it's too late,
if you don't wanna end up like
the other wretches in your room, okay?
Whatever. Are you done? Can I go?
Have it your way.
[door closes]
I think this double cut got boring.
You should let your hair grow out a bit
and then pull it all to one side.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
[chuckles] Danie',
Giorgio has a lovely smell now.
Hey, what's wrong?
You look like Madonnina.
While I was talking, Mancino
was minding his own fucking business.
I was saying something
I care deeply about,
and he was just looking up in the air.
[Gianluca] You'll encounter
many more like him.
I remember one doc, who once fell asleep,
and then it took a whole band to wake him.
They're human beings too.
Most of them, between private practices
and hospitals, work 12 hours a day.
Many have the same problems
they would like to cure.
[inhales] Look, no one forced them
to be doctors, okay?
It's their own damn choice.
Here, everyone feels
they can teach something to the others,
but they're like everyone else,
if not worse!
Those who mind their own business
are better. They're sincere.
Why do I even bother?
- Such a bad temperament, am I right?
- [sighs]
[Ale] What was that?
How would I know?
Maybe a door slammed shut.
[scoffs] They'll never fix
these air conditioners.
Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?
What's that?
Come on, what's wrong with you all today?
It shows. There's nothing wrong with that.
All right, then.
No, I don't know what it is.
My partner would like it to be a surprise,
and I've decided to please him.
Even if curiosity is eating me alive.
Your partner's also from Via Tuscolana?
[laughs] No.
He's Albanian.
- Can you imagine?
- [chuckles]
Black mother and Albanian father.
Everybody is gonna love this child.
Who knows? Maybe they will.
You really are naive if you think so.
Oh, Ale, I wanted to ask you a favor.
Basically, I have this friend
who yesterday
posted a video on Insta, okay?
And, you see, I was one of the extras.
So I've been waiting
to see this video for months,
and he doesn't know I'm in here right now.
Can I ask you to let me watch it?
It's only two minutes.
If I don't put a comment,
a "like" or something, he'll get upset.
And rightly so. You know?
[Ale sighs]
- [man speaks gibberish, shouts]
- [sighs]
Two minutes
and don't make any calls, Danie'.
- I'm here, and I can hear you.
- No, no. No phone calls.
No, look. It's just calls and messages.
But I won't reply.
I'm going straight on Insta.
[phone clicking]
Hi, how are you, guys? I'm in Paris.
Sending you many kisses. [kisses]
- Woo-hoo! [chuckles]
- [exhales]
What a bitch.
Well, how's the video?
Should I watch it too?
- No, it's just crap. Forget it.
- Hmm.
Ale, listen, uh,
you told me you watched the series
Nina acted in, right?
Again with Nina?
- Why don't you leave her alone?
- No, it's not about that.
In your opinion, how's her acting?
Because I think she's a pretty good actor.
Well [sighs]
maybe she's a little inexperienced.
But she's so beautiful that
you could just watch her for that, so
[chuckles] Anyway,
now go back to your room.
- Yeah. [chuckles]
- [laughing]
Sorry about earlier, okay?
I don't like that you know everything
about me and I know nothing about you.
Pino told me.
About your wife and your daughter.
Angelica was your wife, right?
It's so true, one never stops learning.
You're right.
I should have told you the truth.
If I didn't,
it's because I thought you would judge me.
And I didn't realize that,
in fact, I was the one judging you.
It seems
I'm not such a good teacher after all.
What Pino told you is true.
It happened many years ago.
At the time, my pain was unbearable.
They made me retire
because of my condition.
I just couldn't carry on
supporting my family.
Men are like animals.
If they can't protect, they destroy.
So, one night I got close to putting
an end to everything. [sniffles]
My wife and my daughter left.
They made the right choice.
I show them my love
by keeping away from them.
Given what I did,
I'm the last person who should judge you.
Don't worry.
