Exterior Night (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Il Papa

Any news?
None, Your Holiness.
and especially you, my beloved youth.
Holy Week begins
which saw the attainment
of human redemption
and of perfect divine glorification.
Let us pray together
for those who are suffering
at present.
Let us pray for
the Honorable Aldo Moro,
so dear to us,
kidnapped in a cowardly attack,
with this heartfelt appeal
for him to be returned
to his loved ones.
TURIN, MARCH 20, 1978
Trial of historic core of the BR
The court is now in session.
The hearing may begin.
I have been given
a typewritten document
headed "Communiqué Number Eleven".
Having deemed
that it does not contain
any material relevant to this trial,
but rather ideological digressions,
political interpretations,
we shall therefore include
it in the court records.
No! I wish to read the communiqué
on behalf of all 15 comrades.
The communiqué is a political
manifesto not pertinent to the trial.
But it is relevant,
because it concerns us, you,
the DC and its 30 year long
occupation of this state
and its corollary of nefarious deeds,
crimes, atrocities, scandals
that have discredited this country.
We will not tolerate any further
proclamations! Enough!
Your Honor, I ask again to be able
to read the communiqué.
And I repeat,
it is not relevant to this trial.
The accused has a chance to speak
when he takes the stand.
This decision shows your weakness
and political shortsightedness.
But as you pursue this trial,
quite another one is underway
in this country!
Unlike you,
we shall hold a normal trial, by law.
Everybody knows
this is a political trial,
that we'll all be found guilty of
political crimes, like under fascism!
Totally illegal!
I ask for their expulsion,
it's an apology of crime.
Calm down, don't raise your voice.
We'll leave the courtroom.
We decide.
Three observers will monitor
your counter-revolutionary activity.
Let us out!
-We are revolutionary militants!
-Open the cages.
The Red Brigades exist. They are
in here, outside, everywhere.
That's why you're so afraid of us
that you keep us in cages!
-You're just a gang.
-A gang that's holding Aldo Moro.
and which, in the name of the people,
will put the entire DC on trial
and the entire Italian political
class! Well done!
Enough, we'll take a brief recess.
So cooler heads may prevail,
for everyone.
Court will resume in half an hour.
Let's go.
Counselor Guiso, may I have a word?
I'm Cesare Curioni, we met
at San Vittore Correctional Facility.
-May I sit down?
-Of course.
Thank you.
President Moro must be saved.
I'm convinced you think so too.
Let's put our differences aside and
find a way to save him together.
If the BR didn't kill him right away,
there's a margin for negotiation.
You should speak to your clients,
make them see reason, convince them,
find out what they want in exchange.
Look, I was recused too.
I'm here to defend Lazagna
who didn't recuse me,
as he's an old guard Communist.
But you know them well,
They've won, shown their strength.
They can be satisfied with that.
Tell them there's a lot of money.
Much more than for
the Costa kidnapping.
I don't think they're interested
in money, they want recognition.
Don't you see?
They're an army at war.
They're too few.
Castro began with just a few.
It's about perspective.
can I count on your help?
I'll ask, but there are
other players involved now.
Forgive me,
but who are you negotiating for?
Your Holiness, Monsignor Curioni.
Take a seat, monsignor.
The BR in jail don't know anything.
They lay claim, make proclamations
but they're in the dark.
They know what we know, who's
in charge and managing the abduction,
It's always like that.
I've also spoken
to other individuals,
lifers in the know, mafiosi,
prudently and personally,
they trust me.
But there isn't a good relationship
between them and the BR.
In fact, they detest each other.
The mafiosi are murderers,
criminals but also believers,
practicing, they go to Mass,
they take communion,
they get married in church,
they baptize their kids.
We can understand each other,
the language is the same.
It might be another possibility.
Not with the Red Brigades, though.
They're materialist atheists,
fanatical revolutionaries.
Let's not lose heart.
There's often a weak link,
an exception
an unexpected repentance,
a sudden conversion.
Never despair.
Let me know if there's any news,
but don't call me directly,
the phone might be tapped.
Wiretap you, the vicar of Christ?
Prudence is the first of
the cardinal virtues,
and not without reason.
-Do you still live in prison?
-Yes, at San Vittore.
-To be closer to the inmates.
You may go.
Aldo's a friend, a dear friend,
we must save him.
We must convince the government
to save him.
Your Holiness
you should eat a little meat.
It gives you strength.
I absolutely want to be
at the Via Crucis.
Holy Father, that's impossible
in your condition.
It could be the last time.
It could be the last time for many.
Let's try with that one.
No, a smaller one.
An even smaller one.
