Extrapolations (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

2047: The Fifth Question

- You say something, Rabbi?
- Oh. Just praying.
- There's a prayer for this?
- There's a prayer for everything, Sophie.
So, yes, there is a prayer
to save the synagogue from
falling into the ocean.
- Rabbi Zucker.
- Hey.
Come this way.
Kids. Nice touch, Reverend.
Thank you so much,
Reverend. That was beautiful.
Thank you.
Uh Just the two of you?
No musicians? Holograms?
VR? AR? Baked goods?
It's just us.
A hundred years ago, construction
began on Temple Israel.
It was built out of hope, out of faith.
It was built by Holocaust
survivors who came to South Florida
and declared with every brick,
"This is our home, and we belong."
I know that not every
building can be saved,
and so, I stand before you today
in hopes that the Department
of Sea Level Mitigation
will look favorably upon our
application for protection.
As a person who believes there
is power in physical presence,
I'm grateful to stand before you today.
They were right over
here, for fuck's sake.
I was at CRISPR Miami, then
I came home, then I left
Alpha, uh, where are my keys?
Alpha privacy settings have
been adjusted not to track keys.
All right, f-fuck off, Alpha.
You could try praying to God.
Alpha, does God know
where my dad lost his keys?
Alpha cannot speak for
hypothetical deities.
Gabby, dónde está, uh
mis, uh mis "llavas"?
It's "llaves," babe. But
that's better than yesterday.
The website suggested we all wear these.
Did it mention where I left my keys?
Maybe God is hiding your keys
because he doesn't wanna
see your face in person.
Enough, okay?
Your grandma and grandpa
love Temple Israel.
I was happy with Temple Emanu-El.
Temple Emanu-El is not a
good fit for us right now.
Because the community there
knows what you did to Mom?
- Why do you have to say things like that?
- You mean, things that are true?
Here they are.
Put your boots on,
kiddo. And get in the car.
It is a time of questions.
As Jews, we have always
seen the question mark
as our favorite piece of punctuation.
And as the Passover holiday begins,
we renew our willingness to
interrogate the world around us.
In our own lifetimes,
cancer has been defeated.
Humans have set foot on Mars.
Despite numerous attacks from within,
American democracy still
survives, albeit without Texas.
This year, energy from the sun will
cook many of our Passover meals.
And yet, for every question
answered, another one appears.
Miami is literally
changing beneath our feet.
Our city is flooded one
day out of every four.
For many of us, it is a time of exodus.
For others, it is a time to
stand and fight for our homes.
Yes. Yeah, that's true.
For me, this year, my prayer is simple:
that our leaders in Tallahassee
will save this building
and that next year, we will
all be together here in Miami.
Uh, a reminder, my mother
and I will be hosting
our seder for the climate-displaced
right here in the temple,
this week, for the fifth year in a row.
All are invited.
We close with words of peace.
Please rise.
You know, my father always said
that Dr. Klubeck is the best
podiatrist in southern Florida.
He did.
And-and Dahlia, I'm so grateful for
your help with the tree planting.
Well, listen, who wants to go?
What, with all this rezoning nonsense,
who can wait for them
to sort it all out?
- Be well.
- Hey, you too.
- We'll miss you all.
- All right. Thanks again.
My family's never leaving, you know.
We would come and hear you speak even
if we had to tread
water the entire time.
That's a That's a,
uh, comforting thought.
It's very vivid.
- Shabbat Shalom.
- Shabbat Shalom.
Oh, yeah.
- Oh.
- Thank you.
Rabbi. Harris Goldblatt.
Oh, yes, of course.
- And, uh, Gabriela.
- Gabriela, hello.
- David's son.
- Yes.
And, uh, this is my daughter, Alana.
Alana. Lovely to meet you.
Welcome to Temple Israel.
Uh, this is Sophie, my assistant.
- Hi. Welcome.
- Hi.
Yeah, we felt like we
needed something different.
Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi.
- Did I say that right?
- Yep. Perfect, Gabriela.
Do you think we'll all be here
together next Passover? Really?
Of course I do.
Why? Do you not believe in science?
Uh, Alana, uh, wants to talk
to you about her bat mitzvah.