Anyway, you shouldn't belittle yourself,
because in my opinion,
you were a good teacher.
[chuckles] It makes me happy
you saying that.
Because it means we can still be friends.
There's not much else left in here. [sobs]
[Ale] Daniele, your dad is here.
I let him in a little early,
but don't make it a habit, okay?
Don't make him wait. Get out of here.
Morning, Dad.
Did you come by yourself?
Ale, uh, can we stay here outside?
We can't breathe here.
We'll just stay there.
[Ale] All right.
- [exhales]
- Are you okay?
I'm good, yeah.
I see a psychiatrist. She's smart.
I guess
she'll be able to figure something out.
But you, how are you?
How am I? [chuckles, exhales]
Still standing. [chuckles]
And how's Mom doing?
Yesterday, I talked to her,
more more or less.
- Because she was very harsh with me.
- Well, you know what your mom is like.
She never gets mad, but when she does,
she can't seem to get over it
No wonder.
Given what she found in my pants.
What did she find?
- What did she find in your pants?
- No, nothing.
You know what Mom is like, right?
I mean, um, she found a ten-euro bill
in the pocket, and,
well, she was pissed off
because if she'd washed my pants,
the bill would've got worn out.
Come on, your mother would never worry
about a worn-out ten-euro bill. [chuckles]
Actually, she's worried about
what happened the other night, you know.
I told her, "You'll see.
Things will be okay in the end."
And I told your siblings the same thing.
They even, uh,
they didn't even want me
to come talk to you here. [scoffs]
But I said, "Guys,
you shouldn't keep things inside."
"You have to talk in life, right?"
Oh, and speaking of that.
Well, I also spoke to your boss for ya.
What did you talk to him about?
I told him I got sick,
and that you have to
look after me for a week. That's all.
Come on, Dad.
You even took the blame for me?
Yes, your dad patched things up.
But, Dad, I didn't even like that job,
you know.
Hey, Danie',
now I feel like I'm losing the plot.
- You wanted to study.
- [sighs]
[father] So we let you enroll in college
to study humanities.
You just quit a year later.
Because you wanted to work,
so I got you a job.
Now you're telling me you hate it?
So, um, let me understand.
What do you wanna do with your life?
Do you want to go on studying?
- It's fine with us.
- [Daniele] Dad, studying now?
I'd waste years,
not even knowing what to do next.
It's a gamble. Don't you think?
Come on, Danie',
you can't always be so negative.
Your sister's right
when she gets mad at you.
She wanted to study,
but we couldn't let her,
because we were completely broke
back then.
- Really, Antonella wanted to study?
- In law school.
I mean, if we had a choice,
we would have let all three of you study.
[scoffs] Well, not quite.
Just the two of you, because Giovanni
- [both laugh]
- he hated school.
You know, we invested in you because
we thought you were the most
That you have the potential.
Okay, I'll tell you what.
I promise you that I'll think about it.
Forgive me, Dad, I'm so sorry.
But now go, okay? We can't breathe
in here. It stinks too much. Go.
[Nina] I can't stand this!
I'll get rid of her!
- Hi, there.
- Hello.
- [Nina] I'm gonna strangle you!
- [Ale] Good morning.
Good morning, miss. I'm Ludovico Weiss,
looking for Nina Marinelli.
- Yes. The women's ward is there.
- [woman screaming]
I'll take this. I need to check it first.
- [Nina] You're such a pain in the ass!
- [woman screaming]
Tonight, I'll put a pillow on your face,
and I'll choke you!
- [groans] Like that!
- [Ludovico] Nina. Nina.
[woman screaming]
Did you see this shitty place?
Actually, I've seen worse.
Did you get a call from Mom?
Yes, she did call me.
- She was completely panicked, poor thing.
- Oh, panicked, yeah.
- Poor thing.
- Asked me to tell you to take it easy.
Are you serious?
ll'l take it easy, my ass, Ludovico!
