Familiar Wife (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Goodbye, Woo-jin.
And have a nice life.
I'm sorry.
My fate depends on this appointment.
I can't miss this.
I like men who show their feelings.
It's Hye-won.
I really have a new wife.
Why are you up?
Did you go to the bathroom?
Go back to sleep.
You have to go to work soon.
Everything changed.
Not just my wife.
The furniture, appliances, and house.
Even the season has changed.
It was the end of August,
but now it's June.
It's early summer
when everything is green.
Hye-won, can I play this game here?
Of course. Where else?
You're acting strange today.
You look like
you're at someone else's house.
What's wrong?
I'm just so happy.
Wash your hands and eat breakfast.
You always eat breakfast.
I messed up the omelet, so it's scrambled.
It's okay. It doesn't matter.
It's a bit salty.
I spilled salt into it.
It's okay. It looks good.
This is a gift from above.
"You deserve a good life."
"You deserve it." It's a bonus.
Thank you, God!
You'll be late again, right?
Working at a bank is no joke.
I guess I still work at the bank.
I hope you don't
have to work overtime today.
Right, honey?
Yes, I'm your honey.
I'm off to work.
You can't just leave like that.
-You forgot your vitamin.
Your multivitamin.
Yes, this is it.
This is the marriage I wanted.
Should I just skip work today?
Come on.
Hurry up and go. You're running late.
Okay. I'll be back.
I'll make a lot of money.
No way.
It's a new car!
I'm late.
You're a newbie
who doesn't even have a proper schedule.
Even being 20 minutes early
is the bare minimum.
But being 20 minutes late?
Who do you think you are?
-I was 18 minutes late, not 20.
-18 minutes?
Are you talking back to me?
Watch your mouth.
I'm sorry for being late, sir.
I ran as fast as I could to be on time.
But there was
a three-car collision on Hannam Bridge.
That could've been bad.
Are you hurt? Are you okay?
No, I'm fine. Why would I be hurt?
-The car in front of me…
-That's a relief.
It's fine as long as you're not hurt.
Accidents are inevitable.
You ran.
What for? It's so early in the morning.
Slow down and relax.
I crossed the Hannam Bridge too.
There was no accident at all.
How dare you glare at him like that?
Shut your mouth, you idiot.
Good morning!
-Hello, sir.
-Good morning.
Hey, Mr. Byeon.
Why are you picking on them
so early in the morning?
I'm not picking on them.
Go back to your seats.
Go ahead.
My goodness.
I guess I drank too much last night.
I should have perilla seed soup for lunch
but without the soup.
Because it makes me soup-er sleepy!
You've got a funny bone this morning.
I do, don't I?
See you later.
Your cash box.
You must have it good.
You're practically invincible.
You can ignore Mr. Cha's jokes
and Magistrate Byeon's nagging.
What did you do in your past life?
Invincible how?
Your father-in-law. He's our VVIP.
He bought you
a 170-thread count tailored suit.
Invincible thanks to JK Group.
Oh my god.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Aren't you going to get coffee?
I'll buy everyone coffee.
One cold brew for me.
All right.
Customer number two.
Please write it here.
You needed a loan?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Okay. Thank you.
You're so busy.
Check where I've marked
and send it to me by today.
Good luck.
Oh my god.
Yes, sir.
I should've called first.
Yes, of course.
We'll talk about that later.
I have something amazing. Yes.
Customer number 611,
please come to counter six.
Your credit rating…
I'm sorry.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Call me if you have any questions.
-Have a good day.
-Thank you.
Come home early, honey.
It's not even the end of the month,
but how were there over 600 customers?
Number one in loans?
Why is our branch doing so well?
I'm not used to it.
Because we expanded our candidates
for low interest rates.
We do hundreds of consultations
and review loan applications.
This isn't something
just the two of us can handle.
They want us to die, don't they?
You haven't submitted
the reviews yet, right?
Submit these too.
If there's anything missing,
call me for additional documents.
-Yes, sir.
you know these are all due today, right?