Seventh station,
Jesus falls for the second time.
He committed no sin and no deceit
came from his mouth,
he bore our sins in his body
on the wood of the cross.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
the Lord is with thee .
blessed art thou among women, blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
What's happening? Your Holiness?
Are you unwell?
Oh, God.
Sister Caterina,
it needs to be medicated at once.
Easter Sunday
I saw you carrying the cross
with a certain vigor.
It wasn't that heavy, Your Holiness.
The politicians?
They stayed at home, for their own
safety, given the current climate.
That's right, I didn't see them.
Mrs. Moro has arrived, Your Holiness.
Dear Noretta.
Leave us alone, please.
Come, Noretta, have a seat.
Dear Noretta, your pain is ours,
as is our resolve
to bring our dear Aldo home.
Your Holiness, I can never thank you
enough, for us you are
But I can't
The papers say he's insane,
his dearest friends,
the Osservatore Romano.
Calm down, it's the public,
official position, and it's ours too.
We must think of the billion
Catholics spread all over the world.
who make our church,
without them we would not exist.
The humanity Aldo always envisaged
for his party goes for us too.
What must Aldo think?
He must feel abandoned by everyone.
If he were to read it,
he'd understand that it is not
what the Church thinks
and not what I think either.
He would not stop at the words,
he would sense their deeper meaning.
No one is abandoning him.
We must maintain a prudent,
diplomatic stance
to be able to act in secret.
You must have faith.
Your Holiness, in you,
I have all the faith in the world.
-As for the rest
-How are the children?
Praying is the most important thing,
never tire of repeating prayers.
Everyone has come to visit us,
except Andreotti.
Is he the one urging firmness?
-Why so much obstinacy?
-He's not the only one.
They're all for firmness,
but to different degrees.
I understand your bitterness, Nora,
but many are taking action,
like so many little crusades
with the sole aim of saving him.
Don't lose hope, Aldo is not alone.
Your Holiness, I am not
a desperate woman, not yet,
nor am I resigned.
But if he were to be condemned,
since they're trying him,
I shall not sit still,
I shall not stay silent.
Pass me my cane.
Come with me.
Don Macchi, uncover it.
The manure of the Devil.
But the holy purpose purifies it.
The usual spaghetti with tomato
sauce and a little parmesan.
-Two scoops of ice cream?
-Eminence, can I offer you something?
-No, thank you.
We must nourish ourselves.
But I made a vow not to eat
ice cream until Moro is freed.
I understand you have
a large sum ready.
How much are we talking?
20 billion lire has been collected
but more is still coming in.
I wish to pass on the concern,
the sensibility of the Holy Father
who merely wishes to
gauge the government's willingness
and that of its supporters,
to allow a Vatican way
to save the Honorable Moro.
But we can't move
without your approval.
And if they say no?
Will you wait for me?
Tell the party secretaries
it's twenty billion.
The Holy See wants to pay a ransom,
a very substantial sum.
They have it ready.
Twenty billion.
Billions to the BR means bombs,
bazookas, an arsenal, more deaths.
Just think what they did with the
1.5 billion Costa ransom.
It's dripping with blood.
There could be an uprising, chaos.
Entire companies could disobey us,
a general mutiny.
If you pay the ransom,
we can't control our people.
Not us, the Holy See.
We risk our lives and
you free our comrades' murderers.
We're all risking our lives,
calm down.
I'm with you, and the government
parties will be too.
I must leave you.
-Have you informed them?
-Calm down the generals.
-Are they angry?
-Yes, and they're playing it up.
Well, you know, it's twenty billion.
-We'll definitely pay.
-Wait a minute.
If we negotiate, how will we
Communists face the workers?
I feel responsibility toward those
we've asked many sacrifices of.
What do we tell them?
How do we explain?
Paying is surrendering.
Let's discuss this,
we are government allies.
There isn't much to discuss,
it's either yes or no.
It's yes from me.
The DC won't oppose
the payment of a ransom.
It's a yes from us too.
It's a yes from us as well.
If it's about money,
not political recognition.
Dear Giulio, I'm very happy
about this decision,
for us Socialists the humanitarian
road is the way to go.
It's the main path. We must try
everything to save Aldo Moro's life.
Even if I'd like to ask you
to consider one last thing.
If with the money
from the Costa kidnapping
Fine, but if we say no,
in the public opinion we'll be
the ones who wanted Moro dead.
The negotiation faction is growing.
Committees, appeals for
Moro's liberation are growing.
The Pope has called
the Christian world to prayer.
Yes, I understand.
But the generals told me that a fire
may break out in the barracks.
-You need to know that.