You must find a way
to get me out of here immediately.
Calm down, please.
It's only a matter of a few days.
Then everything will go back
as it was before.
Yeah, but that's the problem.
Can you tell me why you did it?
What do you care, huh?
You and your wife looked adorable,
in that post, hugging each other.
Did you have a good wedding anniversary?
Do you want me
to believe you did it for that?
You overestimate me.
What's so funny, Nina?
[inhales] You, Ludovico!
You are really funny!
[inhales] Anyway,
I can easily live without you.
But you can't.
- Are you still able to fuck her, huh?
- Nina, please, stop. [grunts]
You probably can,
but only because you think of me.
Nina. Please.
You are just a child.
That's not what you said
the other day in bed.
- [Ludovico exhales]
- I wonder what you really came here for.
We'll talk about this
when you get out, okay?
Don't touch me. Leave.
Fuck off or I'll start shouting!
[Ludovico exhales]
[Nina] Just go! Go! Come on!
What are you waiting for?
Go fuck yourselves, the both of you!
Come on!
You're disgusting.
Here. Everything's fine.
Listen, who's the gentleman
who was here earlier?
He only told me his name.
Weren't you there?
Why do you care? Maybe he's a relative.
Huh. Maybe her father. All dressed up.
Or her brother. Does she have a bro
[car engine revving]
[Daniele sighs]
[Mario] I took the liberty
of helping myself. I hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
Danie', just in case,
I mean, just in case,
there's something you don't like.
Oh, wow, thanks.
- Good evening.
- [Gianluca] Evening.
- [Mario] Good evening.
- [Giorgio] Hi.
Every now and then,
I give him a pinch. [sighs]
To try and wake him up, you know.
[ethereal music playing]
He looks like he's asleep
with his eyes open.
What condition is this?
He's not living. He's not dying.
- [Rossana] Good evening.
- [Daniele] Evening.
[lighter clicks]
[thunder crashing]
Can I ask something?
Be honest, Pino badmouthed me, didn't he?
Well, not quite badmouthed.
He just made a few jokes.
[Rossana] Let me guess.
He said I'm ugly and old. I'm a witch.
Do you wanna know the truth?
Come here. Come on.
We started working here together
many years ago.
We were both single.
And he fell in love with me.
But I liked another guy,
who later became my husband.
And he never got over it.
In fact, over time, he became bitter.
[inhales] Do you know
that Pino reported me to management
to get me kicked off the night shift?
You understand what he's like, huh?
- Sure.
- Yeah.
[thunder rumbling]
Can I ask you something too?
You told me that Dr. Cimaroli
canceled my sleeping pills.
- [groans]
- But it's not true.
Because Dr. Mancino told me that
there's nothing about it in my records.
Well, the fact is Dr. Cimaroli left me
a note on a piece of paper.
- I have to endure another sleepless night?
- [exhales] Yep.
[Daniele sighs]
[thunder rumbling]
You know what I was thinking, Danie'?
You complain so much about Mancino, right?
But I've had to deal
with so many bastards.
One of them was called Goodfaith.
But there was no good or faith in him
other than in his name.
I was so young.
I cried all the time. [chuckling]
[gasps] I asked him for help
and instead, he got angry
because my tears stained his desk,
which belonged
to his father and grandfather.
I had one who would
give me so many pills on a regular basis
that I could sleep for a whole week.
My grandfather would prick me
with a needle,
and I wouldn't even feel it.
When my grandfather was around,
he talked to the doctors.
Now that he's no longer here,
they don't even answer me
because they say that I I'm demented.
Fuck them all.
[thunder crashes]
You know what I think?
That what's wrong
is the starting point of science.
All the extraordinary things
mankind has done in the past
were also achieved thanks
to those features
that are nowadays categorized
as pathologies.
Such as the ability to be obsessed
by something, an idea, a work of art.
I'm just saying
that they don't want a cure.
They wanna purify.