If you don't meet the deadline,
you'll be in trouble.
And Ju-hyuk?
Eat this and cheer up.
-For me?
-Let's go.
If it's that urgent,
why doesn't he do it himself?
Before I quit,
I'll kick your ass, Magistrate Byeon.
Have some sweets, everyone.
You're a sweetheart, Hyang-suk.
I was just craving something sweet.
What's with all the sweetness today?
You're sweet too.
Hold on a second.
-Thank you, Mr. Yoon.
-You're welcome.
Customer number 342.
Customer number 342.
Please come to counter four.
Hey, what's going on?
Since when were you so cheesy?
I've always been. You got a problem?
Of course I do.
You're overdoing it
with the female employees.
You're going to get in trouble.
What do you mean?
I'm just being nice
because I care about her.
Am I breaking any laws
or acting immorally?
-We're all single.
-Even if we are…
What? Single?
You're not married?
You think I'm a widow, then?
-You didn't get a divorce or anything?
Can you stop smearing
my wholesome single life?
Oh my god.
No way.
So you're single?
What about Sang-shik?
Our best friend Oh Sang-shik?
That is crazy.
Oh Sang-shik is a father,
and Yoon Jong-hoo is single?
What's wrong with him today?
I think he's crazy.
He's been talking nonsense all day.
He keeps talking to himself
like a crazy person.
So who is this Mother Teresa
who took you in?
-Where's your wife?
-Where do you think?
Honey, come out!
Ju-hyuk wants to see you!
Why does he want to see me?
I have to clean the clams.
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
Why are you here?
-Oh my.
-What's wrong?
You bastard.
When did you start liking my sister?
You're scaring the baby!
-Then am I his uncle?
-Of course!
-You're dead meat.
Honey, he's hurting me!
You're killing my husband.
I can't believe you.
What's gotten into you?
We've been married for a long time.
Why are you doing this now?
You little…
What do you want me to do?
Should I give her back to you?
Don't you dare.
I don't care if you're my friend.
Don't raise your hand. He's mine.
You're unbelievable.
You have terrible taste in men.
He's like a retirement account
no one signs up for.
Why'd you marry him?
Hey, I'm your brother-in-law!
And why are you asking
such a deep question?
I'm sure it's because of
my sex appeal or something.
It's because of a meal.
-A meal?
-A meal?
I've been trying to lose weight
since I was a teen.
I didn't even eat on your wedding day.
I was craving Thai food after the wedding.
Sang-shik said he didn't eat
because he was busy at the wedding.
So we went to a restaurant.
Isn't it good?
We ordered about five dishes, right?
No, it was seven.
We finished with stir-fried morning glory
and som tam.
Stir-fried morning glory
and som tam, my foot.
And then,
after parting ways…
I had lunch twice.
I saw him go into the pharmacy
and take digestive medicine.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw that.
-Taking medicine…
-Made your heart skip a beat?
Guys, that's not the point.
Although Sang-shik
ate a lot at the wedding,
he ate again for me,
even if he had to take digestive medicine.
That's when I thought
that this was a trustworthy man.
At least he wouldn't leave me before I do.
At least he'd be loyal.
That's enough, honey. Stop it.
So you married out of friendship,
not for love.
What about you? Why are you still single?
I don't know.
Because I haven't met the right person?
I like my single life.
It's freeing and comfortable.
I can date anyone.
You're in the top 1%
who married their first love.
Don't you think I'll meet a woman
who I'll fall for one day?
There wasn't anybody you wanted to marry?
Of course, there was.
I always wanted to get married early.
It was about 12 years ago.
I had a girlfriend of three years.
But we had a huge fight.
So I stopped talking to her
because of my pride.
-But then she was going to study abroad.
The day I heard,
I was going to follow her to the airport
when some crazy guy stole my taxi.
I can't miss this.
-What a crazy guy.
-He's crazy.
He's crazy.
-Incheon Airport. I'll pay triple.
I got into another taxi,
but the plane had already departed.
