Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Blade, Armor, Ash

The sea is parting?!
What's going on?!
There's so much noise coming
from my sea.
Water Dragon God
You who seek the blood of dragons,
leave this land.
There you are.
I've been waiting for you.
Kiria, we can't fight this opponent
without a plan, cha.
No need.
There's nothing I can't cut.
Isn't this
What's that?
Their bodies are turning to
Is this your doing, Skullion?!
Why are you doing this?
The Water Dragon God is right there!
I'm not going to forgive you
if you bring us back!
Goodbye, cha.
What just happened?
Ash magic?
Using it on their own friends?
It looked like they used it to teleport.
If that was a Dragon Eater's magic,
then was it the Ash Dragon?
Dragon Slayers, huh?
Are you here to slay me?
Not exactly.
We got a quest to seal the five dragons.
We're not sure what to do if you
turn out to be a good guy, though.
You seem pretty laid back for this.
I see.
That Elefseria still hasn't given up.
You know Elefseria?
He's been sending assassins after me
for a hundred years now.
So, are you a good guy or a bad guy?
Don't be too direct.
I'm not sure, but if nothing else,
I don't see you as my enemy.
For now.
This is troublesome.
Doesn't this mean we failed
the 100 Years Quest already?
If he doesn't see humans as enemies,
then he's not a catastrophe!
Which means, we win by default.
Right, there's no need to
defeat him or to seal him.
No, you have to.
I have to be sealed.
You seem a bit different from
all other assassins.
Water again?!
We're going back underwater?!
No way!
These people are my guests.
Don't be rude to them again.
Follow me.
I'll guide you to my temple.
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
At night, I even forget to notice
The continuation of dreams
I can't see
And the sounds of anxiety
that everyone holds
Let's accept it all
and make it come true
The time has passed at
an impossible speed
While I recall it,
the "present" is slipping away
I will never fall into despair
in this world
Our real bond will open up
a path for tomorrow
If you hold onto hope
after coming this far
I'll seek the meaning of
the promises we exchanged
For the "Story" of the future
(Blade, Armor, Ash)
Wow! Amazing!
There's air in here.
I never thought there was a place
like this under the sea.
What is that statue?
Looks like a merfolk.
How long am I going to stay like this?
Finally, I'm back!
So you can undo the magic,
Mr. Water Dragon God?
As long as it's not too complex.
Lord Water Dragon God.
Why would you bring them
into this sacred temple?
She's Karameel.
She looks after me.
They are wizards from Ishgal.
We're from the wizard guild Fairy Tail-
I know.
I'm sure Elefseria sent you here.
Well, you could say that.
If you want to fight the
Water Dragon God, do it now.
You won't be able to defeat him anyway.
Hold on, Karameel.
I think we can talk to them.
Would you give us a moment?
That means I'd like to
be alone with them.
Make sure you dispose of them properly.
Well, she was actually born to
human parents,
but she ended up living here after
I saved her from a shipwreck at sea.
She's not a bad girl.
These are my beloved underwater fields.
The fruits and vegetables here are
shared with everyone in Ermina.
Here's the medical center.
We can treat fish that have
been hurt out in the ocean.
This is the guard tower.
It allows us to immediately save
people like Karameel in the sea.
Are you really Mercphobia,
the Water Dragon God?
You're too kind.
A dragon helping people lost in the sea
is making me cry!
I'm deeply touched.
Even make you cry?
This means that you being
a catastrophes wasn't true.
Right. He doesn't seem like a danger.
That's not true.
The truth is, in the past,
I killed so many humans.
Treating them like insects.
Because of that,
I've become Elefseria's target.
Maybe his friends or family
were among those I killed.
I won't try to deny it.
During that time,
it was something normal for me.
In those days,
the strong hunted the weak.
Since when did you have
a change of heart?
I think it was because of Karameel.
To be honest,
I never meant to save her.
I saw her as one of the meals
prepared by the sea.
But weirdly, I became close to her.
Before I knew it,
I had learned to coexist.
