Family Secrets (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[Lucjan] Bring her in, watch out. Careful.
Easy now.
- [Teresa] Where?
- [Lucjan] Here.
[Alicja] I hope they don't
lock us in here.
[Lucjan] Okay, here, here.
There. Set her down easy.
- [Jędrzej] Watch the hands.
- [Jan] I'll take the legs. Got 'em.
- [Lucjan] Watch out!
- [Alicja] Mommy, say something.
[Jędrzej] Something for under her head.
- [Teresa] Handbag?
- [Jędrzej] Here you go.
- [Alicja] Lift your head.
- [Jędrzej] Ma'am, careful.
[Kaśka] Step back.
[theme music playing]
- [Teresa] And legs up.
- Can somebody get some water?
- [Alicja] I get some in a moment.
- Ma'am?
[Alicja] Mommy!
[Jędrzej] Careful.
- Kaśka, do something.
- [Jędrzej] Ma'am?
Mommy, is the old lady dead?
- Of course she's not, dear. Come here.
- [Alicja] Mom?
- Wake up.
- Ma'am?
- [Alicja] Please, Mama.
- Get her head up a little higher.
[Jędrzej] Ma'am?
[Jędrzej] Ma'am?
[Jan] She's not waking up.
[Teresa] Don't slap her like that.
- She's got makeup on.
- Ma'am?
Are you just going to keep on saying
"Ma'am" and slapping her like that?
What do you expect me to say?
She's a woman.
[Teresa] Maybe she needs to be intubated.
- Excuse me, are you a doctor?
- Are you a doctor?
- Yes.
- I'm a doctor almost. Don't worry.
- [Jędrzej] Ma'am! Ma'am!
- [slapping]
"Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am"
- [Alicja groans] Mom. Mommy!
- Ma'am?
- Ma'am, can you hear me?
- Please, Mom, please wake up.
[Jędrzej] Let's try moving her head lower.
[Alicja] Water! Have you brought water?
Hello, Robert.
In the accident
you only suffered a slight concussion
and damage to the peripheral nerves
of your upper limbs.
But sadly
we weren't able to save your parents.
I'm very sorry.
[singing in Spanish]
Beautiful lady ♪
I want to make you fall in love ♪
Beautiful lady ♪
I guess if she doesn't come
it means I'm rejected.
[Kaśka] Yes.
No not.
Maybe she has one of her migraines?
Mmm hm.
- Or she's sedated.
- Kaśka, stop with that.
She What?
You know, something must've come up.
Yeah, like her supper.
- She's jealous that you have a boyfriend.
- More like despair over your stupidity.
[sarcastic laugh]
Jesus Christ,
what the hell do you see in this woman?
- Wisdom Beauty Humor.
- [wincing]
Szymon, don't worry. Mom'll come
even if only out of sheer curiosity.
Okay. [clears throat] I think I'm ready.
[Małgosia] Hi!
Is this him?
Hello, ma'am, my name is Szymon Walicki.
It's so nice to finally meet you
Please don't bother.
I find that life is like
a box of chocolates.
Because you never know
what you're gonna get.
[both laugh]
[chuckles uncomfortably]
I should tell you, young man,
that women in our family
are ambitious.
[Kaśka] Not that Mom
would know about that.
If it wasn't for me
you wouldn't be studying medicine.
Thanks to my medicine,
you'll be healthy in your old age.
- It's so great when your family
- Don't do this.
We're getting married!
- Oh, I hope it's not 'cause you're
- Having a child! [chuckles]
- What?
- [Alicja laughs]
Oh, stop it!
[Szymon clears throat]
- I heard you like quesadillas.
- Oh, just zip it.
[singing in Spanish]
Now he can't go traveling ♪
Because he doesn't have,
Because he lacks ♪
Marijuana to smoke ♪
But really, if I'm so suffocating for you,
please go, get on with your life.
Am I holding you back?
I don't want to be a grandma anyway.
Come on,
do I look like a fricking grandma to you?
- Mmm hm.
- Don't get on my nerves.
I don't look like a grandma!