She's been preparing over
at Temple Emanu-El, but
We're in the middle of
a fucking apocalypse.
- Does God really care about a bat mitzvah?
- Alana.
I care.
I think God does too.
Oh, they're waiting for you, Rabbi.
Yes, of course.
Sea level rise doesn't
observe the Sabbath evidently.
If you'll excuse me.
Nice to meet you. Shabbat Shalom.
Really, Alana? Really?
If we have to take care
of it, then we will.
Sorry, sorry.
I was just welcoming your
son to the congregation.
Did you meet our little Alana?
- Huh? So serious, that one.
- Yeah, I did. Yes. She is.
I blame her mother. A difficult woman.
She should have stayed in Israel.
- Hmm.
- I warned Harris.
I warned him not to marry her.
Well, I think Alana misses those
years she spent growing up in Haifa.
You know, she told me she considers
herself a citizen of the world.
I find that very charming,
you know. Very cosmopolitan.
Yes. Uh, well, what's not charming
is the water in the sanctuary.
- We gotta do something about that quickly
- Right. Right.
or there's gonna be
mildew, structural damage.
- Well, I have two bids.
- Yes.
- Did you go to Kustom like I suggested?
- Mm-hmm.
Wagner and United. United
did it the last time.
- They said to install pumps permanently
- Who's
- because there's gonna be a next time.
- Who is cheapest?
Just try Kustom.
Just go go to Kustom,
like my husband said,
and then we wouldn't be
here having this discussion.
- Go with Wagner.
- Everything For Christ's sake.
Pumps are expensive,
and I don't think we need to
be spending for the future.
They said we could fix it with pumps.
Look, I know we are low on funds.
When people leave here,
they take their contributions with them.
But we still should be
planning for the future.
You know there's a future? You're sure?
- Have you heard anything?
- Mm-hmm?
I I have a good feeling
about the presentation.
Yeah, very positive.
Temple Israel does so much for
Miami. We deserve to be here.
- if we'd fixed it, it would be different.
- Go with Wagner.
- Try Kustom.
- If you'd gone to Kustom
Excuse me, Rabbi?
Alana. Where's your father?
I told him I had an upset stomach.
He's probably somewhere wondering
if I have an eating disorder.
- Do you?
- Do you think God is watching us?
Well, I mean, maybe not literally,
but we have to watch each other too.
Okay, sure. Not what I was asking.
Do you think the flooding is
punishment for our bad behavior?
Hmm, what sort of bad
behavior do you mean?
All of it.
- Why else would God be doing this?
- Doing what?
The sea level rise, the droughts,
the refugees, the diseases.
He's angry. He has to be.
If God made humans in his
image, why do they suck?
O-Or did we just evolve into sucking?
Well, I think we all have the
choice whether to suck or not.
Um, the Torah says that God
is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and
abounding in steadfast love.
My mom got mad because Dad
chose to start boning Gabriela,
and so she OD'd on painkillers,
and now she's in rehab.
She's also addicted to those
CRISPR hacks, her skin, her ass.
Vanity is a deadly sin.
Well, Jews don't actually have
deadly sins. We just have sins.
And we have forgiveness.
My dad's developing Little Haiti,
and now that the higher
ground is more valuable,
they're buying up all the apartments
and selling them to millionaires.
Will he be forgiven for all that
There you are. I thought you said
you were going to the bathroom.
I lied. I learned that from you.
Aren't you proud of me?
I'm sorry. Alana's under
a lot of stress right now.
I was very much enjoying
our conversation.
You Feel free to come find
me anytime you wanna talk.
Did you use the klezmer music,
or did you decide to go with Prince?
No, Prince didn't really
seem appropriate, Ma.
Prince is always appropriate, Marshall.
- Well
- "Soft and Wet"? "Purple Rain"?
See, those aren't songs
about climate, Mom.
I went with the the klezmer and
some-some black-and-white photos.
The sanctuary is a swimming pool.
- Everyone's leaving. -
Nuh-uh, no. Not everyone, Mom.
And we need to be here for
the ones who are staying.
Not just the congregation either.
We take care of the whole community.
Hmm. I would like to see you
find someone to take care of you.
Whatever happened to that Emily
girl? I liked her very much.