-Our position must be clear.
I repeat: no political recognition.
For us Communists,
the BR are bloodthirsty criminals.
They're not in our family album.
This said, there can be negotiations,
but secret, not public.
Do it, but don't say it.
That's the Communists for you.
I'll go and inform
Monsignor Casaroli.
Responding to the call
from Catholic Action,
thousands of people have joined
in prayer in the St. John Lateran,
embracing the families of the victims
of the slaughter in Via Fani
and the Honorable Moro.
The youngsters from Catholic Action
read the intentions of the prayers
dedicated to the victims,
to the Honorable Moro
and to the perpetrators
of this absurd massacre.
United in his name, we beseech God
for the release of
our brother Aldo Moro,
reciting the prayer Jesus taught us.
Our Father who art in heaven
Let's do this quickly.
Do you speak
in the name of the Red Brigades?
I am a member of the Red Brigades.
The money's ready,
it's what you asked for.
Good, the release must be done here,
outside Italian jurisdiction.
Very well, understandable.
But how?
We have friends everywhere.
So, are we agreed?
Yes, but we need proof he's alive
and that you're the ones holding him.
-We'll meet here again.
It's dangerous in the same place.
Somewhere else, I'll let you know.
Without proof,
we can't hand over the money.
Proof he's alive and that he's in
your hands. The money is there.
I left an envelope on the bench
opposite the confessional.
It's the proof you're looking for.
That's enough for today.
You still have doubts, Your Holiness?
I'm sorry, but doesn't it seem the
same as the first communiqué?
I think it's the same.
One is bigger, the other is smaller.
Is this the proof your contact
-Nothing else?
This picture doesn't tell me
he's alive. There's no detail,
a date, a newspaper.
A date would have been enough
to guarantee that Moro is alive.
We need more.
-I'm here.
-The photo.
First we discuss how we do it.
-No, the photo with the paper?
Yes or no?
It wasn't possible.
They couldn't take it.
Bringing the other one
was already a huge undertaking.
But I can give you other proof.
Why did you leave?
You were supposed to bring a photo
proving the hostage is alive.
-For us it's fundamental.
-It wasn't possible.
-Then I can't trust you anymore.
-I can give other proof.
Tomorrow a communiqué will announce
his death, but he's alive.
-So what's the point?
-We must alleviate the pressure.
There can't be a roadblock
at every corner.
-Break the siege?
-You've grasped the concept.
"Today, April 18, 1978, marks the end
of the dictatorial era of the DC,
which for 30 years has dominated
with the logic of abuse.
In concomitance with this date,
we announce that
the president of the DC, Aldo Moro,
has been executed by suicide.
We consent to the retrieval of his
body and tell where he lies.
Aldo Moro's body is submerged on the
muddy bottom of Lake Duchessa."
It says what my contact told me.
-What do you think, Your Holiness?
-That we have no choice.
Footage has just come in
minutes ago
Your Holiness,
the rice is getting cold.
The diver's attempts
have been in vain,
the ice is layered in a way
that the body can't be submerged.
How long has the lake been frozen?
Since winter.
Since before March 16.
They would have had to take the body
all the way there at night,
broken the ice, lowered the body in,
closed up the hole with more ice,
covered everything with snow,
hoping more snow would fall
to restore a spotless coating.
A miracle.
Isn't all this deployment of forces
We've been tricked.
-Don Cesare Curioni.
There's a phone call for you.
It's His Holiness the Pope,
it's not a joke.
I'm sorry, I did everything I could.
Father, I must thank you.
We are so eager to save him
that we didn't realize
that it was all a trick
and that your contact was not
from the BR, but an impostor.
For us it's cold comfort
to have avoided the swindle.
You're right, Your Holiness.
But if he's an impostor,
who's behind him?
Who wants to prevent all that money
going to the Red Brigades?
One of two options:
Either they're swindlers who made it
all up to cash in on the ransom,
or there are government forces,
powers that oppose the ransom,
but don't do so openly.
The primary goal, the most noble,
is to save Moro by themselves
with their own forces,
so as to give Italians faith
that the state still exists.
The secondary goal, however,
is much less noble,
it is to prevent Aldo Moro
from being freed.
With a further bifurcation:
to want his death or, by gambling
with the Red Brigades
to force them to free him
with nothing in exchange.
"At this difficult time,
I take the liberty
with profound respect
and deep hope,
of addressing Your Holiness,
so you may,
with high moral authority
and Christian humanitarian spirit,
intercede with the relevant
Italian government authorities
for a just solution
to the issue of the exchange
of political prisoners for me to be
returned to my family, for whose
serious necessities, my presence
and assistance are indispensable.
