Exception (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


Mack, you need to see this.
Did you find him?
Not exactly.
[device chiming]
But you didn't see Lewis?
No, he doesn't appear to be hiding out
in Area H anymore.
He hasn't tripped the sensors
and there have been no suspicious entries
or exits logged at the doors in Area H.
Where the hell is he?
Anyway, how's the planetary survey going?
- [device whirs]
- Based on the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio,
the planet used to have
as much water as Earth.
Since hydrogen tends to disperse in space,
but deuterium sticks around,
it's pretty easy to tell.
Was the planet's atmosphere not able
to sustain its oceans?
Unlike Earth,
it looks like all the volcanoes
on this planet went extinct.
That could have played a part.
Hey, where's Nina?
I was making more of Lewis's biomaterial
since it'll be difficult and,
quite frankly,
ethically questionable to recycle him.
How long will it take?
Actually, it'll be finished
sooner than I anticipated.
Whenever you're ready,
you can go ahead and reprint him.
So, is it true that misprint-Lewis
has memories of his past?
We don't know exactly what
or how much he remembers.
He clearly wants to exercise
his right to live.
Can't we just leave him alone?
You've got a point.
And, thanks to Nina, we don't
have to capture Lewis for biomaterial.
He is still dangerous.
We need to find the anomaly
and eliminate it.
Make sure to keep your guard up.
[jazz music playing]
Is that your family?
Whoa. Nice mustache, Oscar.
Yeah, I miss that mustache
almost as much as I miss my wife and kids.
A printed photo is pretty sentimental.
[Oscar] I'm a sentimental guy.
It's a weird feeling.
I have memories of them,
but I've never physically met my family.
The present only lasts an instant.
When you think about it,
memories are all anyone has.
[Oscar] Have you ever wondered
if our memories were just made up?
I mean,
what if my wife and kids never existed?
[Patty] Hmm.
In the end, does it really matter?
[misprint breathing heavily]
This was from yesterday.
He's avoiding the cameras.
What's he moving?
He has some sort
of film wrapped around him.
- Yeah, like clothing.
- [device chimes]
This is Nina.
Is anyone in the Control Room?
Yes, all three of us are here. What is it?
[Nina] I've cultivated enough biomaterial
to reprint Lewis.
Okay. I found the problem
in the sewage treatment area.
I think it just needs a new filter.
I definitely wasn't trained for this.
[radio static]
[Mack] Desperate times call
for desperate measures.
Finish as quickly as you can.
We should discuss our next steps.
Yeah, feel free to start without me.
- Oscar out.
- [beeps]
[straining, grunting]
[breathing heavily]
[grunting, straining]
Based on our observations
and analysis of Planet X-10,
we can go ahead with the original plans
laid out
by the Planetary Development Agency.
Paraterraforming with the Beanstalk
and landing the Atmospheric Transformer
on the surface to create a habitable area.
I have another idea
I'd like to try at the same time.
[device whirs]
[Mack] There's a large amount
of carbon dioxide in the polar caps.
We launch the RA bomb
to evaporate the caps,
which will generate greenhouse gases.
It's not radioactive,
so it's a clean bomb.
If we're lucky, we'll be able to make
the entire planet habitable,
not just part of it.
[Patty] Let's discuss this more
once Oscar gets back.
[Oscar breathing heavily]
[straining, groaning]
What the
- [misprint growling]
- [gasps]
[growling continues]
Holy shit! [grunts]
Mack! Mack, come in!
Mack? Is anyone there?
Damn it! It's broken.
Os car.
D Did you just say, "Oscar"?
[Oscar panting]
I read your message on the wall.
Want negotiate
Negotiate? You You want to talk?
Y Yes.
Okay, but your, uh,
verbal skills seem kind of limited.
Hey. How about messaging?
[misprint, through device]
Your tibia is broken.
[Oscar] Damn, you type fast.
[misprint] That's only basic first aid.
You should see Nina ASAP.
You might not look human,
but you still have your humanity,
my friend.
[Oscar grunting]
Hey, you remember the first time we met?
Mack introduced us
at the Planetary Development Agency.
And we went to that bar. I lost that bet
[sighs] Thanks, man.
They say your misprint was caused
when a solar flare hit us
while you were being printed.
[misprint breathing heavily]
It was just an unfortunate accident.
It's no one's fault.
Hey, are you hungry?
I'll bring you some food next time.
Uh, what flavor packet do you want?
Roast beef or maybe shrimp?
Oh, wait. I think you ate all of those.
[Oscar panting]
I can take it from here. Thanks.
I'll let them know you're not the bad guy
and try to get them to negotiate.
If they talk about capturing you,
I'll do my best to convince them.
Thank you.
They didn't print you with a mustache.
You remember
I lost that bet at the bar
and shaved my mustache.
You're definitely the Lewis I know.
It's great seeing you, old friend.
[grunting, panting]
Hey, anyone there?
[Mack] Oscar!
Oscar, where have you been?
Are you all right?
[Nina] You're hurt. What happened?
[pants] Hey, Nina, we need to talk.
About what?
[panting] About Lewis.
- [Lewis] What about me?
- [gasps]
[Oscar] Lewis.
I just finished printing and everyone's
been bringing me up to speed.
I'm still processing
everything that's going on.
You said you wanted to talk about me?
Well, um
[Lewis] Uh-oh.
They didn't print you with your mustache.
Lewis, it's good to see you.
I'm amazed
you made it back up here by yourself.
Yeah, well, sometimes all you got is grit.
The repair will take about an hour,
so you'll need to sit still.
- Hey, Nina, about Lewis
- Oscar, not now.
Sorry to interrupt.
Nina, can I speak to you?
Lewis, of course.
Mack gave me a full report and I, uh
A different you killed a different me,
so don't worry about it.