Grandma Gosia, I like the sound of that.
- Stop it.
- Grandma Gosia.
- Why are you going so fast?
- Stop it or you're going to be sorry.
- Bubby Gosia.
- Stop calling me Gosia.
[Alicja giggling]
Have I told you today
that you're a beauty?
Mmm Not today. [giggles]
Is Paweł around?
Do you mean
are we all getting married together? No.
Though I know it would be cheaper.
- Please, that's not what I'm saying.
- No?
- Though it would be cheaper.
- [laughing]
- That's not such a dumb idea.
- Szymon!
And you write fairy tales for children?
Very good.
Hey, I know. Tell them the one
about the kitty cat and the little boy.
[Małgosia] Is it about the boy
tormenting a kitty cat
and then suddenly
he understands that was wrong?
[chuckles] No But that's good too.
The boy's dream was to become a cat.
Because it seemed to him
cats can get away with anything.
And he also thought that he'd get
more respect and laughter from the adults.
He wanted to be a cat
so he could be free.
- The end?
- Mmm hm.
It's neither funny nor original.
- But it will do for now.
- [Szymon] Phew.
[all chuckle]
- Now you've killed him.
- Oh, stop.
Oh, come on, Szymon, stop goofing around.
- [Małgosia] Sorry Szymon!
- [Alicja] Szymon?
- [Kaśka] Szymon?
- [Alicja] Szymon?
[Małgosia] He's acting.
[Kaśka] Szymon?
- Hey, Symon.
- Let me look, Alicja.
- Alicja, move away.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Move away! Alicja, move away!
- Szymon!
[nurse] He's lost consciousness twice.
- [Alicja] Please
- Collapsed lung, no air moving.
- All right. Is the team ready?
- [nurse] Yes, doctor.
Where are you taking him?
What are you going to do?
- Please, stay here.
- Where are you taking him?
- You can't come in. Stay here.
- Tell me!
- [nurse] Please, stay back from the door.
- Jesus! Oh god, oh god!
God, I don't know what to do!
I don't know what's happening!
Mom, do something!
- Darling.
- Please do something.
[MMałgosia Excuse me, doctor?
He's maybe had this before?
[doctor] I can't share
that information with you. I'm sorry.
Please wait right here.
[nurse] Zosia, I'm taking the patient
for testing to room eight.
[melancholic music playing]
This way, Robert. Please.
[doctor] To be honest, we didn't
expect you to heal quite so quickly.
Be careful with that arm.
We'll start you on physical therapy soon.
We do have a mental health clinic
here in the hospital.
Help is always available.
- [doctor] I'm so very sorry
- The
patient that I saw in room three,
who is that?
Szymon Walicki?
I'm sorry,
I can only give information to the family.
[soft chuckle]
[Małgosia] Who are you texting?
Your dad?
- Is it your father?
- No, Paweł.
You don't think Marek should actually
No, I don't think that because
he's always run away from his problems.
- So I don't think so.
- I told him, he knows everything.
[gasps] The meter!
Thank you.
[Alicja screaming]
Help! Someone, please help!
Help. Hello, anyone? Help me!
Help me! Anyone? [screaming frantically]
Syzmon Walicki!
[Alicja] Is anybody here?
Why isn't anybody here?
[Alicja] Where is everyone? Help!
My Darling ♪
I've hungered for your touch ♪
A long, lonely time ♪
And time goes by ♪
So slowly ♪
And time can do so much ♪
Are you still mine? ♪
[doctor] Your daughter will be all right,
but, unfortunately,
we weren't able to save the child.
I'm so sorry.
What are you doing here?
- Małgosia, just let me try.
- There's no place for you anymore with us.
Just leave.
[Małgosia sniffling]
Go away.
- [groans]
- [thud]
[loud scream]
- [laughing]
- [pop music playing]
[photographer] Good, Ania, good.
Full smile! Anka, full smile! Yes!
Yes, hello. Alicja Bliska speaking. Hi.
Yeah, I was calling about the apartment.
Yes, I'm definitely still interested.