I think she m-moved to
Alberta to live on a commune.
A very warm smile from that one.
- Maybe they need a rabbi in Alberta?
- Mom, this is Miami.
They're not just gonna let it disappear.
Alpha, how many climate
refugees will there be this year?
Estimates suggest there will be
23 million climate refugees in 2047.
What is the population of Miami, Alpha?
The population of Miami is 803,935.
And how many do you
think are worth saving?
That is not a calculation
I am equipped to make.
- Can I come in?
- I'm naked.
I just wanted to say good night.
Thanks, Dad. That fixes everything.
The bid from Kustom came in,
and it's definitely the lowest.
And David Goldblatt called to
ask about the zoning decision.
Yeah, have we heard anything?
Wasn't the state supposed
to let us know this week?
Well, they just announced that
they're saving First Baptist,
uh the Fontainebleau Hotel and
the dog track at Hialeah so far.
More announcements to come.
- Mr. Zucker?
- Uh, Sophie, the nurse is here.
- Dr. Shah will see you now.
- Talk later.
So, there's that old Clash song,
"Should I Stay or Should I Go."
You know the song?
Darling, you got to let me know ♪
Should I stay or should I go? ♪
If you say that you are mine ♪
Yeah, Doc, maybe that's before my time.
The point is, risk factors are mounting.
Summer's approaching. Mosquito season.
Extreme heat days are
stressors for the brain.
And with her history, Miami
is dangerous to her health.
But everywhere is dangerous. Come on.
We are hearing that
hurricane season this year
is gonna be the worst one yet.
The moon is wobbling
like nobody's business.
Wobbling. The moon's been wobbling
since the beginning of time.
- It wobbles.
- It's worse now.
- Yeah, can't Hey.
- I assume the doctor told you?
Yeah. Yeah, he did, Ma. You
You sure this is what you want?
The world is no longer
interested in what I want.
The world is in it for itself.
You love it here.
You love the-the mah-jongg,
the soft-shell crab.
Oh, they are making those in
Duluth now, out of cauliflower.
Thank you, Doctor.
- You love Dr. Shah too. Dr. Shah is here.
- I'm moving to Milwaukee actually.
Uh, I took the relo deal.
Uh, not bad. I can share
the details, if you like.
They threw in an assault
rifle as an incentive.
No. See, my You don't
want to move anywhere
- that's throwing in an assault rifle as
- All my friends are taking the relo deals,
either in Milwaukee or
Duluth. Or the cemetery.
Your mother said she
has a sister in Chicago.
Thought you hated your sister.
It's too hot out to hate
people these days, Marshall.
It's better to be on the
first boat out of town
than the one that never left.
- You want me to come with you?
- Oh, sweetheart. You can't do that.
People need you here. They love you.
What is that you always say?
- "Comfort the afflicted and"
- "And afflict the comfortable." Yes.
A spiritual first responder,
saving people from drowning
in confusion and despair.
You left Israel to take care of me.
Maybe me leaving Miami now
is my way of taking care of you.
June 17th, 2047.
The forecast for Miami
today is partly cloudy
with a high of 93
degrees and 70% humidity.
Be advised, the following areas
are closed due to flooding:
Ocean Drive south of 5th Street,
Coral Way between 22nd and I-95.
South Beach and Virginia
Key remain closed.
I guess I need a new
date for my bat mitzvah.
Some kid named Max
Borenstein has my date here,
and I already learned the portion
for that day. The story of Noah.
Yes, yes. I have been
working with Max on that one.
The story of Noah and the covenant.
- I'm a big fan.
- Yeah, it's a beautiful story of renewal.
That's one way to look at it.
Uh, would Max consider
moving to another date?
I could probably get my
father to pay him to swap
if I promise to stop hiding
Gabriela's birth control.
How would you feel if I agreed to that?
How would you feel?
Why don't we find you a new date
and a new portion of the Torah?
Something a little bit
later in Genesis, I think.
What's it about?
It deals with a time of
great corruption and justice,
with having the punishment
for evildoing fit the crime.
What we call "middah keneged middah."
I actually had the same portion for
my bar mitzvah, believe it or not.
Nobody has this one?
Apparently, the Gorins are taking
a relo deal and moving to Winnipeg,
so it leaves the date open
for you, if you want it.
