Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

The Nest

Narrator: Previously on
"expedition bigfoot"
You hear that?
I can't tell where that sound
is coming from.
It could be from any direction.
We build systems that locate
the source of sound.
If he talks back to you,
You'll be able to go
right to that location.
Here we go.
Smooth hair right here.
Hey, bryce, I picked up
two really good hair samples.
There's an access road.
If you could get it there,
I'd be able to grab it.
My fastest way down
is gonna be off this cliff.
[ thunder crashes ]
Racing against the storm
right now.
So, the doctors still haven't
diagnosed ryan's headache.
We have a man out,
and I need to replace him.
- Did you hear that?
- Reaching the sensors.
Man: This is something
so powerful,
It could just rip you apart
like a piece of paper.
Narrator: Bigfoot, sasquatch.
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
To the pacific northwest,
every year,
Hundreds of eyewitnesses
log their encounters,
But where or when
this legendary cryptid
Will be seen next
has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings to pinpoint
When and where to encounter
this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest
bigfoot hunt ever is on.
[ howling ]
World-renowned primatologist
dr. Mireya mayor
Is tracking
a mysterious animal sound
That responded to her call.
A team of audio engineers
Using an advanced
sound-localization prototype
Built for
the department of defense
Gave her the precise coordinates
where the sound originated.
Oh, there it is.
It looks like
it's just up through here.
Oh, man.
That's where it is.
Narrator: The coordinates
provided by the audio team
As the source of the sound
Point to the top
of a steep incline.
[ sighs ]
[ mireya sighs ]
Just impossible.
This is incredibly steep,
and it's getting really dark.
It literally
just went dead silent.
See if we can see anything.
But I don't see anything
but trees.
Narrator: Since the incline is
blocked by fallen trees,
Mireya looks
for another way around.
Mireya: Never before have I felt
like something is watching me.
I've spent many years in jungles
and deep in forests
In africa, south america,
madagascar, over the world.
And for the first time ever,
there were
It feels different
in this forest.
Like -- like I'm not alone.
It feels as if this forest
has eyes.
Narrator: The sun rises
Over the dense mountain forests
of central oregon.
The team's data algorithm shows
they have just two weeks left
To find proof of the world's
most elusive beast.
Russell: Trees
are getting shorter.
These little junipers
are pretty small,
Offer just a little bit
of cover.
Narrator: 61/2 miles
from base camp,
Near the center
of the target zone,
Is former army sergeant
and survivalist russell acord.
After solo rappelling down
a 450-foot cliff,
He's arrived at the team's
drop-off point.
There it is.
Russell is delivering
The team's first pieces
of physical evidence --
Two unidentified hair samples
he found on top of the mountain.
We're gonna take it.
He discovered a second sample
in a bird's nest.
Russell, an expert outdoorsman,
did not recognize either hair.
Russell: This is definitely not
deer, not bear,
And certainly not elk hair.
I don't know what this is,
but it's a good little find.
Investigator bryce johnson
Will pick up the samples
and have them analyzed
To determine if the hair
is from bigfoot.
Russell: Even though I'm excited
about these samples,
When you find evidence,
you always want
Something to stack on top of it.
More discovery,
so I'm headed back in.
But first, I'm gonna map out
exactly where I'm going.
A predator, bigfoot needs water,
And so does every other animal
out there.
So that will also give him
a great place to hunt.
There we go.
Narrator: Russell's new strategy
Is to focus on
three water sources.
His first target
is 41/2 miles to the northwest.
Russell: I know
something's out there.
And I hope to find it.
I hope to find
some answers today.
Narrator: Nine miles away
at base camp
Bryce: Hey, mireya.
I tried to get to
Where the source of the sound
was coming from
Late last night,
but it was just impossible.
It's just too vertical.
But I'll be looking
for another way
To get up there today.
Understood. Hopefully,
you can make it there
without any more trouble.
I got some good news,
though, for you.
I found a replacement
for rpg.
This guy is a human encyclopedia
of bigfoot knowledge.
Not only that, he's an expert
in native american history,
So I think he's gonna be
a tremendous asset to the team.
His name is ronny le blanc.
Oh, that's great news.
I look forward to meeting him.
You can expect him
at base camp later on tonight,
And if you need anything else,
give me a call.
Thanks so much.
Mireya: Having a bigfoot expert
out here is going to be great.
While I have experience
Searching for wild animals,
like gorillas,
Having someone who really
understands the bigfoot lore
And who has experience
in tracking
This animal
that we're searching for
Is gonna be incredibly important
To the success
of this expedition.