I'd love things to stay this way,
but I have to disappear from this world.
What do you mean?
You saw what happened to Ermina, right?
The tide that floods the city
comes from my power.
I'm beginning to lose control
of my power.
The fishfolk there used to be human.
I put a spell to turn them into fish,
so they could survive underwater.
That's why you were able
to change me back.
Why didn't they just leave the city?
The cult of the Water Dragon God.
Somehow the disasters I brought in the past
were treated as miracles here.
If they treat you as a god, then they'd
leave if you told them to, right?
It would rob them of their livelihoods.
Evacuating people from that city
won't solve the problem.
My power will swallow the next city,
and will keep continuing to the next one.
My death is the only way to stop this.
Does that mean
Is there any other way?
That's why I've been waiting for
those who could kill me.
However, there's one thing
I have to do before that.
This is my greatest mistake,
and the biggest trouble.
Explain yourself, Skullion!
The Water Dragon God was right there!
Now, now, calm yourself, cha.
Why do you think I got myself captured?
The situation has changed.
I can feel the Water Dragon God's power.
We must not eat that thing.
He thinks he can deceive
the Dragon Eaters,
that damned fake
Water Dragon God.
Is it Ichiya?
It's Ichiya!
Who'll dance for you?
He'll dance for all!
And drink?
And drink!
Break it down! Break it down!
Break it down! Break it down!
The sweet parfum of
my special smile to you.
Thanks, but I'll pass.
It's rare to see you here.
Why don't you just join us here?
Yeah, although not as much as Ichiya,
you're handsome.
Can't say I'm eager to have you around.
I wonder if I can call you big bro.
More importantly,
I'm here to search for this girl.
I'll leave if you don't have
any information.
Sorry, but I don't know.
I'd never forget a cutie like her.
It means she's not one of our customers.
Tell me more about this girl.
No, if you've got nothing,
then I'm done here.
But please keep your distance
if you see her.
She's heading out of the city.
Very sus.
I'm sure this way is heading to
Hey, stop stalking our own friend.
We'll decide it after
we're sure she's trustworthy.
Our guild is our family!
Remember how that family
treated me when I joined?
That's because you were doing
bad to us before you joined.
Would you both stop?
Fighting isn't like you two.
- Quiet!
- Shut up!
Fine! I don't care!
Sure! You're obstructing
our investigation.
Go away!
Are you okay with this, Gajeel?
It's okay!
If that girl is our foe,
Levy will be in danger, too.
I won't let anyone hurt Levy.
I'm sure her heart's already hurt.
Isn't that Salamander
and Blue Cat's house?
What she's doing there?
Sir Natsu, come home soon!
Then burn me up with your flames!
His sign here even looks lovely!
She reminds me of someone I know well.
That place is
Lucy's apartment.
What's the meaning of this?
I'm home!
"I'm home"?
I'm home!
I'm living by myself though.
I can't believe this.
She lives in the room
across from Lucy's.
Juvia is imagining a huge fight now.
You can't, Gajeel.
This is important for investigation!
What was that?
No, this I can explain.
You misunderstood, Levy!
Don't mind me.
Hey! Wait!
Juvia isn't your love rival!
Juvia belongs to Sir Gray!
Something you have to do?
My dragon power was stolen
by someone else.
Someone stole your power?
Do you mean those Dragon Eaters?
No. They want me because of
the power they think I still have.
I must get my power back before I die,
no matter what.
Because if it were used for evil things,
then it would turn into a catastrophe.
Who took your power?
They are known as the White Mage.
White Mage?
That's like the opposite of Zeref.
I'm going to get my power back
and return this city to normal.
I can't die until then.
Then let us-
What is this?
Lord Water Dragon God!
Don't come!
Karameel, evacuate everyone!
We meet again.
It's been two hours, cha.
They are here again!
They've brought one more person.
I heard your talk.
I understand now.
So we only need to eat this
White Mage who stole your power.
No, we're going to get his power back.