Uh, it's here, Rabbi,
uh, from the state.
Oh. Oh!
Uh, well, Alana, why don't you take
a look and see if it speaks to you?
- Sophie, if you could
- Yeah.
- Uh, come on, dear.
- Hi.
Oh, that is a wonderful
- Oh.
- That's a very,
very special portion.
You know, it was the rabbi's
Rabbi Zucker, we regret to inform you
that Temple Israel is not currently
a candidate for preservation
by the Florida State Department
of Sea Level Mitigation.
If you believe this ruling
has been made in error
Damn it.
Excuse me. I didn't
know anyone was in here.
- And you are?
- Julia. The plumber.
Marshall. The rabbi.
Really? I never met
an actual rabbi before.
I didn't mean to interrupt
your talking to God.
No, God could have chosen a
better rabbi for you to start with.
Well, I wonder if God knows
where I should put the
moisture sensor for the pumps.
Maybe in that closet up there?
Oh, uh, that's where we keep the Torah.
If it touches the ground,
I'd have to fast for 40 days,
so it's not actually a closet.
Can I see it?
This Torah was in a fire in Israel.
Forest fire near a refugee camp.
It was given to me on
the day I became a rabbi.
What does it say?
It tells you everything you need to know
to live a righteous, fulfilling life.
So, are you?
Let us all dip the parsley
in salt water twice.
Hard to forget the ocean.
We're the ones getting dipped.
Four days this week.
There's There's another question.
- I thought there were three.
- Yeah.
The book says there's four.
That's why they call them
the four questions, Gabriela.
Don't be a jerk, Dad.
He was not being a jerk.
He was teaching her.
When you use someone's
name in every sentence, Mom,
then, Mom, you're being a jerk.
Let's hear the fourth
question, Alana. I'm listening.
"On all other nights, we
eat our meals in any manner.
Why, on this night,
do we sit around the table
in a reclining position?"
Do you Do you wanna take that one?
Oh, yeah.
"This question goes
back to ancient Rome,
when it was the custom
for rich people to eat
while lying on a couch,
leaning on one elbow
as slaves and servants fed them.
Our people thought of
this relaxed type of eating
as a sign of freedom and prosperity,
so we lean to one side,
eating at the seder
as a reminder of how it was when
our people longed for freedom."
I refuse to recline.
Why is that, honey? What?
Because there are many
people right here in Miami
that are working for wages that
keep them below the poverty level
so other people can play golf.
And other people work their asses off
to provide for their daughters
and parents and ex-wives
and yet, are made to feel bad about it
in their own homes night after night
for simply having the unmitigated
gall to succeed in life.
I have another question.
There are only four questions.
You nailed 'em. Now we eat.
I will ask my question.
Why is God doing this to us?
That is my question.
- Doing what? What
- What is God doing?
Are you kidding me, Dad?
Do you even see what's
happening around you?
- Oh, sweetheart.
- Alana.
- Alana, honey.
- No, no, no. Just sit.
I love what you said
about the people in Miami.
- I love your empathy.
- What?
- Aren't you glad you had a son?
- Oh.
Let's all refill our cups.
May I have your glass, Rabbi?
There you go.
Get to the part about
the plagues, Marshall.
I love that part. God
frees the slaves in the end.
Although, he does seem to
take his sweet time about it.
As we rejoice at our
deliverance from slavery,
we acknowledge that our
freedom was hard-earned
and that it can be
taken away at any time.
So, let's appreciate this
time we have together.
It could be our last.
Glad the homeless get
to hear that. Jesus.
Sophie. Sophie.
Um, we pour out a drop of wine
for each of the plagues
as we recite them.
Blood. Frogs.
Lice. Beasts.
Pestilence, boils, hail,
locusts, darkness,
death of the firstborn.
Lice and locusts, they seem
like they can be combined, right?
Get it down to nine?
Passover doesn't have a suggestion box.
You know what? This
year I would like to add.
Corrupt government, wobbling moons
- Oh.
- extreme heat, rising sea levels.
- Amen!
- Amen.
You know, there is an
appeals process, Rabbi.
So there's hope?
We got out of Egypt.
There's always hope.