Only Your Holiness can place,
before the needs of the state,
in righteous order,
moral reasoning
and the right to life.
With deep gratitude,
hope and devout reverence,
your devoted Aldo Moro."
Call Monsignor Casaroli at once.
Your Holiness,
won't you eat something?
No, thank you, please go.
Holy Father.
Have the Prime Minister read Moro's
letter, if he hasn't already seen it.
Tell him that I intend to speak
personally to the Red Brigades,
without mediation.
Your Holiness, am I to add anything
about the nature of
what you intend to say to the BR?
No, also because I don't know yet
what I will write.
Us and them directly.
And may God inspire me.
Very well, Your Holiness.
Of course His Holiness
can address the Red Brigades.
I'm sure that he is fully aware
of the limits
our duties impose on us.
We try to do the impossible,
but we are dealing with criminals
who, while not recognizing us,
demand to be recognized.
They're bullying us because
they feel they're stronger.
It would be a defeat,
the state surrendering.
It's unacceptable.
I heard that one of the widows,
the widow of the slain
commander of the escort,
has threatened to set fire
to herself in front of Chigi Palace.
If His Holiness wants to write,
let him.
Let him ask for Moro's release,
but with no conditions,
with no compensation.
The situation is this
and it cannot change.
But I repeat, I'm certain that
in his infinite wisdom
the Holy Father is fully aware of it.
Let's hope so.
Your Holiness.
I think that His Excellency
the Prime Minister
would appreciate
a preview of the letter.
It would be, I believe,
a sign of respect.
We shall consider
that when it is ready and it is not.
-Is Don Curioni still in Rome?
-No, he is at home, in Asso.
Call him.
Don Curioni, I'll put you through
to the Holy Father.
Step away, please.
Your Holiness, what's happening?
I'm calling you
because I am having difficulty.
I'm writing a letter to the BR
and I would like your opinion.
Of course, tell me.
I would like to be direct
Yes, freer.
But aware of what I represent
and what I have always
striven to be,
and that the life of a man
depends on me, a man dear to me,
precious to the life of the Church,
of the country.
It's hard to hold together
responsibility and mercy.
To yield, or not to yield,
and if so, how much, or what.
To speak to hearts and minds.
Yes, to minds as well,
but of people I do not know,
who are thousands of miles away
from me, who do not have faith.
How do you persuade an unbeliever?
I know, they are men, they are women,
they're not aliens, it's language,
that penetrates hearts .
St. Francis tamed a wolf,
spoke to the birds.
My God, I'm rambling,
-he was a saint.
-Your Holiness
Your Holiness I hear that
every day, as if I really were holy.
-Holiness, let's not get lost in
-You're right, Don Cesare.
You know them better than me,
help me.
What do you wish to convey, exactly?
I want them to understand
that mine is more than an appeal,
I want them to feel my pain,
that I only want them to free him.
Then say so, but with your
own style. I am a just a priest
If I were capable
of finding the words.
I've written "vengeful",
here I've written "indwell". They're
words that are no longer used.
You are the Holy Father,
it's solemnity,
speaking to the world is your
mission. You are the vicar of Christ.
-Christianity must never doubt it.
-But if I used another style,
perhaps I could astonish them,
move them.
-If instead I use my style
-No, permit me to disagree.
They don't go for subtleties. They
are materialistic revolutionaries.
They are crude, methodical,
astute and full of hatred.
They are like that
and you cannot indulge them.
I can't be free, as you can,
because of what I represent.
I must speak like this, it's right.
I cannot be what I am not,
perish the thought.
I wanted to begin like this.
"I am writing to you,
men of the Red Brigades.
Restore to freedom,
to his family, to civilian life,
the Honorable Aldo Moro."
What do you think?
It's a good start. It's powerful.
Starting is easy, but then
Forgive me if I bothered you,
go back to sleep, father.
And thank you,
I'll sort it out on my own.
-Good night.
-Good night, Your Holiness.
"I am writing to you,
men of the Red Brigades.
Restore to freedom, to his family,
to civilian life,
the Honorable Aldo Moro.
I have no mandate towards him,
nor am I tied to him
by any personal interests,
but I love him as a member of
the great human family,
as a brother in faith and as a son
of the Church of Christ.
And it is in the supreme name
of Christ
that I beg you on my knees:
free the Honorable Aldo Moro,
simply, with no conditions."
All reference to people
and real events
has been artistically elaborated
by the authors.
The roles have been reinterpreted
for dramatic purposes.
Any connection with real people
is therefore purely coincidental.
Translation: Katia Brunetto
LinQ Media Group
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