Had you gotten in that taxi,
you could've gotten married and had twins.
Anyway, what a jerk.
There are a lot of scumbags these days.
I missed the timing.
If you think about it,
marriage is all about timing.
-He's awake.
-Oh, he's hungry.
I'll be right back.
-That's right.
-All right.
-My kids.
-Let's go.
He drank so much milk earlier.
They're gone.
I didn't…
think about the kids.
You bastard.
You're such a jerk. You're so selfish.
How could you be so selfish?
Don't cry.
Go back to sleep.
It's okay.
Please forgive your father.
Don't forgive me.
I'll take the punishment.
Don't forgive me.
How could I do this?
I'm so sorry, my babies.
I'm so sorry.
What was that?
I almost died.
I almost died.
Am I seeing things?
Yes, I must be.
I'm sure she's doing well somewhere.
I hope so.
Over here. Can you pass it back?
Hye-won, I'm home.
Hye-won, I'm home.
Hye-won, are you in there?
You're home.
I'll be right out.
What took you so long?
I was so bored.
Sorry about that.
You must be tired.
You should take a shower too.
A shower?
I must be getting old.
I put on some face oil,
but my skin is still dry.
No, you look pretty.
Oh my god.
Mom wants to have a barbecue this weekend.
She set up a new table in the garden.
By the way, I told you I booked
a resort in Samoa for the summer, right?
Thank you for keeping the promise
to our parents, honey.
-We agreed with my parents
that they'd live near us,
eat with us on weekends,
and go on vacations together.
And they'd visit us on the holidays.
I know, I know.
My parents are a bit too attached to me.
That's because you're an only child.
You're so understanding, honey.
This is why I fell in love with you.
What's wrong with you today?
Why are you so nervous?
You can't even look me in the eye.
Who says I can't?
I can.
I can look. See?
You're especially cute today.
If you keep this up…
I'll just jump on top of you!
Honey, I'm off to work.
I'll be back soon!
Wait a second.
What's with all the sudden lightning?
Come on.
Just these.
It's 4,500 won.
Here you go.
You're all set.
-Thank you.
-Have a good day.
-Thank you.
-It's 6,000 won.
What's wrong with this again?
What a piece of crap.
Do you have cash by any chance?
I do.
Thank you.
I should get a new card machine
or something.
-Here you go.
-Excuse me.
-Damn it!
Why won't it close?
Damn it!
Damn it!
That must hurt like hell. I'm sorry.
They kept pushing me.
This damn subway.
It's disgustingly crowded.
That little…
Don't live like that, you bastard.
Doors opening.
Good morning.
Good morning.
This is the current customer needs
analysis and leverage ratio report.
Did you send the liquidity ratio report
to the director?
I did. I've also CC'd the manager
on the Q3 and Q4 performance reviews.
I'm going to check if he received them.
He always says he didn't get something
without even checking.
Sounds like he's in trouble today.
-Be gentle with him.
-We'll see.
I'm going crazy.
My phone is gone.
-Maybe you left it at home?
-No, I brought it with me.
It's really not here.
I paid at the convenience store
and checked my texts…
I put it down to take a drink.
So that's where you left it,
you clumsy idiot.
Hurry up and call
before they sell that expensive thing.
My client list is on there. This is bad.
Yes, hello. Who is this?
I found this phone
at the convenience store.
Are you…
Yes, I'm the owner of this phone.
I had a feeling you'd call.
I felt like the owner of the store
might sell it, so I took it.
Where are you right now?
I'm in Gahyeon-dong…
I'll go to you at lunchtime.
Where are you?
I happen to have a meeting nearby.
There's a cafe called Place
near Gahyeon Station.
How does 12:00 p.m. sound?
Well, I'd be grateful.
But how would I recognize you?
I think I'll recognize you.
Okay, then. I'll see you later.
-Thank you.
It's a woman. Is she bringing it?
I don't know what she does,
but she was out of breath.
Out of breath?
Are you thinking about something dirty?