And can we still negotiate a little
on the price?
Mmm hm.
I understand, yes, I understand, but
[Jan] Praise be. Your savior has arrived
at last to save all your souls.
[Maciej] Oh, we have an intruder.
- Hello, everybody!
- [Alicja] I'll give you a decision
[Maciej] Welcome our special guest.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Wow. Look at you.
- [Anka chuckles]
Stop the fun! I want to introduce someone!
This is my friend Robert,
a genius interior designer
who's going to design
beautiful apartments for all of us!
And here's one more
important bit of information:
The code "I love Jan" gives you 30% off.
You're welcome!
Have you bought a flat now?
Are you leaving the nest?
- Hi.
- Hi.
[Maciej] Anka, come back.
Just a while longer.
[Robert] Um, hi.
[sighs] Yeah, you said that.
Eh, I wasn't expecting you to be here.
I don't know you.
Of course. I'm sorry.
[Jan] All, right. Sir Maciej
is taking a fifteen-minute break,
so girls, you're done!
[girls laughing]
- I can't hear you.
- [girls laughing]
Oh, fucking hell.
Wouldn't it be nice if
someone fixed this fucking door! Christ!
Ugh. Man.
[cellphone rings]
You're not coming at all?
No, no, no, don't put yourself out, Mom.
No, it's fine. Yes, yes, yes. Fine.
I'll manage it.
Okay. Don't worry about it.
Once again.
- [sighs] Fuck.
- Hi.
Uh we meet again.
I'm Robert.
Nah, I don't remember.
We met in the studio.
Wait a sec.
Let me help you.
Hold on a sec. Let me help.
- Hold up, hold up just a sec.
- [Alicja sighs]
I still have a whole other cart.
- And that?
- Mmm hm.
And you're not some kind of rapist
or pervert or something?
- No. Except, any pervert would say that.
- [Alicja chuckles]
That's right. Yeah.
Though I look rather brawny,
so I should be all right.
Pretty too.
[clears throat]
- Robert.
- Yes, Robert.
- [Alicja] Architects, yeah.
- [Robert] Really, can you believe it?
They can do this thing.
[Robert] How can they even
take the sport seriously?
[both laughing]
They're wearing
with these radio [indistinct]
- The all wear these colorful shirts
- [Alicja laughing]
They've all got these numbers on them.
And now they say
you're an official chair expert, really?
- Yeah. Yes.
- I'm sorry.
- Yeah?
- Yes, in fact I'll show you.
This one for instance, well
A a classic design.
And, uh, it's very comfortable.
[Alicja] Mmm hm.
You're a funny guy.
I didn't expect that.
A funny architect, damn.
See? Sometimes it can be like that.
Things don't always go
the way you expect them.
No kidding. That I know all about.
And here I thought
it would be just like I dreamed it.
So much for that, eh?
Excuse me.
[moaning, soft chuckling]
[Alicja laughs]
I can't Wait Oh, screw the buttons.
[Alicja pants]
[Alicja] Here, no here. Here, here, here.
[moaning, panting]
[Alicja] Robert!
Oh, thank you.
You look like your father.
I don't really know who I look like.
Long legs And my good looks.
[Alicja chuckles]
I won't introduce you to my family.
Not yet.
- Not ever.
- [Robert chuckles]
It could bring bad luck. Why push it?
Although I'd very gladly
be introduced to yours.
[Alicja] Huh?
So? Yes? No?
What's wrong?
- Mom, I asked you not to carry that.
- I'm a strong woman.
- [Robert] Excuse me.
- [Man] Hm?
- Displays like that in front of a child.
- Then just turn around, sonny.
You can kiss all you want on the plane.
[man] He doesn't love us.
Get in, please,
your chauffeur's in a hurry.
["California Dreamin'"
by The Mamas & Papas]
[man] Oh.
California dreamin' ♪
On such a winter's day ♪
[all laughing]
I can't remember the reason
why you aren't you coming along with us.
First of all, because I'm an adult
and second, because I have
an entire housing estate to design.
Housing estates!