Let's see if we have
any more luck today.
Narrator: Determined to reach
the location
Of last night's sound,
Mireya uses a topographic map
of the region
To plot her new course.
I'm gonna have to go around
to get to that spot.
Mireya: So, I have
the coordinates.
I'm not certain
what made that sound.
It's like nothing
I've ever heard before.
But if it came from
a reported 1,200-pound creature,
You'd think it left behind
some evidence.
I have a lot of ground to cover,
so I need to get going.
I want to find out if
we can connect
Our target zone to bigfoot.
Narrator: Bryce has just
picked up the hair samples
From the team's drop-off point
at the end of the access road.
Now I'm gonna take this to one
of the few people in the world
Who can actually analyze this
in real time.
That's dr. Jeffrey meldrum.
He is a professor
of anthropology
At idaho state university,
And he knows exactly
what to look for
When you're looking at
a bigfoot sample.
Narrator: Dr. Jeffrey meldrum
Is one of the few scientists
in academia
That has dedicated their careers
to investigating bigfoot.
He has examined evidence
from all over the world,
And frequently speaks
at conferences and universities
About his research
into the existence
Of the legendary
and elusive creature.
As a former
executive committee member
Of the american association
for the advancement of science,
He is considered one of
The leading bigfoot scientists
alive today.
Well, thanks
for taking the time
To meet with me today,
dr. Meldrum.
Oh, you bet.
It's my pleasure.
I actually brought
some evidence,
And I would love to get
your perspective on it.
I'd love to take a look at it.
You have to check it.
You have to put it
under the microscope.
With alleged
sasquatch hair,
One of the most
telling features is
The lack of
a cellular medulla.
Narrator: The medulla is the
innermost layer of the hair.
In deer and elk,
the medulla is thick.
In humans and species
closely related,
Such as bigfoot,
it should be largely absent.
So, let's take a look
at the first one.
Um, that, unfortunately,
has a continuous medulla.
But a bear is
a possibility for that one.
Uh-huh. The second one,
he actually found this hair
In a bird's nest at the top
of a 6,000-foot peak.
Get down here.
Well, it's a relatively
fine hair.
What do you see?
I don't see evidence
of a medulla.
Oh, wow.
No medulla, huh?
Narrator: Coming up
Oh, wow.
One of the hairs matches
The gold standard
for bigfoot hair.
Look at this.
Man: Holy crap.
Bryce: If we find
a bigfoot nest,
That could be the key to
proving bigfoot is real, right?
Well, that's right.
Well, it's a relatively
fine hair.
What do you see?
I don't see evidence
of a medulla.
Oh, wow.
No medulla, huh?
After having the expedition's
first piece of evidence
Analyzed by renowned scientist
And bigfoot expert
dr. Jeffrey meldrum
- That's good news.
- That's good news.
Bryce has just learned
that he and the team
May have made
an important discovery --
An actual bigfoot hair.
So, we just found out
That one of the hairs
that we found
Matches what
dr. Meldrum considers to be
The gold standard
for bigfoot hair.
So, this one, we'd want
to look at more closely.
Definitely, I would want to do
a more thorough dna analysis
Of the entire shaft
of the hair.
But sasquatch hair
presents a challenge
lacking that medulla,
Here all you have,
basically, is a shaft
With precious little dna
to be recovered.
Narrator: Due to
the minute amounts of dna
Contained in possible
sasquatch hair,
The team's sample must be sent
to a special lab
To undergo
a complex testing process,
The results of which
could take weeks.
Right now, it's a waiting game
until the results come back.
But that doesn't mean we're
slowing down the investigation.
Before I head back to base,
I want to get as much intel
as I possibly can,
To see if we can push
this investigation even further,
With one of the world's
pre-eminent scientists
on all things bigfoot.
And that brings me back
to our expedition.
What are the types of things
that we should be looking for,
I mean, you know,
with a guy
Who's been in the field
and been in the lab?
Dr. Meldrum: Well, there really
is no silver bullet,
But there are places
to find nests.
Nest building
is a great ape behavior.
All the living great apes
build nests of some sort,
And the large male gorillas
do build them on the ground.
Some very intriguing examples
from the olympic peninsula
That I just can't imagine
they were made by anything else.
Narrator: In 2017,
a group of over two dozen nests
Were found
on the olympic peninsula,
Less than 250 miles
from the team's target zone.