I mean…
That's why you're a bachelor.
All right. 10,000 steps!
I met my goal for today.
But I'm exhausted.
The stairs again?
You're so obsessed with your health.
How relentless.
What's that? It's not yours, is it?
It's my secret phone.
For a forbidden romance
with a married man.
-I'm kidding.
I found it. I'll return it to him soon.
You're so nosy.
-Isn't he cute?
-He's cute.
I can't believe I met my type like this.
It's good to do a good deed, isn't it?
Hold on.
Who's the goddess next to him?
Is she his girlfriend or wife?
Hey, don't ruin it.
Isn't she his sister?
They look exactly alike.
I don't know.
I wouldn't get this close
to my brother for a photo.
I still have a chance
if she's only his girlfriend.
Should I start a catfight with her?
You're prettier than her.
What do you mean?
The application seems to be missing?
Okay. I'll check and call you back.
I'll hang up now. Okay.
Did you upload the reviews
I gave you yesterday?
I did.
No, you didn't.
I heard Taejin wasn't approved,
so I checked with headquarters.
They couldn't find anything.
What happened? Are you sure you posted it?
-It's not missing?
-What's going on?
-What's missing?
-No, it's…
Four new loans and two additional loans.
-I took care of them.
It was three additional loans!
-No, it's not.
-The documents must have gotten lost.
Look under your desk or something!
Find it.
They're not here.
Documents can't just run away.
Where would it…
What's wrong?
There's a "Tae."
But there's no "Jin."
I don't think this will work.
It won't work?
Don't you know that Taejin Corporation
is our branch's top client?
I'm sure they think it's been approved.
What will I tell them?
"Dearest client."
"We turned your application into noodles."
Should I say that?
Manager Byeon.
Aren't you tired of talking?
Stop talking and find it.
Well, I…
What is it? Do you have a plan?
I lost my phone.
I need to go out for a while to get it.
I see.
Okay. Go ahead.
I'll be back.
Hurry up and find it.
Yes, ma'am.
-You don't have a boyfriend.
-Stop it.
You're so harsh.
-You dropped this.
-Thank you.
-Your bag is open.
-Thank you.
Excuse me…
I'm sorry.
Are you here for your phone?
Some lady asked me to give it to you.
She had to leave.
Really? Do you have her number?
She just asked me to give it to you
and left in a hurry.
I see. Thank you.
I feel bad. I couldn't even thank her.
Mr. Moon, please calm down.
Forget it.
-Mr. Moon.
-In business, deadlines are crucial.
Mr. Moon, please…
I'm telling you.
I'm going to change my bank.
I'm meeting with Garam Bank later today.
Mr. Moon, please don't be hasty.
We have a long history together.
We've even spent a lot of time
hiking together.
-That's not important.
-I'm sorry.
Trust is what's important.
Please give us one more chance.
Breakfast at the Business Association.
Tomorrow morning.
-Mr. Moon.
-Forget it.
-Mr. Moon!
Mr. Moon!
It's no use.
You know how he's like.
He only gives one chance.
I'm sorry, sir.
Yoon Jong-hoo…
Do you know how hard it was
for me to get Taejin?
I gave up my weekends
to go hiking with Mr. Moon
to Mounts Gwanak, Inwang, Surak,
Dobong, and Cheonggye.
My fortune says
I'm incompatible with mountains.
But I put a talisman in my wallet
and climbed
every single mountain with him.
I was determined to reach every peak.
My goodness.
I'm sorry, sir.
Should we give up
and rewrite our quarterly earnings report?
Where are we going to get
five billion won?
This is driving me crazy.
Why are you sighing?
Your life isn't over.
It's pretty much over.
I didn't know Garam would be so fast.
He's a huge client.
The rumors spread that fast.
I think I should resign.
You can't resign over one mistake.
What else can I do?
Headquarters will question me tomorrow.
Someone has to take responsibility.
It's my mess. Who can I blame?
Breakfast at the Business Association.
Tomorrow morning.
I think we have an ace up our sleeve.