To normalize.
Instead of trying
to separate the creative part
from the destructive part of madness.
I totally understand, dear Mario.
Since I was born, I've been split
between these two forms of madness.
[Madonnina moaning]
[ethereal music playing]
[lock clicks]
[lock clicks]
[water dripping]
- [Nina] I figured out who you are now.
- [gasps]
[Nina] It's you.
Yeah, you're that lame loser
from high school,
the guy who fell down the stairs,
making the whole school laugh.
If you try telling anyone
that I'm in here,
I swear to God,
I will sue you for stalking.
I was just chatting with you.
It's not like I sneaked
into your room or anything.
What the fuck are you talking about?
What chat?
What, are you making fun of me?
We chatted a few hours ago.
Are you high or something?
Wow, you really are stupid.
They took our phones.
How could I chat with you?
Through mind reading?
- Fuck, you've got a point.
- [mocking laughter]
Then who did I talk to?
I sent you a message,
and someone replied from your profile.
Your father, maybe?
My father?
Yes. The guy who came to see you today.
Wasn't he your father?
- No, forget it. I know who it was. [sighs]
- Who was it?
None of your fucking business.
Your fucking business is that
no one outside must know that I'm in here.
Because I have a reputation, okay?
I have a career.
Well, anyway, I won't say anything.
Don't worry.
I'm not as famous as you,
but I wouldn't like it either
that people knew I'm in here.
In fact,
I didn't even tell my best friends.
How about this?
I'll keep quiet about you.
You'll keep quiet about me. Hmm?
Okay, then shall we share it? Hmm?
- You made me throw away the other one.
- [huffs]
[lighter clicks]
You really don't remember my poem?
Again with this poem. What about it, huh?
Come on, I put it
we were in the corridor.
I put it in your jacket's pocket,
the beige one that you often had on.
It took me all night to write it.
- [laughing]
- Dante!
[Daniele] You burst out laughing,
and you threw it away.
[inhales] So,
you're basically calling me a bitch?
No way! It's just to help you remember.
You know, you could be right too,
if all this were true,
but I really don't remember,
so it may very well be
that you made it all up.
And plus, you seem like someone who would.
[inhales] Whatever. This cigarette sucks.
What do you mean? It's a cigarette.
- [Nina] Night!
- [Daniele] I'm all out now.
- [sighs, chuckles]
- [door closes]
[inhales, exhales]
[ethereal music playing]
[Alessandro] It's always you who comes
and picks me up again.
My memory is full of it.
Of you coming and taking me away.
At school,
I faked all my illnesses.
Just to see your arrival.
[sighs] Thank you.
["I Luv the Valley Oh!"
by Xiu Xiu playing]
That's a pill
And you've got to take it ♪
That's a pill that you've got to take ♪
That's a pill
And you've got to take it ♪
I won't rest until you take it ♪
That's a heart that you made ♪
That's a heart
And the both of you made it ♪
That's a heart that you made ♪
I won't rest until I break it ♪
It's l'histoire de la famille ♪
It's l'histoire de la femme ♪
It's l'histoire de la famille ♪
And I won't rest
Until I forget about it ♪
I won't rest until I don't care ♪
I won't rest until I forget about it ♪
I won't rest until I don't care ♪
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪
That's a razor
And you'll make a threat ♪
That's a razor
Make a million billion threats ♪
That's a razor
And you'll make a threat ♪
And I won't rest
'Cause I heard it all before ♪
My behind is a beehive ♪
There's a buzz in my backside ♪
My behind is a beehive ♪
And I won't rest
While you break my will ♪
Je t'aime the valley ♪
Je t'aime the valley, oh! ♪
Je t'aime the valley ♪
I am an orphan to la valley ♪
And I won't rest
Until I forget about it ♪
I won't rest until I don't care ♪
I won't rest until I forget about it ♪
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪
[music fades out]
[ethereal music playing]
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