Approximately 7 feet wide
and 10 feet long,
These nests contain giant,
ring-like beds
Made from intertwined branches
With thick layers
of soft pine needles
That function like a mattress.
These structures are among
the most mysterious pieces
Of bigfoot evidence
ever discovered.
That leads into this whole-new
tool at our disposal,
Which is
environmental dna.
Environmental dna
is the genetic information
An organism naturally expels
As it interacts
with its environment,
Including mucus,
skin particles, hair,
And other bodily material.
Analyzing this trace evidence is
a revolutionary, new technique
Which allows researchers
to sequence the dna of a species
Long after its departure
from the site.
The tool is there.
The trick is to select
a location for taking samples
That are more likely
to contain dna
From this
very rare species.
And what better place
than a nest?
So I think nests will hold
great potential in that regard.
Gonna keep going.
Back in the team's
target zone,
Russell continues
trekking northwest
En route to the first
of three water sources
Where he hopes to find
bigfoot activity.
Look for those dark
little nooks and crannies
That look a little bit odd.
Look at this.
Hey, man,
are you seeing this?
Man: Holy crap.
Know where
this came from.
It's like
it's in plain view.
Like it's intentionally
put there.
And it seems odd --
really odd.
Plenty of space.
I could fit inside there.
So, if we find
a bigfoot nest
And take environmental dna
samples from it,
I mean,
that could be the key
To proving bigfoot
is real, right?
Well, that's right.
More than anything,
That would be
worth looking for.
Something's been laying in here
bedded down.
But the point I would make,
though, too,
Is that these examples
are very rare.
This is actually
a -- a downfall.
It's all one.
Yeah, it all moves
as one -- one unit.
You can see where it came off
the tree above us.
This is obviously
a natural occurrence.
Being out in the open like this,
It wouldn't make sense
for this to be a bigfoot nest.
Bigfoot would want something
much more secluded.
He'd have a decent line of sight
And be protected
from the elements.
Man, I really got excited there
for a minute.
So, this is it.
This is the spot.
Narrator: Dr. Mireya mayor
finally reaches
The exact location
determined by the audio team
As the point of origin
for the mysterious sound.
Mireya: I never thought that,
just days into the expedition,
I would have heard something
that could be bigfoot.
But I just hope
that all of this leads
To some sort of definitive,
scientific proof
And a discovery.
You can see the lake
from here.
The ridge.
What a vantage point.
The first thing I want to do
is I want to look for prints
Or breakage
in some kind of foliage --
Just anything at all,
a hair clump.
Something that might
give us a clue
As to what made
that sound up here.
One of the problems up here
is that it's so rocky
That there are
very limited places
Where you'd catch
some sort of a footprint.
I don't see anything.
Whatever was here had way
too much time to keep moving
And is probably
long gone by now.
It's just so frustrating
that I had the exact location
Of where this sound came from
And I still couldn't
get up here in time.
There's another way down.
There are only two paths
down this peak --
The one that I just came up on,
And this one here
on the north face.
It's logical that whatever
was up here went down that way.
So I'm gonna track it.
Let's do this.
Narrator: Coming up
What the hell
have we just found?
Russell: Going towards
the water source.
Narrator: Ex-army sergeant
and survivalist russell acord
Is on his way to the first
of three water sources
Where he believes he's likely
To find evidence
of bigfoot activity.
Russell: You pay attention
to everything.
You pay attention
to the ground,
The sounds around you,
the light
How the wind moves.
'cause you never know out here.
If it's out here,
I want to find it.
Oh, wow.
Here we go.
You see that?
Could be
a tree structure.
Narrator: Tree structures are
identified as groupings of trees
Or large branches that have
intentionally been laid out
In a variety of formations.
In September 2018,
a mass cluster was discovered
In a forest in colorado.
Over 100 structures,
Some shaped like tipis
and some arranged on the ground,
Were found over
a 10-square-mile area.
Unlike nests,
which provide shelter,
Researchers believe
bigfoot tree structures
Could be
a form of communication.
Let's take a look
at this.
Here, at this base,
The root of this tree
is not there.
So, I have three small trees
laid out here
In a formation of an "a."
Same with this one.
If they had grown here
and tipped over,
We'd be able to see the root
system where they'd fallen from.
There's no hole where they
came up from the ground.
They were literally positioned
in this formation.
That's interesting.
Know I'm in
the right spot.
The forces out of this area,
it's special.
What I found right here
is tremendous evidence.
These trees were placed here
for a reason.