Yes, honey.
I called the company.
Dad's in a board meeting right now.
It's been a while.
Yes, it has.
Where's the board meeting room?
Jong-hoo, I'm here.
Mr. Moon just went in,
but not the Garam branch manager.
What's going on?
He's in a board meeting.
I'll get to him as soon as I can.
Hello? Hey, Jong-hoo.
-Is the branch manager there?
-He just arrived.
It's his license plate. 3369.
The meeting's not over yet.
We don't have time, Ju-hyuk.
Once Garam Bank
and Mr. Moon sign, it's over.
Okay, I have to go.
Stop whining!
Mr. Lee!
What brings you here?
I spoke to Mr. Moon on the phone.
He'll get an extra loan today
and let it slide
since it was Chairman Lee's request.
He didn't know you were his son-in-law.
He'd like to meet you next time.
That's great. What a relief.
You married into an amazing family.
I approve of JK.
I respect you, Ju-hyuk.
It felt like my heart
dropped into my stomach yesterday.
I owe you big time.
Don't do this. I didn't do anything.
No, it's all thanks to you.
It's nothing.
Let me take your bag.
Put it on my desk.
I'm just kidding.
-You heard him!
-It's okay.
Mr. Cha saves the day.
You made it get on me!
Darn it.
Hey, I saved your life.
Technically, your wife saved my life.
You lucky bastard.
You had nothing, but you married well.
But thank you so much.
It's nothing.
Don't you dare quit your job.
I'm going to kill you.
Mind your own business
and stop showing off.
You like things the way they are, right?
Never mind. Leave if you're done.
Don't you dare.
-Damn it.
It's our monthly loans meeting. Hurry up.
-Hurry up!
-You dirty bastard.
I think we need to hire more people.
This incident happened
because we were understaffed.
I think it was inevitable.
We can't just let this be, sir.
I agree.
I've been trying to appeal
to headquarters.
But it's not easy to hire
on the loan side.
Then how about this?
What is it?
Tell us, our hero Ju-hyuk.
Is there an alternative?
Hwan's probation ends next month.
He can come over to loans,
and we can hire for personal banking.
Hold on.
Ju-hyuk, I don't think that's a good idea.
Why not?
I think it's a very good idea.
That's a great idea.
I don't know about loans,
but hiring for personal banking is easy.
Still, that's not right.
We're not a bomb squad.
Then what about us?
Why should we have a ticking time bomb
that could explode at any moment?
Don't you agree?
What? I…
No comment.
Excuse me?
I'm right here.
Weren't you talking about me?
Don't get offended.
Newbies are always treated like this.
But still.
Then what do you think?
What were you going to do
after your probation?
Well, until just now,
I was fine with either
personal banking or loans.
But I just made up my mind.
-Which one?
-I'll go to the loan department.
Mr. Yoon's advice kind of hit home.
It's good to have a senior like him.
-Of course.
-That's right.
Then Kim Hwan
will go to the loan department.
And we'll hire someone
for personal banking. All good?
Yes, but while we're at it,
may I ask for a male employee
with experience in foreign exchange?
I'll call Mr. Yang from headquarters.
I'll check the personnel situation.
Keep that in mind.
Let's open for business.
That's all. Let's go.
-A new kind of banking
-A new kind of banking
-through trust and generosity.
-through trust and generosity.
-Great job everyone.
-Great job.
-Follow me.
Hey, Ms. Jang.
Do you think this is a matchmaking agency?
An experienced male employee?
I didn't ask for personal reasons.
Do you think I'm like you?
This is why you got divorced
after three years of marriage.
She was a wise woman.
Don't mention my personal life.
You started it.
Come on.
I can't believe this.
I hope they hire more people soon.
It's better for them
to have Hwan than not.
That's true, but it'll take some time.
For the next three months,
he'll cause more trouble
than you can imagine.
What cost 780,000 won?
457,000 WON
260,000 WON
140,000 WON
Did you go shopping?
Yes, I was a bit depressed.