Your father is fondly remembered
for the donation that
made that window possible.
Yeah, he loved this temple.
He would have done
anything to, uh, save it.
My family's the same way.
We have all benefited from
the largesse of the Goldblatts.
I remember when you
appeared before the board.
I was doubtful, but
your father reassured me.
No, no, don't get me wrong.
I'm glad we hired you.
Although, it sounds like you, uh,
shit the bed on the presentation.
I am preparing an appeal.
Frontline leaders
- Appeal? Look at you.
- from all the faith communities
What, I shouldn't appeal?
Do you know why the
Fontainebleau is being saved?
Or the racetrack?
Or your pal the Reverend
McGhee's house of worship?
Or any of those places
over on Biscayne Boulevard?
Do you know why?
This is Florida, Rabbi.
This is not heaven.
To keep your feet dry, you
gotta grease some palms.
I don't know what you're suggesting.
What I'm suggesting is
that you call my son.
Because he makes things happen, okay?
- Are
- Harris is a good boy, Rabbi.
He won't steer you wrong.
She said, "Why is God doing this to us"?
Yeah, and then she ran
off to her room and, uh,
listened to the weather report.
Why is God doing what?
Uh, she wasn't clear exactly,
but the overall impression
is that it wasn't good.
Uh, that God has an issue
with us. Me, in particular.
It's just a question.
You said questions were good, right?
Yes, but they have to
be the right question.
Can you give me a moment
with the rabbi, sweetie?
Yeah. Of course.
Um, how
Here, let me walk you out.
How can I help you?
Actually, Rabbi, my father
says it's me that can help you.
These, um, politicians.
Filthy business.
Nothing you would ever want
to be involved in. Trust me.
I-I prefer my work here.
No, of course, and
you're you're great at it.
I know, uh, Alana is already
benefiting from your attention,
and she can be difficult.
Well, I mean we
all were at that age.
And we all appreciate the work
you do here in the community.
I mean, you're a real humanitarian.
A "mensch," as my father would say.
"Mensch." That's the highest praise.
Nobody wins from having the temple
sink beneath the waves, Rabbi.
I think we can agree
on that. Am I right?
What part are you doing?
Sodom and Gomorrah.
What happens in that one?
God burns both cities to the
ground. It's a total wipeout.
He saves a guy named Lot but turns
his wife into a pillar of salt
because she maybe
forgot something at home.
- I'm Max, by the way. What's your name?
- Alana.
So, uh y-you have Noah
and the covenant, right?
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds,
and it will be the sign of the
covenant between me and the Earth."
It doesn't say anything about the
red algae bloom in Tampa this year,
or reef bleaching in Biscayne Bay?
My dad's snorkeling
business shut down last year.
Reefs are all dead.
You should come to my bat mitzvah.
I plan on doing a deep dive into
the transgression of humanity
and divine retribution.
I think you might find it interesting.
Thanks. I don't get
a lot of invitations.
Alana Goldblatt.
Look at the temperature.
It's not even the middle of the century,
and we're already past 1.8 degrees.
Hurricane season used to start
in August. Now it starts in April.
And the Thwaites Glacier in
Antarctica, if God breaks that off
- Okay, okay. So And God is doing that?
- the sea level will be going up
Isn't it God's ice shelf?
Okay, so, is your question,
"Why is God doing this?"
Or Or, is it, "Why
isn't God stopping this?"
But maybe the better question
is, "Why aren't we stopping it?"
Right? Yes, maybe it's our glacier too.
Okay. Do you have an answer for that?
The sage Alana Goldblatt once said,
"Maybe it's because humans suck."
Leave the linen blouses.
It's freezing in Chicago.
Just the cashmere.
Okay. You know, it does
get warm in Chicago, Ma.
You might want the linen.
I'm gonna miss it here.
Yeah. Here's gonna miss you.
Not much left on the new
map other than Little Haiti.
Hmm. Wish they could
move the synagogue there.
Well, I actually have reason to believe
that the temple will be
zoned for preservation.
Temple Israel will endure.
You're getting some linen.
I'm sure you would do
anything to save that place.
When do you find out?
Should be any day now.
Alpha, what is the penalty for
conspiracy to commit bribery
of a public official
in the state of Florida?