It's a signal, and I don't know
if it's leading me to something
Or trying to draw me away
from something.
But I can't just dismiss it.
It's worth looking into.
Russell changes course
And begins a search pattern
the mysterious structure
That could be a marker
left behind by bigfoot.
With russell and mireya
following new leads
In the target zone,
Bryce continues to extract
all the information he can
From world-renowned scientist
and bigfoot expert
Dr. Jeffrey meldrum.
Bryce: While I'm here,
I want to pick the brain
Of one of the world's
pre-eminent experts
In all things bigfoot.
He has information
that can help us right now.
Bryce: I mean, you've been doing
this for, what, 40 years now?
What keeps you going?
The motivation of my research
is simply,
Is there a biological species
behind the legend of sasquatch?
My research focuses on the
evolution of human bipedalism,
And so what more fascinating
question could there be
Than the potential existence
of another bipedal hominoid
Or a relic hominid
of some kind?
Do you think bigfoot could
possibly be a relict hominid?
Narrator: The theory of relic
hominids centers around the idea
That there have been many
iterations of human-like species
That evolved alongside us
and spread across the globe,
Some adapting to
the changing world
While others went extinct,
Leaving open the possibility
Of an intelligent
human-like species
That walks upright
and is alive today.
Have so much evidence that
points to these relic species.
And this has been a remarkable
paradigm shift in anthropology.
It seems that,
almost on an annual basis,
New species
are discovered.
A case in point was the
discovery of homo floresiensis.
In 2003,
600 miles east of bali,
Archaeologist michael morwood
Discovered a new species
of hominid,
Nicknamed the "hobbit"
due to its tiny stature,
Standing 3 foot, 7 inches high.
Remarkably, the discovery
made fact of what was once lore,
Validating a centuries-old
native indonesian legend
That told of encounters with
little, hairy, human-like apes.
So, the fact that an
unrecognized bipedal hominoid,
Aka sasquatch,
Figures so prominently
in the folklore or lore
Of native american
traditional stories
Has given
much greater context
To the possible existence
of this creature,
This very man-like
We still need to find
that conclusive evidence,
But that's what
you're about
When you're out there
in the field,
Is finding
that physical evidence.
Night walks are something that
I often do in the rainforest
When I'm searching
for nocturnal primates.
Narrator: The sun has fully set
over the target zone.
Eight miles from base camp,
Mireya continues to trek down
the north face of a mountainside
Toward the lowlands,
Where she believes
bigfoot may be hiding.
Mireya: The fact that we're not
relying so much on our vision,
All of the other senses
are on hyper alert.
You start to hear things.
That's your first clue
that something is out there.
Just keeping really alert
is really important.
One thing that's clear --
The further we move
into this forest,
The more ominous it gets
And creepier
this all starts to feel.
What the is this?
What the hell
have we just found?
What the is this?
Narrator: 61/2 miles
from base camp
Like at this.
Dr. Mireya mayor discovers
a dilapidated structure.
It is how they'd
build these cabins
150, 170 years ago.
So bizarre to have a structure
like this so way out here.
Mireya: When you get to
a structure that is that old,
You could almost
feel a presence,
And it was very creepy.
And, honestly,
not a lot creeps me out.
That was
really creepy.
Narrator: At nearly midnight,
with no sign of bigfoot,
Mireya begins the long trek
back to base camp.
Mireya: By the time
I get to base camp,
Our new teammate
should be here.
Hey, mireya.
- Hi.
- Ronny.
Oh, hey,
nice to meet you.
Welcome to base camp.
Thank you.
My name's ronny le blanc.
I'm a bigfoot investigator
from massachusetts.
I spoke with bryce.
He told me about the situation.
As soon as I learned about
the scale of this expedition
And that it's all based
on data science,
I was sold, and I was on
the next plane out here.
Narrator: Ronny le blanc
is a veteran bigfoot hunter.
An expert outdoorsman
and tracker,
He has amassed a wealth
of bigfoot knowledge
And experience.
Having discovered
overwhelming evidence
In his own investigations,
Including footprints
and possible nests,
He's developed
systems and methods
That he believes can actually
coax bigfoot out from hiding.
Ronny: Bigfoot knows
that we're here.
So we need to let him know that
we're not here to harm them,
But we want to communicate,
we want to start conversation.
Being a part of this,
I'm super excited.
To catch you up
a little bit,
Just came across
A very old,
creepy structure out there,
Kind of
in the middle of nowhere.