Remember my classmate, Baek Jeong-won?
I heard she won
the Queen Elisabeth Competition.
I guess I'm not very nice after all.
I've been down the whole day.
Which one is 780,000 won?
This one.
Isn't it amazing?
It was on sale or something.
It's usually at least a million won.
What do you think?
It's pretty.
I'll get changed.
Put the fruit in the fridge for me.
You called Dad to thank him, right?
Yes, I did.
Hye-won, the pancakes
and noodles are moldy.
Throw them out for me.
Why did she buy so much?
Are you crazy?
Why would you throw this out?
It's okay. Expired food won't kill you.
It's been four days!
It's still good!
Who doesn't have flaws?
It can happen if you grew up wealthy.
Hi Mom.
Do you even recognize my voice?
I'm just calling to see
if you're dead or alive.
I'm fine.
How are you?
How's Dad? Is he still drinking a lot?
He lives for that.
Won't you come visit soon?
I'm going to forget my son's face.
You didn't even come for Lunar New Year.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'll come visit soon.
All right.
-By the way, Ju-hyuk.
Never mind. I feel a bit blue these days.
I feel like I've lost my son.
Anyways, good night.
It's so hot.
What this?
Why are you here?
Did you exercise? Where's Sang-shik?
He brought Joon to his mother's.
But seriously, what brings you here?
You didn't just get off work, right?
I was just taking out the trash.
I talked to Mom on the phone
and she sounded down.
Is she mad at me?
Well, she's not mad at you.
She's just disappointed.
I get that Hye-won
is from a wealthy family,
but sometimes,
I feel like they look down on us.
Even last Lunar New Year,
did you really have to go abroad?
You barely visit Mom and Dad.
She doesn't even give Mom a call.
So, are you happy with Sang-shik?
Wow, that's new.
Well, I'm relatively happy.
Oh Sang-shik is a pretty good husband.
And he's a great dad.
When I'm really tired
and Joon is crying at night,
I really don't want to get up.
But Sang-shik gets up and comforts him.
He does that seven out of ten times.
Then I reflect on myself.
"I should get up next time."
"I should be nicer to Oh Sang-shik."
Sang-shik is that kind of man.
He makes me a better person.
You know I was always self-centered.
You keep forgetting.
That's right.
I have class today.
Can we go home together?
Or not?
Class? What class?
The school. I'm teaching a class.
Are you pretending not to know?
I'm so forgetful these days. I'm sorry.
I'll call you.
By the way, do you want
to go to Daejeon this weekend?
My mom seems to miss you.
We'll see.
But the house in Daejeon
is so small and uncomfortable.
There's only one bathroom.
And we have dinner
at our place this weekend.
Did you forget?
No, I didn't forget.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
It's supposed to rain, but it's clear.
I shouldn't have brought an umbrella.
It'd be nice if it'd rain.
Thank you.
This experience
has made me realize one thing.
Marriage should be postponed
as much as possible.
Why are you talking about that?
I managed to get away with this
thanks to you.
But who says this won't happen again?
But if I had a wife and a kid,
I wouldn't have resigned.
I couldn't even dream of that.
I would've betrayed my pride
and humiliated myself to stay.
I'd rather die than live like that.
You're so immature.
You need to find a smart woman
and come to your senses.
-My goodness.
You're so flexible.
How can you do that?
How can you do that?
It's because you're stiff.
You try it.
-Put your leg up.
-I don't think I can.
Hey, wait.
It hurts already.
-Your hamstrings are tight.
Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath in.
Breathe out. Good.
-Breathe out.
One more time.
I don't think I can do it.
It hurts!
That crazy…
Why is everyone gathered?
Who's that woman?
This is Yoon Jong-hoo from loans.
Tomorrow is her first day,
but she wanted to introduce herself.
And this is Cha Ju-hyuk from loans.
I'm Seo Woo-jin.
Stop it!
I can't see!
I can't see!
I'm sorry,
but can I share with you for a bit?
I can't get my clothes wet today.