We're proud of you, son.
Now, watch the road.
Oh! Did you see this plot of land
for sale here?
You'd be close to us.
- [truck engine roars]
- [crash, glass shatters]
[metal clanging, banging]
California dreamin'
California dreamin' ♪
On such a winter's day ♪
[heavy breathing]
[Alicja] Oh, thank god!
Pardon me.
- [Kaśka] Mom?
- [Alicja] Oh, god.
Easy now
Fine, fine, fine
- Ma'am?
- Everything is fine.
[Alicja] Oh, Mom
- [Robert] Are you okay now?
- [sighs]
Her pulse and breathing are good,
it'll be fine.
Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
[Kaśka] Mom!
Can you sit up?
Yes, yes, yes.
Have some water.
[Małgosia] No, I don't want water,
thank you.
Just listen. I need a minute
to get myself together.
See, she's alive. Hm.
I told you she was faking.
She just wants everyone's sympathy.
It's emotional blackmail voodoo.
You know, for a pathologist,
you know a lot about psychology.
- It's just a case of histrionics.
- Exactly.
Don't worry, don't worry.
What are you good for?
Get off my back.
You're a doctor
and both of your parents are doctors.
[Małgosia] Shush, Alicja. [puffs]
Not one of you were any help.
All right, Alicja, I'm a doctor too.
You might want to reconsider
marrying into this.
Quiet, girls.
We're getting married.
[Alicja] Hm.You sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
- [Alicja] Now you're sure, huh? Hm.
- Mmm hm.
Fantastic. All right.
Go, Robert, let's do it!
Get those folks in here. Chop chop!
- You happy?
- Mmm hm. Mmm hm.
No, don't smear it around,
you just have to dab it on, Teresa.
Everyone! Everyone!
Everyone come back into the church!
The situation's under control
so we can really do this now.
[Beatrycze] Sometimes things like this
happen in Heaven and Earth.
Let's go.
Let the young couple get married.
It's finally our turn.
- [Robert] Everyone, come back in!
- Come in, everyone.
[Robert] Before they change their minds.
I can't understand why you didn't want
to tell me about the child.
- Let it go. Later, I'll explain.
- I tried to get her to tell you
- Ouch, jeez!
- What are you doing?
Wouldn't the normal thing
have been for you to tell me?
What's the problem? Everything else
doesn't matter. It's all nonsense.
Geez, Mom!
Shut your trap!
- You shut your trap.
- Shut up, both of you!
Isn't this lovely talking to each other
like this in a church.
- Mom, I'm sorry for everything.
- No, darling, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry for everything.
- I'm so sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Me too.
[Beatrycze] Dearly beloved,
excuse me, I uh
Never since I joined the Congregation
of the Sisters of Saint Dorothea,
who lost her head for Jesus Christ
[Małgosia] God, stop,
get your hands off me, would you?
[Beatrycze] songs dedicated to our Lord.
I offer to You, My Lord ♪
My whole life ♪
I am all Yours forever ♪
This is my heart, You know ♪
[clears throat]
That you're my only ♪
Oh, God.
[Beatrycze] Sisters, I can't anymore.
Water. [coughs]
She's losing it.
But she's been singing
these stupid songs all day.
Where did that Sister come from?
[Alicja] It's Dorota's sister
- Sister Dorothea. [chuckles]
- [Małgosia stifles a giggle]
Wife of Emil.
- Yeah?
- [Alicja] Hey, maybe he's the father?
- [Małgosia] Emil?
- How dare you?
- [Małgosia] Kaśka.
- Enough. Shut it. Is my veil all right?
If it was him, I swear I'll kill him.
- [Kaśka] Mom, Mom, Mom
- [thud]
- I was only joking, Teresa, get back up!
- Seriously?
[Kaśka] Why do you always have to do this?
- She's the one doing this. Lying down in
- I love you but I hate you.
[Kaśka] Why?
You're ridiculous.
What are you thinking lying down
in front of all these people?
- You knocked me over!
- I knocked you over?
- Just stop.
- You tripped because you're a show-off.