Bribery is a second-degree felony,
which is punishable by
up to 15 years in prison
and a $20,000 fine.
It is ranked level seven out of ten
under Florida criminal punishment
The world is in it for itself.
Do you think we'll all be
here together next Passover?
They said to install
pumps permanently
I'm sure you would do
anything to save that place.
There's gonna be a next time.
It sounds like you shit
the bed on the presentation.
- Go with Wagner.
- Actually, Rabbi,
- it's me that can help you.
- Pumps are pricey.
This is Florida.
To keep your feet dry, you
gotta grease some palms.
I'm singin' in the rain ♪
Just singin' in the rain ♪
What a glorious feeling ♪
I'm happy again ♪
I'm laughing at
clouds so dark up above ♪
The sun's in my heart
and I'm ready for love ♪
Let the stormy clouds chase ♪
Everyone from the place ♪
Come on with the rain ♪
I've a smile on my face ♪
I walk down the lane
with a happy refrain ♪
Just singin' ♪
Singin' in the rain ♪
Hello, Rabbi Zucker.
The Department of Sea Level
Mitigation had a chance to reevaluate
Temple Israel's application
for preservation,
and we have some good news.
It is tempting on days like
today, in times like these,
to contemplate the idea
of the chosen people.
Chosen for what?
to survive.
I am pleased to announce, our
temple will not be destroyed.
We praise the Lord
for preserving our spiritual home,
and we accept the responsibility
that comes with it.
And we thank our leaders in
Tallahassee for this blessing.
I encourage anybody who is yet
to get their vaccine to do so,
and report standing water to
the mosquito eradication centers.
- Rabbi?
- Yeah?
Did the Lord really save this temple
or is it the work of
a man? A certain man?
- Why would Whoa.
- You feed us one day and fuck us the next?
- Um, excuse me?
- Shame on you, Rabbi.
- I don't know I don't I
- We trusted you! All of us!
You all deserve what's coming!
- Wait. Wait, what What
- Hey, hey, you know what's coming?
Social services to haul your ass away!
Mr. Goldblatt, are you okay?
- What?
- Nasty mosquito bite.
Oh. No, no, no, it's a cyst.
I get 'em all the time. Yeah.
Oh, uh, um my son w-wants
to speak with you. Okay?
What did you get me into?
For someone to win, someone has to lose.
I think it says that in the Torah.
No, that's basketball, not Torah.
For what it's worth, I didn't
know keeping the synagogue
meant giving up the homeless center,
but the state can't
save everything, Rabbi.
Uh, only God can do that,
from what I understand.
Where are all of those
people supposed to go?
Not to be a dick, Rabbi,
but, technically speaking,
they already were homeless.
Can't they be that anywhere?
We won, Rabbi. Focus on that.
Think of all the good you
can do now that we're safe.
Alpha, please bring up all available
content for Marshall Zucker.
Social media, published
articles, interviews, purchases?
All of it.
From Alpha social, July 17th, 2037.
We live in a time of crisis.
Not far from here,
environmentally displaced people
are in need of food and water.
And rest assured
- Go away.
- It's like Elie Wiesel said,
- It's your grandfather, sweetie.
- "We must take sides.
He's dead.
Neutrality helps the
oppressor, never the victim."
He said it was a sebaceous cyst.
Who dies of a sebaceous cyst?
Mom, the doctor said
it was a mosquito bite.
- Oh, a mosquito bite.
- What happens next, Rabbi?
Pestilence. Floods. Heat.
Fires all over Georgia.
Famine in Latin America.
Wars in Indonesia.
Do you still don't think God
is trying to get our attention?
God should always have our
attention. In good times, in bad.
The closer we are to the Lord,
the closer the Lord is to us.
That's how love works.
But Alana is right, Rabbi.
What is happening to our world?
Um, well
- a-a man has
died. - Yes.
A powerful man.
- Powerful.
- A A man who
who made a difference in the world.
Uh, well
Hmm. But we all will die.
It's not the tragedy
of life, just the end.
Uh, to be precious, it must end.
All I can tell you is that
sometimes faith means that we
must move forward without an answer,
armed only with the knowledge
that an answer will come.
In time.
- Can I help you?