I have a presentation for my class.
You did things in the wrong order.
Shouldn't you have asked first?
-Are you a liberal arts major?
-No. I study economics.
I'm sorry, and…
thank you.
We're here.
Thank you.
If I see you later,
I'll treat you to a cafeteria meal.
Thank you!
What do we do about this gas smell?
-Thank you.
-Are you okay?
She's already seen trouble
before her first day.
That's okay.
It's like a welcome party. It's nice.
I'm tearing up.
This seriously
burns so much.
My throat is so itchy.
By the way,
where's the person
who created this gas hell?
Maybe he's hiding somewhere.
You're right.
Where did he go?
No way. Why is Woo-jin here?
What's going on?
It can't be.
Calm down. This can't be.
This can't be happening!
Goodness. Mr. Cha.
Your eyes are burning, aren't they?
The branch manager wants you to come out.
Okay. By the way,
I mean, the new girl…
I mean, employee… Is she gone?
No. Not yet.
She wants to formally greet you.
Okay. You can go first.
Okay. Come on, Ju-hyuk.
Come on.
It's okay.
It's not like you did it on purpose.
We all make mistakes.
If we make another mistake,
we'll all die of suffocation.
We didn't sign up
for gas chamber training.
I'm sorry.
I'll open up the bank this week
and clear out the air.
Then for the week, Mr. Conscience here
will be opening up the bank.
Let's meet the new employee.
She'll be with personal banking
starting tomorrow.
Her name is Seo…
-What was it?
-I'm Seo Woo-jin, sir.
She's from HQ's global sales team.
It's her first time working at a branch,
so she'll need your help.
Ask the seniors here
if you have any questions.
I don't think we're "seniors," sir.
I'm probably younger.
Okay, fine. Stop smirking, Hyang-suk.
All right, then.
Seo Woo-jin.
You should introduce yourself.
Hello. I'm Seo Woo-jin.
I'm pretty easygoing,
but I have a short temper sometimes.
So I was a bit worried if I'd fit in here.
But when I met you all today,
I was so relieved
as you look like great people.
It was worth bribing the HR manager.
I was just kidding.
as long as you remember to feed me,
I won't get violent, so don't worry.
I look forward to working with you.
I also look backward to working with you.
You're funny.
We'll look forward and backward.
Thank you.
I'm Cha Bong-hee, the branch manager.
Cha Bong-hee. Got it.
And this is Jeong Min-soo, our security.
And this is one of our seniors.
Team Leader Jang Man-ok
from personal banking.
I'm not married.
I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain
from asking me why I'm not married.
I'll remember that.
This is Team Leader Byeon Seong-u
from loans.
I like employees
who are good at their job.
I don't want us to make a mistake
and do overtime.
I love getting off work on time.
Next to him is Yoon Jong-hoo,
also from loans.
-Nice to meet you.
Choi Hye-jeong and Joo Hyang-suk
from personal banking.
-Nice to meet you.
Next to him is our problem child.
Kim Hwan, the newbie in loans.
Better than a goody-two-shoes.
the backbone of our branch, Cha Ju-hyuk.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Cha.
Okay, we've introduced ourselves.
When you come to work tomorrow,
Ms. Jang will give you tasks.
Please arrive by 8:30 a.m.
I'm just saying this out of concern,
but don't wear too much perfume.
And no dark-colored nails.
You don't want any customer complaints.
I'll formally introduce myself
again tomorrow.
-I'll see you tomorrow.
-I can't wait.
Gosh, you're so uptight.
Is it because it's not
the male employee you wanted?
What do you mean?
Yes, ma'am.
I just stopped by the branch to say hello.
I'm sorry it took so long to transfer you.
It's okay.
Thank you so much for your work.
It's a much better commute now.
What should I do?
I'll call you back.
Thank you.
Is it Mom again?
I just went to the bathroom and she…
Okay. I'll go this way.
You go that way.
Okay. My goodness.
Have you seen my mom?
Where did she go?
What if she can't find her way home again?