Still, I need to apologize. I
- Lewis, it's okay.
- [straining]
I agree with Mack. We should consider
capturing and euthanizing him.
He endangered the crew
and even killed one of us.
But he's you.
Look, the only thing we have in common
is that we're made from the same material.
If you had an evil twin
that was a murderer,
- wouldn't you want him stopped?
- [scoffs]
Wait, where did you get this necklace?
There should only be one of these.
Is that the original?
Yeah, it was in my quarters.
I don't need two of these on board.
Hey, you'll be able to see Kate again.
Assuming the mission is a success.
You know, Mack,
I've been thinking about my misprint.
You have an idea where he might be?
Not exactly, but I do have some thoughts.
I mean, after all,
I am dealing with myself.
Thanks for the other day.
I'm working on the negotiation,
so sit tight.
[misprint breathing heavily]
[Oscar] This device
will only send a message to me.
If you need anything, just let me know.
[Lewis] Once the terraforming is on track
and nature can take its course,
we'll go into cryosleep
until the migrant vessel arrives,
roughly a hundred years from now.
Let's check all the cryosleep cocoons,
inside and out.
Is there something specific
we're looking for?
We won't be using these
until after our mission is complete
and we go into cryosleep.
My other self may be targeting the cocoon.
Once he's inside, no one can touch him.
Well, at least not for a hundred years.
I get it.
This would be his ultimate safe haven.
[Mack] Hey, Lewis, take a look at this.
Just as I thought.
He tried getting in,
but his body's too big.
We've been able to verify the quantity
of carbon dioxide at the polar caps.
[Patty] Looks like there's enough
to warm this planet.
Can I trust you?
Of course. You're my friend.
[Oscar] They reprinted you.
Looking at this footage of my misprint,
I'm suspecting he's trying to build
his own cocoon somewhere on the ship.
That's what I would do.
Well, if that's true,
do we really need to capture him?
Once he's in a cocoon, we'll be safe.
We can just leave him alone.
I agree with Nina.
What if he wakes up before we do?
If he interferes with the terraforming,
our mission will fail.
We have to find him and take care of him
before he finishes building his cocoon.
Where would you hide a cocoon, Lewis?
There are too many possibilities.
This ship is massive,
but if I were him,
I think I'd camouflage it,
so it looks like a part of the ship.
Find an area where no one goes.
Build it behind a false wall.
[Lewis] We'd never notice it
if it was a room we've never seen before.
What if, and I mean what if,
the other Lewis wants to negotiate?
In that case,
we'd set up a place to negotiate
and capture him there.
[Oscar] Negotiating isn't possible. Sorry.
[misprint] I didn't have high hopes.
I'll find my own way to survive.
I need a cooling core
to finish building my cocoon.
You can't take the ones
in the Cryosleep Room.
[Oscar] We need them.
Extra cooling cores should be stored
in Area D.
I can't get in by myself.
It needs two authorizations.
[inhales deeply]
Sure, why not? Those are extras anyway.
I was thinking, humans need hope to live,
even if you're printed
somewhere out in space.
They had to offer the crew
something special
to get them to agree, right?
Well, once the mission is a success
and the planet is livable,
we're allowed to print our family
and loved ones.
We're guaranteed happiness.
And that's why they need to back up
my memory and DNA?
I don't want to fight the other me
for your affection.
[Kate chuckles]
But I'm worried.
About what?
I feel like we're playing God.
Will God be angry with us?
- [device chiming]
- [gasps]
[Oscar] I'll help you get into Area D.
[gasps, sighs]
Good, you're here.
What's this?
We're running simulations
of Mack's proposal
to simultaneously terraform
with the Beanstalk
and vaporize the polar caps.
A massive spike in greenhouse gas
would mean a pretty big planet-wide storm.
But it doesn't look like the Beanstalk
would be affected very much.
It was built to withstand
the harshest conditions.
Once you finish your cocoon
and go into cryosleep,
I'll take care of the rest.
I'll make sure I'm in charge of that area
and keep you hidden.
Trust me.
Thanks, Oscar.
I have an idea.
I think it would make sense
if we stage this
so it looks like I didn't have a choice
but to help you.
You punch me,
and I'll look like I'm knocked out.
You drag me over to the panel
and scan my eye so it's on camera.
Believe me, it'll get really complicated
if they know I'm working with you.
All right, then. Punch me.
I've got to look the part.
[grunts] Just not too hard, okay?
Hold on, hold on.
Are you trying to kill me?
Use your little arm.
[misprint panting]
[Oscar] Good. Just leave me here.
[device chiming]
Area D, where the cooling cores are.
- Oscar?
- [menacing music playing]
Mack, what happened?
- Go after him. I'll check the hangar.
- Got it.
[both panting]
[Oscar groans]
Damn! It's gone.
What the hell is going on?
Shit! Damn it, Lewis!
Friend, my ass!
I'm going to fucking kill you!
[Oscar yells]
Calm down, Oscar.
Look, you can't do anything about it now.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, everyone.
I was an idiot for believing him.
He told me he needed a cooling core
to survive, and
I should have realized
he was going after that bomb. Damn it!
[inhales sharply]
[both grunting]
- I'm so sorry, everyone! Forgive me.
- [panting]
You son of a
Mack, stop. He's had enough.
I swear he was the Lewis I knew.
He was my friend.
This is my fault. [inhales deeply]
I should have seen this coming.
Don't be ridiculous.
How could you have possibly known?
He knew I'd predict he'd go after
the cooling core for survival.
And he used that to manipulate Oscar.
[Mack] It doesn't matter now.
That bomb can destroy this entire ship.
[Patty] But why did he steal it?
[Nina] It's his survival strategy.
Now all our fates are in his hands.
[breathes deeply]
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