Always showing off.
- Have to make everything about you!
- Go up to the front.
Don't tell me where I should go,
I know where to go.
- To the front.
- What do you smell of?
[Alicja] Hey, I'm gonna take this.
No, you can't have that.
Kaśka, I've got nothing in that apartment!
Too bad.
Don't leave me alone here.
Kaśka, how old are we?
Are we supposed to just stay here
forever, three grown-up women?
You can see that mom's going crazy,
trying to figure out her life.
She has her life figured out.
She's married.
Oh, Kaśka!
Why don't you just go
and move in with Paweł?
- We're just friends.
- Ah, okay. Hm.
Who do you think you're fooling
with all this stuff sis? Hm?
Do you always have to be
so damn aloof with me?
Gimme some spicy tidbits!
- Stop it, Alicja.
- Anything.
- I give up.
- Thank you!
Why can't you understand,
I don't want to get all involved
- I want to finish university first!
- Ah, yes.
- And become independent.
- Yeah, yes, yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
[chuckles] Just admit that you're scared.
Scared, yeah. Of what?
Don't know. Of life.
Of adulthood?
Afraid that like a bubble,
it'll all burst like with our parents.
Not just our parents either.
I'm taking the lamp.
How sad.
I will miss you
Just the lamp!
[Kaśka] Open the chest cavity from the
front before removing the front and side,
um, parts of the rib cage
[girl] Sorry about that!
[Kaśka] and without damaging
the parietal pleura located underneath.
Right? Right?
Bla, bla, bla
Okay. Put your finger between the ribs
and slowly separate
the surface of the ribs
- from the parietal pleura.
- You sure?
[chuckles] Until you reach the eighth rib
and then you can prepare
to cut through the manubrium.
- You are insane.
- Mmm hm.
Why does this stuff turn you on?
I want my smokes. Give it here!
Cut that out or you'll end up the subject.
Oof pathosis.
- Hey! Give me that back, you! Hey
- No. [chuckles]
[Kaśka] No serious pathosis
in the right ventricle.
And much the same with the right atrium.
The tricuspid valve, uh
Uh That looks fine.
Since there is no external damage,
and the liver
and the other internal organs
- Don't!
- aren't showing
Mr. Rajski,
are you at all interested in this?
I am.
You seem to like food
better than medicine.
He likes both, professor.
Please continue, Miss
Kaśka Bliska.
You're doing very well, Kaśka.
[Kaśka] To summarize
The most likely cause of death
was a rupture
of an ascending aorta aneurysm.
Additionally, we can see
a slightly enlarged left ventricle,
which could be
an indication of hypertension.
Bravo. No notes at all.
Well, Mr. Rajski.
Take a look at subject number two.
- He was hoping you'd pick him, professor.
- Yes I'm sure.
We have a typical liver here
Yes, yes, yes!
I want to be a medical examiner.
- [Dorota] Typical?
- I'll be a pediatrician.
I'm going to help our children
so you should be thrilled.
Help yourself.
- Thanks.
- [chuckles]
I'm gonna be a headshrinker.
- Super.
- Well done.
Do you remember her story
about that autopsy?
When they found a dried-up old woman
tied to a radiator
after how long, after two weeks?
Hm. I wonder if her internal organs
were dried up as well, huh?
I don't understand how you can eat
right after Jaworowicz's classes.
- It's disgusting!
- Hm!
She's fucking awesome, yeah?
"Mr. Rajski, are you more interested
in your food or in medicine?"
And are you more interested in me?
Or the intestine?
- I wonder how fast an intestine dries out.
- Yeah, that's what I thought.
Paweł, no, hey, it's a joke!
[upbeat music playing]
- Let's go, okay.
- What?
Go, go, go, go!
- Kaśka!
- Huh?
- I want more.
- Yeah?
[Kaśka] Jeez. What a kiss!
[Paweł] Yeah, I know, right.
That was a sexy kiss.
[Kaśka moans]
Oh God, I can't take it anymore.
[Paweł sighs]
Neither can I.
[Kaśka] I can't take any more studying!