I won't let you take it!
There's no doubt.
She's Fairy Tail's new member.
I met her when I was in Magnolia
the other day.
Fairy Tail again?!
So what's going on with her?
She could be as dangerous
as Zeref himself.
The great witch who lived
for 100 years.
Touka, the White Mage.
Those who defile my temple, begone!
He turned the water into ash?
You're no longer the Water Dragon God.
Not worthy to be eaten.
Lord Water Dragon God!
Lucy! Wendy!
Take care of them!
Got it!
What will happen if ash gets burned?
Who knows?
Won't there be even more ash?
Let's give it a try!
Since I can use my flames here!
As you turn to ash.
My attacks didn't work at him?
In that case, he's my prey!
Your opponent is me!
The sound of blades hitting
each other
It's making me excited!
Then my opponent is that guy?
Best regards, cha.
I'll burn you, cha!
Fire Dragon's Sword Edge!
So hot!
Go for it, Natsu!
It won't work, cha.
Fire Dragon King's Demolishing Strike!
It won't work, cha.
How is that possible?
The scales of the Armor Dragon
will never get scratched.
You see that, cha?
Huh? A ship?!
Nice shot, cha.
Crap. He's so tough.
Damn it
The ship is swaying
It's over, cha.
No fair.
But how?
You're a Dragon Slayer too,
but still fine
The older generation had it rough, cha?
That was close!
You are strong!
There's no room for weakness on
the sword that protects friends.
That's splendid.
I don't hate a battle to prove
who's stronger, but
My personality is kinda bad.
I want to see a different
version of yourself.
A shockwave? But
Hold on! What's with this outfit?
Isn't this a swimsuit?
We were always in a swimsuit.
Don't look!
It's embarrassing!
What's wrong, Erza?
Something's strange.
Now, let's continue.
Help me! Don't kill me!
It should be,
"Please spare me, Milady Kiria."
Please spare me, Milady Kiria.
I beg of you.
Erza? What's going on?
I cut
her strength.
Forgive me
Erza! Get a hold of yourself!
It's so cute when a mighty swordswoman
is reduced to this state.
Hey, your head is a little high.
It hurts
Get away from Erza!
A kid like you is a Dragon Slayer?
She may be small,
but Wendy is a great wizard!
Being small has nothing to do with it!
A small trick!
Enough with the small this
and small that.
Blade Dragon's Tearing Roar!
Karameel, look out!
Lord Water Dragon God!
I told you,
there's nothing I can't cut.
Ice-Make: Lance!
Ashes to ashes, my magic turns
everything to ashes.
What magic is this?
Long Sword of Ice Demon Zero!
Ashes or whatever it is,
if it can be frozen, I can freeze it.
You're right.
But be it sea or ice
All things that have physical form
can turn to ashes.
Corpse Dragon's Utter Ash!
Everything will disappear!
Crumbling into ashes!
His magic is really something!
At this rate,
Ermina will turn into ashes!
Ice-Make: Silver!
Ice will become ashes.
And I'll freeze those ashes again.
Interesting. I feel a demon's
power from this magic.
But we feast upon dragons,
not demons.
I hope you will forgive me for leaving
the table without eating.
Black Ash!
All too easy.
Juvia! Do something about the rain!
It's not Juvia's doing!
And this one too,
that wasn't Juvia's fault!
Forget it.
According to my deduction,
this isn't gonna end soon.
Sir Natsu, won't you come home soon?
I've finally found you.
Touka, the White Mage.
You and I are holding
the ends of the same rope
Pulling with a strong force
Creating a tense connection,
taut feeling
We've always helped each other out
no matter when
But leaning on each other
too much isn't good
It's time to let go
For both of us
Even if we part ways here
Our bond will never break,
it's an invisible belief
From this point on,
that will be something eternal
It's our story
O friend, this is where
we say goodbye
We can't keep supporting
each other forever
O friend, as if competing
against each other
We grow stronger by
standing on our own
(Next Episode)
(Dyed White)
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