- Stand back.
- Do you understand anything?
- We're here for Harris Goldblatt.
You can't just
Harris Goldblatt it's the FBI.
You're under arrest. You have
the right to remain silent.
His father just passed away.
This man is in mourning.
- Make this easy, Harris.
- Excuse me.
What's going on? I'm the r-rabbi here.
- Mr. Goldblatt is under arrest.
- For what?
Bribery of a public official.
Conspiracy to commit bribery.
- Harris?
- Racketeering. Extortion.
- No, I don't believe it.
- Look, whatever I did, I did for you.
And you.
And you, Rabbi. I did
what needed to be done.
It's all sinking.
And evidently, I'm the only one of you
who knows how to fucking swim.
What is this?
- It's okay, sweetie.
- What do you mean it's okay?
Would you please stop those
Just stop them at the
Hurricane Stanley is
the 41st storm of 2047.
Landfall is expected later this
week as a category 4 hurricane,
bringing maximum sustained
winds of up to 150 miles per hour
and a storm surge of
approximately 22 feet.
Heavy rainfall will lead to flooding,
and residents of
Miami's low-lying areas
are encouraged to seek higher ground.
Today, Alana Goldblatt joins
our congregation on this,
the day of her bat mitzvah.
She becomes a daughter
of the commandment
and becomes officially
responsible for her actions
in the eyes of our community and God.
Alana is a devoted
student, a seeker of truth.
Today, Alana will speak to us
about the destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Genesis 19.
You all know that God burned
Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground,
killed 65,000 people,
but the question is why?
What did they do to deserve it?
The rabbis speak of
"middah keneged middah."
"Let the punishment fit its crime."
Were they selfish? Were they cruel?
Were they materialistic
and lacking in humility?
Were they any different than us?
Come on. Did you think God was just
going to let your behavior slide?
There is flooding five days
a week and houses on stilts
because our city now floats
on the bodies of the poor.
So make no mistake.
Category 4 retribution is coming
at us at 153 miles an hour,
and his name is Stan, the
41st storm of the year.
- So fuck the covenant, saith the Lord.
- Hey. Okay.
Hey, Alana, that's about enough.
God is going to wipe the
planet clean and start over.
And who will he pick to survive?
Clearly not my dad. He-He
bribes public officials.
I don't have time to
wait for God's judgment.
It's okay. Let's take a break.
That's why I called the cops on him.
- Could somebody stop her?
- Hey, hey. No, hey.
Alana, that's enough, all right.
Now, I'll remind you as a as
a daughter of the commandments,
you have to honor your
father and mother. Now
- You want me to remind you of some things?
- Relax. It's fine.
- Alpha, play Marshall Zucker
- We'll go back. We'll
July 17th, 2037.
We live in a time of crisis.
Not far from here,
environmentally displaced people
are in need of food and water.
And rest assured,
any leader who is not trying to
improve the situation is complicit.
It's like Elie Wiesel
said, "We must take sides.
Neutrality helps the
oppressor, never the victim."
But you left Israel, didn't you?
You let those refugees
fend for themselves.
No, you have no idea what
I went through in Israel.
- Or why I left.
- I do know that you stood by here again,
and right here in Miami,
while the homeless you so
dearly love lost their shelter.
- I didn't know.
- Or maybe you didn't wanna know.
You can't just resign.
Yeah, of course I
can. That's what you do
when you disgrace the position.
So, we're letting a 13-year-old
girl tell us who we are in the world?
Maybe she should be rabbi. At least
she didn't sell out the homeless.
I don't see what the problem
is. Are we somehow better people
if we just silently
sink below the waves?
Maybe Alana Goldblatt was right.
Maybe this is Sodom and Gomorrah.
What are you talking about, Rabbi?
Nobody's turning to a pillar of salt.
We've been zoned for preservation.
What Like you said,
next year in Miami.
What the fuck?
So, is your dad going to jail?
The Miami jail is already flooded,
so as soon as the bat mitzvah was over,
they shipped him upstate to Raiford.
- Does that make you an orphan?
- Not technically.
My dad still has one of his
snorkel boats. We're leaving soon.
Alpha, when will Stanley make landfall?
Hurricane Stanley is now expected
to make landfall at 8:00 p.m.