- There are other things we can do.
- Yeah?
- Mmm hm
- Like what?
Hmm. Don't know.
[Kaśka] Maybe we could try
- Try what?
- Nothing.
- Okay, I've got to go
- No.
Mmm hm. I'm leaving!
[Paweł sighs]
Why don't you just give in already
and say we can move in together?
- Yeah, but
- Hm?
It just isn't what I want.
Why not?
Because I don't want
all of this to get messed up.
All what?
- Us.
- Us?
Mmm hm.
- [Paweł groans]
- Oops, oh, I'm sorry.
[Paweł chuckles]
You're so handsome.
- You mean that? Hm.
- Mmm hm.
Bye bye.
[Lucjan] Hyperkalemia. Or you
can remember it like this, listen:
[rapping] Recurrent pneumonia
Bronchial asthma ♪
[Kaśka] Stop it. It's not funny.
- [Lucjan] Recurrent ♪
- No! I'm in a hurry here.
Please. Come on.
[Paweł] Hello, professor.
What the hell?
Did you see that?
She was devouring you!
- I don't know. Maybe she's hungry.
- I'm serious.
Jealous or something?
- Excuse me?
- Movin' in together or not?
[Paweł] I get it.
Get what?
- That you want me all for yourself.
- Yeah.
Did you keep saying that
to Erika for four years?
Did I keep saying what?
About moving in together.
No Only to you.
Kaśka, come on or we'll be late. Come on!
[Lucjan groans]
I think it's for you.
[Dorota] Good luck, everyone.
- [man] Bye, professor.
- See you.
[man] How?
I couldn't.
I was right in front of the professor.
[man 2] That's sucks.
Gotta get there earlier next time.
As an olive branch.
I'd like to experience this sober.
Okay? Thanks, Alicja.
Fine, I'll drink alone.
Here's to you, Alicja.
- Alicja, put that away.
- Am I bad?
- [Jan] I'm ready.
- [Robert[ Mmm hm. Yeah.
- All good?
- Mmm hm.
- [Kaśka] Okay.
- [Jan] What?
- I don't have the bouquet.
- Have a drink.
Alicja, where's the bouquet? Alicja!
At last.
Oh wait, I think these front row seats
are the ones reserved
for the parents, aren't they?
Thanks to you, we're so late now
that it basically makes no difference.
Małgosia. My name is Małgosia.
Matters not at all.
- Dorota?
- Look how beautiful the bride is.
[music plays]
[Małgosia] Yes, beautiful. She's pregnant
and still won't reveal with whom.
What do you mean she won't reveal it?
That child is my son's.
You know we're so late at this point,
it makes no difference.
What are you implying here?
Husband or son, what's the difference?
It all stays in the family.
What is this crap, huh?
[nun choir] two hands
In the name of God ♪
In front of the altar ♪
You're unbelievable.
Oh, yeah?
What are you trying to do here?
human love is the power ♪
Because it entwines
With His eternal love ♪
Sis, hurry up and do this or you're going
to end up a single mother in a minute.
Now go
Smiling in the name of God ♪
Remember this day
Because from today ♪
Both of your hands
Will be held by God the Father ♪
His word, His truth, His ♪
[engine stops]
[car alarm beeps]
[gate closes]
[water lapping]
[Emil sighs] Geez, what a busy day today.
A lot of patients.
For God's sake. Too many if-
Jesus Christ, Dorota!
Oh, my god!!
Don't you die on me, you hear?
- [pants]
- [thud]
[Emil sobbing]
[sobs] Dorota, I'm so sorry!
I really didn't want this.
I am so sorry.
Do you hear?
I swear it, my love.
It won't happen today, you're not leaving!
I can't live without you.
Don't you dare leave, you hear?
Or nothing will make any sense.
No, she was just briefly indisposed.
Yeah, she's much better now.
Of course she's coming back
to the university.
Of course.
Fine, where?
Okay, I'll see you there.
Listen, I wanted to talk to you a bit more
but I can't now, because
I've got patients waiting for me.
No rest for the wicked.