All the way over here.
It looked like some sort
of 150-year-old log cabin.
Narrator: The snake war was
one of the deadliest
In early american history.
The series of bloody battles
fought in the 1860s
invading colonial settlers
And the native americans
that inhabited
Central and eastern oregon
Left nearly 2,000 people dead
on both sides
And the area littered
with abandoned settlements.
A lot of encounters,
bigfoot encounters,
Have occurred in areas
of spiritual significance,
Like cemeteries
Or areas that have seen
a large amount of death.
I really believe that
the history of this land
Is gonna be a factor
in this expedition.
I'd love to take you out
investigating tomorrow.
I would love to.
It's why I'm here.
Mireya: Tomorrow morning,
I want to take ronny
Back to the location
where I found the cabin,
And what I'm hoping is
Is that, in the daylight
and with two sets of eyes,
We might be able
to spot something
That I might have missed.
I'm really glad
you're here.
I will see you
in the morning.
Alright. Get some rest.
Alright. Thank you.
We have all the elements
To make this
a very successful expedition,
But there's a lot to be done,
And I don't think
I'll be sleeping much tonight.
[ tent unzips ]
Pretty quiet night.
Don't know if
I'm disappointed or happy.
After abandoning his plan
To locate the first
of three water sources,
Russell searches the area
Surrounding the possible
bigfoot tree structure
For any other indication
of the legendary creature.
Russell: My next step is
to follow the terrain
And start looking
around the area
For any more unusual markings.
There's a reason why these trees
are placed here,
And I'm gonna find out why.
It's really too thick
to get into.
This is just a creepy spot.
Follow me.
What is that?
Look at this thing.
Now, that is interesting.
That is some strange stuff.
Does that smell gamey to you?
It's not just a downed tree.
The top of this thing
has branches
Almost like
they were placed here.
There was no way it could have
naturally fallen there.
It wasn't all the branches fell
in the same direction.
They were literally placed
in separate directions
To actually provide cover.
This looks like a structure
to hide under.
I could literally
lay inside there.
I feel like I've walked
right into the living room
And the kettle is still hot.
It was just here.
It can't be that far away.
Narrator: While investigating
a heavily wooded area
Near a possible
tree structure
Russell has found
What he believes could be
a bigfoot nest.
Russell: That's frickin'
Have you guys ever seen
anything like that?
So, we've got something here.
Holy crap.
That is insane.
It's an entire dead hawk
laying on the ground.
And it hasn't been pulled apart,
It hasn't been eaten
by anything.
The nest is a first for me.
A dead hawk next to a nest
it's definitely a first for me.
I'd like to have mireya
have a look at it.
She's got a lot
of primate experience.
This is her lane.
[ walkie-talkie beeps ]
narrator: Russell alerts
Ronny and mireya about
the nest.
All the branches were placed,
And on the ground was
enough needles
To make it a very,
very comfortable bed.
But mireya has her doubts.
Mireya: It's pretty unlikely
russell has found a nest.
The fact is,
is we're in a forest.
There are other animals
that live here,
And there are other animals
that also make nests.
That's why I want to go
and check this out
And just start ruling out
and collecting evidence
That might lead us to
what actually built that nest.
I've been researching nests
That are related to sasquatch
for over a decade,
And I should be able
to determine
If we have something big.
So I'm excited to see
what this thing looks like.
Alright, let's go.
Narrator: Mireya and ronny
start the six-mile journey
To the possible bigfoot nest,
Hoping to arrive
before nightfall.
Let's go see what's
up ahead of us here.
Russell refocuses
his search
On the area surrounding
the potential nest site
In hopes that whatever made it
is still close by.
Russell: If this is
a bigfoot nest,
This means
we've found its home.
It can't be that far away.
I've been looking for
that face-to-face encounter.
That's what I'm here for.
I know something's out there.
I feel it.
Bryce: I was not expecting
to find a bigfoot nest.
This could change the entire
course of the investigation.
Narrator: After receiving news
of the team's discovery,
Bryce makes one more stop
Before heading back
to the command center.
I want to learn everything I can
about these bigfoot nests
And just confirm what it is
that we have on our hands.
So I'm on my way
to speak with someone
Who's actually seen
a bigfoot nest.
His name is mel skahan.
Narrator: Mel skahan has worked
in forest management
For over 25 years,
And is a respected member of
the native america yakama tribe
That has inhabited
the pacific northwest
For thousands of years.