Why is this coffee so bitter?
It's like poison.
Don't we have any instant coffee?
Coffee tastes better when it's sweet.
My daughter.
You should've told me
you were going to the salon.
I looked everywhere for you.
Go with Auntie from now on.
Or give me a call, okay?
Mom, why do you keep taking this off?
What if you can't get back? Put it on.
Don't take this off, Mom.
If you take it off again--
Okay, I get it!
Stop nagging me!
My ears are burning.
I only got a perm.
Why is she nagging me like crazy?
I'm going to tell your dad.
I'm sorry.
I nagged too much. Please don't be mad.
What's going on?
Why is your perm so nice?
You could totally pass as a young lady.
I said I'm sorry!
Wait for me!
Why are you being so fussy?
What a little princess.
What is fate?
An inevitable force
that controls everything?
An absolute and unpredictable force
that goes beyond logic?
It's all bullshit.
This is a trap.
The gods are screwing with me.
If that's not it, then how?
In this huge city Seoul, of all places?
Are you really the Woo-jin I knew?
Hello. I'm Seo Woo-jin.
How did she change so much?
When did she work as a stockbroker?
And what was with that look?
Does she remember me?
No. There's no way she'd remember me.
That would go against fate.
Then what's with that reaction?
What are you doing?
You're not dead, are you?
I'll be right out.
Should I…
quit my job at the bank?
I work overtime a lot.
Do you think there's a job for me
at your father's company?
You said you didn't want to.
It's also a new field.
You said you wanted to become
a branch manager on your own.
I did?
I see.
-I did.
-It's been an hour.
-Hurry up, okay?
-So I did.
Are you a graduate student?
Or undergraduate?
I'm a cello instructor.
You look so young.
If I see you later, I'll treat you.
The kid has good taste.
Mom, are you done?
You didn't shower?
I did yesterday.
Take a shower tomorrow.
Come on. Let's have some soju before bed.
Soju for me…
and for you, milk that's like makgeolli.
This is my favorite time of day.
Drinking soju with you.
I don't like soju.
It's too bitter.
I'm drinking it because it's bitter.
Life is supposed to be bitter, Mom.
Here. Have this.
I went to see the bank
where I'll start working tomorrow.
The people there are nice and friendly.
-That's good, right?
-That's good.
I'm really close to work now,
so I can come back here anytime.
And I'm going to ride my bike to work.
It's good exercise, right?
Good for you.
Come on, Mom.
Can you focus and answer more sincerely?
Mom, I'm going to marry a man
who lives for a long time.
There's nothing worse
than not having someone by your side.
You should get married.
And I'm going to marry a man
who'll accept me no matter what.
I just want to meet a man
I'm destined to be with.
A bug's going to fly in there.
I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep.
Mom, no. Get up.
I can't carry you if you fall asleep here.
You're heavy.
Get up. Good girl.
You're prettiest when you sleep.
I'd love it if you didn't run away.
Bad dad.
You don't have to appear in my dreams,
but please appear in Mom's.
Mom ran away today
to see you, Dad.
That dream again.
What could it mean?
It's so vivid
that it doesn't feel like a dream.
Lucky triple seven?
What a good start!
Good morning!
Mr. Cha…
You're here early.
I must've been nervous
since it's my first day.
I got up as soon as I opened my eyes.
Do you need any help? Cleaning?
No, the cleaner…
-The cleaner does the cleaning.
-I see.
I'll close the windows.
It's ventilated enough.
I've always wanted to do this at a branch.
But I don't look very cool.
Not everyone can be Angelina Jolie.
Please don't do that and put it down.
It might go off like yesterday.
But still,
can you teach me how to use a gas gun?
Hold on.
Mr. Cha.
By any chance…
Do you…
really recognize me?
Do you, Seo Woo-jin?
Did you…
One of us has to leave.
No, thank you.
Why would you do a color copy?
There are always tough bosses.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
If you can't do it, go somewhere else.
Do you not like me?
I really liked your first impression.
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