Storm surge is expected to exceed
27 feet in the greater Miami area.
What about the sea wall?
That'll hold, right?
The Biscayne Bay sea wall has been built
to withstand storm
surges of up to 25 feet.
Alana, honey, Max
really needs to go now.
I think you'd better leave.
- Will I see you again?
- Who knows?
Fuck 'em. You saved the synagogue.
You think other religions
don't have problems?
Your father would be so
proud of you right now.
- You know that, don't you?
- Okay. Mom, why are you using an avatar?
What's an "atabar"?
- Is that a sex thing?
- It's No, it isn't.
Uh, is your sister there
to help you with this?
You go back to the temple,
and you tell that Margo Tillman
that your mother knows
she used to give hand jobs
to the golf pro at Mar-a-Lago.
M Um, look, the news is
saying we have to evacuate,
Mom, so you were right to leave.
I thought you were a
spiritual first responder.
The people need you now.
The people of Temple Israel,
they need their rabbi.
No, Mom, I'm not their rabbi anymore.
- I can't hear you. Sounded like you said
- I said I'm not their rabbi anymore.
Then what are you?
You go back to the temple, and tell
Civil defense alarm.
The sea wall in Biscayne Bay has
been breached by Hurricane Stanley.
Please head to higher ground.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I didn't know who to call. The
pumps are failing. Too much water.
The Torah.
All right.
Can you
- Oh, cover it.
- Uh, yeah. Yeah, like that. Exactly.
Just I mean I mean, right?
That works.
- I think it's it's all right.
- Yeah.
We gotta get out of here.
A storm descends on a town.
- Be careful. Watch out.
- Could be yours, could be mine.
The downpour soon turns into a flood.
As the waters rise, the
rabbi goes to the synagogue
to save the Torah.
The rabbi goes out into the street
when Moishe, the butcher,
comes by in a canoe.
"Better get in, Rabbi."
- What about your car?
- Yeah.
The waters are rising fast.
"No," says the rabbi. "I have
faith in the Lord. He will save me."
Still the waters rise.
Look at it out there, Rabbi.
Technically, I don't think
I'm the rabbi here anymore.
- Can they see us?
- I don't know.
Hey! Hey!
- Hey! Hey!
- Down here!
Hey! What do we do?
We can go up.
The rabbi is trying to get himself
and the Torah to higher ground,
when Benyamin the tailor
zips up to him in a motorboat.
"Come on, Rabbi. We need
to get you outta here.
The levee is gonna break any minute."
But the rabbi waves him away.
"I believe in the Torah. The
Lord will see me through."
Let me help you with that, Rabbi.
Hey. Uh, if you could call me Marshall,
I'd really appreciate it.
And the levee does break.
And the flood rushes through the town,
sweeping away everything in its path.
Still, the rabbi clings to the
Torah as the waters carry him away,
and he ends up snagged
in the highest branches
of the highest tree
when, out of the
storm, a helicopter appears.
Oh. Hey!
And a state trooper calls down
to him through a megaphone,
- Hey!
- "Grab the ladder, Rabbi!
This is your last chance!"
But the rabbi insists
the Lord will deliver him.
And predictably
- Hey!
- he drowns.
A pious man, the rabbi goes
to heaven, where he asks,
"Lord, I had unwavering faith in you.
Why didn't you deliver
me from that flood?"
Come on, Rabbi. Finish it.
So, God turns to the rabbi and says,
"Well, I sent you two boats and a
helicopter. What more do you want?"
I guess we're all homeless now, Rabbi.
I'm sorry, Elijah.
You made it.
So did you.
I'm glad you're alive.
Me too.
Uh, hey, Rabbi, you never
really answered my question.
What question might that
be, Alana? You have so many.
If God loves us, why not
intervene? Why so much suffering?
Yeah, why is that?
Moses, he asked God the
same question you have.
"Why so much suffering?
And if you're so
powerful, why not stop it?"
And did God give him an answer?
Yeah, he did.
What was it?
Basically, it was, "I'd tell
you, but you wouldn't understand
because you're a human, and I'm God."
That's it? That's the answer?
Being human? Yeah, it has to be.
I think the answer is
it's up to us.
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