Mel: My great-grandfather
would tell us the legends
Of tah tah kle'ah,
Which is also a yakama word
for sasquatch.
Oh, really?
Before the migration
of the settlers to the west,
We all lived together --
the bigfoot, the yakama.
Bigfoot plays
a significant role
In the traditions
of the yakama people.
Represented in their art
and stories,
The ape-like man
is considered sacred.
So, I understand that you've
discovered a bigfoot nest.
Three of us were
working in the woods,
Measuring trees
for the forest service,
And we came across what looked
like a giant bird's nest.
This nest had
a bunch of branches
That were
woven together,
So whatever did it
had hands, thumbs.
That's incredible.
I started looking
through this nest.
That's when I started
finding the hairs.
The hairs on this one
was brown.
And, at the time,
I didn't know the extent
of what I had collected
And how far what I did that day
was going to take me.
Back in the target zone,
Russell continues searching
the area around the nest
For evidence.
Russell: There's something
really heavy
Moving across
that soil out there.
I can sense it, I can hear it,
and I can feel it.
It's like where you feel
an elk coming towards you
Before you see it.
It's that the impact of
heavy hooves hitting the ground.
An elk weighs over 700 pounds.
This is definitely bigger
than an elk.
[ rumble ]
While investigating
The area surrounding
a possible bigfoot nest
Russell senses the impact
of what he believes
Is a massive animal
walking nearby.
My heart was racing.
It was right there
in front of me.
That adrenaline
started coming in.
I thought, "holy cow.
This is that moment
I have waited for my whole life,
That class 'a' sighting."
And when it disappeared,
it shocked me.
It -- it's just --
I can't explain it.
We'll keep going.
Russell treks due north
In the direction
of the sound.
Bryce: So, you actually
took some samples
Of hairs from this nest?
Bryce johnson is meeting
with mel skahan,
A forester who discovered a nest
Not far from
the team's hot zone.
After I collected the samples,
it took almost three weeks,
AndThen negative things
started to happen.
I would shake
really violently,
And I was, like,
freaking out.
I had no idea
what was going on.
When I went back to tell
my co-workers about it,
Then I started finding
the similarities.
We were having the same type
of experiences.
You know,
I hear these stories
About these creatures
being able to instill
This incredible sense of fear
or dread in someone.
I just put everything
in a backpack,
And then I just went out
to the site
Where I'd collected
the hairs,
And I left
everything there.
When I went back
to my truck,
I didn't -- I
I didn't believe
what was happening.
Under the windshield wipers,
I found hawk feathers.
And ever since then,
It's just been settled
between us.
That's incredible.
Mireya: I think
it's over this way.
Ronny and mireya are now
just a few meters away
From what could be a nest
built by bigfoot.
What the hell?
This is very interesting.
This is not what
I was expecting at all.
I'm noticing all these
broken branches.
They're all either
twisted or dent.
Definitely not a natural
kind of tree break.
Something actually
did something to it.
Like, very deliberately placed
one over the other
To create
whatever this is.
I'm confident that
this is a sasquatch nest.
Mireya: I know what
our nests look like
That would be created
by wildlife here.
I've found hundreds
of gorilla nests,
And this looks
nothing like that.
That looks nothing like
a bear's nest.
This is much more elaborate.
In a sense, I want to say,
it's much more human-like.
But I don't know what that is.
I don't know
what could have made it
Or what would have used it.
I am shocked right now.
I'm -- I'm truly at a loss.
Whatever it is,
this is significant.
Ideally, we'd want
to be able to collect
Anything that could
provide some dna.
Narrator: The team collects
environmental dna
To be processed
using a revolutionary new method
For identifying
every living thing
That has come into contact
with a specific sample of soil.
I'm gonna lift this side
of the bedding,
And I'll just take
some soil from there.
Narrator: Next time
on "expedition bigfoot"
I don't even hear
any birds.
It's just dead quiet up here.
Mireya: This little sample could
hold all the answers.
The key to the bigfoot mystery
Has been staring at us in the
face from the very beginning.
- From the ridge.
- Oh, my word.
This could change the entire
course of the investigation.
Russell: He is curious.
Hey, ronny,
hang on just a sec.
- What's that?
Looks like
a print to me.
Oh, man, this is wild.
Man: I just want to encourage
you to be safe.
[ exhales sharply ]
Man: It's a wild animal.
This is something
I haven't heard before.
[ howling ]
It's 700, 800 pounds.
Russell: What is that?
This thing's massive inside.
Man: There's a good chance
That it around there
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