But I'll stop in and see you
at the university, okay?
I wanted to talk about that boy.
You remember we talked about him? Yes.
Fine, that works. I'll see you.
I've been calling, why don't you answer?
Not here.
Did you talk to your wife?
You promised you were gonna talk to her.
Yes, I mean no, I mean No, not yet.
Let's meet up and
We just did meet up.
I need to know.
I need to know what happened.
Yes, of course.
That's why we should
meet up somewhere and talk.
But I don't want to meet up.
I want to know.
Everything will be all right.
Please just talk to your wife, please.
I will.
Now go to class.
You'll be late.
Go on.
- Good morning, sweetie.
- We're not alone though, my sweetheart.
What is she doing here?
[Dorota] I wanted to introduce you
to one of my students.
Though you may already know each other.
Isn't that right?
- Did he tell you why Paweł vanished?
- Dorota
Isn't that what you're trying
to get out of him?
Dorota, shut up!
Did you think
you could just lead her on forever?
You're just a selfish
little bastard, Emil.
Dorota! Dorota!
- They'll be saying their vows soon.
- I just don't think I can take it.
[sighs] Dorota, please.
This is what we were talking about,
this is exactly what we wanted.
For Jan to settle down, right?
To come to his senses.
Can't you see how deceitful we are?
How dishonest?
This is all so gross.
For now, can't we just
stay focused on the wedding here?
Let's go in.
- Should I get down on my knees?
- It wouldn't help.
- Someone you know?
- She didn't look familiar.
Their side?
I'm sure I don't care.
Let's go back.
Let me clean you up.
Excuse me. So sorry!
Jesus, Mary. What is she doing here?
the Lord ♪
Blessed are all who fear the Lord
Who walk in his ♪
Stop it, you're hurting me.
ways ♪
- [Małgosia] Are you crazy?
- Talking about me or you?
Let me just remind you of this!
You are an evangelical protestant.
That depends on which church
I've decided to enter.
Come on, Mom, how could you do this?
You mean how could I come here
to this church?
Darling, I assure you
I can explain everything.
- I asked you to never call me that.
- A lot has changed.
No doubt, but I'm not interested, Mama.
Mama? That's just so lovely.
But why didn't you tell me?
- How did you find out?
- Alicja wrote me about it.
What is Kaśka doing up there?
What do you mean? She's getting married.
- What for?
- She's expecting.
That isn't much of a reason.
That's awful.
She's pregnant and in love with him.
Oh good heavens, not a bit. When you're
pregnant that feeling is impossible.
Oh, Mom, I'm begging you,
for the love of God.
Don't take the Lord's name in vain.
Is this a concordat marriage?
I don't know, I haven't been here long.
But I think so.
As long as she can get a divorce.
Oh please, don't say that!
[Teresa] Hi.
[sighs] All right.
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come ♪
From thy bright heav'nly throne ♪
Come, take possession of our souls ♪
And make them ♪
All thine own ♪
You who are about to be
joined in holy matrimony,
please take each other's right hand.
Before God and the congregation,
repeat after me
the words of the marriage vows.
I, Jan.
[Jan chuckles softly]
I, Jan.
[tires screech]
[priest] Promise you, my love.
Promise you, my love.
[priest] Loyalty.
[priest] And to cherish you.
[door bangs]
[priest] And to cherish you.
[Jan] And to cherish you.
[priest] Until death do us part.
- Until death do us part.
- Excuse me, Father
May I ask the bride a question?
death do us part.
Don't you think maybe
we should know whose child this is?
You can't be serious.
I don't think everyone knows.
- Excuse me, one moment.
- Jan?
- Jan?
- What the hell, Jan?
[Kaśka] Jan?
- [thud]
- [woman screams, clamoring]
[Dorota] Jan, no!
- [Robert] Excuse me! Excuse me!
- Fight! It's a fight!!
[Kaśka] Jesus!
- Darling, wait.
- [Alicja] Kaśka, stay here!
- [Małgosia] Kaśka.
- Just give me a second!
[theme music plays]
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